| placeholderColor | Color | - | Placeholder color. |
| placeholderColor | Color | - | Placeholder text color. |
| placeholderFont | {<br/>size?: Length,<br/>weight?: number\|[FontWeight](ts-universal-attributes-text-style.md),<br/>family?: string,<br/>style?: [FontStyle](ts-universal-attributes-text-style.md)<br/>} | - | Placeholder text style.<br/>- **size**: font size. If the value is of the number type, the unit fp is used.<br/>- **weight**: font weight. For the number type, the value ranges from 100 to 900, at an interval of 100. The default value is **400**. A larger value indicates a larger font weight.<br/>- **family**: font family. Use commas (,) to separate multiple fonts, for example, **'Arial, sans-serif'**. The priority of the fonts is the sequence in which they are placed.<br/>- **style**: font style. |
| placeholderFont | {<br/>size?: Length,<br/>weight?: number\|[FontWeight](ts-universal-attributes-text-style.md),<br/>family?: string,<br/>style?: [FontStyle](ts-universal-attributes-text-style.md)<br/>} | - | Placeholder text style.<br/>- **size**: font size. If the value is of the number type, the unit fp is used.<br/>- **weight**: font weight. For the number type, the value ranges from 100 to 900, at an interval of 100. The default value is **400**. A larger value indicates a larger font weight.<br/>- **family**: font family. Use commas (,) to separate multiple fonts, for example, **'Arial, sans-serif'**. The priority of the fonts is the sequence in which they are placed.<br/>- **style**: font style. |
| enterKeyType | EnterKeyType | EnterKeyType.Done | How the Enter key is labeled. |
| enterKeyType | EnterKeyType | EnterKeyType.Done | How the Enter key is labeled. |
| caretColor | Color | - | Color of the caret (also known as the text insertion cursor). |
| caretColor | Color | - | Color of the caret (also known as the text insertion cursor). |