diff --git a/en/application-dev/reference/apis/js-apis-device-manager.md b/en/application-dev/reference/apis/js-apis-device-manager.md
index 93ab553ef10e531fea0b2d0871b65183d22bf6fa..8c27495f208ad620ed6e104fb19c958350805c1e 100644
--- a/en/application-dev/reference/apis/js-apis-device-manager.md
+++ b/en/application-dev/reference/apis/js-apis-device-manager.md
@@ -1,11 +1,22 @@
# Device Management
->  **NOTE**
+The **DeviceManager** module provides APIs for distributed device management.
+System applications can call the APIs to do the following:
+- Subscribe to or unsubscribe from device state changes.
+- Discover peripheral untrusted devices.
+- Authenticate or deauthenticate a device.
+- Query the trusted device list.
+- Query local device information, including the device name, type, and ID.
+> **NOTE**
> - The initial APIs of this module are supported since API version 7. Newly added APIs will be marked with a superscript to indicate their earliest API version.
> - The APIs of this module are system APIs and cannot be called by third-party applications.
-## Modules to import:
+## Modules to Import
import deviceManager from '@ohos.distributedHardware.deviceManager';
@@ -21,10 +32,10 @@ Creates a **DeviceManager** instance.
**System capability**: SystemCapability.DistributedHardware.DeviceManager
- **Parameters**
- | Name| Type| Mandatory| Description|
- | -------- | -------- | -------- | -------- |
- | bundleName | string | Yes| Bundle name of the application.|
- | callback | AsyncCallback<[DeviceManager](#devicemanager)> | Yes| Callback invoked to return the **DeviceManager** instance created.|
+ | Name | Type | Mandatory | Description |
+ | ---------- | ---------------------------------------- | ---- | ------------------------------------ |
+ | bundleName | string | Yes | Bundle name of an application. |
+ | callback | AsyncCallback<[DeviceManager](#devicemanager)> | Yes | Callback used to return the **DeviceManager** instance created.|
- Example
@@ -34,10 +45,40 @@ Creates a **DeviceManager** instance.
console.info("createDeviceManager success");
- this.dmInstance = data;
+ let dmInstance = data;
+## DeviceInfo
+Defines device information.
+**System capability**: SystemCapability.DistributedHardware.DeviceManager
+| Name | Type | Mandatory | Description |
+| ---------------------- | ------------------------- | ---- | -------- |
+| deviceId | string | Yes | Unique identifier of a device.|
+| deviceName | string | Yes | Device name. |
+| deviceType | [DeviceType](#devicetype) | Yes | Device type. |
+| networkId8+ | string | Yes | Network ID of the device. |
+## DeviceType
+Enumerates the device types.
+**System capability**: SystemCapability.DistributedHardware.DeviceManager
+| Name | Default Value | Description |
+| ------------ | ---- | ---- |
+| SPEAKER | 0x0A | Smart speaker.|
+| PHONE | 0x0E | Phone. |
+| TABLET | 0x11 | Tablet. |
+| WEARABLE | 0x6D | Wearable.|
+| TV | 0x9C | Smart TV. |
+| CAR | 0x83 | Car. |
+| UNKNOWN_TYPE | 0 | Unknown device type.|
## DeviceStateChangeAction
@@ -45,42 +86,103 @@ Enumerates the device states.
**System capability**: SystemCapability.DistributedHardware.DeviceManager
-| Name| Default Value| Description|
-| -------- | -------- | -------- |
-| ONLINE | 0 | The device is online.|
-| READY | 1 | The device is ready, and the device information has been synchronized.|
-| OFFLINE | 2 | The device is offline.|
-| CHANGE | 3 | The device information is changed.|
+| Name | Default Value | Description |
+| ------- | ---- | --------------- |
+| ONLINE | 0 | The device is online. |
+| READY | 1 | The device is ready, and the device information has been synchronized.|
+| OFFLINE | 2 | The device is offline. |
+| CHANGE | 3 | The device information is changed. |
+## SubscribeInfo
-## DeviceType
+Defines subscription information.
-Enumerates the device types.
+**System capability**: SystemCapability.DistributedHardware.DeviceManager
+| Name | Type | Mandatory | Description |
+| ------------- | --------------------------------- | ---- | ----------------- |
+| subscribeId | number | Yes | Subscription ID, used to identify a device discovery period.|
+| mode | [DiscoverMode ](#discovermode) | No | Device discovery mode. |
+| medium | [ExchangeMedium](#exchangemedium) | No | Medium used for device discovery. |
+| freq | [ExchangeFreq](#exchangefreq) | No | Frequency of device discovery. |
+| isSameAccount | boolean | No | Whether the same account is used on the discovered device. |
+| isWakeRemote | boolean | No | Whether to wake up the discovered device. |
+| capability | [SubscribeCap](#subscribecap) | No | Discovery capability. |
+## DiscoverMode
+Enumerates the device discovery modes.
**System capability**: SystemCapability.DistributedHardware.DeviceManager
-| Name| Default Value| Description|
-| -------- | -------- | -------- |
-| SPEAKER | 0x0A | Smart speaker.|
-| PHONE | 0x0E | Phone.|
-| TABLET | 0x11 | Tablet.|
-| WEARABLE | 0x6D | Wearable.|
-| TV | 0x9C | Smart TV.|
-| CAR | 0x83 | Car.|
-| UNKNOWN_TYPE | 0 | Unknown device type.|
+| Name | Default Value | Description |
+| --------------------- | ---- | ----- |
+| DISCOVER_MODE_PASSIVE | 0x55 | Passive discovery.|
+| DISCOVER_MODE_ACTIVE | 0xAA | Active discovery.|
-## DeviceInfo
+## ExchangeMedium
-Defines device information.
+Enumerates the media used for device discovery.
**System capability**: SystemCapability.DistributedHardware.DeviceManager
-| Name| Type| Mandatory| Description|
-| -------- | -------- | -------- | -------- |
-| deviceId | number | Yes| Unique device identifier.|
-| deviceName | string | Yes| Device name.|
-| deviceType | number | Yes| Device type.|
+| Name | Default Value | Description |
+| ---- | ---- | --------- |
+| AUTO | 0 | Automatic. |
+| BLE | 1 | Bluetooth. |
+| COAP | 2 | Wi-Fi.|
+| USB | 3 | USB. |
+## ExchangeFreq
+Enumerates the device discovery frequencies.
+**System capability**: SystemCapability.DistributedHardware.DeviceManager
+| Name | Default Value | Description |
+| ---------- | ---- | ----- |
+| LOW | 0 | Low frequency. |
+| MID | 1 | Medium frequency. |
+| HIGH | 2 | High frequency. |
+| SUPER_HIGH | 3 | Ultra-high frequency.|
+## SubscribeCap
+Enumerates the discovery capabilities.
+**System capability**: SystemCapability.DistributedHardware.DeviceManager
+| Name | Default Value | Description |
+| ------------------------- | ---- | -------------- |
+| SUBSCRIBE_CAPABILITY_DDMP | 0 | DDMP capability. This will be deprecated later.|
+| SUBSCRIBE_CAPABILITY_OSD | 1 | OSD capability. |
+## AuthParam
+Defines the authentication parameters.
+**System capability**: SystemCapability.DistributedHardware.DeviceManager
+| Name | Type | Mandatory | Description |
+| --------- | -------------------- | ---- | ---------- |
+| authType | number | Yes | Authentication type. |
+| extraInfo | {[key:string] : any} | No | Extended field.|
+## AuthInfo
+Defines authentication information.
+**System capability**: SystemCapability.DistributedHardware.DeviceManager
+| Name | Type | Mandatory | Description |
+| --------- | -------------------- | ---- | ---------- |
+| authType | number | Yes | Authentication type. |
+| token | number | Yes | Authentication token. |
+| extraInfo | {[key:string] : any} | No | Extended field.|
## DeviceManager
@@ -92,12 +194,12 @@ Provides APIs to obtain information about trusted devices and local devices. Bef
release(): void
-Releases the **DeviceManager** instance that is no longer used.
+Releases this **DeviceManager** instance when it is no longer used.
**System capability**: SystemCapability.DistributedHardware.DeviceManager
- Example
- ```
+ ```js
@@ -111,16 +213,258 @@ Obtains all trusted devices synchronously.
**System capability**: SystemCapability.DistributedHardware.DeviceManager
- Return value
- | Name| Description|
- | -------- | -------- |
+ | Name | Description |
+ | -------------------------------------- | --------- |
| Array<[DeviceInfo](#deviceinfo)> | List of trusted devices obtained.|
- Example
- ```
+ ```js
var deviceInfoList = dmInstance.getTrustedDeviceListSync();
+### getTrustedDeviceList8+
+getTrustedDeviceList(callback:AsyncCallback<Array<DeviceInfo>>): void
+Obtains all trusted devices. This API uses an asynchronous callback to return the result.
+**System capability**: SystemCapability.DistributedHardware.DeviceManager
+- **Parameters**
+ | Name | Type | Mandatory | Description |
+ | -------- | ---------------------------------------- | ---- | --------------------- |
+ | callback | AsyncCallback<Array<[DeviceInfo](#deviceinfo)>> | Yes | Callback used to return the list of trusted devices.|
+- Example
+ ```js
+ dmInstance.getTrustedDeviceList((err, data) => {
+ console.log("getTrustedDeviceList err: " + JSON.stringify(err));
+ console.log('get trusted device info: ' + JSON.stringify(data));
+ }
+ );
+ ```
+### getTrustedDeviceList8+
+getTrustedDeviceList(): Promise<Array<DeviceInfo>>
+Obtains all trusted devices. This API uses a promise to return the result.
+**System capability**: SystemCapability.DistributedHardware.DeviceManager
+- Return value
+ | Type | Description |
+ | ---------------------------------------- | --------------------- |
+ | Promise<Array<[DeviceInfo](#deviceinfo)>> | Promise used to return the list of trusted devices.|
+- Example
+ ```js
+ dmInstance.getTrustedDeviceList().then((data) => {
+ console.log('get trusted device info: ' + JSON.stringify(data));
+ }).catch((err) => {
+ console.log("getTrustedDeviceList err: " + JSON.stringify(err));
+ });
+ ```
+### getLocalDeviceInfoSync8+
+getLocalDeviceInfoSync(): [DeviceInfo](#deviceinfo)
+Obtains local device information synchronously.
+**System capability**: SystemCapability.DistributedHardware.DeviceManager
+- Return value
+ | Name | Description |
+ | -------------------------------------- | --------- |
+ | Array<[DeviceInfo](#deviceinfo)> | List of local devices obtained.|
+- Example
+ ```js
+ var deviceInfo = dmInstance.getLocalDeviceInfoSync();
+ ```
+### getLocalDeviceInfo8+
+getLocalDeviceInfo(callback:AsyncCallback<DeviceInfo>): void
+Obtains local device information. This API uses an asynchronous callback to return the result.
+**System capability**: SystemCapability.DistributedHardware.DeviceManager
+- **Parameters**
+ | Name | Type | Mandatory | Description |
+ | -------- | ---------------------------------------- | ---- | --------- |
+ | callback | AsyncCallback<[DeviceInfo](#deviceinfo)> | Yes | Callback used to return the local device information.|
+- Example
+ ```js
+ dmInstance.getLocalDeviceInfo((err, data) => {
+ console.log("getLocalDeviceInfo err: " + JSON.stringify(err));
+ console.log('get local device info: ' + JSON.stringify(data));
+ }
+ );
+ ```
+### getLocalDeviceInfo8+
+getLocalDeviceInfo(): Promise<DeviceInfo>
+Obtains local device information. This API uses a promise to return the result.
+**System capability**: SystemCapability.DistributedHardware.DeviceManager
+- Return value
+ | Type | Description |
+ | ---------------------------------------- | --------------------- |
+ | Promise<[DeviceInfo](#deviceinfo)> | Promise used to return the local device information.|
+- Example
+ ```js
+ dmInstance.getLocalDeviceInfo().then((data) => {
+ console.log('get local device info: ' + JSON.stringify(data));
+ }).catch((err) => {
+ console.log("getLocalDeviceInfo err: " + JSON.stringify(err));
+ });
+ ```
+### startDeviceDiscovery
+startDeviceDiscovery(subscribeInfo: SubscribeInfo): void
+Starts to discover peripheral devices.
+**System capability**: SystemCapability.DistributedHardware.DeviceManager
+- **Parameters**
+ | Name | Type | Mandatory | Description |
+ | ------------- | ------------------------------- | ---- | ----- |
+ | subscribeInfo | [SubscribeInfo](#subscribeinfo) | Yes | Subscription information.|
+- Example
+ ```js
+ // Automatically generate a unique subscription ID.
+ var subscribeId = Math.floor(Math.random() * 10000 + 1000);
+ var subscribeInfo = {
+ "subscribeId": subscribeId,
+ "mode": 0xAA, // Active discovery
+ "medium": 0, // Automatic. Multiple media can be used for device discovery.
+ "freq": 2, // High frequency
+ "isSameAccount": false,
+ "isWakeRemote": false,
+ "capability": 1
+ };
+ dmInstance.startDeviceDiscovery(subscribeInfo); // The deviceFound callback is invoked to notify the application when a device is discovered.
+ ```
+### stopDeviceDiscovery
+stopDeviceDiscovery(subscribeId: number): void
+Stops device discovery.
+**System capability**: SystemCapability.DistributedHardware.DeviceManager
+- **Parameters**
+ | Name | Type | Mandatory | Description |
+ | ----------- | ------ | ---- | ----- |
+ | subscribeId | number | Yes | Subscription ID.|
+- Example
+ ```js
+ // The subscribeId input must be the same as that automatically generated in startDeviceDiscovery.
+ dmInstance.stopDeviceDiscovery(subscribeId);
+ ```
+### authenticateDevice
+authenticateDevice(deviceInfo: DeviceInfo, authParam: AuthParam, callback: AsyncCallback<{deviceId: string, pinToken ?: number}>): void
+Authenticates a device.
+**System capability**: SystemCapability.DistributedHardware.DeviceManager
+- **Parameters**
+ | Name | Type | Mandatory | Description |
+ | ---------- | ---------------------------------------- | ---- | ------- |
+ | deviceInfo | [DeviceInfo](#deviceinfo) | Yes | Device information. |
+ | authParam | [AuthParam](#authparam) | Yes | Authentication parameter. |
+ | callback | AsyncCallback<{ deviceId: string, pinToken ?: number }> | Yes | Callback used to return the authentication result.|
+- Example
+ ```js
+ // Information about the device to authenticate. The information can be obtained from the device discovery result.
+ var deviceInfo ={
+ "deviceId": "XXXXXXXX",
+ "deviceName": "",
+ deviceType: 0x0E
+ };
+ let authParam = {
+ "authType": 1, // Authentication type. The value 1 means no account PIN authentication.
+ "extraInfo": {}
+ }
+ dmInstance.authenticateDevice(deviceInfo, authParam, (err, data) => {
+ if (err) {
+ console.info(TAG + "authenticateDevice err:" + JSON.stringify(err));
+ return;
+ }
+ console.info(TAG + "authenticateDevice result:" + JSON.stringify(data));
+ token = data.pinToken;
+ });
+ ```
+### unAuthenticateDevice8+
+unAuthenticateDevice(deviceInfo: DeviceInfo): void
+Deauthenticates a device.
+**System capability**: SystemCapability.DistributedHardware.DeviceManager
+- **Parameters**
+ | Name | Type | Mandatory | Description |
+ | ---------- | ------------------------- | ---- | ----- |
+ | deviceInfo | [DeviceInfo](#deviceinfo) | Yes | Device information.|
+- Example
+ ```js
+ dmInstance.unAuthenticateDevice(deviceInfo);
+ ```
+### verifyAuthInfo
+verifyAuthInfo(authInfo: AuthInfo, callback: AsyncCallback<{deviceId: string, level: number}>): void
+Verifies authentication information.
+**System capability**: SystemCapability.DistributedHardware.DeviceManager
+- **Parameters**
+ | Name | Type | Mandatory | Description |
+ | -------- | ---------------------------------------- | ---- | ------- |
+ | authInfo | [AuthInfo](#authinfo) | Yes | Authentication information. |
+ | authInfo | AsyncCallback<{ deviceId: string, level: number }> | Yes | Callback used to return the verification result.|
+- Example
+ ```js
+ let authInfo = {
+ "authType": 1,
+ "token": xxxxxx,
+ "extraInfo": {}
+ }
+ dmInstance.verifyAuthInfo(authInfo, (err, data) => {
+ if (err) {
+ console.info(TAG + "verifyAuthInfo err:" + JSON.stringify(err));
+ return;
+ }
+ console.info(TAG + "verifyAuthInfo result:" + JSON.stringify(data));
+ });
+ ```
### on('deviceStateChange')
on(type: 'deviceStateChange', callback: Callback<{ action: DeviceStateChangeAction, device: DeviceInfo }>): void
@@ -130,13 +474,13 @@ Subscribes to changes in the device state.
**System capability**: SystemCapability.DistributedHardware.DeviceManager
- **Parameters**
- | Name| Type| Mandatory| Description|
- | -------- | -------- | -------- | -------- |
- | type | string | Yes| Event type. The value is **deviceStateChange**, which indicates a device state change event.|
- | callback | Callback<{ action: [DeviceStateChangeAction](#devicestatechangeaction), device: [DeviceInfo](#deviceinfo) }> | Yes| Callback invoked to return the device information and state.|
+ | Name | Type | Mandatory | Description |
+ | -------- | ---------------------------------------- | ---- | ------------------------------ |
+ | type | string | Yes | Event type. The value **'deviceStateChange'** indicates a device state change event.|
+ | callback | Callback<{ action: [DeviceStateChangeAction](#devicestatechangeaction), device: [DeviceInfo](#deviceinfo) }> | Yes | Callback invoked to return the device information and state. |
- Example
- ```
+ ```js
dmInstance.on('deviceStateChange', (data) => {
console.info("deviceStateChange on:" + JSON.stringify(data));
@@ -146,20 +490,20 @@ Subscribes to changes in the device state.
### off('deviceStateChange')
-off(type: 'deviceStateChange', callback?: Call back<{ action: DeviceStateChangeAction, device: DeviceInfo }>): void
+off(type: 'deviceStateChange', callback?: Callback<{ action: DeviceStateChangeAction, device: DeviceInfo }>): void
Unsubscribes from changes in the device state.
**System capability**: SystemCapability.DistributedHardware.DeviceManager
- **Parameters**
- | Name| Type| Mandatory| Description|
- | -------- | -------- | -------- | -------- |
- | type | string | Yes| Event type. The value **deviceStateChange** indicates an event of device state change.|
- | callback | Callback<{ action: [DeviceStateChangeAction](#devicestatechangeaction), device: [DeviceInfo](#deviceinfo) }> | Yes| Callback invoked to return the device information and state.|
+ | Name | Type | Mandatory | Description |
+ | -------- | ---------------------------------------- | ---- | --------------------------- |
+ | type | string | Yes | Event type. The value **'deviceStateChange'** indicates a device state change event. |
+ | callback | Callback<{ action: [DeviceStateChangeAction](#devicestatechangeaction), device: [DeviceInfo](#deviceinfo) }> | Yes | Callback invoked to return the device information and state.|
- Example
- ```
+ ```js
dmInstance.off('deviceStateChange', (data) => {
console.info('deviceStateChange' + JSON.stringify(data));
@@ -167,6 +511,95 @@ Unsubscribes from changes in the device state.
+### on('deviceFound')
+on(type: 'deviceFound', callback: Callback<{ subscribeId: number, device: DeviceInfo }>): void
+Subscribes to device discovery events.
+**System capability**: SystemCapability.DistributedHardware.DeviceManager
+- **Parameters**
+ | Name | Type | Mandatory | Description |
+ | -------- | ---------------------------------------- | ---- | -------------------------- |
+ | type | string | Yes | Event type. The value **'deviceFound'** indicates an event reported when a device is discovered.|
+ | callback | Callback<{ subscribeId: number, device: DeviceInfo }> | Yes | Callback used for device discovery. |
+- Example
+ ```js
+ dmInstance.on('deviceFound', (data) => {
+ console.info("deviceFound:" + JSON.stringify(data));
+ }
+ );
+ ```
+### off('deviceFound')
+off(type: 'deviceFound', callback?: Callback<{ subscribeId: number, device: DeviceInfo }>): void
+Unsubscribes from device discovery events.
+**System capability**: SystemCapability.DistributedHardware.DeviceManager
+- **Parameters**
+ | Name | Type | Mandatory | Description |
+ | -------- | ---------------------------------------- | ---- | --------------------------- |
+ | type | string | Yes | Event type. The value **'deviceFound'** indicates an event reported when a device is discovered. |
+ | callback | Callback<{ subscribeId: number, device: [DeviceInfo](#deviceinfo) }> | Yes | Callback used for device discovery, which is invoked to return the device information and state.|
+- Example
+ ```js
+ dmInstance.off('deviceFound', (data) => {
+ console.info('deviceFound' + JSON.stringify(data));
+ }
+ );
+ ```
+### on('discoverFail')
+on(type: 'discoverFail', callback: Callback<{ subscribeId: number, reason: number }>): void
+Subscribes to device discovery failures.
+**System capability**: SystemCapability.DistributedHardware.DeviceManager
+- **Parameters**
+ | Name | Type | Mandatory | Description |
+ | -------- | ---------------------------------------- | ---- | ------------------------------ |
+ | type | string | Yes | Event type. The event **'discoverFail'** indicates an event reported when device discovery fails.|
+ | callback | Callback<{ subscribeId: number, reason: number }> | Yes | Callback used for the device discovery failure. |
+- Example
+ ```js
+ dmInstance.on('discoverFail', (data) => {
+ this.log("discoverFail on:" + JSON.stringify(data));
+ }
+ );
+ ```
+### off('discoverFail')
+off(type: 'discoverFail', callback?: Callback<{ subscribeId: number, reason: number }>): void
+Unsubscribes from device discovery failures.
+**System capability**: SystemCapability.DistributedHardware.DeviceManager
+- **Parameters**
+ | Name | Type | Mandatory | Description |
+ | -------- | ---------------------------------------- | ---- | ----------------- |
+ | type | string | Yes | Event type. The event **'discoverFail'** indicates an event reported when device discovery fails. |
+ | callback | Callback<{ subscribeId: number, reason: number }> | Yes | Callback used for the device discovery failure.|
+- Example
+ ```js
+ dmInstance.off('deviceFound', (data) => {
+ console.info('deviceFound' + JSON.stringify(data));
+ }
+ );
+ ```
### on('serviceDie')
on(type: 'serviceDie', callback: () => void): void
@@ -176,13 +609,13 @@ Subscribes to dead events of the **DeviceManager** service.
**System capability**: SystemCapability.DistributedHardware.DeviceManager
- **Parameters**
- | Name| Type| Mandatory| Description|
- | -------- | -------- | -------- | -------- |
- | type | string | Yes| Event type. The value **serviceDie** indicates an event reported when the **DeviceManager** service is terminated unexpectedly.|
- | callback | () => void | Yes| Callback invoked when a dead event of the **DeviceManager** service occurs.|
+ | Name | Type | Mandatory | Description |
+ | -------- | ----------------------- | ---- | ---------------------------------------- |
+ | type | string | Yes | Event type. The value **'serviceDie'** indicates an event reported when the **DeviceManager** service is terminated unexpectedly.|
+ | callback | () => void | Yes | Callback invoked when a dead event of the **DeviceManager** service occurs. |
- Example
- ```
+ ```js
dmInstance.on("serviceDie", () => {
console.info("serviceDie on");
@@ -199,13 +632,13 @@ Unsubscribes from dead events of the **DeviceManager** service.
**System capability**: SystemCapability.DistributedHardware.DeviceManager
- **Parameters**
- | Name| Type| Mandatory| Description|
- | -------- | -------- | -------- | -------- |
- | type | string | Yes| Event type. The value **serviceDie** indicates an event reported when the **DeviceManager** service is terminated unexpectedly.|
- | callback | () => void | No| Callback used to return the dead event of the **DeviceManager** service.|
+ | Name | Type | Mandatory | Description |
+ | -------- | ----------------------- | ---- | ---------------------------------------- |
+ | type | string | Yes | Event type. The value **'serviceDie'** indicates an event reported when the **DeviceManager** service is terminated unexpectedly.|
+ | callback | () => void | No | Callback used to return the dead event of the **DeviceManager** service. |
- Example
- ```
+ ```js
dmInstance.off("serviceDie", () => {
console.info("serviceDie off");