| options | [RouterOptions](#routeroptions) | No | Description of the page. The **url** parameter indicates the URL of the page to return to. If the specified page does not exist in the page stack, the application does not respond. If this parameter is not set, the application returns to the previous page.|
| options | [RouterOptions](#routeroptions) | No | Description of the page. The **url** parameter indicates the URL of the page to return to. If the specified page does not exist in the page stack, the application does not respond. If no URL is set, the previous page is returned. |
@@ -160,7 +161,7 @@ Obtains the number of pages in the current stack.
**Return value**
| Type | Description |
| ------ | ---------------------------------- |
| ------ | ------------------ |
| string | Number of pages in the stack. The maximum value is **32**.|
@@ -180,7 +181,7 @@ Obtains state information about the current page.
| url | string | Yes | URI of the destination page, in either of the following formats:<br>- Absolute path of the page. The value is available in the pages list in the **config.json** file, for example:<br>- pages/index/index<br>- pages/detail/detail<br>- Particular path. If the URI is a slash (/), the home page is displayed. |
| url | string | Yes | URI of the destination page, in either of the following formats:<br>- Absolute path of the page. The value is available in the pages list in the **config.json** file, for example:<br>- pages/index/index<br>- pages/detail/detail<br>- Particular path. If the URI is a slash (/), the home page is displayed.|
| params | Object | No | Data that needs to be passed to the destination page during redirection. After the destination page is displayed, it can use the passed data, for example, **this.data1** (**data1** is a key in **params**). If there is the same key (for example, **data1**) on the destination page, the passed **data1** value will replace the original value on the destination page.|
> **NOTE**
> The page routing stack supports a maximum of 32 pages.
| Single | Singleton mode.<br>If the URL of the target page already exists in the page stack, the page closest to the top of the stack is moved as a new page to the top of the stack.<br>If the URL of the target page does not exist in the page stack, the page is redirected to in standard mode.|