未验证 提交 86764257 编写于 作者: O openharmony_ci 提交者: Gitee

!4082 【OpenHarmony开源贡献者计划2022】api相关格式及表达问题

Merge pull request !4082 from king_he/api-d
# Performance Tracing
> ![icon-note.gif](public_sys-resources/icon-note.gif) **NOTE**
> ![icon-note.gif](public_sys-resources/icon-note.gif) **NOTE**<br>
> The initial APIs of this module are supported since API version 8. Newly added APIs will be marked with a superscript to indicate their earliest API version.
......@@ -25,10 +25,10 @@ If the trace tasks with the same name are not performed at the same time, the sa
| Name| Type| Mandatory| Description|
| Name| Type | Mandatory | Description |
| -------- | -------- | -------- | -------- |
| name | string | Yes| Name of the trace task to start.|
| taskId | number | Yes| Task ID.|
| name | string | Yes | Name of the trace task to start. |
| taskId | number | Yes| Task ID. |
......@@ -52,8 +52,8 @@ To stop a trace task, the values of name and task ID in **finishTrace** must be
| Name| Type| Mandatory| Description|
| -------- | -------- | -------- | -------- |
| name | string | Yes| Name of the trace task to start.|
| taskId | number | Yes| Task ID.|
| name | string | Yes| Name of the trace task to start. |
| taskId | number | Yes| Task ID. |
......@@ -96,8 +96,8 @@ Traces the value changes of a variable.
| Name| Type| Mandatory| Description|
| -------- | -------- | -------- | -------- |
| name | string | Yes| Name of the variable.|
| count | number | Yes| Value of the variable.|
| name | string | Yes | Name of the variable. |
| count | number | Yes | Value of the variable. |
......@@ -20,73 +20,73 @@ Enumerates the error codes.
| Name | Value | Description|
| -------------------------- | ----- | ---- |
| HUKS_SUCCESS | 0 |Success.|
| HUKS_FAILURE | -1 |Failure.|
| HUKS_ERROR_BAD_STATE | -2 |Incorrect state.|
| HUKS_ERROR_INVALID_ARGUMENT | -3 |Invalid argument.|
| HUKS_ERROR_NOT_SUPPORTED | -4 |Not supported.|
| HUKS_ERROR_NO_PERMISSION | -5 |No permission.|
| HUKS_ERROR_INSUFFICIENT_DATA | -6 |Insufficient data.|
| HUKS_ERROR_BUFFER_TOO_SMALL | -7 |Insufficient buffer.|
| HUKS_ERROR_INSUFFICIENT_MEMORY | -8 |Insufficient memory.|
| HUKS_ERROR_COMMUNICATION_FAILURE | -9 |Communication failure.|
| HUKS_ERROR_STORAGE_FAILURE | -10 |Storage failure.|
| HUKS_ERROR_HARDWARE_FAILURE | -11 |Hardware fault.|
| HUKS_ERROR_ALREADY_EXISTS | -12 |The object already exists.|
| HUKS_ERROR_NOT_EXIST | -13 |The object does not exist.|
| HUKS_ERROR_NULL_POINTER | -14 |Null pointer.|
| HUKS_ERROR_FILE_SIZE_FAIL | -15 |Incorrect file size.|
| HUKS_ERROR_READ_FILE_FAIL | -16 |Failed to read the file.|
| HUKS_ERROR_INVALID_PUBLIC_KEY | -17 |Invalid public key.|
| HUKS_ERROR_INVALID_PRIVATE_KEY | -18 |Invalid private key.|
| HUKS_ERROR_INVALID_KEY_INFO | -19 |Invalid key information.|
| HUKS_ERROR_HASH_NOT_EQUAL | -20 |The hash values are not equal.|
| HUKS_ERROR_WRITE_FILE_FAIL | -22 |Failed to write the file.|
| HUKS_ERROR_REMOVE_FILE_FAIL | -23 |Failed to delete the file.|
| HUKS_ERROR_OPEN_FILE_FAIL | -24 |Failed to open the file.|
| HUKS_ERROR_CLOSE_FILE_FAIL | -25 |Failed to close the file.|
| HUKS_ERROR_MAKE_DIR_FAIL | -26 |Failed to create the directory.|
| HUKS_ERROR_INVALID_KEY_FILE | -27 |Invalid key file.|
| HUKS_ERROR_IPC_MSG_FAIL | -28 |Incorrect IPC information.|
| HUKS_ERROR_REQUEST_OVERFLOWS | -29 |Request overflows.|
| HUKS_ERROR_PARAM_NOT_EXIST | -30 |The parameter does not exist.|
| HUKS_ERROR_COMMUNICATION_TIMEOUT | -32 |Communication timed out.|
| HUKS_ERROR_IPC_INIT_FAIL | -33 |IPC initialization failed.|
| HUKS_ERROR_EFUSE_READ_FAIL | -35 |Failed to read eFUSE.|
| HUKS_ERROR_NEW_ROOT_KEY_MATERIAL_EXIST | -36 |New root key material exists.|
| HUKS_ERROR_UPDATE_ROOT_KEY_MATERIAL_FAIL | -37 |Failed to update the root key material.|
| HUKS_ERROR_VERIFICATION_FAILED | -38 |Failed to verify the certificate chain.|
| HUKS_SUCCESS | 0 |Success. |
| HUKS_FAILURE | -1 |Failure. |
| HUKS_ERROR_BAD_STATE | -2 |Incorrect state. |
| HUKS_ERROR_INVALID_ARGUMENT | -3 |Invalid argument. |
| HUKS_ERROR_NOT_SUPPORTED | -4 |Not supported. |
| HUKS_ERROR_NO_PERMISSION | -5 |No permission. |
| HUKS_ERROR_INSUFFICIENT_DATA | -6 |Insufficient data. |
| HUKS_ERROR_BUFFER_TOO_SMALL | -7 |Insufficient buffer. |
| HUKS_ERROR_INSUFFICIENT_MEMORY | -8 |Insufficient memory. |
| HUKS_ERROR_COMMUNICATION_FAILURE | -9 |Communication failure. |
| HUKS_ERROR_STORAGE_FAILURE | -10 |Storage failure. |
| HUKS_ERROR_HARDWARE_FAILURE | -11 |Hardware fault. |
| HUKS_ERROR_ALREADY_EXISTS | -12 |The object already exists. |
| HUKS_ERROR_NOT_EXIST | -13 |The object does not exist. |
| HUKS_ERROR_NULL_POINTER | -14 |Null pointer. |
| HUKS_ERROR_FILE_SIZE_FAIL | -15 |Incorrect file size. |
| HUKS_ERROR_READ_FILE_FAIL | -16 |Failed to read the file. |
| HUKS_ERROR_INVALID_PUBLIC_KEY | -17 |Invalid public key. |
| HUKS_ERROR_INVALID_PRIVATE_KEY | -18 |Invalid private key. |
| HUKS_ERROR_INVALID_KEY_INFO | -19 |Invalid key information. |
| HUKS_ERROR_HASH_NOT_EQUAL | -20 |The hash values are not equal. |
| HUKS_ERROR_WRITE_FILE_FAIL | -22 |Failed to write the file. |
| HUKS_ERROR_REMOVE_FILE_FAIL | -23 |Failed to delete the file. |
| HUKS_ERROR_OPEN_FILE_FAIL | -24 |Failed to open the file. |
| HUKS_ERROR_CLOSE_FILE_FAIL | -25 |Failed to close the file. |
| HUKS_ERROR_MAKE_DIR_FAIL | -26 |Failed to create the directory. |
| HUKS_ERROR_INVALID_KEY_FILE | -27 |Invalid key file. |
| HUKS_ERROR_IPC_MSG_FAIL | -28 |Incorrect IPC information. |
| HUKS_ERROR_REQUEST_OVERFLOWS | -29 |Request overflows. |
| HUKS_ERROR_PARAM_NOT_EXIST | -30 |The parameter does not exist. |
| HUKS_ERROR_COMMUNICATION_TIMEOUT | -32 |Communication timed out. |
| HUKS_ERROR_IPC_INIT_FAIL | -33 |IPC initialization failed. |
| HUKS_ERROR_EFUSE_READ_FAIL | -35 |Failed to read eFUSE. |
| HUKS_ERROR_NEW_ROOT_KEY_MATERIAL_EXIST | -36 |New root key material exists. |
| HUKS_ERROR_UPDATE_ROOT_KEY_MATERIAL_FAIL | -37 |Failed to update the root key material. |
| HUKS_ERROR_VERIFICATION_FAILED | -38 |Failed to verify the certificate chain. |
| HUKS_ERROR_CHECK_GET_ALG_FAIL | -100 |Failed to check whether the ALG is obtained. |
| HUKS_ERROR_CHECK_GET_KEY_SIZE_FAIL | -101 |Failed to check whether the key size is obtained.|
| HUKS_ERROR_CHECK_GET_PADDING_FAIL | -102 |Failed to check whether padding is obtained.|
| HUKS_ERROR_CHECK_GET_PURPOSE_FAIL | -103 |Failed to check whether the purpose is obtained.|
| HUKS_ERROR_CHECK_GET_DIGEST_FAIL | -104 |Failed to check whether digest is obtained.|
| HUKS_ERROR_CHECK_GET_MODE_FAIL | -105 |Failed to check whether the mode is obtained.|
| HUKS_ERROR_CHECK_GET_NONCE_FAIL | -106 |Failed to check whether the nonce is obtained.|
| HUKS_ERROR_CHECK_GET_AAD_FAIL | -107 |Failed to check whether the AAD is obtained.|
| HUKS_ERROR_CHECK_GET_IV_FAIL | -108 |Failed to check whether the initialization vector (IV) is obtained.|
| HUKS_ERROR_CHECK_GET_AE_TAG_FAIL | -109 |Failed to check whether the AE flag is obtained.|
| HUKS_ERROR_CHECK_GET_SALT_FAIL | -110 |Failed to check whether the SALT is obtained.|
| HUKS_ERROR_CHECK_GET_ITERATION_FAIL | -111 |Failed to check whether the iteration is obtained.|
| HUKS_ERROR_INVALID_ALGORITHM | -112 |Invalid algorithm.|
| HUKS_ERROR_INVALID_KEY_SIZE | -113 |Invalid key size.|
| HUKS_ERROR_INVALID_PADDING | -114 |Invalid padding.|
| HUKS_ERROR_INVALID_PURPOSE | -115 |Invalid purpose.|
| HUKS_ERROR_INVALID_MODE | -116 |Invalid mode.|
| HUKS_ERROR_INVALID_DIGEST | -117 |Invalid digest.|
| HUKS_ERROR_INVALID_SIGNATURE_SIZE | -118 |Invalid signature size.|
| HUKS_ERROR_INVALID_IV | -119 |Invalid IV.|
| HUKS_ERROR_INVALID_AAD | -120 |Invalid AAD.|
| HUKS_ERROR_INVALID_NONCE | -121 |Invalid nonce.|
| HUKS_ERROR_INVALID_AE_TAG | -122 |Invalid AE tag.|
| HUKS_ERROR_INVALID_ITERATION | -124 |Invalid iteration.|
| HUKS_ERROR_INVALID_OPERATION | -125 |Invalid operation.|
| HUKS_ERROR_INTERNAL_ERROR | -999 |Internal error.|
| HUKS_ERROR_UNKNOWN_ERROR | -1000 |Unknown error.|
| HUKS_ERROR_CHECK_GET_KEY_SIZE_FAIL | -101 |Failed to check whether the key size is obtained. |
| HUKS_ERROR_CHECK_GET_PADDING_FAIL | -102 |Failed to check whether padding is obtained. |
| HUKS_ERROR_CHECK_GET_PURPOSE_FAIL | -103 |Failed to check whether the purpose is obtained. |
| HUKS_ERROR_CHECK_GET_DIGEST_FAIL | -104 |Failed to check whether digest is obtained. |
| HUKS_ERROR_CHECK_GET_MODE_FAIL | -105 |Failed to check whether the mode is obtained. |
| HUKS_ERROR_CHECK_GET_NONCE_FAIL | -106 |Failed to check whether the nonce is obtained. |
| HUKS_ERROR_CHECK_GET_AAD_FAIL | -107 |Failed to check whether the AAD is obtained. |
| HUKS_ERROR_CHECK_GET_IV_FAIL | -108 |Failed to check whether the initialization vector (IV) is obtained. |
| HUKS_ERROR_CHECK_GET_AE_TAG_FAIL | -109 |Failed to check whether the AE flag is obtained. |
| HUKS_ERROR_CHECK_GET_SALT_FAIL | -110 |Failed to check whether the SALT is obtained. |
| HUKS_ERROR_CHECK_GET_ITERATION_FAIL | -111 |Failed to check whether the iteration is obtained. |
| HUKS_ERROR_INVALID_ALGORITHM | -112 |Invalid algorithm. |
| HUKS_ERROR_INVALID_KEY_SIZE | -113 |Invalid key size. |
| HUKS_ERROR_INVALID_PADDING | -114 |Invalid padding. |
| HUKS_ERROR_INVALID_PURPOSE | -115 |Invalid purpose. |
| HUKS_ERROR_INVALID_MODE | -116 |Invalid mode. |
| HUKS_ERROR_INVALID_DIGEST | -117 |Invalid digest. |
| HUKS_ERROR_INVALID_SIGNATURE_SIZE | -118 |Invalid signature size. |
| HUKS_ERROR_INVALID_IV | -119 |Invalid IV. |
| HUKS_ERROR_INVALID_AAD | -120 |Invalid AAD. |
| HUKS_ERROR_INVALID_NONCE | -121 |Invalid nonce. |
| HUKS_ERROR_INVALID_AE_TAG | -122 |Invalid AE tag. |
| HUKS_ERROR_INVALID_ITERATION | -124 |Invalid iteration. |
| HUKS_ERROR_INVALID_OPERATION | -125 |Invalid operation. |
| HUKS_ERROR_INTERNAL_ERROR | -999 |Internal error. |
| HUKS_ERROR_UNKNOWN_ERROR | -1000 |Unknown error. |
## HuksKeyPurpose
......@@ -97,15 +97,15 @@ Enumerates the key purposes.
| Name | Value | Description |
| ------------------------ | ---- | -------------------------------- |
| HUKS_KEY_PURPOSE_ENCRYPT | 1 | The key is used to encrypt plain text.|
| HUKS_KEY_PURPOSE_DECRYPT | 2 | The key is used to decrypt the cipher text.|
| HUKS_KEY_PURPOSE_SIGN | 4 | The key is used to sign data. |
| HUKS_KEY_PURPOSE_VERIFY | 8 | The key is used to verify the signed data. |
| HUKS_KEY_PURPOSE_DERIVE | 16 | The key is used to derive a key. |
| HUKS_KEY_PURPOSE_WRAP | 32 | The key is used for encrypted import. |
| HUKS_KEY_PURPOSE_UNWRAP | 64 | The key is used for encrypted export. |
| HUKS_KEY_PURPOSE_MAC | 128 | The key is used to generate a message authentication code (MAC). |
| HUKS_KEY_PURPOSE_AGREE | 256 | The key is used for key agreement. |
| HUKS_KEY_PURPOSE_ENCRYPT | 1 | Used to encrypt plain text. |
| HUKS_KEY_PURPOSE_DECRYPT | 2 | Used to decrypt cipher text. |
| HUKS_KEY_PURPOSE_SIGN | 4 | Usedd to sign data. |
| HUKS_KEY_PURPOSE_VERIFY | 8 | Used to verify the signed data. |
| HUKS_KEY_PURPOSE_DERIVE | 16 | Used to derive a key. |
| HUKS_KEY_PURPOSE_WRAP | 32 | Used for encrypted import. |
| HUKS_KEY_PURPOSE_UNWRAP | 64 | Used for encrypted export. |
| HUKS_KEY_PURPOSE_MAC | 128 | Used to generate a message authentication code (MAC). |
| HUKS_KEY_PURPOSE_AGREE | 256 | Used for key agreement. |
## HuksKeyDigest
......@@ -115,13 +115,13 @@ Enumerates the digest algorithms.
| Name | Value | Description |
| ---------------------- | ---- | ---------------------------------------- |
| HUKS_DIGEST_NONE | 0 | No digest algorithm.|
| HUKS_DIGEST_MD5 | 1 | MD5.|
| HUKS_DIGEST_SHA1 | 10 | SHA1.|
| HUKS_DIGEST_SHA224 | 11 | SHA-224.|
| HUKS_DIGEST_SHA256 | 12 | SHA-256.|
| HUKS_DIGEST_SHA384 | 13 | SHA-384.|
| HUKS_DIGEST_SHA512 | 14 | SHA-512.|
| HUKS_DIGEST_NONE | 0 | No digest algorithm. |
| HUKS_DIGEST_MD5 | 1 | MD5. |
| HUKS_DIGEST_SHA1 | 10 | SHA1. |
| HUKS_DIGEST_SHA224 | 11 | SHA-224. |
| HUKS_DIGEST_SHA256 | 12 | SHA-256. |
| HUKS_DIGEST_SHA384 | 13 | SHA-384. |
| HUKS_DIGEST_SHA512 | 14 | SHA-512. |
## HuksKeyPadding
......@@ -131,11 +131,11 @@ Enumerates the padding algorithms.
| Name | Value | Description |
| ---------------------- | ---- | ---------------------------------------- |
| HUKS_PADDING_NONE | 0 | No padding algorithm.|
| HUKS_PADDING_OAEP | 1 | Optimal Asymmetric Encryption Padding (OAEP).|
| HUKS_PADDING_PSS | 2 | Probabilistic Signature Scheme (PSS).|
| HUKS_PADDING_PKCS1_V1_5 | 3 | PKCS1_V1_5.|
| HUKS_PADDING_PKCS5 | 4 | Public Key Cryptography Standards (PKCS) #5.|
| HUKS_PADDING_NONE | 0 | No padding algorithm. |
| HUKS_PADDING_OAEP | 1 | Optimal Asymmetric Encryption Padding (OAEP). |
| HUKS_PADDING_PSS | 2 | Probabilistic Signature Scheme (PSS). |
| HUKS_PADDING_PKCS1_V1_5 | 3 | PKCS1_V1_5. |
| HUKS_PADDING_PKCS5 | 4 | Public Key Cryptography Standards (PKCS) #5. |
## HuksCipherMode
......@@ -146,12 +146,12 @@ Enumerates the cipher modes.
| Name | Value | Description |
| ------------- | ---- | --------------------- |
| HUKS_MODE_ECB | 1 | Electronic Code BLock (ECB) mode.|
| HUKS_MODE_CBC | 2 | Cipher Block Chaining (CBC) mode.|
| HUKS_MODE_CTR | 3 | Counter (CTR) mode.|
| HUKS_MODE_OFB | 4 | Output Feedback (OFB) mode.|
| HUKS_MODE_CCM | 31 | Counter with CBC-MAC (CCM) mode.|
| HUKS_MODE_GCM | 32 | Galois/Counter (GCM) mode.|
| HUKS_MODE_ECB | 1 | Electronic Code BLock (ECB) mode. |
| HUKS_MODE_CBC | 2 | Cipher Block Chaining (CBC) mode. |
| HUKS_MODE_CTR | 3 | Counter (CTR) mode. |
| HUKS_MODE_OFB | 4 | Output Feedback (OFB) mode. |
| HUKS_MODE_CCM | 31 | Counter with CBC-MAC (CCM) mode. |
| HUKS_MODE_GCM | 32 | Galois/Counter (GCM) mode. |
## HuksKeySize
......@@ -175,7 +175,7 @@ Enumerates the key sizes.
| HUKS_AES_KEY_SIZE_192 | 196 | AES key of 196 bits. |
| HUKS_AES_KEY_SIZE_256 | 256 | AES key of 256 bits. |
| HUKS_AES_KEY_SIZE_512 | 512 | AES key of 512 bits. |
| HUKS_CURVE25519_KEY_SIZE_256 | 256 | Curve25519 key of 256 bits.|
| HUKS_CURVE25519_KEY_SIZE_256 | 256 | Curve25519 key of 256 bits. |
| HUKS_DH_KEY_SIZE_2048 | 2048 | DH key of 2048 bits. |
| HUKS_DH_KEY_SIZE_3072 | 3072 | DH key of 3072 bits. |
| HUKS_DH_KEY_SIZE_4096 | 4096 | DH key of 4096 bits. |
......@@ -197,7 +197,7 @@ Enumerates the key algorithms.
| HUKS_ALG_PBKDF2 | 52 | PBKDF2. |
| HUKS_ALG_ECDH | 100 | ECDH. |
| HUKS_ALG_X25519 | 101 | X25519 algorithm. |
| HUKS_ALG_ED25519 | 102 | ED25519 algorithm.|
| HUKS_ALG_ED25519 | 102 | ED25519 algorithm. |
| HUKS_ALG_DH | 103 | DH. |
## HuksKeyGenerateType
......@@ -208,9 +208,9 @@ Enumerates the key generation types.
| Name | Value | Description |
| ------------------------------ | ---- | ---------------- |
| HUKS_KEY_GENERATE_TYPE_DEFAULT | 0 | Key generated by default.|
| HUKS_KEY_GENERATE_TYPE_AGREE | 2 | Key generated by agreement.|
| HUKS_KEY_GENERATE_TYPE_DEFAULT | 0 | Key generated by default. |
| HUKS_KEY_GENERATE_TYPE_DERIVE | 1 | Derived key. |
| HUKS_KEY_GENERATE_TYPE_AGREE | 2 | Key generated by agreement. |
## HuksKeyFlag
......@@ -222,8 +222,8 @@ Enumerates the key generation modes.
| -------------------------- | ---- | ------------------------------------ |
| HUKS_KEY_FLAG_IMPORT_KEY | 1 | The key is imported by using the public key import API. |
| HUKS_KEY_FLAG_GENERATE_KEY | 2 | The key is generated by using the private key generation API. |
| HUKS_KEY_FLAG_AGREE_KEY | 3 | The key is generated by using the key agreement API.|
| HUKS_KEY_FLAG_DERIVE_KEY | 4 | The key is generated by using the key derivation API.|
| HUKS_KEY_FLAG_AGREE_KEY | 3 | The key is generated by using the key agreement API. |
| HUKS_KEY_FLAG_DERIVE_KEY | 4 | The key is generated by using the key derivation API. |
## HuksKeyStorageType
......@@ -234,7 +234,7 @@ Enumerates the key storage modes.
| Name | Value | Description |
| ----------------------- | ---- | ------------------------------ |
| HUKS_STORAGE_TEMP | 0 | The key is managed locally. |
| HUKS_STORAGE_PERSISTENT | 1 | The key is managed by the HUKS service.|
| HUKS_STORAGE_PERSISTENT | 1 | The key is managed by the HUKS service. |
## HuksSendType
......@@ -244,8 +244,8 @@ Enumerates the tag transfer modes.
| Name | Value | Description |
| -------------------- | ---- | ----------------- |
| HUKS_SEND_TYPE_ASYNC | 0 | The tag is sent asynchronously.|
| HUKS_SEND_TYPE_SYNC | 1 | The tag is sent synchronously.|
| HUKS_SEND_TYPE_ASYNC | 0 | The tag is sent asynchronously. |
| HUKS_SEND_TYPE_SYNC | 1 | The tag is sent synchronously. |
## HuksTagType
......@@ -258,7 +258,7 @@ Enumerates the tag data types.
| --------------------- | ------- | --------------------------------------- |
| HUKS_TAG_TYPE_INVALID | 0 << 28 | Invalid tag type. |
| HUKS_TAG_TYPE_INT | 1 << 28 | Number of the int type. |
| HUKS_TAG_TYPE_UINT | 2 << 28 | Number of the uint type.|
| HUKS_TAG_TYPE_UINT | 2 << 28 | Number of the uint type. |
| HUKS_TAG_TYPE_ULONG | 3 << 28 | bigint. |
| HUKS_TAG_TYPE_BOOL | 4 << 28 | Boolean. |
| HUKS_TAG_TYPE_BYTES | 5 << 28 | Uint8Array. |
......@@ -272,30 +272,30 @@ Enumerates the tags used to invoke parameters.
| Name | Value | Description |
| -------------------------------------- | ---------------------------------------- | -------------------------------------- |
| HUKS_TAG_INVALID | HuksTagType.HUKS_TAG_TYPE_INVALID \| 0 | Invalid tag. |
| HUKS_TAG_ALGORITHM | HUKS_TAG_TYPE_UINT \| 1 | Indicates the algorithm. |
| HUKS_TAG_PURPOSE | HuksTagType.HUKS_TAG_TYPE_UINT \| 2 | Indicates the purpose of a key. |
| HUKS_TAG_KEY_SIZE | HuksTagType.HUKS_TAG_TYPE_UINT \| 3 | Indicates the key size. |
| HUKS_TAG_DIGEST | HuksTagType.HUKS_TAG_TYPE_UINT \| 4 | Indicates the digest algorithm. |
| HUKS_TAG_PADDING | HuksTagType.HUKS_TAG_TYPE_UINT \| 5 | Indicates the padding algorithm. |
| HUKS_TAG_BLOCK_MODE | HuksTagType.HUKS_TAG_TYPE_UINT \| 6 | Indicates the cipher mode. |
| HUKS_TAG_KEY_TYPE | HuksTagType.HUKS_TAG_TYPE_UINT \| 7 | Indicates the key type. |
| HUKS_TAG_ASSOCIATED_DATA | HuksTagType.HUKS_TAG_TYPE_BYTES \| 8 | Indicates the associated authentication data. |
| HUKS_TAG_NONCE | HuksTagType.HUKS_TAG_TYPE_BYTES \| 9 | Indicates the field for key encryption and decryption. |
| HUKS_TAG_IV | HuksTagType.HUKS_TAG_TYPE_BYTES \| 10 | Indicates the IV. |
| HUKS_TAG_INFO | HuksTagType.HUKS_TAG_TYPE_BYTES \| 11 | Indicates the information generated during key derivation. |
| HUKS_TAG_SALT | HuksTagType.HUKS_TAG_TYPE_BYTES \| 12 | Indicates the salt value used for key derivation. |
| HUKS_TAG_PWD | HuksTagType.HUKS_TAG_TYPE_BYTES \| 13 | Indicates the password used for key derivation. |
| HUKS_TAG_ITERATION | HuksTagType.HUKS_TAG_TYPE_UINT \| 14 | Indicates the number of iterations for key derivation. |
| HUKS_TAG_KEY_GENERATE_TYPE | HuksTagType.HUKS_TAG_TYPE_UINT \| 15 | Indicates the key generation type. |
| HUKS_TAG_DERIVE_MAIN_KEY | HuksTagType.HUKS_TAG_TYPE_BYTES \| 16 | Indicates the main key for key derivation. |
| HUKS_TAG_DERIVE_FACTOR | HuksTagType.HUKS_TAG_TYPE_BYTES \| 17 | Indicates the factor for key derivation. |
| HUKS_TAG_DERIVE_ALG | HuksTagType.HUKS_TAG_TYPE_UINT \| 18 | Indicates the type of the algorithm used for key derivation. |
| HUKS_TAG_AGREE_ALG | HuksTagType.HUKS_TAG_TYPE_UINT \| 19 | Indicates the type of the algorithm used in key agreement. |
| HUKS_TAG_AGREE_PUBLIC_KEY_IS_KEY_ALIAS | HuksTagType.HUKS_TAG_TYPE_BOOL \| 20 | Indicates the alias of the public key during key agreement. |
| HUKS_TAG_AGREE_PRIVATE_KEY_ALIAS | HuksTagType.HUKS_TAG_TYPE_BYTES \| 21 | Indicates the private key alias used in key agreement. |
| HUKS_TAG_AGREE_PUBLIC_KEY | HuksTagType.HUKS_TAG_TYPE_BYTES \| 22 | Indicates the public key used in key agreement. |
| HUKS_TAG_KEY_ALIAS | HuksTagType.HUKS_TAG_TYPE_BYTES \| 23 | Indicates the key alias. |
| HUKS_TAG_DERIVE_KEY_SIZE | HuksTagType.HUKS_TAG_TYPE_UINT \| 24 | Indicates the size of the derived key. |
| HUKS_TAG_PURPOSE | HuksTagType.HUKS_TAG_TYPE_UINT \| 2 | Purpose of a key. |
| HUKS_TAG_KEY_SIZE | HuksTagType.HUKS_TAG_TYPE_UINT \| 3 | Key size. |
| HUKS_TAG_DIGEST | HuksTagType.HUKS_TAG_TYPE_UINT \| 4 | Digest algorithm. |
| HUKS_TAG_PADDING | HuksTagType.HUKS_TAG_TYPE_UINT \| 5 | Padding algorithm. |
| HUKS_TAG_BLOCK_MODE | HuksTagType.HUKS_TAG_TYPE_UINT \| 6 | Cipher mode. |
| HUKS_TAG_KEY_TYPE | HuksTagType.HUKS_TAG_TYPE_UINT \| 7 | Key type. |
| HUKS_TAG_ASSOCIATED_DATA | HuksTagType.HUKS_TAG_TYPE_BYTES \| 8 | Associated authentication data. |
| HUKS_TAG_NONCE | HuksTagType.HUKS_TAG_TYPE_BYTES \| 9 | Field for key encryption and decryption. |
| HUKS_TAG_IV | HuksTagType.HUKS_TAG_TYPE_BYTES \| 10 | IV. |
| HUKS_TAG_INFO | HuksTagType.HUKS_TAG_TYPE_BYTES \| 11 | Information generated during key derivation. |
| HUKS_TAG_SALT | HuksTagType.HUKS_TAG_TYPE_BYTES \| 12 | Salt value used for key derivation. |
| HUKS_TAG_PWD | HuksTagType.HUKS_TAG_TYPE_BYTES \| 13 | Password used for key derivation. |
| HUKS_TAG_ITERATION | HuksTagType.HUKS_TAG_TYPE_UINT \| 14 | Number of iterations for key derivation. |
| HUKS_TAG_KEY_GENERATE_TYPE | HuksTagType.HUKS_TAG_TYPE_UINT \| 15 | Key generation type. |
| HUKS_TAG_DERIVE_MAIN_KEY | HuksTagType.HUKS_TAG_TYPE_BYTES \| 16 | Main key for key derivation. |
| HUKS_TAG_DERIVE_FACTOR | HuksTagType.HUKS_TAG_TYPE_BYTES \| 17 | Factor for key derivation. |
| HUKS_TAG_DERIVE_ALG | HuksTagType.HUKS_TAG_TYPE_UINT \| 18 | Type of the algorithm used for key derivation. |
| HUKS_TAG_AGREE_ALG | HuksTagType.HUKS_TAG_TYPE_UINT \| 19 | Type of the algorithm used in key agreement. |
| HUKS_TAG_AGREE_PUBLIC_KEY_IS_KEY_ALIAS | HuksTagType.HUKS_TAG_TYPE_BOOL \| 20 | Alias of the public key during key agreement. |
| HUKS_TAG_AGREE_PRIVATE_KEY_ALIAS | HuksTagType.HUKS_TAG_TYPE_BYTES \| 21 | Private key alias used in key agreement. |
| HUKS_TAG_AGREE_PUBLIC_KEY | HuksTagType.HUKS_TAG_TYPE_BYTES \| 22 | Public key used in key agreement. |
| HUKS_TAG_KEY_ALIAS | HuksTagType.HUKS_TAG_TYPE_BYTES \| 23 | Key alias. |
| HUKS_TAG_DERIVE_KEY_SIZE | HuksTagType.HUKS_TAG_TYPE_UINT \| 24 | Size of the derived key. |
......@@ -306,44 +306,44 @@ Enumerates the tags used to invoke parameters.
| HUKS_TAG_USER_AUTH_TYPE | HuksTagType.HUKS_TAG_TYPE_UINT \| 304 | Reserved. |
| HUKS_TAG_AUTH_TIMEOUT | HuksTagType.HUKS_TAG_TYPE_UINT \| 305 | Reserved. |
| HUKS_TAG_AUTH_TOKEN | HuksTagType.HUKS_TAG_TYPE_BYTES \| 306 | Reserved. |
| HUKS_TAG_ATTESTATION_CHALLENGE | HuksTagType.HUKS_TAG_TYPE_BYTES \| 501 | Indicates the challenge value used in the attestation. |
| HUKS_TAG_ATTESTATION_APPLICATION_ID | HuksTagType.HUKS_TAG_TYPE_BYTES \| 502 | Indicates the application ID used in the attestation. |
| HUKS_TAG_ATTESTATION_ID_BRAND | HuksTagType.HUKS_TAG_TYPE_BYTES \| 503 | Indicates the device brand. |
| HUKS_TAG_ATTESTATION_ID_DEVICE | HuksTagType.HUKS_TAG_TYPE_BYTES \| 504 | Indicates the device. |
| HUKS_TAG_ATTESTATION_ID_PRODUCT | HuksTagType.HUKS_TAG_TYPE_BYTES \| 505 | Indicates the product. |
| HUKS_TAG_ATTESTATION_ID_SERIAL | HuksTagType.HUKS_TAG_TYPE_BYTES \| 506 | Indicates the device SN. |
| HUKS_TAG_ATTESTATION_ID_IMEI | HuksTagType.HUKS_TAG_TYPE_BYTES \| 507 | Indicates the device IMEI. |
| HUKS_TAG_ATTESTATION_ID_MEID | HuksTagType.HUKS_TAG_TYPE_BYTES \| 508 | Indicates the device MEID. |
| HUKS_TAG_ATTESTATION_ID_MANUFACTURER | HuksTagType.HUKS_TAG_TYPE_BYTES \| 509 | Indicates the device manufacturer. |
| HUKS_TAG_ATTESTATION_ID_MODEL | HuksTagType.HUKS_TAG_TYPE_BYTES \| 510 | Indicates the device model. |
| HUKS_TAG_ATTESTATION_ID_ALIAS | HuksTagType.HUKS_TAG_TYPE_BYTES \| 511 | Indicates the key alias used in the attestation. |
| HUKS_TAG_ATTESTATION_ID_SOCID | HuksTagType.HUKS_TAG_TYPE_BYTES \| 512 | Indicates the device SOCID. |
| HUKS_TAG_ATTESTATION_ID_UDID | HuksTagType.HUKS_TAG_TYPE_BYTES \| 513 | Indicates the device UDID. |
| HUKS_TAG_ATTESTATION_ID_SEC_LEVEL_INFO | HuksTagType.HUKS_TAG_TYPE_BYTES \| 514 | Indicates the security credential used for the attestation. |
| HUKS_TAG_ATTESTATION_ID_VERSION_INFO | HuksTagType.HUKS_TAG_TYPE_BYTES \| 515 | Indicates the version information used in the attestation. |
| HUKS_TAG_IS_KEY_ALIAS | HuksTagType.HUKS_TAG_TYPE_BOOL \| 1001 | Indicates whether to use the alias passed in during key generation.|
| HUKS_TAG_KEY_STORAGE_FLAG | HuksTagType.HUKS_TAG_TYPE_UINT \| 1002 | Indicates the key storage mode. |
| HUKS_TAG_ATTESTATION_CHALLENGE | HuksTagType.HUKS_TAG_TYPE_BYTES \| 501 | Challenge value used in the attestation. |
| HUKS_TAG_ATTESTATION_APPLICATION_ID | HuksTagType.HUKS_TAG_TYPE_BYTES \| 502 | Application ID used in the attestation. |
| HUKS_TAG_ATTESTATION_ID_BRAND | HuksTagType.HUKS_TAG_TYPE_BYTES \| 503 | Device brand. |
| HUKS_TAG_ATTESTATION_ID_MANUFACTURER | HuksTagType.HUKS_TAG_TYPE_BYTES \| 509 | Device manufacturer. |
| HUKS_TAG_ATTESTATION_ID_MODEL | HuksTagType.HUKS_TAG_TYPE_BYTES \| 510 | Device model. |
| HUKS_TAG_ATTESTATION_ID_ALIAS | HuksTagType.HUKS_TAG_TYPE_BYTES \| 511 | Key alias used in the attestation. |
| HUKS_TAG_ATTESTATION_ID_SEC_LEVEL_INFO | HuksTagType.HUKS_TAG_TYPE_BYTES \| 514 | Security credential used for the attestation. |
| HUKS_TAG_ATTESTATION_ID_VERSION_INFO | HuksTagType.HUKS_TAG_TYPE_BYTES \| 515 | Version information used in the attestation. |
| HUKS_TAG_IS_KEY_ALIAS | HuksTagType.HUKS_TAG_TYPE_BOOL \| 1001 | Whether to use the alias passed in during key generation. |
| HUKS_TAG_KEY_STORAGE_FLAG | HuksTagType.HUKS_TAG_TYPE_UINT \| 1002 | Key storage mode. |
| HUKS_TAG_IS_ALLOWED_WRAP | HuksTagType.HUKS_TAG_TYPE_BOOL \| 1003 | Reserved. |
| HUKS_TAG_KEY_WRAP_TYPE | HuksTagType.HUKS_TAG_TYPE_UINT \| 1004 | Reserved. |
| HUKS_TAG_KEY_AUTH_ID | HuksTagType.HUKS_TAG_TYPE_BYTES \| 1005 | Reserved. |
| HUKS_TAG_KEY_ROLE | HuksTagType.HUKS_TAG_TYPE_UINT \| 1006 | Reserved. |
| HUKS_TAG_KEY_FLAG | HuksTagType.HUKS_TAG_TYPE_UINT \| 1007 | Indicates the flag of the key. |
| HUKS_TAG_KEY_FLAG | HuksTagType.HUKS_TAG_TYPE_UINT \| 1007 | Flag of the key. |
| HUKS_TAG_IS_ASYNCHRONIZED | HuksTagType.HUKS_TAG_TYPE_UINT \| 1008 | Reserved. |
| HUKS_TAG_SECURE_KEY_ALIAS | HuksTagType.HUKS_TAG_TYPE_BOOL \| 1009 | Reserved. |
| HUKS_TAG_SECURE_KEY_UUID | HuksTagType.HUKS_TAG_TYPE_BYTES \| 1010 | Reserved. |
| HUKS_TAG_KEY_DOMAIN | HuksTagType.HUKS_TAG_TYPE_UINT \| 1011 | Reserved. |
| HUKS_TAG_PROCESS_NAME | HuksTagType.HUKS_TAG_TYPE_BYTES \| 10001 | Indicates the process name. |
| HUKS_TAG_PROCESS_NAME | HuksTagType.HUKS_TAG_TYPE_BYTES \| 10001 | Process name. |
| HUKS_TAG_PACKAGE_NAME | HuksTagType.HUKS_TAG_TYPE_BYTES \| 10002 | Reserved. |
| HUKS_TAG_ACCESS_TIME | HuksTagType.HUKS_TAG_TYPE_UINT \| 10003 | Reserved. |
| HUKS_TAG_USES_TIME | HuksTagType.HUKS_TAG_TYPE_UINT \| 10004 | Reserved. |
| HUKS_TAG_CRYPTO_CTX | HuksTagType.HUKS_TAG_TYPE_ULONG \| 10005 | Reserved. |
| HUKS_TAG_KEY | HuksTagType.HUKS_TAG_TYPE_BYTES \| 10006 | Reserved. |
| HUKS_TAG_KEY_VERSION | HuksTagType.HUKS_TAG_TYPE_UINT \| 10007 | Indicates the key version. |
| HUKS_TAG_KEY_VERSION | HuksTagType.HUKS_TAG_TYPE_UINT \| 10007 | Key version. |
| HUKS_TAG_PAYLOAD_LEN | HuksTagType.HUKS_TAG_TYPE_UINT \| 10008 | Reserved. |
| HUKS_TAG_AE_TAG | HuksTagType.HUKS_TAG_TYPE_BYTES \| 10009 | Reserved. |
| HUKS_TAG_IS_KEY_HANDLE | HuksTagType.HUKS_TAG_TYPE_ULONG \| 10010 | Reserved. |
| HUKS_TAG_OS_VERSION | HuksTagType.HUKS_TAG_TYPE_UINT \| 10101 | Indicates the operating system version. |
| HUKS_TAG_OS_PATCHLEVEL | HuksTagType.HUKS_TAG_TYPE_UINT \| 10102 | Indicates the operating system patch level. |
| HUKS_TAG_OS_VERSION | HuksTagType.HUKS_TAG_TYPE_UINT \| 10101 | OS version. |
| HUKS_TAG_OS_PATCHLEVEL | HuksTagType.HUKS_TAG_TYPE_UINT \| 10102 | OS patch level. |
| HUKS_TAG_SYMMETRIC_KEY_DATA | HuksTagType.HUKS_TAG_TYPE_BYTES \| 20001 | Reserved. |
......@@ -362,7 +362,7 @@ Generates a key. This API uses an asynchronous callback to return the result.
| -------- | ----------------------------------------- | ---- | ------------------------------------------------------------ |
| keyAlias | string | Yes | Alias of the key. |
| options | [HuksOptions](#huksoptions) | Yes | Tags required for generating the key. |
| callback | AsyncCallback\<[HuksResult](#huksresult)> | Yes | Callback used to return the result. If the operation is successful, **HUKS_SUCCESS** will be returned. If the operation fails, an error code defined in **HuksResult** will be returned.|
| callback | AsyncCallback\<[HuksResult](#huksresult)> | Yes | Callback used to return the result. If the operation is successful, **HUKS_SUCCESS** will be returned. If the operation fails, an error code defined in **HuksResult** will be returned. |
......@@ -411,13 +411,13 @@ Generates a key. This API uses a promise to return the result.
| Name | Type | Mandatory| Description |
| -------- | --------------------------- | ---- | ------------------------ |
| keyAlias | string | Yes | Alias of the key. |
| options | [HuksOptions](#huksoptions) | Yes | Tags required for generating the key.|
| options | [HuksOptions](#huksoptions) | Yes | Tags required for generating the key. |
**Return value**
| Type | Description |
| ----------------------------------- | -------------------------------------------------- |
| Promise\<[HuksResult](#huksresult)> | Promise used to return the result. If the operation is successful, **HUKS_SUCCESS** will be returned. If the operation fails, an error code will be returned.|
| Promise\<[HuksResult](#huksresult)> | Promise used to return the result. If the operation is successful, **HUKS_SUCCESS** will be returned. If the operation fails, an error code will be returned. |
......@@ -463,7 +463,7 @@ Deletes a key. This API uses an asynchronous callback to return the result.
| -------- | ----------------------------------------- | ---- | -------------------------------------------------- |
| keyAlias | string | Yes | Key alias passed in when the key was generated. |
| options | [HuksOptions](#huksoptions) | Yes | Empty object (leave this parameter empty). |
| callback | AsyncCallback\<[HuksResult](#huksresult)> | Yes | Callback used to return the result. If the operation is successful, **HUKS_SUCCESS** will be returned. If the operation fails, an error code will be returned.|
| callback | AsyncCallback\<[HuksResult](#huksresult)> | Yes | Callback used to return the result. If the operation is successful, **HUKS_SUCCESS** will be returned. If the operation fails, an error code will be returned. |
......@@ -488,14 +488,14 @@ Deletes a key. This API uses a promise to return the result.
| Name | Type | Mandatory| Description |
| -------- | ----------- | ---- | ----------------------------------------------------- |
| keyAlias | string | Yes | Key alias passed in when the key was generated.|
| options | [HuksOptions](#huksoptions) | Yes | Empty object (leave this parameter empty).|
| keyAlias | string | Yes | Key alias passed in when the key was generated. |
| options | [HuksOptions](#huksoptions) | Yes | Empty object (leave this parameter empty). |
**Return value**
| Type | Description |
| ----------------------------------- | -------------------------------------------------- |
| Promise\<[HuksResult](#huksresult)> | Promise used to return the result. If the operation is successful, **HUKS_SUCCESS** will be returned. If the operation fails, an error code will be returned.|
| Promise\<[HuksResult](#huksresult)> | Promise used to return the result. If the operation is successful, **HUKS_SUCCESS** will be returned. If the operation fails, an error code will be returned. |
......@@ -520,13 +520,13 @@ Obtains the SDK version of the current system.
| Name | Type | Mandatory| Description |
| ------- | ---------- | ---- | ------------------------- |
| options | [HuksOptions](#huksoptions) | Yes | Empty object, which is used to hold the SDK version.|
| options | [HuksOptions](#huksoptions) | Yes | Empty object, which is used to hold the SDK version. |
**Return value**
| Type | Description |
| ------ | ------------- |
| string | SDK version obtained.|
| string | SDK version obtained. |
......@@ -550,9 +550,9 @@ Imports a key. This API uses an asynchronous callback to return the result.
| Name | Type | Mandatory| Description |
| -------- | ------------------------ | ---- | ------------------------------------------------- |
| keyAlias | string | Yes | Key alias, which is used to hold the key pair.|
| options | [HuksOptions](#huksoptions) | Yes | Tags required for the import and key pair to import.|
| callback | AsyncCallback\<[HuksResult](#huksresult)> | Yes | Callback used to return the result. If the operation is successful, **HUKS_SUCCESS** will be returned. If the operation fails, an error code will be returned.|
| keyAlias | string | Yes | Key alias, which is used to hold the key pair. |
| options | [HuksOptions](#huksoptions) | Yes | Tags required for the import and key pair to import. |
| callback | AsyncCallback\<[HuksResult](#huksresult)> | Yes | Callback used to return the result. If the operation is successful, **HUKS_SUCCESS** will be returned. If the operation fails, an error code will be returned. |
......@@ -608,14 +608,14 @@ Imports a key. This API uses a promise to return the result.
| Name | Type | Mandatory| Description |
| -------- | ----------- | ---- | ------------------------------------ |
| keyAlias | string | Yes | Key alias, which is used to hold the key pair.|
| options | [HuksOptions](#huksoptions) | Yes | Tags required for the import and key pair to import.|
| keyAlias | string | Yes | Key alias, which is used to hold the key pair. |
| options | [HuksOptions](#huksoptions) | Yes | Tags required for the import and key pair to import. |
**Return value**
| Type | Description |
| ----------------------------------- | -------------------------------------------------- |
| Promise\<[HuksResult](#huksresult)> | Promise used to return the result. If the operation is successful, **HUKS_SUCCESS** will be returned. If the operation fails, an error code will be returned.|
| Promise\<[HuksResult](#huksresult)> | Promise used to return the result. If the operation is successful, **HUKS_SUCCESS** will be returned. If the operation fails, an error code will be returned. |
......@@ -675,7 +675,7 @@ Exports a key. This API uses an asynchronous callback to return the result.
| -------- | ----------------------------------------- | ---- | ------------------------------------------------------------ |
| keyAlias | string | Yes | Key alias, which must be the same as the alias used when the key was generated. |
| options | [HuksOptions](#huksoptions) | Yes | Empty object (leave this parameter empty). |
| callback | AsyncCallback\<[HuksResult](#huksresult)> | Yes | Callback used to return the result. If the operation is successful, **HUKS_SUCCESS** will be returned. If the operation fails, an error code will be returned. **outData** contains the public key exported.|
| callback | AsyncCallback\<[HuksResult](#huksresult)> | Yes | Callback used to return the result. If the operation is successful, **HUKS_SUCCESS** will be returned. If the operation fails, an error code will be returned. **outData** contains the public key exported. |
......@@ -700,14 +700,14 @@ Exports a key. This API uses a promise to return the result.
| Name | Type | Mandatory| Description |
| -------- | ----------- | ---- | ------------------------------------------------------------ |
| keyAlias | string | Yes | Key alias, which must be the same as the alias used when the key was generated.|
| options | [HuksOptions](#huksoptions) | Yes | Empty object (leave this parameter empty).|
| keyAlias | string | Yes | Key alias, which must be the same as the alias used when the key was generated. |
| options | [HuksOptions](#huksoptions) | Yes | Empty object (leave this parameter empty). |
**Return value**
| Type | Description |
| ----------------------------------- | ------------------------------------------------------------ |
| Promise\<[HuksResult](#huksresult)> | Promise used to return the result. If the operation is successful, **HUKS_SUCCESS** will be returned. If the operation fails, an error code will be returned. **outData** contains the public key exported.|
| Promise\<[HuksResult](#huksresult)> | Promise used to return the result. If the operation is successful, **HUKS_SUCCESS** will be returned. If the operation fails, an error code will be returned. **outData** contains the public key exported. |
......@@ -734,7 +734,7 @@ Obtains key properties. This API uses an asynchronous callback to return the res
| -------- | ----------------------------------------- | ---- | ------------------------------------------------------------ |
| keyAlias | string | Yes | Key alias, which must be the same as the alias used when the key was generated. |
| options | [HuksOptions](#huksoptions) | Yes | Empty object (leave this parameter empty). |
| callback | AsyncCallback\<[HuksResult](#huksresult)> | Yes | Callback used to return the result. **HUKS_SUCCESS** will be returned if the operation is successful; an error code will be returned otherwise.|
| callback | AsyncCallback\<[HuksResult](#huksresult)> | Yes | Callback used to return the result. **HUKS_SUCCESS** will be returned if the operation is successful; an error code will be returned otherwise. |
......@@ -759,14 +759,14 @@ Obtains key properties. This API uses a promise to return the result.
| Name | Type | Mandatory| Description |
| -------- | ----------- | ---- | ------------------------------------------------------------ |
| keyAlias | string | Yes | Key alias, which must be the same as the alias used when the key was generated.|
| options | [HuksOptions](#huksoptions) | Yes | Empty object (leave this parameter empty).|
| keyAlias | string | Yes | Key alias, which must be the same as the alias used when the key was generated. |
| options | [HuksOptions](#huksoptions) | Yes | Empty object (leave this parameter empty). |
**Return value**
| Type | Description |
| ------------------ | ------------------------------------------------------------ |
| Promise\<[HuksResult](#huksoptions)> | Promise used to return the result. In the return result, **HUKS_SUCCESS** will be returned for **errorCode** if the operation is successful; an error code will be returned otherwise. **properties** returns the parameters required for generating the key.|
| Promise\<[HuksResult](#huksoptions)> | Promise used to return the result. In the return result, **HUKS_SUCCESS** will be returned for **errorCode** if the operation is successful; an error code will be returned otherwise. **properties** returns the parameters required for generating the key. |
......@@ -791,9 +791,9 @@ Checks whether a key exists. This API uses an asynchronous callback to return th
| Name | Type | Mandatory| Description |
| -------- | ---------------------- | ---- | ------------------------------------- |
| keyAlias | string | Yes | Alias of the key to check.|
| options | [HuksOptions](#huksoptions) | Yes | Empty object (leave this parameter empty).|
| callback | AsyncCallback\<boolean> | Yes | Callback used to return the result. **TRUE** means that the key exists; **FALSE** means the opposite.|
| keyAlias | string | Yes | Alias of the key to check. |
| options | [HuksOptions](#huksoptions) | Yes | Empty object (leave this parameter empty). |
| callback | AsyncCallback\<boolean> | Yes | Callback used to return the result. **TRUE** means that the key exists; **FALSE** means the opposite. |
......@@ -818,14 +818,14 @@ Checks whether a key exists. This API uses a promise to return the result.
| Name | Type | Mandatory| Description |
| -------- | ----------- | ---- | -------------------------------- |
| keyAlias | string | Yes | Alias of the key to check.|
| options | [HuksOptions](#huksoptions) | Yes | Empty object (leave this parameter empty).|
| keyAlias | string | Yes | Alias of the key to check. |
| options | [HuksOptions](#huksoptions) | Yes | Empty object (leave this parameter empty). |
**Return value**
| Type | Description |
| ----------------- | --------------------------------------- |
| Promise\<boolean> | Promise used to return the result. **TRUE** means that the key exists; **FALSE** means the opposite.|
| Promise\<boolean> | Promise used to return the result. **TRUE** means that the key exists; **FALSE** means the opposite. |
......@@ -852,9 +852,9 @@ Initializes a key. This API uses an asynchronous callback to return the result.
| Name | Type | Mandatory| Description |
| -------- | ---------------------- | ---- | ------------------------------------- |
| keyAlias | string | Yes | Alias of the target key.|
| options | [HuksOptions](#huksoptions) | Yes | Parameters used for initialization.|
| callback | AsyncCallback\<[HuksHandle](#hukshandle)> | Yes | Callback used to return the handle of the initialization operation.|
| keyAlias | string | Yes | Alias of the target key. |
| options | [HuksOptions](#huksoptions) | Yes | Parameters used for initialization. |
| callback | AsyncCallback\<[HuksHandle](#hukshandle)> | Yes | Callback used to return the handle of the initialization operation. |
## huks.init
......@@ -869,9 +869,9 @@ Initializes a key. This API uses a promise to return the result.
| Name | Type | Mandatory| Description |
| -------- | ---------------------- | ---- | ------------------------------------- |
| keyAlias | string | Yes | Alias of the target key.|
| options | [HuksOptions](#huksoptions) | Yes | Parameters used for initialization.|
| promise | Promise\<[HuksHandle](#hukshandle)> | Yes | Promise used to return the handle of the initialization operation.|
| keyAlias | string | Yes | Alias of the target key. |
| options | [HuksOptions](#huksoptions) | Yes | Parameters used for initialization. |
| promise | Promise\<[HuksHandle](#hukshandle)> | Yes | Promise used to return the handle of the initialization operation. |
## huks.update
......@@ -886,10 +886,10 @@ Updates a key. This API uses an asynchronous callback to return the result.
| Name | Type | Mandatory| Description |
| -------- | ---------------------- | ---- | ------------------------------------- |
| handle | number | Yes | Handle of the **Update** operation.|
| token | Uint8Array | No| Token of the **Update** operation.|
| options | [HuksOptions](#huksoptions) | Yes | Parameters of the **Update** operation.|
| callback | AsyncCallback\<[HuksResult](#huksresult)> | Yes| Callback used to return the operation result.|
| handle | number | Yes | Handle of the **Update** operation. |
| token | Uint8Array | No| Token of the **Update** operation. |
| options | [HuksOptions](#huksoptions) | Yes | Parameters of the **Update** operation. |
| callback | AsyncCallback\<[HuksResult](#huksresult)> | Yes| Callback used to return the operation result. |
## huks.update
......@@ -904,10 +904,10 @@ Updates a key. This API uses a promise to return the result.
| Name | Type | Mandatory| Description |
| -------- | ---------------------- | ---- | ------------------------------------- |
| handle | number | Yes | Handle of the **Update** operation.|
| token | Uint8Array | No| Token of the **Update** operation.|
| options | [HuksOptions](#huksoptions) | Yes | Parameters of the **Update** operation.|
| promise | Promise\<[HuksResult](#huksresult)> | Yes| Promise used to return the operation result.|
| handle | number | Yes | Handle of the **Update** operation. |
| token | Uint8Array | No| Token of the **Update** operation. |
| options | [HuksOptions](#huksoptions) | Yes | Parameters of the **Update** operation. |
| promise | Promise\<[HuksResult](#huksresult)> | Yes| Promise used to return the operation result. |
## huks.finish
......@@ -922,9 +922,9 @@ Completes the key operation and releases resources. This API uses an asynchronou
| Name | Type | Mandatory| Description |
| -------- | ---------------------- | ---- | ------------------------------------- |
| handle | number | Yes | Handle of the **Finish** operation.|
| options | [HuksOptions](#huksoptions) | Yes | Parameters of the **Finish** operation.|
| callback | AsyncCallback\<[HuksResult](#huksresult)> | Yes| Callback used to return the operation result.|
| handle | number | Yes | Handle of the **Finish** operation. |
| options | [HuksOptions](#huksoptions) | Yes | Parameters of the **Finish** operation. |
| callback | AsyncCallback\<[HuksResult](#huksresult)> | Yes| Callback used to return the operation result. |
## huks.finish
......@@ -939,9 +939,9 @@ Completes the key operation and releases resources. This API uses a promise to r
| Name | Type | Mandatory| Description |
| -------- | ---------------------- | ---- | ------------------------------------- |
| handle | number | Yes | Handle of the **Finish** operation.|
| options | [HuksOptions](#huksoptions) | Yes | Parameters of the **Finish** operation.|
| promise | Promise\<[HuksResult](#HuksResult)> | Yes| Promise used to return the operation result.|
| handle | number | Yes | Handle of the **Finish** operation. |
| options | [HuksOptions](#huksoptions) | Yes | Parameters of the **Finish** operation. |
| promise | Promise\<[HuksResult](#HuksResult)> | Yes| Promise used to return the operation result. |
## huks.abort
......@@ -956,9 +956,9 @@ Aborts the use of the key. This API uses an asynchronous callback to return the
| Name | Type | Mandatory| Description |
| -------- | ---------------------- | ---- | ------------------------------------- |
| handle | number | Yes | Handle of the **Abort** operation.|
| options | [HuksOptions](#huksoptions) | Yes | Parameters of the **Abort** operation.|
| callback | AsyncCallback\<[HuksResult](#huksresult)> | Yes| Callback used to return the operation result.|
| handle | number | Yes | Handle of the **Abort** operation. |
| options | [HuksOptions](#huksoptions) | Yes | Parameters of the **Abort** operation. |
| callback | AsyncCallback\<[HuksResult](#huksresult)> | Yes| Callback used to return the operation result. |
......@@ -1176,9 +1176,9 @@ Aborts the use of the key. This API uses a promise to return the result.
| Name | Type | Mandatory| Description |
| -------- | ---------------------- | ---- | ------------------------------------- |
| handle | number | Yes | Handle of the **Abort** operation.|
| options | [HuksOptions](#huksoptions) | Yes | Parameters of the **Abort** operation.|
| promise | Promise\<[HuksResult](#huksresult)> | Yes| Promise used to return the operation result.|
| handle | number | Yes | Handle of the **Abort** operation. |
| options | [HuksOptions](#huksoptions) | Yes | Parameters of the **Abort** operation. |
| promise | Promise\<[HuksResult](#huksresult)> | Yes| Promise used to return the operation result. |
......@@ -1399,7 +1399,7 @@ Defines the **param** in the **properties** array of **options** used in the API
| Name| Type | Mandatory| Description |
| ------ | ----------------------------------- | ---- | ---------- |
| tag | HuksTag | Yes | Tag. |
| value | boolean\|number\|bigint\|Uint8Array | Yes | Value of the tag.|
| value | boolean\|number\|bigint\|Uint8Array | Yes | Value of the tag. |
## HuksOptions
......@@ -1409,7 +1409,7 @@ Defines the **options** used in the APIs.
| Name | Type | Mandatory| Description |
| ---------- | ----------------- | ---- | ------------------------ |
| properties | Array\<HuksParam> | No | Array used to hold **HuksParam**.|
| properties | Array\<HuksParam> | No | Array used to hold **HuksParam**. |
| inData | Uint8Array | No | Input data. |
## HuksHandle
......@@ -1418,11 +1418,11 @@ Defines the HUKS handle structure.
**System capability**: SystemCapability.Security.Huks
| Name | Type | Mandatory| Description |
| Name | Type | Mandatory | Description |
| ---------- | ---------------- | ---- | -------- |
| errorCode | number | Yes | Error code.|
| handle | number | Yes| Value of the handle.|
| token | Uint8Array | No| Reserved.|
| errorCode | number | Yes | Error code. |
| handle | number | Yes| Value of the handle. |
| token | Uint8Array | No| Reserved. |
## HuksResult
......@@ -1433,9 +1433,9 @@ Defines the **HuksResult** structure.
| Name | Type | Mandatory| Description |
| Name | Type | Mandatory | Description |
| ---------- | ----------------- | ---- | -------- |
| errorCode | number | Yes | Error code. |
| outData | Uint8Array | No | Output data.|
| outData | Uint8Array | No | Output data. |
| properties | Array\<HuksParam> | No | Properties. |
| certChains | Array\<string> | No | Certificate chain. |
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