The **EnterpriseAdminExtentionAbility** module provides APIs for Extension abilities of enterprise administrators.
> **NOTE**
> The initial APIs of this module are supported since API version 9. Newly added APIs will be marked with a superscript to indicate their earliest API version.
> The APIs of this module can be used only in the stage model.
The **AbilityManager** module provides APIs for obtaining, adding, and modifying ability running information and state information.
> **NOTE**
> The initial APIs of this module are supported since API version 8. Newly added APIs will be marked with a superscript to indicate their earliest API version.
> The APIs of this module are system APIs and cannot be called by third-party applications.
> The initial APIs of this module are supported since API version 7. Newly added APIs will be marked with a superscript to indicate their earliest API version.
| process | string | Yes | No | Process in which the application runs. If this parameter is not set, the bundle name is used.|
| process | string | Yes | No | Process in which the application runs. If this parameter is not set, the bundle name is used.|
| supportedModes | number | Yes | No | Running modes supported by the application. |
| moduleSourceDirs | Array\<string> | Yes | No | Relative paths for storing application resources. |
| permissions | Array\<string> | Yes | No | Permissions required for accessing the application. |
@@ -34,9 +31,11 @@ Provides the application information.
| entryDir | string | Yes | No | Path for storing application files. |
| codePath<sup>8+</sup> | string | Yes | No | Installation directory of the application. |
| metaData<sup>8+</sup> | Map\<string, Array\<[CustomizeData](>> | Yes | No | Custom metadata of the application. |
| metaData<sup>9+</sup> | Map\<string, Array\<[Metadata](>> | Yes | No | Metadata of the application. |
| metadata<sup>9+</sup> | Map\<string, Array\<[Metadata](>> | Yes | No | Metadata of the application. |
| removable<sup>8+</sup> | boolean | Yes | No | Whether the application is removable. |
| accessTokenId<sup>8+</sup> | number | Yes | No | Access token ID of the application. |
| uid<sup>8+</sup> | number | Yes | No | UID of the application. |
| entityType<sup>8+</sup> | string | Yes | No | Entity type of the application. |
| fingerprint<sup>9+</sup> | string | Yes | No | Signing certificate fingerprint of the application, that is, the SHA-256 checksum of the signing certificate that you apply for for the application. |
| fingerprint<sup>9+</sup> | string | Yes | No | Signing certificate fingerprint of the application, that is, the SHA-256 checksum of the signing certificate that you request for the application.|
| appDistributionType<sup>9+</sup> | string | Yes | No | Distribution type of the application signing certificate. The options are **app_gallery**, **enterprise**, **os_integration**, and **crowdtesting**. |
| appProvisionType<sup>9+</sup> | string | Yes | No | Type of the application signing certificate file. The options are **debug** and **release**.|
> The initial APIs of this module are supported since API version 7. Newly added APIs will be marked with a superscript to indicate their earliest API version.
> The initial APIs of this module are supported since API version 7. Newly added APIs will be marked with a superscript to indicate their earliest API version.
> The initial APIs of this module are supported since API version 7. Newly added APIs will be marked with a superscript to indicate their earliest API version.
> The initial APIs of this module are supported since API version 9. Newly added APIs will be marked with a superscript to indicate their earliest API version.
> The initial APIs of this module are supported since API version 7. Newly added APIs will be marked with a superscript to indicate their earliest API version.
@@ -35,4 +36,4 @@ Provides the HAP module information.
| mainElementName<sup>9+</sup> | string | Yes | No | Information about the main ability. |
| extensionAbilityInfo<sup>9+</sup> | Array\<[ExtensionAbilityInfo](> | Yes | No | Information about the Extension ability.|
| metadata<sup>9+</sup> | Array\<[Metadata](> | Yes | No | Metadata of the ability. |
| hashValue<sup>9+</sup> | string | Yes | No | The hash value of the module. |
\ No newline at end of file
| hashValue<sup>9+</sup> | string | Yes | No | Hash value of the module. |
> The initial APIs of this module are supported since API version 9. Newly added APIs will be marked with a superscript to indicate their earliest API version.
> **NOTE**
> The initial APIs of this module are supported since API version 8. Newly added APIs will be marked with a superscript to indicate their earliest API version.
> The initial APIs of this module are supported since API version 7. Newly added APIs will be marked with a superscript to indicate their earliest API version.
Provides the module information of the application.
@@ -12,17 +12,17 @@ WebGL helps you process graphics at the frontend, for example, drawing color gra
| API| Description|
| -------- | -------- |
| canvas.getContext | Obtains the canvas context.|
| webgl.createBuffer(): WebGLBuffer \| null | Creates and initializes a WebGL buffer.|
| webgl.bindBuffer(target: GLenum, buffer: WebGLBuffer \| null): void | Binds the WebGL buffer to the target.|
| webgl.bufferData(target: GLenum, srcData: ArrayBufferView, usage: GLenum, srcOffset: GLuint, length?: GLuint): void | Creates and initializes the WebGL buffer object's data store.|
| webgl.getAttribLocation(program: WebGLProgram, name: string): GLint | Obtains the address of the **attribute** variable in the shader from the given WebGLProgram.|
| webgl.vertexAttribPointer(index: GLuint, size: GLint, type: GLenum, normalized: GLboolean, stride: GLsizei, offset: GLintptr): void | Assigns a **Buffer** object to a variable.|
| webgl.enableVertexAttribArray(index: GLuint): void | Connects a variable to the **Buffer** object allocated to it.|
| webgl.clearColor(red: GLclampf, green: GLclampf, blue: GLclampf, alpha: GLclampf): void | Clears the specified color on the **\<canvas>** component.|
| webgl.clear(mask: GLbitfield): void | Clears the **\<canvas>** component.|
| webgl.drawArrays(mode: GLenum, first: GLint, count: GLsizei): void | Draws data.|
| webgl.flush(): void | Flushes data to the GPU and clears the buffer.|
| webgl.createProgram(): WebGLProgram \| null | Creates a **WebGLProgram** object.|
| webgl.createBuffer(): WebGLBuffer \|null | Creates and initializes a WebGL buffer.|
| webgl.bindBuffer(target: GLenum, buffer: WebGLBuffer \| null): void | Binds the WebGL buffer to the target.|
| webgl.bufferData(target: GLenum, srcData: ArrayBufferView, usage: GLenum, srcOffset: GLuint, length?: GLuint): void | Creates and initializes the WebGL buffer object's data store.|
| webgl.getAttribLocation(program: WebGLProgram, name: string): GLint | Obtains the address of the **attribute** variable in the shader from the given WebGLProgram.|
| webgl.vertexAttribPointer(index GLuint, size: GLint, type: GLenum, normalized: GLboolean, stride: GLsizei, offset: GLintptr): void | Assigns a **Buffer** object to a variable.|
| webgl.enableVertexAttribArray(index: GLuint): void | Connects a variable to the **Buffer** object allocated to it.|
| webgl.clearColor(red: GLclampf, green:GLclampf, blue: GLclampf, alpha: GLclampf): void | Clears the specified color on the **\<canvas>** component.|
| webgl.clear(mask: GLbitfield): void | Clears the **\<canvas>** component.|
| webgl.drawArrays(mode: GLenum, first:;GLint, count: GLsizei): void | Draws data.|
| webgl.flush():void | Flushes data to the GPU and clears the buffer.|
| webgl.createProgram(): WebGLProgram \|null | Creates a **WebGLProgram** object.|
## How to Develop
@@ -699,3 +699,9 @@ To use WebGL to draw a color triangle (GPU drawing), perform the following steps
**Figure 2** Effect of clicking the button to draw a color triangle
@@ -121,7 +121,7 @@ Although uint64\_t has a fixed length, **sizeof(Foo)** is different due to align
| double | 8 | 8 | %lf | Used for double-precision floating point numbers.|
| bool | 1 | 1 | %d | Used for Boolean.|
| uintptr_t | **4** | **8** | %zu | Used for pointer storage. Different lengths are defined for 32- and 64-bit OSs.|
| type * | **4** | **8** | %p | Variable-length type. It is equivalent to uintptr_t, which is recommended for type conversion.|
| type \* | **4** | **8** | %p | Variable-length type. It is equivalent to uintptr_t, which is recommended for type conversion.|
| nullptr_t | **4** | **8** | %p | Used for pointer initialization.|
| pid_t | 4 | 4 | %d | Built-in for the Linux kernel. It has a fixed length.|
| socklen_t | 4 | 4 | %u | Built-in for the Linux kernel. It has a fixed length.|
@@ -353,13 +353,13 @@ p = (int32_t *)malloc(sizeof(p) * ELEMENTS_NUMBER);
#pragma pack(push) # Save the current alignment mode.
#pragma pack(1) # Set the alignment mode to 1-byte alignment.
#pragma pack(push) // Save the current alignment mode.
#pragma pack(1) // Set the alignment mode to 1-byte alignment.
#pragma pack(pop) # Restore the previous alignment mode.
#pragma pack(pop) // Restore the previous alignment mode.
#### [Rule] Uniform the message structures related to multi-device communication. For compatibility purposes, 1-byte alignment is preferred. Do not use 8-byte alignment or 64-bit data types to avoid errors during communication with a 32-bit OS.
@@ -492,9 +492,9 @@ printf("t2 = %lu\n", t2);
t1 is a signed negative 32-bit number, which must be extended with signs. The most significant bits of the negative number are all fs, and the value after extension is 0xffffffffffffffff. t2 is an unsigned 64-bit number, the value of which is a large positive number.
#### [Rule] When a pointer is used as the base address and the offset is calculated by byte, the pointer must be forcibly converted to a single-byte pointer such as uintptr_t or uint8_t *.
#### [Rule] When a pointer is used as the base address and the offset is calculated by byte, the pointer must be forcibly converted to a single-byte pointer such as uintptr_t or uint8_t \*.
[Description] If the pointer is converted to an integer of the uint32_t type, the pointer may be truncated. This will not occur if the pointer is converted to uintptr_t. The pointer can also be converted to a single-byte pointer such as uint8_t * and char *. In this case, the offset is considered as bytes. A one-byte offset will be carried out for the void * type. To clarify the type, you are advised to use the type that is more specific.
[Description] If the pointer is converted to an integer of the uint32_t type, the pointer may be truncated. This will not occur if the pointer is converted to uintptr_t. The pointer can also be converted to a single-byte pointer such as uint8_t \* and char \*. In this case, the offset is considered as bytes. A one-byte offset will be carried out for the void \* type. To clarify the type, you are advised to use the type that is more specific.
@@ -503,13 +503,13 @@ t1 is a signed negative 32-bit number, which must be extended with signs. The mo
void*pPkt=(void*)((uintptr_t)MSG_GET_DATA_ADDR(msgAddr)+OFFSET);// C
void*pPkt=(void*)((uintptr_t)MSG_GET_DATA_ADDR(msgAddr)+OFFSET);// C
void*pPkt=reinterpret_cast<void*>(reinterpret_cast<uintptr_t>(MSG_GET_DATA_ADDR(msgAddr))+OFFSET);// C++
#### [Rule] Mutual assignment is forbidden between pointers and uint32_t, including function parameter passing.
[Description] If the variable to be defined is a length-variable pointer, use void *. If the variable to be defined is a pointer or an integer, use uintptr_t.
[Description] If the variable to be defined is a length-variable pointer, use void \*. If the variable to be defined is a pointer or an integer, use uintptr_t.
[Example] Conversion between pointers and integers