未验证 提交 caa51b12 编写于 作者: O openharmony_ci 提交者: Gitee

!11527 翻译完成 11420/10986/10692/10355

Merge pull request !11527 from ester.zhou/C3-1117
# dialog<a name="EN-US_TOPIC_0000001173324657"></a>
# dialog
The **<dialog\>** component is a custom pop-up container.
> **NOTE**
> This component is supported since API version 4. Updates will be marked with a superscript to indicate their earliest API version.
## Required Permissions<a name="section11257113618419"></a>
The **\<dialog>** component is a custom dialog box.
## Required Permissions
## Child Components<a name="section9288143101012"></a>
A single child component is supported.
## Attributes<a name="section2907183951110"></a>
In addition to the attributes in [Universal Attributes](js-components-common-attributes.md), the following attributes are supported.
<a name="tb330011ff53049a69f27cec012adf8c1"></a>
<table><thead align="left"><tr id="r4301f3a3b24c499c9bfc42b76ab785f9"><th class="cellrowborder" valign="top" width="19.598040195980403%" id="mcps1."><p id="a9ba8c579217b4b8b841b035f1d28b20e"><a name="a9ba8c579217b4b8b841b035f1d28b20e"></a><a name="a9ba8c579217b4b8b841b035f1d28b20e"></a>Name</p>
<th class="cellrowborder" valign="top" width="11.178882111788822%" id="mcps1."><p id="a633002333b024497914a4b172446f14e"><a name="a633002333b024497914a4b172446f14e"></a><a name="a633002333b024497914a4b172446f14e"></a>Type</p>
<th class="cellrowborder" valign="top" width="9.899010098990102%" id="mcps1."><p id="a4950f7884c6540b9ad523ac34657d952"><a name="a4950f7884c6540b9ad523ac34657d952"></a><a name="a4950f7884c6540b9ad523ac34657d952"></a>Default Value</p>
<th class="cellrowborder" valign="top" width="7.56924307569243%" id="mcps1."><p id="p58189597166"><a name="p58189597166"></a><a name="p58189597166"></a>Mandatory</p>
<th class="cellrowborder" valign="top" width="51.754824517548236%" id="mcps1."><p id="a1313564aa9404a338447087d5918c17d"><a name="a1313564aa9404a338447087d5918c17d"></a><a name="a1313564aa9404a338447087d5918c17d"></a>Description</p>
<tbody><tr id="r06a481428e8d455fba919d3d4618be31"><td class="cellrowborder" valign="top" width="19.598040195980403%" headers="mcps1. "><p id="adb8a73146d764f2aab50fc046169ab26"><a name="adb8a73146d764f2aab50fc046169ab26"></a><a name="adb8a73146d764f2aab50fc046169ab26"></a>dragable<sup id="sup999420218191"><a name="sup999420218191"></a><a name="sup999420218191"></a>7+</sup></p>
<td class="cellrowborder" valign="top" width="11.178882111788822%" headers="mcps1. "><p id="a06898db2627246f78e85d4fbadeee85c"><a name="a06898db2627246f78e85d4fbadeee85c"></a><a name="a06898db2627246f78e85d4fbadeee85c"></a>boolean</p>
<td class="cellrowborder" valign="top" width="9.899010098990102%" headers="mcps1. "><p id="ae685ead324a647bcba1bbb45c9402dd6"><a name="ae685ead324a647bcba1bbb45c9402dd6"></a><a name="ae685ead324a647bcba1bbb45c9402dd6"></a>false</p>
<td class="cellrowborder" valign="top" width="7.56924307569243%" headers="mcps1. "><p id="p78183594166"><a name="p78183594166"></a><a name="p78183594166"></a>No</p>
<td class="cellrowborder" valign="top" width="51.754824517548236%" headers="mcps1. "><p id="a692121725a9b4ebbae65cd22b94b672e"><a name="a692121725a9b4ebbae65cd22b94b672e"></a><a name="a692121725a9b4ebbae65cd22b94b672e"></a>Whether the pop-up can be dragged.</p>
>![](../../public_sys-resources/icon-note.gif) **NOTE:**
>- The **<dialog\>** component does not support the **focusable** and **click-effect** attributes.
## Styles<a name="section5775351116"></a>
Only the **width**, **height**, **margin**, **margin-\[left|top|right|bottom\]**, and **margin-\[start|end\]** styles in [Universal Styles](js-components-common-styles.md) are supported.
## Events<a name="section8562129182916"></a>
Events in [Universal Events](js-components-common-events.md) are not supported. The following table lists the supported event.
<a name="table20562102982910"></a>
<table><thead align="left"><tr id="row9562162932910"><th class="cellrowborder" valign="top" width="18.459999999999997%" id="mcps1."><p id="p195626291296"><a name="p195626291296"></a><a name="p195626291296"></a>Name</p>
<th class="cellrowborder" valign="top" width="30.769999999999996%" id="mcps1."><p id="p185622029202914"><a name="p185622029202914"></a><a name="p185622029202914"></a>Parameter</p>
<th class="cellrowborder" valign="top" width="50.77%" id="mcps1."><p id="p9562132915297"><a name="p9562132915297"></a><a name="p9562132915297"></a>Description</p>
<tbody><tr id="row7562729142911"><td class="cellrowborder" valign="top" width="18.459999999999997%" headers="mcps1. "><p id="p145622291299"><a name="p145622291299"></a><a name="p145622291299"></a>cancel</p>
<td class="cellrowborder" valign="top" width="30.769999999999996%" headers="mcps1. "><p id="p356210295295"><a name="p356210295295"></a><a name="p356210295295"></a>-</p>
<td class="cellrowborder" valign="top" width="50.77%" headers="mcps1. "><p id="p55621629122916"><a name="p55621629122916"></a><a name="p55621629122916"></a>Triggered when a user taps a non-dialog area to cancel the pop-up.</p>
<tr id="row154462392615"><td class="cellrowborder" valign="top" width="18.459999999999997%" headers="mcps1. "><p id="p84461834266"><a name="p84461834266"></a><a name="p84461834266"></a>show<sup id="sup2397204717198"><a name="sup2397204717198"></a><a name="sup2397204717198"></a>7+</sup></p>
<td class="cellrowborder" valign="top" width="30.769999999999996%" headers="mcps1. "><p id="p164468315263"><a name="p164468315263"></a><a name="p164468315263"></a>-</p>
<td class="cellrowborder" valign="top" width="50.77%" headers="mcps1. "><p id="p204465311269"><a name="p204465311269"></a><a name="p204465311269"></a>Triggered when the pop-up is displayed.</p>
<tr id="row28470175299"><td class="cellrowborder" valign="top" width="18.459999999999997%" headers="mcps1. "><p id="p2848161792917"><a name="p2848161792917"></a><a name="p2848161792917"></a>close<sup id="sup4231174871918"><a name="sup4231174871918"></a><a name="sup4231174871918"></a>7+</sup></p>
<td class="cellrowborder" valign="top" width="30.769999999999996%" headers="mcps1. "><p id="p128481917132913"><a name="p128481917132913"></a><a name="p128481917132913"></a>-</p>
<td class="cellrowborder" valign="top" width="50.77%" headers="mcps1. "><p id="p5848121742920"><a name="p5848121742920"></a><a name="p5848121742920"></a>Triggered when the pop-up is closed.</p>
## Methods<a name="section11753103216253"></a>
Methods in [Universal Methods](js-components-common-methods.md) are not supported. The following table lists the supported methods.
<a name="table20753173210251"></a>
<table><thead align="left"><tr id="row575363214257"><th class="cellrowborder" valign="top" width="18.459999999999997%" id="mcps1."><p id="p157531032112517"><a name="p157531032112517"></a><a name="p157531032112517"></a>Name</p>
<th class="cellrowborder" valign="top" width="30.769999999999996%" id="mcps1."><p id="p77531632132518"><a name="p77531632132518"></a><a name="p77531632132518"></a>Parameter</p>
<th class="cellrowborder" valign="top" width="50.77%" id="mcps1."><p id="p147531232132512"><a name="p147531232132512"></a><a name="p147531232132512"></a>Description</p>
<tbody><tr id="row15753113210251"><td class="cellrowborder" valign="top" width="18.459999999999997%" headers="mcps1. "><p id="p2314135812511"><a name="p2314135812511"></a><a name="p2314135812511"></a>show</p>
<td class="cellrowborder" valign="top" width="30.769999999999996%" headers="mcps1. "><p id="p7314115819256"><a name="p7314115819256"></a><a name="p7314115819256"></a>-</p>
<td class="cellrowborder" valign="top" width="50.77%" headers="mcps1. "><p id="p0314958162512"><a name="p0314958162512"></a><a name="p0314958162512"></a>Shows a dialog box.</p>
<tr id="row393410526251"><td class="cellrowborder" valign="top" width="18.459999999999997%" headers="mcps1. "><p id="p7314358182512"><a name="p7314358182512"></a><a name="p7314358182512"></a>close</p>
<td class="cellrowborder" valign="top" width="30.769999999999996%" headers="mcps1. "><p id="p1231455814253"><a name="p1231455814253"></a><a name="p1231455814253"></a>-</p>
<td class="cellrowborder" valign="top" width="50.77%" headers="mcps1. "><p id="p10314105842512"><a name="p10314105842512"></a><a name="p10314105842512"></a>Closes a dialog box.</p>
>![](../../public_sys-resources/icon-note.gif) **NOTE:**
>Attributes and styles of a **<dialog\>** component cannot be dynamically updated.
## Example Code<a name="section6663311114620"></a>
## Child Components
This component supports only one child component.
## Attributes
In addition to the [universal attributes](../arkui-js/js-components-common-attributes.md), the following attributes are supported.
| Name | Type | Default Value | Mandatory | Description |
| --------------------- | ------- | ----- | ---- | ------------ |
| dragable<sup>7+</sup> | boolean | false | No | Whether the dialog box can be dragged.|
> **NOTE**
> The **\<dialog>** component does not support the **focusable** and **click-effect** attributes.
## Styles
Only the **width**, **height**, **margin**, **margin-[left|top|right|bottom]**, and **margin-[start|end]** styles in [Universal Styles](../arkui-js/js-components-common-styles.md) are supported.
## Events
The following events are supported. The [universal events](../arkui-js/js-components-common-events.md) are not supported.
| Name | Parameter | Description |
| ------------------ | ---- | -------------------------- |
| cancel | - | Triggered when a user touches an area outside the dialog box to cancel the dialog box.|
| show<sup>7+</sup> | - | Triggered when the dialog box is displayed. |
| close<sup>7+</sup> | - | Triggered when the dialog box is closed. |
## Methods
The following methods are supported. The [universal methods](../arkui-js/js-components-common-methods.md) are not supported.
| Name | Parameter | Description |
| ----- | ---- | ------ |
| show | - | Shows a dialog box.|
| close | - | Close the dialog box.|
> **NOTE**
> Attributes and styles of a **\<dialog>** component cannot be dynamically updated.
## Example
<!-- xxx.hml -->
<div class="doc-page">
<div class="btn-div">
......@@ -140,7 +81,7 @@ Methods in [Universal Methods](js-components-common-methods.md) are not suppor
/* xxx.css */
.doc-page {
flex-direction: column;
......@@ -189,31 +130,31 @@ Methods in [Universal Methods](js-components-common-methods.md) are not suppor
// xxx.js
import prompt from '@system.prompt';
export default {
showDialog(e) {
showDialog() {
cancelDialog(e) {
cancelDialog() {
message: 'Dialog cancelled'
cancelSchedule(e) {
cancelSchedule() {
message: 'Successfully cancelled'
setSchedule(e) {
setSchedule() {
message: 'Successfully confirmed'
message: 'doubleclick'
......@@ -221,5 +162,4 @@ export default {
......@@ -21,7 +21,7 @@ Gauge(options:{value: number, min?: number, max?: number})
| Name| Type| Mandatory| Description|
| -------- | -------- | -------- | -------- |
| value | number | Yes| Current data value.|
| value | number | Yes| Current value of the chart, that is, the position to which the pointer points in the chart. It is used as the initial value of the chart when the component is created.|
| min | number | No| Minimum value of the current data segment.<br>Default value: **0**|
| max | number | No| Maximum value of the current data segment.<br>Default value: **100**|
......@@ -31,10 +31,10 @@ In addition to the [universal attributes](ts-universal-attributes-size.md), the
| Name| Type| Description|
| -------- | -------- | -------- |
| value | number | Value of the chart.<br>Default value: **0**|
| startAngle | number | Start angle of the chart. The value 0 indicates 0 degrees, and a positive value indicates the clockwise direction.<br>Default value: **-150**|
| endAngle | number | End angle of the chart. The value 0 indicates 0 degrees, and a positive value indicates the clockwise direction.<br>Default value: **150**|
| colors | Array&lt;ColorStop&gt; | Colors of the chart. Colors can be set for individual segments.|
| value | number | Value of the chart. It can be dynamically changed.<br>Default value: **0**|
| startAngle | number | Start angle of the chart. The value **0** indicates 0 degrees, and a positive value indicates the clockwise direction.<br>Default value: **0**|
| endAngle | number | End angle of the chart. The value **0** indicates 0 degrees, and a positive value indicates the clockwise direction.<br>Default value: **360**|
| colors | Array&lt;[ColorStop](#colorstop)&gt; | Colors of the chart. Colors can be set for individual segments.|
| strokeWidth | Length | Stroke width of the chart.|
## ColorStop
......@@ -43,7 +43,7 @@ Describes a gradient stop.
| Name | Type | Description |
| --------- | -------------------- | ------------------------------------------------------------ |
| ColorStop | [[ResourceColor](ts-types.md#resourcecolor), number] | Type of the gradient stop. The first parameter specifies the color, and the second parameter specifies the offset, which ranges from 0 to 1.|
| ColorStop | [[ResourceColor](ts-types.md#resourcecolor), number] | Type of the gradient stop. The first parameter indicates the color value. If it is set to a non-color value, the black color is used. The second parameter indicates the color weight. If it is set to a negative number or a non-numeric value, the color weight is 0, which means that the color is not displayed.|
## Example
......@@ -55,15 +55,30 @@ Describes a gradient stop.
struct GaugeExample {
build() {
Column() {
Gauge({ value: 50, min: 0, max: 100 })
.colors([[0x317AF7, 1], [0x5BA854, 1], [0xE08C3A, 1], [0x9C554B, 1], [0xD94838, 1]])
Column({ space: 20 }) {
// Use the default value of min and max, which is 0-100, and the default values of startAngle and endAngle, which are 0 and 360, respectively.
// Set the current value to 75.
Gauge({ value: 75 })
.colors([[0x317AF7, 1], [0x5BA854, 1], [0xE08C3A, 1], [0x9C554B, 1]])
// Set the value parameter to 75 and the value attribute to 25. The attribute setting is used.
Gauge({ value: 75 })
.value(25) // If both the attribute and parameter are set, the parameter setting is used.
.colors([[0x317AF7, 1], [0x5BA854, 1], [0xE08C3A, 1], [0x9C554B, 1]])
// A ring chart of 210 to 150 degrees
Gauge({ value: 30, min: 0, max: 100 })
.colors([[0x317AF7, 0.1], [0x5BA854, 0.2], [0xE08C3A, 0.3], [0x9C554B, 0.4]])
}.width('100%').margin({ top: 5 })
......@@ -7,11 +7,6 @@ The **\<Badge>** component is a container that can be attached to another compon
> This component is supported since API version 7. Updates will be marked with a superscript to indicate their earliest API version.
## Required Permissions
## Child Components
This component supports only one child component.
......@@ -19,7 +14,7 @@ This component supports only one child component.
## APIs
Method 1: Badge(value: {count: number, position?: BadgePosition, maxCount?: number, style: BadgeStyle})
**Method 1**: Badge(value: {count: number, position?: BadgePosition, maxCount?: number, style: BadgeStyle})
Create a badge.
......@@ -27,36 +22,38 @@ Create a badge.
| Name| Type| Mandatory| Default Value| Description|
| -------- | -------- | -------- | -------- | -------- |
| count | number | Yes| - | Number of notifications.|
| position | BadgePosition | No| BadgePosition.RightTop | Position to display the badge relative to the parent component.|
| position | [BadgePosition](#badgeposition) | No| BadgePosition.RightTop | Position to display the badge relative to the parent component.|
| maxCount | number | No| 99 | Maximum number of notifications. When the maximum number is reached, only **maxCount+** is displayed.|
| style | BadgeStyle | Yes| - | Style of the **<Badge>** component, including the text color, text size, badge color, and badge size.|
| style | [BadgeStyle](#badgestyle) | Yes| - | Style of the badge, including the font color, font size, badge color, and badge size.|
Method 2: Badge(value: {value: string, position?: BadgePosition, style: BadgeStyle})
**Method 2**: Badge(value: {value: string, position?: BadgePosition, style: BadgeStyle})
Creates a badge based on the given string.
- Parameters
| Name| Type| Mandatory| Default Value| Description|
| -------- | -------- | -------- | -------- | -------- |
| value | string | Yes| - | Prompt content.|
| position | BadgePosition | No| BadgePosition.RightTop | Position to display the badge relative to the parent component.|
| style | BadgeStyle | Yes| - | Style of the **<Badge>** component, including the text color, text size, badge color, and badge size.|
- BadgeStyle
| Name| Type| Mandatory| Default Value| Description|
| -------- | -------- | -------- | -------- | -------- |
| color | [ResourceColor](ts-types.md#resourcecolor) | No| Color.White | Text color.|
| fontSize | number \| string | No| 10 | Text size.|
| badgeSize | number \| string | Yes| - | Badge size.|
| badgeColor | [ResourceColor](ts-types.md#resourcecolor) | No| Color.Red | Badge color.|
- BadgePosition enums
| Name| Description|
| -------- | -------- |
| RightTop | The badge is displayed in the upper right corner of the parent component.|
| Right | The badge is vertically centered on the right of the parent component.|
| Left | The badge is vertically centered on the left of the parent component.|
| Name| Type| Mandatory| Default Value| Description|
| -------- | -------- | -------- | -------- | -------- |
| value | string | Yes| - | Prompt content.|
| position | [BadgePosition](#badgeposition) | No| BadgePosition.RightTop | Position to display the badge relative to the parent component.|
| style | [BadgeStyle](#badgestyle) | Yes| - | Style of the badge, including the font color, font size, badge color, and badge size.|
## BadgePosition
| Name| Description|
| -------- | -------- |
| RightTop | The badge is displayed in the upper right corner of the parent component.|
| Right | The badge is vertically centered on the right of the parent component.|
| Left | The badge is vertically centered on the left of the parent component.|
## BadgeStyle
| Name | Type | Mandatory| Default Value | Description |
| ---------- | ------------------------------------------ | ---- | ----------- | ------------------------------------------- |
| color | [ResourceColor](ts-types.md#resourcecolor) | No | Color.White | Font color. |
| fontSize | number \| string | No | 10 | Font size, in vp. |
| badgeSize | number \| string | No | 16 | Badge size, in vp. This parameter cannot be set in percentage. If it is set to an invalid value, the default value is used.|
| badgeColor | [ResourceColor](ts-types.md#resourcecolor) | No | Color.Red | Badge color. |
## Example
......@@ -65,44 +62,92 @@ Creates a badge based on the given string.
struct BadgeExample {
@State counts: number = 1
@State message: string = 'new'
@State counts: number = 1;
@State message: string = 'new';
build() {
Flex({ justifyContent: FlexAlign.SpaceAround }) {
Column() {
Row({ space: 10 }) {
// Number badge. The default value of maxCount is 99. If the number of notifications exceeds 99, 99+ is displayed.
count: this.counts,
maxCount: 99,
position: BadgePosition.RightTop,
style: { color: 0xFFFFFF, fontSize: 16, badgeSize: 20, badgeColor: Color.Red }
}) {
.onClick(() => {
// Number badge
count: this.counts,
maxCount: 99,
position: BadgePosition.Left,
style: { color: 0xFFFFFF, fontSize: 16, badgeSize: 20, badgeColor: Color.Red }
}) {
.onClick(() => {
// Number badge
count: this.counts,
maxCount: 99,
position: BadgePosition.Right,
style: { color: 0xFFFFFF, fontSize: 16, badgeSize: 20, badgeColor: Color.Red }
}) {
.onClick(() => {
Row({ space: 30 }) {
value: this.message,
style: { color: 0xFFFFFF, fontSize: 9, badgeSize: 20, badgeColor: Color.Blue }
}) {
// When value is null, the dot-style badge is used.
value: ' ',
value: '',
position: BadgePosition.Right,
style: { badgeSize: 6, badgeColor: Color.Red }
}) {
}.width('100%').margin({ top: 5 })
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