diff --git a/en/application-dev/reference/apis/js-apis-window.md b/en/application-dev/reference/apis/js-apis-window.md
index eb34c96a9852d8f183a791bb31764f5c5ab97a31..e14e89574b22f9a5275dfc4757299bb52a09bde5 100644
--- a/en/application-dev/reference/apis/js-apis-window.md
+++ b/en/application-dev/reference/apis/js-apis-window.md
@@ -5,7 +5,7 @@
 ## Modules to Import
 import window from '@ohos.window';
@@ -15,10 +15,10 @@ Enumerates the window types.
 **System capability**: SystemCapability.WindowManager.WindowManager.Core
-| Name             | Default Value| Description              |
-| ----------------- | ------ | ------------------ |
-| TYPE_APP          | 0      | Application subwindow.  |
-| TYPE_SYSTEM_ALERT | 1      | System alert window.|
+| Name              | Default Value | Description            |
+| ----------------- | ------------- | ---------------------- |
+| TYPE_APP          | 0             | Application subwindow. |
+| TYPE_SYSTEM_ALERT | 1             | System alert window.   |
 ## AvoidAreaType<sup>7+</sup><a name="avoidareatype"></a>
@@ -26,10 +26,10 @@ Enumerates the types of the area where the window cannot be displayed.
 **System capability**: SystemCapability.WindowManager.WindowManager.Core
-| Name       | Default Value| Description              |
-| ----------- | ------ | ------------------ |
-| TYPE_SYSTEM | 0      | Default area of the system.|
-| TYPE_CUTOUT | 1      | Notch.  |
+| Name        | Default Value | Description                 |
+| ----------- | ------------- | --------------------------- |
+| TYPE_SYSTEM | 0             | Default area of the system. |
+| TYPE_CUTOUT | 1             | Notch.                      |
 ## WindowMode<sup>7+</sup><a name="windowmode"></a>
@@ -39,13 +39,13 @@ This is a system API and cannot be called by third-party applications.
 **System capability**: SystemCapability.WindowManager.WindowManager.Core
-| Name      | Default Value| Description                         |
-| ---------- | ------ | ----------------------------- |
-| UNDEFINED  | 1      | The window mode is not defined by the application.      |
-| FULLSCREEN | 2      | The application is displayed in full screen.            |
-| PRIMARY    | 3      | The application is displayed in the primary window in split-screen mode.  |
-| SECONDARY  | 4      | The application is displayed in the secondary window in split-screen mode.  |
-| FLOATING   | 5      | The application is displayed in a floating window.|
+| Name       | Default Value | Description                                                  |
+| ---------- | ------------- | ------------------------------------------------------------ |
+| UNDEFINED  | 1             | The window mode is not defined by the application.           |
+| FULLSCREEN | 2             | The application is displayed in full screen.                 |
+| PRIMARY    | 3             | The application is displayed in the primary window in split-screen mode. |
+| SECONDARY  | 4             | The application is displayed in the secondary window in split-screen mode. |
+| FLOATING   | 5             | The application is displayed in a floating window.           |
 ## SystemBarProperties<a name="systembarproperties"></a>
@@ -53,14 +53,14 @@ Describes the properties of the status bar and navigation bar.
 **System capability**: SystemCapability.WindowManager.WindowManager.Core
-| Name                                  | Type| Readable| Writable| Description                                                        |
-| -------------------------------------- | -------- | ---- | ---- | ------------------------------------------------------------ |
-| statusBarColor                         | string   | Yes  | Yes  | Background color of the status bar. The value is a hexadecimal RGB or aRGB color value, for example, **\#00FF00** or **\#FF00FF00**.|
-| isStatusBarLightIcon<sup>7+</sup>      | boolean  | No  | Yes  | Whether any icon on the status bar is highlighted.                                  |
-| statusBarContentColor<sup>8+</sup>     | string   | No  | Yes  | Color of the text on the status bar.                                            |
-| navigationBarColor                     | string   | Yes  | Yes  | Background color of the navigation bar. The value is a hexadecimal RGB or aRGB color value, for example, **\#00FF00** or **\#FF00FF00**.|
-| isNavigationBarLightIcon<sup>7+</sup>  | boolean  | No  | No  | Whether any icon on the navigation bar is highlighted.                                  |
-| navigationBarContentColor<sup>8+</sup> | string   | No  | Yes  | Color of the text on the navigation bar.                                            |
+| Name                                   | Type    | Readable | Writable | Description                                                  |
+| -------------------------------------- | ------- | -------- | -------- | ------------------------------------------------------------ |
+| statusBarColor                         | string  | Yes      | Yes      | Background color of the status bar. The value is a hexadecimal RGB or aRGB color value, for example, **\#00FF00** or **\#FF00FF00**. |
+| isStatusBarLightIcon<sup>7+</sup>      | boolean | No       | Yes      | Whether any icon on the status bar is highlighted.           |
+| statusBarContentColor<sup>8+</sup>     | string  | No       | Yes      | Color of the text on the status bar.                         |
+| navigationBarColor                     | string  | Yes      | Yes      | Background color of the navigation bar. The value is a hexadecimal RGB or aRGB color value, for example, **\#00FF00** or **\#FF00FF00**. |
+| isNavigationBarLightIcon<sup>7+</sup>  | boolean | No       | No       | Whether any icon on the navigation bar is highlighted.       |
+| navigationBarContentColor<sup>8+</sup> | string  | No       | Yes      | Color of the text on the navigation bar.                     |
 ## SystemBarRegionTint<sup>8+</sup><a name="systembartegiontint"></a>
@@ -70,13 +70,13 @@ This is a system API and cannot be called by third-party applications.
 **System capability**: SystemCapability.WindowManager.WindowManager.Core
-| Name           | Type                 | Readable| Writable| Description                                                        |
-| --------------- | ------------------------- | ---- | ---- | ------------------------------------------------------------ |
-| type            | [WindowType](#windowtype) | Yes  | Yes  | Type of the system bar whose properties are changed. Only the navigation bar and status bar are supported.|
-| isEnable        | boolean                   | Yes  | Yes  | Whether the system bar is displayed.                                        |
-| region          | [Rect](#rect)             | Yes  | Yes  | Current position and size of the system bar.                                    |
-| backgroundColor | string                    | Yes  | Yes  | Background color of the system bar. The value is a hexadecimal RGB or aRGB color value, for example, **\#00FF00** or **\#FF00FF00**.|
-| contentColor    | string                    | Yes  | Yes  | Color of the text on the system bar.                                            |
+| Name            | Type                      | Readable | Writable | Description                                                  |
+| --------------- | ------------------------- | -------- | -------- | ------------------------------------------------------------ |
+| type            | [WindowType](#windowtype) | Yes      | Yes      | Type of the system bar whose properties are changed. Only the navigation bar and status bar are supported. |
+| isEnable        | boolean                   | Yes      | Yes      | Whether the system bar is displayed.                         |
+| region          | [Rect](#rect)             | Yes      | Yes      | Current position and size of the system bar.                 |
+| backgroundColor | string                    | Yes      | Yes      | Background color of the system bar. The value is a hexadecimal RGB or aRGB color value, for example, **\#00FF00** or **\#FF00FF00**. |
+| contentColor    | string                    | Yes      | Yes      | Color of the text on the system bar.                         |
 ## SystemBarTintState<sup>8+</sup><a name="systembartintstate"></a>
@@ -86,10 +86,10 @@ This is a system API and cannot be called by third-party applications.
 **System capability**: SystemCapability.WindowManager.WindowManager.Core
-| Name      | Type                                          | Readable| Writable| Description                      |
-| ---------- | -------------------------------------------------- | ---- | ---- | -------------------------- |
-| displayId  | number                                             | Yes  | No  | ID of the current physical screen.          |
-| regionTint | Array<[SystemBarRegionTint](#systembartegiontint)> | Yes  | Yes  | All system bar information changed.|
+| Name       | Type                                               | Readable | Writable | Description                         |
+| ---------- | -------------------------------------------------- | -------- | -------- | ----------------------------------- |
+| displayId  | number                                             | Yes      | No       | ID of the current physical screen.  |
+| regionTint | Array<[SystemBarRegionTint](#systembartegiontint)> | Yes      | Yes      | All system bar information changed. |
 ## Rect<sup>7+</sup><a name="rect"></a>
@@ -97,12 +97,12 @@ Describes a rectangle.
 **System capability**: SystemCapability.WindowManager.WindowManager.Core
-| Name  | Type| Readable| Writable| Description              |
-| ------ | -------- | ---- | ---- | ------------------ |
-| left   | number   | Yes  | Yes  | Left boundary of the rectangle.|
-| top    | number   | Yes  | Yes  | Top boundary of the rectangle.|
-| width  | number   | Yes  | Yes  | Width of the rectangle.  |
-| height | number   | Yes  | Yes  | Height of the rectangle.  |
+| Name   | Type   | Readable | Writable | Description                     |
+| ------ | ------ | -------- | -------- | ------------------------------- |
+| left   | number | Yes      | Yes      | Left boundary of the rectangle. |
+| top    | number | Yes      | Yes      | Top boundary of the rectangle.  |
+| width  | number | Yes      | Yes      | Width of the rectangle.         |
+| height | number | Yes      | Yes      | Height of the rectangle.        |
 ## AvoidArea<sup>7+</sup><a name="avoidarea"></a>
@@ -110,12 +110,12 @@ Describes the area where the window cannot be displayed.
 **System capability**: SystemCapability.WindowManager.WindowManager.Core
-| Name      | Type     | Readable| Writable| Description              |
-| ---------- | ------------- | ---- | ---- | ------------------ |
-| leftRect   | [Rect](#rect) | Yes  | Yes  | Rectangle on the left of the screen.|
-| topRect    | [Rect](#rect) | Yes  | Yes  | Rectangle at the top of the screen.|
-| rightRect  | [Rect](#rect) | Yes  | Yes  | Rectangle on the right of the screen.|
-| bottomRect | [Rect](#rect) | Yes  | Yes  | Rectangle at the bottom of the screen.|
+| Name       | Type          | Readable | Writable | Description                            |
+| ---------- | ------------- | -------- | -------- | -------------------------------------- |
+| leftRect   | [Rect](#rect) | Yes      | Yes      | Rectangle on the left of the screen.   |
+| topRect    | [Rect](#rect) | Yes      | Yes      | Rectangle at the top of the screen.    |
+| rightRect  | [Rect](#rect) | Yes      | Yes      | Rectangle on the right of the screen.  |
+| bottomRect | [Rect](#rect) | Yes      | Yes      | Rectangle at the bottom of the screen. |
 ## Size<sup>7+</sup><a name="size"></a>
@@ -123,10 +123,10 @@ Describes the window size.
 **System capability**: SystemCapability.WindowManager.WindowManager.Core
-| Name  | Type| Readable| Writable| Description      |
-| ------ | -------- | ---- | ---- | ---------- |
-| width  | number   | Yes  | Yes  | Window width.|
-| height | number   | Yes  | Yes  | Window height.|
+| Name   | Type   | Readable | Writable | Description    |
+| ------ | ------ | -------- | -------- | -------------- |
+| width  | number | Yes      | Yes      | Window width.  |
+| height | number | Yes      | Yes      | Window height. |
 ## WindowProperties<a name="windowproperties"></a>
@@ -134,20 +134,20 @@ Describes the window properties.
 **System capability**: SystemCapability.WindowManager.WindowManager.Core
-| Name                           | Type                 | Readable| Writable| Description                                                        |
-| ------------------------------- | ------------------------- | ---- | ---- | ------------------------------------------------------------ |
-| windowRect<sup>7+</sup>         | [Rect](#rect)             | Yes  | Yes  | Window size.                                                  |
-| type<sup>7+</sup>               | [WindowType](#windowtype) | Yes  | Yes  | Window type.                                                  |
-| isFullScreen                    | boolean                   | Yes  | Yes  | Whether the window is displayed in full screen mode. The default value is **false**.                                     |
-| isLayoutFullScreen<sup>7+</sup> | boolean                   | Yes  | Yes  | Whether the window layout is in full-screen mode (whether the window is immersive). The default value is **false**.                             |
-| focusable<sup>7+</sup>          | boolean                   | Yes  | No  | Whether the window can gain focus. The default value is **true**.                                |
-| touchable<sup>7+</sup>          | boolean                   | Yes  | No  | Whether the window is touchable. The default value is **true**.                                |
-| brightness                      | number                    | Yes  | Yes  | Screen brightness. The value ranges from 0 to 1. The value **1** indicates the maximum brightness.<br>This API is defined but not implemented in OpenHarmony 3.1 Release. It will be available for use in OpenHarmony 3.1 MR.|
-| dimBehindValue<sup>7+</sup>     | number                    | Yes  | Yes  | Dimness of the window that is not on top. The value ranges from 0 to 1. The value **1** indicates the maximum dimness.<br>This API is defined but not implemented in OpenHarmony 3.1 Release. It will be available for use in OpenHarmony 3.1 MR.|
-| isKeepScreenOn                  | boolean                   | Yes  | Yes  | Whether the screen is always on. The default value is **false**.<br>This API is defined but not implemented in OpenHarmony 3.1 Release. It will be available for use in OpenHarmony 3.1 MR.|
-| isPrivacyMode<sup>7+</sup>      | boolean                   | Yes  | Yes  | Whether the window is in privacy mode. The default value is **false**.<br>This API is defined but not implemented in OpenHarmony 3.1 Release. It will be available for use in OpenHarmony 3.1 MR.|
-| isRoundCorner<sup>7+</sup>      | boolean                   | Yes  | Yes  | Whether the window has rounded corners.<br>This API is defined but not implemented in OpenHarmony 3.1 Release. It will be available for use in OpenHarmony 3.1 MR.|
-| isTransparent<sup>7+</sup>      | boolean                   | Yes  | Yes  | Whether the window is transparent. The default value is **false**.<br>This API is defined but not implemented in OpenHarmony 3.1 Release. It will be available for use in OpenHarmony 3.1 MR.|
+| Name                            | Type                      | Readable | Writable | Description                                                  |
+| ------------------------------- | ------------------------- | -------- | -------- | ------------------------------------------------------------ |
+| windowRect<sup>7+</sup>         | [Rect](#rect)             | Yes      | Yes      | Window size.                                                 |
+| type<sup>7+</sup>               | [WindowType](#windowtype) | Yes      | Yes      | Window type.                                                 |
+| isFullScreen                    | boolean                   | Yes      | Yes      | Whether the window is displayed in full screen mode. The default value is **false**. |
+| isLayoutFullScreen<sup>7+</sup> | boolean                   | Yes      | Yes      | Whether the window layout is in full-screen mode (whether the window is immersive). The default value is **false**. |
+| focusable<sup>7+</sup>          | boolean                   | Yes      | No       | Whether the window can gain focus. The default value is **true**. |
+| touchable<sup>7+</sup>          | boolean                   | Yes      | No       | Whether the window is touchable. The default value is **true**. |
+| brightness                      | number                    | Yes      | Yes      | Screen brightness. The value ranges from 0 to 1. The value **1** indicates the maximum brightness.<br>This API is defined but not implemented in OpenHarmony 3.1 Release. It will be available for use in OpenHarmony 3.1 MR. |
+| dimBehindValue<sup>7+</sup>     | number                    | Yes      | Yes      | Dimness of the window that is not on top. The value ranges from 0 to 1. The value **1** indicates the maximum dimness.<br>This API is defined but not implemented in OpenHarmony 3.1 Release. It will be available for use in OpenHarmony 3.1 MR. |
+| isKeepScreenOn                  | boolean                   | Yes      | Yes      | Whether the screen is always on. The default value is **false**.<br>This API is defined but not implemented in OpenHarmony 3.1 Release. It will be available for use in OpenHarmony 3.1 MR. |
+| isPrivacyMode<sup>7+</sup>      | boolean                   | Yes      | Yes      | Whether the window is in privacy mode. The default value is **false**.<br>This API is defined but not implemented in OpenHarmony 3.1 Release. It will be available for use in OpenHarmony 3.1 MR. |
+| isRoundCorner<sup>7+</sup>      | boolean                   | Yes      | Yes      | Whether the window has rounded corners.<br>This API is defined but not implemented in OpenHarmony 3.1 Release. It will be available for use in OpenHarmony 3.1 MR. |
+| isTransparent<sup>7+</sup>      | boolean                   | Yes      | Yes      | Whether the window is transparent. The default value is **false**.<br>This API is defined but not implemented in OpenHarmony 3.1 Release. It will be available for use in OpenHarmony 3.1 MR. |
 ## ColorSpace<sup>8+</sup><a name="colorspace"></a>
@@ -155,10 +155,10 @@ Describes the color gamut mode.
 **System capability**: SystemCapability.WindowManager.WindowManager.Core
-| Name      | Default Value| Description          |
-| ---------- | ------ | -------------- |
-| DEFAULT    | 0      | Default color gamut mode.|
-| WIDE_GAMUT | 1      | Wide color gamut mode.  |
+| Name       | Default Value | Description               |
+| ---------- | ------------- | ------------------------- |
+| DEFAULT    | 0             | Default color gamut mode. |
+| WIDE_GAMUT | 1             | Wide color gamut mode.    |
 ## window.create<sup>7+</sup>
@@ -172,15 +172,15 @@ This API is discarded since API version 8. You are advised to use [window.create
 - Parameters
-  | Name  | Type                                  | Mandatory| Description                      |
-  | -------- | -------------------------------------- | ---- | -------------------------- |
-  | id       | string                                 | Yes  | Window ID.                  |
-  | type     | [WindowType](#windowtype)              | Yes  | Window type.                |
-  | callback | AsyncCallback&lt;[Window](#window)&gt; | Yes  | Callback used to return the subwindow created.|
+  | Name     | Type                                   | Mandatory | Description                                    |
+  | -------- | -------------------------------------- | --------- | ---------------------------------------------- |
+  | id       | string                                 | Yes       | Window ID.                                     |
+  | type     | [WindowType](#windowtype)              | Yes       | Window type.                                   |
+  | callback | AsyncCallback&lt;[Window](#window)&gt; | Yes       | Callback used to return the subwindow created. |
 - Example
-  ```
+  ```js
    var windowClass = null;
    window.create("first", window.WindowType.TYPE_APP, (err, data) => {
       if (err.code) {
@@ -205,20 +205,20 @@ This API is discarded since API version 8. You are advised to use [window.create
 - Parameters
-  | Name| Type                     | Mandatory| Description      |
-  | ------ | ------------------------- | ---- | ---------- |
-  | id     | string                    | Yes  | Window ID.  |
-  | type   | [WindowType](#windowtype) | Yes  | Window type.|
+  | Name | Type                      | Mandatory | Description  |
+  | ---- | ------------------------- | --------- | ------------ |
+  | id   | string                    | Yes       | Window ID.   |
+  | type | [WindowType](#windowtype) | Yes       | Window type. |
 - Return value
-  | Type                            | Description                                             |
-  | -------------------------------- | ------------------------------------------------- |
-  | Promise&lt;[Window](#window)&gt; | Promise used to return the subwindow created.|
+  | Type                             | Description                                   |
+  | -------------------------------- | --------------------------------------------- |
+  | Promise&lt;[Window](#window)&gt; | Promise used to return the subwindow created. |
 - Example
-  ```
+  ```js
    var windowClass = null;
    let promise = window.create("first", window.WindowType.TYPE_APP);
    promise.then((data)=> {
@@ -239,16 +239,16 @@ Creates a system window when the context is [ServiceExtensionContext](js-apis-se
 - Parameters
-  | Name  | Type                                           | Mandatory| Description                  |
-  | -------- | ----------------------------------------------- | ---- | ---------------------- |
-  | ctx      | [Context](js-apis-service-extension-context.md) | Yes  | Current application context.  |
-  | id       | string                                          | Yes  | Window ID.              |
-  | type     | [WindowType](#windowtype)                       | Yes  | Window type.            |
-  | callback | AsyncCallback&lt;[Window](#window)&gt;          | Yes  | Callback used to return the system window created.|
+  | Name     | Type                                            | Mandatory | Description                                        |
+  | -------- | ----------------------------------------------- | --------- | -------------------------------------------------- |
+  | ctx      | [Context](js-apis-service-extension-context.md) | Yes       | Current application context.                       |
+  | id       | string                                          | Yes       | Window ID.                                         |
+  | type     | [WindowType](#windowtype)                       | Yes       | Window type.                                       |
+  | callback | AsyncCallback&lt;[Window](#window)&gt;          | Yes       | Callback used to return the system window created. |
 - Example
-  ```
+  ```js
    var windowClass = null;
    window.create(this.context, "alertWindow", window.WindowType.TYPE_SYSTEM_ALERT, (err, data) => {
       if (err.code) {
@@ -271,21 +271,21 @@ Creates a system window when the context is [ServiceExtensionContext](js-apis-se
 - Parameters
-  | Name| Type                                           | Mandatory| Description                |
-  | ------ | ----------------------------------------------- | ---- | -------------------- |
-  | ctx    | [Context](js-apis-service-extension-context.md) | Yes  | Current application context.|
-  | id     | string                                          | Yes  | Window ID.            |
-  | type   | [WindowType](#windowtype)                       | Yes  | Window type.          |
+  | Name | Type                                            | Mandatory | Description                  |
+  | ---- | ----------------------------------------------- | --------- | ---------------------------- |
+  | ctx  | [Context](js-apis-service-extension-context.md) | Yes       | Current application context. |
+  | id   | string                                          | Yes       | Window ID.                   |
+  | type | [WindowType](#windowtype)                       | Yes       | Window type.                 |
 - Return value
-  | Type                            | Description                                           |
-  | -------------------------------- | ----------------------------------------------- |
-  | Promise&lt;[Window](#window)&gt; | Promise used to return the system window created.|
+  | Type                             | Description                                       |
+  | -------------------------------- | ------------------------------------------------- |
+  | Promise&lt;[Window](#window)&gt; | Promise used to return the system window created. |
 - Example
-  ```
+  ```js
    var windowClass = null;
    let promise = window.create(this.context, "alertWindow", window.WindowType.TYPE_SYSTEM_ALERT);
    promise.then((data)=> {
@@ -306,14 +306,14 @@ Finds a window based on the ID. This API uses an asynchronous callback to return
 - Parameters
-  | Name  | Type                                  | Mandatory| Description                        |
-  | -------- | -------------------------------------- | ---- | ---------------------------- |
-  | id       | string                                 | Yes  | Window ID.                    |
-  | callback | AsyncCallback&lt;[Window](#window)&gt; | Yes  | Callback used to return the window found.|
+  | Name     | Type                                   | Mandatory | Description                               |
+  | -------- | -------------------------------------- | --------- | ----------------------------------------- |
+  | id       | string                                 | Yes       | Window ID.                                |
+  | callback | AsyncCallback&lt;[Window](#window)&gt; | Yes       | Callback used to return the window found. |
 - Example
-  ```
+  ```js
    var windowClass = null;
    window.find("alertWindow", (err, data) => {
      if (err.code) {
@@ -335,19 +335,19 @@ Finds a window based on the ID. This API uses a promise to return the result.
 - Parameters
-  | Name| Type  | Mandatory| Description    |
-  | ------ | ------ | ---- | -------- |
-  | id     | string | Yes  | Window ID.|
+  | Name | Type   | Mandatory | Description |
+  | ---- | ------ | --------- | ----------- |
+  | id   | string | Yes       | Window ID.  |
 - Return value
-  | Type                            | Description                                           |
-  | -------------------------------- | ----------------------------------------------- |
-  | Promise&lt;[Window](#window)&gt; | Promise used to return the window found.|
+  | Type                             | Description                              |
+  | -------------------------------- | ---------------------------------------- |
+  | Promise&lt;[Window](#window)&gt; | Promise used to return the window found. |
 - Example
-  ```
+  ```js
    var windowClass = null;
    let promise = window.find("alertWindow");
    promise.then((data)=> {
@@ -368,13 +368,13 @@ Obtains the top window of the current application. This API uses an asynchronous
 - Parameters
-  | Name  | Type                                  | Mandatory| Description                                  |
-  | -------- | -------------------------------------- | ---- | -------------------------------------- |
-  | callback | AsyncCallback&lt;[Window](#window)&gt; | Yes  | Callback used to return the top window obtained.|
+  | Name     | Type                                   | Mandatory | Description                                      |
+  | -------- | -------------------------------------- | --------- | ------------------------------------------------ |
+  | callback | AsyncCallback&lt;[Window](#window)&gt; | Yes       | Callback used to return the top window obtained. |
 - Example
-  ```
+  ```js
   var windowClass = null;
   window.getTopWindow((err, data) => {
       if (err.code) {
@@ -396,13 +396,13 @@ Obtains the top window of the current application. This API uses a promise to re
 - Return value
-  | Type                            | Description                                                     |
-  | -------------------------------- | --------------------------------------------------------- |
-  | Promise&lt;[Window](#window)&gt; | Promise used to return the top window obtained.|
+  | Type                             | Description                                     |
+  | -------------------------------- | ----------------------------------------------- |
+  | Promise&lt;[Window](#window)&gt; | Promise used to return the top window obtained. |
 - Example
-  ```
+  ```js
    var windowClass = null;
    let promise = window.getTopWindow();
    promise.then((data)=> {
@@ -423,14 +423,14 @@ Obtains the top window of the current application. This API uses an asynchronous
 - Parameters
-  | Name  | Type                                  | Mandatory| Description                                                        |
-  | -------- | -------------------------------------- | ---- | ------------------------------------------------------------ |
-  | ctx      | Context                                | Yes  | Current application context. For the definition of **Context** of API version 8, see [Context](js-apis-Context.md). For the definition of **Context** of API version 9, see [Context](js-apis-ability-context.md).|
-  | callback | AsyncCallback&lt;[Window](#window)&gt; | Yes  | Callback used to return the top window obtained.                      |
+  | Name     | Type                                   | Mandatory | Description                                                  |
+  | -------- | -------------------------------------- | --------- | ------------------------------------------------------------ |
+  | ctx      | Context                                | Yes       | Current application context.For the definition of **Context** of API version 8, see [Context](js-apis-Context.md). For the definition of **Context** of API version 9, see [Context](js-apis-ability-context.md). |
+  | callback | AsyncCallback&lt;[Window](#window)&gt; | Yes       | Callback used to return the top window obtained.             |
 - Example
-  ```
+  ```js
   var windowClass = null;
   window.getTopWindow(this.context, (err, data) => {
       if (err.code) {
@@ -452,19 +452,19 @@ Obtains the top window of the current application. This API uses a promise to re
 - Parameters
-  | Name| Type   | Mandatory| Description                                                        |
-  | ------ | ------- | ---- | ------------------------------------------------------------ |
-  | ctx    | Context | Yes  | Current application context. For the definition of **Context** of API version 8, see [Context](js-apis-Context.md). For the definition of **Context** of API version 9, see [Context](js-apis-ability-context.md).|
+  | Name | Type    | Mandatory | Description                                                  |
+  | ---- | ------- | --------- | ------------------------------------------------------------ |
+  | ctx  | Context | Yes       | Current application context.For the definition of **Context** of API version 8, see [Context](js-apis-Context.md). For the definition of **Context** of API version 9, see [Context](js-apis-ability-context.md). |
 - Return value
-  | Type                            | Description                                                     |
-  | -------------------------------- | --------------------------------------------------------- |
-  | Promise&lt;[Window](#window)&gt; | Promise used to return the top window obtained.|
+  | Type                             | Description                                     |
+  | -------------------------------- | ----------------------------------------------- |
+  | Promise&lt;[Window](#window)&gt; | Promise used to return the top window obtained. |
 - Example
-  ```
+  ```js
    var windowClass = null;
    let promise = window.getTopWindow(this.context);
    promise.then((data)=> {
@@ -479,7 +479,7 @@ Obtains the top window of the current application. This API uses a promise to re
 on(type: 'systemBarTintChange', callback: Callback&lt;SystemBarTintState&gt;): void
-Enables listening for properties changes of the status bar and navigation bar.
+Enables listening for the properties changes of the status bar and navigation bar.
 This is a system API and cannot be called by third-party applications.
@@ -487,14 +487,14 @@ This is a system API and cannot be called by third-party applications.
 - Parameters
-  | Name  | Type                                                     | Mandatory| Description                                                        |
-  | -------- | --------------------------------------------------------- | ---- | ------------------------------------------------------------ |
-  | type     | string                                                    | Yes  | Listening type.<br>Set it to **systemBarTintChange**, which indicates listening for properties changes of the status bar and navigation bar.|
-  | callback | Callback&lt;[SystemBarTintState](#systembartintstate)&gt; | Yes  | Callback used to return the information.                                      |
+  | Name     | Type                                                      | Mandatory | Description                                                  |
+  | -------- | --------------------------------------------------------- | --------- | ------------------------------------------------------------ |
+  | type     | string                                                    | Yes       | Listening type.<br>Set it to **systemBarTintChange**, which indicates listening for properties changes of the status bar and navigation bar. |
+  | callback | Callback&lt;[SystemBarTintState](#systembartintstate)&gt; | Yes       | Callback used to return the information.                     |
 - Example
-  ```
+  ```js
   var type = 'systemBarTintChange';
   windowClass.on(type, (data) => {
       console.info('Succeeded in enabling the listener for systemBarTint changes. Data: ' + JSON.stringify(data));
@@ -513,14 +513,14 @@ This is a system API and cannot be called by third-party applications.
 - Parameters
-  | Name  | Type                                                     | Mandatory| Description                                                        |
-  | -------- | --------------------------------------------------------- | ---- | ------------------------------------------------------------ |
-  | type     | string                                                    | Yes  | Listening type.<br>Set it to **systemBarTintChange**, which indicates listening for properties changes of the status bar and navigation bar.|
-  | callback | Callback&lt;[SystemBarTintState](#systembartintstate)&gt; | No  | Callback used to return the information.                                      |
+  | Name     | Type                                                      | Mandatory | Description                                                  |
+  | -------- | --------------------------------------------------------- | --------- | ------------------------------------------------------------ |
+  | type     | string                                                    | Yes       | Listening type.<br>Set it to **systemBarTintChange**, which indicates listening for properties changes of the status bar and navigation bar. |
+  | callback | Callback&lt;[SystemBarTintState](#systembartintstate)&gt; | No        | Callback used to return the information.                     |
 - Example
-  ```
+  ```js
   var type = 'systemBarTintChange';
@@ -541,13 +541,13 @@ This is a system API and cannot be called by third-party applications.
 - Parameters
-  | Name  | Type                     | Mandatory| Description      |
-  | -------- | ------------------------- | ---- | ---------- |
-  | callback | AsyncCallback&lt;void&gt; | Yes  | Callback used to return the execution result.|
+  | Name     | Type                      | Mandatory | Description                                   |
+  | -------- | ------------------------- | --------- | --------------------------------------------- |
+  | callback | AsyncCallback&lt;void&gt; | Yes       | Callback used to return the execution result. |
 - Example
-  ```
+  ```js
   windowClass.hide((err, data) => {
       if (err.code) {
           console.error('Failed to hide the window. Cause: ' + JSON.stringify(err));
@@ -569,13 +569,13 @@ This is a system API and cannot be called by third-party applications.
 - Return value
-  | Type               | Description                                           |
-  | ------------------- | ----------------------------------------------- |
-  | Promise&lt;void&gt; | Promise used to return the execution result.|
+  | Type                | Description                                  |
+  | ------------------- | -------------------------------------------- |
+  | Promise&lt;void&gt; | Promise used to return the execution result. |
 - Example
-  ```
+  ```js
    let promise = windowClass.hide();
    promise.then((data)=> {
       console.info('window hidden. Data: ' + JSON.stringify(data))
@@ -594,13 +594,13 @@ Shows this window. This API uses an asynchronous callback to return the result.
 - Parameters
-  | Name  | Type                     | Mandatory| Description      |
-  | -------- | ------------------------- | ---- | ---------- |
-  | callback | AsyncCallback&lt;void&gt; | Yes  | Callback used to return the execution result.|
+  | Name     | Type                      | Mandatory | Description                                   |
+  | -------- | ------------------------- | --------- | --------------------------------------------- |
+  | callback | AsyncCallback&lt;void&gt; | Yes       | Callback used to return the execution result. |
 - Example
-  ```
+  ```js
   windowClass.show((err, data) => {
       if (err.code) {
           console.error('Failed to show the window. Cause: ' + JSON.stringify(err));
@@ -620,13 +620,13 @@ Shows this window. This API uses a promise to return the result.
 - Return value
-  | Type               | Description                                           |
-  | ------------------- | ----------------------------------------------- |
-  | Promise&lt;void&gt; | Promise used to return the execution result.|
+  | Type                | Description                                  |
+  | ------------------- | -------------------------------------------- |
+  | Promise&lt;void&gt; | Promise used to return the execution result. |
 - Example
-  ```
+  ```js
    let promise = windowClass.show();
    promise.then((data)=> {
       console.info('Succeeded in showing the window. Data: ' + JSON.stringify(data))
@@ -645,13 +645,13 @@ Destroys this window. This API uses an asynchronous callback to return the resul
 - Parameters
-  | Name  | Type                     | Mandatory| Description      |
-  | -------- | ------------------------- | ---- | ---------- |
-  | callback | AsyncCallback&lt;void&gt; | Yes  | Callback used to return the execution result.|
+  | Name     | Type                      | Mandatory | Description                                   |
+  | -------- | ------------------------- | --------- | --------------------------------------------- |
+  | callback | AsyncCallback&lt;void&gt; | Yes       | Callback used to return the execution result. |
 - Example
-  ```
+  ```js
   windowClass.destroy((err, data) => {
       if (err.code) {
           console.error('Failed to destroy the window. Cause:' + JSON.stringify(err));
@@ -671,13 +671,13 @@ Destroys this window. This API uses a promise to return the result.
 - Return value
-  | Type               | Description                                           |
-  | ------------------- | ----------------------------------------------- |
-  | Promise&lt;void&gt; | Promise used to return the execution result.|
+  | Type                | Description                                  |
+  | ------------------- | -------------------------------------------- |
+  | Promise&lt;void&gt; | Promise used to return the execution result. |
 - Example
-  ```
+  ```js
    let promise = windowClass.destroy();
    promise.then((data)=> {
       console.info('Succeeded in destroying the window. Data: ' + JSON.stringify(data))
@@ -696,15 +696,15 @@ Moves the position of this window. This API uses an asynchronous callback to ret
 - Parameters
-  | Name  | Type                     | Mandatory| Description                                   |
-  | -------- | ------------------------- | ---- | --------------------------------------- |
-  | x        | number                    | Yes  | Distance that the window moves along the x-axis. A positive value indicates that the window moves to the right.|
-  | y        | number                    | Yes  | Distance that the window moves along the y-axis. A positive value indicates that the window moves downwards.|
-  | callback | AsyncCallback&lt;void&gt; | Yes  | Callback used to return the execution result.                             |
+  | Name     | Type                      | Mandatory | Description                                                  |
+  | -------- | ------------------------- | --------- | ------------------------------------------------------------ |
+  | x        | number                    | Yes       | Distance that the window moves along the x-axis. A positive value indicates that the window moves to the right. |
+  | y        | number                    | Yes       | Distance that the window moves along the y-axis. A positive value indicates that the window moves downwards. |
+  | callback | AsyncCallback&lt;void&gt; | Yes       | Callback used to return the execution result.                |
 - Example
-  ```
+  ```js
   windowClass.moveTo(300, 300, (err, data)=>{
       if (err.code) {
           console.error('Failed to move the window. Cause:' + JSON.stringify(err));
@@ -725,20 +725,20 @@ Moves the position of this window. This API uses a promise to return the result.
 - Parameters
-  | Name| Type  | Mandatory| Description                                   |
-  | ------ | ------ | ---- | --------------------------------------- |
-  | x      | number | Yes  | Distance that the window moves along the x-axis. A positive value indicates that the window moves to the right.|
-  | y      | number | Yes  | Distance that the window moves along the y-axis. A positive value indicates that the window moves downwards.|
+  | Name | Type   | Mandatory | Description                                                  |
+  | ---- | ------ | --------- | ------------------------------------------------------------ |
+  | x    | number | Yes       | Distance that the window moves along the x-axis. A positive value indicates that the window moves to the right. |
+  | y    | number | Yes       | Distance that the window moves along the y-axis. A positive value indicates that the window moves downwards. |
 - Return value
-  | Type               | Description                                           |
-  | ------------------- | ----------------------------------------------- |
-  | Promise&lt;void&gt; | Promise used to return the execution result.|
+  | Type                | Description                                  |
+  | ------------------- | -------------------------------------------- |
+  | Promise&lt;void&gt; | Promise used to return the execution result. |
 - Example
-  ```
+  ```js
    let promise = windowClass.moveTo(300, 300);
    promise.then((data)=> {
       console.info('Window moved. Data: ' + JSON.stringify(data))
@@ -757,15 +757,15 @@ Changes the size of this window. This API uses an asynchronous callback to retur
 - Parameters
-  | Name  | Type                     | Mandatory| Description            |
-  | -------- | ------------------------- | ---- | ---------------- |
-  | width    | number                    | Yes  | New width of the window.|
-  | height   | number                    | Yes  | New height of the window.|
-  | callback | AsyncCallback&lt;void&gt; | Yes  | Callback used to return the execution result.      |
+  | Name     | Type                      | Mandatory | Description                                   |
+  | -------- | ------------------------- | --------- | --------------------------------------------- |
+  | width    | number                    | Yes       | New width of the window.                      |
+  | height   | number                    | Yes       | New height of the window.                     |
+  | callback | AsyncCallback&lt;void&gt; | Yes       | Callback used to return the execution result. |
 - Example
-  ```
+  ```js
   windowClass.resetSize(500, 1000, (err, data) => {
       if (err.code) {
           console.error('Failed to change the window size. Cause:' + JSON.stringify(err));
@@ -785,20 +785,20 @@ Changes the size of this window. This API uses a promise to return the result.
 - Parameters
-  | Name| Type  | Mandatory| Description            |
-  | ------ | ------ | ---- | ---------------- |
-  | width  | number | Yes  | New width of the window.|
-  | height | number | Yes  | New height of the window.|
+  | Name   | Type   | Mandatory | Description               |
+  | ------ | ------ | --------- | ------------------------- |
+  | width  | number | Yes       | New width of the window.  |
+  | height | number | Yes       | New height of the window. |
 - Return value
-  | Type               | Description                                           |
-  | ------------------- | ----------------------------------------------- |
-  | Promise&lt;void&gt; | Promise used to return the execution result.|
+  | Type                | Description                                  |
+  | ------------------- | -------------------------------------------- |
+  | Promise&lt;void&gt; | Promise used to return the execution result. |
 - Example
-  ```
+  ```js
    let promise = windowClass.resetSize(500, 1000);
    promise.then((data)=> {
       console.info('Window size changed. Data: ' + JSON.stringify(data))
@@ -819,14 +819,14 @@ This is a system API and cannot be called by third-party applications.
 - Parameters
-  | Name  | Type                     | Mandatory| Description      |
-  | -------- | ------------------------- | ---- | ---------- |
-  | type     | [WindowType](#windowtype) | Yes  | Window type.|
-  | callback | AsyncCallback&lt;void&gt; | Yes  | Callback used to return the execution result.|
+  | Name     | Type                      | Mandatory | Description                                   |
+  | -------- | ------------------------- | --------- | --------------------------------------------- |
+  | type     | [WindowType](#windowtype) | Yes       | Window type.                                  |
+  | callback | AsyncCallback&lt;void&gt; | Yes       | Callback used to return the execution result. |
 - Example
-  ```
+  ```js
   var type = window.TYPE_APP;
   windowClass.setWindowType(type, (err, data) => {
     if (err.code) {
@@ -849,19 +849,19 @@ This is a system API and cannot be called by third-party applications.
 - Parameters
-  | Name| Type                     | Mandatory| Description      |
-  | ------ | ------------------------- | ---- | ---------- |
-  | type   | [WindowType](#windowtype) | Yes  | Window type.|
+  | Name | Type                      | Mandatory | Description  |
+  | ---- | ------------------------- | --------- | ------------ |
+  | type | [WindowType](#windowtype) | Yes       | Window type. |
 - Return value
-  | Type               | Description                                           |
-  | ------------------- | ----------------------------------------------- |
-  | Promise&lt;void&gt; | Promise used to return the execution result.|
+  | Type                | Description                                  |
+  | ------------------- | -------------------------------------------- |
+  | Promise&lt;void&gt; | Promise used to return the execution result. |
 - Example
-  ```
+  ```js
    var type = window.TYPE_APP;
    let promise = windowClass.setWindowType(type);
    promise.then((data)=> {
@@ -881,13 +881,13 @@ Obtains the properties of this window. This API uses an asynchronous callback to
 - Parameters
-  | Name  | Type                                                      | Mandatory| Description              |
-  | -------- | ---------------------------------------------------------- | ---- | ------------------ |
-  | callback | AsyncCallback&lt;[WindowProperties](#windowproperties)&gt; | Yes  | Callback used to return the window properties.|
+  | Name     | Type                                                       | Mandatory | Description                                    |
+  | -------- | ---------------------------------------------------------- | --------- | ---------------------------------------------- |
+  | callback | AsyncCallback&lt;[WindowProperties](#windowproperties)&gt; | Yes       | Callback used to return the window properties. |
 - Example
-  ```
+  ```js
   windowClass.getProperties((err, data) => {
       if (err.code) {
           console.error('Failed to obtain the window properties. Cause: ' + JSON.stringify(err));
@@ -907,9 +907,9 @@ Obtains the properties of this window. This API uses a promise to return the res
 - Return value
-  | Type                                                | Description                                 |
-  | ---------------------------------------------------- | ------------------------------------- |
-  | Promise&lt;[WindowProperties](#windowproperties)&gt; | Promise used to return the window properties.|
+  | Type                                                 | Description                                   |
+  | ---------------------------------------------------- | --------------------------------------------- |
+  | Promise&lt;[WindowProperties](#windowproperties)&gt; | Promise used to return the window properties. |
 - Example
@@ -932,14 +932,14 @@ Obtains the area where this window cannot be displayed, for example, the system
 - Parameters
-  | Name  | Type                                        | Mandatory| Description                                                        |
-  | -------- | -------------------------------------------- | ---- | ------------------------------------------------------------ |
-  | type     | [AvoidAreaType](#avoidareatype)              | Yes  | Type of the area. **TYPE_SYSTEM** indicates the default area of the system. **TYPE_CUTOUT** indicates the notch.|
-  | callback | AsyncCallback&lt;[AvoidArea](#avoidarea)&gt; | Yes  | Callback used to return the area.                                  |
+  | Name     | Type                                         | Mandatory | Description                                                  |
+  | -------- | -------------------------------------------- | --------- | ------------------------------------------------------------ |
+  | type     | [AvoidAreaType](#avoidareatype)              | Yes       | Type of the area. **TYPE_SYSTEM** indicates the default area of the system. **TYPE_CUTOUT** indicates the notch. |
+  | callback | AsyncCallback&lt;[AvoidArea](#avoidarea)&gt; | Yes       | Callback used to return the area.                            |
 - Example
-  ```
+  ```js
   var type = window.AvoidAreaType.TYPE_SYSTEM;
   windowClass.getAvoidArea(type, (err, data) => {
       if (err.code) {
@@ -960,19 +960,19 @@ Obtains the area where this window cannot be displayed, for example, the system
 - Parameters
-  | Name| Type                           | Mandatory| Description                                                        |
-  | ------ | ------------------------------- | ---- | ------------------------------------------------------------ |
-  | type   | [AvoidAreaType](#avoidareatype) | Yes  | Type of the area. **TYPE_SYSTEM** indicates the default area of the system. **TYPE_CUTOUT** indicates the notch.|
+  | Name | Type                            | Mandatory | Description                                                  |
+  | ---- | ------------------------------- | --------- | ------------------------------------------------------------ |
+  | type | [AvoidAreaType](#avoidareatype) | Yes       | Type of the area. **TYPE_SYSTEM** indicates the default area of the system. **TYPE_CUTOUT** indicates the notch. |
 - Return value
-  | Type                                  | Description                                         |
-  | -------------------------------------- | --------------------------------------------- |
-  | Promise&lt;[AvoidArea](#avoidarea)&gt; | Promise used to return the area.|
+  | Type                                   | Description                      |
+  | -------------------------------------- | -------------------------------- |
+  | Promise&lt;[AvoidArea](#avoidarea)&gt; | Promise used to return the area. |
 - Example
-  ```
+  ```js
    let promise = windowClass.getAvoidArea();
    promise.then((data)=> {
       console.info('Succeeded in obtaining the area. Data:' + JSON.stringify(data))
@@ -991,14 +991,14 @@ Sets whether to enable the full-screen mode for this window. This API uses an as
 - Parameters
-  | Name      | Type                     | Mandatory| Description                                          |
-  | ------------ | ------------------------- | ---- | ---------------------------------------------- |
-  | isFullScreen | boolean                   | Yes  | Whether to enable the full-screen mode, in which the status bar and navigation bar are hidden.|
-  | callback     | AsyncCallback&lt;void&gt; | Yes  | Callback used to return the execution result.                                    |
+  | Name         | Type                      | Mandatory | Description                                                  |
+  | ------------ | ------------------------- | --------- | ------------------------------------------------------------ |
+  | isFullScreen | boolean                   | Yes       | Whether to enable the full-screen mode, in which the status bar and navigation bar are hidden. |
+  | callback     | AsyncCallback&lt;void&gt; | Yes       | Callback used to return the execution result.                |
 - Example
-  ```
+  ```js
   var isFullScreen = true;
   windowClass.setFullScreen(isFullScreen, (err, data) => {
       if (err.code) {
@@ -1019,19 +1019,19 @@ Sets whether to enable the full-screen mode for this window. This API uses a pro
 - Parameters
-  | Name      | Type   | Mandatory| Description                                          |
-  | ------------ | ------- | ---- | ---------------------------------------------- |
-  | isFullScreen | boolean | Yes  | Whether to enable the full-screen mode, in which the status bar and navigation bar are hidden.|
+  | Name         | Type    | Mandatory | Description                                                  |
+  | ------------ | ------- | --------- | ------------------------------------------------------------ |
+  | isFullScreen | boolean | Yes       | Whether to enable the full-screen mode, in which the status bar and navigation bar are hidden. |
 - Return value
-  | Type               | Description                                           |
-  | ------------------- | ----------------------------------------------- |
-  | Promise&lt;void&gt; | Promise used to return the execution result.|
+  | Type                | Description                                  |
+  | ------------------- | -------------------------------------------- |
+  | Promise&lt;void&gt; | Promise used to return the execution result. |
 - Example
-  ```
+  ```js
   var isFullScreen = true;
   let promise = windowClass.setFullScreen(isFullScreen);
   promise.then((data)=> {
@@ -1051,14 +1051,14 @@ Sets whether the window layout is in full-screen mode. This API uses an asynchro
 - Parameters
-  | Name            | Type                     | Mandatory| Description                                                        |
-  | ------------------ | ------------------------- | ---- | ------------------------------------------------------------ |
-  | isLayoutFullScreen | boolean                   | Yes  | Whether the window layout is in full-screen mode, in which the status bar and navigation bar are displayed.|
-  | callback           | AsyncCallback&lt;void&gt; | Yes  | Callback used to return the execution result.                                                  |
+  | Name               | Type                      | Mandatory | Description                                                  |
+  | ------------------ | ------------------------- | --------- | ------------------------------------------------------------ |
+  | isLayoutFullScreen | boolean                   | Yes       | Whether the window layout is in full-screen mode, in which the status bar and navigation bar are displayed. |
+  | callback           | AsyncCallback&lt;void&gt; | Yes       | Callback used to return the execution result.                |
 - Example
-  ```
+  ```js
   var isLayoutFullScreen= true;
   windowClass.setLayoutFullScreen(isLayoutFullScreen, (err, data) => {
       if (err.code) {
@@ -1079,19 +1079,19 @@ Sets whether the window layout is in full-screen mode. This API uses a promise t
 - Parameters
-  | Name            | Type   | Mandatory| Description                                                        |
-  | ------------------ | ------- | ---- | ------------------------------------------------------------ |
-  | isLayoutFullScreen | boolean | Yes  | Whether the window layout is in full-screen mode, in which the status bar and navigation bar are displayed.|
+  | Name               | Type    | Mandatory | Description                                                  |
+  | ------------------ | ------- | --------- | ------------------------------------------------------------ |
+  | isLayoutFullScreen | boolean | Yes       | Whether the window layout is in full-screen mode, in which the status bar and navigation bar are displayed. |
 - Return value
-  | Type               | Description                                           |
-  | ------------------- | ----------------------------------------------- |
-  | Promise&lt;void&gt; | Promise used to return the execution result.|
+  | Type                | Description                                  |
+  | ------------------- | -------------------------------------------- |
+  | Promise&lt;void&gt; | Promise used to return the execution result. |
 - Example
-  ```
+  ```js
   var isLayoutFullScreen = true;
   let promise = windowClass.setLayoutFullScreen(isLayoutFullScreen);
   promise.then((data)=> {
@@ -1111,14 +1111,14 @@ Sets whether to display the status bar and navigation bar in this window. This A
 - Parameters
-  | Name  | Type                     | Mandatory| Description                                                        |
-  | -------- | ------------------------- | ---- | ------------------------------------------------------------ |
-  | names    | Array                     | Yes  | Whether to display the status bar and navigation bar. For example, to display the status bar and navigation bar, set this parameter to **["status", "navigation"]**. By default, they are not displayed.|
-  | callback | AsyncCallback&lt;void&gt; | Yes  | Callback used to return the execution result.                                                  |
+  | Name     | Type                      | Mandatory | Description                                                  |
+  | -------- | ------------------------- | --------- | ------------------------------------------------------------ |
+  | names    | Array                     | Yes       | Whether to display the status bar and navigation bar. For example, to display the status bar and navigation bar, set this parameter to **["status", "navigation"]**. By default, they are not displayed. |
+  | callback | AsyncCallback&lt;void&gt; | Yes       | Callback used to return the execution result.                |
 - Example
-  ```
+  ```js
   var names = ["status", "navigation"];
   windowClass.setSystemBarEnable(names, (err, data) => {
       if (err.code) {
@@ -1139,19 +1139,19 @@ Sets whether to display the status bar and navigation bar in this window. This A
 - Parameters
-  | Name| Type | Mandatory| Description                                                        |
-  | ------ | ----- | ---- | ------------------------------------------------------------ |
-  | names  | Array | Yes  | Whether to display the status bar and navigation bar. For example, to display the status bar and navigation bar, set this parameter to **["status", "navigation"]**. By default, they are not displayed.|
+  | Name  | Type  | Mandatory | Description                                                  |
+  | ----- | ----- | --------- | ------------------------------------------------------------ |
+  | names | Array | Yes       | Whether to display the status bar and navigation bar. For example, to display the status bar and navigation bar, set this parameter to **["status", "navigation"]**. By default, they are not displayed. |
 - Return value
-  | Type               | Description                                           |
-  | ------------------- | ----------------------------------------------- |
-  | Promise&lt;void&gt; | Promise used to return the execution result.|
+  | Type                | Description                                  |
+  | ------------------- | -------------------------------------------- |
+  | Promise&lt;void&gt; | Promise used to return the execution result. |
 - Example
-  ```
+  ```js
   var names = ["status", "navigation"];
   let promise = windowClass.setSystemBarEnable(names);
   promise.then((data)=> {
@@ -1171,14 +1171,14 @@ Sets the properties of the status bar and navigation bar in this window. This AP
 - Parameters
-  | Name             | Type                                       | Mandatory| Description                |
-  | ------------------- | ------------------------------------------- | ---- | -------------------- |
-  | SystemBarProperties | [SystemBarProperties](#systembarproperties) | Yes  | Properties of the status bar and navigation bar.|
-  | callback            | AsyncCallback&lt;void&gt;                   | Yes  | Callback used to return the execution result.          |
+  | Name                | Type                                        | Mandatory | Description                                      |
+  | ------------------- | ------------------------------------------- | --------- | ------------------------------------------------ |
+  | SystemBarProperties | [SystemBarProperties](#systembarproperties) | Yes       | Properties of the status bar and navigation bar. |
+  | callback            | AsyncCallback&lt;void&gt;                   | Yes       | Callback used to return the execution result.    |
 - Example
-  ```
+  ```js
   var SystemBarProperties={
       statusBarColor: '#ff00ff',
       navigationBarColor: '#00ff00',
@@ -1208,19 +1208,19 @@ Sets the properties of the status bar and navigation bar in this window. This AP
 - Parameters
-  | Name             | Type                                       | Mandatory| Description                |
-  | ------------------- | ------------------------------------------- | ---- | -------------------- |
-  | SystemBarProperties | [SystemBarProperties](#systembarproperties) | Yes  | Properties of the status bar and navigation bar.|
+  | Name                | Type                                        | Mandatory | Description                                      |
+  | ------------------- | ------------------------------------------- | --------- | ------------------------------------------------ |
+  | SystemBarProperties | [SystemBarProperties](#systembarproperties) | Yes       | Properties of the status bar and navigation bar. |
 - Return value
-  | Type               | Description                                           |
-  | ------------------- | ----------------------------------------------- |
-  | Promise&lt;void&gt; | Promise used to return the execution result.|
+  | Type                | Description                                  |
+  | ------------------- | -------------------------------------------- |
+  | Promise&lt;void&gt; | Promise used to return the execution result. |
 - Example
-  ```
+  ```js
   var SystemBarProperties={
       statusBarColor: '#ff00ff',
       navigationBarColor: '#00ff00',
@@ -1249,14 +1249,14 @@ Loads content to this window. This API uses an asynchronous callback to return t
 - Parameters
-  | Name  | Type                     | Mandatory| Description                |
-  | -------- | ------------------------- | ---- | -------------------- |
-  | path     | string                    | Yes  | Path of the page from which the content will be loaded.|
-  | callback | AsyncCallback&lt;void&gt; | Yes  | Callback used to return the execution result.          |
+  | Name     | Type                      | Mandatory | Description                                             |
+  | -------- | ------------------------- | --------- | ------------------------------------------------------- |
+  | path     | string                    | Yes       | Path of the page from which the content will be loaded. |
+  | callback | AsyncCallback&lt;void&gt; | Yes       | Callback used to return the execution result.           |
 - Example
-  ```
+  ```js
   windowClass.loadContent("pages/page2/page2", (err, data) => {
      if (err.code) {
            console.error('Failed to load the content. Cause:' + JSON.stringify(err));
@@ -1276,19 +1276,19 @@ Loads content to this window. This API uses a promise to return the result.
 - Parameters
-  | Name| Type  | Mandatory| Description                |
-  | ------ | ------ | ---- | -------------------- |
-  | path   | string | Yes  | Path of the page from which the content will be loaded.|
+  | Name | Type   | Mandatory | Description                                             |
+  | ---- | ------ | --------- | ------------------------------------------------------- |
+  | path | string | Yes       | Path of the page from which the content will be loaded. |
 - Return value
-  | Type               | Description                                           |
-  | ------------------- | ----------------------------------------------- |
-  | Promise&lt;void&gt; | Promise used to return the execution result.|
+  | Type                | Description                                  |
+  | ------------------- | -------------------------------------------- |
+  | Promise&lt;void&gt; | Promise used to return the execution result. |
 - Example
-  ```
+  ```js
   let promise = windowClass.loadContent("pages/page2/page2");
   promise.then((data)=> {
       console.info('Succeeded in loading the content. Data: ' + JSON.stringify(data))
@@ -1307,13 +1307,13 @@ Checks whether this window is displayed. This API uses an asynchronous callback
 - Parameters
-  | Name  | Type                        | Mandatory| Description                            |
-  | -------- | ---------------------------- | ---- | -------------------------------- |
-  | callback | AsyncCallback&lt;boolean&gt; | Yes  | Callback used to return whether the window is displayed.|
+  | Name     | Type                         | Mandatory | Description                                              |
+  | -------- | ---------------------------- | --------- | -------------------------------------------------------- |
+  | callback | AsyncCallback&lt;boolean&gt; | Yes       | Callback used to return whether the window is displayed. |
 - Example
-  ```
+  ```js
   windowClass.isShowing((err, data) => {
       if (err.code) {
           console.error('Failed to check whether the window is showing. Cause:' + JSON.stringify(err));
@@ -1333,13 +1333,13 @@ Checks whether this window is displayed. This API uses a promise to return the r
 - Return value
-  | Type                  | Description                                                 |
-  | ---------------------- | ----------------------------------------------------- |
-  | Promise&lt;boolean&gt; | Promise used to return whether the window is displayed.|
+  | Type                   | Description                                             |
+  | ---------------------- | ------------------------------------------------------- |
+  | Promise&lt;boolean&gt; | Promise used to return whether the window is displayed. |
 - Example
-  ```
+  ```js
   let promise = windowClass.isShowing();
   promise.then((data)=> {
       console.info('Succeeded in checking whether the window is showing. Data: ' + JSON.stringify(data))
@@ -1358,14 +1358,14 @@ Enables listening for window size changes.
 - Parameters
-  | Name  | Type                         | Mandatory| Description                                                        |
-  | -------- | ----------------------------- | ---- | ------------------------------------------------------------ |
-  | type     | string                        | Yes  | Listening type.<br>Set it to **windowSizeChange**, which indicates listening for window size changes.|
-  | callback | Callback&lt;[Size](#size)&gt; | Yes  | Callback used to return the information.                                      |
+  | Name     | Type                          | Mandatory | Description                                                  |
+  | -------- | ----------------------------- | --------- | ------------------------------------------------------------ |
+  | type     | string                        | Yes       | Listening type.<br>Set it to **windowSizeChange**, which indicates listening for window size changes. |
+  | callback | Callback&lt;[Size](#size)&gt; | Yes       | Callback used to return the information.                     |
 - Example
-  ```
+  ```js
   var type = 'windowSizeChange';
   windowClass.on(type, (data) => {
       console.info('Succeeded in enabling the listener for window size changes. Data: ' + JSON.stringify(data));
@@ -1382,10 +1382,10 @@ Disables listening for window size changes.
 - Parameters
-  | Name  | Type                         | Mandatory| Description                                                        |
-  | -------- | ----------------------------- | ---- | ------------------------------------------------------------ |
-  | type     | string                        | Yes  | Listening type.<br>Set it to **windowSizeChange**, which indicates listening for window size changes.|
-  | callback | Callback&lt;[Size](#size)&gt; | No  | Callback used to return the information.                                      |
+  | Name     | Type                          | Mandatory | Description                                                  |
+  | -------- | ----------------------------- | --------- | ------------------------------------------------------------ |
+  | type     | string                        | Yes       | Listening type.<br>Set it to **windowSizeChange<sup>7+</sup>**, which indicates listening for window size changes. |
+  | callback | Callback&lt;[Size](#size)&gt; | No        | Callback used to return the information.                     |
 - Example
@@ -1404,14 +1404,14 @@ Enables listening for changes to the area where the window cannot be displayed.
 - Parameters
-  | Name  | Type                                   | Mandatory| Description                                                        |
-  | -------- | --------------------------------------- | ---- | ------------------------------------------------------------ |
-  | type     | string                                  | Yes  | Listening type.<br>Set it to **systemAvoidAreaChange**, which indicates listening for changes to the area where the window cannot be displayed.|
-  | callback | Callback&lt;[AvoidArea](#avoidarea)&gt; | Yes  | Callback used to return the information.                                      |
+  | Name     | Type                                    | Mandatory | Description                                                  |
+  | -------- | --------------------------------------- | --------- | ------------------------------------------------------------ |
+  | type     | string                                  | Yes       | Listening type.<br>Set it to **systemAvoidAreaChange**, which indicates listening for changes to the area where the window cannot be displayed. |
+  | callback | Callback&lt;[AvoidArea](#avoidarea)&gt; | Yes       | Callback used to return the information.                     |
 - Example
-  ```
+  ```js
   var type = 'systemAvoidAreaChange';
   windowClass.on(type, (data) => {
       console.info('Succeeded in enabling the listener for system avoid area changes. Data: ' + JSON.stringify(data));
@@ -1428,10 +1428,10 @@ Disables listening for changes to the area where the window cannot be displayed.
 - Parameters
-  | Name  | Type                                   | Mandatory| Description                                                        |
-  | -------- | --------------------------------------- | ---- | ------------------------------------------------------------ |
-  | type     | string                                  | Yes  | Listening type.<br>Set it to **systemAvoidAreaChange**, which indicates listening for changes to the area where the window cannot be displayed.|
-  | callback | Callback&lt;[AvoidArea](#avoidarea)&gt; | No  | Callback used to return the information.                                      |
+  | Name     | Type                                    | Mandatory | Description                                                  |
+  | -------- | --------------------------------------- | --------- | ------------------------------------------------------------ |
+  | type     | string                                  | Yes       | Listening type.<br>Set it to **systemAvoidAreaChange**, which indicates listening for changes to the area where the window cannot be displayed. |
+  | callback | Callback&lt;[AvoidArea](#avoidarea)&gt; | No        | Callback used to return the information.                     |
 - Example
@@ -1452,14 +1452,14 @@ This API is defined but not implemented in OpenHarmony 3.1 Release. It will be a
 - Parameters
-  | Name  | Type                                   | Mandatory| Description                                                        |
-  | -------- | --------------------------------------- | ---- | ------------------------------------------------------------ |
-  | type     | string                                  | Yes  | Listening type.<br>Set it to **keyboardHeightChange**, which indicates listening for keyboard height changes.|
-  | callback | Callback&lt;number&gt; | Yes  | Callback used to return the information.                                      |
+  | Name     | Type                   | Mandatory | Description                                                  |
+  | -------- | ---------------------- | --------- | ------------------------------------------------------------ |
+  | type     | string                 | Yes       | Listening type.<br>Set it to **keyboardHeightChange**, which indicates listening for keyboard height changes. |
+  | callback | Callback&lt;number&gt; | Yes       | Callback used to return the information.                     |
 - Example
-  ```
+  ```js
   var type = 'keyboardHeightChange';
   windowClass.on(type, (data) => {
       console.info('Succeeded in enabling the listener for keyboard height changes. Data: ' + JSON.stringify(data));
@@ -1478,10 +1478,10 @@ This API is defined but not implemented in OpenHarmony 3.1 Release. It will be a
 - Parameters
-  | Name  | Type                  | Mandatory| Description                                                        |
-  | -------- | ---------------------- | ---- | ------------------------------------------------------------ |
-  | type     | string                 | Yes  | Listening type.<br>Set it to **keyboardHeightChange**, which indicates listening for keyboard height changes.|
-  | callback | Callback&lt;number&gt; | No  | Callback used to return the information.                                      |
+  | Name     | Type                   | Mandatory | Description                                                  |
+  | -------- | ---------------------- | --------- | ------------------------------------------------------------ |
+  | type     | string                 | Yes       | Listening type.<br>Set it to **keyboardHeightChange**, which indicates listening for keyboard height changes. |
+  | callback | Callback&lt;number&gt; | No        | Callback used to return the information.                     |
 - Example
@@ -1500,13 +1500,13 @@ Checks whether this window supports the wide color gamut mode. This API uses an
 - Parameters
-  | Name  | Type                        | Mandatory| Description                            |
-  | -------- | ---------------------------- | ---- | -------------------------------- |
-  | callback | AsyncCallback&lt;boolean&gt; | Yes  | Callback used to return whether the wide color gamut mode is supported.|
+  | Name     | Type                         | Mandatory | Description                                                  |
+  | -------- | ---------------------------- | --------- | ------------------------------------------------------------ |
+  | callback | AsyncCallback&lt;boolean&gt; | Yes       | Callback used to return whether the wide color gamut mode is supported. |
 - Example
-  ```
+  ```js
   windowClass.isSupportWideGamut((err, data) => {
       if (err.code) {
           console.error('Failed to check whether the window support WideGamut. Cause:' + JSON.stringify(err));
@@ -1526,13 +1526,13 @@ Checks whether this window supports the wide color gamut mode. This API uses a p
 - Return value
-  | Type                  | Description                                                        |
+  | Type                   | Description                                                  |
   | ---------------------- | ------------------------------------------------------------ |
-  | Promise&lt;boolean&gt; | Promise used to return whether the wide color gamut mode is supported.|
+  | Promise&lt;boolean&gt; | Promise used to return whether the wide color gamut mode is supported. |
 - Example
-  ```
+  ```js
   let promise = windowClass.isSupportWideGamut();
   promise.then((data)=> {
       console.info('Succeeded in checking whether the window support WideGamut. Data: ' + JSON.stringify(data))
@@ -1551,14 +1551,14 @@ Sets this window to the wide or default color gamut mode. This API uses an async
 - Parameters
-  | Name    | Type                     | Mandatory| Description        |
-  | ---------- | ------------------------- | ---- | ------------ |
-  | colorSpace | [ColorSpace](#colorspace) | Yes  | Color gamut mode.|
-  | callback   | AsyncCallback&lt;void&gt; | Yes  | Callback used to return the execution result.  |
+  | Name       | Type                      | Mandatory | Description                                   |
+  | ---------- | ------------------------- | --------- | --------------------------------------------- |
+  | colorSpace | [ColorSpace](#colorspace) | Yes       | Color gamut mode.                             |
+  | callback   | AsyncCallback&lt;void&gt; | Yes       | Callback used to return the execution result. |
 - Example
-  ```
+  ```js
   windowClass.setColorSpace(window.ColorSpace.WIDE_GAMUT, (err, data) => {
       if (err.code) {
           console.error('Failed to set window colorspace. Cause:' + JSON.stringify(err));
@@ -1578,19 +1578,19 @@ Sets this window to the wide or default color gamut mode. This API uses a promis
 - Parameters
-  | Name    | Type                     | Mandatory| Description        |
-  | ---------- | ------------------------- | ---- | ------------ |
-  | colorSpace | [ColorSpace](#colorspace) | Yes  | Color gamut mode.|
+  | Name       | Type                      | Mandatory | Description       |
+  | ---------- | ------------------------- | --------- | ----------------- |
+  | colorSpace | [ColorSpace](#colorspace) | Yes       | Color gamut mode. |
 - Return value
-  | Type               | Description                                           |
-  | ------------------- | ----------------------------------------------- |
-  | Promise&lt;void&gt; | Promise used to return the execution result.|
+  | Type                | Description                                  |
+  | ------------------- | -------------------------------------------- |
+  | Promise&lt;void&gt; | Promise used to return the execution result. |
 - Example
-  ```
+  ```js
   let promise = windowClass.isSupportWideGamut(window.ColorSpace.WIDE_GAMUT);
   promise.then((data)=> {
       console.info('Succeeded in setting window colorspace. Data: ' + JSON.stringify(data))
@@ -1609,13 +1609,13 @@ Obtains the color gamut mode of this window. This API uses an asynchronous callb
 - Parameters
-  | Name  | Type                                          | Mandatory| Description                      |
-  | -------- | ---------------------------------------------- | ---- | -------------------------- |
-  | callback | AsyncCallback&lt;[ColorSpace](#colorspace)&gt; | Yes  | Callback used to return the color gamut mode obtained.|
+  | Name     | Type                                           | Mandatory | Description                                            |
+  | -------- | ---------------------------------------------- | --------- | ------------------------------------------------------ |
+  | callback | AsyncCallback&lt;[ColorSpace](#colorspace)&gt; | Yes       | Callback used to return the color gamut mode obtained. |
 - Example
-  ```
+  ```js
   windowClass.getColorSpace((err, data) => {
       if (err.code) {
           console.error('Failed to get window color space. Cause:' + JSON.stringify(err));
@@ -1635,13 +1635,13 @@ Obtains the color gamut mode of this window. This API uses a promise to return t
 - Return value
-  | Type                                    | Description                                     |
-  | ---------------------------------------- | ----------------------------------------- |
-  | Promise&lt;[ColorSpace](#colorspace)&gt; | Promise used to return the color gamut mode obtained.|
+  | Type                                     | Description                                           |
+  | ---------------------------------------- | ----------------------------------------------------- |
+  | Promise&lt;[ColorSpace](#colorspace)&gt; | Promise used to return the color gamut mode obtained. |
 - Example
-  ```
+  ```js
   let promise = windowClass.getColorSpace();
   promise.then((data)=> {
       console.info('Succeeded in getting window color space. Cause:' + JSON.stringify(data))
@@ -1662,14 +1662,14 @@ This API is defined but not implemented in OpenHarmony 3.1 Release. It will be a
 - Parameters
-  | Name  | Type                     | Mandatory| Description                                                        |
-  | -------- | ------------------------- | ---- | ------------------------------------------------------------ |
-  | color    | string                    | Yes  | Background color to set. The color is a hexadecimal value, for example, #00FF00 or #FF00FF00.|
-  | callback | AsyncCallback&lt;void&gt; | Yes  | Callback used to return the execution result.                                                  |
+  | Name     | Type                      | Mandatory | Description                                                  |
+  | -------- | ------------------------- | --------- | ------------------------------------------------------------ |
+  | color    | string                    | Yes       | Background color to set. The color is a hexadecimal value, for example, #00FF00 or #FF00FF00. |
+  | callback | AsyncCallback&lt;void&gt; | Yes       | Callback used to return the execution result.                |
 - Example
-  ```
+  ```js
   var color = '#00ff33';
   windowClass.setBackgroundColor(color, (err, data) => {
       if (err.code) {
@@ -1692,19 +1692,19 @@ This API is defined but not implemented in OpenHarmony 3.1 Release. It will be a
 - Parameters
-  | Name| Type  | Mandatory| Description                                                        |
-  | ------ | ------ | ---- | ------------------------------------------------------------ |
-  | color  | string | Yes  | Background color to set. The color is a hexadecimal value, for example, #00FF00 or #FF00FF00.|
+  | Name  | Type   | Mandatory | Description                                                  |
+  | ----- | ------ | --------- | ------------------------------------------------------------ |
+  | color | string | Yes       | Background color to set. The color is a hexadecimal value, for example, #00FF00 or #FF00FF00. |
 - Return value
-  | Type               | Description                                           |
-  | ------------------- | ----------------------------------------------- |
-  | Promise&lt;void&gt; | Promise used to return the execution result.|
+  | Type                | Description                                  |
+  | ------------------- | -------------------------------------------- |
+  | Promise&lt;void&gt; | Promise used to return the execution result. |
 - Example
-  ```
+  ```js
   var color = '#00ff33';
   let promise = windowClass.setBackgroundColor(color);
   promise.then((data)=> {
@@ -1726,14 +1726,14 @@ This API is defined but not implemented in OpenHarmony 3.1 Release. It will be a
 - Parameters
-  | Name    | Type                     | Mandatory| Description                                |
-  | ---------- | ------------------------- | ---- | ------------------------------------ |
-  | brightness | number                    | Yes  | Brightness to set, which ranges from 0 to 1. The value **1** indicates the brightest.|
-  | callback   | AsyncCallback&lt;void&gt; | Yes  | Callback used to return the execution result.                          |
+  | Name       | Type                      | Mandatory | Description                                                  |
+  | ---------- | ------------------------- | --------- | ------------------------------------------------------------ |
+  | brightness | number                    | Yes       | Brightness to set, which ranges from 0 to 1. The value **1** indicates the brightest. |
+  | callback   | AsyncCallback&lt;void&gt; | Yes       | Callback used to return the execution result.                |
 - Example
-  ```
+  ```js
   var brightness = 1;
   windowClass.setBrightness(brightness, (err, data) => {
       if (err.code) {
@@ -1756,19 +1756,19 @@ This API is defined but not implemented in OpenHarmony 3.1 Release. It will be a
 - Parameters
-  | Name    | Type  | Mandatory| Description                                |
-  | ---------- | ------ | ---- | ------------------------------------ |
-  | brightness | number | Yes  | Brightness to set, which ranges from 0 to 1. The value **1** indicates the brightest.|
+  | Name       | Type   | Mandatory | Description                                                  |
+  | ---------- | ------ | --------- | ------------------------------------------------------------ |
+  | brightness | number | Yes       | Brightness to set, which ranges from 0 to 1. The value **1** indicates the brightest. |
 - Return value
-  | Type               | Description                                           |
-  | ------------------- | ----------------------------------------------- |
-  | Promise&lt;void&gt; | Promise used to return the execution result.|
+  | Type                | Description                                  |
+  | ------------------- | -------------------------------------------- |
+  | Promise&lt;void&gt; | Promise used to return the execution result. |
 - Example
-  ```
+  ```js
   var brightness = 1;
   let promise = windowClass.setBrightness(brightness);
   promise.then((data)=> {
@@ -1790,14 +1790,14 @@ This API is defined but not implemented in OpenHarmony 3.1 Release. It will be a
 - Parameters
-  | Name        | Type                     | Mandatory| Description                                              |
-  | -------------- | ------------------------- | ---- | -------------------------------------------------- |
-  | dimBehindValue | number                    | Yes  | Dimness of the window to set. The value ranges from 0 to 1. The value **1** indicates the dimmest.|
-  | callback       | AsyncCallback&lt;void&gt; | Yes  | Callback used to return the execution result.                                        |
+  | Name           | Type                      | Mandatory | Description                                                  |
+  | -------------- | ------------------------- | --------- | ------------------------------------------------------------ |
+  | dimBehindValue | number                    | Yes       | Dimness of the window to set. The value ranges from 0 to 1. The value **1** indicates the dimmest. |
+  | callback       | AsyncCallback&lt;void&gt; | Yes       | Callback used to return the execution result.                |
 - Example
-  ```
+  ```js
   windowClass.setDimBehind(0.5, (err, data) => {
       if (err.code) {
           console.error('Failed to set the dimness. Cause: ' + JSON.stringify(err));
@@ -1819,19 +1819,19 @@ This API is defined but not implemented in OpenHarmony 3.1 Release. It will be a
 - Parameters
-  | Name        | Type  | Mandatory| Description                                              |
-  | -------------- | ------ | ---- | -------------------------------------------------- |
-  | dimBehindValue | number | Yes  | Dimness of the window to set. The value ranges from 0 to 1. The value **1** indicates the dimmest.|
+  | Name           | Type   | Mandatory | Description                                                  |
+  | -------------- | ------ | --------- | ------------------------------------------------------------ |
+  | dimBehindValue | number | Yes       | Dimness of the window to set. The value ranges from 0 to 1. The value **1** indicates the dimmest. |
 - Return value
-  | Type               | Description                                           |
-  | ------------------- | ----------------------------------------------- |
-  | Promise&lt;void&gt; | Promise used to return the execution result.|
+  | Type                | Description                                  |
+  | ------------------- | -------------------------------------------- |
+  | Promise&lt;void&gt; | Promise used to return the execution result. |
 - Example
-  ```
+  ```js
   let promise = windowClass.setDimBehind(0.5);
   promise.then((data)=> {
       console.info('Succeeded in setting the dimness. Data: ' + JSON.stringify(data))
@@ -1852,14 +1852,14 @@ This API is defined but not implemented in OpenHarmony 3.1 Release. It will be a
 - Parameters
-  | Name     | Type                     | Mandatory| Description                        |
-  | ----------- | ------------------------- | ---- | ---------------------------- |
-  | isFocusable | boolean                   | Yes  | Whether the window can gain focus.|
-  | callback    | AsyncCallback&lt;void&gt; | Yes  | Callback used to return the execution result.                  |
+  | Name        | Type                      | Mandatory | Description                                   |
+  | ----------- | ------------------------- | --------- | --------------------------------------------- |
+  | isFocusable | boolean                   | Yes       | Whether the window can gain focus.            |
+  | callback    | AsyncCallback&lt;void&gt; | Yes       | Callback used to return the execution result. |
 - Example
-  ```
+  ```js
   var isFocusable= true;
   windowClass.setFocusable(isFocusable, (err, data) => {
       if (err.code) {
@@ -1882,19 +1882,19 @@ This API is defined but not implemented in OpenHarmony 3.1 Release. It will be a
 - Parameters
-  | Name     | Type   | Mandatory| Description                        |
-  | ----------- | ------- | ---- | ---------------------------- |
-  | isFocusable | boolean | Yes  | Whether the window can gain focus.|
+  | Name        | Type    | Mandatory | Description                        |
+  | ----------- | ------- | --------- | ---------------------------------- |
+  | isFocusable | boolean | Yes       | Whether the window can gain focus. |
 - Return value
-  | Type               | Description                                           |
-  | ------------------- | ----------------------------------------------- |
-  | Promise&lt;void&gt; | Promise used to return the execution result.|
+  | Type                | Description                                  |
+  | ------------------- | -------------------------------------------- |
+  | Promise&lt;void&gt; | Promise used to return the execution result. |
 - Example
-  ```
+  ```js
   var isFocusable= true;
   let promise = windowClass.setFocusable(isFocusable);
   promise.then((data)=> {
@@ -1916,14 +1916,14 @@ This API is defined but not implemented in OpenHarmony 3.1 Release. It will be a
 - Parameters
-  | Name        | Type                     | Mandatory| Description                    |
-  | -------------- | ------------------------- | ---- | ------------------------ |
-  | isKeepScreenOn | boolean                   | Yes  | Whether to keep the screen always on.|
-  | callback       | AsyncCallback&lt;void&gt; | Yes  | Callback used to return the execution result.              |
+  | Name           | Type                      | Mandatory | Description                                   |
+  | -------------- | ------------------------- | --------- | --------------------------------------------- |
+  | isKeepScreenOn | boolean                   | Yes       | Whether to keep the screen always on.         |
+  | callback       | AsyncCallback&lt;void&gt; | Yes       | Callback used to return the execution result. |
 - Example
-  ```
+  ```js
   var isKeepScreenOn = true;
   windowClass.setKeepScreenOn(isKeepScreenOn, (err, data) => {
       if (err.code) {
@@ -1946,19 +1946,19 @@ This API is defined but not implemented in OpenHarmony 3.1 Release. It will be a
 - Parameters
-  | Name        | Type   | Mandatory| Description                    |
-  | -------------- | ------- | ---- | ------------------------ |
-  | isKeepScreenOn | boolean | Yes  | Whether to keep the screen always on.|
+  | Name           | Type    | Mandatory | Description                           |
+  | -------------- | ------- | --------- | ------------------------------------- |
+  | isKeepScreenOn | boolean | Yes       | Whether to keep the screen always on. |
 - Return value
-  | Type               | Description                                           |
-  | ------------------- | ----------------------------------------------- |
-  | Promise&lt;void&gt; | Promise used to return the execution result.|
+  | Type                | Description                                  |
+  | ------------------- | -------------------------------------------- |
+  | Promise&lt;void&gt; | Promise used to return the execution result. |
 - Example
-  ```
+  ```js
   var isKeepScreenOn= true;
   let promise = windowClass.setKeepScreenOn(isKeepScreenOn);
   promise.then((data)=> {
@@ -1980,14 +1980,14 @@ This API is defined but not implemented in OpenHarmony 3.1 Release. It will be a
 - Parameters
-  | Name   | Type                     | Mandatory| Description            |
-  | --------- | ------------------------- | ---- | ---------------- |
-  | touchable | boolean                   | Yes  | Whether the area outside the subwindow is touchable. The value **true** means that such an area is touchable, and **false** means the opposite.|
-  | callback  | AsyncCallback&lt;void&gt; | Yes  | Callback used to return the execution result.      |
+  | Name      | Type                      | Mandatory | Description                                                  |
+  | --------- | ------------------------- | --------- | ------------------------------------------------------------ |
+  | touchable | boolean                   | Yes       | Whether the area outside the subwindow is touchable. The value **true** means that such an area is touchable, and **false** means the opposite. |
+  | callback  | AsyncCallback&lt;void&gt; | Yes       | Callback used to return the execution result.                |
 - Example
-  ```
+  ```js
   windowClass.setOutsideTouchable(true, (err, data) => {
       if (err.code) {
           console.error('Failed to set the area to be touchable. Cause: ' + JSON.stringify(err));
@@ -2009,19 +2009,19 @@ This API is defined but not implemented in OpenHarmony 3.1 Release. It will be a
 - Parameters
-  | Name   | Type   | Mandatory| Description            |
-  | --------- | ------- | ---- | ---------------- |
-  | touchable | boolean | Yes  | Whether the area outside the subwindow is touchable. The value **true** means that such an area is touchable, and **false** means the opposite.|
+  | Name      | Type    | Mandatory | Description                                                  |
+  | --------- | ------- | --------- | ------------------------------------------------------------ |
+  | touchable | boolean | Yes       | Whether the area outside the subwindow is touchable. The value **true** means that such an area is touchable, and **false** means the opposite. |
 - Return value
-  | Type               | Description                                           |
-  | ------------------- | ----------------------------------------------- |
-  | Promise&lt;void&gt; | Promise used to return the execution result.|
+  | Type                | Description                                  |
+  | ------------------- | -------------------------------------------- |
+  | Promise&lt;void&gt; | Promise used to return the execution result. |
 - Example
-  ```
+  ```js
   let promise = windowClass.setOutsideTouchable(true);
   promise.then((data)=> {
       console.info('Succeeded in setting the area to be touchable. Data: ' + JSON.stringify(data))
@@ -2042,14 +2042,14 @@ This API is defined but not implemented in OpenHarmony 3.1 Release. It will be a
 - Parameters
-  | Name       | Type                     | Mandatory| Description                |
-  | ------------- | ------------------------- | ---- | -------------------- |
-  | isPrivacyMode | boolean                   | Yes  | Whether the window is in privacy mode.|
-  | callback      | AsyncCallback&lt;void&gt; | Yes  | Callback used to return the execution result.          |
+  | Name          | Type                      | Mandatory | Description                                   |
+  | ------------- | ------------------------- | --------- | --------------------------------------------- |
+  | isPrivacyMode | boolean                   | Yes       | Whether the window is in privacy mode.        |
+  | callback      | AsyncCallback&lt;void&gt; | Yes       | Callback used to return the execution result. |
 - Example
-  ```
+  ```js
   var isPrivacyMode = true;
   windowClass.setPrivacyMode(isPrivacyMode, (err, data) => {
       if (err.code) {
@@ -2073,19 +2073,19 @@ This API is defined but not implemented in OpenHarmony 3.1 Release. It will be a
 - Parameters
-  | Name       | Type   | Mandatory| Description                |
-  | ------------- | ------- | ---- | -------------------- |
-  | isPrivacyMode | boolean | Yes  | Whether the window is in privacy mode.|
+  | Name          | Type    | Mandatory | Description                            |
+  | ------------- | ------- | --------- | -------------------------------------- |
+  | isPrivacyMode | boolean | Yes       | Whether the window is in privacy mode. |
 - Return value
-  | Type               | Description                                           |
-  | ------------------- | ----------------------------------------------- |
-  | Promise&lt;void&gt; | Promise used to return the execution result.|
+  | Type                | Description                                  |
+  | ------------------- | -------------------------------------------- |
+  | Promise&lt;void&gt; | Promise used to return the execution result. |
 - Example
-  ```
+  ```js
   var isPrivacyMode = true;
   let promise = windowClass.setPrivacyMode(isPrivacyMode);
   promise.then((data)=> {
@@ -2107,14 +2107,14 @@ This API is defined but not implemented in OpenHarmony 3.1 Release. It will be a
 - Parameters
-  | Name     | Type                     | Mandatory| Description                |
-  | ----------- | ------------------------- | ---- | -------------------- |
-  | isTouchable | boolean                   | Yes  | Whether the window is touchable.|
-  | callback    | AsyncCallback&lt;void&gt; | Yes  | Callback used to return the execution result.          |
+  | Name        | Type                      | Mandatory | Description                                   |
+  | ----------- | ------------------------- | --------- | --------------------------------------------- |
+  | isTouchable | boolean                   | Yes       | Whether the window is touchable.              |
+  | callback    | AsyncCallback&lt;void&gt; | Yes       | Callback used to return the execution result. |
 - Example
-  ```
+  ```js
   var isTouchable = true;
   windowClass.setTouchable(isTouchable, (err, data) => {
       if (err.code) {
@@ -2138,19 +2138,19 @@ This API is defined but not implemented in OpenHarmony 3.1 Release. It will be a
 - Parameters
-  | Name     | Type   | Mandatory| Description                |
-  | ----------- | ------- | ---- | -------------------- |
-  | isTouchable | boolean | Yes  | Whether the window is touchable.|
+  | Name        | Type    | Mandatory | Description                      |
+  | ----------- | ------- | --------- | -------------------------------- |
+  | isTouchable | boolean | Yes       | Whether the window is touchable. |
 - Return value
-  | Type               | Description                                           |
-  | ------------------- | ----------------------------------------------- |
-  | Promise&lt;void&gt; | Promise used to return the execution result.|
+  | Type                | Description                                  |
+  | ------------------- | -------------------------------------------- |
+  | Promise&lt;void&gt; | Promise used to return the execution result. |
 - Example
-  ```
+  ```js
   var isTouchable = true;
   let promise = windowClass.setTouchable(isTouchable);
   promise.then((data)=> {
@@ -2166,12 +2166,12 @@ Describes the lifecycle of a window stage.
 **System capability**: SystemCapability.WindowManager.WindowManager.Core
-| Name      | Default Value| Description    |
-| ---------- | ------ | -------- |
-| FOREGROUND | 1      | The window stage is running in the foreground.|
-| ACTIVE     | 2      | The window stage gains focus.|
-| INACTIVE   | 3      | The window stage loses focus.|
-| BACKGROUND | 4      | The window stage is running in the background.|
+| Name       | Default Value | Description                                    |
+| ---------- | ------------- | ---------------------------------------------- |
+| FOREGROUND | 1             | The window stage is running in the foreground. |
+| ACTIVE     | 2             | The window stage gains focus.                  |
+| INACTIVE   | 3             | The window stage loses focus.                  |
+| BACKGROUND | 4             | The window stage is running in the background. |
 ## WindowStage<sup>9+</sup>
@@ -2187,13 +2187,13 @@ Obtains the main window of this window stage. This API uses a promise to return
 - Return value
-  | Type                            | Description                                                      |
-  | -------------------------------- | ---------------------------------------------------------- |
-  | Promise&lt;[Window](#window)&gt; | Promise used to return the main window.|
+  | Type                             | Description                             |
+  | -------------------------------- | --------------------------------------- |
+  | Promise&lt;[Window](#window)&gt; | Promise used to return the main window. |
 - Example
-  ```
+  ```ts
   class myAbility extends Ability {
       onWindowStageCreate(windowStage) {
@@ -2219,13 +2219,13 @@ Obtains the main window of this window stage. This API uses an asynchronous call
 - Parameters
-  | Name  | Type                                  | Mandatory| Description                                   |
-  | -------- | -------------------------------------- | ---- | --------------------------------------- |
-  | callback | AsyncCallback&lt;[Window](#window)&gt; | Yes  | Callback used to return the main window.|
+  | Name     | Type                                   | Mandatory | Description                              |
+  | -------- | -------------------------------------- | --------- | ---------------------------------------- |
+  | callback | AsyncCallback&lt;[Window](#window)&gt; | Yes       | Callback used to return the main window. |
 - Example
-  ```
+  ```ts
   class myAbility extends Ability {
       onWindowStageCreate(windowStage) {
@@ -2249,19 +2249,22 @@ createSubWindow(name: string): Promise&lt;Window&gt;
 Creates a subwindow for this window stage. This API uses a promise to return the result.
 **System capability**: SystemCapability.WindowManager.WindowManager.Core
 - Parameters
-  | Name| Type  | Mandatory| Description          |
-  | ------ | ------ | ---- | -------------- |
-  | name   | String | Yes  | Name of the subwindow.|
+  | Name | Type   | Mandatory | Description            |
+  | ---- | ------ | --------- | ---------------------- |
+  | name | String | Yes       | Name of the subwindow. |
 - Return value
-  | Type                            | Description                                             |
-  | -------------------------------- | ------------------------------------------------- |
-  | Promise&lt;[Window](#window)&gt; | Promise used to return the subwindow created.|
+  | Type                             | Description                                   |
+  | -------------------------------- | --------------------------------------------- |
+  | Promise&lt;[Window](#window)&gt; | Promise used to return the subwindow created. |
 - Example
-  ```
+  ```ts
   class myAbility extends Ability {
       onWindowStageCreate(windowStage) {
@@ -2287,14 +2290,14 @@ Creates a subwindow for this window stage. This API uses an asynchronous callbac
 - Parameters
-  | Name  | Type                                  | Mandatory| Description                          |
-  | -------- | -------------------------------------- | ---- | ------------------------------ |
-  | name     | String                                 | Yes  | Name of the subwindow.                |
-  | callback | AsyncCallback&lt;[Window](#window)&gt; | Yes  | Callback used to return the subwindow created.|
+  | Name     | Type                                   | Mandatory | Description                                    |
+  | -------- | -------------------------------------- | --------- | ---------------------------------------------- |
+  | name     | String                                 | Yes       | Name of the subwindow.                         |
+  | callback | AsyncCallback&lt;[Window](#window)&gt; | Yes       | Callback used to return the subwindow created. |
 - Example
-  ```
+  ```ts
   class myAbility extends Ability {
       onWindowStageCreate(windowStage) {
@@ -2319,15 +2322,16 @@ getSubWindow(): Promise&lt;Array&lt;Window&gt;&gt;
 Obtains all the subwindows of this window stage. This API uses a promise to return the result.
 **System capability**: SystemCapability.WindowManager.WindowManager.Core
 - Return value
-  | Type                                         | Description                                                        |
-  | --------------------------------------------- | ------------------------------------------------------------ |
-  | Promise&lt;Array&lt;[Window](#window)&gt;&gt; | Promise used to return all the subwindows.|
+  | Type                                          | Description                                |
+  | --------------------------------------------- | ------------------------------------------ |
+  | Promise&lt;Array&lt;[Window](#window)&gt;&gt; | Promise used to return all the subwindows. |
 - Example
-  ```
+  ```ts
   class myAbility extends Ability {
       onWindowStageCreate(windowStage) {
@@ -2350,15 +2354,16 @@ getSubWindow(callback: AsyncCallback&lt;Array&lt;Window&gt;&gt;): void
 Obtains all the subwindows of this window stage. This API uses an asynchronous callback to return the result.
 **System capability**: SystemCapability.WindowManager.WindowManager.Core
 - Parameters
-  | Name  | Type                                               | Mandatory| Description                                       |
-  | -------- | --------------------------------------------------- | ---- | ------------------------------------------- |
-  | callback | AsyncCallback&lt;Array&lt;[Window](#window)&gt;&gt; | Yes  | Callback used to return all the subwindows.|
+  | Name     | Type                                                | Mandatory | Description                                 |
+  | -------- | --------------------------------------------------- | --------- | ------------------------------------------- |
+  | callback | AsyncCallback&lt;Array&lt;[Window](#window)&gt;&gt; | Yes       | Callback used to return all the subwindows. |
 - Example
-  ```
+  ```ts
   class myAbility extends Ability {
       onWindowStageCreate(windowStage) {
@@ -2385,14 +2390,14 @@ Loads content to this window stage. This API uses an asynchronous callback to re
 - Parameters
-  | Name  | Type                     | Mandatory| Description                |
-  | -------- | ------------------------- | ---- | -------------------- |
-  | path     | string                    | Yes  | Path of the page from which the content will be loaded.|
-  | callback | AsyncCallback&lt;void&gt; | Yes  | Callback used to return the execution result.          |
+  | Name     | Type                      | Mandatory | Description                                             |
+  | -------- | ------------------------- | --------- | ------------------------------------------------------- |
+  | path     | string                    | Yes       | Path of the page from which the content will be loaded. |
+  | callback | AsyncCallback&lt;void&gt; | Yes       | Callback used to return the execution result.           |
 - Example
-  ```
+  ```ts
   class myAbility extends Ability {
       onWindowStageCreate(windowStage) {
@@ -2406,6 +2411,7 @@ Loads content to this window stage. This API uses an asynchronous callback to re
 ### on('windowStageEvent')<sup>9+</sup>
 on(eventType: 'windowStageEvent', callback: Callback&lt;WindowStageEventType&gt;): void
@@ -2413,16 +2419,17 @@ on(eventType: 'windowStageEvent', callback: Callback&lt;WindowStageEventType&gt;
 Enables listening for window stage lifecycle changes.
 **System capability**: SystemCapability.WindowManager.WindowManager.Core
 - Parameters
-  | Name  | Type                                                        | Mandatory| Description                                                        |
-  | -------- | ------------------------------------------------------------ | ---- | ------------------------------------------------------------ |
-  | type     | string                                                       | Yes  | Listening type.<br>Set it to **windowStageEvent**, which indicates listening for window stage lifecycle changes.|
-  | callback | Callback&lt;[WindowStageEventType](#windowstageeventtype9)&gt; | Yes  | Callback used to return the information.                                      |
+  | Name     | Type                                                         | Mandatory | Description                                                  |
+  | -------- | ------------------------------------------------------------ | --------- | ------------------------------------------------------------ |
+  | type     | string                                                       | Yes       | Listening type.<br>Set it to **windowStageEvent**, which indicates listening for window stage lifecycle changes. |
+  | callback | Callback&lt;[WindowStageEventType](#windowstageeventtype9)&gt; | Yes       | Callback used to return the information.                     |
 - Example
-  ```
+  ```ts
   class myAbility extends Ability {
       onWindowStageCreate(windowStage) {
@@ -2441,15 +2448,17 @@ off(eventType: 'windowStageEvent', callback?: Callback&lt;WindowStageEventType&g
 Disables listening for window stage lifecycle changes.
 **System capability**: SystemCapability.WindowManager.WindowManager.Core
 - Parameters
-  | Name  | Type                                                        | Mandatory| Description                                                        |
-  | -------- | ------------------------------------------------------------ | ---- | ------------------------------------------------------------ |
-  | type     | string                                                       | Yes  | Listening type.<br>Set it to **windowStageEvent**, which indicates listening for window stage lifecycle changes.|
-  | callback | Callback&lt;[WindowStageEventType](#windowstageeventtype9)&gt; | No  | Callback used to return the information.                                      |
+  | Name     | Type                                                         | Mandatory | Description                                                  |
+  | -------- | ------------------------------------------------------------ | --------- | ------------------------------------------------------------ |
+  | type     | string                                                       | Yes       | Listening type.<br>Set it to **windowStageEvent**, which indicates listening for window stage lifecycle changes. |
+  | callback | Callback&lt;[WindowStageEventType](#windowstageeventtype9)&gt; | No        | Callback used to return the information.                     |
 - Example
-  ```
+  ```ts
   class myAbility extends Ability {
       onWindowStageCreate(windowStage) {
diff --git a/zh-cn/application-dev/reference/apis/js-apis-window.md b/zh-cn/application-dev/reference/apis/js-apis-window.md
index 03c730ae9055d858eb52e5f680a8b2bc06de01c4..0dd2a18a7f4664fd1e14b8ff6eaeb941708b815f 100644
--- a/zh-cn/application-dev/reference/apis/js-apis-window.md
+++ b/zh-cn/application-dev/reference/apis/js-apis-window.md
@@ -2,10 +2,11 @@
 > ![icon-note.gif](public_sys-resources/icon-note.gif) **说明:**
 > 本模块首批接口从API version 6开始支持。后续版本的新增接口,采用上角标单独标记接口的起始版本。
 ## 导入模块
 import window from '@ohos.window';
@@ -180,7 +181,7 @@ create(id: string, type: WindowType, callback: AsyncCallback&lt;Window&gt;): voi
 - 示例
-  ```
+  ```js
    var windowClass = null;
    window.create("first", window.WindowType.TYPE_APP, (err, data) => {
       if (err.code) {
@@ -218,7 +219,7 @@ create(id: string, type: WindowType): Promise&lt;Window&gt;
 - 示例
-  ```
+  ```js
    var windowClass = null;
    let promise = window.create("first", window.WindowType.TYPE_APP);
    promise.then((data)=> {
@@ -233,22 +234,24 @@ create(id: string, type: WindowType): Promise&lt;Window&gt;
 create(ctx: Context, id: string, type: WindowType, callback: AsyncCallback&lt;Window&gt;): void
+从API version 9开始,当Context为[ServiceExtensionContext](js-apis-service-extension-context.md)时,创建系统窗口,使用callback方式作为异步方法。
 - 参数
-  | 参数名   | 类型                                            | 必填 | 说明                   |
-  | -------- | ----------------------------------------------- | ---- | ---------------------- |
-  | ctx      | [Context](js-apis-service-extension-context.md) | 是   | 当前应用上下文信息。   |
-  | id       | string                                          | 是   | 窗口id。               |
-  | type     | [WindowType](#windowtype)                       | 是   | 窗口类型。             |
-  | callback | AsyncCallback&lt;[Window](#window)&gt;          | 是   | 回调返回当前窗口对象。 |
+  | 参数名   | 类型                                   | 必填 | 说明                                                         |
+  | -------- | -------------------------------------- | ---- | ------------------------------------------------------------ |
+  | ctx      | Context                                | 是   | 当前应用上下文信息。<br>API version 8的Context定义见[Context](js-apis-Context.md)。<br>API version 9的Context定义见[Context](js-apis-service-extension-context.md)。 |
+  | id       | string                                 | 是   | 窗口id。                                                     |
+  | type     | [WindowType](#windowtype)              | 是   | 窗口类型。                                                   |
+  | callback | AsyncCallback&lt;[Window](#window)&gt; | 是   | 回调返回当前窗口对象。                                       |
 - 示例
-  ```
+  ```js
    var windowClass = null;
    window.create(this.context, "alertWindow", window.WindowType.TYPE_SYSTEM_ALERT, (err, data) => {
       if (err.code) {
@@ -265,17 +268,19 @@ create(ctx: Context, id: string, type: WindowType, callback: AsyncCallback&lt;Wi
 create(ctx: Context, id: string, type: WindowType): Promise&lt;Window&gt;
+从API version 9开始,当Context为[ServiceExtensionContext](js-apis-service-extension-context.md)时,创建系统窗口,使用Promise方式作为异步方法。
 - 参数
-  | 参数名 | 类型                                            | 必填 | 说明                 |
-  | ------ | ----------------------------------------------- | ---- | -------------------- |
-  | ctx    | [Context](js-apis-service-extension-context.md) | 是   | 当前应用上下文信息。 |
-  | id     | string                                          | 是   | 窗口id。             |
-  | type   | [WindowType](#windowtype)                       | 是   | 窗口类型。           |
+  | 参数名 | 类型                      | 必填 | 说明                                                         |
+  | ------ | ------------------------- | ---- | ------------------------------------------------------------ |
+  | ctx    | Context                   | 是   | 当前应用上下文信息。<br/>API version 8的Context定义见[Context](js-apis-Context.md)。<br/>API version 9的Context定义见[Context](js-apis-service-extension-context.md)。 |
+  | id     | string                    | 是   | 窗口id。                                                     |
+  | type   | [WindowType](#windowtype) | 是   | 窗口类型。                                                   |
 - 返回值
@@ -285,7 +290,7 @@ create(ctx: Context, id: string, type: WindowType): Promise&lt;Window&gt;
 - 示例
-  ```
+  ```js
    var windowClass = null;
    let promise = window.create(this.context, "alertWindow", window.WindowType.TYPE_SYSTEM_ALERT);
    promise.then((data)=> {
@@ -313,7 +318,7 @@ find(id: string, callback: AsyncCallback&lt;Window&gt;): void
 - 示例
-  ```
+  ```js
    var windowClass = null;
    window.find("alertWindow", (err, data) => {
      if (err.code) {
@@ -347,7 +352,7 @@ find(id: string): Promise&lt;Window&gt;
 - 示例
-  ```
+  ```js
    var windowClass = null;
    let promise = window.find("alertWindow");
    promise.then((data)=> {
@@ -374,7 +379,7 @@ getTopWindow(callback: AsyncCallback&lt;Window&gt;): void
 - 示例
-  ```
+  ```js
   var windowClass = null;
   window.getTopWindow((err, data) => {
       if (err.code) {
@@ -402,7 +407,7 @@ getTopWindow(): Promise&lt;Window&gt;
 - 示例
-  ```
+  ```js
    var windowClass = null;
    let promise = window.getTopWindow();
    promise.then((data)=> {
@@ -425,12 +430,12 @@ getTopWindow(ctx: Context, callback: AsyncCallback&lt;Window&gt;): void
   | 参数名   | 类型                                   | 必填 | 说明                                                         |
   | -------- | -------------------------------------- | ---- | ------------------------------------------------------------ |
-  | ctx      | Context                                | 是   | 当前应用上下文信息。API8的Context定义见[Context](js-apis-Context.md)。API9的Context定义见[Context](js-apis-ability-context.md)。 |
+  | ctx      | Context                                | 是   | 当前应用上下文信息。<br>API version 8的Context定义见[Context](js-apis-Context.md)。<br>API version 9的Context定义见[Context](js-apis-ability-context.md)。 |
   | callback | AsyncCallback&lt;[Window](#window)&gt; | 是   | 回调返回当前应用内最后显示的窗口对象。                       |
 - 示例
-  ```
+  ```js
   var windowClass = null;
   window.getTopWindow(this.context, (err, data) => {
       if (err.code) {
@@ -454,7 +459,7 @@ getTopWindow(ctx: Context): Promise&lt;Window&gt;
   | 参数名 | 类型    | 必填 | 说明                                                         |
   | ------ | ------- | ---- | ------------------------------------------------------------ |
-  | ctx    | Context | 是   | 当前应用上下文信息。API8的Context定义见[Context](js-apis-Context.md)。API9的Context定义见[Context](js-apis-ability-context.md)。 |
+  | ctx    | Context | 是   | 当前应用上下文信息。<br/>API version 8的Context定义见[Context](js-apis-Context.md)。<br/>API version 9的Context定义见[Context](js-apis-ability-context.md)。 |
 - 返回值
@@ -464,7 +469,7 @@ getTopWindow(ctx: Context): Promise&lt;Window&gt;
 - 示例
-  ```
+  ```js
    var windowClass = null;
    let promise = window.getTopWindow(this.context);
    promise.then((data)=> {
@@ -494,7 +499,7 @@ on(type: 'systemBarTintChange', callback: Callback&lt;SystemBarTintState&gt;): v
 - 示例
-  ```
+  ```js
   var type = 'systemBarTintChange';
   windowClass.on(type, (data) => {
       console.info('Succeeded in enabling the listener for systemBarTint changes. Data: ' + JSON.stringify(data));
@@ -520,7 +525,7 @@ off(type: 'systemBarTintChange', callback?: Callback&lt;SystemBarTintState &gt;)
 - 示例
-  ```
+  ```js
   var type = 'systemBarTintChange';
@@ -547,7 +552,7 @@ hide (callback: AsyncCallback&lt;void&gt;): void
 - 示例
-  ```
+  ```js
   windowClass.hide((err, data) => {
       if (err.code) {
           console.error('Failed to hide the window. Cause: ' + JSON.stringify(err));
@@ -575,7 +580,7 @@ hide(): Promise&lt;void&gt;
 - 示例
-  ```
+  ```js
    let promise = windowClass.hide();
    promise.then((data)=> {
       console.info('window hidden. Data: ' + JSON.stringify(data))
@@ -600,7 +605,7 @@ show(callback: AsyncCallback&lt;void&gt;): void
 - 示例
-  ```
+  ```js
   windowClass.show((err, data) => {
       if (err.code) {
           console.error('Failed to show the window. Cause: ' + JSON.stringify(err));
@@ -626,7 +631,7 @@ show(): Promise&lt;void&gt;
 - 示例
-  ```
+  ```js
    let promise = windowClass.show();
    promise.then((data)=> {
       console.info('Succeeded in showing the window. Data: ' + JSON.stringify(data))
@@ -651,7 +656,7 @@ destroy(callback: AsyncCallback&lt;void&gt;): void
 - 示例
-  ```
+  ```js
   windowClass.destroy((err, data) => {
       if (err.code) {
           console.error('Failed to destroy the window. Cause:' + JSON.stringify(err));
@@ -677,7 +682,7 @@ destroy(): Promise&lt;void&gt;
 - 示例
-  ```
+  ```js
    let promise = windowClass.destroy();
    promise.then((data)=> {
       console.info('Succeeded in destroying the window. Data: ' + JSON.stringify(data))
@@ -704,7 +709,7 @@ moveTo(x: number, y: number, callback: AsyncCallback&lt;void&gt;): void
 - 示例
-  ```
+  ```js
   windowClass.moveTo(300, 300, (err, data)=>{
       if (err.code) {
           console.error('Failed to move the window. Cause:' + JSON.stringify(err));
@@ -738,7 +743,7 @@ moveTo(x: number, y: number): Promise&lt;void&gt;
 - 示例
-  ```
+  ```js
    let promise = windowClass.moveTo(300, 300);
    promise.then((data)=> {
       console.info('Window moved. Data: ' + JSON.stringify(data))
@@ -765,7 +770,7 @@ resetSize(width: number, height: number, callback: AsyncCallback&lt;void&gt;): v
 - 示例
-  ```
+  ```js
   windowClass.resetSize(500, 1000, (err, data) => {
       if (err.code) {
           console.error('Failed to change the window size. Cause:' + JSON.stringify(err));
@@ -798,7 +803,7 @@ resetSize(width: number, height: number): Promise&lt;void&gt;
 - 示例
-  ```
+  ```js
    let promise = windowClass.resetSize(500, 1000);
    promise.then((data)=> {
       console.info('Window size changed. Data: ' + JSON.stringify(data))
@@ -826,7 +831,7 @@ setWindowType(type: WindowType, callback: AsyncCallback&lt;void&gt;): void
 - 示例
-  ```
+  ```js
   var type = window.TYPE_APP;
   windowClass.setWindowType(type, (err, data) => {
     if (err.code) {
@@ -861,7 +866,7 @@ setWindowType(type: WindowType): Promise&lt;void&gt;
 - 示例
-  ```
+  ```js
    var type = window.TYPE_APP;
    let promise = windowClass.setWindowType(type);
    promise.then((data)=> {
@@ -887,7 +892,7 @@ getProperties(callback: AsyncCallback&lt;WindowProperties&gt;): void
 - 示例
-  ```
+  ```js
   windowClass.getProperties((err, data) => {
       if (err.code) {
           console.error('Failed to obtain the window properties. Cause: ' + JSON.stringify(err));
@@ -913,7 +918,7 @@ getProperties(): Promise&lt;WindowProperties&gt;
 - 示例
-  ```
+  ```js
    let promise = windowClass.getProperties();
    promise.then((data)=> {
       console.info('Succeeded in obtaining the window properties. Data: ' + JSON.stringify(data))
@@ -939,7 +944,7 @@ getAvoidArea(type: AvoidAreaType, callback: AsyncCallback&lt;AvoidArea&gt;): voi
 - 示例
-  ```
+  ```js
   var type = window.AvoidAreaType.TYPE_SYSTEM;
   windowClass.getAvoidArea(type, (err, data) => {
       if (err.code) {
@@ -972,7 +977,7 @@ getAvoidArea(type: AvoidAreaType): Promise&lt;AvoidArea&gt;
 - 示例
-  ```
+  ```js
    let promise = windowClass.getAvoidArea();
    promise.then((data)=> {
       console.info('Succeeded in obtaining the area. Data:' + JSON.stringify(data))
@@ -998,7 +1003,7 @@ setFullScreen(isFullScreen: boolean, callback: AsyncCallback&lt;void&gt;): void
 - 示例
-  ```
+  ```js
   var isFullScreen = true;
   windowClass.setFullScreen(isFullScreen, (err, data) => {
       if (err.code) {
@@ -1031,7 +1036,7 @@ setFullScreen(isFullScreen: boolean): Promise&lt;void&gt;
 - 示例
-  ```
+  ```js
   var isFullScreen = true;
   let promise = windowClass.setFullScreen(isFullScreen);
   promise.then((data)=> {
@@ -1058,7 +1063,7 @@ setLayoutFullScreen(isLayoutFullScreen: boolean, callback: AsyncCallback&lt;void
 - 示例
-  ```
+  ```js
   var isLayoutFullScreen= true;
   windowClass.setLayoutFullScreen(isLayoutFullScreen, (err, data) => {
       if (err.code) {
@@ -1091,7 +1096,7 @@ setLayoutFullScreen(isLayoutFullScreen: boolean): Promise&lt;void&gt;
 - 示例
-  ```
+  ```js
   var isLayoutFullScreen = true;
   let promise = windowClass.setLayoutFullScreen(isLayoutFullScreen);
   promise.then((data)=> {
@@ -1118,7 +1123,7 @@ setSystemBarEnable(names: Array<'status' | 'navigation'>, callback: AsyncCallbac
 - 示例
-  ```
+  ```js
   var names = ["status", "navigation"];
   windowClass.setSystemBarEnable(names, (err, data) => {
       if (err.code) {
@@ -1151,7 +1156,7 @@ setSystemBarEnable(names: Array<'status' | 'navigation'>): Promise&lt;void&gt;
 - 示例
-  ```
+  ```js
   var names = ["status", "navigation"];
   let promise = windowClass.setSystemBarEnable(names);
   promise.then((data)=> {
@@ -1178,7 +1183,7 @@ setSystemBarProperties(systemBarProperties: SystemBarProperties, callback: Async
 - 示例
-  ```
+  ```js
   var SystemBarProperties={
       statusBarColor: '#ff00ff',
       navigationBarColor: '#00ff00',
@@ -1220,7 +1225,7 @@ setSystemBarProperties(systemBarProperties: SystemBarProperties): Promise&lt;voi
 - 示例
-  ```
+  ```js
   var SystemBarProperties={
       statusBarColor: '#ff00ff',
       navigationBarColor: '#00ff00',
@@ -1253,10 +1258,10 @@ loadContent(path: string, callback: AsyncCallback&lt;void&gt;): void
   | -------- | ------------------------- | ---- | -------------------- |
   | path     | string                    | 是   | 设置加载页面的路径。 |
   | callback | AsyncCallback&lt;void&gt; | 是   | 回调函数。           |
 - 示例
-  ```
+  ```js
   windowClass.loadContent("pages/page2/page2", (err, data) => {
      if (err.code) {
            console.error('Failed to load the content. Cause:' + JSON.stringify(err));
@@ -1279,7 +1284,7 @@ loadContent(path: string): Promise&lt;void&gt;
   | 参数名 | 类型   | 必填 | 说明                 |
   | ------ | ------ | ---- | -------------------- |
   | path   | string | 是   | 设置加载页面的路径。 |
 - 返回值
   | 类型                | 说明                                            |
@@ -1288,7 +1293,7 @@ loadContent(path: string): Promise&lt;void&gt;
 - 示例
-  ```
+  ```js
   let promise = windowClass.loadContent("pages/page2/page2");
   promise.then((data)=> {
       console.info('Succeeded in loading the content. Data: ' + JSON.stringify(data))
@@ -1313,7 +1318,7 @@ isShowing(callback: AsyncCallback&lt;boolean&gt;): void
 - 示例
-  ```
+  ```js
   windowClass.isShowing((err, data) => {
       if (err.code) {
           console.error('Failed to check whether the window is showing. Cause:' + JSON.stringify(err));
@@ -1339,7 +1344,7 @@ isShowing(): Promise&lt;boolean&gt;
 - 示例
-  ```
+  ```js
   let promise = windowClass.isShowing();
   promise.then((data)=> {
       console.info('Succeeded in checking whether the window is showing. Data: ' + JSON.stringify(data))
@@ -1365,7 +1370,7 @@ on(type:  'windowSizeChange', callback: Callback&lt;Size&gt;): void
 - 示例
-  ```
+  ```js
   var type = 'windowSizeChange';
   windowClass.on(type, (data) => {
       console.info('Succeeded in enabling the listener for window size changes. Data: ' + JSON.stringify(data));
@@ -1384,7 +1389,7 @@ off(type: 'windowSizeChange', callback?: Callback&lt;Size &gt;): void
   | 参数名   | 类型                          | 必填 | 说明                                                         |
   | -------- | ----------------------------- | ---- | ------------------------------------------------------------ |
-  | type     | string                        | 是   | 设置监听类型。<br/>-&nbsp;type为'windowSizeChange'时表示监听类型为窗口尺寸变化监听; |
+  | type     | string                        | 是   | 设置监听类型。<br/>-&nbsp;type为'windowSizeChange'<sup>7+</sup>时表示监听类型为窗口尺寸变化监听; |
   | callback | Callback&lt;[Size](#size)&gt; | 否   | 回调返回监听到的信息。                                       |
 - 示例
@@ -1411,7 +1416,7 @@ on(type: 'systemAvoidAreaChange', callback: Callback&lt;AvoidArea&gt;): void
 - 示例
-  ```
+  ```js
   var type = 'systemAvoidAreaChange';
   windowClass.on(type, (data) => {
       console.info('Succeeded in enabling the listener for system avoid area changes. Data: ' + JSON.stringify(data));
@@ -1452,14 +1457,14 @@ on(type: 'keyboardHeightChange', callback: Callback&lt;number&gt;): void
 - 参数
-  | 参数名   | 类型                                    | 必填 | 说明                                                         |
-  | -------- | --------------------------------------- | ---- | ------------------------------------------------------------ |
-  | type     | string                                  | 是   | 设置监听类型。<br/>-&nbsp;type为'keyboardHeightChange'时表示监听类型为键盘高度变化监听。 |
-  | callback | Callback&lt;number&gt; | 是   | 回调返回监听到的信息。                                       |
+  | 参数名   | 类型               | 必填 | 说明                                                         |
+  | -------- | ------------------ | ---- | ------------------------------------------------------------ |
+  | type     | string             | 是   | 设置监听类型。<br/>-&nbsp;type为'keyboardHeightChange'时表示监听类型为键盘高度变化监听。 |
+  | callback | Callbacknumber&gt; | 是   | 回调返回监听到的信息。                                       |
 - 示例
-  ```
+  ```js
   var type = 'keyboardHeightChange';
   windowClass.on(type, (data) => {
       console.info('Succeeded in enabling the listener for keyboard height changes. Data: ' + JSON.stringify(data));
@@ -1506,7 +1511,7 @@ isSupportWideGamut(callback: AsyncCallback&lt;boolean&gt;): void
 - 示例
-  ```
+  ```js
   windowClass.isSupportWideGamut((err, data) => {
       if (err.code) {
           console.error('Failed to check whether the window support WideGamut. Cause:' + JSON.stringify(err));
@@ -1558,7 +1563,7 @@ setColorSpace(colorSpace:ColorSpace, callback: AsyncCallback&lt;void&gt;): void
 - 示例
-  ```
+  ```js
   windowClass.setColorSpace(window.ColorSpace.WIDE_GAMUT, (err, data) => {
       if (err.code) {
           console.error('Failed to set window colorspace. Cause:' + JSON.stringify(err));
@@ -1590,7 +1595,7 @@ setColorSpace(colorSpace:ColorSpace): Promise&lt;void&gt;
 - 示例
-  ```
+  ```js
   let promise = windowClass.isSupportWideGamut(window.ColorSpace.WIDE_GAMUT);
   promise.then((data)=> {
       console.info('Succeeded in setting window colorspace. Data: ' + JSON.stringify(data))
@@ -1615,7 +1620,7 @@ getColorSpace(callback: AsyncCallback&lt;ColorSpace&gt;): void
 - 示例
-  ```
+  ```js
   windowClass.getColorSpace((err, data) => {
       if (err.code) {
           console.error('Failed to get window color space. Cause:' + JSON.stringify(err));
@@ -1641,7 +1646,7 @@ getColorSpace(): Promise&lt;ColorSpace&gt;
 - 示例
-  ```
+  ```js
   let promise = windowClass.getColorSpace();
   promise.then((data)=> {
       console.info('Succeeded in getting window color space. Cause:' + JSON.stringify(data))
@@ -1669,7 +1674,7 @@ setBackgroundColor(color: string, callback: AsyncCallback&lt;void&gt;): void
 - 示例
-  ```
+  ```js
   var color = '#00ff33';
   windowClass.setBackgroundColor(color, (err, data) => {
       if (err.code) {
@@ -1704,7 +1709,7 @@ setBackgroundColor(color: string): Promise&lt;void&gt;
 - 示例
-  ```
+  ```js
   var color = '#00ff33';
   let promise = windowClass.setBackgroundColor(color);
   promise.then((data)=> {
@@ -1733,7 +1738,7 @@ setBrightness(brightness: number, callback: AsyncCallback&lt;void&gt;): void
 - 示例
-  ```
+  ```js
   var brightness = 1;
   windowClass.setBrightness(brightness, (err, data) => {
       if (err.code) {
@@ -1768,7 +1773,7 @@ setBrightness(brightness: number): Promise&lt;void&gt;
 - 示例
-  ```
+  ```js
   var brightness = 1;
   let promise = windowClass.setBrightness(brightness);
   promise.then((data)=> {
@@ -1797,7 +1802,7 @@ setDimBehind(dimBehindValue: number, callback: AsyncCallback&lt;void&gt;): void
 - 示例
-  ```
+  ```js
   windowClass.setDimBehind(0.5, (err, data) => {
       if (err.code) {
           console.error('Failed to set the dimness. Cause: ' + JSON.stringify(err));
@@ -1831,7 +1836,7 @@ setDimBehind(dimBehindValue: number): Promise&lt;void&gt;
 - 示例
-  ```
+  ```js
   let promise = windowClass.setDimBehind(0.5);
   promise.then((data)=> {
       console.info('Succeeded in setting the dimness. Data: ' + JSON.stringify(data))
@@ -1859,7 +1864,7 @@ setFocusable(isFocusable: boolean, callback: AsyncCallback&lt;void&gt;): void
 - 示例
-  ```
+  ```js
   var isFocusable= true;
   windowClass.setFocusable(isFocusable, (err, data) => {
       if (err.code) {
@@ -1894,7 +1899,7 @@ setFocusable(isFocusable: boolean): Promise&lt;void&gt;
 - 示例
-  ```
+  ```js
   var isFocusable= true;
   let promise = windowClass.setFocusable(isFocusable);
   promise.then((data)=> {
@@ -1923,7 +1928,7 @@ setKeepScreenOn(isKeepScreenOn: boolean, callback: AsyncCallback&lt;void&gt;): v
 - 示例
-  ```
+  ```js
   var isKeepScreenOn = true;
   windowClass.setKeepScreenOn(isKeepScreenOn, (err, data) => {
       if (err.code) {
@@ -1958,7 +1963,7 @@ setKeepScreenOn(isKeepScreenOn: boolean): Promise&lt;void&gt;
 - 示例
-  ```
+  ```js
   var isKeepScreenOn= true;
   let promise = windowClass.setKeepScreenOn(isKeepScreenOn);
   promise.then((data)=> {
@@ -1987,7 +1992,7 @@ setOutsideTouchable(touchable: boolean, callback: AsyncCallback&lt;void&gt;): vo
 - 示例
-  ```
+  ```js
   windowClass.setOutsideTouchable(true, (err, data) => {
       if (err.code) {
           console.error('Failed to set the area to be touchable. Cause: ' + JSON.stringify(err));
@@ -2021,7 +2026,7 @@ setOutsideTouchable(touchable: boolean): Promise&lt;void&gt;
 - 示例
-  ```
+  ```js
   let promise = windowClass.setOutsideTouchable(true);
   promise.then((data)=> {
       console.info('Succeeded in setting the area to be touchable. Data: ' + JSON.stringify(data))
@@ -2049,7 +2054,7 @@ setPrivacyMode(isPrivacyMode: boolean, callback: AsyncCallback&lt;void&gt;): voi
 - 示例
-  ```
+  ```js
   var isPrivacyMode = true;
   windowClass.setPrivacyMode(isPrivacyMode, (err, data) => {
       if (err.code) {
@@ -2085,7 +2090,7 @@ setPrivacyMode(isPrivacyMode: boolean): Promise&lt;void&gt;
 - 示例
-  ```
+  ```js
   var isPrivacyMode = true;
   let promise = windowClass.setPrivacyMode(isPrivacyMode);
   promise.then((data)=> {
@@ -2114,7 +2119,7 @@ setTouchable(isTouchable: boolean, callback: AsyncCallback&lt;void&gt;): void
 - 示例
-  ```
+  ```js
   var isTouchable = true;
   windowClass.setTouchable(isTouchable, (err, data) => {
       if (err.code) {
@@ -2150,7 +2155,7 @@ setTouchable(isTouchable: boolean): Promise&lt;void&gt;
 - 示例
-  ```
+  ```js
   var isTouchable = true;
   let promise = windowClass.setTouchable(isTouchable);
   promise.then((data)=> {
@@ -2193,7 +2198,7 @@ getMainWindow(): Promise&lt;Window&gt;
 - 示例
-  ```
+  ```ts
   class myAbility extends Ability {
       onWindowStageCreate(windowStage) {
@@ -2225,7 +2230,7 @@ getMainWindow(callback: AsyncCallback&lt;Window&gt;): void
 - 示例
-  ```
+  ```ts
   class myAbility extends Ability {
       onWindowStageCreate(windowStage) {
@@ -2249,19 +2254,22 @@ createSubWindow(name: string): Promise&lt;Window&gt;
 - 参数
   | 参数名 | 类型   | 必填 | 说明           |
   | ------ | ------ | ---- | -------------- |
   | name   | String | 是   | 子窗口的名字。 |
 - 返回值
   | 类型                             | 说明                                              |
   | -------------------------------- | ------------------------------------------------- |
   | Promise&lt;[Window](#window)&gt; | 以Promise形式返回结果,返回当前创建的子窗口对象。 |
 - 示例
-  ```
+  ```ts
   class myAbility extends Ability {
       onWindowStageCreate(windowStage) {
@@ -2294,7 +2302,7 @@ createSubWindow(name: string, callback: AsyncCallback&lt;Window&gt;): void
 - 示例
-  ```
+  ```ts
   class myAbility extends Ability {
       onWindowStageCreate(windowStage) {
@@ -2319,6 +2327,7 @@ getSubWindow(): Promise&lt;Array&lt;Window&gt;&gt;
 - 返回值
   | 类型                                          | 说明                                                         |
@@ -2327,7 +2336,7 @@ getSubWindow(): Promise&lt;Array&lt;Window&gt;&gt;
 - 示例
-  ```
+  ```ts
   class myAbility extends Ability {
       onWindowStageCreate(windowStage) {
@@ -2350,6 +2359,7 @@ getSubWindow(callback: AsyncCallback&lt;Array&lt;Window&gt;&gt;): void
 - 参数
   | 参数名   | 类型                                                | 必填 | 说明                                        |
@@ -2358,7 +2368,7 @@ getSubWindow(callback: AsyncCallback&lt;Array&lt;Window&gt;&gt;): void
 - 示例
-  ```
+  ```ts
   class myAbility extends Ability {
       onWindowStageCreate(windowStage) {
@@ -2389,10 +2399,10 @@ loadContent(path: string, callback: AsyncCallback&lt;void&gt;): void
   | -------- | ------------------------- | ---- | -------------------- |
   | path     | string                    | 是   | 设置加载页面的路径。 |
   | callback | AsyncCallback&lt;void&gt; | 是   | 回调函数。           |
 - 示例
-  ```
+  ```ts
   class myAbility extends Ability {
       onWindowStageCreate(windowStage) {
@@ -2406,6 +2416,7 @@ loadContent(path: string, callback: AsyncCallback&lt;void&gt;): void
 ### on('windowStageEvent')<sup>9+</sup>
 on(eventType: 'windowStageEvent', callback: Callback&lt;WindowStageEventType&gt;): void
@@ -2413,6 +2424,7 @@ on(eventType: 'windowStageEvent', callback: Callback&lt;WindowStageEventType&gt;
 - 参数
   | 参数名   | 类型                                                         | 必填 | 说明                                                         |
@@ -2422,7 +2434,7 @@ on(eventType: 'windowStageEvent', callback: Callback&lt;WindowStageEventType&gt;
 - 示例
-  ```
+  ```ts
   class myAbility extends Ability {
       onWindowStageCreate(windowStage) {
@@ -2441,15 +2453,17 @@ off(eventType: 'windowStageEvent', callback?: Callback&lt;WindowStageEventType&g
 - 参数
   | 参数名   | 类型                                                         | 必填 | 说明                                                         |
   | -------- | ------------------------------------------------------------ | ---- | ------------------------------------------------------------ |
   | type     | string                                                       | 是   | 设置监听类型。<br/>-&nbsp;type为'windowStageEvent'时表示监听类型为WindowStage生命周期变化监听。 |
   | callback | Callback&lt;[WindowStageEventType](#windowstageeventtype9)&gt; | 否   | 回调返回监听到的信息。                                       |
 - 示例
-  ```
+  ```ts
   class myAbility extends Ability {
       onWindowStageCreate(windowStage) {
diff --git a/zh-cn/application-dev/webgl/Readme-CN.md b/zh-cn/application-dev/webgl/Readme-CN.md
index 89d715d5a45a30e3a78c76937f835d89d2527549..0a2a1aa80df27bf99eb8077133c396774819fca2 100644
--- a/zh-cn/application-dev/webgl/Readme-CN.md
+++ b/zh-cn/application-dev/webgl/Readme-CN.md
@@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
 # WebGL
-- [概述](webgl-overview.md)
+- [WebGL开发概述](webgl-overview.md)
 - [WebGL开发指导](webgl-guidelines.md)