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+# Ability
+The **Ability** module provides all level-2 module APIs for developers to export.
+> **NOTE**
+> The initial APIs of this module are supported since API version 9. Newly added APIs will be marked with a superscript to indicate their earliest API version.
+> The APIs of this module can be used only in the FA model.
+## Modules to Import
+import ability from '@ohos.ability.ability'
+**System capability**: SystemCapability.Ability.AbilityBase
+| Name | Type | Mandatory| Description |
+| ----------- | -------------------- | ---- | ------------------------------------------------------------ |
+| DataAbilityHelper | [DataAbilityHelper](js-apis-inner-ability-dataAbilityHelper.md) | No | Level-2 module **DataAbilityHelper**. |
+| PacMap | [PacMap](js-apis-inner-ability-dataAbilityHelper.md#PacMap) | No | Level-2 module **PacMap**.|
+| DataAbilityOperation | [DataAbilityOperation](js-apis-inner-ability-dataAbilityOperation.md) | No | Level-2 module **DataAbilityOperation**.|
+| DataAbilityResult | [DataAbilityResult](js-apis-inner-ability-dataAbilityResult.md) | No | Level-2 module **DataAbilityResult**.|
+| AbilityResult | [AbilityResult](js-apis-inner-ability-abilityResult.md) | No | Level-2 module **AbilityResult**.|
+| ConnectOptions | [ConnectOptions](js-apis-inner-ability-connectOptions.md) | No | Level-2 module **ConnectOptions**.|
+| StartAbilityParameter | [StartAbilityParameter](js-apis-inner-ability-startAbilityParameter.md) | No | Level-2 module **StartAbilityParameter**.|
+import ability from '@ohos.ability.ability';
+let dataAbilityHelper: ability.DataAbilityHelper;
+let pacMap: ability.PacMap;
+let dataAbilityOperation: ability.DataAbilityOperation;
+let dataAbilityResult: ability.DataAbilityResult;
+let abilityResult: ability.AbilityResult;
+let connectOptions: ability.ConnectOptions;
+let startAbilityParameter: ability.StartAbilityParameter;
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+# Want
+Want is a carrier for information transfer between objects (application components). Want can be used as a parameter of **startAbility** to specify a startup target and information that needs to be carried during startup, for example, **bundleName** and **abilityName**, which respectively indicate the bundle name of the target ability and the ability name in the bundle. When ability A needs to start ability B and transfer some data to ability B, it can use Want a carrier to transfer the data.
+> **NOTE**
+> The initial APIs of this module are supported since API version 9. Newly added APIs will be marked with a superscript to indicate their earliest API version.
+## Modules to Import
+import Want from '@ohos.app.ability.Want';
+## Attributes
+**System capability**: SystemCapability.Ability.AbilityBase
+| Name | Type | Mandatory| Description |
+| ----------- | -------------------- | ---- | ------------------------------------------------------------ |
+| deviceId | string | No | ID of the device running the ability. |
+| bundleName | string | No | Bundle name of the ability. If both **bundleName** and **abilityName** are specified in a **Want** object, the **Want** object can match a specific ability.|
+| abilityName | string | No | Name of the ability. If both **bundleName** and **abilityName** are specified in a **Want** object, the **Want** object can match a specific ability. The value of **abilityName** must be unique in an application.|
+| uri | string | No | URI information to match. If **uri** is specified in a **Want** object, the **Want** object will match the specified URI information, including **scheme**, **schemeSpecificPart**, **authority**, and **path**.|
+| type | string | No | MIME type, that is, the type of the file to open, for example, **text/xml** and **image/***. For details about the MIME type definition, see https://www.iana.org/assignments/media-types/media-types.xhtml?utm_source=ld246.com. |
+| flags | number | No | How the **Want** object will be handled. By default, numbers are passed in. For details, see [flags](js-apis-ability-wantConstant.md#wantConstant.Flags).|
+| action | string | No | Action to take, such as viewing and sharing application details. In implicit Want, you can define this field and use it together with **uri** or **parameters** to specify the operation to be performed on the data. |
+| parameters | {[key: string]: any} | No | Want parameters in the form of custom key-value (KV) pairs. By default, the following keys are carried:
**ohos.aafwk.callerPid**: PID of the caller.
**ohos.aafwk.param.callerToken**: token of the caller.
**ohos.aafwk.param.callerUid**: UID in [bundleInfo](js-apis-bundle-BundleInfo.md#bundleinfo-1), that is, the application UID in the bundle information. |
+| entities | Array\ | No | Additional category information (such as browser and video player) of the target ability. It is a supplement to **action** in implicit Want and is used to filter ability types. |
+| moduleName | string | No | Module to which the ability belongs.|
+- Basic usage
+ ```ts
+ var want = {
+ "deviceId": "", // An empty deviceId indicates the local device.
+ "bundleName": "com.extreme.test",
+ "abilityName": "MainAbility",
+ "moduleName": "entry" // moduleName is optional.
+ };
+ this.context.startAbility(want, (error) => {
+ // Start an ability explicitly. The bundleName, abilityName, and moduleName parameters work together to uniquely identify an ability.
+ console.log("error.code = " + error.code)
+ })
+ ```
+- Data is transferred through user-defined fields. The following data types are supported:
+ * String
+ ```ts
+ let want = {
+ bundleName: "com.example.demo",
+ abilityName: "com.example.demo.MainAbility",
+ parameters: {
+ keyForString: "str",
+ },
+ }
+ ```
+ * Number
+ ```ts
+ let want = {
+ bundleName: "com.example.demo",
+ abilityName: "com.example.demo.MainAbility",
+ parameters: {
+ keyForInt: 100,
+ keyForDouble: 99.99,
+ },
+ }
+ ```
+ * Boolean
+ ```ts
+ let want = {
+ bundleName: "com.example.demo",
+ abilityName: "com.example.demo.MainAbility",
+ parameters: {
+ keyForBool: true,
+ },
+ }
+ ```
+ * Object
+ ```ts
+ let want = {
+ bundleName: "com.example.demo",
+ abilityName: "com.example.demo.MainAbility",
+ parameters: {
+ keyForObject: {
+ keyForObjectString: "str",
+ keyForObjectInt: -200,
+ keyForObjectDouble: 35.5,
+ keyForObjectBool: false,
+ },
+ },
+ }
+ ```
+ * Array
+ ```ts
+ let want = {
+ bundleName: "com.example.demo",
+ abilityName: "com.example.demo.MainAbility",
+ parameters: {
+ keyForArrayString: ["str1", "str2", "str3"],
+ keyForArrayInt: [100, 200, 300, 400],
+ keyForArrayDouble: [0.1, 0.2],
+ keyForArrayObject: [{obj1: "aaa"}, {obj2: 100}],
+ },
+ }
+ ```
+ * File descriptor (FD)
+ ```ts
+ import fileio from '@ohos.fileio';
+ var fd;
+ try {
+ fd = fileio.openSync("/data/storage/el2/base/haps/pic.png");
+ } catch(e) {
+ console.log("openSync fail:" + JSON.stringify(e));
+ }
+ var want = {
+ "deviceId": "", // An empty deviceId indicates the local device.
+ "bundleName": "com.extreme.test",
+ "abilityName": "MainAbility",
+ "moduleName": "entry", // moduleName is optional.
+ "parameters": {
+ "keyFd":{"type":"FD", "value":fd}
+ }
+ };
+ this.context.startAbility(want, (error) => {
+ // Start an ability explicitly. The bundleName, abilityName, and moduleName parameters work together to uniquely identify an ability.
+ console.log("error.code = " + error.code)
+ })
+ ```
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+# Configuration
+The **Configuration** module defines environment change information.
+> **NOTE**
+> The initial APIs of this module are supported since API version 8. Newly added APIs will be marked with a superscript to indicate their earliest API version.
+> This module is deprecated since API version 9. You are advised to use [@ohos.application.Configuration](js-apis-app-ability-configuration.md) instead.
+## Modules to Import
+import Configuration from '@ohos.application.Configuration'
+**System capability**: SystemCapability.Ability.AbilityBase
+| Name| Type| Readable| Writable| Description|
+| -------- | -------- | -------- | -------- | -------- |
+| language8+ | string | Yes| Yes| Language of the application.|
+| colorMode8+ | [ColorMode](js-apis-application-configurationConstant.md#configurationconstantcolormode) | Yes| Yes| Color mode, which can be **COLOR_MODE_LIGHT** or **COLOR_MODE_DARK**. The default value is **COLOR_MODE_LIGHT**.|
+| direction9+ | [Direction](js-apis-application-configurationConstant.md#configurationconstantdirection9) | Yes| No| Screen orientation, which can be **DIRECTION_HORIZONTAL** or **DIRECTION_VERTICAL**.|
+| screenDensity9+ | [ScreenDensity](js-apis-application-configurationConstant.md#configurationconstantscreendensity9) | Yes| No| Screen resolution, which can be **SCREEN_DENSITY_SDPI** (120), **SCREEN_DENSITY_MDPI** (160), **SCREEN_DENSITY_LDPI** (240), **SCREEN_DENSITY_XLDPI** (320), **SCREEN_DENSITY_XXLDPI** (480), or **SCREEN_DENSITY_XXXLDPI** (640).|
+| displayId9+ | number | Yes| No| ID of the display where the application is located.|
+| hasPointerDevice9+ | boolean | Yes| No| Whether a pointer device, such as a keyboard, mouse, or touchpad, is connected.|
+For details about the fields, see the **ohos.application.Configuration.d.ts** file.
+ ```ts
+import hilog from '@ohos.hilog';
+import Ability from '@ohos.application.Ability'
+import Window from '@ohos.window'
+export default class MainAbility extends Ability {
+ onCreate(want, launchParam) {
+ }
+ onDestroy() {
+ }
+ onWindowStageCreate(windowStage: Window.WindowStage) {
+ let envCallback = {
+ onConfigurationUpdated(config) {
+ console.info(`envCallback onConfigurationUpdated success: ${JSON.stringify(config)}`)
+ let language = config.language;
+ let colorMode = config.colorMode;
+ let direction = config.direction;
+ let screenDensity = config.screenDensity;
+ let displayId = config.displayId;
+ let hasPointerDevice = config.hasPointerDevice;
+ }
+ };
+ let applicationContext = this.context.getApplicationContext();
+ applicationContext.registerEnvironmentCallback(envCallback);
+ windowStage.loadContent('pages/index', (err, data) => {
+ if (err.code) {
+ hilog.isLoggable(0x0000, 'testTag', hilog.LogLevel.ERROR);
+ hilog.error(0x0000, 'testTag', 'Failed to load the content. Cause: %{public}s', JSON.stringify(err) ?? '');
+ return;
+ }
+ hilog.isLoggable(0x0000, 'testTag', hilog.LogLevel.INFO);
+ hilog.info(0x0000, 'testTag', 'Succeeded in loading the content. Data: %{public}s', JSON.stringify(data) ?? '');
+ });
+ }
+ ```
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+# ConfigurationConstant
+The **ConfigurationConstant** module provides the enumerated values of the environment configuration information.
+> **NOTE**
+> The APIs of this module are supported since API version 8 and deprecated since API version 9. You are advised to use [@ohos.application.ConfigurationConstant](js-apis-app-ability-configurationConstant.md) instead. Newly added APIs will be marked with a superscript to indicate their earliest API version.
+## Modules to Import
+import ConfigurationConstant from '@ohos.application.ConfigurationConstant';
+## ConfigurationConstant.ColorMode
+You can obtain the value of this constant by calling the **ConfigurationConstant.ColorMode** API.
+**System capability**: SystemCapability.Ability.AbilityBase
+| Name| Value| Description|
+| -------- | -------- | -------- |
+| COLOR_MODE_NOT_SET | -1 | Unspecified color mode.|
+| COLOR_MODE_DARK | 0 | Dark mode.|
+| COLOR_MODE_LIGHT | 1 | Light mode.|
+## ConfigurationConstant.Direction9+
+You can obtain the value of this constant by calling the **ConfigurationConstant.Direction** API.
+**System capability**: SystemCapability.Ability.AbilityBase
+| Name| Value| Description|
+| -------- | -------- | -------- |
+| DIRECTION_NOT_SET | -1 | Unspecified direction.|
+| DIRECTION_VERTICAL | 0 | Vertical direction.|
+| DIRECTION_HORIZONTAL | 1 | Horizontal direction.|
+## ConfigurationConstant.ScreenDensity9+
+You can obtain the value of this constant by calling the **ConfigurationConstant.ScreenDensity** API.
+**System capability**: SystemCapability.Ability.AbilityBase
+| Name| Value| Description|
+| -------- | -------- | -------- |
+| SCREEN_DENSITY_NOT_SET | 0 | Unspecified screen resolution.|
+| SCREEN_DENSITY_SDPI | 120 | The screen resolution is sdpi.|
+| SCREEN_DENSITY_MDPI | 160 | The screen resolution is mdpi.|
+| SCREEN_DENSITY_LDPI | 240 | The screen resolution is ldpi.|
+| SCREEN_DENSITY_XLDPI | 320 | The screen resolution is xldpi.|
+| SCREEN_DENSITY_XXLDPI | 480 | The screen resolution is xxldpi.|
+| SCREEN_DENSITY_XXXLDPI | 640 | The screen resolution is xxxldpi.|
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+# AbilityResult7+
+The **AbilityResult** module defines the result code and data returned when an ability is started or destroyed.
+> **NOTE**
+> The initial APIs of this module are supported since API version 7. Newly added APIs will be marked with a superscript to indicate their earliest API version.
+**System capability**: SystemCapability.Ability.AbilityBase
+| Name | Readable | Writable | Type | Mandatory| Description |
+| ----------- | -------- |-------- | -------------------- | ---- | ------------------------------------------------------------ |
+| resultCode | Yes | No | number | No | Result code returned when the ability is started or destroyed. |
+| want | Yes | No | [Want](./js-apis-app-ability-want.md) | No | Data returned when the ability is destroyed.|
+ ```ts
+ let want = {
+ bundleName: 'com.example.mydocapplication',
+ abilityName: 'MainAbility',
+ };
+ this.context.startAbilityForResult(want, (error, data) => {
+ let resultCode = data.resultCode;
+ let want = data.want;
+ });
+ ```