提交 6d6cb106 编写于 作者: H huoqingyi

Update ArkTS docs

https://gitee.com/openharmony/docs/issues/I7WA77Signed-off-by: Nhuoqingyi <huoqingyi@huawei.com>
Change-Id: I4bcadbff4d8bb3d93cfa0ae1b941356a3870b328
上级 ed97251d
......@@ -779,7 +779,9 @@ interface Employee extends Identity, Contact {}
**Severity: error**
ArkTS does not support the returning `this` type. Use explicit type instead.
ArkTS does not support type notation using the `this` keyword (for example,
specifying a method's return type `this` is not allowed). Use explicit type
......@@ -959,7 +961,9 @@ type N = number
**Severity: error**
ArkTS does not support indexed access for class fields. Use dot notation
instead. An exception are all typed arrays from the standard library
(for example, `Int32Array`), which support access to their elements through
`container[index]` syntax.
......@@ -975,6 +979,9 @@ let x = p["x"]
class Point {x: number = 0; y: number = 0}
let p: Point = {x: 1, y: 2}
let x = p.x
let arr = new Int32Array(1)
## Recipe: Structural identity is not supported
......@@ -1541,33 +1548,6 @@ let a2: C[] = [{n: 1, s: "1"}, {n: 2, s : "2"}] // ditto
* Recipe: Object literal must correspond to some explicitly declared class or interface
* Recipe: Object literals cannot be used as type declarations
## Recipe: Lambdas require explicit type annotation for parameters
**Rule `arkts-explicit-param-types-in-lambdas`**
**Severity: error**
Currently, ArkTS requires the types of lambda parameters
to be explicitly specified.
// Compile-time error only with noImplicitAny:
let f = (s /* type any is assumed */) => {
// Explicit types for lambda parameters are mandatory:
let f = (s: string) => {
## Recipe: Use arrow functions instead of function expressions
**Rule `arkts-no-func-expressions`**
......@@ -1989,9 +1969,9 @@ let f = "string" + true // "stringtrue"
let g = (new Object()) + "string" // "[object Object]string"
let i = true + true // JS: 2, TS: compile-time error
let j = true + 2 // JS: 3, TS: compile-time error
let k = E.E1 + true // JS: 1, TS: compile-time error
let i = true + true // compile-time error
let j = true + 2 // compile-time error
let k = E.E1 + true // compile-time error
......@@ -2341,7 +2321,8 @@ iterate over data.
**Severity: error**
ArkTS supports the iteration over arrays and strings by the `for .. of` loop,
but does not support the iteration of objects content.
but does not support the iteration of objects content. All typed arrays from
the standard library (for example, `Int32Array`) are also supported.
......@@ -2433,7 +2414,8 @@ console.log("Area: ", Math.PI * r * r)
**Severity: error**
ArkTS supports `case` statements that contain only compile-time values.
ArkTS supports `case` statements that contain only compile-time values,
top-level scope `const` values, and `static readonly` class fields.
Use `if` statements as an alternative.
......@@ -2907,7 +2889,8 @@ function main(): void {
The only supported scenario for the spread operator is to spread an array into
the rest parameter. Otherwise, manually “unpack” data from arrays and objects,
where necessary.
where necessary. All typed arrays from the standard library (for example,
`Int32Array`) are also supported.
......@@ -3880,34 +3863,6 @@ let ce = new CustomError()
* Recipe: Prototype assignment is not supported
## Recipe: Runtime import expressions are not supported
**Rule `arkts-no-runtime-import`**
**Severity: error**
ArkTS does not support such “runtime” import expressions as `await import...`
because in the language import is a compile-time, not a runtime feature.
Use regular import syntax instead.
const zipUtil = await import("utils/create-zip-file")
import { zipUtil } from "utils/create-zip-file"
**See also**
* Recipe: Wildcards in module names are not supported
* Recipe: Universal module definitions (UMD) are not supported
* Recipe: Import assertions are not supported
## Recipe: Definite assignment assertions are not supported
**Rule `arkts-no-definite-assignment`**
......@@ -4065,8 +4020,7 @@ M.abc = 200
**Severity: error**
Currently ArkTS does not support utility types from TypeScript extensions to the
standard library (`Omit`, `Pick`, etc.). Exceptions are: `Partial`,
standard library, except following: `Partial`, `Record`.
For the type *Record<K, V>*, the type of an indexing expression *rec[index]* is
of the type *V | undefined*.
......@@ -4349,7 +4303,6 @@ import { something } from "module"
* Recipe: Wildcards in module names are not supported
* Recipe: Universal module definitions (UMD) are not supported
* Recipe: Runtime import expressions are not supported
## Recipe: Usage of standard library is restricted
......@@ -4364,9 +4317,7 @@ the following APIs is prohibited:
Properties and functions of the global object: `eval`,
`Infinity`, `NaN`, `isFinite`, `isNaN`, `parseFloat`, `parseInt`,
`encodeURI`, `encodeURIComponent`, `Encode`,
`decodeURI`, `decodeURIComponent`, `Decode`,
`escape`, `unescape`, `ParseHexOctet`
`Encode`, `Decode`, `ParseHexOctet`
`Object`: `__proto__`, `__defineGetter__`, `__defineSetter__`,
`__lookupGetter__`, `__lookupSetter__`, `assign`, `create`,
......@@ -4561,3 +4512,54 @@ class BugReport {
## Recipe: Classes cannot be used as objects
**Rule `arkts-no-classes-as-obj`**
**Severity: error**
ArkTS does not support using classes as objects (assigning them to variables,
etc.) because in ArkTS, a `class` declaration introduces a new type,
not a value.
class C {
s: string = ""
n: number = 0
let c = C
## Recipe: `import` statements after other statements are not allowed
**Rule `arkts-no-misplaced-imports`**
**Severity: error**
In ArkTS, all `import` statements should go before all other statements
in the program.
class C {
s: string = ""
n: number = 0
import foo from "module1"
import foo from "module1"
class C {
s: string = ""
n: number = 0
......@@ -837,6 +837,7 @@ type N = number
......@@ -852,6 +853,9 @@ let x = p["x"]
class Point {x: number = 0; y: number = 0}
let p: Point = {x: 1, y: 2}
let x = p.x
let arr = new Int32Array(1)
### 不支持structural identity
......@@ -1305,7 +1309,7 @@ class Point {
y: number = 0
// 在字面量初始化之前,使用constructor()创建一个有效对象。
// 由于Point没有其它构造函数,编译器将自动添加一个默认构造函数。
// 由于没有为Point定义构造函数,编译器将自动添加一个默认构造函数。
function id_x_y(o: Point): Point {
......@@ -1392,32 +1396,6 @@ let a2: C[] = [{n: 1, s: "1"}, {n: 2, s : "2"}] // a2的类型为“C[]”
* 对象字面量必须对应某些显式声明的类或接口
* 对象字面量不能用于类型声明
### 显式标注Lambda函数的参数类型
// 只有在开启noImplicitAny选项时会产生编译时错误
let f = (s /* type any is assumed */) => {
// 显式标注Lambda函数的参数类型
let f = (s: string) => {
### 使用箭头函数而非函数表达式
......@@ -1814,9 +1792,9 @@ let f = "string" + true // "stringtrue"
let g = (new Object()) + "string" // "[object Object]string"
let i = true + true // JS: 2, TS: 编译时错误
let j = true + 2 // JS: 3, TS: 编译时错误
let k = E.E1 + true // JS: 1, TS: 编译时错误
let i = true + true // 编译时错误
let j = true + 2 // 编译时错误
let k = E.E1 + true // 编译时错误
......@@ -2142,7 +2120,7 @@ ArkTS不支持`Symbol`API、`Symbol.iterator`和最终可迭代的接口。请
ArkTS支持通过`for .. of`迭代数组和字符串,但不支持迭代对象。
ArkTS支持通过`for .. of`迭代数组、字符串和`TypedArray`(例如`Int32Array`,但不支持迭代对象。
......@@ -2232,7 +2210,7 @@ console.log("Area: ", Math.PI * r * r)
在ArkTS中,`case`语句仅支持编译期值,支持`const`常量和`class``static readonly`属性。若值无法在编译期确定,请使用`if`语句。
......@@ -2689,7 +2667,7 @@ function main(): void {
......@@ -3273,7 +3251,7 @@ import "path/to/module"
import * from "path/to/module"
import * as ns from "path/to/module"
### 不支持`import default as ...`
......@@ -3326,7 +3304,7 @@ import * as m from "mod"
ArkTS支持大多数场景下的重导出,比如命名导出和重命名导出,重导出import的。不支持`export * as ...`
ArkTS支持大多数场景下的重导出,例如命名重导出和重命名重导出。不支持`export * as ...`
......@@ -3512,7 +3490,7 @@ declare namespace N {
function foo(x: number): number
import * from "module"
import * as m from "module"
console.log("N.foo called: ", N.foo(42))
......@@ -3622,32 +3600,6 @@ let ce = new CustomError()
* 不支持在原型上赋值
### 不支持动态导入
由于在ArkTS中,导入是编译时而非运行时特性,因此,ArkTS不支持动态导入,如`await import...`。改用静态`import`语法。
const zipUtil = await import("utils/create-zip-file")
import { zipUtil } from "utils/create-zip-file"
* 不支持在模块名中使用通配符
* 不支持通用模块定义(UMD)
* 不支持导入断言
### 不支持确定赋值断言
......@@ -3796,7 +3748,7 @@ M.abc = 200
ArkTS仅支持`Partial``Record`,不支持TypeScript中其他的`Utility Types`
对于*Record<K, V>*类型,表达式*rec[index]*的类型是*V | undefined*
......@@ -4079,9 +4031,7 @@ ArkTS不允许使用TypeScript或JavaScript标准库中的某些接口。大部
......@@ -4267,3 +4217,52 @@ function classDecorator(x: number, y: number): void {
class BugReport {
### `class`不能被用作对象
class C {
s: string = ""
n: number = 0
let c = C
### 不支持在`import`语句前使用其他语句
class C {
s: string = ""
n: number = 0
import foo from "module1"
import foo from "module1"
class C {
s: string = ""
n: number = 0
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