| height | number | No| 32 | Height of the sidebar control button.|
| height | number | No| 32 | Height of the sidebar control button.|
| icons | {<br>shown: string \| PixelMap \|[Resource](../../ui/ts-types.md) ,<br>hidden: string \| PixelMap \|[Resource](../../ui/ts-types.md) ,<br>switching?: string \| PixelMap \|[Resource](../../ui/ts-types.md)<br>} | No| - | Icons of the sidebar control button.<br></p> - **shown**: icon of the control button when the sidebar is shown.<br>- **hidden**: icon of the control button when the sidebar is hidden.<br>- **switching**: icon of the control button when the sidebar is switching between the shown and hidden states.|
| icons | {<br>shown: string \| PixelMap \|[Resource](../../ui/ts-types.md) ,<br>hidden: string \| PixelMap \|[Resource](../../ui/ts-types.md) ,<br>switching?: string \| PixelMap \|[Resource](../../ui/ts-types.md)<br>} | No| - | Icons of the sidebar control button.<br></p> - **shown**: icon of the control button when the sidebar is shown.<br>- **hidden**: icon of the control button when the sidebar is hidden.<br>- **switching**: icon of the control button when the sidebar is switching between the shown and hidden states.|
- SideBarPosition<sup>9+</sup>
| Name| Description|
| -------- | -------- |
| Start | The sidebar is on the left side of the container.|
| End | The sidebar is on the right side of the container.|
| onChange(callback: (value: boolean) => void) | Triggered when the status of the sidebar switches between shown and hidden. <p>The value **true** means that the sidebar is shown, and **false** means the opposite.|
| onChange(callback: (value: boolean) => void) | Triggered when the status of the sidebar switches between shown and hidden. <p>The value **true** means that the sidebar is shown, and **false** means the opposite.|