> - The initial APIs of this module are supported since API version 7. Newly added APIs will be marked with a superscript to indicate their earliest API version.
> - This module contains enhanced i18n APIs, which are not defined in ECMA 402.
@@ -21,19 +21,19 @@ Obtains the localized script for the specified language.
| locale | string | Yes| Valid locale value, for example, **zh-Hans-CN**.|
| type | string | No| Valid calendar type. Currently, the valid types are as follows: **buddhist**, **chinese**, **coptic**, **ethiopic**, **hebrew**, **gregory**, **indian**, **islamic\_civil**, **islamic\_tbla**, **islamic\_umalqura**, **japanese**, and **persian**. If this parameter is left unspecified, the default calendar type of the specified locale is used.|
| locale | string | Yes | Valid locale value, for example, **zh-Hans-CN**. |
| type | string | No | Valid calendar type. Currently, the valid types are as follows: **buddhist**, **chinese**, **coptic**, **ethiopic**, **hebrew**, **gregory**, **indian**, **islamic\_civil**, **islamic\_tbla**, **islamic\_umalqura**, **japanese**, and **persian**. If this parameter is left unspecified, the default calendar type of the specified locale is used.|
- Return value
| Type| Description|
| -------- | -------- |
| [Calendar](#calendar8) | **Calendar** object.|
**Return Value**
| Type | Description |
| ---------------------- | ----- |
| [Calendar](#calendar8) | **Calendar** object.|
- Example
i18n.getCalendar("zh-Hans", "gregory");
@@ -325,12 +331,12 @@ Sets the date for this **Calendar** object.
| field | string | Yes| Value of the specified field in the **Calendar** object. Currently, a valid field can be any of the following: **era**, **year**, **month**, **week\_of\_year**, **week\_of\_month**, **date**, **day\_of\_year**, **day\_of\_week**, **day\_of\_week\_in\_month**, **hour**, **hour\_of\_day**, **minute**, **second**, **millisecond**, **zone\_offset**, **dst\_offset**, **year\_woy**, **dow\_local**, **extended\_year**, **julian\_day**, **milliseconds\_in\_day**, **is\_leap\_month**.|
| field | string | Yes | Value of the specified field in the **Calendar** object. Currently, a valid field can be any of the following: **era**, **year**, **month**, **week\_of\_year**, **week\_of\_month**, **date**, **day\_of\_year**, **day\_of\_week**, **day\_of\_week\_in\_month**, **hour**, **hour\_of\_day**, **minute**, **second**, **millisecond**, **zone\_offset**, **dst\_offset**, **year\_woy**, **dow\_local**, **extended\_year**, **julian\_day**, **milliseconds\_in\_day**, **is\_leap\_month**.|
- Return value
| Type| Description|
| -------- | -------- |
| number | Value of the specified field. For example, if the year in the internal date of this **Calendar** object is **1990**, the **get("year")** function will return **1990**.|
| number | Value of the specified field. For example, if the year in the internal date of this **Calendar** object is **1990**, the **get("year")** function will return **1990**.|
- Example
var calendar = i18n.getCalendar("zh-Hans");
calendar.setTime(2021, 10, 1, 8, 0, 0); // set time to 2021.10.1 08:00:00
@@ -538,17 +544,17 @@ Obtains the name of the **Calendar** object displayed for the specified locale.
| locale | string | Yes| Locale for which the name of the **Calendar** object is displayed. For example, if **locale** is **en-US**, the name of the Buddhist calendar will be **Buddhist Calendar**.|
| locale | string | Yes | Locale for which the name of the **Calendar** object is displayed. For example, if **locale** is **en-US**, the name of the Buddhist calendar will be **Buddhist Calendar**.|
- Return value
| Type| Description|
| -------- | -------- |
| string | Name of the **Calendar** object displayed for the specified locale.|
**Return Value**
| Type | Description |
| ------ | ------------------- |
| string | Name of the **Calendar** object displayed for the specified locale.|
- Example
var calendar = i18n.getCalendar("en-US", "buddhist");
calendar.getDisplayName("zh"); // Obtain the name of the Buddhist calendar in zh.
@@ -563,17 +569,17 @@ Checks whether the specified date in this **Calendar** object is a weekend.
| date | Date | No| Specified date in this **Calendar** object. If this parameter is left unspecified, the system checks whether the current date in the **Calendar** object is a weekend.|
| date | Date | No | Specified date in this **Calendar** object. If this parameter is left unspecified, the system checks whether the current date in the **Calendar** object is a weekend.|
- Return value
| Type| Description|
| -------- | -------- |
| boolean | Returns **true** if the date is a weekend; returns **false** if the date is a weekday.|
**Return Value**
| Type | Description |
| ------- | ----------------------------------- |
| boolean | Returns **true** if the date is a weekend; returns **false** if the date is a weekday.|
- Example
var calendar = i18n.getCalendar("zh-Hans");
calendar.setTime(2021, 11, 11, 8, 0, 0); // set time to 2021.11.11 08:00:00
@@ -595,12 +601,12 @@ Creates a **PhoneNumberFormat** object.
| locale | string | Yes| Valid locale value, for example, **zh-Hans-CN**. The [BreakIterator](#breakiterator8) object segments text according to the rules of the specified locale.|
| locale | string | Yes | Valid locale value, for example, **zh-Hans-CN**. The [BreakIterator](#breakiterator8) object segments text according to the rules of the specified locale.|
- Return value
| Type| Description|
| -------- | -------- |
| [BreakIterator](#breakiterator8) | [BreakIterator](#breakiterator8) object used for text segmentation.|
| index | number | No| Number of text boundaries by which the [BreakIterator](#breakiterator8) object is moved. A positive value indicates that the text boundary is moved backward, and a negative value indicates the opposite. If no index is specified, the index will be treated as **1**.|
| index | number | No | Number of text boundaries by which the [BreakIterator](#breakiterator8) object is moved. A positive value indicates that the text boundary is moved backward, and a negative value indicates the opposite. If no index is specified, the index will be treated as **1**.|
- Return value
| Type| Description|
| -------- | -------- |
| number | Position of the [BreakIterator](#breakiterator8) object in the text after it is moved by the specified number of text boundaries. The value **-1** is returned if the position of the [BreakIterator](#breakiterator8) object is outside of the processed text after it is moved by the specified number of text boundaries.|
| number | Position of the [BreakIterator](#breakiterator8) object in the text after it is moved by the specified number of text boundaries. The value **-1** is returned if the position of the [BreakIterator](#breakiterator8) object is outside of the processed text after it is moved by the specified number of text boundaries.|
- Example
iterator = I18n.getLineInstance("en");
iterator.setLineBreakText("Apple is my favorite fruit.");
@@ -1188,12 +1194,12 @@ Moves the [BreakIterator](#breakiterator8) object to the previous text boundary.
| number | Position of the [BreakIterator](#breakiterator8) object in the text after it is moved to the previous text boundary. The value **-1** is returned if the position of the [BreakIterator](#breakiterator8) object is outside of the processed text after it is moved by the specified number of text boundaries.|
| number | Position of the [BreakIterator](#breakiterator8) object in the text after it is moved to the previous text boundary. The value **-1** is returned if the position of the [BreakIterator](#breakiterator8) object is outside of the processed text after it is moved by the specified number of text boundaries.|
- Example
iterator = I18n.getLineInstance("en");
iterator.setLineBreakText("Apple is my favorite fruit.");
@@ -1211,17 +1217,17 @@ Moves the [BreakIterator](#breakiterator8) object to the text boundary after the
| offset | number | Yes | Offset to the position before the text boundary to which the [BreakIterator](#breakiterator8) object is moved.|
- Return value
| Type| Description|
| -------- | -------- |
| number | The value **-1** is returned if the text boundary to which the [BreakIterator](#breakiterator8) object is moved is outside of the processed text.|
| number | The value **-1** is returned if the text boundary to which the [BreakIterator](#breakiterator8) object is moved is outside of the processed text.|
- Example
iterator = I18n.getLineInstance("en");
iterator.setLineBreakText("Apple is my favorite fruit.");
@@ -1239,17 +1245,17 @@ Checks whether the position specified by the offset is a text boundary. If **tru
| option | boolean | Yes| Whether to enable the 24-hour clock. The value **true** means to enable the 24-hour clock, and the value **false** means the opposite.|
| option | boolean | Yes | Whether to enable the 24-hour clock. The value **true** means to enable the 24-hour clock, and the value **false** means the opposite.|
- Return value
| Type| Description|
| -------- | -------- |
| boolean | Returns **true** if the 24-hour clock is enabled; returns **false** otherwise.|
**Return Value**
| Type | Description |
| ------- | ----------------------------- |
| boolean | Returns **true** if the 24-hour clock is enabled; returns **false** otherwise.|
> - The initial APIs of this module are supported since API version 6. Newly added APIs will be marked with a superscript to indicate their earliest API version.
> - This module contains standard i18n APIs, which are defined in ECMA 402.
@@ -20,18 +20,18 @@ import Intl from '@ohos.intl';
| language | string | Yes| No| Language associated with the locale, for example, **zh**.|
| script | string | Yes| No| Script type of the language, for example, **Hans**.|
| region | string | Yes| No| Region associated with the locale, for example, **CN**.|
| baseName | string | Yes| No| Basic key information about the locale, which consists of the language, script, and region, for example, **zh-Hans-CN**.|
| caseFirst | string | Yes| No| Whether case is taken into account for the locale's collation rules. The value can be **upper**, **lower**, or **false**.|
| calendar | string | Yes| No| Calendar for the locale. The value can be any of the following: **buddhist**, **chinese**, **coptic**, **dangi**, **ethioaa**, **ethiopic**, **gregory**, **hebrew**, **indian**, **islamic**, **islamic-umalqura**, **islamic-tbla**, **islamic-civil**, **islamic-rgsa**, **iso8601**, **japanese**, **persian**, **roc**, **islamicc**.|
| collation | string | Yes| No| Rule for sorting regions. The value can be any of the following: **big5han**, **compat**, **dict**, **direct**, **ducet**, **eor**, **gb2312**, **phonebk**, **phonetic**, **pinyin**, **reformed**, **searchjl**, **stroke**, **trad**, **unihan**, **zhuyin**.|
| hourCycle | string | Yes| No| Time system for the locale. The value can be any of the following: **h12**, **h23**, **h11**, **h24**.|
| numberingSystem | string | Yes| No| Numbering system for the locale. The value can be any of the following: **adlm**, **ahom**, **arab**, **arabext**, **bali**, **beng**, **bhks**, **brah**, **cakm**, **cham**, **deva**, **diak**, **fullwide**, **gong**, **gonm**, **gujr**, **guru**, **hanidec**, **hmng**, **hmnp**, **java**, **kali**, **khmr**, **knda**, **lana**, **lanatham**, **laoo**, **latn**, **lepc**, **limb**, **mathbold**, **mathdbl**, **mathmono**, **mathsanb**, **mathsans**, **mlym**, **modi**, **mong**, **mroo**, **mtei**, **mymr**, **mymrshan**, **mymrtlng**, **newa**, **nkoo**, **olck**, **orya**, **osma**, **rohg**, **saur**, **segment**, **shrd**, **sind**, **sinh**, **sora**, **sund**, **takr**, **talu**, **tamldec**, **telu**, **thai**, **tibt**, **tirh**, **vaii**, **wara**, **wcho**.|
| numeric | boolean | Yes| No| Whether to apply special collation rules for numeric characters.|
| Name | Type | Readable | Writable | Description |
| language | string | Yes | No | Language associated with the locale, for example, **zh**. |
| script | string | Yes | No | Script type of the language, for example, **Hans**. |
| region | string | Yes | No | Region associated with the locale, for example, **CN**. |
| baseName | string | Yes | No | Basic key information about the locale, which consists of the language, script, and region, for example, **zh-Hans-CN**. |
| caseFirst | string | Yes | No | Whether case is taken into account for the locale's collation rules. The value can be **upper**, **lower**, or **false**.|
| calendar | string | Yes | No | Calendar for the locale. The value can be any of the following: **buddhist**, **chinese**, **coptic**, **dangi**, **ethioaa**, **ethiopic**, **gregory**, **hebrew**, **indian**, **islamic**, **islamic-umalqura**, **islamic-tbla**, **islamic-civil**, **islamic-rgsa**, **iso8601**, **japanese**, **persian**, **roc**, **islamicc**.|
| collation | string | Yes | No | Rule for sorting regions. The value can be any of the following: **big5han**, **compat**, **dict**, **direct**, **ducet**, **eor**, **gb2312**, **phonebk**, **phonetic**, **pinyin**, **reformed**, **searchjl**, **stroke**, **trad**, **unihan**, **zhuyin**.|
| hourCycle | string | Yes | No | Time system for the locale. The value can be any of the following: **h12**, **h23**, **h11**, **h24**.|
| numberingSystem | string | Yes | No | Numbering system for the locale. The value can be any of the following: **adlm**, **ahom**, **arab**, **arabext**, **bali**, **beng**, **bhks**, **brah**, **cakm**, **cham**, **deva**, **diak**, **fullwide**, **gong**, **gonm**, **gujr**, **guru**, **hanidec**, **hmng**, **hmnp**, **java**, **kali**, **khmr**, **knda**, **lana**, **lanatham**, **laoo**, **latn**, **lepc**, **limb**, **mathbold**, **mathdbl**, **mathmono**, **mathsanb**, **mathsans**, **mlym**, **modi**, **mong**, **mroo**, **mtei**, **mymr**, **mymrshan**, **mymrtlng**, **newa**, **nkoo**, **olck**, **orya**, **osma**, **rohg**, **saur**, **segment**, **shrd**, **sind**, **sinh**, **sora**, **sund**, **takr**, **talu**, **tamldec**, **telu**, **thai**, **tibt**, **tirh**, **vaii**, **wara**, **wcho**.|
| numeric | boolean | Yes | No | Whether to apply special collation rules for numeric characters. |
| calendar | string | Yes| Yes| Calendar for the locale. The calue can be any of the following: **buddhist**, **chinese**, **coptic**, **dangi**, **ethioaa**, **ethiopic**, **gregory**, **hebrew**, **indian**, **islamic**, **islamic-umalqura**, **islamic-tbla**, **islamic-civil**, **islamic-rgsa**, **iso8601**, **japanese**, **persian**, **roc**, **islamicc**.|
| collation | string | Yes| Yes| Collation rule. The value can be any of the following: **big5han**, **compat**, **dict**, **direct**, **ducet**, **emoji**, **eor**, **gb2312**, **phonebk**, **phonetic**, **pinyin**, **reformed**, **search**, **searchjl**, **standard**, **stroke**, **trad**, **unihan**, **zhuyin**.|
| hourCycle | string | Yes| Yes| Time system for the locale. The value can be any of the following: **h11**, **h12**, **h23**, **h24**.|
| numberingSystem | string | Yes| Yes| Numbering system for the locale. The value can be any of the following: **adlm**, **ahom**, **arab**, **arabext**, **bali**, **beng**, **bhks**, **brah**, **cakm**, **cham**, **deva**, **diak**, **fullwide**, **gong**, **gonm**, **gujr**, **guru**, **hanidec**, **hmng**, **hmnp**, **java**, **kali**, **khmr**, **knda**, **lana**, **lanatham**, **laoo**, **latn**, **lepc**, **limb**, **mathbold**, **mathdbl**, **mathmono**, **mathsanb**, **mathsans**, **mlym**, **modi**, **mong**, **mroo**, **mtei**, **mymr**, **mymrshan**, **mymrtlng**, **newa**, **nkoo**, **olck**, **orya**, **osma**, **rohg**, **saur**, **segment**, **shrd**, **sind**, **sinh**, **sora**, **sund**, **takr**, **talu**, **tamldec**, **telu**, **thai**, **tibt**, **tirh**, **vaii**, **wara**, **wcho**.|
| numeric | boolean | Yes| Yes| Whether to use the 12-hour clock.|
| caseFirst | string | Yes| Yes| Whether upper case or lower case is sorted first. The value can be **upper**, **lower**, or **false**.|
| Name | Type | Readable | Writable | Description |
| calendar | string | Yes | Yes | Calendar for the locale. The calue can be any of the following: **buddhist**, **chinese**, **coptic**, **dangi**, **ethioaa**, **ethiopic**, **gregory**, **hebrew**, **indian**, **islamic**, **islamic-umalqura**, **islamic-tbla**, **islamic-civil**, **islamic-rgsa**, **iso8601**, **japanese**, **persian**, **roc**, **islamicc**.|
| collation | string | Yes | Yes | Collation rule. The value can be any of the following: **big5han**, **compat**, **dict**, **direct**, **ducet**, **emoji**, **eor**, **gb2312**, **phonebk**, **phonetic**, **pinyin**, **reformed**,**search**, **searchjl**, **standard**, **stroke**, **trad**, **unihan**, **zhuyin**.|
| hourCycle | string | Yes | Yes | Time system for the locale. The value can be any of the following: **h11**, **h12**, **h23**, **h24**.|
| numberingSystem | string | Yes | Yes | Numbering system for the locale. The value can be any of the following: **adlm**, **ahom**, **arab**, **arabext**, **bali**, **beng**, **bhks**, **brah**, **cakm**, **cham**, **deva**, **diak**, **fullwide**, **gong**, **gonm**, **gujr**, **guru**, **hanidec**, **hmng**, **hmnp**, **java**, **kali**, **khmr**, **knda**, **lana**, **lanatham**, **laoo**, **latn**, **lepc**, **limb**, **mathbold**, **mathdbl**, **mathmono**, **mathsanb**, **mathsans**, **mlym**, **modi**, **mong**, **mroo**, **mtei**, **mymr**, **mymrshan**, **mymrtlng**, **newa**, **nkoo**, **olck**, **orya**, **osma**, **rohg**, **saur**, **segment**, **shrd**, **sind**, **sinh**, **sora**, **sund**, **takr**, **talu**, **tamldec**, **telu**, **thai**, **tibt**, **tirh**, **vaii**, **wara**, **wcho**.|
| numeric | boolean | Yes | Yes | Whether to use the 12-hour clock. |
| caseFirst | string | Yes | Yes | Whether upper case or lower case is sorted first. The value can be **upper**, **lower**, or **false**.|
## DateTimeFormat
@@ -155,7 +155,7 @@ Creates a **DateTimeOptions** object for the specified locale.
| locale | string | Yes | No | Locale, for example, **zh-Hans-CN**. |
| dateStyle | string | Yes | Yes | Date display format. The value can be **long**, **short**, **medium**, or **full**.|
| timeStyle | string | Yes | Yes | Time display format. The value can be **long**, **short**, **medium**, or **full**.|
| hourCycle | string | Yes | Yes | Time system for the locale. The value can be any of the following: **h11**, **h12**, **h23**, **h24**.|
| timeZone | string | Yes | Yes | Time zone represented by a valid IANA time zone ID. |
| numberingSystem | string | Yes | Yes | Numbering system for the locale. The value can be any of the following: **adlm**, **ahom**, **arab**, **arabext**, **bali**, **beng**, **bhks**, **brah**, **cakm**, **cham**, **deva**, **diak**, **fullwide**, **gong**, **gonm**, **gujr**, **guru**, **hanidec**, **hmng**, **hmnp**, **java**, **kali**, **khmr**, **knda**, **lana**, **lanatham**, **laoo**, **latn**, **lepc**, **limb**, **mathbold**, **mathdbl**, **mathmono**, **mathsanb**, **mathsans**, **mlym**, **modi**, **mong**, **mroo**, **mtei**, **mymr**, **mymrshan**, **mymrtlng**, **newa**, **nkoo**, **olck**, **orya**, **osma**, **rohg**, **saur**, **segment**, **shrd**, **sind**, **sinh**, **sora**, **sund**, **takr**, **talu**, **tamldec**, **telu**, **thai**, **tibt**, **tirh**, **vaii**, **wara**, **wcho**.|
| hour12 | boolean | Yes | Yes | Whether to use the 12-hour clock. |
| weekday | string | Yes | Yes | Workday display format. The value can be **long**, **short**, or **narrow**.|
| era | string | Yes | Yes | Era display format. The value can be **long**, **short**, or **narrow**.|
| year | string | Yes | Yes | Year display format. The value can be **numeric** or **2-digit**. |
| month | string | Yes | Yes | Month display format. The value can be any of the following: **numeric**, **2-digit**, **long**, **short**, **narrow**.|
| day | string | Yes | Yes | Day display format. The value can be **numeric** or **2-digit**. |
| hour | string | Yes | Yes | Hour display format. The value can be **numeric** or **2-digit**. |
| minute | string | Yes | Yes | Minute display format. The value can be **numeric** or **2-digit**. |
| second | string | Yes | Yes | Seconds display format. The value can be **numeric** or **2-digit**. |
| timeZoneName | string | Yes | Yes | Localized representation of a time zone name. |
| dayPeriod | string | Yes | Yes | Time period display format. The value can be **long**, **short**, or **narrow**.|
| localeMatcher | string | Yes | Yes | Locale matching algorithm. The value can be **lookup** or **best fit**.|
| formatMatcher | string | Yes | Yes | Format matching algorithm. The value can be **basic** or **best fit**.|
## NumberFormat
@@ -301,7 +301,7 @@ Creates a **NumberFormat** object for the specified locale.
| locale | string | Yes| No| Locale, for example, **zh-Hans-CN**.|
| currency | string | Yes| Yes| Currency unit, for example, **EUR**, **CNY**, or **USD**.|
| currencySign | string | Yes| Yes| Currency unit symbol. The value can be **symbol**, **narrowSymbol**, **code**, or **name**.|
| currencyDisplay | string | Yes| Yes| Currency display mode. The value can be **symbol**, **narrowSymbol**, **code**, or **name**.|
| unit | string | Yes| Yes| Unit name, for example, **meter**, **inch**, or **hectare**.|
| unitDisplay | string | Yes| Yes| Unit display format. The value can be **long**, **short**, or **medium**.|
| unitUsage | string | Yes| Yes| Unit usage scenario. The value can be any of the following: **default**, **area-land-agricult**, **area-land-commercl**, **area-land-residntl**, **length-person**, **length-person-small**, **length-rainfall**, **length-road**, **length-road-small**, **length-snowfall**, **length-vehicle**, **length-visiblty**, **length-visiblty-small**, **length-person-informal**, **length-person-small-informal**, **length-road-informal**, **speed-road-travel**, **speed-wind**, **temperature-person**, **temperature-weather**, **volume-vehicle-fuel**.|
| signDisplay | string | Yes| Yes| Number sign display format. The value can be **auto**, **never**, **always**, or **expectZero**.|
| compactDisplay | string | Yes| Yes| Compact display format. The value can be **long** or **short**.|
| notation | string | Yes| Yes| Number formatting specification. The value can be **standard**, **scientific**, **engineering**, or **compact**.|
| localeMatcher | string | Yes| Yes| Locale matching algorithm. The value can be **lookup** or **best fit**.|
| style | string | Yes| Yes| Number display format. The value can be **decimal**, **currency**, **percent**, or **unit**.|
| numberingSystem | string | Yes| Yes| Numbering system for the locale. The value can be any of the following: **adlm**, **ahom**, **arab**, **arabext**, **bali**, **beng**, **bhks**, **brah**, **cakm**, **cham**, **deva**, **diak**, **fullwide**, **gong**, **gonm**, **gujr**, **guru**, **hanidec**, **hmng**, **hmnp**, **java**, **kali**, **khmr**, **knda**, **lana**, **lanatham**, **laoo**, **latn**, **lepc**, **limb**, **mathbold**, **mathdbl**, **mathmono**, **mathsanb**, **mathsans**, **mlym**, **modi**, **mong**, **mroo**, **mtei**, **mymr**, **mymrshan**, **mymrtlng**, **newa**, **nkoo**, **olck**, **orya**, **osma**, **rohg**, **saur**, **segment**, **shrd**, **sind**, **sinh**, **sora**, **sund**, **takr**, **talu**, **tamldec**, **telu**, **thai**, **tibt**, **tirh**, **vaii**, **wara**, **wcho**.|
| useGrouping | boolean | Yes| Yes| Whether to use grouping for display.|
| minimumIntegerDigits | number | Yes| Yes| Minimum number of digits allowed in the integer part of a number. The value ranges from **1** to **21**.|
| minimumFractionDigits | number | Yes| Yes| Minimum number of digits in the fraction part of a number. The value ranges from **0** to **20**.|
| maximumFractionDigits | number | Yes| Yes| Maximum number of digits in the fraction part of a number. The value ranges from **1** to **21**.|
| minimumSignificantDigits | number | Yes| Yes| Minimum number of the least significant digits. The value ranges from **1** to **21**.|
| maximumSignificantDigits | number | Yes| Yes| Maximum number of the least significant digits. The value ranges from **1** to **21**.|
| Name | Type | Readable | Writable | Description |
| locale | string | Yes | No | Locale, for example, **zh-Hans-CN**. |
| currency | string | Yes | Yes | Currency unit, for example, **EUR**, **CNY**, or **USD**. |
| currencySign | string | Yes | Yes | Currency unit symbol. The value can be **symbol**, **narrowSymbol**, **code**, or **name**.|
| currencyDisplay | string | Yes | Yes | Currency display mode. The value can be **symbol**, **narrowSymbol**, **code**, or **name**.|
| unit | string | Yes | Yes | Unit name, for example, **meter**, **inch**, or **hectare**. |
| unitDisplay | string | Yes | Yes | Unit display format. The value can be **long**, **short**, or **medium**.|
| unitUsage | string | Yes | Yes | Unit usage scenario. The value can be any of the following: **default**, **area-land-agricult**, **area-land-commercl**, **area-land-residntl**, **length-person**, **length-person-small**, **length-rainfall**, **length-road**, **length-road-small**, **length-snowfall**, **length-vehicle**, **length-visiblty**, **length-visiblty-small**, **length-person-informal**, **length-person-small-informal**, **length-road-informal**, **speed-road-travel**, **speed-wind**, **temperature-person**, **temperature-weather**, **volume-vehicle-fuel**.|
| signDisplay | string | Yes | Yes | Number sign display format. The value can be **auto**, **never**, **always**, or **expectZero**.|
| compactDisplay | string | Yes | Yes | Compact display format. The value can be **long** or **short**. |
| notation | string | Yes | Yes | Number formatting specification. The value can be **standard**, **scientific**, **engineering**, or **compact**.|
| localeMatcher | string | Yes | Yes | Locale matching algorithm. The value can be **lookup** or **best fit**.|
| style | string | Yes | Yes | Number display format. The value can be **decimal**, **currency**, **percent**, or **unit**.|
| numberingSystem | string | Yes | Yes | Numbering system for the locale. The value can be any of the following: **adlm**, **ahom**, **arab**, **arabext**, **bali**, **beng**, **bhks**, **brah**, **cakm**, **cham**, **deva**, **diak**, **fullwide**, **gong**, **gonm**, **gujr**, **guru**, **hanidec**, **hmng**, **hmnp**, **java**, **kali**, **khmr**, **knda**, **lana**, **lanatham**, **laoo**, **latn**, **lepc**, **limb**, **mathbold**, **mathdbl**, **mathmono**, **mathsanb**, **mathsans**, **mlym**, **modi**, **mong**, **mroo**, **mtei**, **mymr**, **mymrshan**, **mymrtlng**, **newa**, **nkoo**, **olck**, **orya**, **osma**, **rohg**, **saur**, **segment**, **shrd**, **sind**, **sinh**, **sora**, **sund**, **takr**, **talu**, **tamldec**, **telu**, **thai**, **tibt**, **tirh**, **vaii**, **wara**, **wcho**.|
| useGrouping | boolean | Yes | Yes | Whether to use grouping for display. |
| minimumIntegerDigits | number | Yes | Yes | Minimum number of digits allowed in the integer part of a number. The value ranges from **1** to **21**. |
| minimumFractionDigits | number | Yes | Yes | Minimum number of digits in the fraction part of a number. The value ranges from **0** to **20**. |
| maximumFractionDigits | number | Yes | Yes | Maximum number of digits in the fraction part of a number. The value ranges from **1** to **21**. |
| minimumSignificantDigits | number | Yes | Yes | Minimum number of the least significant digits. The value ranges from **1** to **21**. |
| maximumSignificantDigits | number | Yes | Yes | Maximum number of the least significant digits. The value ranges from **1** to **21**. |
| second | string | Yes| Second string to compare.|
| Name | Type | Mandatory | Description |
| ------ | ------ | ---- | ------------ |
| first | string | Yes | First string to compare. |
| second | string | Yes | Second string to compare.|
- Return value
| Type| Description|
| -------- | -------- |
| number | Comparison result. If the value is a negative number, the first string is before the second string. If the value of number is **0**, the first string is equal to the second string. If the value of number is a positive number, the first string is after the second string.|
| number | Comparison result. If the value is a negative number, the first string is before the second string. If the value of number is **0**, the first string is equal to the second string. If the value of number is a positive number, the first string is after the second string.|
- Example
var collator = new Intl.Collator("zh-Hans");
collator.compare("first", "second");
@@ -475,12 +475,12 @@ Returns properties reflecting the locale and collation options of a **Collator**
| localeMatcher | string | Yes| Yes| Locale matching algorithm. The value can be **lookup** or **best fit**.|
| usage | string | Yes| Yes| Whether the comparison is for sorting or for searching. The value can be **sort** or **search**.|
| sensitivity | string | Yes| Yes| Differences in the strings that lead to non-zero return values. The value can be **base**, **accent**, **case**, or **variant**.|
| ignorePunctuation | boolean | Yes| Yes| Whether punctuation is ignored. The value can be **true** or **false**.|
| collation | string | Yes| Yes| Rule for sorting regions. The value can be any of the following: **big5han**, **compat**, **dict**, **direct**, **ducet**, **eor**, **gb2312**, **phonebk**, **phonetic**, **pinyin**, **reformed**, **searchjl**, **stroke**, **trad**, **unihan**, **zhuyin**.|
| numeric | boolean | Yes| Yes| Whether numeric collation is used. The value can be **true** or **false**.|
| caseFirst | string | Yes| Yes| Whether upper case or lower case is sorted first. The value can be **upper**, **lower**, or **false**.|
| Name | Type | Readable | Writable | Description |
| localeMatcher | string | Yes | Yes | Locale matching algorithm. The value can be **lookup** or **best fit**.|
| usage | string | Yes | Yes | Whether the comparison is for sorting or for searching. The value can be **sort** or **search**. |
| sensitivity | string | Yes | Yes | Differences in the strings that lead to non-zero return values. The value can be **base**, **accent**, **case**, or **variant**.|
| ignorePunctuation | boolean | Yes | Yes | Whether punctuation is ignored. The value can be **true** or **false**. |
| collation | string | Yes | Yes | Rule for sorting regions. The value can be any of the following: **big5han**, **compat**, **dict**, **direct**, **ducet**, **eor**, **gb2312**, **phonebk**, **phonetic**, **pinyin**, **reformed**, **searchjl**, **stroke**, **trad**, **unihan**, **zhuyin**.|
| numeric | boolean | Yes | Yes | Whether numeric collation is used. The value can be **true** or **false**. |
| caseFirst | string | Yes | Yes | Whether upper case or lower case is sorted first. The value can be **upper**, **lower**, or **false**.|
## PluralRules<sup>8+</sup>
@@ -515,7 +515,7 @@ Create a **PluralRules** object.
| localeMatcher | string | Yes | Yes | Locale matching algorithm. The value can be **lookup** or **best fit**.|
| type | string | Yes | Yes | Sorting type. The value can be **cardinal** or **ordinal**. |
| minimumIntegerDigits | number | Yes | Yes | Minimum number of digits allowed in the integer part of a number. The value ranges from **1** to **21**. |
| minimumFractionDigits | number | Yes | Yes | Minimum number of digits in the fraction part of a number. The value ranges from **0** to **20**. |
| maximumFractionDigits | number | Yes | Yes | Maximum number of digits in the fraction part of a number. The value ranges from **1** to **21**. |
| minimumSignificantDigits | number | Yes | Yes | Minimum number of the least significant digits. The value ranges from **1** to **21**. |
| maximumSignificantDigits | number | Yes | Yes | Maximum number of the least significant digits. The value ranges from **1** to **21**. |
## RelativeTimeFormat<sup>8+</sup>
@@ -594,7 +594,7 @@ Creates a **RelativeTimeFormat** object.
| unit | string | Yes| Unit to format. The value can be any of the following: **year**, **quarter**, **month**, **week**, **day**, **hour**, **minute**, **second**.|
| unit | string | Yes | Unit to format. The value can be any of the following: **year**, **quarter**, **month**, **week**, **day**, **hour**, **minute**, **second**.|
- Return value
| Type| Description|
| -------- | -------- |
| string | Relative time after formatting.|
**Return Value**
| Type | Description |
| ------ | ---------- |
| string | Relative time after formatting.|
- Example
var relativetimefmt = new Intl.RelativeTimeFormat("zh-CN");
relativetimefmt.format(3, "quarter")
@@ -648,24 +648,24 @@ Formats the value and unit based on the specified locale and formatting options.
| unit | string | Yes| Unit to format. The value can be any of the following: **year**, **quarter**, **month**, **week**, **day**, **hour**, **minute**, **second**.|
| unit | string | Yes | Unit to format. The value can be any of the following: **year**, **quarter**, **month**, **week**, **day**, **hour**, **minute**, **second**.|
- Return value
| Type| Description|
| -------- | -------- |
| Array<object> | An array of **RelativeTimeFormat** objects in parts.|
> The initial APIs of this module are supported since API version 6. Newly added APIs will be marked with a superscript to indicate their earliest API version.
The Update module applies to updates throughout the entire system, including built-in resources and preset applications, but not third-party applications.
@@ -30,15 +30,15 @@ Obtains the **Updater** object for local update.