未验证 提交 f37913c7 编写于 作者: O openharmony_ci 提交者: Gitee

!13671 [翻译完成】#I65F6Y

Merge pull request !13671 from Annie_wang/PR12273A
# App Permission List
Before applying for required permissions, read and understand the [permission workflows](accesstoken-overview.md#permission-workflows). Then, determine whether the app can apply for the target permissions based on the table below.
For details about permission usage examples, see [Permission Application Guide](accesstoken-guidelines.md).
| Permission | APL | Authorization Mode | Enable ACL| Description |
| -------------------------------------------------------- | ------------ | ------------ | ------- | ------------------------------------------- |
| ohos.permission.USE_BLUETOOTH | normal | system_grant | TRUE | Allows an app to access to Bluetooth configuration. |
| ohos.permission.DISCOVER_BLUETOOTH | normal | system_grant | TRUE | Allows an app to configure Bluetooth on a device, initiate or cancel a scan for Bluetooth devices, and pair with Bluetooth devices. |
| ohos.permission.MANAGE_BLUETOOTH | system_basic | system_grant | TRUE | Allows an app to pair with a Bluetooth device and access the contacts or messages of the device. |
| ohos.permission.INTERNET | normal | system_grant | TRUE | Allows an app to access the Internet. |
| ohos.permission.<br>MODIFY_AUDIO_SETTINGS | normal | system_grant | TRUE | Allows an app to modify audio settings. |
| ohos.permission.<br>ACCESS_NOTIFICATION_POLICY | normal | system_grant | FALSE | Allows an app to access the notification policy on the device. |
| ohos.permission.GET_TELEPHONY_STATE | system_basic | system_grant | TRUE | Allows an app to read telephony information. |
| ohos.permission.REQUIRE_FORM | system_basic | system_grant | TRUE | Allows an app to obtain the Ability Form. |
| ohos.permission.GET_NETWORK_INFO | normal | system_grant | TRUE | Allows an app to obtain network information. |
| ohos.permission.PLACE_CALL | system_basic | system_grant | TRUE | Allows an app to make calls without starting the dialer. |
| ohos.permission.SET_NETWORK_INFO | normal | system_grant | TRUE | Allows an app to set data network information. |
| ohos.permission.REMOVE_CACHE_FILES | system_basic | system_grant | TRUE | Allows the cache of the specified app to be cleared. |
| ohos.permission.REBOOT | system_basic | system_grant | TRUE | Allows an app to restart the device. |
| ohos.permission.RUNNING_LOCK | normal | system_grant | TRUE | Allows an app to obtain a running lock. |
| ohos.permission.SET_TIME | system_basic | system_grant | TRUE | Allows an app to set the system time. |
| ohos.permission.SET_TIME_ZONE | system_basic | system_grant | TRUE | Allows an app to set the system time zone. |
| ohos.permission.<br>DOWNLOAD_SESSION_MANAGER | system_core | system_grant | TRUE | Allows an app to manage the download sessions. |
| ohos.permission.COMMONEVENT_STICKY | normal | system_grant | TRUE | Allows an app to publish sticky common events. |
| ohos.permission.SYSTEM_FLOAT_WINDOW | system_basic | system_grant | TRUE | Allows an app to be displayed in a floating window on top of other apps. |
| ohos.permission.PRIVACY_WINDOW | system_basic | system_grant | TRUE | Allows an app to set screens that cannot be captured or recorded. |
| ohos.permission.POWER_MANAGER | system_core | system_grant | TRUE | Allows an app to hibernate or wake up the device by calling APIs. |
| ohos.permission.REFRESH_USER_ACTION | system_basic | system_grant | TRUE | Allows an app to reset the screen timeout counter when a user input event occurs, such as pressing a key or touching the screen. |
| ohos.permission.POWER_OPTIMIZATION | system_basic | system_grant | TRUE | Allows an app to set power saving mode, obtain configuration of the power saving mode, and receive notifications of the configuration changes.|
| ohos.permission.REBOOT_RECOVERY | system_basic | system_grant | TRUE | Allows an app to restart the device and enter Recovery mode. |
| ohos.permission.<br>MANAGE_LOCAL_ACCOUNTS | system_basic | system_grant | TRUE | Allows an app to manage local user accounts. |
| ohos.permission.<br>INTERACT_ACROSS_LOCAL_ACCOUNTS | system_basic | system_grant | TRUE | Allows access between multiple OS accounts. |
| ohos.permission.VIBRATE | normal | system_grant | TRUE | Allows an app to control vibration. |
| ohos.permission.CONNECT_IME_ABILITY | system_core | system_grant | TRUE | Allows an app or service to bind to the **InputMethodAbility**. |
| ohos.permission.<br>CONNECT_SCREEN_SAVER_ABILITY | system_core | system_grant | TRUE | Allows an app or service to bind to the **ScreenSaverAbility**. |
| ohos.permission.<br>READ_SCREEN_SAVER | system_basic | system_grant | TRUE | Allows an app to read the screen saver information, such as the list of screen savers that have been installed and the activated one. |
| ohos.permission.<br>WRITE_SCREEN_SAVER | system_basic | system_grant | TRUE | Allows an app to modify the screen saver information, such as activating and previewing a screen saver. |
| ohos.permission.SET_WALLPAPER | normal | system_grant | TRUE | Allows an app to set a static wallpaper. |
| ohos.permission.GET_WALLPAPER | system_basic | system_grant | TRUE | Allows an app to read wallpaper files. |
| ohos.permission.<br>CHANGE_ABILITY_ENABLED_STATE | system_basic | system_grant | TRUE | Allows an app to enable or disable an app or component. |
| ohos.permission.ACCESS_MISSIONS | system_basic | system_grant | TRUE | Allows an app to obtain information about running processes and mission in a mission stack. |
| ohos.permission.<br>CLEAN_BACKGROUND_PROCESSES | normal | system_grant | TRUE | Allows an app to clear background processes based on their bundle names. |
| ohos.permission.<br>KEEP_BACKGROUND_RUNNING | normal | system_grant | TRUE | Allows a Service ability to keep running in the background. |
| ohos.permission.<br>UPDATE_CONFIGURATION | system_basic | system_grant | TRUE | Allows an app to modify system settings. |
| ohos.permission.UPDATE_SYSTEM | system_basic | system_grant | TRUE | Allows an app to call the update APIs. |
| ohos.permission.FACTORY_RESET | system_basic | system_grant | TRUE | Allows an app to call the APIs for restoring factory settings. |
| ohos.permission.<br>GRANT_SENSITIVE_PERMISSIONS | system_core | system_grant | TRUE | Allows an app to grant sensitive permissions to other apps. |
| ohos.permission.<br>REVOKE_SENSITIVE_PERMISSIONS | system_core | system_grant | TRUE | Allows an app to revoke sensitive permissions granted to other apps. |
| ohos.permission.<br>GET_SENSITIVE_PERMISSIONS | system_core | system_grant | TRUE | Allows an app to obtain the sensitive permissions that have been granted to other apps. |
| ohos.permission.INTERACT_<br>ACROSS_LOCAL_ACCOUNTS_EXTENSION | system_core | system_grant | TRUE | Allows an app to set the attributes of apps of other users. |
| ohos.permission.LISTEN_BUNDLE_CHANGE | system_basic | system_grant | TRUE | Allows an app to listen for changes in other apps, when they are installed, updated, or uninstalled. |
| ohos.permission.GET_BUNDLE_INFO | normal | system_grant | TRUE | Allows a non-system app to obtain information about other apps. |
| ohos.permission.ACCELEROMETER | normal | system_grant | TRUE | Allows an app to read data from an acceleration sensor, uncalibrated acceleration sensor, or linear acceleration sensor. |
| ohos.permission.GYROSCOPE | normal | system_grant | TRUE | Allows an app to read data from a gyroscope sensor or uncalibrated gyroscope sensor. |
| ohos.permission.<br>GET_BUNDLE_INFO_PRIVILEGED | system_basic | system_grant | TRUE | Allows a non-system app to obtain information about other apps. |
| ohos.permission.INSTALL_BUNDLE | system_core | system_grant | TRUE | Allows an app to install and uninstall other apps. |
| ohos.permission.MANAGE_SHORTCUTS | system_core | system_grant | TRUE | Allows an app to query and start shortcuts of other apps.|
| ohos.permission.radio.ACCESS_FM_AM | system_core | system_grant | TRUE | Allows an app to access radio services. |
| ohos.permission.SET_TELEPHONY_STATE | system_basic | system_grant | TRUE | Allows an app to change the telephone state. |
| ohos.permission.<br>START_ABILITIES_FROM_BACKGROUND | system_basic | system_grant | TRUE | Allows an app to start Feature abilities in the background. |
| ohos.permission.BUNDLE_ACTIVE_INFO | system_basic | system_grant | TRUE | Allows an app to obtain how long other apps have been running in the foreground or background. |
| ohos.permission.<br>START_INVISIBLE_ABILITY | system_core | system_grant | TRUE | Allows an app to start an invisible ability. |
| ohos.permission.sec.ACCESS_UDID | system_basic | system_grant | TRUE | Allows an app to obtain the Unified Device ID (UDID). |
| ohos.permission.<br>LAUNCH_DATA_PRIVACY_CENTER | system_basic | system_grant | TRUE | Allows an app to switch from its privacy statement page to the <b>Data & privacy</b> page. |
| ohos.permission.MANAGE_MEDIA_RESOURCES | system_basic | system_grant | TRUE | Allows an app to obtain and manage the media resources that are being played on the device.|
| ohos.permission.PUBLISH_AGENT_REMINDER | normal | system_grant | TRUE | Allows an app to use agent-powered reminders. |
| ohos.permission.<br>CONTROL_TASK_SYNC_ANIMATOR | system_core | system_grant | TRUE | Allows apps to use sync task animations. |
| ohos.permission.INPUT_MONITORING | system_core | system_grant | TRUE | Allows an app to listen for input events. Only the system signature apps can apply for this permission. |
| ohos.permission.MANAGE_MISSIONS | system_core | system_grant | TRUE | Allows an app to manage ability mission stacks. |
| ohos.permission.<br>NOTIFICATION_CONTROLLER | system_core | system_grant | TRUE | Allows an app to manage and subscribe to notifications. |
| ohos.permission.CONNECTIVITY_INTERNAL | system_basic | system_grant | TRUE | Allows an app to obtain network information or modify network settings. |
| ohos.permission.SET_ABILITY_CONTROLLER | system_basic | system_grant | TRUE | Allows an app to set the start and stop of an ability. |
| ohos.permission.USE_USER_IDM | system_basic | system_grant | FALSE | Allows an app to access the system identity credential information. |
| ohos.permission.MANAGE_USER_IDM | system_basic | system_grant | FALSE | Allows an app to use the system identity credential management capability to enroll, modify, and delete PINs, face images, and fingerprints.|
| ohos.permission.ACCESS_BIOMETRIC | normal | system_grant | TRUE | Allows an app to use biometric recognition for identity authentication. |
| ohos.permission.<br>ACCESS_USER_AUTH_INTERNAL | system_basic | system_grant | FALSE | Allows an app to use the system identity authentication capability to authenticate or identify users. |
| ohos.permission.ACCESS_PIN_AUTH | system_basic | system_grant | FALSE | Allows a system app to call the PIN input APIs to present a password input dialog box for users.|
| ohos.permission.GET_RUNNING_INFO | system_basic | system_grant | TRUE | Allows an app to obtain running status information. |
| ohos.permission.CLEAN_APPLICATION_DATA | system_basic | system_grant | TRUE | Allows an app to clear app data. |
| ohos.permission.RUNNING_STATE_OBSERVER | system_basic | system_grant | TRUE | Allows an app to observe the app status. |
| ohos.permission.CAPTURE_SCREEN | system_core | system_grant | TRUE | Allows an app to take screenshots. |
| ohos.permission.GET_WIFI_INFO | normal | system_grant | TRUE | Allows an app to obtain WLAN information. |
| ohos.permission.GET_WIFI_INFO_INTERNAL | system_core | system_grant | TRUE | Allows an app to obtain WLAN information. |
| ohos.permission.SET_WIFI_INFO | normal | system_grant | TRUE | Allows an app to set WLAN devices. |
| ohos.permission.GET_WIFI_PEERS_MAC | system_core | system_grant | TRUE | Allows an app to obtain the MAC address of the peer WLAN or Bluetooth device. |
| ohos.permission.GET_WIFI_LOCAL_MAC | system_basic | system_grant | TRUE | Allows an app to obtain the MAC address of the local WLAN or Bluetooth device. |
| ohos.permission.GET_WIFI_CONFIG | system_basic | system_grant | TRUE | Allows an app to obtain the WLAN configuration. |
| ohos.permission.SET_WIFI_CONFIG | system_basic | system_grant | TRUE | Allows an app to set WLAN information. |
| ohos.permission.<br>MANAGE_WIFI_CONNECTION | system_core | system_grant | TRUE | Allows an app to manage WLAN connections. |
| ohos.permission.MANAGE_WIFI_HOTSPOT | system_core | system_grant | TRUE | Allows an app to enable or disable Wi-Fi hotspots. |
| ohos.permission.GET_ALL_APP_ACCOUNTS | system_core | system_grant | FALSE | Allows an app to obtain all app account information. |
| ohos.permission.MANAGE_SECURE_SETTINGS | system_basic | system_grant | TRUE | Allows an app to modify security settings. |
| ohos.permission.READ_DFX_SYSEVENT | system_basic | system_grant | FALSE | Allows an app to obtain all app account information. |
| ohos.permission.MANAGE_ENTERPRISE_DEVICE_ADMIN | system_core | system_grant | TRUE | Allows an app to activate the device administrator app. |
| ohos.permission.SET_ENTERPRISE_INFO | system_basic | system_grant | TRUE | Allows the device administrator app to set enterprise information. |
| ohos.permission.ENTERPRISE_SUBSCRIBE_MANAGED_EVENT | system_basic | system_grant | TRUE | Allows the device administrator app to subscribe to management events. |
| ohos.permission.ENTERPRISE_SET_DATETIME | system_basic | system_grant | TRUE | Allows the device administrator app to set the system time. |
| ohos.permission.ENTERPRISE_GET_DEVICE_INFO | system_basic | system_grant | TRUE | Allows the device administrator app to obtain device information. |
| ohos.permission.NFC_TAG | normal | system_grant | FALSE | Allows an app to read NFC tag information. |
| ohos.permission.NFC_CARD_EMULATION | normal | system_grant | FALSE | Allows an app to implement card emulation. |
| ohos.permission.PERMISSION_USED_STATS | system_basic | system_grant | TRUE | Allows a system application to access the permission usage records. |
| ohos.permission.<br>NOTIFICATION_AGENT_CONTROLLER | system_core | system_grant | TRUE | Allows an app to send agent-powered notifications. |
| ohos.permission.ANSWER_CALL | system_basic | user_grant | TRUE | Allows an app to answer incoming calls. |
| ohos.permission.READ_CALENDAR | normal | user_grant | TRUE | Allows an app to read calendar data. |
| ohos.permission.READ_CALL_LOG | system_basic | user_grant | TRUE | Allows an app to read call logs. |
| ohos.permission.READ_CELL_MESSAGES | system_basic | user_grant | TRUE | Allows an app to read cell broadcast messages received by the device. |
| ohos.permission.READ_CONTACTS | system_basic | user_grant | TRUE | Allows an app to read contacts. |
| ohos.permission.READ_MESSAGES | system_basic | user_grant | TRUE | Allows an app to read messages. |
| ohos.permission.RECEIVE_MMS | system_basic | user_grant | TRUE | Allows an app to receive and process MMS messages. |
| ohos.permission.RECEIVE_SMS | system_basic | user_grant | TRUE | Allows an app to receive and process SMS messages. |
| ohos.permission.RECEIVE_WAP_MESSAGES | system_basic | user_grant | TRUE | Allows an app to receive and process WAP messages. |
| ohos.permission.MICROPHONE | normal | user_grant | TRUE | Allows an app to access the microphone. |
| ohos.permission.SEND_MESSAGES | system_basic | user_grant | TRUE | Allows an app to send messages. |
| ohos.permission.WRITE_CALENDAR | normal | user_grant | TRUE | Allows an app to add, remove, and modify calendar events. |
| ohos.permission.WRITE_CALL_LOG | system_basic | user_grant | TRUE | Allows an app to add, remove, and modify call logs. |
| ohos.permission.WRITE_CONTACTS | system_basic | user_grant | TRUE | Allows an app to add, remove, and modify contacts. |
| ohos.permission.DISTRIBUTED_DATASYNC | normal | user_grant | TRUE | Allows an app to exchange data with other devices. |
| ohos.permission.MANAGE_VOICEMAIL | system_basic | user_grant | TRUE | Allows an app to leave messages in the voice mailbox. |
| ohos.permission.<br>LOCATION_IN_BACKGROUND | normal | user_grant | FALSE | Allows an app running in the background to obtain the device location. |
| ohos.permission.LOCATION | normal | user_grant | TRUE | Allows an app to obtain the device location. |
| ohos.permission.APPROXIMATELY_LOCATION | normal | user_grant | FALSE | Allows an app to obtain the approximate location information of a device. |
| ohos.permission.MEDIA_LOCATION | normal | user_grant | TRUE | Allows an app to access geographical locations in the user's media file. |
| ohos.permission.CAMERA | normal | user_grant | TRUE | Allows an app to use the camera to take photos and record videos. |
| ohos.permission.READ_MEDIA | normal | user_grant | TRUE | Allows an app to read media files from the user's external storage. |
| ohos.permission.WRITE_MEDIA | normal | user_grant | TRUE | Allows an app to read media files from and write media files into the user's external storage. |
| ohos.permission.ACTIVITY_MOTION | normal | user_grant | TRUE | Allows an app to read the current workout status of the user. |
| ohos.permission.READ_HEALTH_DATA | normal | user_grant | TRUE | Allows an app to read the health data of the user. |
| ohos.permission.GET_DEFAULT_APPLICATION | system_core | system_grant | TRUE | Allows an app to query default apps. |
| ohos.permission.SET_DEFAULT_APPLICATION | system_core | system_grant | TRUE | Allows an app to set and reset default apps. |
| ohos.permission.<br>MANAGE_DISPOSED_APP_STATUS | system_core | system_grant | TRUE | Allows an app to set and query the app handling state. |
| ohos.permission.ACCESS_IDS | system_core | system_grant | TRUE | Allows an app to query the unique identifier of a device. |
| ohos.permission.DUMP | system_core | system_grant | TRUE | Allows the basic system information and SA service information to be exported. |
| ohos.permission.<br>DISTRIBUTED_SOFTBUS_CENTER | system_basic | system_grant | FALSE | Allows networking between different devices. |
| ohos.permission.ACCESS_DLP_FILE | system_core | system_grant | TRUE | Allows configuration and management of the permissions on .dlp files. |
| ohos.permission.PROVISIONING_MESSAGE | system_core | system_grant | TRUE | Allows the Super Device Manager application to be activated. |
| ohos.permission.<br>ACCESS_SYSTEM_SETTINGS | system_basic | system_grant | TRUE | Allows an app to access or start system **Settings**. |
| ohos.permission.READ_IMAGEVIDEO | system_basic | user_grant | TRUE | Allows access to the images or video files in a user's directory. |
| ohos.permission.READ_AUDIO | system_basic | user_grant | TRUE | Allows access to the audio files in a user's directory. |
| ohos.permission.READ_DOCUMENT | system_basic | user_grant | TRUE | Allows access to the files in a user's directory. |
| ohos.permission.WRITE_IMAGEVIDEO | system_basic | user_grant | TRUE | Allows modification to the images or video files in a user's directory. |
| ohos.permission.WRITE_AUDIO | system_basic | user_grant | TRUE | Audio modification to the audio files in a user's directory. |
| ohos.permission.WRITE_DOCUMENT | system_basic | user_grant | TRUE | Allows modification to the files in a user's directory. |
| ohos.permission.<br>ABILITY_BACKGROUND_COMMUNICATION | system_basic | system_grant | TRUE | Allows an app to start the Ability component in the background and establish a connection with it. |
| ohos.permission.<br>securityguard.REPORT_SECURITY_INFO | system_basic | system_grant | FALSE | Allows an app to report risk data for security guard. |
| ohos.permission.<br>securityguard.REQUEST_SECURITY_MODEL_RESULT | system_basic | system_grant | TRUE | Allows an app to obtain the device risk status. |
| ohos.permission.<br>securityguard.REQUEST_SECURITY_EVENT_INFO | system_core | system_grant | FALSE | Allows an app to obtain detailed risk data. |
| ohos.permission.<br>READ_ACCESSIBILITY_CONFIG | system_basic | system_grant | FALSE | Allows an app to read the accessibility configuration. |
| ohos.permission.<br>WRITE_ACCESSIBILITY_CONFIG | system_basic | system_grant | FALSE | Allows an app to set the accessibility configuration. |
| ohos.permission.<br>ACCESS_CERT_MANAGER_INTERNAL | system_basic | system_grant | FALSE | Allows an app to install, uninstall, enable, and disable certificates and credentials. |
| ohos.permission.<br>ACCESS_CERT_MANAGER | normal | system_grant | FALSE | Allows an app to manage private credentials and query certificate status. |
| ohos.permission.<br>ACCESS_PUSH_SERVICE | system_basic | system_grant | TRUE | Allows an app to to access the Ability of the push service. |
| ohos.permission.<br>RECEIVER_STARTUP_COMPLETED | system_basic | system_grant | FALSE | Allows an app to subscribe to the startup broadcast. |
| ohos.permission.<br>MANAGE_CAMERA_CONFIG | system_basic | system_grant | FALSE | Allows an app to enable or disable cameras globally. |
| ohos.permission.READ_WHOLE_CALENDAR | system_basic | uesr_grant | TRUE | Allows an app to read all calendar information. |
| ohos.permission.WRITE_WHOLE_CALENDAR | system_basic | uesr_grant | TRUE | Allows an app to add, remove, or change all calendar events. |
| ohos.permission.ENFORCE_USER_IAM | system_core | system_grant | TRUE | Allows an SA to delete user information from the IAM subsystem without a token. |
| ohos.permission.ACCESS_AUTH_RESPOOL | system_core | system_grant | TRUE | Allows an SA to register the executor. |
| ohos.permission.MOUNT_UNMOUNT_MANAGER | system_basic | system_grant | FALSE | Allows an app to mount and unmount external cards. |
| ohos.permission.MOUNT_FORMAT_MANAGER | system_basic | system_grant | FALSE | Allows an app to format external cards. |
| ohos.permission.STORAGE_MANAGER | system_basic | system_grant | TRUE | Allows an app to call the interfaces of the Storage Manager service to query space statistics and volume information. |
| ohos.permission.BACKUP | system_basic | system_grant | TRUE | Allows an app to have backup and restore capabilities. |
| ohos.permission.FILE_ACCESS_MANAGER | system_basic | system_grant | TRUE | Allows a file management app to access user data files through the FAF. |
| ohos.permission.MANAGE_AUDIO_CONFIG | system_basic | system_grant | TRUE | Allows an app to to mute microphones globally. |
# Application Permission List
Before applying for required permissions, read and understand the [permission workflows](accesstoken-overview.md#permission-workflows). Then, determine the permissions required for your application.
For details about how to apply for required permissions, see [Permission Application Guide](accesstoken-guidelines.md).
## ohos.permission.USE_BLUETOOTH
Allows an application to access Bluetooth configurations.
**Permission level**: normal
**Authorization mode**: system_grant
**Enable ACL**: TRUE
## ohos.permission.DISCOVER_BLUETOOTH
Allows an application to configure Bluetooth on a device, initiate or cancel a scan for Bluetooth devices, and pair with Bluetooth devices.
**Permission level**: normal
**Authorization mode**: system_grant
**Enable ACL**: TRUE
## ohos.permission.MANAGE_BLUETOOTH
Allows an application to pair with a Bluetooth device and access the contacts or messages of the device.
**Permission level**: system_basic
**Authorization mode**: system_grant
**Enable ACL**: TRUE
## ohos.permission.INTERNET
Allows an application to access the Internet.
**Permission level**: normal
**Authorization mode**: system_grant
**Enable ACL**: TRUE
## ohos.permission.MODIFY_AUDIO_SETTINGS
Allows an application to modify audio settings.
**Permission level**: normal
**Authorization mode**: system_grant
**Enable ACL**: TRUE
Allows an application to access the notification policy on the device.
**Permission level**: normal
**Authorization mode**: system_grant
**Enable ACL**: FALSE
## ohos.permission.GET_TELEPHONY_STATE
Allows an application to read telephony information.
**Permission level**: system_basic
**Authorization mode**: system_grant
**Enable ACL**: TRUE
## ohos.permission.REQUIRE_FORM
Allows an application to obtain widgets.
**Permission level**: system_basic
**Authorization mode**: system_grant
**Enable ACL**: TRUE
## ohos.permission.GET_NETWORK_INFO
Allows an application to obtain network information.
**Permission level**: normal
**Authorization mode**: system_grant
**Enable ACL**: TRUE
## ohos.permission.PLACE_CALL
Allows an application to make calls without starting the dialer.
**Permission level**: system_basic
**Authorization mode**: system_grant
**Enable ACL**: TRUE
## ohos.permission.SET_NETWORK_INFO
Allows an application to set data network information.
**Permission level**: normal
**Authorization mode**: system_grant
**Enable ACL**: TRUE
## ohos.permission.REMOVE_CACHE_FILES
Allows the cache of the specified application to be cleared.
**Permission level**: system_basic
**Authorization mode**: system_grant
**Enable ACL**: TRUE
## ohos.permission.REBOOT
Allows an application to restart the device.
**Permission level**: system_basic
**Authorization mode**: system_grant
**Enable ACL**: TRUE
## ohos.permission.RUNNING_LOCK
Allows an application to obtain a running lock.
**Permission level**: normal
**Authorization mode**: system_grant
**Enable ACL**: TRUE
## ohos.permission.SET_TIME
Allows an application to set the system time.
**Permission level**: system_basic
**Authorization mode**: system_grant
**Enable ACL**: TRUE
## ohos.permission.SET_TIME_ZONE
Allows an application to set the system time zone.
**Permission level**: system_basic
**Authorization mode**: system_grant
**Enable ACL**: TRUE
Allows an application to manage download sessions.
**Permission level**: system_core
**Authorization mode**: system_grant
**Enable ACL**: TRUE
## ohos.permission.COMMONEVENT_STICKY
Allows an application to publish sticky common events.
**Permission level**: normal
**Authorization mode**: system_grant
**Enable ACL**: TRUE
## ohos.permission.SYSTEM_FLOAT_WINDOW
Allows an application to be displayed in a floating window on top of other apps.
**Permission level**: system_basic
**Authorization mode**: system_grant
**Enable ACL**: TRUE
## ohos.permission.PRIVACY_WINDOW
Allows an application to set screens that cannot be captured or recorded.
**Permission level**: system_basic
**Authorization mode**: system_grant
**Enable ACL**: TRUE
## ohos.permission.POWER_MANAGER
Allows an application to hibernate or wake up the device by calling an API.
**Permission level**: system_core
**Authorization mode**: system_grant
**Enable ACL**: TRUE
## ohos.permission.REFRESH_USER_ACTION
Allows an application to reset the screen timeout counter when a user input event occurs, such as pressing a key or touching the screen.
**Permission level**: system_basic
**Authorization mode**: system_grant
**Enable ACL**: TRUE
## ohos.permission.POWER_OPTIMIZATION
Allows an application to set power saving mode, obtain configuration of the power saving mode, and receive notifications of the configuration changes.
**Permission level**: system_basic
**Authorization mode**: system_grant
**Enable ACL**: TRUE
## ohos.permission.REBOOT_RECOVERY
Allows an application to restart the device and enter Recovery mode.
**Permission level**: system_basic
**Authorization mode**: system_grant
**Enable ACL**: TRUE
## ohos.permission.MANAGE_LOCAL_ACCOUNTS
Allows an application to manage local user accounts.
**Permission level**: system_basic
**Authorization mode**: system_grant
**Enable ACL**: TRUE
Allows access between multiple OS accounts.
**Permission level**: system_basic
**Authorization mode**: system_grant
**Enable ACL**: TRUE
## ohos.permission.VIBRATE
Allows an application to control vibration.
**Permission level**: normal
**Authorization mode**: system_grant
**Enable ACL**: TRUE
## ohos.permission.CONNECT_IME_ABILITY
Allows an application to bind the InputMethodAbility.
**Permission level**: system_core
**Authorization mode**: system_grant
**Enable ACL**: TRUE
Allows an application to bind the ScreenSaverAbility.
**Permission level**: system_core
**Authorization mode**: system_grant
**Enable ACL**: TRUE
## ohos.permission.READ_SCREEN_SAVER
Allows an application to read the screen saver information, such as the list of screen savers that have been installed and the activated one.
**Permission level**: system_basic
**Authorization mode**: system_grant
**Enable ACL**: TRUE
## ohos.permission.WRITE_SCREEN_SAVER
Allows an application to modify the screen saver information, such as activating and previewing a screen saver.
**Permission level**: system_basic
**Authorization mode**: system_grant
**Enable ACL**: TRUE
## ohos.permission.SET_WALLPAPER
Allows an application to set a static wallpaper.
**Permission level**: normal
**Authorization mode**: system_grant
**Enable ACL**: TRUE
## ohos.permission.GET_WALLPAPER
Allows an application to read wallpaper files.
**Permission level**: system_basic
**Authorization mode**: system_grant
**Enable ACL**: TRUE
Allows an application to enable or disable an application or component.
**Permission level**: system_basic
**Authorization mode**: system_grant
**Enable ACL**: TRUE
## ohos.permission.ACCESS_MISSIONS
Allows an application to obtain information about running processes and mission in a mission stack.
**Permission level**: system_basic
**Authorization mode**: system_grant
**Enable ACL**: TRUE
Allows an application to clear background processes based on their bundle names.
**Permission level**: normal
**Authorization mode**: system_grant
**Enable ACL**: TRUE
## ohos.permission.KEEP_BACKGROUND_RUNNING
Allows a Service ability to keep running in the background.
**Permission level**: normal
**Authorization mode**: system_grant
**Enable ACL**: TRUE
## ohos.permission.UPDATE_CONFIGURATION
Allows an application to modify system settings.
**Permission level**: system_basic
**Authorization mode**: system_grant
**Enable ACL**: TRUE
## ohos.permission.UPDATE_SYSTEM
Allows an application to call the update APIs.
**Permission level**: system_basic
**Authorization mode**: system_grant
**Enable ACL**: TRUE
## ohos.permission.FACTORY_RESET
Allows an application to call the API for restoring factory settings.
**Permission level**: system_basic
**Authorization mode**: system_grant
**Enable ACL**: TRUE
Allows an application to grant sensitive permissions to other apps.
**Permission level**: system_core
**Authorization mode**: system_grant
**Enable ACL**: TRUE
Allows an application to revoke sensitive permissions granted to other apps.
**Permission level**: system_core
**Authorization mode**: system_grant
**Enable ACL**: TRUE
Allows an application to obtain the sensitive permissions that have been granted to other apps.
**Permission level**: system_core
**Authorization mode**: system_grant
**Enable ACL**: TRUE
Allows an application to set the attributes of apps of other users.
**Permission level**: system_core
**Authorization mode**: system_grant
**Enable ACL**: TRUE
## ohos.permission.LISTEN_BUNDLE_CHANGE
Allows an application to listen for changes in other applications, when they are installed, updated, or uninstalled.
**Permission level**: system_basic
**Authorization mode**: system_grant
**Enable ACL**: TRUE
## ohos.permission.GET_BUNDLE_INFO
Allows an application to query information about another application. This permission applies only to third-party applications.
**Permission level**: normal
**Authorization mode**: system_grant
**Enable ACL**: TRUE
Allows an application to query information about other applications at the same time.
**Permission level**: system_basic
**Authorization mode**: system_grant
**Enable ACL**: TRUE
## ohos.permission.ACCELEROMETER
Allows an application to read data from an acceleration sensor, uncalibrated acceleration sensor, or linear acceleration sensor.
**Permission level**: normal
**Authorization mode**: system_grant
**Enable ACL**: TRUE
## ohos.permission.GYROSCOPE
Allows an application to read data from a gyroscope sensor or uncalibrated gyroscope sensor.
**Permission level**: normal
**Authorization mode**: system_grant
**Enable ACL**: TRUE
## ohos.permission.INSTALL_BUNDLE
Allows an application to install and uninstall other applications.
**Permission level**: system_core
**Authorization mode**: system_grant
**Enable ACL**: TRUE
## ohos.permission.MANAGE_SHORTCUTS
Allows an application to query and start shortcuts of other apps.
**Permission level**: system_core
**Authorization mode**: system_grant
**Enable ACL**: TRUE
## ohos.permission.radio.ACCESS_FM_AM
Allows an application to access radio services.
**Permission level**: system_core
**Authorization mode**: system_grant
**Enable ACL**: TRUE
## ohos.permission.SET_TELEPHONY_STATE
Allows an application to change the telephone state.
**Permission level**: system_basic
**Authorization mode**: system_grant
**Enable ACL**: TRUE
Allows an application to start Feature abilities in the background.
**Permission level**: system_basic
**Authorization mode**: system_grant
**Enable ACL**: TRUE
## ohos.permission.BUNDLE_ACTIVE_INFO
Allows an application to obtain how long other apps have been running in the foreground or background.
**Permission level**: system_basic
**Authorization mode**: system_grant
**Enable ACL**: TRUE
## ohos.permission.START_INVISIBLE_ABILITY
Allows an application to start an invisible ability.
**Permission level**: system_core
**Authorization mode**: system_grant
**Enable ACL**: TRUE
## ohos.permission.sec.ACCESS_UDID
Allows an application to obtain the Unified Device ID (UDID).
**Permission level**: system_basic
**Authorization mode**: system_grant
**Enable ACL**: TRUE
Allows an application to switch from its privacy statement page to the <b>Data & privacy</b> page.
**Permission level**: system_basic
**Authorization mode**: system_grant
**Enable ACL**: TRUE
## ohos.permission.MANAGE_MEDIA_RESOURCES
Allows an application to obtain and manage the media resources that are being played on the device.
**Permission level**: system_basic
**Authorization mode**: system_grant
**Enable ACL**: TRUE
## ohos.permission.PUBLISH_AGENT_REMINDER
Allows an application to use agent-powered reminders.
**Permission level**: normal
**Authorization mode**: system_grant
**Enable ACL**: TRUE
Allows apps to use sync task animations.
**Permission level**: system_core
**Authorization mode**: system_grant
**Enable ACL**: TRUE
## ohos.permission.INPUT_MONITORING
Allows an application to listen for input events. Only the system signature apps can apply for this permission.
**Permission level**: system_core
**Authorization mode**: system_grant
**Enable ACL**: TRUE
## ohos.permission.MANAGE_MISSIONS
Allows an application to manage ability mission stacks.
**Permission level**: system_core
**Authorization mode**: system_grant
**Enable ACL**: TRUE
Allows an application to manage and subscribe to notifications.
**Permission level**: system_core
**Authorization mode**: system_grant
**Enable ACL**: TRUE
## ohos.permission.CONNECTIVITY_INTERNAL
Allows an application to obtain network information or modify network settings.
**Permission level**: system_basic
**Authorization mode**: system_grant
**Enable ACL**: TRUE
## ohos.permission.SET_ABILITY_CONTROLLER
Allows an application to set the start and stop of an ability.
**Permission level**: system_basic
**Authorization mode**: system_grant
**Enable ACL**: TRUE
## ohos.permission.USE_USER_IDM
Allows an application to access the system identity credential information.
**Permission level**: system_basic
**Authorization mode**: system_grant
**Enable ACL**: FALSE
## ohos.permission.MANAGE_USER_IDM
Allows an application to use the system identity credential management capability to enroll, modify, and delete PINs, face images, and fingerprints.
**Permission level**: system_basic
**Authorization mode**: system_grant
**Enable ACL**: FALSE
## ohos.permission.ACCESS_BIOMETRIC
Allows an application to use biometric recognition for identity authentication.
**Permission level**: normal
**Authorization mode**: system_grant
**Enable ACL**: TRUE
## ohos.permission.ACCESS_USER_AUTH_INTERNAL
Allows an application to use the system identity authentication capability to authenticate or identify users.
**Permission level**: system_basic
**Authorization mode**: system_grant
**Enable ACL**: FALSE
## ohos.permission.ACCESS_PIN_AUTH
Allows a system application to call the PIN input APIs to present a password input dialog box for users.
**Permission level**: system_basic
**Authorization mode**: system_grant
**Enable ACL**: FALSE
## ohos.permission.GET_RUNNING_INFO
Allows an application to obtain running status information.
**Permission level**: system_basic
**Authorization mode**: system_grant
**Enable ACL**: TRUE
## ohos.permission.CLEAN_APPLICATION_DATA
Allows an application to clear application data.
**Permission level**: system_basic
**Authorization mode**: system_grant
**Enable ACL**: TRUE
## ohos.permission.RUNNING_STATE_OBSERVER
Allows an application to observe the application status.
**Permission level**: system_basic
**Authorization mode**: system_grant
**Enable ACL**: TRUE
## ohos.permission.CAPTURE_SCREEN
Allows an application to take screenshots.
**Permission level**: system_core
**Authorization mode**: system_grant
**Enable ACL**: TRUE
## ohos.permission.GET_WIFI_INFO
Allows an application to obtain WLAN information.
**Permission level**: normal
**Authorization mode**: system_grant
**Enable ACL**: TRUE
## ohos.permission.GET_WIFI_INFO_INTERNAL
Allows an application to obtain WLAN information.
**Permission level**: system_core
**Authorization mode**: system_grant
**Enable ACL**: TRUE
## ohos.permission.SET_WIFI_INFO
Allows an application to set WLAN devices.
**Permission level**: normal
**Authorization mode**: system_grant
**Enable ACL**: TRUE
## ohos.permission.GET_WIFI_PEERS_MAC
Allows an application to obtain the MAC address of the peer WLAN or Bluetooth device.
**Permission level**: system_core
**Authorization mode**: system_grant
**Enable ACL**: TRUE
## ohos.permission.GET_WIFI_LOCAL_MAC
Allows an application to obtain the MAC address of the local WLAN or Bluetooth device.
**Permission level**: system_basic
**Authorization mode**: system_grant
**Enable ACL**: TRUE
## ohos.permission.GET_WIFI_CONFIG
Allows an application to obtain the WLAN configuration.
**Permission level**: system_basic
**Authorization mode**: system_grant
**Enable ACL**: TRUE
## ohos.permission.SET_WIFI_CONFIG
Allows an application to set WLAN information.
**Permission level**: system_basic
**Authorization mode**: system_grant
**Enable ACL**: TRUE
## ohos.permission.MANAGE_WIFI_CONNECTION
Allows an application to manage WLAN connections.
**Permission level**: system_core
**Authorization mode**: system_grant
**Enable ACL**: TRUE
## ohos.permission.MANAGE_WIFI_HOTSPOT
Allows an application to enable or disable Wi-Fi hotspots.
**Permission level**: system_core
**Authorization mode**: system_grant
**Enable ACL**: TRUE
## ohos.permission.GET_ALL_APP_ACCOUNTS
Allows an application to obtain all application account information.
**Permission level**: system_core
**Authorization mode**: system_grant
**Enable ACL**: FALSE
## ohos.permission.MANAGE_SECURE_SETTINGS
Allows an application to modify security settings.
**Permission level**: system_basic
**Authorization mode**: system_grant
**Enable ACL**: TRUE
## ohos.permission.READ_DFX_SYSEVENT
Allows an application to access system event logging data.
**Permission level**: system_basic
**Authorization mode**: system_grant
**Enable ACL**: TRUE
Allows an application to activate the device administrator app.
**Permission level**: system_core
**Authorization mode**: system_grant
**Enable ACL**: TRUE
## ohos.permission.SET_ENTERPRISE_INFO
Allows the device administrator application to set enterprise information.
**Permission level**: system_basic
**Authorization mode**: system_grant
**Enable ACL**: TRUE
Allows the device administrator application to subscribe to management events.
**Permission level**: system_basic
**Authorization mode**: system_grant
**Enable ACL**: TRUE
## ohos.permission.ENTERPRISE_SET_DATETIME
Allows the device administrator application to set the system time.
**Permission level**: system_basic
**Authorization mode**: system_grant
**Enable ACL**: TRUE
Allows the device administrator application to obtain device information.
**Permission level**: system_basic
**Authorization mode**: system_grant
**Enable ACL**: TRUE
## ohos.permission.NFC_TAG
Allows an application to read NFC tag information.
**Permission level**: normal
**Authorization mode**: system_grant
**Enable ACL**: FALSE
## ohos.permission.NFC_CARD_EMULATION
Allows an application to implement card emulation.
**Permission level**: normal
**Authorization mode**: system_grant
**Enable ACL**: FALSE
## ohos.permission.PERMISSION_USED_STATS
Allows a system application to access the permission usage records.
**Permission level**: system_basic
**Authorization mode**: system_grant
**Enable ACL**: TRUE
Allows an application to send agent-powered notifications.
**Permission level**: system_core
**Authorization mode**: system_grant
**Enable ACL**: TRUE
## ohos.permission.ANSWER_CALL
Allows an application to answer incoming calls.
**Permission level**: system_basic
**Authorization mode**: user_grant
**Enable ACL**: TRUE
## ohos.permission.READ_CALENDAR
Allows an application to read calendar data.
**Permission level**: normal
**Authorization mode**: user_grant
**Enable ACL**: TRUE
## ohos.permission.READ_CALL_LOG
Allows an application to read call logs.
**Permission level**: system_basic
**Authorization mode**: user_grant
**Enable ACL**: TRUE
## ohos.permission.READ_CELL_MESSAGES
Allows an application to read cell broadcast messages received by the device.
**Permission level**: system_basic
**Authorization mode**: user_grant
**Enable ACL**: TRUE
## ohos.permission.READ_CONTACTS
Allows an application to read contacts.
**Permission level**: system_basic
**Authorization mode**: user_grant
**Enable ACL**: TRUE
## ohos.permission.READ_MESSAGES
Allows an application to read messages.
**Permission level**: system_basic
**Authorization mode**: user_grant
**Enable ACL**: TRUE
## ohos.permission.RECEIVE_MMS
Allows an application to receive and process MMS messages.
**Permission level**: system_basic
**Authorization mode**: user_grant
**Enable ACL**: TRUE
## ohos.permission.RECEIVE_SMS
Allows an application to receive and process SMS messages.
**Permission level**: system_basic
**Authorization mode**: user_grant
**Enable ACL**: TRUE
## ohos.permission.RECEIVE_WAP_MESSAGES
Allows an application to receive and process WAP messages.
**Permission level**: system_basic
**Authorization mode**: user_grant
**Enable ACL**: TRUE
## ohos.permission.MICROPHONE
Allows an application to access the microphone.
**Permission level**: normal
**Authorization mode**: user_grant
**Enable ACL**: TRUE
## ohos.permission.SEND_MESSAGES
Allows an application to send messages.
**Permission level**: system_basic
**Authorization mode**: user_grant
**Enable ACL**: TRUE
## ohos.permission.WRITE_CALENDAR
Allows an application to add, remove, and modify calendar events.
**Permission level**: normal
**Authorization mode**: user_grant
**Enable ACL**: TRUE
## ohos.permission.WRITE_CALL_LOG
Allows an application to add, remove, and modify call logs.
**Permission level**: system_basic
**Authorization mode**: user_grant
**Enable ACL**: TRUE
## ohos.permission.WRITE_CONTACTS
Allows an application to add, remove, and modify contacts.
**Permission level**: system_basic
**Authorization mode**: user_grant
**Enable ACL**: TRUE
## ohos.permission.DISTRIBUTED_DATASYNC
Allows an application to exchange data with other devices.
**Permission level**: normal
**Authorization mode**: user_grant
**Enable ACL**: TRUE
## ohos.permission.MANAGE_VOICEMAIL
Allows an application to leave messages in the voice mailbox.
**Permission level**: system_basic
**Authorization mode**: user_grant
**Enable ACL**: TRUE
## ohos.permission.LOCATION_IN_BACKGROUND
Allows an application running in the background to obtain the device location.
**Permission level**: normal
**Authorization mode**: user_grant
**Enable ACL**: FALSE
## ohos.permission.LOCATION
Allows an application to obtain the device location.
**Permission level**: normal
**Authorization mode**: user_grant
**Enable ACL**: TRUE
Allows an application to obtain the approximate location information of a device.
**Permission level**: normal
**Authorization mode**: user_grant
**Enable ACL**: FALSE
## ohos.permission.MEDIA_LOCATION
Allow an application to access geographical locations in the user's media file.
**Permission level**: normal
**Authorization mode**: user_grant
**Enable ACL**: TRUE
## ohos.permission.CAMERA
Allows an application to use the camera to take photos and record videos.
**Permission level**: normal
**Authorization mode**: user_grant
**Enable ACL**: TRUE
## ohos.permission.READ_MEDIA
Allows an application to read media files from the user's external storage.
**Permission level**: normal
**Authorization mode**: user_grant
**Enable ACL**: TRUE
## ohos.permission.WRITE_MEDIA
Allows an application to read media files from and write media files into the user's external storage.
**Permission level**: normal
**Authorization mode**: user_grant
**Enable ACL**: TRUE
## ohos.permission.ACTIVITY_MOTION
Allows an application to read the current workout status of the user.
**Permission level**: normal
**Authorization mode**: user_grant
**Enable ACL**: TRUE
## ohos.permission.READ_HEALTH_DATA
Allows an application to read the health data of the user.
**Permission level**: normal
**Authorization mode**: user_grant
**Enable ACL**: TRUE
## ohos.permission.GET_DEFAULT_APPLICATION
Allows an application to query default apps.
**Permission level**: system_core
**Authorization mode**: system_grant
**Enable ACL**: TRUE
## ohos.permission.SET_DEFAULT_APPLICATION
Allows an application to set and reset default apps.
**Permission level**: system_core
**Authorization mode**: system_grant
**Enable ACL**: TRUE
Allows an application to set and query the application handling state.
**Permission level**: system_core
**Authorization mode**: system_grant
**Enable ACL**: TRUE
## ohos.permission.ACCESS_IDS
Allows an application to query the unique identifier of a device.
**Permission level**: system_core
**Authorization mode**: system_grant
**Enable ACL**: TRUE
## ohos.permission.DUMP
Allows the basic system information and SA service information to be exported.
**Permission level**: system_core
**Authorization mode**: system_grant
**Enable ACL**: TRUE
Allows networking between different devices.
**Permission level**: system_basic
**Authorization mode**: system_grant
**Enable ACL**: FALSE
## ohos.permission.ACCESS_DLP_FILE
Allows configuration and management of the permissions on .dlp files.
**Permission level**: system_core
**Authorization mode**: system_grant
**Enable ACL**: TRUE
## ohos.permission.PROVISIONING_MESSAGE
Allows the Super Device Manager application to be activated.
**Permission level**: system_core
**Authorization mode**: system_grant
**Enable ACL**: TRUE
## ohos.permission.ACCESS_SYSTEM_SETTINGS
Allows an application to access or start system **Settings**.
**Permission level**: system_basic
**Authorization mode**: system_grant
**Enable ACL**: TRUE
## ohos.permission.READ_IMAGEVIDEO
Allows access to the images or video files in a user's directory.
**Permission level**: system_basic
**Authorization mode**: user_grant
**Enable ACL**: TRUE
## ohos.permission.READ_AUDIO
Allows access to the audio files in a user's directory.
**Permission level**: system_basic
**Authorization mode**: user_grant
**Enable ACL**: TRUE
## ohos.permission.READ_DOCUMENT
Allows access to the files in a user's directory.
**Permission level**: system_basic
**Authorization mode**: user_grant
**Enable ACL**: TRUE
## ohos.permission.WRITE_IMAGEVIDEO
Allows modification to the images or video files in a user's directory.
**Permission level**: system_basic
**Authorization mode**: user_grant
**Enable ACL**: TRUE
## ohos.permission.WRITE_AUDIO
Audio modification to the audio files in a user's directory.
**Permission level**: system_basic
**Authorization mode**: user_grant
**Enable ACL**: TRUE
## ohos.permission.WRITE_DOCUMENT
Allows modification to the files in a user's directory.
**Permission level**: system_basic
**Authorization mode**: user_grant
**Enable ACL**: TRUE
Allows an application to start the Ability component in the background and establish a connection with it.
**Permission level**: system_basic
**Authorization mode**: system_grant
**Enable ACL**: TRUE
## ohos.permission.securityguard.REPORT_SECURITY_INFO
Allows an application to report risk data for security guard.
**Permission level**: system_basic
**Authorization mode**: system_grant
**Enable ACL**: FALSE
## ohos.permission.securityguard.REQUEST_SECURITY_MODEL_RESULT
Allows an application to obtain the device risk status.
**Permission level**: system_basic
**Authorization mode**: system_grant
**Enable ACL**: TRUE
## ohos.permission.securityguard.REQUEST_SECURITY_EVENT_INFO
Allows an application to obtain detailed risk data.
**Permission level**: system_core
**Authorization mode**: system_grant
**Enable ACL**: FALSE
Allows an application to read the accessibility configuration.
**Permission level**: system_basic
**Authorization mode**: system_grant
**Enable ACL**: FALSE
Allows an application to set the accessibility configuration.
**Permission level**: system_basic
**Authorization mode**: system_grant
**Enable ACL**: FALSE
Allows an application to install, uninstall, enable, and disable certificates and credentials.
**Permission level**: system_basic
**Authorization mode**: system_grant
**Enable ACL**: FALSE
## ohos.permission.ACCESS_CERT_MANAGER
Allows an application to manage private credentials and query certificate status.
**Permission level**: normal
**Authorization mode**: system_grant
**Enable ACL**: FALSE
## ohos.permission.ACCESS_PUSH_SERVICE
Allows an application to to access the Ability of the push service.
**Permission level**: system_basic
**Authorization mode**: system_grant
**Enable ACL**: TRUE
Allows an application to subscribe to the startup broadcast.
**Permission level**: system_basic
**Authorization mode**: system_grant
**Enable ACL**: FALSE
## ohos.permission.MANAGE_CAMERA_CONFIG
Allows an application to enable or disable cameras globally.
**Permission level**: system_basic
**Authorization mode**: system_grant
**Enable ACL**: FALSE
## ohos.permission.READ_WHOLE_CALENDAR
Allows an application to read all calendar information.
**Permission level**: system_basic
**Authorization mode**: user_grant
**Enable ACL**: TRUE
## ohos.permission.WRITE_WHOLE_CALENDAR
Allows an application to add, remove, or change all calendar events.
**Permission level**: system_basic
**Authorization mode**: user_grant
**Enable ACL**: TRUE
## ohos.permission.ENFORCE_USER_IAM
Allows an SA to delete user information from the IAM subsystem without a token.
**Permission level**: system_core
**Authorization mode**: system_grant
**Enable ACL**: TRUE
## ohos.permission.ACCESS_AUTH_RESPOOL
Allows an SA to register the executor.
**Permission level**: system_core
**Authorization mode**: system_grant
**Enable ACL**: TRUE
## ohos.permission.MOUNT_UNMOUNT_MANAGER
Allows an application to mount and unmount external cards.
**Permission level**: system_basic
**Authorization mode**: system_grant
**Enable ACL**: FALSE
## ohos.permission.MOUNT_FORMAT_MANAGER
Allows an application to format external cards.
**Permission level**: system_basic
**Authorization mode**: system_grant
**Enable ACL**: FALSE
## ohos.permission.STORAGE_MANAGER
Allows an application to call the interfaces of the Storage Manager service to query space statistics and volume information.
**Permission level**: system_basic
**Authorization mode**: system_grant
**Enable ACL**: TRUE
## ohos.permission.BACKUP
Allows an application to have backup and restore capabilities.
**Permission level**: system_basic
**Authorization mode**: system_grant
**Enable ACL**: TRUE
## ohos.permission.FILE_ACCESS_MANAGER
Allows a file management application to access user data files through the FAF.
**Permission level**: system_basic
**Authorization mode**: system_grant
**Enable ACL**: TRUE
## ohos.permission.MANAGE_AUDIO_CONFIG
Allows an application to to mute microphones globally.
**Permission level**: system_basic
**Authorization mode**: system_grant
**Enable ACL**: TRUE
## ohos.permission.ACCESS_SERVICE_DM
Allows a system application to obtain the authentication and networking capability of distributed devices.
**Permission level**: system_basic
**Authorization mode**: system_grant
**Enable ACL**: TRUE
## ohos.permission.RUN_ANY_CODE
Allows an application to run unsigned code.
**Permission level**: system_basic
**Authorization mode**: system_grant
**Enable ACL**: TRUE
Allows an application to publish system common events.
**Permission level**: system_basic
**Authorization mode**: system_grant
**Enable ACL**: TRUE
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