| func | Function | Yes | Function to be passed in for task execution. For details about the supported return value types of the function, see [Sequenceable Data Types](#sequenceable-data-types). |
| args | unknown[] | No | Arguments of the function. For details about the supported parameter types, see [Sequenceable Data Types](#sequenceable-data-types). The default value is **undefined**.|
**Error codes**
For details about the error codes, see [Utils Error Codes](../errorcodes/errorcode-utils.md).
| function | Function | Yes | Yes | Function to be passed in during task creation. For details about the supported return value types of the function, see [Sequenceable Data Types](#sequenceable-data-types). |
| arguments | unknown[] | Yes | Yes | Arguments of the function. For details about the supported parameter types, see [Sequenceable Data Types](#sequenceable-data-types).|
| func | Function | Yes | Function to be passed in for task execution. For details about the supported return value types of the function, see [Sequenceable Data Types](#sequenceable-data-types). |
| args | unknown[] | No | Arguments of the function. For details about the supported parameter types, see [Sequenceable Data Types](#sequenceable-data-types). The default value is **undefined**.|
**Error codes**
For details about the error codes, see [Utils Error Codes](../errorcodes/errorcode-utils.md).
| function | Function | Yes | Yes | Function to be passed in during task creation. For details about the supported return value types of the function, see [Sequenceable Data Types](#sequenceable-data-types). |
| arguments | unknown[] | Yes | Yes | Arguments of the function. For details about the supported parameter types, see [Sequenceable Data Types](#sequenceable-data-types).|