> The initial APIs of this module are supported since API version 7. Newly added APIs will be marked with a superscript to indicate their earliest API version.
The **CommonEvent** module provides common event capabilities, including the capabilities to publish, subscribe to, and unsubscribe from common events, as well obtaining and setting the common event result code and result data.
## Required Permissions
| Common Event Macro | Common Event Name | Subscriber Permissions |
> The initial APIs of this module are supported since API version 7. Newly added APIs will be marked with a superscript to indicate their earliest API version.
## Modules to Import
@@ -165,6 +12,170 @@
## Support
Provides the event types supported by the **CommonEvent** module. The name and value indicate the macro and name of a common event, respectively.
| COMMON_EVENT_BOOT_COMPLETED | usual.event.BOOT_COMPLETED | ohos.permission.RECEIVER_STARTUP_COMPLETED | Indicates the common event that the user has finished booting and the system has been loaded. |
| COMMON_EVENT_LOCKED_BOOT_COMPLETED | usual.event.LOCKED_BOOT_COMPLETED | ohos.permission.RECEIVER_STARTUP_COMPLETED | Indicates the common event that the user has finished booting and the system has been loaded but the screen is still locked. |
| COMMON_EVENT_SHUTDOWN | usual.event.SHUTDOWN | - | Indicates the common event that the device is being shut down and the final shutdown will proceed. |
| COMMON_EVENT_BATTERY_CHANGED | usual.event.BATTERY_CHANGED | - | Indicates the common event that the charging state, level, and other information about the battery have changed. |
| COMMON_EVENT_BATTERY_LOW | usual.event.BATTERY_LOW | - | Indicates the common event that the battery level is low. |
| COMMON_EVENT_BATTERY_OKAY | usual.event.BATTERY_OKAY | - | Indicates the common event that the battery exits the low state. |
| COMMON_EVENT_POWER_CONNECTED | usual.event.POWER_CONNECTED | - | Indicates the common event that the device is connected to an external power supply. |
| COMMON_EVENT_POWER_DISCONNECTED | usual.event.POWER_DISCONNECTED | - | Indicates the common event that the device is disconnected from the external power supply. |
| COMMON_EVENT_SCREEN_OFF | usual.event.SCREEN_OFF | - | Indicates the common event that the device screen is off and the device is sleeping. |
| COMMON_EVENT_SCREEN_ON | usual.event.SCREEN_ON | - | Indicates the common event that the device screen is on and the device is in interactive state. |
| COMMON_EVENT_THERMAL_LEVEL_CHANGED<sup>8+<sup> | usual.event.THERMAL_LEVEL_CHANGED | - | Indicates the common event that the device's thermal level has changed. |
| COMMON_EVENT_USER_PRESENT | usual.event.USER_PRESENT | - | Indicates the common event that the user unlocks the device. |
| COMMON_EVENT_TIME_TICK | usual.event.TIME_TICK | - | Indicates the common event that the system time has changed. |
| COMMON_EVENT_TIME_CHANGED | usual.event.TIME_CHANGED | - | Indicates the common event that the system time is set. |
| COMMON_EVENT_DATE_CHANGED | usual.event.DATE_CHANGED | - | Indicates the common event that the system time has changed. |
| COMMON_EVENT_TIMEZONE_CHANGED | usual.event.TIMEZONE_CHANGED | - | Indicates the common event that the system time zone has changed. |
| COMMON_EVENT_CLOSE_SYSTEM_DIALOGS | usual.event.CLOSE_SYSTEM_DIALOGS | - | Indicates the common event that a user closes a temporary system dialog box. |
| COMMON_EVENT_PACKAGE_ADDED | usual.event.PACKAGE_ADDED | - | Indicates the common event that a new application package has been installed on the device. |
| COMMON_EVENT_PACKAGE_REPLACED | usual.event.PACKAGE_REPLACED | - | Indicates the common event that a later version of an installed application package has replaced the previous one on the device. |
| COMMON_EVENT_MY_PACKAGE_REPLACED | usual.event.MY_PACKAGE_REPLACED | - | Indicates the common event that a later version of your application package has replaced the previous one. |
| COMMON_EVENT_PACKAGE_REMOVED | usual.event.PACKAGE_REMOVED | - | Indicates the common event that an installed application has been uninstalled from the device with the application data retained. |
| COMMON_EVENT_BUNDLE_REMOVED | usual.event.BUNDLE_REMOVED | - | Indicates the common event that an installed bundle has been uninstalled from the device with the application data retained. |
| COMMON_EVENT_PACKAGE_FULLY_REMOVED | usual.event.PACKAGE_FULLY_REMOVED | - | Indicates the common event that an installed application, including both the application data and code, has been completely uninstalled from the device. |
| COMMON_EVENT_PACKAGE_CHANGED | usual.event.PACKAGE_CHANGED | - | Indicates the common event that an application package has been changed (for example, a component in the package has been enabled or disabled). |
| COMMON_EVENT_PACKAGE_RESTARTED | usual.event.PACKAGE_RESTARTED | - | Indicates the common event that the user has restarted the application package and killed all its processes. |
| COMMON_EVENT_PACKAGE_DATA_CLEARED | usual.event.PACKAGE_DATA_CLEARED | - | Indicates the common event that the user has cleared the application package data. |
| COMMON_EVENT_PACKAGE_CACHE_CLEARED<sup>9+</sup> | usual.event.PACKAGE_CACHE_CLEARED | - | Indicates the common event that the user clears the application package cache. |
| COMMON_EVENT_PACKAGES_SUSPENDED | usual.event.PACKAGES_SUSPENDED | - | Indicates the common event that application packages have been suspended. |
| COMMON_EVENT_PACKAGES_UNSUSPENDED | usual.event.PACKAGES_UNSUSPENDED | - | Indicates the common event that application packages have not been suspended. |
| COMMON_EVENT_MY_PACKAGE_SUSPENDED | usual.event.MY_PACKAGE_SUSPENDED | - | Indicates the common event that an application package has been suspended. |
| COMMON_EVENT_MY_PACKAGE_UNSUSPENDED | usual.event.MY_PACKAGE_UNSUSPENDED | - | Indicates the common event that application package has not been suspended. |
| COMMON_EVENT_UID_REMOVED | usual.event.UID_REMOVED | - | Indicates the common event that a user ID has been removed from the system. |
| COMMON_EVENT_PACKAGE_FIRST_LAUNCH | usual.event.PACKAGE_FIRST_LAUNCH | - | Indicates the common event that an installed application is started for the first time. |
| COMMON_EVENT_PACKAGE_NEEDS_VERIFICATION | usual.event.PACKAGE_NEEDS_VERIFICATION | - | Indicates the common event that an application requires system verification. |
| COMMON_EVENT_PACKAGE_VERIFIED | usual.event.PACKAGE_VERIFIED | - | Indicates the common event that an application has been verified by the system. |
| COMMON_EVENT_EXTERNAL_APPLICATIONS_AVAILABLE | usual.event.EXTERNAL_APPLICATIONS_AVAILABLE | - | Indicates the common event that applications installed on the external storage become available for the system. |
| COMMON_EVENT_EXTERNAL_APPLICATIONS_UNAVAILABLE | usual.event.EXTERNAL_APPLICATIONS_UNAVAILABLE | - | Indicates the common event that applications installed on the external storage become unavailable for the system. |
| COMMON_EVENT_CONFIGURATION_CHANGED | usual.event.CONFIGURATION_CHANGED | - | Indicates the common event that the device state (for example, orientation and locale) has changed. |
| COMMON_EVENT_LOCALE_CHANGED | usual.event.LOCALE_CHANGED | - | Indicates the common event that the device locale has changed. |
| COMMON_EVENT_MANAGE_PACKAGE_STORAGE | usual.event.MANAGE_PACKAGE_STORAGE | - | Indicates the common event that the device storage is insufficient. |
| COMMON_EVENT_DRIVE_MODE | common.event.DRIVE_MODE | - | Indicates the common event that the system is in driving mode. |
| COMMON_EVENT_HOME_MODE | common.event.HOME_MODE | - | Indicates the common event that the system is in home mode. |
| COMMON_EVENT_OFFICE_MODE | common.event.OFFICE_MODE | - | Indicates the common event that the system is in office mode. |
| COMMON_EVENT_USER_STARTED | usual.event.USER_STARTED | - | Indicates the common event that the user has been started. |
| COMMON_EVENT_USER_BACKGROUND | usual.event.USER_BACKGROUND | - | Indicates the common event that the user has been brought to the background. |
| COMMON_EVENT_USER_FOREGROUND | usual.event.USER_FOREGROUND | - | Indicates the common event that the user has been brought to the foreground. |
| COMMON_EVENT_USER_SWITCHED | usual.event.USER_SWITCHED | ohos.permission.MANAGE_USERS | Indicates the common event that user switching is happening. |
| COMMON_EVENT_USER_STARTING | usual.event.USER_STARTING | ohos.permission.INTERACT_ACROSS_USERS | Indicates the common event that the user is going to be started. |
| COMMON_EVENT_USER_UNLOCKED | usual.event.USER_UNLOCKED | - | Indicates the common event that the credential-encrypted storage has been unlocked for the current user when the device is unlocked after being restarted. |
| COMMON_EVENT_USER_STOPPING | usual.event.USER_STOPPING | ohos.permission.INTERACT_ACROSS_USERS | Indicates the common event that the user is going to be stopped. |
| COMMON_EVENT_USER_STOPPED | usual.event.USER_STOPPED | - | Indicates the common event that the user has been stopped. |
| COMMON_EVENT_HWID_LOGIN | common.event.HWID_LOGIN | - | Indicates the common event about a HUAWEI ID login. |
| COMMON_EVENT_HWID_LOGOUT | common.event.HWID_LOGOUT | - | Indicates the common event about a HUAWEI ID logout. |
| COMMON_EVENT_HWID_TOKEN_INVALID | common.event.HWID_TOKEN_INVALID | - | Indicates the common event that the HUAWEI ID is invalid. |
| COMMON_EVENT_HWID_LOGOFF | common.event.HWID_LOGOFF | - | Indicates the common event about a HUAWEI ID logoff. |
| COMMON_EVENT_WIFI_POWER_STATE | usual.event.wifi.POWER_STATE | - | Indicates the common event about the Wi-Fi network state, such as enabled and disabled. |
| COMMON_EVENT_WIFI_SCAN_FINISHED | usual.event.wifi.SCAN_FINISHED | ohos.permission.LOCATION | Indicates the common event that the Wi-Fi access point has been scanned and proven to be available. |
| COMMON_EVENT_WIFI_RSSI_VALUE | usual.event.wifi.RSSI_VALUE | ohos.permission.GET_WIFI_INFO | Indicates the common event that the Wi-Fi signal strength (RSSI) has changed. |
| COMMON_EVENT_WIFI_CONN_STATE | usual.event.wifi.CONN_STATE | - | Indicates the common event that the Wi-Fi connection state has changed. |
| COMMON_EVENT_WIFI_HOTSPOT_STATE | usual.event.wifi.HOTSPOT_STATE | - | Indicates the common event about the Wi-Fi hotspot state, such as enabled or disabled. |
| COMMON_EVENT_WIFI_AP_STA_JOIN | usual.event.wifi.WIFI_HS_STA_JOIN | ohos.permission.GET_WIFI_INFO | Indicates the common event that a client has joined the Wi-Fi hotspot of the current device. |
| COMMON_EVENT_WIFI_AP_STA_LEAVE | usual.event.wifi.WIFI_HS_STA_LEAVE | ohos.permission.GET_WIFI_INFO |Indicates the common event that a client has disconnected from the Wi-Fi hotspot of the current device. |
| COMMON_EVENT_WIFI_MPLINK_STATE_CHANGE | usual.event.wifi.mplink.STATE_CHANGE | ohos.permission.MPLINK_CHANGE_STATE | Indicates the common event that the state of MPLINK (an enhanced Wi-Fi feature) has changed. |
| COMMON_EVENT_WIFI_P2P_CONN_STATE | usual.event.wifi.p2p.CONN_STATE_CHANGE | ohos.permission.GET_WIFI_INFO and ohos.permission.LOCATION | Indicates the common event that the Wi-Fi P2P connection state has changed. |
| COMMON_EVENT_WIFI_P2P_STATE_CHANGED | usual.event.wifi.p2p.STATE_CHANGE | ohos.permission.GET_WIFI_INFO | Indicates the common event about the Wi-Fi P2P state, such as enabled and disabled. |
| COMMON_EVENT_WIFI_P2P_PEERS_STATE_CHANGED | usual.event.wifi.p2p.DEVICES_CHANGE | ohos.permission.GET_WIFI_INFO | Indicates the common event about the status change of Wi-Fi P2P peer devices. |
| COMMON_EVENT_WIFI_P2P_PEERS_DISCOVERY_STATE_CHANGED | usual.event.wifi.p2p.PEER_DISCOVERY_STATE_CHANGE | ohos.permission.GET_WIFI_INFO | Indicates the common event about the Wi-Fi P2P discovery status change. |
| COMMON_EVENT_WIFI_P2P_CURRENT_DEVICE_STATE_CHANGED | usual.event.wifi.p2p.CURRENT_DEVICE_CHANGE | ohos.permission.GET_WIFI_INFO | Indicates the common event about the status change of the Wi-Fi P2P local device. |
| COMMON_EVENT_WIFI_P2P_GROUP_STATE_CHANGED | usual.event.wifi.p2p.GROUP_STATE_CHANGED | ohos.permission.GET_WIFI_INFO | Indicates the common event that the Wi-Fi P2P group information has changed. |
| COMMON_EVENT_BLUETOOTH_HANDSFREE_AG_CONNECT_STATE_UPDATE | usual.event.bluetooth.handsfree.ag.CONNECT_STATE_UPDATE | ohos.permission.USE_BLUETOOTH | Indicates the common event about the connection state of Bluetooth handsfree communication. |
| COMMON_EVENT_BLUETOOTH_HANDSFREE_AG_CURRENT_DEVICE_UPDATE | usual.event.bluetooth.handsfree.ag.CURRENT_DEVICE_UPDATE | ohos.permission.USE_BLUETOOTH | Indicates the common event that the device connected to the Bluetooth handsfree is active. |
| COMMON_EVENT_BLUETOOTH_HANDSFREE_AG_AUDIO_STATE_UPDATE | usual.event.bluetooth.handsfree.ag.AUDIO_STATE_UPDATE | ohos.permission.USE_BLUETOOTH | Indicates the common event that the connection state of Bluetooth A2DP has changed. |
| COMMON_EVENT_BLUETOOTH_A2DPSOURCE_CONNECT_STATE_UPDATE | usual.event.bluetooth.a2dpsource.CONNECT_STATE_UPDATE | ohos.permission.USE_BLUETOOTH | Indicates the common event about the connection state of Bluetooth A2DP. |
| COMMON_EVENT_BLUETOOTH_A2DPSOURCE_CURRENT_DEVICE_UPDATE | usual.event.bluetooth.a2dpsource.CURRENT_DEVICE_UPDATE | ohos.permission.USE_BLUETOOTH | Indicates the common event that the device connected using Bluetooth A2DP is active. |
| COMMON_EVENT_BLUETOOTH_A2DPSOURCE_PLAYING_STATE_UPDATE | usual.event.bluetooth.a2dpsource.PLAYING_STATE_UPDATE | ohos.permission.USE_BLUETOOTH | Indicates the common event that the playing state of Bluetooth A2DP has changed. |
| COMMON_EVENT_BLUETOOTH_A2DPSOURCE_AVRCP_CONNECT_STATE_UPDATE | usual.event.bluetooth.a2dpsource.AVRCP_CONNECT_STATE_UPDATE | ohos.permission.USE_BLUETOOTH | Indicates the common event that the AVRCP connection state of Bluetooth A2DP has changed. |
| COMMON_EVENT_BLUETOOTH_A2DPSOURCE_CODEC_VALUE_UPDATE | usual.event.bluetooth.a2dpsource.CODEC_VALUE_UPDATE | ohos.permission.USE_BLUETOOTH | Indicates the common event that the audio codec state of Bluetooth A2DP has changed. |
| COMMON_EVENT_BLUETOOTH_REMOTEDEVICE_DISCOVERED | usual.event.bluetooth.remotedevice.DISCOVERED | ohos.permission.LOCATION and ohos.permission.USE_BLUETOOTH | Indicates the common event that a remote Bluetooth device is discovered. |
| COMMON_EVENT_BLUETOOTH_REMOTEDEVICE_CLASS_VALUE_UPDATE | usual.event.bluetooth.remotedevice.CLASS_VALUE_UPDATE | ohos.permission.USE_BLUETOOTH | Indicates the common event that the Bluetooth class of a remote Bluetooth device has changed. |
| COMMON_EVENT_BLUETOOTH_REMOTEDEVICE_ACL_CONNECTED | usual.event.bluetooth.remotedevice.ACL_CONNECTED | ohos.permission.USE_BLUETOOTH | Indicates the common event that a low-ACL connection has been established with a remote Bluetooth device. |
| COMMON_EVENT_BLUETOOTH_REMOTEDEVICE_ACL_DISCONNECTED | usual.event.bluetooth.remotedevice.ACL_DISCONNECTED | ohos.permission.USE_BLUETOOTH | Indicates the common event that a low-ACL connection has been disconnected from a remote Bluetooth device. |
| COMMON_EVENT_BLUETOOTH_REMOTEDEVICE_NAME_UPDATE | usual.event.bluetooth.remotedevice.NAME_UPDATE | ohos.permission.USE_BLUETOOTH | Indicates the common event that the friendly name of a remote Bluetooth device is retrieved for the first time or is changed since the last retrieval. |
| COMMON_EVENT_BLUETOOTH_REMOTEDEVICE_PAIR_STATE | usual.event.bluetooth.remotedevice.PAIR_STATE | ohos.permission.USE_BLUETOOTH | Indicates the common event that the connection state of a remote Bluetooth device has changed. |
| COMMON_EVENT_BLUETOOTH_REMOTEDEVICE_BATTERY_VALUE_UPDATE | usual.event.bluetooth.remotedevice.BATTERY_VALUE_UPDATE | ohos.permission.USE_BLUETOOTH | Indicates the common event that the battery level of a remote Bluetooth device is retrieved for the first time or is changed since the last retrieval. |
| COMMON_EVENT_BLUETOOTH_REMOTEDEVICE_SDP_RESULT | usual.event.bluetooth.remotedevice.SDP_RESULT | - | Indicates the common event about the SDP state of a remote Bluetooth device. |
| COMMON_EVENT_BLUETOOTH_REMOTEDEVICE_UUID_VALUE | usual.event.bluetooth.remotedevice.UUID_VALUE | ohos.permission.DISCOVER_BLUETOOTH | Indicates the common event about the UUID connection state of a remote Bluetooth device. |
| COMMON_EVENT_BLUETOOTH_REMOTEDEVICE_PAIRING_REQ | usual.event.bluetooth.remotedevice.PAIRING_REQ | ohos.permission.DISCOVER_BLUETOOTH | Indicates the common event about the pairing request from a remote Bluetooth device. |
| COMMON_EVENT_BLUETOOTH_REMOTEDEVICE_PAIRING_CANCEL | usual.event.bluetooth.remotedevice.PAIRING_CANCEL | - | Indicates the common event that Bluetooth pairing is canceled. |
| COMMON_EVENT_BLUETOOTH_REMOTEDEVICE_CONNECT_REQ | usual.event.bluetooth.remotedevice.CONNECT_REQ | - | Indicates the common event about the connection request from a remote Bluetooth device. |
| COMMON_EVENT_BLUETOOTH_REMOTEDEVICE_CONNECT_REPLY | usual.event.bluetooth.remotedevice.CONNECT_REPLY | - | Indicates the common event about the response to the connection request from a remote Bluetooth device. |
| COMMON_EVENT_BLUETOOTH_REMOTEDEVICE_CONNECT_CANCEL | usual.event.bluetooth.remotedevice.CONNECT_CANCEL | - | Indicates the common event that the connection to a remote Bluetooth device has been canceled. |
| COMMON_EVENT_BLUETOOTH_HANDSFREEUNIT_CONNECT_STATE_UPDATE | usual.event.bluetooth.handsfreeunit.CONNECT_STATE_UPDATE | - | Indicates the common event that the connection state of a Bluetooth handsfree has changed. |
| COMMON_EVENT_BLUETOOTH_HANDSFREEUNIT_AUDIO_STATE_UPDATE | usual.event.bluetooth.handsfreeunit.AUDIO_STATE_UPDATE | - | Indicates the common event that the audio state of a Bluetooth handsfree has changed. |
| COMMON_EVENT_BLUETOOTH_HANDSFREEUNIT_AG_COMMON_EVENT | usual.event.bluetooth.handsfreeunit.AG_COMMON_EVENT | - | Indicates the common event that the audio gateway state of a Bluetooth handsfree has changed. |
| COMMON_EVENT_BLUETOOTH_HANDSFREEUNIT_AG_CALL_STATE_UPDATE | usual.event.bluetooth.handsfreeunit.AG_CALL_STATE_UPDATE | - | Indicates the common event that the calling state of a Bluetooth handsfree has changed. |
| COMMON_EVENT_BLUETOOTH_HOST_STATE_UPDATE | usual.event.bluetooth.host.STATE_UPDATE | ohos.permission.USE_BLUETOOTH | Indicates the common event that the state of a Bluetooth adapter has been changed, for example, Bluetooth has been enabled or disabled. |
| COMMON_EVENT_BLUETOOTH_HOST_REQ_DISCOVERABLE | usual.event.bluetooth.host.REQ_DISCOVERABLE | - | Indicates the common event about the request for the user to allow Bluetooth device scanning. |
| COMMON_EVENT_BLUETOOTH_HOST_REQ_ENABLE | usual.event.bluetooth.host.REQ_ENABLE | ohos.permission.USE_BLUETOOTH | Indicates the common event about the request for the user to enable Bluetooth. |
| COMMON_EVENT_BLUETOOTH_HOST_REQ_DISABLE | usual.event.bluetooth.host.REQ_DISABLE | ohos.permission.USE_BLUETOOTH | Indicates the common event about the request for the user to disable Bluetooth. |
| COMMON_EVENT_BLUETOOTH_HOST_SCAN_MODE_UPDATE | usual.event.bluetooth.host.SCAN_MODE_UPDATE | ohos.permission.USE_BLUETOOTH | Indicates the common event that the Bluetooth scanning mode of a device has changed. |
| COMMON_EVENT_BLUETOOTH_HOST_DISCOVERY_STARTED | usual.event.bluetooth.host.DISCOVERY_STARTED | ohos.permission.USE_BLUETOOTH | Indicates the common event that the Bluetooth scanning has been started on the device. |
| COMMON_EVENT_BLUETOOTH_HOST_DISCOVERY_FINISHED | usual.event.bluetooth.host.DISCOVERY_FINISHED | ohos.permission.USE_BLUETOOTH | Indicates the common event that the Bluetooth scanning is finished on the device. |
| COMMON_EVENT_BLUETOOTH_HOST_NAME_UPDATE | usual.event.bluetooth.host.NAME_UPDATE | ohos.permission.USE_BLUETOOTH | Indicates the common event that the Bluetooth adapter name of the device has changed. |
| COMMON_EVENT_BLUETOOTH_A2DPSINK_CONNECT_STATE_UPDATE | usual.event.bluetooth.a2dpsink.CONNECT_STATE_UPDATE | ohos.permission.USE_BLUETOOTH | Indicates the common event that the connection state of Bluetooth A2DP Sink has changed. |
| COMMON_EVENT_BLUETOOTH_A2DPSINK_PLAYING_STATE_UPDATE | usual.event.bluetooth.a2dpsink.PLAYING_STATE_UPDATE | ohos.permission.USE_BLUETOOTH | Indicates the common event that the playing state of Bluetooth A2DP Sink has changed. |
| COMMON_EVENT_BLUETOOTH_A2DPSINK_AUDIO_STATE_UPDATE | usual.event.bluetooth.a2dpsink.AUDIO_STATE_UPDATE | ohos.permission.USE_BLUETOOTH | Indicates the common event that the audio state of Bluetooth A2DP Sink has changed. |
| COMMON_EVENT_NFC_ACTION_ADAPTER_STATE_CHANGED | usual.event.nfc.action.ADAPTER_STATE_CHANGED | - | Indicates the common event that the state of the device's NFC adapter has changed. |
| COMMON_EVENT_NFC_ACTION_RF_FIELD_ON_DETECTED | usual.event.nfc.action.RF_FIELD_ON_DETECTED | ohos.permission.MANAGE_SECURE_SETTINGS | Indicates the common event that the NFC RF field is detected to be in the enabled state. |
| COMMON_EVENT_NFC_ACTION_RF_FIELD_OFF_DETECTED | usual.event.nfc.action.RF_FIELD_OFF_DETECTED | ohos.permission.MANAGE_SECURE_SETTINGS | Indicates the common event that the NFC RF field is detected to be in the disabled state. |
| COMMON_EVENT_DISCHARGING | usual.event.DISCHARGING | - | Indicates the common event that the system stops charging the battery. |
| COMMON_EVENT_CHARGING | usual.event.CHARGING | - | Indicates the common event that the system starts charging the battery. |
| COMMON_EVENT_DEVICE_IDLE_MODE_CHANGED | usual.event.DEVICE_IDLE_MODE_CHANGED | - | Indicates the common event that the system idle mode has changed. |
| COMMON_EVENT_POWER_SAVE_MODE_CHANGED | usual.event.POWER_SAVE_MODE_CHANGED | - | Indicates the common event that the power saving mode of the system has changed. |
| COMMON_EVENT_USER_ADDED | usual.event.USER_ADDED | ohos.permission.MANAGE_USERS | Indicates the common event that a user has been added to the system. |
| COMMON_EVENT_USER_REMOVED | usual.event.USER_REMOVED | ohos.permission.MANAGE_USERS | Indicates the common event that a user has been removed from the system. |
| COMMON_EVENT_ABILITY_ADDED | usual.event.ABILITY_ADDED | ohos.permission.LISTEN_BUNDLE_CHANGE | Indicates the common event that an ability has been added. |
| COMMON_EVENT_ABILITY_REMOVED | usual.event.ABILITY_REMOVED | ohos.permission.LISTEN_BUNDLE_CHANGE | Indicates the common event that an ability has been removed. |
| COMMON_EVENT_ABILITY_UPDATED | usual.event.ABILITY_UPDATED | ohos.permission.LISTEN_BUNDLE_CHANGE | Indicates the common event that an ability has been updated. |
| COMMON_EVENT_LOCATION_MODE_STATE_CHANGED | usual.event.location.MODE_STATE_CHANGED | - | Indicates the common event that the location mode of the system has changed. |
| COMMON_EVENT_IVI_SLEEP | common.event.IVI_SLEEP | - | Indicates the common event that the in-vehicle infotainment (IVI) system of a vehicle is sleeping. |
| COMMON_EVENT_IVI_PAUSE | common.event.IVI_PAUSE | - | Indicates the common event that the IVI system of a vehicle has entered sleep mode and the playing application is instructed to stop playback. |
| COMMON_EVENT_IVI_STANDBY | common.event.IVI_STANDBY | - | Indicates the common event that a third-party application is instructed to pause the current work. |
| COMMON_EVENT_IVI_LASTMODE_SAVE | common.event.IVI_LASTMODE_SAVE | - | Indicates the common event that a third-party application is instructed to save its last mode. |
| COMMON_EVENT_IVI_VOLTAGE_ABNORMAL | common.event.IVI_VOLTAGE_ABNORMAL | - | Indicates the common event that the voltage of the vehicle's power system is abnormal. |
| COMMON_EVENT_IVI_HIGH_TEMPERATURE | common.event.IVI_HIGH_TEMPERATURE | - | Indicates the common event that the temperature of the IVI system is high. |
| COMMON_EVENT_IVI_EXTREME_TEMPERATURE | common.event.IVI_EXTREME_TEMPERATURE | - | Indicates the common event that the temperature of the IVI system is extremely high. |
| COMMON_EVENT_IVI_TEMPERATURE_ABNORMAL | common.event.IVI_TEMPERATURE_ABNORMAL | - | Indicates the common event that the IVI system has an extreme temperature. |
| COMMON_EVENT_IVI_VOLTAGE_RECOVERY | common.event.IVI_VOLTAGE_RECOVERY | - | Indicates the common event that the voltage of the vehicle's power system is restored to normal. |
| COMMON_EVENT_IVI_TEMPERATURE_RECOVERY | common.event.IVI_TEMPERATURE_RECOVERY | - | Indicates the common event that the temperature of the IVI system is restored to normal. |
| COMMON_EVENT_IVI_ACTIVE | common.event.IVI_ACTIVE | - | Indicates the common event that the battery service is active. |
|COMMON_EVENT_USB_STATE<sup>9+</sup> | usual.event.hardware.usb.action.USB_STATE | - | Indicates the common event that the USB device status has changed. |
|COMMON_EVENT_USB_PORT_CHANGED<sup>9+</sup> | usual.event.hardware.usb.action.USB_PORT_CHANGED | - | Indicates the common event that the USB port status of the user device has changed. |
| COMMON_EVENT_USB_DEVICE_ATTACHED | usual.event.hardware.usb.action.USB_DEVICE_ATTACHED | - | Indicates the common event that a USB device has been attached when the user device functions as a USB host. |
| COMMON_EVENT_USB_DEVICE_DETACHED | usual.event.hardware.usb.action.USB_DEVICE_DETACHED | - | Indicates the common event that a USB device has been detached when the user device functions as a USB host. |
| COMMON_EVENT_USB_ACCESSORY_ATTACHED | usual.event.hardware.usb.action.USB_ACCESSORY_ATTACHED | - | Indicates the common event that a USB accessory was attached. |
| COMMON_EVENT_USB_ACCESSORY_DETACHED | usual.event.hardware.usb.action.USB_ACCESSORY_DETACHED | - | Indicates the common event that a USB accessory was detached. |
| COMMON_EVENT_DISK_REMOVED | usual.event.data.DISK_REMOVED | ohos.permission.WRITE_USER_STORAGE or ohos.permission.READ_USER_STORAGE| Indicates the common event that an external storage device was removed. |
| COMMON_EVENT_DISK_UNMOUNTED | usual.event.data.DISK_UNMOUNTED | ohos.permission.WRITE_USER_STORAGE or ohos.permission.READ_USER_STORAGE| Indicates the common event that an external storage device was unmounted. |
| COMMON_EVENT_DISK_MOUNTED | usual.event.data.DISK_MOUNTED | ohos.permission.WRITE_USER_STORAGE or ohos.permission.READ_USER_STORAGE| Indicates the common event that an external storage device was mounted. |
| COMMON_EVENT_DISK_BAD_REMOVAL | usual.event.data.DISK_BAD_REMOVAL | ohos.permission.WRITE_USER_STORAGE or ohos.permission.READ_USER_STORAGE| Indicates the common event that an external storage device was removed without being unmounted. |
| COMMON_EVENT_DISK_UNMOUNTABLE | usual.event.data.DISK_UNMOUNTABLE | ohos.permission.WRITE_USER_STORAGE or ohos.permission.READ_USER_STORAGE| Indicates the common event that an external storage device becomes unmountable. |
| COMMON_EVENT_DISK_EJECT | usual.event.data.DISK_EJECT | ohos.permission.WRITE_USER_STORAGE or ohos.permission.READ_USER_STORAGE| Indicates the common event that an external storage device was ejected. |
| COMMON_EVENT_VOLUME_REMOVED<sup>9+<sup> | usual.event.data.VOLUME_REMOVED | ohos.permission.WRITE_USER_STORAGE or ohos.permission.READ_USER_STORAGE| Indicates the common event that an external storage device was removed. |
| COMMON_EVENT_VOLUME_UNMOUNTED<sup>9+<sup> | usual.event.data.VOLUME_UNMOUNTED | ohos.permission.WRITE_USER_STORAGE or ohos.permission.READ_USER_STORAGE| Indicates the common event that an external storage device was unmounted. |
| COMMON_EVENT_VOLUME_MOUNTED<sup>9+<sup> | usual.event.data.VOLUME_MOUNTED | ohos.permission.WRITE_USER_STORAGE or ohos.permission.READ_USER_STORAGE| Indicates the common event that an external storage device was mounted. |
| COMMON_EVENT_VOLUME_BAD_REMOVAL<sup>9+<sup> | usual.event.data.VOLUME_BAD_REMOVAL | ohos.permission.WRITE_USER_STORAGE or ohos.permission.READ_USER_STORAGE| Indicates the common event that an external storage device was removed without being unmounted. |
| COMMON_EVENT_VOLUME_EJECT<sup>9+<sup> | usual.event.data.VOLUME_EJECT | ohos.permission.WRITE_USER_STORAGE or ohos.permission.READ_USER_STORAGE| Indicates the common event that an external storage device was ejected. |
| COMMON_EVENT_VISIBLE_ACCOUNTS_UPDATED | usual.event.data.VISIBLE_ACCOUNTS_UPDATED | ohos.permission.GET_APP_ACCOUNTS | Indicates the common event that the account visibility changed. |
| COMMON_EVENT_ACCOUNT_DELETED | usual.event.data.ACCOUNT_DELETED | ohos.permission.INTERACT_ACROSS_LOCAL_ACCOUNTS | Indicates the common event that the account was deleted. |
| COMMON_EVENT_FOUNDATION_READY | usual.event.data.FOUNDATION_READY | ohos.permission.RECEIVER_STARTUP_COMPLETED | Indicates the common event that the foundation is ready. |
| COMMON_EVENT_AIRPLANE_MODE_CHANGED | usual.event.AIRPLANE_MODE | - | Indicates the common event that the airplane mode of the device has changed. |
| COMMON_EVENT_SPLIT_SCREEN<sup>8+<sup> | usual.event.SPLIT_SCREEN | ohos.permission.RECEIVER_SPLIT_SCREEN | Indicates the common event of screen splitting. |
| COMMON_EVENT_SLOT_CHANGE<sup>9+<sup> | usual.event.SLOT_CHANGE | ohos.permission.NOTIFICATION_CONTROLLER | Indicates the common event that the notification slot has changed. |
| COMMON_EVENT_SPN_INFO_CHANGED<sup>9+<sup> | usual.event.SPN_INFO_CHANGED | - | Indicates the common event that the SPN displayed has been updated. |
The **Emitter** module provides APIs for sending and processing in-process events, including the APIs for processing events that are subscribed to in persistent or one-shot manner, unsubscribing from events, and emitting events to the event queue.
> **NOTE**
> The initial APIs of this module are supported since API version 7.
| IMMEDIATE | 0 | The event will be emitted immediately.<br>**System capability**: SystemCapability.Notification.Emitter |
| HIGH | 1 | The event will be emitted before low-priority events.<br>**System capability**: SystemCapability.Notification.Emitter |
| LOW | 2 | The event will be emitted before idle-priority events. By default, an event is in LOW priority.<br>**System capability**: SystemCapability.Notification.Emitter |
| IDLE | 3 | The event will be emitted after all the other events.<br>**System capability**: SystemCapability.Notification.Emitter |
| data | [key: string]: any | Yes | Yes | Data carried by the event. The data type can be String, Integer, or Boolean.<br>**System capability**: SystemCapability.Notification.Emitter |
The **Notification** module provides notification management capabilities, covering notifications, notification slots, notification subscription, notification enabled status, and notification badge status.
Generally, only system applications have the permission to subscribe to and unsubscribe from notifications.
> **NOTE**<br>
> The initial APIs of this module are supported since API version 7. Newly added APIs will be marked with a superscript to indicate their earliest API version.
## Modules to Import
@@ -21,7 +26,7 @@ Publishes a notification. This API uses an asynchronous callback to return the r
| Name | Readable| Writable| Type | Mandatory| Description |
| enable | boolean | Yes | Whether to sync notifications to devices where the application is not installed. The value **true** means to sync notifications to devices where the application is not installed, and **false** means the opposite.|
| callback | AsyncCallback\<void\> | Yes | Callback used to return the result.|
| enable | boolean | Yes | Whether to sync notifications to devices where the application is not installed. The value **true** means to sync notifications to devices where the application is not installed, and **false** means the opposite.|
Checks whether notifications are synced to devices where the application is not installed. This API uses an asynchronous callback to return the result.
| callback | AsyncCallback\<boolean\> | Yes | Callback used to return the result. The value **true** means that notifications are synced to devices where the application is not installed, and **false** means the opposite.|
| Promise\<boolean\> | Promise used to return the result. The value **true** means that notifications are synced to devices where the application is not installed, and **false** means the opposite.|
| classification | Yes | Yes | string | No | Notification category.<br>**System API**: This is a system API and cannot be called by third-party applications. |
| groupName<sup>8+</sup>| Yes | Yes | string | No | Group notification name. |
| isRemoveAllowed<sup>8+</sup> | Yes | No | boolean | No | Whether the notification can be removed. |
| source<sup>8+</sup> | Yes | No | number | No | Notification source. |
| isRemoveAllowed<sup>8+</sup> | Yes | No | boolean | No | Whether the notification can be removed.<br>**System API**: This is a system API and cannot be called by third-party applications. |
| source<sup>8+</sup> | Yes | No | number | No | Notification source.<br>**System API**: This is a system API and cannot be called by third-party applications. |
| distributedOption<sup>8+</sup> | Yes | Yes | [DistributedOptions](#distributedoptions8) | No | Option of distributed notification. |
| deviceId<sup>8+</sup> | Yes | No | string | No | Device ID of the notification source. |
| deviceId<sup>8+</sup> | Yes | No | string | No | Device ID of the notification source.<br>**System API**: This is a system API and cannot be called by third-party applications. |
| notificationFlags<sup>8+</sup> | Yes | No | [NotificationFlags](#notificationflags8) | No | Notification flags. |
| removalWantAgent<sup>9+</sup> | Yes | Yes | WantAgent | No | **WantAgent** instance to which the notification will be redirected when it is removed. |
| badgeNumber<sup>9+</sup> | Yes | Yes | number | No | Number of notifications displayed on the application icon. |
| isDistributed | Yes | Yes | boolean | No | Whether the notification is a distributed notification. |
| supportDisplayDevices | Yes | Yes | Array\<string> | Yes | Types of the devices to which the notification can be synchronized. |
| supportOperateDevices | Yes | Yes | Array\<string> | No | Devices on which notification can be enabled. |
| remindType | Yes | No | number | No | Notification reminder type. |
| remindType | Yes | No | number | No | Notification reminder type.<br>**System API**: This is a system API and cannot be called by third-party applications. |