The **distributedKVStore** module implements collaboration between databases for different devices that forms a Super Device. The APIs provided by this module can be used to save data to a distributed key-value (KV) store and perform operations, such as adding, deleting, modifying, querying, and synchronizing data in distributed KV stores.
@@ -10,7 +10,7 @@ The **distributedKVStore** module provides the following functions:
-[SingleKVStore](#singlekvstore): provides APIs for querying data in single KV stores and synchronizing data. The single KV stores manage data without distinguishing devices.
-[DeviceKVStore](#devicekvstore): provides APIs for querying in device KV stores and synchronizing data. This class inherits from [SingleKVStore](#singlekvstore). The device KV stores manage data by device.
> **NOTE**<br/>
> **NOTE**
> The initial APIs of this module are supported since API version 9. Newly added APIs will be marked with a superscript to indicate their earliest API version.
| config | [KVManagerConfig](#kvmanagerconfig) | Yes | **KVManager** instance configuration, including the bundle name of the invoker and the context of the application.|
| callback | AsyncCallback<[KVManager](#kvmanager)> | Yes | Callback invoked to return the **KVManager** instance created. |
| config | [KVManagerConfig](#kvmanager) | Yes | Configuration of the **KVManager** instance, including the bundle name and user information of the caller.|
| config | [KVManagerConfig](#kvmanagerconfig) | Yes | **KVManager** instance configuration, including the bundle name and user information of the caller.|