Describing a location using coordinates is accurate, but neither intuitive nor user-friendly. With the geocoding and reverse geocoding capabilities, you will be able to convert geographic description into specific coordinates and vice versa.
The geographic description helps users understand a location easily by providing several key attributes, for example, country, administrative region, street, house number, and address.
## Available APIs
The following table describes APIs available for mutual conversion between coordinates and location information.
**Table1** APIs for geocoding and reverse geocoding
| API | Description |
| -------- | -------- |
| isGeoServiceAvailable(callback: AsyncCallback<boolean>) : void | Checks whether the (reverse) geocoding service is available. This function uses an asynchronous callback to return the result. |
| isGeoServiceAvailable() : Promise<boolean> | Checks whether the (reverse) geocoding service is available. This function uses a promise to return the result. |
| getAddressesFromLocation(request: ReverseGeoCodeRequest, callback: AsyncCallback<Array<GeoAddress>>) : void | Converts coordinates into geographic description through reverse geocoding. This function uses an asynchronous callback to return the result. |
| getAddressesFromLocation(request: ReverseGeoCodeRequest) : Promise<Array<GeoAddress>>; | Converts coordinates into geographic description through reverse geocoding. This function uses a promise to return the result. |
| getAddressesFromLocationName(request: GeoCodeRequest, callback: AsyncCallback<Array<GeoAddress>>) : void | Converts geographic description into coordinates through geocoding. This function uses an asynchronous callback to return the result. |
| getAddressesFromLocationName(request: GeoCodeRequest) : Promise<Array<GeoAddress>> | Converts geographic description into coordinates through geocoding. This function uses a promise to return the result. |
> The **GeoConvert** instance needs to access backend services to obtain information. Therefore, before performing the following steps, ensure that your device is connected to the network.
1. Import the **geolocation** module by which you can implement all APIs related to the geocoding and reverse geocoding conversion capabilities.
import geolocation from '@ohos.geolocation';
2. Query whether geocoder service is available.
- Call **isGeoServiceAvailable** to query whether the geocoder service is available. If the service is available, continue with step 3.
Your application can obtain the **GeoAddress** list that matches the specified coordinates and then read location information from it. For details, see [Geolocation](../reference/apis/
- Call **getAddressesFromLocationName** to convert geographic description into coordinates.
var geocodeRequest = {"description": "No. xx, xx Road, Pudong District, Shanghai", "maxItems": 1};
Your application can obtain the **GeoAddress** list that matches the specified location information and read coordinates from it. For details, see [Geolocation](../reference/apis/
To improve the accuracy of location results, you can set the longitude and latitude ranges in **GeoCodeRequest**.
You can call location-related APIs in OpenHarmony to obtain the real-time location or last known location of a mobile device.
Real-time location of the device is recommended for location-sensitive services. If you want to lower power consumption when the real-time location of the device is not needed, you may consider obtaining the last known location of the device.
## Available APIs
The following table describes APIs available for obtaining device location information.
**Table 1** APIs for obtaining device location information
| on(type: 'locationChange', request: LocationRequest, callback: Callback<Location>) : void | Registers a listener for location changes with a location request initiated. |
| off(type: 'locationChange', callback?: Callback<Location>) : void | Unregisters the listener for location changes with the corresponding location request deleted. |
| on(type: 'locationServiceState', callback: Callback<boolean>) : void | Registers a listener for location service status change events. |
| off(type: 'locationServiceState', callback: Callback<boolean>) : void | Unregisters the listener for location service status change events. |
| on(type: 'cachedGnssLocationsReporting', request: CachedGnssLocationsRequest, callback: Callback<Array<Location>>) : void; | Registers a listener for cached GNSS location reports. |
| off(type: 'cachedGnssLocationsReporting', callback?: Callback<Array<Location>>) : void; | Unregisters the listener for cached GNSS location reports. |
| on(type: 'gnssStatusChange', callback: Callback<SatelliteStatusInfo>) : void; | Registers a listener for satellite status change events. |
| off(type: 'gnssStatusChange', callback?: Callback<SatelliteStatusInfo>) : void; | Unregisters the listener for satellite status change events. |
| on(type: 'nmeaMessageChange', callback: Callback<string>) : void; | Registers a listener for GNSS NMEA message change events. |
| off(type: 'nmeaMessageChange', callback?: Callback<string>) : void; | Unregisters the listener for GNSS NMEA message change events. |
| on(type: 'fenceStatusChange', request: GeofenceRequest, want: WantAgent) : void; | Registers a listener for status change events of the specified geofence. |
| off(type: 'fenceStatusChange', request: GeofenceRequest, want: WantAgent) : void; | Unregisters the listener for status change events of the specified geofence. |
| getCurrentLocation(request: CurrentLocationRequest, callback: AsyncCallback<Location>) : void | Obtains the current location. This API uses an asynchronous callback to return the result. |
| getCurrentLocation(request?: CurrentLocationRequest) : Promise<Location> | Obtains the current location. This API uses a promise to return the result. |
| getLastLocation(callback: AsyncCallback<Location>) : void | Obtains the previous location. This API uses an asynchronous callback to return the result. |
| getLastLocation() : Promise<Location> | Obtains the previous location. This API uses a promise to return the result. |
| isLocationEnabled(callback: AsyncCallback<boolean>) : void | Checks whether the location service is enabled. This API uses an asynchronous callback to return the result. |
| isLocationEnabled() : Promise<boolean> | Checks whether the location service is enabled. This API uses a promise to return the result. |
| requestEnableLocation(callback: AsyncCallback<boolean>) : void | Requests to enable the location service. This API uses an asynchronous callback to return the result. |
| requestEnableLocation() : Promise<boolean> | Requests to enable the location service. This API uses a promise to return the result. |
| enableLocation(callback: AsyncCallback<boolean>) : void | Enables the location service. This API uses an asynchronous callback to return the result. |
| enableLocation() : Promise<boolean> | Enables the location service. This API uses a promise to return the result. |
| disableLocation(callback: AsyncCallback<boolean>) : void | Disables the location service. This API uses an asynchronous callback to return the result. |
| disableLocation() : Promise<boolean> | Disables the location service. This API uses a promise to return the result. |
| getCachedGnssLocationsSize(callback: AsyncCallback<number>) : void; | Obtains the number of cached GNSS locations. This API uses an asynchronous callback to return the result. |
| getCachedGnssLocationsSize() : Promise<number>; | Obtains the number of cached GNSS locations. This API uses a promise to return the result. |
| flushCachedGnssLocations(callback: AsyncCallback<boolean>) : void; | Obtains all cached GNSS locations and clears the GNSS cache queue. This API uses an asynchronous callback to return the result.|
| flushCachedGnssLocations() : Promise<boolean>; | Obtains all cached GNSS locations and clears the GNSS cache queue. This API uses a promise to return the result.|
| sendCommand(command: LocationCommand, callback: AsyncCallback<boolean>) : void; | Sends extended commands to the location subsystem. This API uses an asynchronous callback to return the result.|
| sendCommand(command: LocationCommand) : Promise<boolean>; | Sends extended commands to the location subsystem. This API uses a promise to return the result. |
| isLocationPrivacyConfirmed(type : LocationPrivacyType, callback: AsyncCallback<boolean>) : void; | Checks whether a user agrees with the privacy statement of the location service. This API uses an asynchronous callback to return the result.|
| isLocationPrivacyConfirmed(type : LocationPrivacyType,) : Promise<boolean>; | Checks whether a user agrees with the privacy statement of the location service. This API uses a promise to return the result.|
| setLocationPrivacyConfirmStatus(type : LocationPrivacyType, isConfirmed : boolean, callback: AsyncCallback<boolean>) : void; | Sets the user confirmation status for the privacy statement of the location service. This API uses an asynchronous callback to return the result.|
| setLocationPrivacyConfirmStatus(type : LocationPrivacyType, isConfirmed : boolean) : Promise<boolean>; | Sets the user confirmation status for the privacy statement of the location service. This API uses a promise to return the result.|
## How to Develop
To learn more about the APIs for obtaining device location information, see [Geolocation](../reference/apis/
1. Before using basic location capabilities, check whether your application has been granted the permission to access the device location information. If not, your application needs to obtain the permission from the user as described below.
The system provides the following location permissions:
- ohos.permission.LOCATION
- ohos.permission.LOCATION_IN_BACKGROUND
The **ohos.permission.LOCATION** permission is a must if your application needs to access the device location information.
If your application needs to access the device location information when running on the background, it must be configured to be able to run on the background and be granted the **ohos.permission.LOCATION_IN_BACKGROUND** permission. In this way, the system continues to report device location information after your application moves to the background.
You can declare the required permission in your application's configuration file. For details, see [Access Control (Permission) Development](../security/
2. Import the **geolocation** module by which you can implement all APIs related to the basic location capabilities.
import geolocation from '@ohos.geolocation';
3. Instantiate the **LocationRequest** object. This object provides APIs to notify the system of the location service type and the interval of reporting location information.<br>
**Method 1:**
To better serve your needs for using APIs, the system has categorized APIs into different packages to match your common use cases of the location function. In this way, you can directly use the APIs specific to a certain use case, making application development much easier. The following table lists the use cases currently supported.
export enum LocationRequestScenario {
UNSET = 0x300,
**Table 2** Common use cases of the location function
| Navigation | NAVIGATION | Applicable when your application needs to obtain the real-time location of a mobile device outdoors, such as navigation for driving or walking. In this scenario, the GNSS positioning technology is mainly used to ensure the location accuracy. However, due to its limitations, the technology may be unable to provide the location service when navigation is just started or when the user moves into a shielded environment such as indoors or a garage. To resolve this issue, the system uses the network positioning technology as an alternative to provide the location service for your application until the GNSS can provide stable location results. This helps achieve a smooth navigation experience for users.<br>By default, the system reports location results at a minimal interval of 1s. To adopt this use case, you must declare the **ohos.permission.LOCATION** permission and obtain users' authorization.|
| Trajectory tracking| TRAJECTORY_TRACKING | Applicable when your application needs to record user trajectories, for example, the track recording function of sports applications. In this scenario, the GNSS positioning technology is mainly used to ensure the location accuracy.<br>By default, the system reports location results at a minimal interval of 1s. To adopt this use case, you must declare the **ohos.permission.LOCATION** permission and obtain users' authorization.|
| Ride hailing| CAR_HAILING | Applicable when your application needs to obtain the current location of a user who is hailing a taxi.<br>By default, the system reports location results at a minimal interval of 1s. To adopt this use case, you must declare the **ohos.permission.LOCATION** permission and obtain users' authorization.|
| Life service| DAILY_LIFE_SERVICE | Applicable when your application only needs the approximate user location for recommendations and push notifications in scenarios such as when the user is browsing news, shopping online, and ordering food.<br>By default, the system reports location results at a minimal interval of 1s. To adopt this use case, you must declare the **ohos.permission.LOCATION** permission and obtain users' authorization.|
| Power efficiency | NO_POWER | Applicable when your application does not proactively start the location service for a higher battery efficiency. When responding to another application requesting the same location service, the system marks a copy of the location result to your application. In this way, your application will not consume extra power for obtaining the user location.<br>By default, the system reports location results at a minimal interval of 1s. To adopt this use case, you must declare the **ohos.permission.LOCATION** permission and obtain users' authorization.|
Sample code for initializing **requestInfo** for navigation:
| Location accuracy priority | ACCURACY | This policy mainly uses the GNSS positioning technology. In an open area, the technology can achieve the meter-level location accuracy, depending on the hardware performance of the device. However, in a shielded environment, the location accuracy may significantly decrease.<br>To use this policy, you must declare the **ohos.permission.LOCATION** permission and obtain users' authorization.|
| Fast location priority | FAST_FIRST_FIX | This policy uses the GNSS positioning, base station positioning, WLAN positioning, and Bluetooth positioning technologies simultaneously to obtain the device location in both the indoor and outdoor scenarios. When all positioning technologies provide a location result, the system provides the most accurate location result for your application. This policy can lead to significant hardware resource consumption and power consumption.<br>To use this policy, you must declare the **ohos.permission.LOCATION** permission and obtain users' authorization.|
| Power efficiency priority| LOW_POWER | This policy mainly uses the base station positioning, WLAN positioning, and Bluetooth positioning technologies to obtain device location in both indoor and outdoor scenarios. The location accuracy depends on the distribution of surrounding base stations, visible WLANs, and Bluetooth devices and therefore may fluctuate greatly. This policy is recommended and can reduce power consumption when your application does not require high location accuracy or when base stations, visible WLANs, and Bluetooth devices are densely distributed.<br>To use this policy, you must declare at least the **ohos.permission.LOCATION** permission and obtain users' authorization.|
Sample code for initializing **requestInfo** for the location accuracy priority policy:
4. Instantiate the **Callback** object for the system to report location results.
Your application needs to implement the callback defined by the system. When the system successfully obtains the real-time location of a device, it will report the location result to your application through the callback interface. Your application can implement the callback interface in such a way to complete your own service logic.
People take their mobile devices wherever they go. Mobile devices have become a necessity in people's daily routines, whether it be for looking at the weather forecast, browsing news, hailing a taxi, navigating, or recording data from a workout. All these activities are so much associated with the location services on mobile devices.
With the location awareness capability offered by , mobile devices will be able to obtain real-time, accurate location data. Building location awareness into your application can also lead to a better contextual experience for application users.
Your application can call location-specific APIs to obtain the location information of a mobile device for offering location-based services such as drive navigation and motion track recording.
## Basic Concepts
Location awareness helps determine where a mobile device locates. The system identifies the location of a mobile device with its coordinates, and uses location technologies such as Global Navigation Satellite System (GNSS) and network positioning (for example, base station positioning or WLAN/Bluetooth positioning) to provide diverse location-based services. These advanced location technologies make it possible to obtain the accurate location of the mobile device, regardless of whether it is indoors or outdoors.
A coordinate describes a location on the earth using the longitude and latitude in reference to the World Geodetic Coordinate System 1984.
-**GNSS positioning**
GNSS positioning locates a mobile device by using the location algorithm offered by the device chip to compute the location information provided by the Global Navigation Satellite System, for example, GPS, GLONASS, BeiDou, and Galileo. Whichever positioning system will be used during the location process depends on a hardware capability of the device.
-**Base station positioning**
Base station positioning estimates the current location of a mobile device based on the location of the resident base station in reference to the neighboring base stations. This technology provides only a low accuracy and requires access to the cellular network.
-**WLAN or Bluetooth positioning**
WLAN or Bluetooth positioning estimates the current location of a mobile device based on the locations of WLANs and Bluetooth devices that can be discovered by the device. The location accuracy of this technology depends on the distribution of fixed WLAN access points (APs) and Bluetooth devices around the device. A high density of WLAN APs and Bluetooth devices can produce a more accurate location result than base station positioning. This technology also requires access to the network.
## Working Principles
Location awareness is offered by the system as a basic service for applications. Depending on the service scenario, an application needs to initiate a location request to the system and stop the location request when the service scenario ends. In this process, the system reports the location information to the application on a real-time basis.
## Limitations and Constraints
Your application can use the location function only after the user has granted the permission and turned on the function. If the location function is off, the system will not provide the location service for any application.
Since the location information is considered sensitive, your application still needs to obtain the location access permission from the user even if the user has turned on the location function. The system will provide the location service for your application only after it has been granted the permission to access the device location information.
## Samples
The following sample is provided to help you better understand how to develop location services:
People take their mobile devices wherever they go. Mobile devices have become a necessity in people's daily routines, whether it be for looking at the weather forecast, browsing news, hailing a taxi, navigating, or recording data from a workout. All these activities are so much associated with the location services on mobile devices.
With the location awareness capability offered by OpenHarmony, mobile devices will be able to obtain real-time, accurate location data. Building location awareness into your application can also lead to a better contextual experience for application users.
Your application can call location-specific APIs to obtain the location information of a mobile device for offering location-based services such as drive navigation and motion track recording.
### Service Introduction
Location awareness helps determine where a mobile device locates. The location subsystem identifies the location of a mobile device with its coordinates, and uses location technologies such as Global Navigation Satellite System (GNSS) and network positioning (for example, base station positioning or WLAN/Bluetooth positioning) to provide diverse location-based services.
These advanced location technologies make it possible to obtain the accurate location of the mobile device, regardless of whether it is indoors or outdoors.
A coordinate describes a location on the earth using the longitude and latitude in reference to the World Geodetic Coordinate System 1984.
-**GNSS positioning**
GNSS positioning locates a mobile device by using the location algorithm offered by the device chip to compute the location information provided by the Global Navigation Satellite System, for example, GPS, GLONASS, BeiDou, and Galileo. Whichever positioning system will be used during the location process depends on a hardware capability of the device.
-**Base station positioning**
Base station positioning estimates the current location of a mobile device based on the location of the resident base station in reference to the neighboring base stations. This technology provides only a low accuracy and requires access to the cellular network.
-**WLAN or Bluetooth positioning**
WLAN or Bluetooth positioning estimates the current location of a mobile device based on the locations of WLANs and Bluetooth devices that can be discovered by the device. The location accuracy of this technology depends on the distribution of fixed WLAN access points (APs) and Bluetooth devices around the device. A high density of WLAN APs and Bluetooth devices can produce a more accurate location result than base station positioning. This technology also requires access to the network.
### Working Principles
Location awareness is offered by the system as a basic service for applications. Depending on the service scenario, an application needs to initiate a location request to the system and stop the location request when the service scenario ends. In this process, the system reports the location information to the application on a real-time basis.
### Constraints
Your application can use the location function only after the user has granted the required permission and turned on the location function. If the location function is off, the system will not provide the location service for any application.
Since the location information is considered sensitive, your application still needs to obtain the location access permission from the user even if the user has turned on the location function. The system will provide the location service for your application only after it has been granted the permission to access the device location information.
## Applying for Location Permissions
### When to Use
Before using system basic location capabilities, check whether your application has been granted the permission to access the device location information. If not, your application needs to obtain the permission from the user.
The system provides the following location permissions:
- ohos.permission.LOCATION: used to obtain location accurate to meters.
- ohos.permission.APPROXIMATELY\_LOCATION: used to obtain location accurate to 5 kilometers.
- ohos.permission.LOCATION\_IN\_BACKGROUND: used to obtain location while the application is running at the background.
If your application needs to access the device location information, it must first apply for required permissions.
**Table 1** Ways to apply for location permissions
| Earlier than 9| ohos.permission.LOCATION | Successful| Location accurate to meters.|
| 9 and later| ohos.permission.LOCATION | Failed| No location obtained.|
| 9 and later| ohos.permission.APPROXIMATELY_LOCATION | Successful| Location accurate to 5 kilometers.|
| 9 and later| ohos.permission.APPROXIMATELY_LOCATION and ohos.permission.LOCATION| Successful| Location accurate to meters.|
If your application needs to access the device location information when running in the background, it must be configured to be able to run in the background and be granted the **ohos.permission.LOCATION_IN_BACKGROUND** permission. In this way, the system continues to report device location information after your application moves to the background.
You can declare the required permission in your application's configuration file. For details, see [Access Control (Permission) Development](../security/
For details about the permissions required for each API of the location service, see [Geolocation Manager](../reference/apis/
### How to Develop
You can declare the required permission in your application's configuration file. For details, see [Access Control (Permission) Development](../security/
## Obtaining Device Location Information
### When to Use
You can call location-related APIs in OpenHarmony to obtain the real-time location or last known location of a mobile device.
Real-time location of the device is recommended for location-sensitive services. If you want to lower power consumption when the real-time location of the device is not needed, you may consider obtaining the last known location of the device.
### Available APIs
The following table lists the APIs used to obtain the device location information. For details, see [Geolocation Manager](../reference/apis/
**Table 2** APIs for obtaining device location information
| API| Description|
| -------- | -------- |
| on(type: 'locationChange', request: LocationRequest, callback: Callback<Location>): void | Registers a listener for location changes with a location request initiated.|
| off(type: 'locationChange', callback?: Callback<Location>): void | Unregisters the listener for location changes with the corresponding location request deleted.|
| getCurrentLocation(request: CurrentLocationRequest, callback: AsyncCallback<Location>): void | Obtains the current location. This API uses an asynchronous callback to return the result. |
| getCurrentLocation(request?: CurrentLocationRequest): Promise<Location> | Obtains the current location. This API uses a promise to return the result. |
| getLastLocation(): Location | Obtains the last known device location.|
### How to Develop
1. Before using basic location capabilities, check whether your application has been granted the permission to access device location information. If not, your application first needs to apply for the required permission. For details, see [Applying for Location Permissions](#applying-for-location-permissions).
2. Import the **geoLocationManager** module by which you can implement all APIs related to the basic location capabilities.
3. Instantiate the **LocationRequest** object. This object provides APIs to notify the system of the location service type and the interval of reporting location information.<br>
**Method 1:**
To better serve your needs for using APIs, the system has categorized APIs into different packages to match your common use cases of the location function. In this way, you can directly use the APIs specific to a certain use case, making application development much easier. The location service scenarios currently supported are described as follows.
**Location service scenarios**
Applicable when your application needs to obtain the real-time location of a mobile device outdoors, such as navigation for driving or walking. <br>In this scenario, the GNSS positioning technology is mainly used to ensure the location accuracy. However, due to its limitations, the technology may be unable to provide the location service when navigation is just started or when the user moves into a shielded environment such as indoors or a garage. <br>To resolve this issue, the system uses the network positioning technology as an alternative to provide the location service for your application until the GNSS can provide stable location results. This helps achieve a smooth navigation experience for users. <br>By default, the system reports location results at a minimal interval of 1s. To adopt this use case, you must declare the **ohos.permission.LOCATION** permission and obtain users' authorization.
Applicable when your application needs to record user trajectories, for example, the track recording function of sports applications. In this scenario, the GNSS positioning technology is mainly used to ensure the location accuracy. <br>By default, the system reports location results at a minimal interval of 1s. To adopt this use case, you must declare the **ohos.permission.LOCATION** permission and obtain users' authorization.
Applicable when your application needs to obtain the current location of a user who is hailing a taxi. <br>By default, the system reports location results at a minimal interval of 1s. To adopt this use case, you must declare the **ohos.permission.LOCATION** permission and obtain users' authorization.
Applicable when your application only needs the approximate user location for recommendations and push notifications in scenarios such as when the user is browsing news, shopping online, and ordering food. <br>By default, the system reports location results at a minimal interval of 1s. To adopt this use case, you must declare the **ohos.permission.LOCATION** permission and obtain users' authorization.
- NO\_POWER<br>
Applicable when your application does not proactively start the location service for a higher battery efficiency. When responding to another application requesting the same location service, the system marks a copy of the location result to your application. In this way, your application will not consume extra power for obtaining the user location. <br>By default, the system reports location results at a minimal interval of 1s. To adopt this use case, you must declare the **ohos.permission.LOCATION** permission and obtain users' authorization.
Sample code for initializing **requestInfo** for navigation:
If the predefined use cases do not meet your needs, you can also use the basic location priority policies provided by the system.
**Location priority policies**
This policy mainly uses the GNSS positioning technology. In an open area, the technology can achieve the meter-level location accuracy, depending on the hardware performance of the device. However, in a shielded environment, the location accuracy may significantly decrease.
- FIRST\_FIX<br>
This policy uses the GNSS positioning, base station positioning, WLAN positioning, and Bluetooth positioning technologies simultaneously to obtain the device location in both the indoor and outdoor scenarios. When all positioning technologies provide a location result, the system provides the most accurate location result for your application. This policy can lead to significant hardware resource consumption and power consumption.
- LOW\_POWER<br>
This policy mainly uses the base station positioning, WLAN positioning, and Bluetooth positioning technologies to obtain device location in both indoor and outdoor scenarios. The location accuracy depends on the distribution of surrounding base stations, visible WLANs, and Bluetooth devices and therefore may fluctuate greatly. This policy is recommended and can reduce power consumption when your application does not require high location accuracy or when base stations, visible WLANs, and Bluetooth devices are densely distributed.
Sample code for initializing **requestInfo** for the location accuracy priority policy:
4. Instantiate the **Callback** object for the system to report location results.
Your application needs to implement the callback defined by the system. When the system successfully obtains the real-time location of a device, it will report the location result to your application through the callback interface. Your application can implement the callback interface in such a way to complete your own service logic.
Describing a location using coordinates is accurate, but neither intuitive nor user-friendly. To address this issue, the system provides your application the geocoding and reverse geocoding capabilities:
- Geocoding: converts geographic descriptions into specific coordinates.
- Reverse geocoding: converts coordinates into geographic descriptions.
The geocoding information describes a location using several attributes, including the country, administrative region, street, house number, and address, etc.
### Available APIs
The following table lists the APIs used for mutual conversion between coordinates and geographic descriptions. For details, see [Geolocation Manager](../reference/apis/
**Table 3** APIs for geocoding and reverse geocoding conversion
| API| Description|
| -------- | -------- |
| isGeocoderAvailable(): boolean; | Obtains the (reverse) geocoding service status.|
| getAddressesFromLocation(request: ReverseGeoCodeRequest, callback: AsyncCallback<Array<GeoAddress>>): void | Converts coordinates into geographic descriptions through reverse geocoding. This API uses an asynchronous callback to return the result. |
| getAddressesFromLocation(request: ReverseGeoCodeRequest): Promise<Array<GeoAddress>> | Converts coordinates into geographic descriptions through reverse geocoding. This API uses a promise to return the result. |
| getAddressesFromLocationName(request: GeoCodeRequest, callback: AsyncCallback<Array<GeoAddress>>): void | Converts geographic descriptions into coordinates through geocoding. This API uses an asynchronous callback to return the result. |
| getAddressesFromLocationName(request: GeoCodeRequest): Promise<Array<GeoAddress>> | Converts geographic descriptions into coordinates through geocoding. This API uses a promise to return the result. |
### How to Develop
> **NOTE**
> The **GeoConvert** instance needs to access backend services to obtain information. Therefore, before performing the following steps, ensure that your device is connected to the network.
1. Import the **geoLocationManager** module by which you can implement all APIs related to the geocoding and reverse geocoding conversion capabilities.
The application can access the **GeoAddress** list that matches the specified coordinates for the corresponding geographic descriptions. For details, see [Geolocation Manager](../reference/apis/
- Call **getAddressesFromLocationName** to convert geographic descriptions into coordinates.
letgeocodeRequest={"description":"No. xx, xx Road, Pudong District, Shanghai","maxItems":1};
The application can access the **GeoAddress** list that matches the specified geographic descriptions for the corresponding coordinates. For details, see [Geolocation Manager](../reference/apis/
To improve the accuracy of location results, you can set the longitude and latitude ranges in **GeoCodeRequest**.
## Geofencing
### When to Use
A geofence is a group of virtual bounds defining an area on the map. When a user device enters or leaves a geofence, or stays in a geofence, your app on the user device can automatically receive notifications and alarms.
Currently, only circular geofences are supported, and the geofencing function of the GNSS chip is required.
A typical application of geofencing is to create a geofence around an enterprise for targeted advertising. In different areas, you can provide differentiated promotions for mobile devices.
### Available APIs
The following table lists the APIs used for geofencing. For details, see [Geolocation Manager](../reference/apis/
**Table 4** Geofencing APIs
| API| Description|
| -------- | -------- |
| on(type: 'gnssFenceStatusChange', request: GeofenceRequest, want: WantAgent): void; | Registers a listener for status change events of the specified geofence.|
| off(type: 'gnssFenceStatusChange', request: GeofenceRequest, want: WantAgent): void; | Unregisters the listener for status change events of the specified geofence.|
### How to Develop
1. Declare the **ohos.permission.APPROXIMATELY_LOCATION** permission. For details, see [Applying for Location Permissions](#applying-for-location-permissions).
2. Import the [geoLocationManager](../reference/apis/ and [wantAgent](../reference/apis/ modules.
The **AbilityContext** module, inherited from **Context**, implements the context for abilities.
This module provides APIs for accessing ability-specific resources. You can use the APIs to start and terminate an ability, obtain the caller interface, and request permissions from users by displaying a dialog box.
> **NOTE**
> - The initial APIs of this module are supported since API version 9. Newly added APIs will be marked with a superscript to indicate their earliest API version.
> - The APIs of this module can be used only in the stage model.
## Usage
Before using the **AbilityContext** module, you must define a child class that inherits from **Ability**.
Starts an ability. This API uses an asynchronous callback to return the result.
Observe the following when using this API:
- If an application running in the background needs to call this API to start an ability, it must have the **ohos.permission.START_ABILITIES_FROM_BACKGROUND** permission.
- If **visible** of the target ability is **false** in cross-application scenarios, the caller must have the **ohos.permission.START_INVISIBLE_ABILITY** permission.
- For details about the startup rules for the components in the stage model, see [Component Startup Rules (Stage Model)](../../application-models/
Starts an ability with the start options specified. This API uses an asynchronous callback to return the result.
Observe the following when using this API:
- If an application running in the background needs to call this API to start an ability, it must have the **ohos.permission.START_ABILITIES_FROM_BACKGROUND** permission.
- If **visible** of the target ability is **false** in cross-application scenarios, the caller must have the **ohos.permission.START_INVISIBLE_ABILITY** permission.
- For details about the startup rules for the components in the stage model, see [Component Startup Rules (Stage Model)](../../application-models/
Starts an ability. This API uses a promise to return the result.
Observe the following when using this API:
- If an application running in the background needs to call this API to start an ability, it must have the **ohos.permission.START_ABILITIES_FROM_BACKGROUND** permission.
- If **visible** of the target ability is **false** in cross-application scenarios, the caller must have the **ohos.permission.START_INVISIBLE_ABILITY** permission.
- For details about the startup rules for the components in the stage model, see [Component Startup Rules (Stage Model)](../../application-models/
Starts an ability. After the ability is started, you can call [terminateSelfWithResult](#abilitycontextterminateselfwithresult) to terminate the ability and return the result to the caller. If an exception occurs, for example, the ability is killed, exception information is returned to the caller. This API uses an asynchronous callback to return the result.
Observe the following when using this API:
- If an application running in the background needs to call this API to start an ability, it must have the **ohos.permission.START_ABILITIES_FROM_BACKGROUND** permission.
- If **visible** of the target ability is **false** in cross-application scenarios, the caller must have the **ohos.permission.START_INVISIBLE_ABILITY** permission.
- For details about the startup rules for the components in the stage model, see [Component Startup Rules (Stage Model)](../../application-models/
Starts an ability with the start options specified. After the ability is started, you can call [terminateSelfWithResult](#abilitycontextterminateselfwithresult) to terminate the ability and return the result to the caller. If an exception occurs, for example, the ability is killed, exception information is returned to the caller. This API uses an asynchronous callback to return the result.
Observe the following when using this API:
- If an application running in the background needs to call this API to start an ability, it must have the **ohos.permission.START_ABILITIES_FROM_BACKGROUND** permission.
- If **visible** of the target ability is **false** in cross-application scenarios, the caller must have the **ohos.permission.START_INVISIBLE_ABILITY** permission.
- For details about the startup rules for the components in the stage model, see [Component Startup Rules (Stage Model)](../../application-models/
Starts an ability. After the ability is started, you can call [terminateSelfWithResult](#abilitycontextterminateselfwithresult) to terminate the ability and return the result to the caller. If an exception occurs, for example, the ability is killed, exception information is returned to the caller. This API uses a promise to return the result.
Observe the following when using this API:
- If an application running in the background needs to call this API to start an ability, it must have the **ohos.permission.START_ABILITIES_FROM_BACKGROUND** permission.
- If **visible** of the target ability is **false** in cross-application scenarios, the caller must have the **ohos.permission.START_INVISIBLE_ABILITY** permission.
- For details about the startup rules for the components in the stage model, see [Component Startup Rules (Stage Model)](../../application-models/
Starts an ability with the account ID specified. This API uses an asynchronous callback to return the result when the ability is terminated.
Observe the following when using this API:
- If an application running in the background needs to call this API to start an ability, it must have the **ohos.permission.START_ABILITIES_FROM_BACKGROUND** permission.
- If **visible** of the target ability is **false** in cross-application scenarios, the caller must have the **ohos.permission.START_INVISIBLE_ABILITY** permission.
- For details about the startup rules for the components in the stage model, see [Component Startup Rules (Stage Model)](../../application-models/
**Required permissions**: ohos.permission.INTERACT_ACROSS_LOCAL_ACCOUNTS (required only when the account ID is not the current user)
**System API**: This is a system API and cannot be called by third-party applications.
| Name| Type| Mandatory| Description|
| -------- | -------- | -------- | -------- |
| want | [Want]( | Yes| Want information about the target ability.|
| accountId | number | Yes| ID of a system account. For details, see [getCreatedOsAccountsCount](|
| callback | AsyncCallback\<[AbilityResult](\> | Yes| Callback used to return the result.|
**Error codes**
| ID| Error Message|
| ------- | -------------------------------- |
| 401 | If the input parameter is not valid parameter. |
For details about the error codes, see [Ability Error Codes](../errorcodes/
Starts an ability with the start options and account ID specified. This API uses an asynchronous callback to return the result when the ability is terminated.
Observe the following when using this API:
- If an application running in the background needs to call this API to start an ability, it must have the **ohos.permission.START_ABILITIES_FROM_BACKGROUND** permission.
- If **visible** of the target ability is **false** in cross-application scenarios, the caller must have the **ohos.permission.START_INVISIBLE_ABILITY** permission.
- For details about the startup rules for the components in the stage model, see [Component Startup Rules (Stage Model)](../../application-models/
**Required permissions**: ohos.permission.INTERACT_ACROSS_LOCAL_ACCOUNTS (required only when the account ID is not the current user)
**System API**: This is a system API and cannot be called by third-party applications.
| Name| Type| Mandatory| Description|
| -------- | -------- | -------- | -------- |
| want | [Want]( | Yes| Want information about the target ability.|
| accountId | number | Yes| ID of a system account. For details, see [getCreatedOsAccountsCount](|
| options | [StartOptions]( | Yes| Parameters used for starting the ability.|
| callback | AsyncCallback\<void\> | Yes| Callback used to return the result.|
**Error codes**
| ID| Error Message|
| ------- | -------------------------------- |
| 401 | If the input parameter is not valid parameter. |
For details about the error codes, see [Ability Error Codes](../errorcodes/
Starts an ability with the account ID specified. This API uses a promise to return the result when the ability is terminated.
Observe the following when using this API:
- If an application running in the background needs to call this API to start an ability, it must have the **ohos.permission.START_ABILITIES_FROM_BACKGROUND** permission.
- If **visible** of the target ability is **false** in cross-application scenarios, the caller must have the **ohos.permission.START_INVISIBLE_ABILITY** permission.
- For details about the startup rules for the components in the stage model, see [Component Startup Rules (Stage Model)](../../application-models/
**Required permissions**: ohos.permission.INTERACT_ACROSS_LOCAL_ACCOUNTS (required only when the account ID is not the current user)
**System API**: This is a system API and cannot be called by third-party applications.
| Name| Type| Mandatory| Description|
| -------- | -------- | -------- | -------- |
| want | [Want]( | Yes| Want information about the target ability.|
| accountId | number | Yes| ID of a system account. For details, see [getCreatedOsAccountsCount](|
| options | [StartOptions]( | No| Parameters used for starting the ability.|
**Return value**
| Type| Description|
| -------- | -------- |
| Promise<[AbilityResult](> | Promise used to return the result.|
**Error codes**
| ID| Error Message|
| ------- | -------------------------------- |
| 401 | If the input parameter is not valid parameter. |
For details about the error codes, see [Ability Error Codes](../errorcodes/
**System API**: This is a system API and cannot be called by third-party applications.
| Name| Type| Mandatory| Description|
| -------- | -------- | -------- | -------- |
| want | [Want]( | Yes| Want information about the target ability.|
| accountId | number | Yes| ID of a system account. For details, see [getCreatedOsAccountsCount](|
| callback | AsyncCallback\<void\> | Yes| Callback used to return the result.|
**Error codes**
| ID| Error Message|
| ------- | -------------------------------- |
| 401 | If the input parameter is not valid parameter. |
For details about the error codes, see [Ability Error Codes](../errorcodes/
**System API**: This is a system API and cannot be called by third-party applications.
| Name| Type| Mandatory| Description|
| -------- | -------- | -------- | -------- |
| want | [Want]( | Yes| Want information about the target ability.|
| accountId | number | Yes| ID of a system account. For details, see [getCreatedOsAccountsCount](|
**Error codes**
| ID| Error Message|
| ------- | -------------------------------- |
| 401 | If the input parameter is not valid parameter. |
For details about the error codes, see [Ability Error Codes](../errorcodes/
**System API**: This is a system API and cannot be called by third-party applications.
| Name| Type| Mandatory| Description|
| -------- | -------- | -------- | -------- |
| want | [Want]( | Yes| Want information about the target ability.|
| accountId | number | Yes| ID of a system account. For details, see [getCreatedOsAccountsCount](|
| callback | AsyncCallback\<void\> | Yes| Callback used to return the result.|
**Error codes**
| ID| Error Message|
| ------- | -------------------------------- |
| 401 | If the input parameter is not valid parameter. |
For details about the error codes, see [Ability Error Codes](../errorcodes/
**System API**: This is a system API and cannot be called by third-party applications.
| Name| Type| Mandatory| Description|
| -------- | -------- | -------- | -------- |
| want | [Want]( | Yes| Want information about the target ability.|
| accountId | number | Yes| ID of a system account. For details, see [getCreatedOsAccountsCount](|
**Error codes**
| ID| Error Message|
| ------- | -------------------------------- |
| 401 | If the input parameter is not valid parameter. |
For details about the error codes, see [Ability Error Codes](../errorcodes/
Terminates this ability. If the ability is started by calling [startAbilityForResult](#abilitycontextstartabilityforresult), the result is returned to the caller in the form of a callback when **terminateSelfWithResult** is called. Otherwise, no result is returned to the caller when **terminateSelfWithResult** is called.
Terminates this ability. If the ability is started by calling [startAbilityForResult](#abilitycontextstartabilityforresult), the result is returned to the caller in the form of a promise when **terminateSelfWithResult** is called. Otherwise, no result is returned to the caller when **terminateSelfWithResult** is called.
**System API**: This is a system API and cannot be called by third-party applications.
| Name| Type| Mandatory| Description|
| -------- | -------- | -------- | -------- |
| want | [Want]( | Yes| Want information about the target ability.|
| accountId | number | Yes| ID of a system account. For details, see [getCreatedOsAccountsCount](|
| options | [ConnectOptions]( | Yes| Parameters for the connection.|
**Return value**
| Type| Description|
| -------- | -------- |
| number | Result code of the ability connection.|
**Error codes**
| ID| Error Message|
| ------- | -------------------------------- |
| 401 | If the input parameter is not valid parameter. |
For details about the error codes, see [Ability Error Codes](../errorcodes/
Starts an ability in the foreground or background and obtains the caller object for communicating with the ability.
Observe the following when using this API:
- If an application running in the background needs to call this API to start an ability, it must have the **ohos.permission.START_ABILITIES_FROM_BACKGROUND** permission.
- If **visible** of the target ability is **false** in cross-application scenarios, the caller must have the **ohos.permission.START_INVISIBLE_ABILITY** permission.
- The rules for using this API in the same-device and cross-device scenarios are different. For details, see [Component Startup Rules (Stage Model)](../../application-models/
**System API**: This is a system API and cannot be called by third-party applications.
| Name| Type| Mandatory| Description|
| -------- | -------- | -------- | -------- |
| want | [Want]( | Yes| Information about the ability to start, including **abilityName**, **moduleName**, **bundleName**, **deviceId** (optional), and **parameters** (optional). If **deviceId** is left blank or null, the local ability is started. If **parameters** is left blank or null, the ability is started in the background.|
**Return value**
| Type| Description|
| -------- | -------- |
| Promise<Caller> | Promise used to return the caller object to communicate with.|
Start an ability in the background.
// Start an ability in the background by not passing parameters.
Starts an ability with the account ID specified. This API uses an asynchronous callback to return the result.
Observe the following when using this API:
- If an application running in the background needs to call this API to start an ability, it must have the **ohos.permission.START_ABILITIES_FROM_BACKGROUND** permission.
- If **visible** of the target ability is **false** in cross-application scenarios, the caller must have the **ohos.permission.START_INVISIBLE_ABILITY** permission.
- For details about the startup rules for the components in the stage model, see [Component Startup Rules (Stage Model)](../../application-models/
**Required permissions**: ohos.permission.INTERACT_ACROSS_LOCAL_ACCOUNTS (required only when the account ID is not the current user)
**System API**: This is a system API and cannot be called by third-party applications.
| Name| Type| Mandatory| Description|
| -------- | -------- | -------- | -------- |
| want | [Want]( | Yes| Want information about the target ability.|
| accountId | number | Yes| ID of a system account. For details, see [getCreatedOsAccountsCount](|
| callback | AsyncCallback\<void\> | Yes| Callback used to return the result.|
**Error codes**
| ID| Error Message|
| ------- | -------------------------------- |
| 401 | If the input parameter is not valid parameter. |
For details about the error codes, see [Ability Error Codes](../errorcodes/
Starts an ability with the account ID and start options specified. This API uses an asynchronous callback to return the result.
Observe the following when using this API:
- If an application running in the background needs to call this API to start an ability, it must have the **ohos.permission.START_ABILITIES_FROM_BACKGROUND** permission.
- If **visible** of the target ability is **false** in cross-application scenarios, the caller must have the **ohos.permission.START_INVISIBLE_ABILITY** permission.
- For details about the startup rules for the components in the stage model, see [Component Startup Rules (Stage Model)](../../application-models/
**Required permissions**: ohos.permission.INTERACT_ACROSS_LOCAL_ACCOUNTS (required only when the account ID is not the current user)
**System API**: This is a system API and cannot be called by third-party applications.
| Name| Type| Mandatory| Description|
| -------- | -------- | -------- | -------- |
| want | [Want]( | Yes| Want information about the target ability.|
| accountId | number | Yes| ID of a system account. For details, see [getCreatedOsAccountsCount](|
| options | [StartOptions]( | Yes| Parameters used for starting the ability.|
| callback | AsyncCallback\<void\> | Yes| Callback used to return the result.|
**Error codes**
| ID| Error Message|
| ------- | -------------------------------- |
| 401 | If the input parameter is not valid parameter. |
For details about the error codes, see [Ability Error Codes](../errorcodes/
Starts an ability with the account ID specified. This API uses a promise to return the result.
Observe the following when using this API:
- If an application running in the background needs to call this API to start an ability, it must have the **ohos.permission.START_ABILITIES_FROM_BACKGROUND** permission.
- If **visible** of the target ability is **false** in cross-application scenarios, the caller must have the **ohos.permission.START_INVISIBLE_ABILITY** permission.
- For details about the startup rules for the components in the stage model, see [Component Startup Rules (Stage Model)](../../application-models/
**Required permissions**: ohos.permission.INTERACT_ACROSS_LOCAL_ACCOUNTS (required only when the account ID is not the current user)
**System API**: This is a system API and cannot be called by third-party applications.
| Name| Type| Mandatory| Description|
| -------- | -------- | -------- | -------- |
| want | [Want]( | Yes| Want information about the target ability.|
| accountId | number | Yes| ID of a system account. For details, see [getCreatedOsAccountsCount](|
| options | [StartOptions]( | No| Parameters used for starting the ability.|
**Error codes**
| ID| Error Message|
| ------- | -------------------------------- |
| 401 | If the input parameter is not valid parameter. |
For details about the error codes, see [Ability Error Codes](../errorcodes/
The **Ability** module manages the ability lifecycle and context, such as creating and destroying an ability, and dumping client information.
This module provides the following common ability-related functions:
-[Caller](#caller): implements sending of sequenceable data to the target ability when an ability (caller ability) invokes the target ability (callee ability).
-[Callee](#callee): implements callbacks for registration and deregistration of caller notifications.
> **NOTE**
> The initial APIs of this module are supported since API version 9. Newly added APIs will be marked with a superscript to indicate their earliest API version.
> The APIs of this module can be used only in the stage model.
| config | [Configuration]( | Yes| Callback invoked when the global configuration is updated. The global configuration indicates the configuration of the environment where the application is running and includes the language and color mode.|
Called when the system has decided to adjust the memory level. For example, this API can be used when there is not enough memory to run as many background processes as possible.
| level | [AbilityConstant.MemoryLevel]( | Yes| Memory level that indicates the memory usage status. When the specified memory level is reached, a callback will be invoked and the system will start adjustment.|
Called when the framework automatically saves the ability state in the case of an application fault. This API is used together with [appRecovery](
| reason | [AbilityConstant.StateType]( | Yes| Reason for triggering the callback to save the ability state.|
| method | string | Yes| Notification message string negotiated between the two abilities. The message is used to instruct the callee to register a function to receive the sequenceable data.|
| data | rpc.Sequenceable | Yes| Sequenceable data. You need to customize the data.|
**Return value**
| Type| Description|
| -------- | -------- |
| Promise<void> | Promise used to return a response.|
**Error codes**
| ID| Error Message|
| ------- | -------------------------------- |
| 201 | The application does not have permission to call the interface. |
| 401 | Invalid input parameter. |
| 16200001 | Caller released. The caller has been released. |
| 16200002 | Callee invalid. The callee does not exist. |
| 16000050 | Internal Error. |
classMyMessageAble{// Custom sequenceable data structure.
| method | string | Yes| Notification message string negotiated between the two abilities. The message is used to instruct the callee to register a function to receive the sequenceable data.|
| data | rpc.Sequenceable | Yes| Sequenceable data. You need to customize the data.|
**Return value**
| Type| Description|
| -------- | -------- |
| Promise<rpc.MessageParcel> | Promise used to return the sequenceable data from the target ability.|
**Error codes**
| ID| Error Message|
| ------- | -------------------------------- |
| 201 | The application does not have permission to call the interface. |
| 401 | Invalid input parameter. |
| 16200001 | Caller released. The caller has been released. |
| 16200002 | Callee invalid. The callee does not exist. |
| method | string | Yes| Notification message string negotiated between the two abilities.|
| callback | CalleeCallBack | Yes| JS notification synchronization callback of the **rpc.MessageParcel** type. The callback must return at least one empty **rpc.Sequenceable** object. Otherwise, the function execution fails.|
**Error codes**
| ID| Error Message|
| ------- | -------------------------------- |
| 401 | Invalid input parameter. |
| 16200004 | Method registered. The method has registered. |
The **AbilityLifecycleCallback** module provides callbacks, such as **onAbilityCreate**, **onWindowStageCreate**, and **onWindowStageDestroy**, to receive lifecycle state changes in the application context. These callbacks can be used as an input parameter of [registerAbilityLifecycleCallback](
> **NOTE**
> The APIs of this module are supported since API version 9 and are deprecated in versions later than API version 9. You are advised to use []( instead. Newly added APIs will be marked with a superscript to indicate their earliest API version.
> The APIs of this module can be used only in the stage model.
The **ErrorManager** module provides APIs for registering and deregistering error observers.
> **NOTE**
> The APIs of this module are supported since API version 9 and are deprecated in versions later than API version 9. You are advised to use []( instead. Newly added APIs will be marked with a superscript to indicate their earliest API version.
OpenHarmony 3.2 Beta5 provides the following enhancements over OpenHarmony 3.2 Beta4:
**Enhanced basic capabilities for the standard system**
The startup performance of the WebView component is optimized. Configuration management and input event support capabilities are enhanced. JSON files can be imported and loaded in modular mode.
The task pool and the TS2AOT-tool of the host version are provided. The dynamic library of the HAP package can be loaded without being compressed. The compiler runtime supports shared packages in the same application.
The dynamic shared library can be installed, updated, uninstalled, packed, and unpacked. For an application that is not configured with an entry icon, a default icon is displayed on the home screen. The runtime capability of the HAR shared package can be verified.
The local database is changed for widgets. Protection against frequent restart is provided for applications. The ServiceExtensionAbility component supports the asynchronous **onConnected** lifecycle.
Binding and authentication between local accounts and domain accounts are supported. A basic framework is provided for domain account management services. Direct creation of local users is forbidden.
The capabilities for controlling power indicators and lights are provided.
The HDI driver display layer supports horizontal mirroring and vertical mirroring.
**Enhanced application development framework for the standard system**
The process of compiling the shared package is added to the toolchain.
ArkUI supports obtaining of resources by resource name.
The component supports multi-level menus and group menus.
The process of compiling the HAR package is added.
The HAP compilation process is adapted so that .d.ets declaration files can be identified during HAP compilation.
**Enhanced distributed capabilities for the standard system**
BLE connection parameters can be configured, and the connection process is optimized.
## Version Mapping
**Table 1** Version mapping of software and tools
| Software/Tool| Version| Remarks|
| -------- | -------- | -------- |
| OpenHarmony | 3.2 Beta5 | NA |
| Public SDK | Ohos_sdk_public (API Version 9 Beta5) | This toolkit is intended for application developers and does not contain system APIs that require system permissions. It is provided as standard in DevEco Studio.|
| (Optional) HUAWEI DevEco Studio| *To be released*| Recommended for developing OpenHarmony applications|
| (Optional) HUAWEI DevEco Device Tool| *To be released*| Recommended for developing OpenHarmony smart devices|
## Source Code Acquisition
### Prerequisites
1. Register your account with Gitee.
2. Register an SSH public key for access to Gitee.
3. Install the [git client]( and [git-lfs](, and configure user information.
4. Run the following commands to install the **repo** tool:
curl -s > /usr/local/bin/repo # If you do not have the permission, download the tool to another directory and configure it as an environment variable by running the chmod a+x /usr/local/bin/repo command.
Use the **repo** tool to download the source code over SSH. (You must have an SSH public key for access to Gitee.)
- Obtain the source code from the version branch. You can obtain the latest source code of the version branch, which includes the code that has been incorporated into the branch up until the time you run the following commands:
Use the **repo** tool to download the source code over HTTPS.
- Obtain the source code from the version branch. You can obtain the latest source code of the version branch, which includes the code that has been incorporated into the branch up until the time you run the following commands:
| RK3568 standard system solution (binary) | 3.2 Beta5 | [Download]( | [Download]( | 3.9 GB |
| Public SDK package for the standard system (macOS) | | [Download]( | [Download]( | 674.5 MB |
| Public SDK package for the standard system (macOS-M1) | | [Download](| [Download](| 634.5 MB |
| Public SDK package for the standard system (Windows\Linux) | | [Download]( | [Download]( | 1.6 GB |
## **What's New**
This version has the following updates to OpenHarmony 3.2 Beta4.
### SDK Updates
From this version, only the public SDK is released. It can also be downloaded through DevEco Studio.
To use the full SDK, you must download the source code, build the source code, and switch to the full SDK. For details, see [Guide to Building Full SDK](../application-dev/quick-start/
### Feature Updates
**Table 3** New and enhanced features
| Subsystem| Standard System| Mini and Small Systems|
| -------- | -------- | -------- |
| ArkUI | - Resources can be obtained by resource name.<br>- The component supports multi-level menus and group menus.<br>- The compilation capability is enhanced.<br>The following requirements are involved:<br>I683Z1 [New function] Adaptation to resource name–based resource retrieval<br>I68DBH [Basic capability] Providing multi-level menus and group menus<br>I68DRY [New function] Adding the HAR package compilation process<br>I68DRY [New function] Adapting to the HAP compilation process so that .d.ets declaration files can be identified during HAP compilation<br>I68DRY [New function] Adding the shared package compilation process to the toolchain| NA |
| Web subsystem| The WebView component supports the following new capabilities:<br>- Web pages can be loaded and displayed, including historical records, forward, and backward. Events can be reported during page loading. The webmessage supports the arraybuffer type. The fetch supports custom protocols.<br>- The following capabilities are added to configuration management: scroll bar and scroll position, network loading interception configuration, determining whether a page contains images, obtaining the source URL, request method, and website icon, and font management.<br>- The web context menu can obtain the selected content on the page.<br>- Interaction normalization is available for input events, and original input events are supported.<br>- Several W3C interfaces are supported.<br>The following requirements are involved:<br>I6BFPR [Function enhancement] [WebView component] Web page loading and display (supporting historical records and forward and backward list management)<br>I6BFRC [Function enhancement] [WebView component] W3C interface support (HTML-partial test cases)<br>I6BFS6 [Function enhancement] [WebView component] W3C interface support (CSS-partial test cases)<br>I6BFSK [Function enhancement] [WebView component] Web page loading and display (1. arraybuffer type support by webmessage)<br>I6BFTS [Function enhancement] [WebView component] W3C interface support (1. appmanifest)<br>I6BFUD [Function enhancement] [WebView component] Web page loading and display (1. custom protocols for fetch)<br>I6BFUM [Function enhancement] [WebView component] Status callback for web pages (1. page loading events)<br>I6BFV4 [Function enhancement] [WebView component] WebView configuration management (1. scroll bar and scroll position)<br>I6BFXF [Function enhancement] [WebView component] WebView configuration management (1. network loading interception configuration 2. Determining whether a page contains images 3. Obtaining the source URL, request method, and website icon)<br>I6BFXT [Function enhancement] [WebView component] WebView configuration management (1. font management)<br>I6BFY9 [Function enhancement] [WebView component] Input event support (1. interaction normalization)<br>I6BG4H [Function enhancement] [WebView component] Input event support (1. original input events)<br>I6BG59 [Function enhancement] [WebView component] Selecting and copying content on web pages (1. obtaining selected content from the web context menu)| NA |
| Security| - Mini system devices support authentication session cancellation.<br>- HUKS supports RSA signature enhancement.<br>The following requirements are involved:<br>I65VLX [Function enhancement] Authentication session cancellation for mini system devices<br>I611S5 [New specifications] RSA signature enhancement by HUKS| NA |
| Bundle management framework| - Implicit query is enhanced.<br>- Creation of a TS code optimization directory is supported.<br>- **bundleName** in **provision** can be verified during signature verification.<br>- A default icon is displayed on the home screen for an application for which no entry icon is configured.<br>- The following basic capabilities are added: packaging, unpacking, installing, updating, and uninstalling the dynamic shared library, and verifying the runtime capability of the HAR shared package.<br>The following requirements are involved:<br>I6BD9G [Basic capability] Enhancement to implicit query<br>I6BD9E [Basic capability] Creating a TS code optimization directory<br>I6BD99 [Basic capability] Verifying **bundleName** in **provision** during signature verification<br>I6BD8Z [Basic capability] Displaying a default icon on the home screen for an application for which no entry icon is configured<br>I6BD92 [New function] Packaging and unpacking the dynamic shared library<br>I6BD96 [New specifications] Installing, updating, and uninstalling the dynamic shared library<br>I6BD9I Verifying the runtime capability of the HAR shared package| NA |
| Building and runtime| - **taskpool**, a TS/JS task pool concurrency API, is added.<br>- The TSAOT function on the host side is supported. The TSC supports the export and import of .d.ts and .d.ets declaration files.<br>The following requirements are involved:<br>I65G6O [Basic capability] [Closed-source HAR package] Export and import of .d.ts and .d.ets declaration files<br>I64QIR [taskpool] TS/JS task pool concurrency APIs<br>I65HID [Function enhancement] TS2AOT-tool of the host version| NA |
| Pan-sensor service| The control of a single logical light is supported.<br>The following requirements are involved:<br>I63TFA [New specifications] Single logical light control| NA |
| Media| The APIs for playing and recording audio and video are reconstructed.<br>The following requirements are involved:<br>I63GTA [Reconstruction] Integration of audio and video playback APIs<br>I66VL5 [Reconstruction] Integration of audio and video recording APIs| NA |
| Startup subsystem| Symbols are hidden for the NAPI module, and the dependency on the static library module is changed to the dependency on the dynamic library module.<br>The following requirements are involved:<br>I698CV [Symbol optimization] Symbols hidden for the NAPI module; changing from the dependency on the static library module to the dependency on the dynamic library module| NA |
| Common event and notification subsystem| The local notification database is changed.<br>The following requirement is involved:<br>I67E9A [Basic capability] Local notification database switchover| NA |
| Graphics subsystem| Camera preview image is supported.<br>The following requirements are involved:<br>I6BDOH [RenderService] [New function] Camera preview image| NA |
| Location service| The network location framework is supported.<br>The following requirements are involved:<br>I5X4S9 [New feature] Network location framework| NA |
| File storage| - Unified URI processing is added for application files.<br>- Temporary authorization and unified open entry are added for user data.<br>The following requirements are involved:<br>I687C8 [New capability] Unified URI processing for application files<br>I64U8W [Basic capability] Temporary authorization and unified open entry for user data| NA |
| Ability framework| - The restart of resident processes is optimized.<br>- The widget database can be switched.<br>- The asynchronous **onConnected** lifecycle is provided.<br>The following requirements are involved:<br>I65M3F [Basic capability] ShellCommand execution control<br>I65V83 [Basic capability] ServiceExtensionAbility support for asynchronous **onConnected** lifecycle<br>I61H21 [Basic capability] Change of the local widget database<br>I63UJ5 [Ability] [ability_runtime] Exception handling in API version 8 and earlier versions<br>I6BDCW [Basic capability] Forbidden to load code in the **data** directory during application loading<br>I6BDDU [Basic capability] Default ability launch mode of the FA model: Standard<br>I6BDE2 [Basic capability] Protection against frequent restart of resident applications| NA |
### Chip and Development Board Adaptation
For details about the adaptation status, see [SIG-Devboard](
| Multimedia subsystem| [QR code scanning](| The sample app is used to scan QR code. With the app, you can select a QR code image from a folder to identify the QR code information.| ArkTS|
| ArkUI | [Home Page of the Application Market]( | This sample shows a typical home page of the application market. The page has different display effects in the small window and large window, reflecting the capability of one-time development for multi-device deployment.| ArkTS|
| File management subsystem| [File Management](| This sample demonstrates file management. It uses the [mediaLibrary](, [userFileManager]( and [fileio]( APIs to add and access media library files and files in the application sandbox.| ArkTS|
| Ability framework| [Gallery Widget]( | This sample app is a gallery widget. It demonstrates how a photo in the gallery is displayed in the widget and how the widget content is periodically updated. | ArkTS|
For more information, visit [Samples](
## Resolved Issues
**Table 5** Resolved issues
| Issue No.| Description|
| -------- | -------- |
| I5KMQX | [RK3568] The delay for switching from the **Contacts** tab to the **Call**subtab does not meet the requirement.|
| I5UFS1 | Vulnerability CVE-2022-2347 detected during the scanning of the DAS U-Boot component.|
| I5UDY5 | Linux kernel vulnerability: CVE-2022-41218.|
| I5YPMZ | Linux kernel vulnerability: CVE-2022-3344.|
## Known Issues
**Table 6** Known issues
| Issue No.| Description| Impact| To Be Resolved By|
| -------- | -------- | -------- | -------- |
| I6ATXO | [RK3568] The execution result of the OpenGL test suite contains failed items during XTS test.| The test case used to test the OpenGL interface is not adapted after other modules of the system are changed. The modules or applications that use the OpenGL interface are not affected, and the risk is controllable.| 2023-02-05|
| I6B1IC | [RK3568] [Low probability 1/10] [XTS] The ispserver thread in the /vendor/bin/ispserver process causes a cpp crash in| In the pressure test, there is a low probability that the ipserver thread causes a cpp crash. The ipserver thread can be automatically restarted, and services are not affected.| 2023-02-05|
| I6BJ9Z<br>I6BJ82 | alloc_file_pseudo memory leakage occurs.| The accept4 reference count is unbalanced, causing memory leakage on selinux_netlbl_sock_genattr, new_inode_pseudo, and inet_create. No patch is available in the upstream community yet, and the issue will be resolved once a patch is released in the upstream community.| 2023-03-30|
| I641A2<br>I64726 | The Bluetooth module has silent pairing issues. Other devices can be completely controlled through the Bluetooth keyboard and mouse after silent pairing.| This issue will be resolved in the form of a requirement in later versions.| 2023-03-30|
| I6BRTS | Invoking the **rdb::executeSql** interface may cause memory leakage.| Memory leakage occurs when the **rdb::executeSql** interface is repeatedly called during initialization. This interface is called only during application initialization, and therefore the impact of memory leakage is controllable.| 2023-02-10|
| I6AZ4T | Memory leakage exists for applications with the **\<textInput>** component.| Memory leakage occurs when the **\<textInput>** component is repeatedly called at a high frequency. The root cause is that the memory is not reclaimed during the calling of the third-party library flutter. We will first check whether the problem is caused by the open-source flutter component.| 2023-02-10|