diff --git a/en/application-dev/reference/arkui-ts/ts-universal-events-drag-drop.md b/en/application-dev/reference/arkui-ts/ts-universal-events-drag-drop.md
index cf6afebdedc6782a19b98a25d9831f46515b4df2..47d797b263a133c740bcf5864b6347ed76af30b6 100644
--- a/en/application-dev/reference/arkui-ts/ts-universal-events-drag-drop.md
+++ b/en/application-dev/reference/arkui-ts/ts-universal-events-drag-drop.md
@@ -11,8 +11,8 @@ A drag event is triggered when a component is dragged.
 | Name                                                        | Bubbling Supported| Description                                                    |
 | ------------------------------------------------------------ | -------- | ------------------------------------------------------------ |
 | onDragStart(event: (event?: [DragEvent](#dragevent), extraParams?: string) =&gt;  [CustomBuilder](ts-types.md#custombuilder8) \| [DragItemInfo](#dragiteminfo)) | No      | Triggered when the component bound to the event is dragged for the first time.<br>- **event**: information about the drag event, including the coordinates of the item that is being dragged.<br>- **extraParams**: additional information about the drag event. For details, see **[extraParams](#extraparams)**.<br>Return value: object being dragged, which is used for prompts displayed when the object is dragged.<br>A drag event can be triggered by a 150 ms long press. If the duration of a long-press gesture is set to less than or equal to 150 ms, the callback for the long-press gesture takes precedence. Otherwise, the callback for the drag event takes precedence.|
-| onDragEnter(event: (event?: [DragEvent](#dragevent), extraParams?: string) =&gt; void) | No      | Triggered when the dragged item enters a valid drop target.<br>- **event**: information about the drag event, including the coordinates of the item that is being dragged.<br>- **extraParams**: additional information about the drag event. For details, see **[extraParams](#extraparams)**.<br>This event is valid only when the **onDrop** event is listened to.|
-| onDragMove(event: (event?: [DragEvent](#dragevent), extraParams?: string) =&gt; void) | No      | Triggered when the dragged item moves in a valid drop target.<br>- **event**: information about the drag event, including the coordinates of the item that is being dragged.<br>- **extraParams**: additional information about the drag event. For details, see **[extraParams](#extraparams)**.<br>This event is valid only when the **onDrop** event is listened to.|
+| onDragEnter(event: (event?: [DragEvent](#dragevent), extraParams?: string) =&gt; void) | No      | Triggered when the dragged item enters a valid drop target.<br>- **event**: information about the drag event, including the coordinates of the item that is being dragged.<br>- **extraParams**: additional information about the drag event. For details, see **[extraParams](#extraparams)**.<br>This event is valid only when a listener for the **onDrop** event is enabled.|
+| onDragMove(event: (event?: [DragEvent](#dragevent), extraParams?: string) =&gt; void) | No      | Triggered when the dragged item moves in a valid drop target.<br>- **event**: information about the drag event, including the coordinates of the item that is being dragged.<br>- **extraParams**: additional information about the drag event. For details, see **[extraParams](#extraparams)**.<br>This event is valid only when a listener for the **onDrop** event is enabled.|
 | onDragLeave(event: (event?: [DragEvent](#dragevent), extraParams?: string) =&gt; void) | No      | Triggered when the dragged item leaves a valid drop target.<br>- **event**: information about the drag event, including the coordinates of the item that is being dragged.<br>- **extraParams**: additional information about the drag event. For details, see **[extraParams](#extraparams)**.<br>This event is valid only when a listener for the **onDrop** event is enabled.|
 | onDrop(event: (event?: [DragEvent](#dragevent), extraParams?: string) =&gt; void) | No      | Triggered when the dragged item is dropped on a valid drop target.<br>- **event**: information about the drag event, including the coordinates of the item that is being dragged.<br>- **extraParams**: additional information about the drag event. For details, see **[extraParams](#extraparams)**.|
@@ -40,8 +40,8 @@ A drag event is triggered when a component is dragged.
 | Name    | Type | Description            |
 | ------ | ------ | ---------------- |
-| getX() | number | X-coordinate of the item that is being dragged, in vp.|
-| getY() | number | Y-coordinate of the item that is being dragged, in vp.|
+| getX() | number | X-coordinate of the drag position relative to the upper left corner of the screen, in vp.|
+| getY() | number | Y-coordinate of the drag position relative to the upper left corner of the screen, in vp.|
 ## Example