@@ -4,7 +4,8 @@ The **Bluetooth** module provides classic Bluetooth capabilities and Bluetooth L
> **NOTE**
> The initial APIs of this module are supported since API version 7. Newly added APIs will be marked with a superscript to indicate their earliest API version.
> - The initial APIs of this module are supported since API version 7. Newly added APIs will be marked with a superscript to indicate their earliest API version.
> - The APIs provided by this module are no longer maintained since API version 9. You are advised to use [bluetoothManager](js-apis-bluetoothManager.md).
@@ -15,12 +16,15 @@ import bluetooth from '@ohos.bluetooth';
> This API is supported since API version 8 and deprecated since API version 9. You are advised to use [bluetoothManager.enableBluetooth](js-apis-bluetoothManager.md#bluetoothmanagerenablebluetooth).
> This API is supported since API version 8 and deprecated since API version 9. You are advised to use [bluetoothManager.disableBluetooth](js-apis-bluetoothManager.md#bluetoothmanagerdisablebluetooth).
> This API is supported since API version 8 and deprecated since API version 9. You are advised to use [bluetoothManager.getLocalName](js-apis-bluetoothManager.md#bluetoothmanagergetlocalname).
> This API is supported since API version 7 and deprecated since API version 9. You are advised to use [bluetoothManager.getState](js-apis-bluetoothManager.md#bluetoothmanagergetstate).
Obtains the profile connection state of this Bluetooth device.
Obtains the local profile connection state.
> **NOTE**<br>
> This API is supported since API version 7 and deprecated since API version 9. You are advised to use [bluetoothManager.getBtConnectionState](js-apis-bluetoothManager.md#bluetoothmanagergetbtconnectionstate).
> This API is supported since API version 8 and deprecated since API version 9. You are advised to use [bluetoothManager.setLocalName](js-apis-bluetoothManager.md#bluetoothmanagersetlocalname).
> This API is supported since API version 7 and deprecated since API version 9. You are advised to use [bluetoothManager.pairDevice](js-apis-bluetoothManager.md#bluetoothmanagerpairdevice).
Obtains the connection status of a specified profile.
> **NOTE**
> This API is supported since API version 8 and deprecated since API version 9. You are advised to use [bluetoothManager.getProfileConnectionState](js-apis-bluetoothManager.md#bluetoothmanagergetprofileconnectionstate).
> This API is supported since API version 8 and deprecated since API version 9. You are advised to use [bluetoothManager.cancelPairedDevice](js-apis-bluetoothManager.md#bluetoothmanagercancelpaireddevice).
> This API is supported since API version 8 and deprecated since API version 9. You are advised to use [bluetoothManager.getRemoteDeviceName](js-apis-bluetoothManager.md#bluetoothmanagergetremotedevicename).
> This API is supported since API version 8 and deprecated since API version 9. You are advised to use [bluetoothManager.getRemoteDeviceClass](js-apis-bluetoothManager.md#bluetoothmanagergetremotedeviceclass).
> This API is supported since API version 8 and deprecated since API version 9. You are advised to use [bluetoothManager.getPairedDevices](js-apis-bluetoothManager.md#bluetoothmanagergetpaireddevices).
Sets the Bluetooth scan mode so that the device can be discovered by a remote device.
> **NOTE**<br>
> This API is supported since API version 8 and deprecated since API version 9. You are advised to use [bluetoothManager.setBluetoothScanMode](js-apis-bluetoothManager.md#bluetoothmanagersetbluetoothscanmode).
> This API is supported since API version 8 and deprecated since API version 9. You are advised to use [bluetoothManager.getBluetoothScanMode](js-apis-bluetoothManager.md#bluetoothmanagergetbluetoothscanmode).
> This API is supported since API version 8 and deprecated since API version 9. You are advised to use [bluetoothManager.startBluetoothDiscovery](js-apis-bluetoothManager.md#bluetoothmanagerstartbluetoothdiscovery).
**Required permissions**: ohos.permission.DISCOVER_BLUETOOTH and ohos.permission.LOCATION
> This API is supported since API version 8 and deprecated since API version 9. You are advised to use [bluetoothManager.stopBluetoothDiscovery](js-apis-bluetoothManager.md#bluetoothmanagerstopbluetoothdiscovery).
> This API is supported since API version 8 and deprecated since API version 9. You are advised to use [bluetoothManager.setDevicePairingConfirmation](js-apis-bluetoothManager.md#bluetoothmanagersetdevicepairingconfirmation).
Subscribes to the Bluetooth device discovery events.
> **NOTE**<br>
> This API is supported since API version 8 and deprecated since API version 9. You are advised to use [bluetoothManager.on('bluetoothDeviceFind')](js-apis-bluetoothManager.md#bluetoothmanageronbluetoothdevicefind).
Unsubscribes from the Bluetooth device discovery events.
> **NOTE**<br>
> This API is supported since API version 8 and deprecated since API version 9. You are advised to use [bluetoothManager.off('bluetoothDeviceFind')](js-apis-bluetoothManager.md#bluetoothmanageroffbluetoothdevicefind).
Subscribes to the pairing request events of the remote Bluetooth device.
> **NOTE**<br>
> This API is supported since API version 8 and deprecated since API version 9. You are advised to use [bluetoothManager.on('pinRequired')](js-apis-bluetoothManager.md#bluetoothmanageronpinrequired).
Unsubscribes from the pairing request events of the remote Bluetooth device.
> **NOTE**<br>
> This API is supported since API version 8 and deprecated since API version 9. You are advised to use [bluetoothManager.off('pinRequired')](js-apis-bluetoothManager.md#bluetoothmanageroffpinrequired).
Subscribes to the Bluetooth pairing state change events.
> **NOTE**<br>
> This API is supported since API version 8 and deprecated since API version 9. You are advised to use [bluetoothManager.on('bondStateChange')](js-apis-bluetoothManager.md#bluetoothmanageronbondstatechange).
Unsubscribes from the Bluetooth pairing state change events.
> **NOTE**<br>
> This API is supported since API version 8 and deprecated since API version 9. You are advised to use [bluetoothManager.off('bondStateChange')](js-apis-bluetoothManager.md#bluetoothmanageroffbondstatechange).
Subscribes to the Bluetooth connection state change events.
> **NOTE**<br>
> This API is supported since API version 8 and deprecated since API version 9. You are advised to use [bluetoothManager.on('stateChange')](js-apis-bluetoothManager.md#bluetoothmanageronstatechange).
Unsubscribes from the Bluetooth connection state change events.
> **NOTE**<br>
> This API is supported since API version 8 and deprecated since API version 9. You are advised to use [bluetoothManager.off('stateChange')](js-apis-bluetoothManager.md#bluetoothmanageroffstatechange).
> This API is supported since API version 8 and deprecated since API version 9. You are advised to use [bluetoothManager.sppListen](js-apis-bluetoothManager.md#bluetoothmanagerspplisten).
Listens for a connection to be made to this socket from the client and accepts it.
> **NOTE**<br>
> This API is supported since API version 8 and deprecated since API version 9. You are advised to use [bluetoothManager.sppAccept](js-apis-bluetoothManager.md#bluetoothmanagersppaccept).
Initiates an SPP connection to a remote device from the client.
> **NOTE**<br>
> This API is supported since API version 8 and deprecated since API version 9. You are advised to use [bluetoothManager.sppConnect](js-apis-bluetoothManager.md#bluetoothmanagersppconnect).
> This API is supported since API version 8 and deprecated since API version 9. You are advised to use [bluetoothManager.sppCloseServerSocket](js-apis-bluetoothManager.md#bluetoothmanagersppcloseserversocket).
> This API is supported since API version 8 and deprecated since API version 9. You are advised to use [bluetoothManager.sppCloseClientSocket](js-apis-bluetoothManager.md#bluetoothmanagersppcloseclientsocket).
Writes data to the remote device through the socket.
> **NOTE**<br>
> This API is supported since API version 8 and deprecated since API version 9. You are advised to use [bluetoothManager.sppWrite](js-apis-bluetoothManager.md#bluetoothmanagersppwrite).
> This API is supported since API version 8 and deprecated since API version 9. You are advised to use [bluetoothManager.on('sppRead')](js-apis-bluetoothManager.md#bluetoothmanageronsppread).
> This API is supported since API version 8 and deprecated since API version 9. You are advised to use [bluetoothManager.off('sppRead')](js-apis-bluetoothManager.md#bluetoothmanageroffsppread).
> This API is supported since API version 8 and deprecated since API version 9. You are advised to use [bluetoothManager.getProfileInstance](js-apis-bluetoothManager.md#bluetoothmanagergetprofileinstance).
| [A2dpSourceProfile](#a2dpsourceprofile), [HandsFreeAudioGatewayProfile](#handsfreeaudiogatewayprofile), [HidHostProfile](#hidhostprofile), or [PanProfile](#panprofile)| Profile instance obtained, which can be **A2dpSourceProfile**, **HandsFreeAudioGatewayProfile**, **HidHostProfile**, or **PanProfile**.|
> This API is supported since API version 7 and deprecated since API version 9. You are advised to use [bluetoothManager.BLE.createGattServer](js-apis-bluetoothManager.md#bluetoothmanagerblecreategattserver).
> This API is supported since API version 7 and deprecated since API version 9. You are advised to use [bluetoothManager.BLE.createGattClientDevice](js-apis-bluetoothManager.md#bluetoothmanagerblecreategattclientdevice).
> This API is supported since API version 7 and deprecated since API version 9. You are advised to use [bluetoothManager.BLE.getConnectedBLEDevices](js-apis-bluetoothManager.md#bluetoothmanagerblegetconnectedbledevices).
> This API is supported since API version 7 and deprecated since API version 9. You are advised to use [bluetoothManager.BLE.startBLEScan](js-apis-bluetoothManager.md#bluetoothmanagerblestartblescan).
**Required permissions**: ohos.permission.DISCOVER_BLUETOOTH, ohos.permission.MANAGE_BLUETOOTH, and ohos.permission.LOCATION
> This API is supported since API version 7 and deprecated since API version 9. You are advised to use [bluetoothManager.BLE.stopBLEScan](js-apis-bluetoothManager.md#bluetoothmanagerblestopblescan).
> This API is supported since API version 7 and deprecated since API version 9. You are advised to use [bluetoothManager.BLE.on('BLEDeviceFind')](js-apis-bluetoothManager.md#bluetoothmanagerbleonbledevicefind).
Unsubscribes from the BLE device discovery events.
> **NOTE**<br>
> This API is supported since API version 7 and deprecated since API version 9. You are advised to use [bluetoothManager.BLE.off('BLEDeviceFind')](js-apis-bluetoothManager.md#bluetoothmanagerbleoffbledevicefind).
> This API is supported since API version 8 and deprecated since API version 9. You are advised to use [bluetoothManager.BaseProfile.getConnectionDevices](js-apis-bluetoothManager.md#getconnectiondevices).
> This API is supported since API version 8 and deprecated since API version 9. You are advised to use [bluetoothManager.BaseProfile.getDeviceState](js-apis-bluetoothManager.md#getdevicestate).
Sets up an Advanced Audio Distribution Profile (A2DP) connection.
> **NOTE**<br>
> This API is supported since API version 8 and deprecated since API version 9. You are advised to use [bluetoothManager.A2dpSourceProfile.connect](js-apis-bluetoothManager.md#connect).
> This API is supported since API version 8 and deprecated since API version 9. You are advised to use [bluetoothManager.A2dpSourceProfile.disconnect](js-apis-bluetoothManager.md#disconnect).
Subscribes to the A2DP connection state change events.
> **NOTE**<br>
> This API is supported since API version 8 and deprecated since API version 9. You are advised to use [bluetoothManager.A2dpSourceProfile.on('connectionStateChange')](js-apis-bluetoothManager.md#onconnectionstatechange).
Unsubscribes from the A2DP connection state change events.
> **NOTE**<br>
> This API is supported since API version 8 and deprecated since API version 9. You are advised to use [bluetoothManager.A2dpSourceProfile.off('connectionStateChange')](js-apis-bluetoothManager.md#offconnectionstatechange).
> This API is supported since API version 8 and deprecated since API version 9. You are advised to use [bluetoothManager.A2dpSourceProfile.getPlayingState](js-apis-bluetoothManager.md#getplayingstate).
Sets up a Hands-free Profile (HFP) connection of a device.
> **NOTE**<br>
> This API is supported since API version 8 and deprecated since API version 9. You are advised to use [bluetoothManager.HandsFreeAudioGatewayProfile.connect](js-apis-bluetoothManager.md#connect-1).
> This API is supported since API version 8 and deprecated since API version 9. You are advised to use [bluetoothManager.HandsFreeAudioGatewayProfile.disconnect](js-apis-bluetoothManager.md#disconnect-1).
Subscribes to the HFP connection state change events.
> **NOTE**<br>
> This API is supported since API version 8 and deprecated since API version 9. You are advised to use [bluetoothManager.HandsFreeAudioGatewayProfile.on('connectionStateChange')](js-apis-bluetoothManager.md#onconnectionstatechange-1).
Unsubscribes from the HFP connection state change events.
> **NOTE**<br>
> This API is supported since API version 8 and deprecated since API version 9. You are advised to use [bluetoothManager.HandsFreeAudioGatewayProfile.off('connectionStateChange')](js-apis-bluetoothManager.md#offconnectionstatechange-1).
Implements the Generic Attribute Profile (GATT) server. Before using a method of this class, you need to create a **GattServer** instance using the **createGattServer()** method.
> This API is supported since API version 7 and deprecated since API version 9. You are advised to use [bluetoothManager.GattServer.startAdvertising](js-apis-bluetoothManager.md#startadvertising).
> This API is supported since API version 7 and deprecated since API version 9. You are advised to use [bluetoothManager.GattServer.stopAdvertising](js-apis-bluetoothManager.md#stopadvertising).
> This API is supported since API version 7 and deprecated since API version 9. You are advised to use [bluetoothManager.GattServer.addService](js-apis-bluetoothManager.md#addservice).
> This API is supported since API version 7 and deprecated since API version 9. You are advised to use [bluetoothManager.GattServer.removeService](js-apis-bluetoothManager.md#removeservice).
Closes this GATT server to unregister it from the protocol stack. After this method is called, this [GattServer](#gattserver) cannot be used.
> **NOTE**<br>
> This API is supported since API version 7 and deprecated since API version 9. You are advised to use [bluetoothManager.GattServer.close](js-apis-bluetoothManager.md#close).
Notifies the connected client device when a characteristic value changes.
> **NOTE**<br>
> This API is supported since API version 7 and deprecated since API version 9. You are advised to use [bluetoothManager.GattServer.notifyCharacteristicChanged](js-apis-bluetoothManager.md#notifycharacteristicchanged).
Sends a response to a read or write request from the GATT client.
> **NOTE**<br>
> This API is supported since API version 7 and deprecated since API version 9. You are advised to use [bluetoothManager.GattServer.sendResponse](js-apis-bluetoothManager.md#sendresponse).
Subscribes to the characteristic read request events.
> **NOTE**<br>
> This API is supported since API version 7 and deprecated since API version 9. You are advised to use [bluetoothManager.GattServer.on('characteristicRead')](js-apis-bluetoothManager.md#oncharacteristicread).
Unsubscribes from the characteristic read request events.
> **NOTE**<br>
> This API is supported since API version 7 and deprecated since API version 9. You are advised to use [bluetoothManager.GattServer.off('characteristicRead')](js-apis-bluetoothManager.md#offcharacteristicread).
Subscribes to the characteristic write request events.
> **NOTE**<br>
> This API is supported since API version 7 and deprecated since API version 9. You are advised to use [bluetoothManager.GattServer.on('characteristicWrite')](js-apis-bluetoothManager.md#oncharacteristicwrite).
Unsubscribes from the characteristic write request events.
> **NOTE**<br>
> This API is supported since API version 7 and deprecated since API version 9. You are advised to use [bluetoothManager.GattServer.off('characteristicWrite')](js-apis-bluetoothManager.md#offcharacteristicwrite).
> This API is supported since API version 7 and deprecated since API version 9. You are advised to use [bluetoothManager.GattServer.on('descriptorRead')](js-apis-bluetoothManager.md#ondescriptorread).
Unsubscribes from the descriptor read request events.
> **NOTE**<br>
> This API is supported since API version 7 and deprecated since API version 9. You are advised to use [bluetoothManager.GattServer.off('descriptorRead')](js-apis-bluetoothManager.md#offdescriptorread).
Subscribes to the descriptor write request events.
> **NOTE**<br>
> This API is supported since API version 7 and deprecated since API version 9. You are advised to use [bluetoothManager.GattServer.on('descriptorWrite')](js-apis-bluetoothManager.md#ondescriptorwrite).
Unsubscribes from the descriptor write request events.
> **NOTE**<br>
> This API is supported since API version 7 and deprecated since API version 9. You are advised to use [bluetoothManager.GattServer.off('descriptorWrite')](js-apis-bluetoothManager.md#offdescriptorwrite).
Subscribes to the BLE connection state change events.
> **NOTE**<br>
> This API is supported since API version 7 and deprecated since API version 9. You are advised to use [bluetoothManager.GattServer.on('connectStateChange')](js-apis-bluetoothManager.md#onconnectstatechange).
Unsubscribes from the BLE connection state change events.
> **NOTE**<br>
> This API is supported since API version 7 and deprecated since API version 9. You are advised to use [bluetoothManager.GattServer.off('connectStateChange')](js-apis-bluetoothManager.md#offconnectstatechange).
Implements the GATT client. Before using a method of this class, you must create a **GattClientDevice** instance using the **createGattClientDevice(deviceId: string)** method.
### connect
### connect<sup>(deprecated)</sup>
connect(): boolean
Initiates a connection to the remote BLE device.
> **NOTE**<br>
> This API is supported since API version 7 and deprecated since API version 9. You are advised to use [bluetoothManager.GattClientDevice.connect](js-apis-bluetoothManager.md#connect-3).
@@ -2590,12 +2491,15 @@ let ret = device.connect();
### disconnect
### disconnect<sup>(deprecated)</sup>
disconnect(): boolean
Disconnects from the remote BLE device.
> **NOTE**<br>
> This API is supported since API version 7 and deprecated since API version 9. You are advised to use [bluetoothManager.GattClientDevice.disconnect](js-apis-bluetoothManager.md#disconnect-4).
@@ -2614,12 +2518,15 @@ let ret = device.disconnect();
### close
### close<sup>(deprecated)</sup>
close(): boolean
Closes this GATT client to unregister it from the protocol stack. After this method is called, this [GattClientDevice](#gattclientdevice) instance cannot be used.
> **NOTE**<br>
> This API is supported since API version 7 and deprecated since API version 9. You are advised to use [bluetoothManager.GattClientDevice.close](js-apis-bluetoothManager.md#close-1).
Obtains all services of the remote BLE device. This API uses an asynchronous callback to return the result.
> **NOTE**<br>
> This API is supported since API version 7 and deprecated since API version 9. You are advised to use [bluetoothManager.GattClientDevice.getServices](js-apis-bluetoothManager.md#getservices).
Obtains all services of the remote BLE device. This API uses a promise to return the result.
> **NOTE**<br>
> This API is supported since API version 7 and deprecated since API version 9. You are advised to use [bluetoothManager.GattClientDevice.getServices](js-apis-bluetoothManager.md#getservices-1).
Reads the characteristic value of the specific service of the remote BLE device. This API uses an asynchronous callback to return the result.
> **NOTE**<br>
> This API is supported since API version 7 and deprecated since API version 9. You are advised to use [bluetoothManager.GattClientDevice.readCharacteristicValue](js-apis-bluetoothManager.md#readcharacteristicvalue).
Reads the characteristic value of the specific service of the remote BLE device. This API uses a promise to return the result.
> **NOTE**<br>
> This API is supported since API version 7 and deprecated since API version 9. You are advised to use [bluetoothManager.GattClientDevice.readCharacteristicValue](js-apis-bluetoothManager.md#readcharacteristicvalue-1).
Reads the descriptor contained in the specific characteristic of the remote BLE device. This API uses an asynchronous callback to return the result.
> **NOTE**<br>
> This API is supported since API version 7 and deprecated since API version 9. You are advised to use [bluetoothManager.GattClientDevice.readDescriptorValue](js-apis-bluetoothManager.md#readdescriptorvalue).
Reads the descriptor contained in the specific characteristic of the remote BLE device. This API uses a promise to return the result.
> **NOTE**<br>
> This API is supported since API version 7 and deprecated since API version 9. You are advised to use [bluetoothManager.GattClientDevice.readDescriptorValue](js-apis-bluetoothManager.md#readdescriptorvalue-1).
Writes a characteristic value to the remote BLE device.
> **NOTE**<br>
> This API is supported since API version 7 and deprecated since API version 9. You are advised to use [bluetoothManager.GattClientDevice.writeCharacteristicValue](js-apis-bluetoothManager.md#writecharacteristicvalue).
Writes binary data to the specific descriptor of the remote BLE device.
> **NOTE**<br>
> This API is supported since API version 7 and deprecated since API version 9. You are advised to use [bluetoothManager.GattClientDevice.writeDescriptorValue](js-apis-bluetoothManager.md#writedescriptorvalue).
Sets the maximum transmission unit (MTU) that can be transmitted between the GATT client and its remote BLE device. This API can be used only after a connection is set up by calling [connect](#connect).
> **NOTE**<br>
> This API is supported since API version 7 and deprecated since API version 9. You are advised to use [bluetoothManager.GattClientDevice.setBLEMtuSize](js-apis-bluetoothManager.md#setblemtusize).
Sets the function of notifying the GATT client when the characteristic value of the remote BLE device changes.
> **NOTE**<br>
> This API is supported since API version 7 and deprecated since API version 9. You are advised to use [bluetoothManager.GattClientDevice.setNotifyCharacteristicChanged](js-apis-bluetoothManager.md#setnotifycharacteristicchanged).
Subscribes to the BLE characteristic change events. The client can receive a notification from the server only after the **setNotifyCharacteristicChanged** method is called.
> **NOTE**<br>
> This API is supported since API version 7 and deprecated since API version 9. You are advised to use [bluetoothManager.GattClientDevice.on('BLECharacteristicChange')](js-apis-bluetoothManager.md#onblecharacteristicchange).
Unsubscribes from the BLE characteristic change events.
> **NOTE**<br>
> This API is supported since API version 7 and deprecated since API version 9. You are advised to use [bluetoothManager.GattClientDevice.off('BLECharacteristicChange')](js-apis-bluetoothManager.md#offblecharacteristicchange).
Subscribes to the BLE connection state change events.
> **NOTE**<br>
> This API is supported since API version 7 and deprecated since API version 9. You are advised to use [bluetoothManager.GattClientDevice.on('BLEConnectionStateChange')](js-apis-bluetoothManager.md#onbleconnectionstatechange).
Unsubscribes from the BLE connection state change events.
> **NOTE**<br>
> This API is supported since API version 7 and deprecated since API version 9. You are advised to use [bluetoothManager.GattClientDevice.off('BLEConnectionStateChange')](js-apis-bluetoothManager.md#offbleconnectionstatechange).
Obtains the name of the remote BLE device. This API uses an asynchronous callback to return the result.
> **NOTE**<br>
> This API is supported since API version 7 and deprecated since API version 9. You are advised to use [bluetoothManager.GattClientDevice.getDeviceName](js-apis-bluetoothManager.md#getdevicename).
@@ -3211,12 +3163,15 @@ let deviceName = gattClient.getDeviceName((err, data)=> {
### getDeviceName
### getDeviceName<sup>(deprecated)</sup>
getDeviceName(): Promise<string>
Obtains the name of the remote BLE device. This API uses a promise to return the result.
> **NOTE**<br>
> This API is supported since API version 7 and deprecated since API version 9. You are advised to use [bluetoothManager.GattClientDevice.getDeviceName](js-apis-bluetoothManager.md#getdevicename-1).
Obtains the received signal strength indication (RSSI) of the remote BLE device. This API uses an asynchronous callback to return the result. It can be used only after a connection is set up by calling [connect](#connect).
> **NOTE**<br>
> This API is supported since API version 7 and deprecated since API version 9. You are advised to use [bluetoothManager.GattClientDevice.getRssiValue](js-apis-bluetoothManager.md#getrssivalue).
@@ -3272,12 +3230,15 @@ let rssi = gattClient.getRssiValue((err, data)=> {
### getRssiValue
### getRssiValue<sup>(deprecated)</sup>
getRssiValue(): Promise<number>
Obtains the RSSI of the remote BLE device. This API uses a promise to return the result. It can be used only after a connection is set up by calling [connect](#connect).
> **NOTE**<br>
> This API is supported since API version 7 and deprecated since API version 9. You are advised to use [bluetoothManager.GattClientDevice.getRssiValue](js-apis-bluetoothManager.md#getrssivalue-1).
> This API is supported since API version 8 and deprecated since API version 9. You are advised to use [bluetoothManager.ScanMode](js-apis-bluetoothManager.md#scanmode).
> This API is supported since API version 8 and deprecated since API version 9. You are advised to use [bluetoothManager.BondState](js-apis-bluetoothManager.md#bondstate).
> This API is supported since API version 8 and deprecated since API version 9. You are advised to use [bluetoothManager.SppOption](js-apis-bluetoothManager.md#sppoption).
> This API is supported since API version 8 and deprecated since API version 9. You are advised to use [bluetoothManager.SppType](js-apis-bluetoothManager.md#spptype).
@@ -3350,10 +3323,13 @@ Enumerates the SPP link types.
| SPP_RFCOMM | 0 | Radio frequency communication (RFCOMM) link type.|
## GattService
## GattService<sup>(deprecated)</sup>
Defines the GATT service API parameters.
> **NOTE**<br>
> This API is supported since API version 7 and deprecated since API version 9. You are advised to use [bluetoothManager.GattService](js-apis-bluetoothManager.md#gattservice).
| Name | Type | Readable | Writable | Description |
@@ -3364,10 +3340,13 @@ Defines the GATT service API parameters.
| includeServices | Array<[GattService](#gattservice)> | Yes | Yes | Services on which the service depends. |
## BLECharacteristic
## BLECharacteristic<sup>(deprecated)</sup>
Defines the characteristic API parameters.
> **NOTE**<br>
> This API is supported since API version 7 and deprecated since API version 9. You are advised to use [bluetoothManager.BLECharacteristic](js-apis-bluetoothManager.md#blecharacteristic).
| Name | Type | Readable | Writable | Description |
@@ -3378,10 +3357,13 @@ Defines the characteristic API parameters.
| descriptors | Array<[BLEDescriptor](#bledescriptor)> | Yes | Yes | List of descriptors of the characteristic. |
## BLEDescriptor
## BLEDescriptor<sup>(deprecated)</sup>
Defines the descriptor API parameters.
> **NOTE**<br>
> This API is supported since API version 7 and deprecated since API version 9. You are advised to use [bluetoothManager.BLEDescriptor](js-apis-bluetoothManager.md#bledescriptor).
| Name | Type | Readable | Writable | Description |
@@ -3392,10 +3374,13 @@ Defines the descriptor API parameters.
| descriptorValue | ArrayBuffer | Yes | Yes | Binary value of the descriptor. |
## NotifyCharacteristic
## NotifyCharacteristic<sup>(deprecated)</sup>
Defines the parameters in the notifications sent when the server characteristic value changes.
> **NOTE**<br>
> This API is supported since API version 7 and deprecated since API version 9. You are advised to use [bluetoothManager.NotifyCharacteristic](js-apis-bluetoothManager.md#notifycharacteristic).
| Name | Type | Readable | Writable | Description |
@@ -3406,10 +3391,13 @@ Defines the parameters in the notifications sent when the server characteristic
| confirm | boolean | Yes | Yes | Whether the notification needs to be confirmed by the remote end. For a notification, set it to **true**. In this case, the remote end must confirm the receipt of the notification. For an indication, set it to **false**. In this case, the remote end does not need to confirm the receipt of the notification.|
## CharacteristicReadReq
## CharacteristicReadReq<sup>(deprecated)</sup>
Defines the parameters of the **CharacteristicReadReq** event received by the server.
> **NOTE**<br>
> This API is supported since API version 7 and deprecated since API version 9. You are advised to use [bluetoothManager.CharacteristicReadRequest](js-apis-bluetoothManager.md#characteristicreadrequest).
| Name | Type | Readable | Writable | Description |
@@ -3421,10 +3409,13 @@ Defines the parameters of the **CharacteristicReadReq** event received by the se
| serviceUuid | string | Yes | No | UUID of the service, for example, **00001888-0000-1000-8000-00805f9b34fb**.|
## CharacteristicWriteReq
## CharacteristicWriteReq<sup>(deprecated)</sup>
Defines the parameters of the **CharacteristicWriteReq** event received by the server.
> **NOTE**<br>
> This API is supported since API version 7 and deprecated since API version 9. You are advised to use [bluetoothManager.CharacteristicWriteRequest](js-apis-bluetoothManager.md#characteristicwriterequest).
| Name | Type | Readable | Writable | Description |
@@ -3437,10 +3428,13 @@ Defines the parameters of the **CharacteristicWriteReq** event received by the s
| serviceUuid | string | Yes | No | UUID of the service, for example, **00001888-0000-1000-8000-00805f9b34fb**.|
## DescriptorReadReq
## DescriptorReadReq<sup>(deprecated)</sup>
Defines the parameters of the **DescriptorReadReq** event received by the server.
> **NOTE**<br>
> This API is supported since API version 7 and deprecated since API version 9. You are advised to use [bluetoothManager.DescriptorReadRequest](js-apis-bluetoothManager.md#descriptorreadrequest).
| Name | Type | Readable | Writable | Description |
@@ -3453,10 +3447,13 @@ Defines the parameters of the **DescriptorReadReq** event received by the server
| serviceUuid | string | Yes | No | UUID of the service, for example, **00001888-0000-1000-8000-00805f9b34fb**.|
## DescriptorWriteReq
## DescriptorWriteReq<sup>(deprecated)</sup>
Defines the parameters of the **DescriptorWriteReq** event received by the server.
> **NOTE**<br>
> This API is supported since API version 7 and deprecated since API version 9. You are advised to use [bluetoothManager.DescriptorWriteRequest](js-apis-bluetoothManager.md#descriptorwriterequest).
| Name | Type | Readable | Writable | Description |
@@ -3472,10 +3469,13 @@ Defines the parameters of the **DescriptorWriteReq** event received by the serve
| serviceUuid | string | Yes | No | UUID of the service, for example, **00001888-0000-1000-8000-00805f9b34fb**.|
## ServerResponse
## ServerResponse<sup>(deprecated)</sup>
Defines the parameters of the server's response to the GATT client's read/write request.
> **NOTE**<br>
> This API is supported since API version 7 and deprecated since API version 9. You are advised to use [bluetoothManager.ServerResponse](js-apis-bluetoothManager.md#serverresponse).
| Name | Type | Readable | Writable | Description |
@@ -3487,10 +3487,13 @@ Defines the parameters of the server's response to the GATT client's read/write
| value | ArrayBuffer | Yes | No | Binary data in the response. |
## BLEConnectChangedState
## BLEConnectChangedState<sup>(deprecated)</sup>
Defines the parameters of **BLEConnectChangedState**.
> **NOTE**<br>
> This API is supported since API version 7 and deprecated since API version 9. You are advised to use [bluetoothManager.BLEConnectChangedState](js-apis-bluetoothManager.md#bleconnectchangedstate).
@@ -3499,10 +3502,13 @@ Defines the parameters of **BLEConnectChangedState**.
| state | [ProfileConnectionState](#profileconnectionstate) | Yes | Yes | BLE connection state. |
## ProfileConnectionState
## ProfileConnectionState<sup>(deprecated)</sup>
Enumerates the profile connection states.
> **NOTE**<br>
> This API is supported since API version 7 and deprecated since API version 9. You are advised to use [bluetoothManager.ProfileConnectionState](js-apis-bluetoothManager.md#profileconnectionstate).
@@ -3513,10 +3519,13 @@ Enumerates the profile connection states.
| STATE_DISCONNECTING | 3 | Disconnecting.|
## ScanFilter
## ScanFilter<sup>(deprecated)</sup>
Defines the scan filter parameters.
> **NOTE**<br>
> This API is supported since API version 7 and deprecated since API version 9. You are advised to use [bluetoothManager.ScanFilter](js-apis-bluetoothManager.md#scanfilter).
@@ -3524,20 +3533,15 @@ Defines the scan filter parameters.
| deviceId | string | Yes | Yes | Address of the BLE device to filter, for example, XX:XX:XX:XX:XX:XX. |
| name | string | Yes | Yes | Name of the BLE device to filter. |
| serviceUuid | string | Yes | Yes | Service UUID of the device to filter, for example, **00001888-0000-1000-8000-00805f9b34fb**.|
| serviceUuidMask<sup>9+</sup> | string | Yes | Yes | Service UUID mask of the device to filter, for example, **FFFFFFFF-FFFF-FFFF-FFFF-FFFFFFFFFFFF**.|
| serviceSolicitationUuid<sup>9+</sup> | string | Yes | Yes | Service solicitation UUID of the device to filter, for example, **00001888-0000-1000-8000-00805F9B34FB**.|
| serviceSolicitationUuidMask<sup>9+</sup> | string | Yes | Yes | Service solicitation UUID mask of the device to filter, for example, **FFFFFFFF-FFFF-FFFF-FFFF-FFFFFFFFFFFF**.|
| serviceData<sup>9+</sup> | ArrayBuffer | Yes | Yes | Service data of the device to filter, for example, **[0x90, 0x00, 0xF1, 0xF2]**.|
| serviceDataMask<sup>9+</sup> | ArrayBuffer | Yes | Yes | Service data mask of the device to filter, for example, **[0xFF,0xFF,0xFF,0xFF]**.|
| manufactureId<sup>9+</sup> | number | Yes | Yes | Manufacturer ID of the device to filter, for example, **0x0006**. |
| manufactureData<sup>9+</sup> | ArrayBuffer | Yes | Yes | Manufacturer data of the device to filter, for example, **[0x1F,0x2F,0x3F]**.|
| manufactureDataMask<sup>9+</sup> | ArrayBuffer | Yes | Yes | Manufacturer data mask of the device to filter, for example, **[0xFF, 0xFF, 0xFF]**.|
## ScanOptions
## ScanOptions<sup>(deprecated)</sup>
Defines the scan configuration parameters.
> **NOTE**<br>
> This API is supported since API version 7 and deprecated since API version 9. You are advised to use [bluetoothManager.ScanOptions](js-apis-bluetoothManager.md#scanoptions).
| Name | Type | Readable | Writable | Description |
@@ -3547,10 +3551,13 @@ Defines the scan configuration parameters.
| matchMode | [MatchMode](#matchmode) | Yes | Yes | Hardware filtering match mode. The default value is **MATCH_MODE_AGGRESSIVE**.|
## ScanDuty
## ScanDuty<sup>(deprecated)</sup>
Enumerates the scan duty options.
> **NOTE**<br>
> This API is supported since API version 7 and deprecated since API version 9. You are advised to use [bluetoothManager.ScanDuty](js-apis-bluetoothManager.md#scanduty).
@@ -3560,10 +3567,13 @@ Enumerates the scan duty options.
| SCAN_MODE_LOW_LATENCY | 2 | Low-latency mode. |
## MatchMode
## MatchMode<sup>(deprecated)</sup>
Enumerates the hardware match modes of BLE scan filters.
> **NOTE**<br>
> This API is supported since API version 7 and deprecated since API version 9. You are advised to use [bluetoothManager.MatchMode](js-apis-bluetoothManager.md#matchmode).
@@ -3572,10 +3582,13 @@ Enumerates the hardware match modes of BLE scan filters.
| MATCH_MODE_STICKY | 2 | Hardware reports the scan result with a higher threshold of signal strength and sightings. |
## ScanResult
## ScanResult<sup>(deprecated)</sup>
Defines the scan result.
> **NOTE**<br>
> This API is supported since API version 7 and deprecated since API version 9. You are advised to use [bluetoothManager.ScanResult](js-apis-bluetoothManager.md#scanresult).
| Name | Type | Readable | Writable | Description |
@@ -3585,10 +3598,13 @@ Defines the scan result.
| data | ArrayBuffer | Yes | No | Advertisement packets sent by the device. |
## BluetoothState
## BluetoothState<sup>(deprecated)</sup>
Enumerates the Bluetooth states.
> **NOTE**<br>
> This API is supported since API version 7 and deprecated since API version 9. You are advised to use [bluetoothManager.BluetoothState](js-apis-bluetoothManager.md#bluetoothstate).
@@ -3602,10 +3618,13 @@ Enumerates the Bluetooth states.
| STATE_BLE_TURNING_OFF | 6 | The LE-only mode is being turned off for Bluetooth.|
## AdvertiseSetting
## AdvertiseSetting<sup>(deprecated)</sup>
Defines the BLE advertising parameters.
> **NOTE**<br>
> This API is supported since API version 7 and deprecated since API version 9. You are advised to use [bluetoothManager.AdvertiseSetting](js-apis-bluetoothManager.md#advertisesetting).
| Name | Type | Readable | Writable | Description |
@@ -3615,10 +3634,13 @@ Defines the BLE advertising parameters.
| connectable | boolean | Yes | Yes | Whether the advertisement is connectable. The default value is **true**. |
## AdvertiseData
## AdvertiseData<sup>(deprecated)</sup>
Defines the content of a BLE advertisement packet.
> **NOTE**<br>
> This API is supported since API version 7 and deprecated since API version 9. You are advised to use [bluetoothManager.AdvertiseData](js-apis-bluetoothManager.md#advertisedata).
| Name | Type | Readable | Writable | Description |
@@ -3628,10 +3650,13 @@ Defines the content of a BLE advertisement packet.
| serviceData | Array<[ServiceData](#servicedata)> | Yes | Yes | List of service data to broadcast. |
## ManufactureData
## ManufactureData<sup>(deprecated)</sup>
Defines the content of a BLE advertisement packet.
> **NOTE**<br>
> This API is supported since API version 7 and deprecated since API version 9. You are advised to use [bluetoothManager.ManufactureData](js-apis-bluetoothManager.md#manufacturedata).
Defines the service data contained in an advertisement packet.
> **NOTE**<br>
> This API is supported since API version 7 and deprecated since API version 9. You are advised to use [bluetoothManager.ServiceData](js-apis-bluetoothManager.md#servicedata).
> This API is supported since API version 8 and deprecated since API version 9. You are advised to use [bluetoothManager.PinRequiredParam](js-apis-bluetoothManager.md#pinrequiredparam).
> This API is supported since API version 8 and deprecated since API version 9. You are advised to use [bluetoothManager.BondStateParam](js-apis-bluetoothManager.md#bondstateparam).
> This API is supported since API version 8 and deprecated since API version 9. You are advised to use [bluetoothManager.StateChangeParam](js-apis-bluetoothManager.md#statechangeparam).
> This API is supported since API version 8 and deprecated since API version 9. You are advised to use [bluetoothManager.DeviceClass](js-apis-bluetoothManager.md#deviceclass).
Enumerates the major classes of Bluetooth devices.
> **NOTE**<br>
> This API is supported since API version 8 and deprecated since API version 9. You are advised to use [bluetoothManager.MajorClass](js-apis-bluetoothManager.md#majorclass).
Enumerates the major and minor classes of Bluetooth devices.
> **NOTE**<br>
> This API is supported since API version 8 and deprecated since API version 9. You are advised to use [bluetoothManager.MajorMinorClass](js-apis-bluetoothManager.md#majorminorclass).
> This API is supported since API version 8 and deprecated since API version 9. You are advised to use [bluetoothManager.PlayingState](js-apis-bluetoothManager.md#playingstate).
Enumerates the Bluetooth profiles. API version 9 is added with **PROFILE_HID_HOST** and **PROFILE_PAN_NETWORK**.
> **NOTE**<br>
> This API is supported since API version 8 and deprecated since API version 9. You are advised to use [bluetoothManager.ProfileId](js-apis-bluetoothManager.md#profileid).
The **Bluetooth** module provides classic Bluetooth capabilities and Bluetooth Low Energy (BLE) scan and advertising.
> **NOTE**
> The initial APIs of this module are supported since API version 9. Newly added APIs will be marked with a superscript to indicate their earliest API version.
| device | string | Yes | Address of the remote device, for example, XX:XX:XX:XX:XX:XX.|
| accept | boolean | Yes | Whether to accept the pairing request. The value **true** means to accept the pairing request, and the value **false** means the opposite. |
**Error codes**
For details about the error codes, see [Bluetooth Error Codes](../errorcodes/errorcode-bluetoothManager.md).
| ID| Error Message|
| -------- | ---------------------------- |
|2900001 | Service stopped. |
|2900003 | Bluetooth switch is off. |
|2900099 | Operation failed. |
// Subscribe to the pinRequired event and configure the pairing confirmation after receiving a pairing request from the remote device.
functiononReceivePinRequiredEvent(data){// data is the input parameter for the pairing request.
| type | string | Yes | Event type. The value **bluetoothDeviceFind** indicates an event reported when a Bluetooth device is discovered. |
| callback | Callback<Array<string>> | No | Callback for the **bluetoothDeviceFind** event. If this parameter is not set, this method unsubscribes from all callbacks corresponding to **type**.|
**Error codes**
For details about the error codes, see [Bluetooth Error Codes](../errorcodes/errorcode-bluetoothManager.md).
| type | string | Yes | Event type. The value **pinRequired** indicates a pairing request event. |
| callback | Callback<[PinRequiredParam](#pinrequiredparam)> | Yes | Callback invoked to return the pairing request. You need to implement this callback.|
**Error codes**
For details about the error codes, see [Bluetooth Error Codes](../errorcodes/errorcode-bluetoothManager.md).
| ID| Error Message|
| -------- | ---------------------------- |
|2900099 | Operation failed. |
functiononReceiveEvent(data){// data is the pairing request parameter.
| type | string | Yes | Event type. The value **pinRequired** indicates a pairing request event. |
| callback | Callback<[PinRequiredParam](#pinrequiredparam)> | No | Callback for the Bluetooth pairing request event. The input parameter is the pairing request parameter. If this parameter is not set, this method unsubscribes from all callbacks corresponding to **type**.|
**Error codes**
For details about the error codes, see [Bluetooth Error Codes](../errorcodes/errorcode-bluetoothManager.md).
| type | string | Yes | Event type. The value **bondStateChange** indicates a Bluetooth pairing state change event.|
| callback | Callback<[BondStateParam](#BondStateParam)> | Yes | Callback invoked to return the pairing state. You need to implement this callback. |
**Error codes**
For details about the error codes, see [Bluetooth Error Codes](../errorcodes/errorcode-bluetoothManager.md).
| ID| Error Message|
| -------- | ---------------------------- |
|2900099 | Operation failed. |
functiononReceiveEvent(data){// data, as the input parameter of the callback, indicates the pairing state.
console.info('pair state = '+JSON.stringify(data));
| type | string | Yes | Event type. The value **bondStateChange** indicates a Bluetooth pairing state change event. |
| callback | Callback<[BondStateParam](#BondStateParam)> | No | Callback for the change of the Bluetooth pairing state. If this parameter is not set, this method unsubscribes from all callbacks corresponding to **type**.|
**Error codes**
For details about the error codes, see [Bluetooth Error Codes](../errorcodes/errorcode-bluetoothManager.md).
| ID| Error Message|
| -------- | ---------------------------- |
|2900099 | Operation failed. |
console.info('bond state = '+JSON.stringify(data));
| type | string | Yes | Event type. The value **stateChange** indicates a Bluetooth connection state change event. |
| callback | Callback<[BluetoothState](#bluetoothstate)> | Yes | Callback invoked to return the Bluetooth connection state. You need to implement this callback.|
**Error codes**
For details about the error codes, see [Bluetooth Error Codes](../errorcodes/errorcode-bluetoothManager.md).
| ID| Error Message|
| -------- | ---------------------------- |
|2900099 | Operation failed. |
console.info('bluetooth state = '+JSON.stringify(data));
| type | string | Yes | Event type. The value **stateChange** indicates a Bluetooth connection state change event. |
| callback | Callback<[BluetoothState](#bluetoothstate)> | No | Callback for the Bluetooth connection state change event. If this parameter is not set, this method unsubscribes from all callbacks corresponding to **type**.|
**Error codes**
For details about the error codes, see [Bluetooth Error Codes](../errorcodes/errorcode-bluetoothManager.md).
| ID| Error Message|
| -------- | ---------------------------- |
|2900099 | Operation failed. |
console.info('bluetooth state = '+JSON.stringify(data));
| type | string | Yes | Event type. The value **sppRead** indicates an SPP read request event. |
| clientSocket | number | Yes | Client socket ID, which is obtained by **sppAccept** or **sppConnect**. |
| callback | Callback<ArrayBuffer> | No | Callback for the SPP read request event. If this parameter is not set, this method unsubscribes from all callbacks corresponding to **type**.|
| [A2dpSourceProfile](#a2dpsourceprofile), [HandsFreeAudioGatewayProfile](#handsfreeaudiogatewayprofile), [HidHostProfile](#hidhostprofile), or [PanProfile](#panprofile)| Profile instance obtained, which can be **A2dpSourceProfile**, **HandsFreeAudioGatewayProfile**, **HidHostProfile**, or **PanProfile**.|
| [GattClientDevice](#gattclientdevice) | **GattClientDevice** instance created. Before using an API of the client, you must create a **GattClientDevice** instance.|
| filters | Array<[ScanFilter](#scanfilter)> | Yes | Criteria for filtering the scan result. Set this parameter to **null** if you do not want to filter the scan result.|
| options | [ScanOptions](#scanoptions) | No | Scan options. |
**Error codes**
For details about the error codes, see [Bluetooth Error Codes](../errorcodes/errorcode-bluetoothManager.md).
| ID| Error Message|
| -------- | ---------------------------- |
|2900001 | Service stopped. |
|2900003 | Bluetooth switch is off. |
|2900099 | Operation failed. |
console.info('BLE scan device find result = '+JSON.stringify(data));
| type | string | Yes | Event type. The value **BLEDeviceFind** indicates an event reported when a BLE device is discovered. |
| callback | Callback<Array<[ScanResult](#scanresult)>> | Yes | Callback invoked to return the discovered devices. You need to implement this callback.|
**Error codes**
For details about the error codes, see [Bluetooth Error Codes](../errorcodes/errorcode-bluetoothManager.md).
| type | string | Yes | Event type. The value **BLEDeviceFind** indicates an event reported when a BLE device is discovered. |
| callback | Callback<Array<[ScanResult](#scanresult)>> | No | Callback for the **BLEDeviceFind** event. If this parameter is not set, this method unsubscribes from all callbacks corresponding to **type**.|
**Error codes**
For details about the error codes, see [Bluetooth Error Codes](../errorcodes/errorcode-bluetoothManager.md).
Implements the Generic Attribute Profile (GATT) server. Before using an API of this class, you need to create a **GattServer** instance using **createGattServer()**.
| type | string | Yes | Event type. The value **characteristicRead** indicates a characteristic read request event. |
| callback | Callback<[CharacteristicReadRequest](#characteristicreadrequest)> | No | Callback for the characteristic read request event. If this parameter is not set, this method unsubscribes from all callbacks corresponding to **type**.|
| type | string | Yes | Event type. The value **characteristicWrite** indicates a characteristic write request event.|
| callback | Callback<[CharacteristicWriteRequest](#characteristicwriterequest)> | Yes | Callback invoked to return a characteristic write request from the GATT client. |
| type | string | Yes | Event type. The value **characteristicWrite** indicates a characteristic write request event. |
| callback | Callback<[CharacteristicWriteRequest](#characteristicwriterequest)> | No | Callback for the characteristic write request event. If this parameter is not set, this method unsubscribes from all callbacks corresponding to **type**.|
| type | string | Yes | Event type. The value **descriptorRead** indicates a descriptor read request event. |
| callback | Callback<[DescriptorReadRequest](#descriptorreadrequest)> | No | Callback for the descriptor read request event. If this parameter is not set, this method unsubscribes from all callbacks corresponding to **type**.|
| type | string | Yes | Event type. The value **descriptorWrite** indicates a descriptor write request event.|
| callback | Callback<[DescriptorWriteRequest](#descriptorwriterequest)> | Yes | Callback invoked to return a descriptor write request from the GATT client. |
| type | string | Yes | Event type. The value **descriptorWrite** indicates a descriptor write request event. |
| callback | Callback<[DescriptorWriteRequest](#descriptorwriterequest)> | No | Callback for the descriptor write request event. If this parameter is not set, this method unsubscribes from all callbacks corresponding to **type**.|
| type | string | Yes | Event type. The value **connectStateChange** indicates a BLE connection state change event.|
| callback | Callback<[BLEConnectChangedState](#bleconnectchangedstate)> | No | Callback for the BLE connection state change event. If this parameter is not set, this method unsubscribes from all callbacks corresponding to **type**.|
Implements the GATT client. Before using an API of this class, you must create a **GattClientDevice** instance using **createGattClientDevice(deviceId: string)**.
Closes this GATT client to unregister it from the protocol stack. After this method is called, this [GattClientDevice](#gattclientdevice) instance cannot be used.
Sets the maximum transmission unit (MTU) that can be transmitted between the GATT client and its remote BLE device. This API can be used only after a connection is set up by calling [connect](#connect).
| characteristic | [BLECharacteristic](#blecharacteristic) | Yes | BLE characteristic to listen for. |
| enable | boolean | Yes | Whether to enable the notify function. The value **true** means to enable the notify function, and the value **false** means the opposite.|
**Error codes**
For details about the error codes, see [Bluetooth Error Codes](../errorcodes/errorcode-bluetoothManager.md).
Subscribes to the BLE characteristic change events. The client can receive a notification from the server only after the **setNotifyCharacteristicChanged** method is called.
| type | string | Yes | Event type. The value **BLECharacteristicChange** indicates a characteristic value change event.|
| callback | Callback<[BLECharacteristic](#blecharacteristic)> | No | Callback for the characteristic value change event. If this parameter is not set, this method unsubscribes from all callbacks corresponding to **type**.|
| type | string | Yes | Event type. The value **BLEConnectionStateChange** indicates a BLE connection state change event.|
| callback | Callback<[BLEConnectChangedState](#bleconnectchangedstate)> | No | Callback for the BLE connection state change event. If this parameter is not set, this method unsubscribes from all callbacks corresponding to **type**.|
Obtains the received signal strength indication (RSSI) of the remote BLE device. This API uses an asynchronous callback to return the result. It can be used only after a connection is set up by calling [connect](#connect).
Obtains the RSSI of the remote BLE device. This API uses a promise to return the result. It can be used only after a connection is set up by calling [connect](#connect).
| serviceUuid | string | Yes | Yes | UUID of the service, for example, **00001888-0000-1000-8000-00805f9b34fb**.|
| characteristicUuid | string | Yes | Yes | UUID of the characteristic, for example, **00002a11-0000-1000-8000-00805f9b34fb**.|
| characteristicValue | ArrayBuffer | Yes | Yes | Binary value of the characteristic. |
| confirm | boolean | Yes | Yes | Whether the notification needs to be confirmed by the remote end. For a notification, set it to **true**. In this case, the remote end must confirm the receipt of the notification. For an indication, set it to **false**. In this case, the remote end does not need to confirm the receipt of the notification.|
## CharacteristicReadRequest
Defines the parameters of the **CharacteristicReadReq** event received by the server.
| deviceId | string | Yes | No | Address of the remote device that sends the **CharacteristicReadReq** event, for example, XX:XX:XX:XX:XX:XX.|
| transId | number | Yes | No | Transmission ID of the read request. The response returned by the server must use the same transmission ID. |
| offset | number | Yes | No | Position from which the characteristic value is read. For example, **k** means to read from the kth byte. The response returned by the server must use the same offset.|
| characteristicUuid | string | Yes | No | UUID of the characteristic, for example, **00002a11-0000-1000-8000-00805f9b34fb**.|
| serviceUuid | string | Yes | No | UUID of the service, for example, **00001888-0000-1000-8000-00805f9b34fb**.|
## CharacteristicWriteRequest
Defines the parameters of the **CharacteristicWriteReq** event received by the server.
| deviceId | string | Yes | No | Address of the remote device that sends the **CharacteristicWriteReq** event, for example, XX:XX:XX:XX:XX:XX.|
| transId | number | Yes | No | Transmission ID of the write request. The response returned by the server must use the same transmission ID. |
| offset | number | Yes | No | Start position for writing the characteristic value. For example, **k** means to write from the kth byte. The response returned by the server must use the same offset.|
| descriptorUuid | string | Yes | No | UUID of the descriptor, for example, **00002902-0000-1000-8000-00805f9b34fb**.|
| characteristicUuid | string | Yes | No | UUID of the characteristic, for example, **00002a11-0000-1000-8000-00805f9b34fb**.|
| serviceUuid | string | Yes | No | UUID of the service, for example, **00001888-0000-1000-8000-00805f9b34fb**.|
## DescriptorReadRequest
Defines the parameters of the **DescriptorReadReq** event received by the server.
| deviceId | string | Yes | No | Address of the remote device that sends a **DescriptorReadReq** event, for example, XX:XX:XX:XX:XX:XX.|
| transId | number | Yes | No | Transmission ID of the read request. The response returned by the server must use the same transmission ID. |
| offset | number | Yes | No | Position from which the descriptor is read. For example, **k** means to read from the kth byte. The response returned by the server must use the same offset.|
| descriptorUuid | string | Yes | No | UUID of the descriptor, for example, **00002902-0000-1000-8000-00805f9b34fb**.|
| characteristicUuid | string | Yes | No | UUID of the characteristic, for example, **00002a11-0000-1000-8000-00805f9b34fb**.|
| serviceUuid | string | Yes | No | UUID of the service, for example, **00001888-0000-1000-8000-00805f9b34fb**.|
## DescriptorWriteRequest
Defines the parameters of the **DescriptorWriteReq** event received by the server.
| deviceId | string | Yes | No | Address of the remote device that sends a **DescriptorWriteReq** event, for example, XX:XX:XX:XX:XX:XX.|
| transId | number | Yes | No | Transmission ID of the write request. The response returned by the server must use the same transmission ID. |
| offset | number | Yes | No | Start position for writing the descriptor. For example, **k** means to write from the kth byte. The response returned by the server must use the same offset.|
| isPrep | boolean | Yes | No | Whether the write request is executed immediately. |
| needRsp | boolean | Yes | No | Whether to send a response to the GATT client. |
| value | ArrayBuffer | Yes | No | Binary value of the descriptor to write. |
| descriptorUuid | string | Yes | No | UUID of the descriptor, for example, **00002902-0000-1000-8000-00805f9b34fb**.|
| characteristicUuid | string | Yes | No | UUID of the characteristic, for example, **00002a11-0000-1000-8000-00805f9b34fb**.|
| serviceUuid | string | Yes | No | UUID of the service, for example, **00001888-0000-1000-8000-00805f9b34fb**.|
## ServerResponse
Defines the parameters of the server's response to the GATT client's read/write request.
| deviceId | string | Yes | Yes | Address of the BLE device to filter, for example, XX:XX:XX:XX:XX:XX. |
| name | string | Yes | Yes | Name of the BLE device to filter. |
| serviceUuid | string | Yes | Yes | Service UUID of the device to filter, for example, **00001888-0000-1000-8000-00805f9b34fb**.|
| serviceUuidMask | string | Yes | Yes | Service UUID mask of the device to filter, for example, **FFFFFFFF-FFFF-FFFF-FFFF-FFFFFFFFFFFF**.|
| serviceSolicitationUuid | string | Yes | Yes | Service solicitation UUID of the device to filter, for example, **00001888-0000-1000-8000-00805F9B34FB**.|
| serviceSolicitationUuidMask | string | Yes | Yes | Service solicitation UUID mask of the device to filter, for example, **FFFFFFFF-FFFF-FFFF-FFFF-FFFFFFFFFFFF**.|
| serviceData | ArrayBuffer | Yes | Yes | Service data of the device to filter, for example, **[0x90, 0x00, 0xF1, 0xF2]**.|
| serviceDataMask | ArrayBuffer | Yes | Yes | Service data mask of the device to filter, for example, **[0xFF,0xFF,0xFF,0xFF]**.|
| manufactureId | number | Yes | Yes | Manufacturer ID of the device to filter, for example, **0x0006**. |
| manufactureData | ArrayBuffer | Yes | Yes | Manufacturer data of the device to filter, for example, **[0x1F,0x2F,0x3F]**.|
| manufactureDataMask | ArrayBuffer | Yes | Yes | Manufacturer data mask of the device to filter, for example, **[0xFF, 0xFF, 0xFF]**.|
| MATCH_MODE_AGGRESSIVE | 1 | Hardware reports the scan result with a lower threshold of signal strength and few number of matches in a duration. This is the default value.|
| MATCH_MODE_STICKY | 2 | Hardware reports the scan result with a higher threshold of signal strength and sightings. |
| interval | number | Yes | Yes | Interval for BLE advertising. The minimum value is **32** slots (20 ms). The maximum value is **16384** slots. The default value is **1600** slots (1s).|
| txPower | number | Yes | Yes | Transmit power, in dBm. The value range is -127 to 1. The default value is **-7**. |
| connectable | boolean | Yes | Yes | Whether the advertisement is connectable. The default value is **true**. |
## AdvertiseData
Defines the content of a BLE advertisement packet.
@@ -5,7 +5,7 @@ The **fileio** module provides APIs for file storage and management, including b
> **NOTE**
> - The initial APIs of this module are supported since API version 6. Newly added APIs will be marked with a superscript to indicate their earliest API version.
> - The APIs provided by this module are deprecated since API version 9. You are advised to use [@ohos.file.fs](./js-apis-file-fs.md).
> - The APIs provided by this module are deprecated since API version 9. You are advised to use [@ohos.file.fs](js-apis-file-fs.md).
## Modules to Import
@@ -18,7 +18,7 @@ import fileio from '@ohos.fileio';
Before using the APIs provided by this module to perform operations on files or directories, obtain the path of the application sandbox as follows:
| path | string | Yes | Application sandbox path of the file. |
| mode | number | No | Options for accessing the file. You can specify multiple options, separated with a bitwise OR operator (|). The default value is **0**.<br>The options are as follows:<br>- **0**: check whether the file exists.<br>- **1**: check whether the current process has the execute permission on the file.<br>- **2**: check whether the current process has the write permission on the file.<br>- **4**: check whether the current process has the read permission on the file.|
| mode | number | No | Options for accessing the file. You can specify multiple options, separated with a bitwise OR operator (|). The default value is **0**.<br>The options are as follows:<br>-**0**: Check whether the file exists.<br>- **1**: Check whether the process has the execute permission on the file.<br>- **2**: Check whether the process has the write permission on the file.<br>- **4**: Check whether the process has the read permission on the file. |
| path | string | Yes | Application sandbox path of the file. |
| mode | number | No | Options for accessing the file. You can specify multiple options, separated with a bitwise OR operator (|). The default value is **0**.<br>The options are as follows:<br>- **0**: check whether the file exists.<br>- **1**: check whether the current process has the execute permission on the file.<br>- **2**: check whether the current process has the write permission on the file.<br>- **4**: check whether the current process has the read permission on the file.|
| mode | number | No | Options for accessing the file. You can specify multiple options, separated with a bitwise OR operator (|). The default value is **0**.<br>The options are as follows:<br>-**0**: Check whether the file exists.<br>- **1**: Check whether the process has the execute permission on the file.<br>- **2**: Check whether the process has the write permission on the file.<br>- **4**: Check whether the process has the read permission on the file. |
| callback | AsyncCallback<void> | Yes | Callback invoked when the file is asynchronously checked. |
@@ -290,7 +290,7 @@ Synchronously checks whether the current process can access the specified file.
| path | string | Yes | Application sandbox path of the file. |
| mode | number | No | Options for accessing the file. You can specify multiple options, separated with a bitwise OR operator (|). The default value is **0**.<br>The options are as follows:<br>- **0**: check whether the file exists.<br>- **1**: check whether the current process has the execute permission on the file.<br>- **2**: check whether the current process has the write permission on the file.<br>- **4**: check whether the current process has the read permission on the file.|
| mode | number | No | Options for accessing the file. You can specify multiple options, separated with a bitwise OR operator (|). The default value is **0**.<br>The options are as follows:<br>-**0**: Check whether the file exists.<br>- **1**: Check whether the process has the execute permission on the file.<br>- **2**: Check whether the process has the write permission on the file.<br>- **4**: Check whether the process has the read permission on the file. |
@@ -314,15 +314,15 @@ Closes a file. This API uses a promise to return the result.
| Name | Type | Mandatory | Description |
| ---- | ------ | ---- | ------------ |
| fd | number | Yes | File descriptor of the file to close.|
| Name | Type | Mandatory | Description |
| ---- | ------ | ---- | ------------ |
| fd | number | Yes | File descriptor of the file to close.|
| src | string\|number | Yes | Path or file descriptor of the file to copy. |
| dest | string\|number | Yes | Path or file descriptor of the new file. |
| mode | number | No | Option for overwriting the file of the same name in the destination path. The default value is **0**, which is the only value supported.<br>**0**: Completely overwrite the file with the same name and truncate the part that is not overwritten.|
| src | string\|number | Yes | Path or file descriptor of the file to copy. |
| dest | string\|number | Yes | Path or file descriptor of the new file. |
| mode | number | No | Option for overwriting the file of the same name in the destination path. The default value is **0**, which is the only value supported.<br>**0**: Completely overwrite the file with the same name and truncate the part that is not overwritten.|
| src | string\|number | Yes | Path or file descriptor of the file to copy. |
| dest | string\|number | Yes | Path or file descriptor of the new file. |
| mode | number | No | Option for overwriting the file of the same name in the destination path. The default value is **0**, which is the only value supported.<br>**0**: Completely overwrite the file with the same name and truncate the part that is not overwritten.|
| callback | AsyncCallback<void> | Yes | Callback invoked when the file is copied asynchronously. |
| src | string\|number | Yes | Path or file descriptor of the file to copy. |
| dest | string\|number | Yes | Path or file descriptor of the new file. |
| mode | number | No | Option for overwriting the file of the same name in the destination path. The default value is **0**, which is the only value supported.<br>**0**: Completely overwrite the file with the same name and truncate the part that is not overwritten.|
| callback | AsyncCallback<void> | Yes | Callback invoked when the file is copied asynchronously. |
@@ -459,11 +459,11 @@ Synchronously copies a file.
| src | string\|number | Yes | Path or file descriptor of the file to copy. |
| dest | string\|number | Yes | Path or file descriptor of the new file. |
| mode | number | No | Option for overwriting the file of the same name in the destination path. The default value is **0**, which is the only value supported.<br>**0**: Completely overwrite the file with the same name and truncate the part that is not overwritten.|
| src | string\|number | Yes | Path or file descriptor of the file to copy. |
| dest | string\|number | Yes | Path or file descriptor of the new file. |
| mode | number | No | Option for overwriting the file of the same name in the destination path. The default value is **0**, which is the only value supported.<br>**0**: Completely overwrite the file with the same name and truncate the part that is not overwritten.|
@@ -487,13 +487,13 @@ Creates a directory. This API uses a promise to return the result.
| path | string | Yes | Application sandbox path of the directory. |
| mode | number | No | Permission on the directory to create. You can specify multiple permissions, separated using a bitwise OR operator (|). The default value is **0o775**.<br>- **0o775**: The owner has the read, write, and execute permissions, and other users have the read and execute permissions.<br>- **0o700**: The owner has the read, write, and execute permissions.<br>- **0o400**: The owner has the read permission.<br>- **0o200**: The owner has the write permission.<br>- **0o100**: The owner has the execute permission.<br>- **0o070**: The user group has the read, write, and execute permissions.<br>- **0o040**: The user group has the read permission.<br>- **0o020**: The user group has the write permission.<br>- **0o010**: The user group has the execute permission.<br>- **0o007**: Other users have the read, write, and execute permissions.<br>- **0o004**: Other users have the read permission.<br>- **0o002**: Other users have the write permission.<br>- **0o001**: Other users have the execute permission.|
| mode | number | No | Permission on the directory to create. You can specify multiple permissions, separated using a bitwise OR operator (|). The default value is **0o775**.<br>-**0o775**: The owner has the read, write, and execute permissions, and other users have the read and execute permissions.<br>- **0o700**: The owner has the read, write, and execute permissions.<br>- **0o400**: The owner has the read permission.<br>- **0o200**: The owner has the write permission.<br>- **0o100**: The owner has the execute permission.<br>- **0o070**: The user group has the read, write, and execute permissions.<br>- **0o040**: The user group has the read permission.<br>- **0o020**: The user group has the write permission.<br>- **0o010**: The user group has the execute permission.<br>- **0o007**: Other users have the read, write, and execute permissions.<br>- **0o004**: Other users have the read permission.<br>- **0o002**: Other users have the write permission.<br>- **0o001**: Other users have the execute permission. |
| path | string | Yes | Application sandbox path of the directory. |
| mode | number | No | Permission on the directory to create. You can specify multiple permissions, separated using a bitwise OR operator (|). The default value is **0o775**.<br>- **0o775**: The owner has the read, write, and execute permissions, and other users have the read and execute permissions.<br>- **0o700**: The owner has the read, write, and execute permissions.<br>- **0o400**: The owner has the read permission.<br>- **0o200**: The owner has the write permission.<br>- **0o100**: The owner has the execute permission.<br>- **0o070**: The user group has the read, write, and execute permissions.<br>- **0o040**: The user group has the read permission.<br>- **0o020**: The user group has the write permission.<br>- **0o010**: The user group has the execute permission.<br>- **0o007**: Other users have the read, write, and execute permissions.<br>- **0o004**: Other users have the read permission.<br>- **0o002**: Other users have the write permission.<br>- **0o001**: Other users have the execute permission.|
| mode | number | No | Permission on the directory to create. You can specify multiple permissions, separated using a bitwise OR operator (|). The default value is **0o775**.<br>-**0o775**: The owner has the read, write, and execute permissions, and other users have the read and execute permissions.<br>- **0o700**: The owner has the read, write, and execute permissions.<br>- **0o400**: The owner has the read permission.<br>- **0o200**: The owner has the write permission.<br>- **0o100**: The owner has the execute permission.<br>- **0o070**: The user group has the read, write, and execute permissions.<br>- **0o040**: The user group has the read permission.<br>- **0o020**: The user group has the write permission.<br>- **0o010**: The user group has the execute permission.<br>- **0o007**: Other users have the read, write, and execute permissions.<br>- **0o004**: Other users have the read permission.<br>- **0o002**: Other users have the write permission.<br>- **0o001**: Other users have the execute permission. |
| callback | AsyncCallback<void> | Yes | Callback invoked when the directory is created asynchronously. |
@@ -546,7 +546,7 @@ Synchronously creates a directory.
| path | string | Yes | Application sandbox path of the directory. |
| mode | number | No | Permission on the directory to create. You can specify multiple permissions, separated using a bitwise OR operator (|). The default value is **0o775**.<br>- **0o775**: The owner has the read, write, and execute permissions, and other users have the read and execute permissions.<br>- **0o700**: The owner has the read, write, and execute permissions.<br>- **0o400**: The owner has the read permission.<br>- **0o200**: The owner has the write permission.<br>- **0o100**: The owner has the execute permission.<br>- **0o070**: The user group has the read, write, and execute permissions.<br>- **0o040**: The user group has the read permission.<br>- **0o020**: The user group has the write permission.<br>- **0o010**: The user group has the execute permission.<br>- **0o007**: Other users have the read, write, and execute permissions.<br>- **0o004**: Other users have the read permission.<br>- **0o002**: Other users have the write permission.<br>- **0o001**: Other users have the execute permission.|
| mode | number | No | Permission on the directory to create. You can specify multiple permissions, separated using a bitwise OR operator (|). The default value is **0o775**.<br>-**0o775**: The owner has the read, write, and execute permissions, and other users have the read and execute permissions.<br>- **0o700**: The owner has the read, write, and execute permissions.<br>- **0o400**: The owner has the read permission.<br>- **0o200**: The owner has the write permission.<br>- **0o100**: The owner has the execute permission.<br>- **0o070**: The user group has the read, write, and execute permissions.<br>- **0o040**: The user group has the read permission.<br>- **0o020**: The user group has the write permission.<br>- **0o010**: The user group has the execute permission.<br>- **0o007**: Other users have the read, write, and execute permissions.<br>- **0o004**: Other users have the read permission.<br>- **0o002**: Other users have the write permission.<br>- **0o001**: Other users have the execute permission. |
@@ -569,14 +569,14 @@ Opens a file. This API uses a promise to return the result.
| path | string | Yes | Application sandbox path of the file. |
| flags | number | No | Option for opening the file. You must specify one of the following options. By default, the file is open in read-only mode.<br>- **0o0**: Open the file in read-only mode.<br>- **0o1**: Open the file in write-only mode.<br>- **0o2**: Open the file in read/write mode.<br>In addition, you can specify the following options, separated using a bitwise OR operator (|). By default, no additional option is specified.<br>- **0o100**: If the file does not exist, create it. If you use this option, you must also specify **mode**.<br>- **0o200**: If **0o100** is added and the file already exists, throw an exception.<br>- **0o1000**: If the file exists and is open in write-only or read/write mode, truncate the file length to 0.<br>- **0o2000**: Open the file in append mode. New data will be appended to the file (added to the end of the file).<br>- **0o4000**: If **path** points to a named pipe (also known as a FIFO), block special file, or character special file, perform non-blocking operations on the open file and in subsequent I/Os.<br>- **0o200000**: If **path** does not point to a directory, throw an exception.<br><br>- **0o400000**: If **path** points to a symbolic link, throw an exception.<br>- **0o4010000**: Open the file in synchronous I/O mode.|
| mode | number | No | Permissions on the file. You can specify multiple permissions, separated using a bitwise OR operator (|). The default value is **0o666**.<br>- **0o666**: The owner, user group, and other users have the read and write permissions on the file.<br>- **0o700**: The owner has the read, write, and execute permissions.<br>- **0o400**: The owner has the read permission.<br>- **0o200**: The owner has the write permission.<br>- **0o100**: The owner has the execute permission.<br>- **0o070**: The user group has the read, write, and execute permissions.<br>- **0o040**: The user group has the read permission.<br>- **0o020**: The user group has the write permission.<br>- **0o010**: The user group has the execute permission.<br>- **0o007**: Other users have the read, write, and execute permissions.<br>- **0o004**: Other users have the read permission.<br>- **0o002**: Other users have the write permission.<br>- **0o001**: Other users have the execute permission.|
| flags | number | No | Option for opening the file. You must specify one of the following options. By default, the file is open in read-only mode.<br>-**0o0**: Open the file in read-only mode.<br>- **0o1**: Open the file in write-only mode.<br>- **0o2**: Open the file in read/write mode.<br>In addition, you can specify the following options, separated using a bitwise OR operator (|). By default, no additional option is specified.<br>- **0o100**: If the file does not exist, create a file. The third parameter **mode** must also be specified.<br>- **0o200**: If **0o100** is added and the file already exists, throw an exception.<br>- **0o1000**: If the file exists and is open in write-only or read/write mode, truncate the file length to 0.<br>- **0o2000**: Open the file in append mode. New data will be appended to the file (written to the end of the file).<br>- **0o4000**: If **path** points to a named pipe (also known as a FIFO), block special file, or character special file, perform non-blocking operations on the open file and in subsequent I/Os.<br>- **0o200000**: If **path** does not point to a directory, throw an exception.<br>- **0o400000**: If **path** points to a symbolic link, throw an exception.<br>- **0o4010000**: Open the file in synchronous I/O mode.|
| mode | number | No | Permissions on the file. You can specify multiple permissions, separated using a bitwise OR operator (|). The default value is **0o666**.<br>-**0o666**: The owner, user group, and other users have the read and write permissions.<br>- **0o700**: The owner has the read, write, and execute permissions.<br>- **0o400**: The owner has the read permission.<br>- **0o200**: The owner has the write permission.<br>- **0o100**: The owner has the execute permission.<br>- **0o070**: The user group has the read, write, and execute permissions.<br>- **0o040**: The user group has the read permission.<br>- **0o020**: The user group has the write permission.<br>- **0o010**: The user group has the execute permission.<br>- **0o007**: Other users have the read, write, and execute permissions.<br>- **0o004**: Other users have the read permission.<br>- **0o002**: Other users have the write permission.<br>- **0o001**: Other users have the execute permission. |
**Return value**
| Type | Description |
| --------------------- | ----------- |
| Promise<number> | Promise used to return the file descriptor of the file opened.|
| Type | Description |
| --------------------- | ----------- |
| Promise<number> | Promise used to return the file descriptor of the file opened.|
@@ -603,8 +603,8 @@ Opens a file. This API uses an asynchronous callback to return the result.
| path | string | Yes | Application sandbox path of the file. |
| flags | number | No | Option for opening the file. You must specify one of the following options. By default, the file is open in read-only mode.<br>- **0o0**: Open the file in read-only mode.<br>- **0o1**: Open the file in write-only mode.<br>- **0o2**: Open the file in read/write mode.<br>In addition, you can specify the following options, separated using a bitwise OR operator (|). By default, no additional option is specified.<br>- **0o100**: If the file does not exist, create it. If you use this option, you must also specify **mode**.<br>- **0o200**: If **0o100** is added and the file already exists, throw an exception.<br>- **0o1000**: If the file exists and is open in write-only or read/write mode, truncate the file length to 0.<br>- **0o2000**: Open the file in append mode. New data will be appended to the file (added to the end of the file).<br>- **0o4000**: If **path** points to a named pipe (also known as a FIFO), block special file, or character special file, perform non-blocking operations on the open file and in subsequent I/Os.<br>- **0o200000**: If **path** does not point to a directory, throw an exception.<br><br>- **0o400000**: If **path** points to a symbolic link, throw an exception.<br>- **0o4010000**: Open the file in synchronous I/O mode.|
| mode | number | No | Permissions on the file. You can specify multiple permissions, separated using a bitwise OR operator (|). The default value is **0o666**.<br>- **0o666**: The owner, user group, and other users have the read and write permissions on the file.<br>- **0o700**: The owner has the read, write, and execute permissions.<br>- **0o400**: The owner has the read permission.<br>- **0o200**: The owner has the write permission.<br>- **0o100**: The owner has the execute permission.<br>- **0o070**: The user group has the read, write, and execute permissions.<br>- **0o040**: The user group has the read permission.<br>- **0o020**: The user group has the write permission.<br>- **0o010**: The user group has the execute permission.<br>- **0o007**: Other users have the read, write, and execute permissions.<br>- **0o004**: Other users have the read permission.<br>- **0o002**: Other users have the write permission.<br>- **0o001**: Other users have the execute permission.|
| flags | number | No | Option for opening the file. You must specify one of the following options. By default, the file is open in read-only mode.<br>-**0o0**: Open the file in read-only mode.<br>- **0o1**: Open the file in write-only mode.<br>- **0o2**: Open the file in read/write mode.<br>In addition, you can specify the following options, separated using a bitwise OR operator (|). By default, no additional option is specified.<br>- **0o100**: If the file does not exist, create a file. The third parameter **mode** must also be specified.<br>- **0o200**: If **0o100** is added and the file already exists, throw an exception.<br>- **0o1000**: If the file exists and is open in write-only or read/write mode, truncate the file length to 0.<br>- **0o2000**: Open the file in append mode. New data will be appended to the file (written to the end of the file).<br>- **0o4000**: If **path** points to a named pipe (also known as a FIFO), block special file, or character special file, perform non-blocking operations on the open file and in subsequent I/Os.<br>- **0o200000**: If **path** does not point to a directory, throw an exception.<br>- **0o400000**: If **path** points to a symbolic link, throw an exception.<br>- **0o4010000**: Open the file in synchronous I/O mode.|
| mode | number | No | Permissions on the file. You can specify multiple permissions, separated using a bitwise OR operator (|). The default value is **0o666**.<br>-**0o666**: The owner, user group, and other users have the read and write permissions.<br>- **0o700**: The owner has the read, write, and execute permissions.<br>- **0o400**: The owner has the read permission.<br>- **0o200**: The owner has the write permission.<br>- **0o100**: The owner has the execute permission.<br>- **0o070**: The user group has the read, write, and execute permissions.<br>- **0o040**: The user group has the read permission.<br>- **0o020**: The user group has the write permission.<br>- **0o010**: The user group has the execute permission.<br>- **0o007**: Other users have the read, write, and execute permissions.<br>- **0o004**: Other users have the read permission.<br>- **0o002**: Other users have the write permission.<br>- **0o001**: Other users have the execute permission. |
| callback | AsyncCallback<number> | Yes | Callback invoked when the file is open asynchronously. |
| path | string | Yes | Application sandbox path of the file. |
| flags | number | No | Option for opening the file. You must specify one of the following options. By default, the file is open in read-only mode.<br>- **0o0**: Open the file in read-only mode.<br>- **0o1**: Open the file in write-only mode.<br>- **0o2**: Open the file in read/write mode.<br>In addition, you can specify the following options, separated using a bitwise OR operator (|). By default, no additional option is specified.<br>- **0o100**: If the file does not exist, create it. If you use this option, you must also specify **mode**.<br>- **0o200**: If **0o100** is added and the file already exists, throw an exception.<br>- **0o1000**: If the file exists and is open in write-only or read/write mode, truncate the file length to 0.<br>- **0o2000**: Open the file in append mode. New data will be appended to the file (added to the end of the file).<br>- **0o4000**: If **path** points to a named pipe (also known as a FIFO), block special file, or character special file, perform non-blocking operations on the open file and in subsequent I/Os.<br>- **0o200000**: If **path** does not point to a directory, throw an exception.<br><br>- **0o400000**: If **path** points to a symbolic link, throw an exception.<br>- **0o4010000**: Open the file in synchronous I/O mode.|
| mode | number | No | Permissions on the file. You can specify multiple permissions, separated using a bitwise OR operator (|). The default value is **0o666**.<br>- **0o666**: The owner, user group, and other users have the read and write permissions on the file.<br>- **0o640**: The owner has the read and write permissions, and the user group has the read permission.<br>- **0o700**: The owner has the read, write, and execute permissions.<br>- **0o400**: The owner has the read permission.<br>- **0o200**: The owner has the write permission.<br>- **0o100**: The owner has the execute permission.<br>- **0o070**: The user group has the read, write, and execute permissions.<br>- **0o040**: The user group has the read permission.<br>- **0o020**: The user group has the write permission.<br>- **0o010**: The user group has the execute permission.<br>- **0o007**: Other users have the read, write, and execute permissions.<br>- **0o004**: Other users have the read permission.<br>- **0o002**: Other users have the write permission.<br>- **0o001**: Other users have the execute permission.<br>The file permissions on newly created files are affected by umask, which is set as the process starts. Currently, the modification of umask is not open.|
| flags | number | No | Option for opening the file. You must specify one of the following options. By default, the file is open in read-only mode.<br>-**0o0**: Open the file in read-only mode.<br>- **0o1**: Open the file in write-only mode.<br>- **0o2**: Open the file in read/write mode.<br>In addition, you can specify the following options, separated using a bitwise OR operator (|). By default, no additional option is specified.<br>- **0o100**: If the file does not exist, create a file. The third parameter **mode** must also be specified.<br>- **0o200**: If **0o100** is added and the file already exists, throw an exception.<br>- **0o1000**: If the file exists and is open in write-only or read/write mode, truncate the file length to 0.<br>- **0o2000**: Open the file in append mode. New data will be appended to the file (written to the end of the file).<br>- **0o4000**: If **path** points to a named pipe (also known as a FIFO), block special file, or character special file, perform non-blocking operations on the open file and in subsequent I/Os.<br>- **0o200000**: If **path** does not point to a directory, throw an exception.<br>- **0o400000**: If **path** points to a symbolic link, throw an exception.<br>- **0o4010000**: Open the file in synchronous I/O mode.|
| mode | number | No | Permissions on the file. You can specify multiple permissions, separated using a bitwise OR operator (|). The default value is **0o666**.<br>-**0o666**: The owner, user group, and other users have the read and write permissions.<br>- **0o640**: The owner has the read and write permissions, and the user group has the read permission.<br>- **0o700**: The owner has the read, write, and execute permissions.<br>- **0o400**: The owner has the read permission.<br>- **0o200**: The owner has the write permission.<br>- **0o100**: The owner has the execute permission.<br>- **0o070**: The user group has the read, write, and execute permissions.<br>- **0o040**: The user group has the read permission.<br>- **0o020**: The user group has the write permission.<br>- **0o010**: The user group has the execute permission.<br>- **0o007**: Other users have the read, write, and execute permissions.<br>- **0o004**: Other users have the read permission.<br>- **0o002**: Other users have the write permission.<br>- **0o001**: Other users have the execute permission.<br>The file permissions on newly created files are affected by umask, which is set as the process starts. Currently, the modification of umask is not open. |
**Return value**
| Type | Description |
| ------ | ----------- |
| number | File descriptor of the file opened.|
| Type | Description |
| ------ | ----------- |
| number | File descriptor of the file opened.|
@@ -670,13 +670,13 @@ Reads data from a file. This API uses a promise to return the result.
| fd | number | Yes | File descriptor of the file to read. |
| buffer | ArrayBuffer | Yes | Buffer used to store the file data read. |
| options | Object | No | The options are as follows:<br>- **offset** (number): position to store the data read in the buffer in reference to the start address of the buffer. The default value is **0**.<br>- **length** (number): length of the data to read. The default value is the buffer length minus the offset.<br>- **position** (number): position of the data to read in the file. By default, data is read from the current position.<br>Constraints: offset + length <= Buffer size|
| options | Object | No | The options are as follows:<br>-**offset** (number): position to store the data read in the buffer in reference to the start address of the buffer. The default value is **0**.<br>- **length** (number): length of the data to read. The default value is the buffer length minus the offset.<br>- **position** (number): position of the data to read in the file. By default, data is read from the current position.<br>Constraints: offset + length <= Buffer size|
**Return value**
| Type | Description |
| ---------------------------------- | ------ |
| Promise<[ReadOut](#readout)> | Promise used to return the data read.|
| Type | Description |
| ---------------------------------- | ------ |
| Promise<[ReadOut](#readout)> | Promise used to return the data read.|
@@ -703,12 +703,12 @@ Reads data from a file. This API uses an asynchronous callback to return the res
| fd | number | Yes | File descriptor of the file to read. |
| buffer | ArrayBuffer | Yes | Buffer used to store the file data read. |
| options | Object | No | The options are as follows:<br>- **offset** (number): position to store the data read in the buffer in reference to the start address of the buffer. The default value is **0**.<br>- **length** (number): length of the data to read. The default value is the buffer length minus the offset.<br>- **position** (number): position of the data to read in the file. By default, data is read from the current position.<br>Constraints: offset + length <= Buffer size |
| callback | AsyncCallback<[ReadOut](#readout)> | Yes | Callback invoked when the data is read asynchronously. |
| fd | number | Yes | File descriptor of the file to read. |
| buffer | ArrayBuffer | Yes | Buffer used to store the file data read. |
| options | Object | No | The options are as follows:<br>- **offset** (number): position to store the data read in the buffer in reference to the start address of the buffer. The default value is **0**.<br>- **length** (number): length of the data to read. The default value is the buffer length minus the offset.<br>- **position** (number): position of the data to read in the file. By default, data is read from the current position.<br>Constraints: offset + length <= Buffer size |
| callback | AsyncCallback<[ReadOut](#readout)> | Yes | Callback invoked when the data is read asynchronously. |
@@ -735,17 +735,17 @@ Synchronously reads data from a file.
| fd | number | Yes | File descriptor of the file to read. |
| buffer | ArrayBuffer | Yes | Buffer used to store the file data read. |
| options | Object | No | The options are as follows:<br>- **offset** (number): position to store the data read in the buffer in reference to the start address of the buffer. The default value is **0**.<br>- **length** (number): length of the data to read. The default value is the buffer length minus the offset.<br>- **position** (number): position of the data to read in the file. By default, data is read from the current position.<br>Constraints: offset + length <= Buffer size |
| fd | number | Yes | File descriptor of the file to read. |
| buffer | ArrayBuffer | Yes | Buffer used to store the file data read. |
| options | Object | No | The options are as follows:<br>- **offset** (number): position to store the data read in the buffer in reference to the start address of the buffer. The default value is **0**.<br>- **length** (number): length of the data to read. The default value is the buffer length minus the offset.<br>- **position** (number): position of the data to read in the file. By default, data is read from the current position.<br>Constraints: offset + length <= Buffer size |
**Return value**
| Type | Description |
| ------ | -------- |
| number | Length of the data read.|
| Type | Description |
| ------ | -------- |
| number | Length of the data read.|
@@ -773,9 +773,9 @@ Deletes a directory. This API uses a promise to return the result.
| fd | number | Yes | File descriptor of the file to write. |
| buffer | ArrayBuffer\|string | Yes | Data to write. It can be a string or data from a buffer. |
| options | Object | No | The options are as follows:<br>- **offset** (number): position of the data to write in reference to the start address of the data. The default value is **0**.<br>- **length** (number): length of the data to write. The default value is the buffer length minus the offset.<br>- **position** (number): start position to write the data in the file. By default, data is written from the current position.<br>- **encoding** (string): format of the string to be encoded. The default value is **utf-8**, which is the only value supported.<br>Constraints: offset + length <= Buffer size|
| fd | number | Yes | File descriptor of the file to write. |
| buffer | ArrayBuffer\|string | Yes | Data to write. It can be a string or data from a buffer. |
| options | Object | No | The options are as follows:<br>- **offset** (number): position of the data to write in reference to the start address of the data. The default value is **0**.<br>- **length** (number): length of the data to write. The default value is the buffer length minus the offset.<br>- **position** (number): start position to write the data in the file. By default, data is written from the current position.<br>- **encoding** (string): format of the data to be encoded when the data is a string. The default value is **'utf-8'**, which is the only value supported.<br>Constraints: offset + length <= Buffer size|
**Return value**
| Type | Description |
| --------------------- | -------- |
| Promise<number> | Promise used to return the length of the data written.|
| Type | Description |
| --------------------- | -------- |
| Promise<number> | Promise used to return the length of the data written.|
@@ -961,12 +961,12 @@ Writes data into a file. This API uses an asynchronous callback to return the re
| fd | number | Yes | File descriptor of the file to write. |
| buffer | ArrayBuffer\|string | Yes | Data to write. It can be a string or data from a buffer. |
| options | Object | No | The options are as follows:<br>- **offset** (number): position of the data to write in reference to the start address of the data. The default value is **0**.<br>- **length** (number): length of the data to write. The default value is the buffer length minus the offset.<br>- **position** (number): start position to write the data in the file. By default, data is written from the current position.<br>- **encoding** (string): format of the string to be encoded. The default value is **utf-8**, which is the only value supported.<br>Constraints: offset + length <= Buffer size|
| callback | AsyncCallback<number> | Yes | Callback invoked when the data is written asynchronously. |
| fd | number | Yes | File descriptor of the file to write. |
| buffer | ArrayBuffer\|string | Yes | Data to write. It can be a string or data from a buffer. |
| options | Object | No | The options are as follows:<br>- **offset** (number): position of the data to write in reference to the start address of the data. The default value is **0**.<br>- **length** (number): length of the data to write. The default value is the buffer length minus the offset.<br>- **position** (number): start position to write the data in the file. By default, data is written from the current position.<br>- **encoding** (string): format of the data to be encoded when the data is a string. The default value is **'utf-8'**, which is the only value supported.<br>Constraints: offset + length <= Buffer size|
| callback | AsyncCallback<number> | Yes | Callback invoked when the data is written asynchronously. |
@@ -991,17 +991,17 @@ Synchronously writes data into a file.
| fd | number | Yes | File descriptor of the file to write. |
| buffer | ArrayBuffer\|string | Yes | Data to write. It can be a string or data from a buffer. |
| options | Object | No | The options are as follows:<br>- **offset** (number): position of the data to write in reference to the start address of the data. The default value is **0**.<br>- **length** (number): length of the data to write. The default value is the buffer length minus the offset.<br>- **position** (number): start position to write the data in the file. By default, data is written from the current position.<br>- **encoding** (string): format of the string to be encoded. The default value is **utf-8**, which is the only value supported.<br>Constraints: offset + length <= Buffer size|
| fd | number | Yes | File descriptor of the file to write. |
| buffer | ArrayBuffer\|string | Yes | Data to write. It can be a string or data from a buffer. |
| options | Object | No | The options are as follows:<br>- **offset** (number): position of the data to write in reference to the start address of the data. The default value is **0**.<br>- **length** (number): length of the data to write. The default value is the buffer length minus the offset.<br>- **position** (number): start position to write the data in the file. By default, data is written from the current position.<br>- **encoding** (string): format of the data to be encoded when the data is a string. The default value is **'utf-8'**, which is the only value supported.<br>Constraints: offset + length <= Buffer size|
**Return value**
| Type | Description |
| ------ | -------- |
| number | Length of the data written in the file.|
| Type | Description |
| ------ | -------- |
| number | Length of the data written in the file.|
@@ -1029,9 +1029,9 @@ Calculates the hash value of a file. This API uses a promise to return the resul
| Promise<string> | Promise used to return the hash value obtained. The hash value is a hexadecimal string consisting of digits and uppercase letters.|
| Promise<string> | Promise used to return the hash value obtained. The hash value is a hexadecimal string consisting of digits and uppercase letters.|
@@ -1086,13 +1086,13 @@ Changes file permissions. This API uses a promise to return the result.
| path | string | Yes | Application sandbox path of the file. |
| mode | number | Yes | Permissions on the file. You can specify multiple permissions, separated using a bitwise OR operator (|).<br>- **0o700**: The owner has the read, write, and execute permissions.<br>- **0o400**: The owner has the read permission.<br>- **0o200**: The owner has the write permission.<br>- **0o100**: The owner has the execute permission.<br>- **0o070**: The user group has the read, write, and execute permissions.<br>- **0o040**: The user group has the read permission.<br>- **0o020**: The user group has the write permission.<br>- **0o010**: The user group has the execute permission.<br>- **0o007**: Other users have the read, write, and execute permissions.<br>- **0o004**: Other users have the read permission.<br>- **0o002**: Other users have the write permission.<br>- **0o001**: Other users have the execute permission.|
| mode | number | Yes | Permissions on the file. You can specify multiple permissions, separated using a bitwise OR operator (|).<br>-**0o700**: The owner has the read, write, and execute permissions.<br>- **0o400**: The owner has the read permission.<br>- **0o200**: The owner has the write permission.<br>- **0o100**: The owner has the execute permission.<br>- **0o070**: The user group has the read, write, and execute permissions.<br>- **0o040**: The user group has the read permission.<br>- **0o020**: The user group has the write permission.<br>- **0o010**: The user group has the execute permission.<br>- **0o007**: Other users have the read, write, and execute permissions.<br>- **0o004**: Other users have the read permission.<br>- **0o002**: Other users have the write permission.<br>- **0o001**: Other users have the execute permission. |
| path | string | Yes | Application sandbox path of the file. |
| mode | number | Yes | Permissions on the file. You can specify multiple permissions, separated using a bitwise OR operator (|).<br>- **0o700**: The owner has the read, write, and execute permissions.<br>- **0o400**: The owner has the read permission.<br>- **0o200**: The owner has the write permission.<br>- **0o100**: The owner has the execute permission.<br>- **0o070**: The user group has the read, write, and execute permissions.<br>- **0o040**: The user group has the read permission.<br>- **0o020**: The user group has the write permission.<br>- **0o010**: The user group has the execute permission.<br>- **0o007**: Other users have the read, write, and execute permissions.<br>- **0o004**: Other users have the read permission.<br>- **0o002**: Other users have the write permission.<br>- **0o001**: Other users have the execute permission.|
| mode | number | Yes | Permissions on the file. You can specify multiple permissions, separated using a bitwise OR operator (|).<br>-**0o700**: The owner has the read, write, and execute permissions.<br>- **0o400**: The owner has the read permission.<br>- **0o200**: The owner has the write permission.<br>- **0o100**: The owner has the execute permission.<br>- **0o070**: The user group has the read, write, and execute permissions.<br>- **0o040**: The user group has the read permission.<br>- **0o020**: The user group has the write permission.<br>- **0o010**: The user group has the execute permission.<br>- **0o007**: Other users have the read, write, and execute permissions.<br>- **0o004**: Other users have the read permission.<br>- **0o002**: Other users have the write permission.<br>- **0o001**: Other users have the execute permission. |
| callback | AsyncCallback<void> | Yes | Callback invoked when the file permissions are changed asynchronously. |
| path | string | Yes | Application sandbox path of the file. |
| mode | number | Yes | Permissions on the file. You can specify multiple permissions, separated using a bitwise OR operator (|).<br>- **0o700**: The owner has the read, write, and execute permissions.<br>- **0o400**: The owner has the read permission.<br>- **0o200**: The owner has the write permission.<br>- **0o100**: The owner has the execute permission.<br>- **0o070**: The user group has the read, write, and execute permissions.<br>- **0o040**: The user group has the read permission.<br>- **0o020**: The user group has the write permission.<br>- **0o010**: The user group has the execute permission.<br>- **0o007**: Other users have the read, write, and execute permissions.<br>- **0o004**: Other users have the read permission.<br>- **0o002**: Other users have the write permission.<br>- **0o001**: Other users have the execute permission.|
| mode | number | Yes | Permissions on the file. You can specify multiple permissions, separated using a bitwise OR operator (|).<br>-**0o700**: The owner has the read, write, and execute permissions.<br>- **0o400**: The owner has the read permission.<br>- **0o200**: The owner has the write permission.<br>- **0o100**: The owner has the execute permission.<br>- **0o070**: The user group has the read, write, and execute permissions.<br>- **0o040**: The user group has the read permission.<br>- **0o020**: The user group has the write permission.<br>- **0o010**: The user group has the execute permission.<br>- **0o007**: Other users have the read, write, and execute permissions.<br>- **0o004**: Other users have the read permission.<br>- **0o002**: Other users have the write permission.<br>- **0o001**: Other users have the execute permission. |
@@ -1165,15 +1165,15 @@ Obtains file information based on the file descriptor. This API uses a promise t
| Name | Type | Mandatory | Description |
| ---- | ------ | ---- | ------------ |
| fd | number | Yes | Descriptor of the target file.|
| Name | Type | Mandatory | Description |
| ---- | ------ | ---- | ------------ |
| fd | number | Yes | Descriptor of the target file.|
**Return value**
| Type | Description |
| ---------------------------- | ---------- |
| Promise<[Stat](#stat)> | Promise used to return the file information.|
| Type | Description |
| ---------------------------- | ---------- |
| Promise<[Stat](#stat)> | Promise used to return the file information obtained.|
@@ -1198,10 +1198,10 @@ Obtains file information based on the file descriptor. This API uses an asynchro
| filePath | string | Yes | Application sandbox path of the file to read. |
| options | Object | No | The options are as follows:<br>- **position** (number): position of the data to read in the file. By default, data is read from the current position.<br>- **length** (number): length of the data to read. The default value is the buffer length minus the offset.<br>- **encoding** (string): format of the data (string) to be encoded. The default value is **utf-8**, which is the only value supported.|
| options | Object | No | The options are as follows:<br>-**position** (number): position of the data to read in the file. By default, data is read from the current position.<br>- **length** (number): length of the data to read. The default value is the buffer length minus the offset.<br>- **encoding** (string): format of the string to be encoded. The default value is **'utf-8'**, which is the only value supported.|
**Return value**
| Type | Description |
| --------------------- | ---------- |
| Promise<string> | Promise used to return the content read.|
| Type | Description |
| --------------------- | ---------- |
| Promise<string> | Promise used to return the content read.|
@@ -1461,7 +1461,7 @@ Reads the text content of a file. This API uses an asynchronous callback to retu
| filePath | string | Yes | Application sandbox path of the file to read. |
| options | Object | No | The options are as follows:<br>- **position** (number): position of the data to read in the file. By default, data is read from the current position.<br>- **length** (number): length of the data to read. The default value is the buffer length minus the offset.<br>- **encoding**: format of the string to be encoded. The default value is **utf-8**, which is the only value supported.|
| options | Object | No | The options are as follows:<br>-**position** (number): position of the data to read in the file. By default, data is read from the current position.<br>- **length** (number): length of the data to read. The default value is the buffer length minus the offset.<br>- **encoding** (string): format of the string to be encoded. The default value is **'utf-8'**, which is the only value supported.|
| callback | AsyncCallback<string> | Yes | Callback used to return the content read. |
@@ -1487,13 +1487,13 @@ Synchronously reads the text of a file.
| filePath | string | Yes | Application sandbox path of the file to read. |
| options | Object | No | The options are as follows:<br>- **position** (number): position of the data to read in the file. By default, data is read from the current position.<br>- **length** (number): length of the data to read. The default value is the buffer length minus the offset.<br>- **encoding** (string): format of the data (string) to be encoded. The default value is **utf-8**, which is the only value supported.|
| options | Object | No | The options are as follows:<br>-**position** (number): position of the data to read in the file. By default, data is read from the current position.<br>- **length** (number): length of the data to read. The default value is the buffer length minus the offset.<br>- **encoding** (string): format of the string to be encoded. The default value is **'utf-8'**, which is the only value supported.|
**Return value**
| Type | Description |
| ------ | -------------------- |
| string | Promise used to return the content of the file read.|
| Type | Description |
| ------ | -------------------- |
| string | Promise used to return the content of the file read.|
@@ -1519,9 +1519,9 @@ Obtains link information. This API uses a promise to return the result.
**Return value**
| Type | Description |
| ---------------------------- | ---------- |
| Promise<[Stat](#stat)> | Promise used to return the link information obtained. For details, see [Stat](#stat).|
| Type | Description |
| ---------------------------- | ---------- |
| Promise<[Stat](#stat)> | Promise used to return the link information obtained. For details, see [Stat](#stat).|
@@ -1576,9 +1576,9 @@ Synchronously obtains the link information.
**Return value**
| Type | Description |
| ------------- | ---------- |
| [Stat](#stat) | Link information obtained.|
| Type | Description |
| ------------- | ---------- |
| [Stat](#stat) | Link information obtained.|
@@ -1605,9 +1605,9 @@ Renames a file. This API uses a promise to return the result.
| fd | number | Yes | File descriptor of the target file. |
| mode | number | Yes | Permissions on the file. You can specify multiple permissions, separated using a bitwise OR operator (|).<br>- **0o700**: The owner has the read, write, and execute permissions.<br>- **0o400**: The owner has the read permission.<br>- **0o200**: The owner has the write permission.<br>- **0o100**: The owner has the execute permission.<br>- **0o070**: The user group has the read, write, and execute permissions.<br>- **0o040**: The user group has the read permission.<br>- **0o020**: The user group has the write permission.<br>- **0o010**: The user group has the execute permission.<br>- **0o007**: Other users have the read, write, and execute permissions.<br>- **0o004**: Other users have the read permission.<br>- **0o002**: Other users have the write permission.<br>- **0o001**: Other users have the execute permission.|
| fd | number | Yes | File descriptor of the target file. |
| mode | number | Yes | Permissions on the file. You can specify multiple permissions, separated using a bitwise OR operator (|).<br>-**0o700**: The owner has the read, write, and execute permissions.<br>- **0o400**: The owner has the read permission.<br>- **0o200**: The owner has the write permission.<br>- **0o100**: The owner has the execute permission.<br>- **0o070**: The user group has the read, write, and execute permissions.<br>- **0o040**: The user group has the read permission.<br>- **0o020**: The user group has the write permission.<br>- **0o010**: The user group has the execute permission.<br>- **0o007**: Other users have the read, write, and execute permissions.<br>- **0o004**: Other users have the read permission.<br>- **0o002**: Other users have the write permission.<br>- **0o001**: Other users have the execute permission. |
| fd | number | Yes | File descriptor of the target file. |
| mode | number | Yes | Permissions on the file. You can specify multiple permissions, separated using a bitwise OR operator (|).<br>- **0o700**: The owner has the read, write, and execute permissions.<br>- **0o400**: The owner has the read permission.<br>- **0o200**: The owner has the write permission.<br>- **0o100**: The owner has the execute permission.<br>- **0o070**: The user group has the read, write, and execute permissions.<br>- **0o040**: The user group has the read permission.<br>- **0o020**: The user group has the write permission.<br>- **0o010**: The user group has the execute permission.<br>- **0o007**: Other users have the read, write, and execute permissions.<br>- **0o004**: Other users have the read permission.<br>- **0o002**: Other users have the write permission.<br>- **0o001**: Other users have the execute permission.|
| callback | AsyncCallback<void> | Yes | Callback invoked when the file permissions are changed asynchronously. |
| fd | number | Yes | File descriptor of the target file. |
| mode | number | Yes | Permissions on the file. You can specify multiple permissions, separated using a bitwise OR operator (|).<br>-**0o700**: The owner has the read, write, and execute permissions.<br>- **0o400**: The owner has the read permission.<br>- **0o200**: The owner has the write permission.<br>- **0o100**: The owner has the execute permission.<br>- **0o070**: The user group has the read, write, and execute permissions.<br>- **0o040**: The user group has the read permission.<br>- **0o020**: The user group has the write permission.<br>- **0o010**: The user group has the execute permission.<br>- **0o007**: Other users have the read, write, and execute permissions.<br>- **0o004**: Other users have the read permission.<br>- **0o002**: Other users have the write permission.<br>- **0o001**: Other users have the execute permission. |
| callback | AsyncCallback<void> | Yes | Callback invoked when the file permissions are changed asynchronously. |
@@ -2164,10 +2164,10 @@ Synchronously changes the file permissions based on the file descriptor.
| fd | number | Yes | File descriptor of the target file. |
| mode | number | Yes | Permissions on the file. You can specify multiple permissions, separated using a bitwise OR operator (|).<br>- **0o700**: The owner has the read, write, and execute permissions.<br>- **0o400**: The owner has the read permission.<br>- **0o200**: The owner has the write permission.<br>- **0o100**: The owner has the execute permission.<br>- **0o070**: The user group has the read, write, and execute permissions.<br>- **0o040**: The user group has the read permission.<br>- **0o020**: The user group has the write permission.<br>- **0o010**: The user group has the execute permission.<br>- **0o007**: Other users have the read, write, and execute permissions.<br>- **0o004**: Other users have the read permission.<br>- **0o002**: Other users have the write permission.<br>- **0o001**: Other users have the execute permission.|
| fd | number | Yes | File descriptor of the target file. |
| mode | number | Yes | Permissions on the file. You can specify multiple permissions, separated using a bitwise OR operator (|).<br>-**0o700**: The owner has the read, write, and execute permissions.<br>- **0o400**: The owner has the read permission.<br>- **0o200**: The owner has the write permission.<br>- **0o100**: The owner has the execute permission.<br>- **0o070**: The user group has the read, write, and execute permissions.<br>- **0o040**: The user group has the read permission.<br>- **0o020**: The user group has the write permission.<br>- **0o010**: The user group has the execute permission.<br>- **0o007**: Other users have the read, write, and execute permissions.<br>- **0o004**: Other users have the read permission.<br>- **0o002**: Other users have the write permission.<br>- **0o001**: Other users have the execute permission. |
@@ -2192,13 +2192,13 @@ Opens a file stream based on the file path. This API uses a promise to return th
| path | string | Yes | Application sandbox path of the file. |
| mode | string | Yes | - **r**: Open a file for reading. The file must exist.<br>- **r+**: Open a file for both reading and writing. The file must exist.<br>- **w**: Open a file for writing. If the file exists, clear its content. If the file does not exist, create a file.<br>- **w+**: Open a file for both reading and writing. If the file exists, clear its content. If the file does not exist, create a file.<br>- **a**: Open a file in append mode for writing at the end of the file. If the file does not exist, create a file. If the file exists, write data to the end of the file (the original content of the file is reserved).<br>- **a+**: Open a file in append mode for reading or updating at the end of the file. If the file does not exist, create a file. If the file exists, write data to the end of the file (the original content of the file is reserved).|
| mode | string | Yes | -**r**: Open a file for reading. The file must exist.<br>- **r+**: Open a file for both reading and writing. The file must exist.<br>- **w**: Open a file for writing. If the file exists, clear its content. If the file does not exist, create a file.<br>- **w+**: Open a file for both reading and writing. If the file exists, clear its content. If the file does not exist, create a file.<br>- **a**: Open a file in append mode for writing at the end of the file. If the file does not exist, create a file. If the file exists, write data to the end of the file (the original content of the file is reserved).<br>- **a+**: Open a file in append mode for reading or updating at the end of the file. If the file does not exist, create a file. If the file exists, write data to the end of the file (the original content of the file is reserved).|
**Return value**
| Type | Description |
| --------------------------------- | --------- |
| Promise<[Stream](#stream)> | Promise used to return the result.|
| Type | Description |
| --------------------------------- | --------- |
| Promise<[Stream](#stream)> | Promise used to return the result.|
@@ -2225,7 +2225,7 @@ Opens a file stream based on the file path. This API uses an asynchronous callba
| path | string | Yes | Application sandbox path of the file. |
| mode | string | Yes | - **r**: Open a file for reading. The file must exist.<br>- **r+**: Open a file for both reading and writing. The file must exist.<br>- **w**: Open a file for writing. If the file exists, clear its content. If the file does not exist, create a file.<br>- **w+**: Open a file for both reading and writing. If the file exists, clear its content. If the file does not exist, create a file.<br>- **a**: Open a file in append mode for writing at the end of the file. If the file does not exist, create a file. If the file exists, write data to the end of the file (the original content of the file is reserved).<br>- **a+**: Open a file in append mode for reading or updating at the end of the file. If the file does not exist, create a file. If the file exists, write data to the end of the file (the original content of the file is reserved).|
| mode | string | Yes | -**r**: Open a file for reading. The file must exist.<br>- **r+**: Open a file for both reading and writing. The file must exist.<br>- **w**: Open a file for writing. If the file exists, clear its content. If the file does not exist, create a file.<br>- **w+**: Open a file for both reading and writing. If the file exists, clear its content. If the file does not exist, create a file.<br>- **a**: Open a file in append mode for writing at the end of the file. If the file does not exist, create a file. If the file exists, write data to the end of the file (the original content of the file is reserved).<br>- **a+**: Open a file in append mode for reading or updating at the end of the file. If the file does not exist, create a file. If the file exists, write data to the end of the file (the original content of the file is reserved).|
| callback | AsyncCallback<[Stream](#stream)> | Yes | Callback invoked when the stream is open asynchronously. |
@@ -2251,13 +2251,13 @@ Synchronously opens a stream based on the file path.
| path | string | Yes | Application sandbox path of the file. |
| mode | string | Yes | - **r**: Open a file for reading. The file must exist.<br>- **r+**: Open a file for both reading and writing. The file must exist.<br>- **w**: Open a file for writing. If the file exists, clear its content. If the file does not exist, create a file.<br>- **w+**: Open a file for both reading and writing. If the file exists, clear its content. If the file does not exist, create a file.<br>- **a**: Open a file in append mode for writing at the end of the file. If the file does not exist, create a file. If the file exists, write data to the end of the file (the original content of the file is reserved).<br>- **a+**: Open a file in append mode for reading or updating at the end of the file. If the file does not exist, create a file. If the file exists, write data to the end of the file (the original content of the file is reserved).|
| mode | string | Yes | -**r**: Open a file for reading. The file must exist.<br>- **r+**: Open a file for both reading and writing. The file must exist.<br>- **w**: Open a file for writing. If the file exists, clear its content. If the file does not exist, create a file.<br>- **w+**: Open a file for both reading and writing. If the file exists, clear its content. If the file does not exist, create a file.<br>- **a**: Open a file in append mode for writing at the end of the file. If the file does not exist, create a file. If the file exists, write data to the end of the file (the original content of the file is reserved).<br>- **a+**: Open a file in append mode for reading or updating at the end of the file. If the file does not exist, create a file. If the file exists, write data to the end of the file (the original content of the file is reserved).|
**Return value**
| Type | Description |
| ------------------ | --------- |
| [Stream](#stream) | Stream opened.|
| Type | Description |
| ------------------ | --------- |
| [Stream](#stream) | Stream opened.|
@@ -2277,16 +2277,16 @@ Opens a file stream based on the file descriptor. This API uses a promise to ret
| fd | number | Yes | File descriptor of the target file. |
| mode | string | Yes | - **r**: Open a file for reading. The file must exist.<br>- **r+**: Open a file for both reading and writing. The file must exist.<br>- **w**: Open a file for writing. If the file exists, clear its content. If the file does not exist, create a file.<br>- **w+**: Open a file for both reading and writing. If the file exists, clear its content. If the file does not exist, create a file.<br>- **a**: Open a file in append mode for writing at the end of the file. If the file does not exist, create a file. If the file exists, write data to the end of the file (the original content of the file is reserved).<br>- **a+**: Open a file in append mode for reading or updating at the end of the file. If the file does not exist, create a file. If the file exists, write data to the end of the file (the original content of the file is reserved).|
| fd | number | Yes | File descriptor of the target file. |
| mode | string | Yes | - **r**: Open a file for reading. The file must exist.<br>- **r+**: Open a file for both reading and writing. The file must exist.<br>- **w**: Open a file for writing. If the file exists, clear its content. If the file does not exist, create a file.<br>- **w+**: Open a file for both reading and writing. If the file exists, clear its content. If the file does not exist, create a file.<br>- **a**: Open a file in append mode for writing at the end of the file. If the file does not exist, create a file. If the file exists, write data to the end of the file (the original content of the file is reserved).<br>- **a+**: Open a file in append mode for reading or updating at the end of the file. If the file does not exist, create a file. If the file exists, write data to the end of the file (the original content of the file is reserved).|
**Return value**
| Type | Description |
| --------------------------------- | --------- |
| Promise<[Stream](#stream)> | Promise used to return the result.|
| Type | Description |
| --------------------------------- | --------- |
| Promise<[Stream](#stream)> | Promise used to return the result.|
@@ -2311,11 +2311,11 @@ Opens a file stream based on the file descriptor. This API uses an asynchronous
| fd | number | Yes | File descriptor of the target file. |
| mode | string | Yes | - **r**: Open a file for reading. The file must exist.<br>- **r+**: Open a file for both reading and writing. The file must exist.<br>- **w**: Open a file for writing. If the file exists, clear its content. If the file does not exist, create a file.<br>- **w+**: Open a file for both reading and writing. If the file exists, clear its content. If the file does not exist, create a file.<br>- **a**: Open a file in append mode for writing at the end of the file. If the file does not exist, create a file. If the file exists, write data to the end of the file (the original content of the file is reserved).<br>- **a+**: Open a file in append mode for reading or updating at the end of the file. If the file does not exist, create a file. If the file exists, write data to the end of the file (the original content of the file is reserved).|
| callback | AsyncCallback<[Stream](#stream)> | Yes | Callback invoked when the stream is open asynchronously. |
| fd | number | Yes | File descriptor of the target file. |
| mode | string | Yes | - **r**: Open a file for reading. The file must exist.<br>- **r+**: Open a file for both reading and writing. The file must exist.<br>- **w**: Open a file for writing. If the file exists, clear its content. If the file does not exist, create a file.<br>- **w+**: Open a file for both reading and writing. If the file exists, clear its content. If the file does not exist, create a file.<br>- **a**: Open a file in append mode for writing at the end of the file. If the file does not exist, create a file. If the file exists, write data to the end of the file (the original content of the file is reserved).<br>- **a+**: Open a file in append mode for reading or updating at the end of the file. If the file does not exist, create a file. If the file exists, write data to the end of the file (the original content of the file is reserved).|
| callback | AsyncCallback<[Stream](#stream)> | Yes | Callback invoked when the stream is open asynchronously. |
@@ -2338,16 +2338,16 @@ Synchronously opens a stream based on the file descriptor.
| fd | number | Yes | File descriptor of the target file. |
| mode | string | Yes | - **r**: Open a file for reading. The file must exist.<br>- **r+**: Open a file for both reading and writing. The file must exist.<br>- **w**: Open a file for writing. If the file exists, clear its content. If the file does not exist, create a file.<br>- **w+**: Open a file for both reading and writing. If the file exists, clear its content. If the file does not exist, create a file.<br>- **a**: Open a file in append mode for writing at the end of the file. If the file does not exist, create a file. If the file exists, write data to the end of the file (the original content of the file is reserved).<br>- **a+**: Open a file in append mode for reading or updating at the end of the file. If the file does not exist, create a file. If the file exists, write data to the end of the file (the original content of the file is reserved).|
| fd | number | Yes | File descriptor of the target file. |
| mode | string | Yes | - **r**: Open a file for reading. The file must exist.<br>- **r+**: Open a file for both reading and writing. The file must exist.<br>- **w**: Open a file for writing. If the file exists, clear its content. If the file does not exist, create a file.<br>- **w+**: Open a file for both reading and writing. If the file exists, clear its content. If the file does not exist, create a file.<br>- **a**: Open a file in append mode for writing at the end of the file. If the file does not exist, create a file. If the file exists, write data to the end of the file (the original content of the file is reserved).<br>- **a+**: Open a file in append mode for reading or updating at the end of the file. If the file does not exist, create a file. If the file exists, write data to the end of the file (the original content of the file is reserved).|
**Return value**
| Type | Description |
| ------------------ | --------- |
| [Stream](#stream) | Stream opened.|
| Type | Description |
| ------------------ | --------- |
| [Stream](#stream) | Stream opened.|
@@ -2368,17 +2368,17 @@ Changes the file owner based on the file descriptor. This API uses a promise to
| Name | Type | Mandatory | Description |
| ---- | ------ | ---- | ------------ |
| fd | number | Yes | File descriptor of the target file.|
| uid | number | Yes | New UID. |
| gid | number | Yes | New GID. |
| Name | Type | Mandatory | Description |
| ---- | ------ | ---- | ------------ |
| fd | number | Yes | File descriptor of the target file.|
| filePath | string | Yes | Application sandbox path of the file. |
| events | number | Yes | - **1**: The file or directory is renamed.<br>- **2**: The file or directory is modified.<br>- **3**: The file or directory is modified and renamed.|
| events | number | Yes | -**1**: The file or directory is renamed.<br>- **2**: The file or directory is modified.<br>- **3**: The file or directory is modified and renamed.|
| callback | AsyncCallback<number> | Yes | Called each time a change is detected. |
**Return value**
| Type | Description |
| -------------------- | ---------- |
| [Watcher](#watcher7) | Promise used to return the **Watcher** instance.|
| Type | Description |
| -------------------- | ---------- |
| [Watcher](#watcher7) | Promise used to return the **Watcher** instance.|
@@ -2595,7 +2595,7 @@ Provides detailed file information. Before calling a method of the **Stat** clas
| dev | number | Yes | No | Major device number. |
| ino | number | Yes | No | File ID. Different files on the same device have different **ino**s. |
| mode | number | Yes | No | File type and permissions. The first four bits indicate the file type, and the last 12 bits indicate the permissions. The bit fields are described as follows:<br>- **0o170000**: mask used to obtain the file type.<br>- **0o140000**: The file is a socket.<br>- **0o120000**: The file is a symbolic link.<br>- **0o100000**: The file is a regular file.<br>- **0o060000**: The file is a block device.<br>- **0o040000**: The file is a directory.<br>- **0o020000**: The file is a character device.<br>- **0o010000**: The file is a named pipe (FIFO).<br>- **0o0700**: mask used to obtain the owner permissions.<br>- **0o0400**: The owner has the permission to read a regular file or a directory entry.<br>- **0o0200**: The owner has the permission to write a regular file or create and delete a directory entry.<br>- **0o0100**: The owner has the permission to execute a regular file or search for the specified path in a directory.<br>- **0o0070**: mask used to obtain the user group permissions.<br>- **0o0040**: The user group has the permission to read a regular file or a directory entry.<br>- **0o0020**: The user group has the permission to write a regular file or create and delete a directory entry.<br>- **0o0010**: The user group has the permission to execute a regular file or search for the specified path in a directory.<br>- **0o0007**: mask used to obtain the permissions of other users.<br>- **0o0004**: Other users have the permission to read a regular file or a directory entry.<br>- **0o0002**: Other users have the permission to write a regular file or create and delete a directory entry.<br>- **0o0001**: Other users have the permission to execute a regular file or search for the specified path in a directory.|
| mode | number | Yes | No | File type and permissions. The first four bits indicate the file type, and the last 12 bits indicate the permissions. The bit fields are described as follows:<br>-**0o170000**: mask used to obtain the file type.<br>- **0o140000**: The file is a socket.<br>- **0o120000**: The file is a symbolic link.<br>- **0o100000**: The file is a regular file.<br>- **0o060000**: The file is a block device.<br>- **0o040000**: The file is a directory.<br>- **0o020000**: The file is a character device.<br>- **0o010000**: The file is a named pipe, that is, FIFO.<br>- **0o0700**: mask used to obtain owner permissions.<br>- **0o0400**: The owner has the read permission on a regular file or a directory entry.<br>- **0o0200**: The owner has the permission to write a regular file or create and delete a directory entry.<br>- **0o0100**: The owner has the permission to execute a regular file or has the permission to search for the specified path in a directory.<br>- **0o0070**: mask used to obtain user group permissions.<br>- **0o0040**: The user group has the read permission on a regular file or a directory entry.<br>- **0o0020**: The user group has the permission to write a regular file or has the permission to create and delete a directory entry.<br>- **0o0010**: The user group has the permission to execute a regular file or has the permission to search for the specified path in a directory.<br>- **0o0007**: mask used to obtain permissions of other users.<br>- **0o0004**: Other user groups have the read permission on a regular file or a directory entry.<br>- **0o0002**: Other user groups have the permission to write a regular file or have the permission to create and delete a directory entry.<br>- **0o0001**: Other users have the permission to execute a regular file or search for the specified path in a directory.|
| nlink | number | Yes | No | Number of hard links in the file. |
| uid | number | Yes | No | User ID, that is ID of the file owner. |
| gid | number | Yes | No | Group ID, that is, ID of the user group of the file. |
@@ -2617,9 +2617,9 @@ Checks whether this file is a block special file. A block special file supports
**Return value**
| Type | Description |
| ------- | ---------------- |
| boolean | Whether the file is a block special file.|
| Type | Description |
| ------- | ---------------- |
| boolean | Whether the file is a block special file.|
@@ -2639,9 +2639,9 @@ Checks whether this file is a character special file. A character special file s
**Return value**
| Type | Description |
| ------- | ----------------- |
| boolean | Whether the file is a character special file.|
| Type | Description |
| ------- | ----------------- |
| boolean | Whether the file is a character special file.|
@@ -2661,9 +2661,9 @@ Checks whether this file is a directory.
**Return value**
| Type | Description |
| ------- | ------------- |
| boolean | Whether the file is a directory.|
| Type | Description |
| ------- | ------------- |
| boolean | Whether the file is a directory.|
@@ -2683,9 +2683,9 @@ Checks whether this file is a named pipe (or FIFO). Named pipes are used for int
**Return value**
| Type | Description |
| ------- | --------------------- |
| boolean | Whether the file is an FIFO.|
| Type | Description |
| ------- | --------------------- |
| boolean | Whether the file is an FIFO.|
@@ -2705,9 +2705,9 @@ Checks whether this file is a regular file.
**Return value**
| Type | Description |
| ------- | --------------- |
| boolean | Whether the file is a regular file.|
| Type | Description |
| ------- | --------------- |
| boolean | Whether the file is a regular file.|
@@ -2727,9 +2727,9 @@ Checks whether this file is a socket.
**Return value**
| Type | Description |
| ------- | -------------- |
| boolean | Whether the file is a socket.|
| Type | Description |
| ------- | -------------- |
| boolean | Whether the file is a socket.|
@@ -2749,9 +2749,9 @@ Checks whether this file is a symbolic link.
**Return value**
| Type | Description |
| ------- | --------------- |
| boolean | Whether the file is a symbolic link.|
| Type | Description |
| ------- | --------------- |
| boolean | Whether the file is a symbolic link.|
@@ -2797,9 +2797,9 @@ Stops the **watcher** instance. This API uses an asynchronous callback to return
| buffer | ArrayBuffer\|string | Yes | Data to write. It can be a string or data from a buffer. |
| options | Object | No | The options are as follows:<br>- **offset** (number): position of the data to write in reference to the start address of the data. The default value is **0**.<br>- **length** (number): length of the data to write. The default value is the buffer length minus the offset.<br>- **position** (number): start position to write the data in the file. By default, data is written from the current position.<br>- **encoding** (string): format of the string to be encoded. The default value is **utf-8**, which is the only value supported.<br>Constraints: offset + length <= Buffer size |
| buffer | ArrayBuffer\|string | Yes | Data to write. It can be a string or data from a buffer. |
| options | Object | No | The options are as follows:<br>- **offset** (number): position of the data to write in reference to the start address of the data. The default value is **0**.<br>- **length** (number): length of the data to write. The default value is the buffer length minus the offset.<br>- **position** (number): start position to write the data in the file. By default, data is written from the current position.<br>- **encoding** (string): format of the data to be encoded when the data is a string. The default value is **'utf-8'**, which is the only value supported.<br>Constraints: offset + length <= Buffer size |
**Return value**
| Type | Description |
| --------------------- | -------- |
| Promise<number> | Promise used to return the length of the data written.|
| Type | Description |
| --------------------- | -------- |
| Promise<number> | Promise used to return the length of the data written.|
@@ -3001,11 +3001,11 @@ Writes data into the stream. This API uses an asynchronous callback to return th
| buffer | ArrayBuffer\|string | Yes | Data to write. It can be a string or data from a buffer. |
| options | Object | No | The options are as follows:<br>- **offset** (number): position of the data to write in reference to the start address of the data. The default value is **0**.<br>- **length** (number): length of the data to write. The default value is the buffer length minus the offset.<br>- **position** (number): start position to write the data in the file. By default, data is written from the current position.<br>- **encoding** (string): format of the string to be encoded. The default value is **utf-8**, which is the only value supported.<br>Constraints: offset + length <= Buffer size|
| callback | AsyncCallback<number> | Yes | Callback invoked when the data is written asynchronously. |
| buffer | ArrayBuffer\|string | Yes | Data to write. It can be a string or data from a buffer. |
| options | Object | No | The options are as follows:<br>- **offset** (number): position of the data to write in reference to the start address of the data. The default value is **0**.<br>- **length** (number): length of the data to write. The default value is the buffer length minus the offset.<br>- **position** (number): start position to write the data in the file. By default, data is written from the current position.<br>- **encoding** (string): format of the data to be encoded when the data is a string. The default value is **'utf-8'**, which is the only value supported.<br>Constraints: offset + length <= Buffer size|
| callback | AsyncCallback<number> | Yes | Callback invoked when the data is written asynchronously. |
@@ -3031,16 +3031,16 @@ Synchronously writes data into the stream.
| buffer | ArrayBuffer\|string | Yes | Data to write. It can be a string or data from a buffer. |
| options | Object | No | The options are as follows:<br>- **offset** (number): position of the data to write in reference to the start address of the data. The default value is **0**.<br>- **length** (number): length of the data to write. The default value is the buffer length minus the offset.<br>- **position** (number): start position to write the data in the file. By default, data is written from the current position.<br>- **encoding** (string): format of the string to be encoded. The default value is **utf-8**, which is the only value supported.<br>Constraints: offset + length <= Buffer size |
| buffer | ArrayBuffer\|string | Yes | Data to write. It can be a string or data from a buffer. |
| options | Object | No | The options are as follows:<br>- **offset** (number): position of the data to write in reference to the start address of the data. The default value is **0**.<br>- **length** (number): length of the data to write. The default value is the buffer length minus the offset.<br>- **position** (number): start position to write the data in the file. By default, data is written from the current position.<br>- **encoding** (string): format of the data to be encoded when the data is a string. The default value is **'utf-8'**, which is the only value supported.<br>Constraints: offset + length <= Buffer size |
**Return value**
| Type | Description |
| ------ | -------- |
| number | Length of the data written in the file.|
| Type | Description |
| ------ | -------- |
| number | Length of the data written in the file.|
@@ -3061,16 +3061,16 @@ Reads data from the stream. This API uses a promise to return the result.
| buffer | ArrayBuffer | Yes | Buffer used to store the file read. |
| options | Object | No | The options are as follows:<br>- **offset** (number): position to store the data read in the buffer in reference to the start address of the buffer. The default value is **0**.<br>- **length** (number): length of the data to read. The default value is the buffer length minus the offset.<br>- **position** (number): position of the data to read in the file. By default, data is read from the current position.<br>Constraints: offset + length <= Buffer size |
| buffer | ArrayBuffer | Yes | Buffer used to store the file read. |
| options | Object | No | The options are as follows:<br>- **offset** (number): position to store the data read in the buffer in reference to the start address of the buffer. The default value is **0**.<br>- **length** (number): length of the data to read. The default value is the buffer length minus the offset.<br>- **position** (number): position of the data to read in the file. By default, data is read from the current position.<br>Constraints: offset + length <= Buffer size |
**Return value**
| Type | Description |
| ---------------------------------- | ------ |
| Promise<[ReadOut](#readout)> | Promise used to return the data read.|
| Type | Description |
| ---------------------------------- | ------ |
| Promise<[ReadOut](#readout)> | Promise used to return the data read.|
@@ -3096,11 +3096,11 @@ Reads data from the stream. This API uses an asynchronous callback to return the
| buffer | ArrayBuffer | Yes | Buffer used to store the file read. |
| options | Object | No | The options are as follows:<br>- **offset** (number): position to store the data read in the buffer in reference to the start address of the buffer. The default value is **0**.<br>- **length** (number): length of the data to read. The default value is the buffer length minus the offset.<br>- **position** (number): position of the data to read in the file. By default, data is read from the current position.<br>Constraints: offset + length <= Buffer size |
| callback | AsyncCallback<[ReadOut](#readout)> | Yes | Callback invoked when data is read asynchronously from the stream. |
| buffer | ArrayBuffer | Yes | Buffer used to store the file read. |
| options | Object | No | The options are as follows:<br>- **offset** (number): position to store the data read in the buffer in reference to the start address of the buffer. The default value is **0**.<br>- **length** (number): length of the data to read. The default value is the buffer length minus the offset.<br>- **position** (number): position of the data to read in the file. By default, data is read from the current position.<br>Constraints: offset + length <= Buffer size |
| callback | AsyncCallback<[ReadOut](#readout)> | Yes | Callback invoked when data is read asynchronously from the stream. |
@@ -3126,16 +3126,16 @@ Synchronously reads data from the stream.
| buffer | ArrayBuffer | Yes | Buffer used to store the file read. |
| options | Object | No | The options are as follows:<br>- **offset** (number): position to store the data read in the buffer in reference to the start address of the buffer. The default value is **0**.<br>- **length** (number): length of the data to read. The default value is the buffer length minus the offset.<br>- **position** (number): position of the data to read in the file. By default, data is read from the current position.<br>Constraints: offset + length <= Buffer size |
| buffer | ArrayBuffer | Yes | Buffer used to store the file read. |
| options | Object | No | The options are as follows:<br>- **offset** (number): position to store the data read in the buffer in reference to the start address of the buffer. The default value is **0**.<br>- **length** (number): length of the data to read. The default value is the buffer length minus the offset.<br>- **position** (number): position of the data to read in the file. By default, data is read from the current position.<br>Constraints: offset + length <= Buffer size |
**Return value**
| Type | Description |
| ------ | -------- |
| number | Length of the data read.|
| Type | Description |
| ------ | -------- |
| number | Length of the data read.|
@@ -3161,9 +3161,9 @@ Reads the next directory entry. This API uses a promise to return the result.