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!6185 【OpenHarmony开源贡献者计划2022】[英文]相关格式及表达问题

Merge pull request !6185 from king_he/0630-2
......@@ -16,23 +16,9 @@ The following table describes the API for initializing a modem vendor library.
**Table 1** API for initializing a modem vendor library
<a name="table223mcpsimp"></a>
<table><thead align="left"><tr id="row229mcpsimp"><th class="cellrowborder" valign="top" width="50%" id="mcps1."><p id="p231mcpsimp"><a name="p231mcpsimp"></a><a name="p231mcpsimp"></a>API</p>
<th class="cellrowborder" valign="top" width="50%" id="mcps1."><p id="p233mcpsimp"><a name="p233mcpsimp"></a><a name="p233mcpsimp"></a>Description</p>
<tbody><tr id="row235mcpsimp"><td class="cellrowborder" valign="top" width="50%" headers="mcps1. "><p id="p237mcpsimp"><a name="p237mcpsimp"></a><a name="p237mcpsimp"></a>const HRilOps *RilInitOps(const struct HRilReport * reportOps)</p>
<td class="cellrowborder" valign="top" width="50%" headers="mcps1. "><p id="p239mcpsimp"><a name="p239mcpsimp"></a><a name="p239mcpsimp"></a>Function: Provides an entry for running a modem vendor library.</p>
<p id="p56281836194610"><a name="p56281836194610"></a><a name="p56281836194610"></a>Input parameter:</p>
<p id="p240mcpsimp"><a name="p240mcpsimp"></a><a name="p240mcpsimp"></a><strong id="b164737479278"><a name="b164737479278"></a><a name="b164737479278"></a>reportOps</strong>: Specifies the pointer to the event callback function, which is passed by RIL Adapter.</p>
<p id="p241mcpsimp"><a name="p241mcpsimp"></a><a name="p241mcpsimp"></a>Return result: function pointer of the service request API.</p>
| API | Description |
| -------- | -------- |
| const&nbsp;HRilOps&nbsp;\*RilInitOps(const&nbsp;struct&nbsp;HRilReport&nbsp;\*&nbsp;reportOps) | Provides an entry for running a modem vendor library.<br>Input parameter:<br>**reportOps**: Specifies the pointer to the event callback function, which is passed by RIL Adapter.<br/>Return result: function pointer of the service request API. |
### How to Develop<a name="section51031144122"></a>
......@@ -155,35 +141,10 @@ The following table describes the APIs for responding to modem service requests,
**Table 2** APIs for responding to modem service requests
<a name="table303mcpsimp"></a>
<table><thead align="left"><tr id="row309mcpsimp"><th class="cellrowborder" valign="top" width="49.84%" id="mcps1."><p id="p311mcpsimp"><a name="p311mcpsimp"></a><a name="p311mcpsimp"></a>API</p>
<th class="cellrowborder" valign="top" width="50.160000000000004%" id="mcps1."><p id="p313mcpsimp"><a name="p313mcpsimp"></a><a name="p313mcpsimp"></a>Description</p>
<tbody><tr id="row315mcpsimp"><td class="cellrowborder" valign="top" width="49.84%" headers="mcps1. "><p id="p317mcpsimp"><a name="p317mcpsimp"></a><a name="p317mcpsimp"></a>void ReqDial(ReqDataInfo *requestInfo, const void *data, size_t dataLen);</p>
<td class="cellrowborder" valign="top" width="50.160000000000004%" headers="mcps1. "><p id="p319mcpsimp"><a name="p319mcpsimp"></a><a name="p319mcpsimp"></a>Function: Processes number dial requests.</p>
<p id="p12610151394115"><a name="p12610151394115"></a><a name="p12610151394115"></a>Input parameters:</p>
<a name="ul105511416204116"></a><a name="ul105511416204116"></a><ul id="ul105511416204116"><li><strong id="b85517162414"><a name="b85517162414"></a><a name="b85517162414"></a>requestInfo</strong>: request type</li></ul>
<a name="ul1676502416411"></a><a name="ul1676502416411"></a><ul id="ul1676502416411"><li><strong id="b1576510240416"><a name="b1576510240416"></a><a name="b1576510240416"></a>data</strong>: called number</li></ul>
<a name="ul842034134114"></a><a name="ul842034134114"></a><ul id="ul842034134114"><li><strong id="b1542193411415"><a name="b1542193411415"></a><a name="b1542193411415"></a>dataLen</strong>: data length</li></ul>
<p id="p323mcpsimp"><a name="p323mcpsimp"></a><a name="p323mcpsimp"></a>Return value: none</p>
<tr id="row324mcpsimp"><td class="cellrowborder" valign="top" width="49.84%" headers="mcps1. "><p id="p326mcpsimp"><a name="p326mcpsimp"></a><a name="p326mcpsimp"></a>void (*OnCallReport)(struct ReportInfo reportInfo, const void *data, size_t dataLen);</p>
<td class="cellrowborder" valign="top" width="50.160000000000004%" headers="mcps1. "><p id="p328mcpsimp"><a name="p328mcpsimp"></a><a name="p328mcpsimp"></a>Function: Reports the execution result of a service request to RIL Adapter.</p>
<p id="p489264432"><a name="p489264432"></a><a name="p489264432"></a>Input parameters:</p>
<a name="ul44156301444"></a><a name="ul44156301444"></a><ul id="ul44156301444"><li><strong id="b15415930154418"><a name="b15415930154418"></a><a name="b15415930154418"></a>reportInfo</strong>: request type</li></ul>
<a name="ul18380115494513"></a><a name="ul18380115494513"></a><ul id="ul18380115494513"><li><strong id="b83808549457"><a name="b83808549457"></a><a name="b83808549457"></a>data</strong>: called number</li></ul>
<a name="ul118421156184517"></a><a name="ul118421156184517"></a><ul id="ul118421156184517"><li><strong id="b48421056144519"><a name="b48421056144519"></a><a name="b48421056144519"></a>dataLen</strong>: data length</li></ul>
<p id="p332mcpsimp"><a name="p332mcpsimp"></a><a name="p332mcpsimp"></a>Return value: none</p>
| API | Description |
| -------- | -------- |
| void&nbsp;ReqDial(ReqDataInfo&nbsp;\*requestInfo,&nbsp;const&nbsp;void&nbsp;\*data,&nbsp;size_t&nbsp;dataLen); | Processes number dial requests.<br>Input parameters:<br>**requestInfo**: request type<br/>**data**: called number<br/>**dataLen**: data length<br/>Return value: none |
| void&nbsp;(\*OnCallReport)(struct&nbsp;ReportInfo&nbsp;reportInfo,&nbsp;const&nbsp;void&nbsp;\*data,&nbsp;size_t&nbsp;dataLen); | Reports the execution result of a service request to RIL Adapter.<br>Input parameters:<br>**reportInfo**: request type<br/>**data**: called number<br/>**dataLen**: data length<br/>Return value: none |
### How to Develop<a name="section17190412101414"></a>
......@@ -301,24 +262,9 @@ The following table describes the API for reporting modem events.
**Table 3** API for reporting modem events
<a name="table407mcpsimp"></a>
<table><thead align="left"><tr id="row413mcpsimp"><th class="cellrowborder" valign="top" width="52%" id="mcps1."><p id="p415mcpsimp"><a name="p415mcpsimp"></a><a name="p415mcpsimp"></a>API</p>
<th class="cellrowborder" valign="top" width="48%" id="mcps1."><p id="p417mcpsimp"><a name="p417mcpsimp"></a><a name="p417mcpsimp"></a>Description</p>
<tbody><tr id="row419mcpsimp"><td class="cellrowborder" valign="top" width="52%" headers="mcps1. "><p id="p421mcpsimp"><a name="p421mcpsimp"></a><a name="p421mcpsimp"></a>void OnNotifyOps(const char *s, const char *smsPdu)</p>
<td class="cellrowborder" valign="top" width="48%" headers="mcps1. "><p id="p423mcpsimp"><a name="p423mcpsimp"></a><a name="p423mcpsimp"></a>Function: Distributes the events reported by the modem.</p>
<p id="p17924530141912"><a name="p17924530141912"></a><a name="p17924530141912"></a>Input parameters:</p>
<a name="ul678053915191"></a><a name="ul678053915191"></a><ul id="ul678053915191"><li><strong id="b14780173912196"><a name="b14780173912196"></a><a name="b14780173912196"></a>s</strong>: AT command prefix</li></ul>
<a name="ul206343434192"></a><a name="ul206343434192"></a><ul id="ul206343434192"><li><strong id="b65891958173518"><a name="b65891958173518"></a><a name="b65891958173518"></a>smsPdu</strong>: PDU of the SMS message</li></ul>
<p id="p426mcpsimp"><a name="p426mcpsimp"></a><a name="p426mcpsimp"></a>Return value: none</p>
| API | Description |
| -------- | -------- |
| void&nbsp;OnNotifyOps(const&nbsp;char&nbsp;\*s,&nbsp;const&nbsp;char&nbsp;\*smsPdu) | Distributes the events reported by the modem.<br>Input parameters:<br/>**s**: AT command prefix<br/>**smsPdu**: PDU of the SMS message<br/>Return value: none |
### How to Develop<a name="section16394112401512"></a>
......@@ -2,10 +2,10 @@
## Basic Test Framework Environment
|Environment|Operating System|Linux Extended Component|Python|Python Plug-ins|NFS Server|HDC|
|Version|Ubuntu 18.04 or later|libreadline-dev|3.7.5 or later|- pySerial 3.3 or later<br>- Paramiko 2.7.1 or later<br>- Setuptools 40.8.0 or later<br>- rsa4.0 or later|haneWIN NFS Server 1.2.50 or later, or NFS v4 or later| 1.1.0 or later|
|Description|Provides code build environment.|Plug-in used to read commands.|Language used by the test framework.|- pySerial: supports Python serial port communication. <br>- Paramiko: allows Python to use SSH. <br>- Setuptools: allows Python packages to be created and distributed easily. <br>- rsa: implements RSA encryption in Python.|Enables devices to be connected through the serial port.| A tool that enables devices to be connected through the HarmonyOS Device Connector (HDC).|
| Environment | Operating System | Linux Extended Component | Python | Python Plug-ins | NFS Server | HDC |
| ------------ | ------------ | ------------ | ------------ | ------------ | ------------ | ------------ |
| Version | Ubuntu 18.04 or later | libreadline-dev | 3.7.5 or later | - pySerial 3.3 or later<br>- Paramiko 2.7.1 or later<br>- Setuptools 40.8.0 or later<br>- rsa4.0 or later | haneWIN NFS Server 1.2.50 or later, or NFS v4 or later | 1.1.0 or later |
| Description | Provides code build environment. | Plug-in used to read commands. | Language used by the test framework. | - pySerial: supports Python serial port communication. <br>- Paramiko: allows Python to use SSH. <br>- Setuptools: allows Python packages to be created and distributed easily. <br>- rsa: implements RSA encryption in Python. | Enables devices to be connected through the serial port. | A tool that enables devices to be connected through the HarmonyOS Device Connector (HDC). |
## Installation Process
1. Run the following command to install the Linux extended component libreadline:
......@@ -68,15 +68,14 @@
nfs-kernel-server is already the newest version (1:1.3.4-2.1ubuntu5.3).
0 upgraded, 0 newly installed, 0 to remove and 11 not upgraded.
7. Install the HDC tool if the device supports HDC connections. For details about the installation process, see:
7. Install the HDC tool if the device supports HDC connections. For details about the installation process, see [Readme](https://gitee.com/openharmony/developtools_hdc_standard/blob/master/README.md).
## Checking the Environment
| Check Item|Operation|Requirements|
| --- | --- | --- |
| Check whether Python is installed successfully.|Run the **python --version** command.|The Python version is 3.7.5 or later.|
| Check whether Python plug-ins are successfully installed.|Go to the **test/developertest** directory and run **start.bat** or **start.sh**.| The **>>>** prompt is displayed.|
|Check the NFS server status (for the devices that support only serial port output).|Log in to the development board through the serial port and run the **mount** command to mount the NFS.|The file directory can be mounted.|
|Check whether the HDC tool is successfully installed.|Run the **hdc_std -v** command.|The HDC version is 1.1.0 or later.|
| Check Item | Operation | Expected Result |
| --- | --- | --- |
| Whether Python is successfully installed | Run the **python --version** command. | The Python version is 3.7.5 or later. |
| Whether Python plug-ins are successfully installed | Go to the **test/developertest** directory and run **start.bat** or **start.sh**. | The **>>>** prompt is displayed. |
| NFS server status (for the devices that support only serial port output) | Log in to the development board through the serial port and run the **mount** command to mount the NFS. | The file directory can be mounted. |
| Whether HDC tool is successfully installed | Run the **hdc_std -v** command. | The HDC version is 1.1.0 or later. |
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