Defined by the Mobile Industry Processor Interface (MIPI) Alliance, the Camera Serial Interface (CSI) is a specification that allows data to be transmitted from the camera to the host processor on mobile platforms. As the second release, the MIPI CSI-2 consists of the application layer, protocol layer, and physical layer. It supports a maximum of four-lane data transmission and a single-lane transmission rate of 1 Gbit/s.
The physical layer supports the high speed (HS) and low power (LP) modes. Using low-voltage differential signaling (LVDS), the HS mode delivers 80 Mbit/s to 1 Gbit/s transmission speed but high power consumption. The unidirectional LP mode provides lower power consumption but lower transmission speed (< 10 Mbit/s). The blend of the two modes ensures high-speed transmission of massive data (such as images) and minimized power consumption when less data is transmitted.
The figure below shows a simplified CSI. The D-PHY transmits data by using one pair of source-synchronized differential clocks and one to four pairs of differential data lanes. Data is transmitted in Double Data Rate (DDR) mode, that is, data is transmitted on both the rising and falling edges of the clock.
**Figure 1** CSI TX and RX interfaces<aname="fig1_MIPI_CSIDes"></a>
| extDataType | Pointer to the YUV, raw data format, and bit depth.|
### Available APIs<a name="section1.3_MIPI_CSIDes"></a>
**Table 3** MIPI CSI APIs
| Category| API|
| -------- | -------- |
| Opening or closing the MIPI CSI controller operation handle| **MipiCsiOpen**: opens the MIPI CSI controller operation handle.<br>**MipiCsiClose**: closes the MIPI CSI controller operation handle.|
| Setting MIPI CSI parameters| **MipiCsiSetComboDevAttr**: sets parameters of the MIPI, CMOS, or LVDS camera to the controller. The parameters include the working mode, image area, image depth, data rate, and physical channel.<br>**MipiCsiSetExtDataType** (optional): sets the YUV and RAW data formats and bit depths.<br>**MipiCsiSetHsMode**: sets the MIPI RX lane distribution. Set the mode based on the hardware connection.<br>**MipiCsiSetPhyCmvmode**: sets the common-mode voltage (CMV) mode.|
| Resetting a sensor or deasserting the reset of a sensor| **MipiCsiResetSensor**: resets a sensor.<br>**MipiCsiUnresetSensor**: deasserts the reset of a sensor.|
| Resetting the MIPI RX or deasserting the reset of the MIPI RX| **MipiCsiResetRx**: resets the MIPI&nbsp;RX. The value of **enSnsType** varies depending on the value of **s32WorkingViNum**.<br>**MipiCsiUnresetRx**: deasserts the reset on the MIPI&nbsp;RX.|
| Enabling or disabling the MIPI clock| **MipiCsiEnableClock**: enables the MIPI clock. The **enSnsType** passed by the upper-layer function during electrophoresis determines whether MIPI or LVDS is used.<br>**MipiCsiDisableClock**: disables the MIPI clock.|
| Enabling or disabling the MIPI sensor clock| **MipiCsiEnableSensorClock**: enables the MIPI sensor clock.<br>**MipiCsiDisableSensorClock**: disables the MIPI sensor clock.|
### Opening the MIPI CSI Controller Operation Handle<a name="section2.2_MIPI_CSIDes"></a>
Before starting MIPI CSI communication, call **MipiCsiOpen** to open the MIPI CSI device handle. This function returns the MIPI CSI device handle with the specified lane ID.