You can use WebSocket to establish a bidirectional connection between a server and a client. Before doing this, you need to use the **createWebSocket** API to create a **WebSocket** object and then use the **connect** API to connect to the server. If the connection is successful, the client will receive a callback of the **open** event. Then, the client can communicate with the server using the **send** API. When the server sends a message to the client, the client will receive a callback of the **message** event. If the client no longer needs this connection, it can call the **close** API to disconnect from the server. Then, the client will receive a callback of the **close** event.
You can use WebSocket to establish a bidirectional connection between a server and a client. Before doing this, you need to use the **createWebSocket()** API to create a **WebSocket** object and then use the **connect()** API to connect to the server. If the connection is successful, the client will receive a callback of the **open** event. Then, the client can communicate with the server using the **send()** API. When the server sends a message to the client, the client will receive a callback of the **message** event. If the client no longer needs this connection, it can call the **close()** API to disconnect from the server. Then, the client will receive a callback of the **close** event.
If an error occurs in any of the preceding processes, the client will receive a callback of the **error** event.
@@ -18,14 +18,14 @@ The WebSocket connection function is mainly implemented by the WebSocket module.
| connect() | Establishes a WebSocket connection to a given URL. |
| send() | Sends data through the WebSocket connection. |
| close() | Closes a WebSocket connection. |
| on(type: 'open') | Enables listening for **open** events of a WebSocket connection. |
| off(type: 'open') | Disables listening for **open** events of a WebSocket connection. |
| on(type: 'message') | Enables listening for **message** events of a WebSocket connection. |
| off(type: 'message') | Disables listening for **message** events of a WebSocket connection. |
| on(type: 'close') | Enables listening for **close** events of a WebSocket connection. |
| off(type: 'close') | Disables listening for **close** events of a WebSocket connection. |
| on(type: 'error') | Enables listening for **error** events of a WebSocket connection. |
| off(type: 'error') | Disables listening for **error** events of a WebSocket connection. |
| on(type:'open') | Enables listening for **open** events of a WebSocket connection. |
| off(type:'open') | Disables listening for **open** events of a WebSocket connection. |
| on(type:'message') | Enables listening for **message** events of a WebSocket connection. |
| off(type:'message') | Disables listening for **message** events of a WebSocket connection. |
| on(type:'close') | Enables listening for **close** events of a WebSocket connection. |
| off(type:'close') | Disables listening for **close** events of a WebSocket connection. |
| on(type:'error') | Enables listening for **error** events of a WebSocket connection. |
| off(type:'error') | Disables listening for **error** events of a WebSocket connection. |
## How to Develop
@@ -50,9 +50,9 @@ The WebSocket connection function is mainly implemented by the WebSocket module.
// When receiving the on('open') event, the client can use the send() API to communicate with the server.