> This component is supported since API version 4. Updates will be marked with a superscript to indicate their earliest API version.
The **\<input>** component provides an interactive interface to receive user input. It can be a radio button, check box, button, single-line text box, and more.
## Required Permissions
## Child Component
Not supported
## Attributes
In addition to the attributes in [Universal Attributes](js-components-common-attributes.md), the following attributes are supported.
## Child Components
Not supported
| Name | Type | Default Value | Mandatory | Triggered when |
| type | string | text | No | Type of the input component. Available values include **text**, **email**, **date**, **time**, **number**, **password**, **button**, **checkbox**, and **radio**.The **text**, **email**, **date**, **time**, **number**, and **password** types can be dynamically switched and modified.The **button**, **checkbox**, and **radio** types cannot be dynamically modified. Available values include:<br>-**button**: a button that can be clicked<br>-**checkbox**: a check box<br>-**radio**: a radio button that allows users to select one from multiple others with the same name<br>-**text**: a single-line text field<br>-**email**: a field used for an email address<br>-**date**: date control, including the year, month, and day, but excluding time<br>-**time**: time control, without the time zone<br>-**number**: field for entering digits<br>-**password**: password field, in which characters will be shieldedNOTE:For wearables, only **button**, **radio**, and **checkbox** types are supported. |
| checked | boolean | false | No | Whether the **\<input>** component is selected. This attribute is valid only when **type** is set to **checkbox** or **radio**. |
| name | string | - | No | Name of the input component. |
| value | string | - | No | Value of the input component. When **type** is **radio**, this attribute is mandatory and the value must be unique for radio buttons with the same name. |
| placeholder | string | - | No | Content of the hint text. This attribute is available only when the component type is set to **text**, **email**, **date**, **time**, **number**, or **password**. |
| maxlength | number | - | No | Maximum number of characters that can be entered in the input box. If no value is specified, the number of characters is not limited. |
| enterkeytype | string | default | No | Dynamic modification is not supported.Available values include:<br/>-default<br/>-next<br/>-go<br/>-done<br/>-send<br/>-Search<br/>NOTE:The soft keyboard is automatically collapsed after you click the **Enter** button, except when **next** is displayed for the button. |
| headericon | string | - | No | Icon resource path before text input. This icon does not support click events and is unavailable for **button**, **checkbox**, and **radio** types. The supported icon image formats are JPG, PNG, and SVG. |
| showcounter5+ | boolean | false | No | Whether to display the character counter for an input box. This attribute takes effect only when **maxlength** is set. |
| menuoptions5+ | Array\<[MenuOption](js-components-basic-input.md)> | - | No | Menu options displayed after users touch the **More** button. |
| autofocus6+ | boolean | false | No | Whether to automatically obtain the focus.NOTE:This attribute setting does not take effect on the application home page. You can enable a text box on the home page to automatically obtain focus, by delaying the **focus** method call (for about 100–500 ms) in **onActive**. |
| selectedstart6+ | number | -1 | No | Start position for text selection. |
| selectedend6+ | number | -1 | No | End position for text selection. |
| softkeyboardenabled6+ | boolean | true | No | Whether to display the soft keyboard during editing. |
| showpasswordicon6+ | boolean | true | No | Whether to display the icon at the end of the password text box. The setting is valid only when **type** is set to **password**. |
**Table 1** MenuOption5+
## Attributes
In addition to the [universal attributes](../arkui-js/js-components-common-attributes.md), the following attributes are supported.
| Name | Type | Default Value | Mandatory| Description |
| type | string | text<br>| No | Type of the input component. Available values include **text**, **email**, **date**, **time**, **number**, **password**, **button**, **checkbox**, and **radio**.<br>The **text**, **email**, **date**, **time**, **number**, and **password** types can be dynamically switched and modified.<br>The **button**, **checkbox**, and **radio** types cannot be dynamically modified. <br>- **button**: a button that can be clicked.<br>- **checkbox**: a check box.<br>- **radio**: a radio button that allows users to select one from multiple others with the same name.<br>- **text**: a single-line text field.<br>- **email**: a field used for an email address.<br>- **date**: date component, including the year, month, and day, but excluding time.<br>- **time**: time component, without the time zone.<br>- **number**: field for entering digits.<br>- **password**: password field, in which characters will be shielded.|
| checked | boolean | false | No | Whether the **\<input>** component is selected. This attribute is valid only when **type** is set to **checkbox** or **radio**. |
| name | string | - | No | Name of the **\<input>** component.<br>This attribute is mandatory when **type** is set to **radio**. |
| value | string | - | No | Value of the **\<input>** component. When **type** is **radio**, this attribute is mandatory and the value must be unique for radio buttons with the same name.|
| placeholder | string | - | No | Content of the hint text. This attribute is available only when the component type is set to **text**, **email**, **date**, **time**, **number**, or **password**.|
| maxlength | number | - | No | Maximum number of characters that can be entered in the input box. The empty value indicates no limit.|
| enterkeytype | string | default | No | Type of the **Enter** key on the soft keyboard. The value cannot be dynamically updated.<br>Available values include:<br>- default<br>- next<br>- go<br>- done<br>- send<br>- search<br>Except for the **next** type, clicking the Enter key hides the soft keyboard.|
| headericon | string | - | No | Icon resource path before text input. This icon does not support click events and is unavailable for **button**, **checkbox**, and **radio** types. The supported icon image formats are JPG, PNG, and SVG.|
| showcounter<sup>5+</sup> | boolean | false | No | Whether to display the character counter for an input box. This attribute takes effect only when **maxlength** is set. |
| menuoptions<sup>5+</sup> | Array<MeunOption> | - | No | Menu options displayed after users click the **More** button. |
| autofocus<sup>6+</sup> | boolean | false | No | Whether to automatically obtain focus.<br>This attribute setting does not take effect on the application home page. You can enable a text box on the home page to automatically obtain focus, by delaying the **focus** method call (for about 100–500 ms) in **onActive**.|
| selectedstart<sup>6+</sup> | number | -1 | No | Start position for text selection. |
| selectedend<sup>6+</sup> | number | -1 | No | End position for text selection. |
| softkeyboardenabled<sup>6+</sup> | boolean | true | No | Whether to display the soft keyboard during editing. |
| showpasswordicon<sup>6+</sup> | boolean | true | No | Whether to display the icon at the end of the password text box. This attribute is available only when **type** is set to **password**. |
**Table 1** MenuOption<sup>5+</sup>
| Name | Type | Description |
| ------- | ------ | ----------- |
| icon | string | Path of the icon for a menu option.|
| content | string | Text content of a menu option.|
| color | <color> | \#e6000000 | No | Font color of the single-line text box or button. |
| font-size | <length> | 16px | No | Font size of the single-line text box or button. |
| allow-scale | boolean | true | No | Whether the font size changes with the system's font size settings.<br>If the **config-changes** tag of **fontSize** is configured for abilities in the **config.json** file, the setting takes effect without application restart.|
| placeholder-color | <color> | \#99000000 | No | Color of the hint text in the single-line text box. This attribute is available when **type** is set to **text**, **email**, **date**, **time**, **number**, or **password**.|
| font-weight | number \| string | normal | No | Font weight of the single-line text box or button. For details, see **font-weight** of the [**\<text>** component](../arkui-js/js-components-basic-text.md).|
| caret-color<sup>6+</sup> | <color> | - | No | Color of the input cursor. |
| Name | Type | Default Value | Mandatory | Triggered when |
| color | \<color> | #e6000000 | No | Font color of the single-line text box or button. |
| font-size | \<length> | 16px | No | Font size of the single-line text box or button. |
| allow-scale | boolean | true | No | Whether the font size changes with the system's font size settings.NOTE:If the **config-changes** tag of **fontSize** is configured for abilities in the **config.json** file, the setting takes effect without application restart. |
| placeholder-color | \<color> | #99000000 | No | Color of the hint text in the single-line text box. This attribute is available when the component type is set to **text**, **email**, **date**, **time**, **number**, or **password**. |
| font-weight | number \| string | normal | No | Font weight of the single-line text box or button. For details, see [font-weight](js-components-basic-text.md) of the **text** component. |
| caret-color6+ | \<color> | - | No | Color of the input cursor. |
## Events
In addition to the events in [Universal Events](js-components-common-events.md), the following events are supported.
- When the input component type is set to **text**, **email**, **date**, **time**, **number**, or **password**, the following events are supported.
In addition to the [universal events](../arkui-js/js-components-common-events.md), the following events are supported.
| change | { value:inputValue } | Triggered when the content entered in the text box changes. The most recent text entered by the user is returned.NOTE:If you change the **value** attribute directly, this event will not be triggered. |
| enterkeyclick | { value:enterKey } | Triggered when the **Enter** key on a soft keyboard is pressed. The type of the **Enter** key is returned, which is of the number type. Available values are as follows:<br>-**2**: returned if **enterkeytype** is **go**.<br>-**3**: returned if **enterkeytype** is **search**.<br>-**4**: returned if **enterkeytype** is **send**.<br>-**5**: returned if **enterkeytype** is **next**.<br>-**6**: returned if **enterkeytype** is **default**, **done**, or is not set.<br/> |
| translate5+ | { value: selectedText } | Triggered when users click the translate button in the pop menu displayed after they select a text segment. The selected text content is returned. |
| share5+ | { value: selectedText } | Triggered when users click the share button in the pop menu displayed after they select a text segment. The selected text content is returned. |
| search5+ | { value: selectedText } | Triggered when users click the search button in the pop menu displayed after they select a text segment. The selected text content is returned. |
| optionselect5+ | { index:optionIndex, value: selectedText } | Triggered when users click a menu option in the pop menu displayed after they select a text segment. This event is valid only when the **menuoptions** attribute is set. The option index and selected text content are returned. |
| selectchange6+ | { start: number, end: number } | Triggered when the text selection changes. |
- When **type** is set to **text**, **email**, **date**, **time**, **number**, or **password**, the following events are supported.
| change | {<br> value: inputValue<br> } | Triggered when the content entered in the input box changes. The most recent content entered by the user is returned.<br>If you change the **value** attribute directly, this event will not be triggered.|
| enterkeyclick | {<br> value: enterKey<br> } | Triggered when the **Enter** key on the soft keyboard is clicked. The type of the **Enter** key is returned, which is of the number type. Available values are as follows:<br>- **2**: returned if **enterkeytype** is **go**.<br>- **3**: returned if **enterkeytype** is **search**.<br>- **4**: returned if **enterkeytype** is **send**.<br>- **5**: returned if **enterkeytype** is **next**.<br>- **6**: returned if **enterkeytype** is **default**, **done**, or is not set.|
| translate<sup>5+</sup> | {<br> value: selectedText<br> } | Triggered when users click the translate button in the menu displayed after they select a text segment. The selected text content is returned.|
| share<sup>5+</sup> | {<br> value: selectedText<br> } | Triggered when users click the share button in the menu displayed after they select a text segment. The selected text content is returned.|
| search<sup>5+</sup> | {<br> value: selectedText<br> } | Triggered when users click the search button in the menu displayed after they select a text segment. The selected text content is returned.|
| optionselect<sup>5+</sup> | {<br> index: optionIndex,<br> value: selectedText<br> } | Triggered when users click a menu option in the menu displayed after they select a text segment. This event is valid only when the **menuoptions** attribute is set. The option index and selected text content are returned.|
| selectchange<sup>6+</sup> | {<br>start: number,<br>end: number<br> } | Triggered when the text selection changes. |
- When the input component type is set to **checkbox** or **radio**, the following events are supported.
| focus | {focus:true\|false}: If **focus** is not passed, the default value **true** is used. | Obtains or loses the focus of a component. When the component type is set to text, email, date, time, number, or password, the input method can be displayed or collapsed. |
| showError | { error: string } | Displays the error message. This attribute is available when the component type is set to text, email, date, time, number, or password. |
| delete6+ | - | Deletes the text content based on the current cursor position when the input component type is set to **text**, **email**, **date**, **time**, **number**, or **password**. If the current input component does not have a cursor, the last character is deleted and the cursor is displayed by default. |
| focus | {<br> focus: true\|false<br> }:<br>If **focus** is not passed, the default value **true** is used.| Obtains or loses focus. When **type** is set to **text**, **email**, **date**, **time**, **number**, or password, the input method can be displayed or hidden.|
| showError | {<br> error: string <br>} | Displays the error message. This attribute is available when **type** is set to **text**, **email**, **date**, **time**, **number**, or **password**.|
| delete<sup>6+</sup> | - | Deletes the text content based on the current cursor position when **type** is set to **text**, **email**, **date**, **time**, **number**, or **password**; deletes the last character and displays the cursor if the current input component does not have a cursor.|
| src | string\|[PixelMap](../apis/js-apis-image.md#pixelmap7)\|[Resource](../../ui/ts-types.md#resource-type) | Yes | - | Image address, which can be the address of an Internet or a local image.<br/>When using resources referenced using a relative path, for example, `Image("common/test.jpg")`, the **\<Image>** component cannot be called across bundles or modules. Therefore, you are advised to use `$r` to reference image resources that need to be used globally.<br>\- The following image formats are supported: png, jpg, bmp, svg, gif.<br/>\- Base64 strings are supported. The value format is `data:image/[png\|jpeg\|bmp\|webp];base64,[base64 data]`, where `[base64 data]` is a Base64 string. <br/>\- The value can also be a path starting with `dataability://`, which is used to access the image path provided by a Data ability. |
| src | string\|[PixelMap](../apis/js-apis-image.md#pixelmap7)\|[Resource](../../ui/ts-types.md#resource-type) | Yes | - | Image address, which can be the address of an Internet or a local image.<br/>When using resources referenced using a relative path, for example, `Image("common/test.jpg")`, the **\<Image>** component cannot be called across bundles or modules. Therefore, you are advised to use `$r` to reference image resources that need to be used globally.<br>\- The following image formats are supported: png, jpg, bmp, svg, gif.<br/>\- Base64 strings are supported. The value format is `data:image/[png\|jpeg\|bmp\|webp];base64,[base64 data]`, where `[base64 data]` is a Base64 string. <br/>\- The value can also be a path starting with `dataability://`, which is used to access the image path provided by a Data ability. |
## Attributes
| Name | Type | Default Value | Description |
| -------- | -------- | -------- | -------- |
| alt | string | - | Placeholder image displayed during loading. Both local and Internal URIs are supported. |
| alt | string \|[Resource](../../ui/ts-types.md#resource-type)| - | Placeholder image displayed during loading. Both local and Internal URIs are supported. |
| objectRepeat | [ImageRepeat](ts-appendix-enums.md#imagerepeat-enums) | ImageRepeat.NoRepeat | Whether the image is repeated.<br/>**NOTE**<br/>This attribute is not applicable to SVG images. |
| interpolation | ImageInterpolation | None | Interpolation effect of the image. This attribute is valid only when the image is zoomed in.<br/>**NOTE**<br/>- This attribute is not applicable to SVG images.<br/>- This attribute is not applicable to a **PixelMap** object. |
| renderMode | ImageRenderMode | Original | Rendering mode of the image.<br/>**NOTE**<br/>This attribute is not applicable to SVG images. |
> This method is supported since API version 7. Updates will be marked with a superscript to indicate their earliest API version.
You can set the text content and response callback for an alert dialog box.
The **<AlertDialog\>** component is used to display an alert dialog box. You can set the text content and response callback for an alert dialog box as needed.
## Attributes
| Name | Type | Default Value | Description |
| Name | Type | Default Value | Description |
| -------- | -------- | -------- | -------- |
| show | options: { paramObject1\| paramObject2} | - | Defines and displays the **<AlertDialog>** component. |
| show | options: { paramObject1\| paramObject2} | - | Defines and displays the **<AlertDialog\>** component. |
- paramObject1 parameters
| Name | Type | Mandatory | Default Value | Description |
| title | string \|[Resource](../../ui/ts-types.md#resource) | | | Title of a dialog box. |
| message | string \|[Resource](../../ui/ts-types.md#resource) | | | Content of the dialog box. |
| title | string \|[Resource](../../ui/ts-types.md#resource-type) | No | - | Title of a dialog box. |
| message | string \|[Resource](../../ui/ts-types.md#resource-type) | Yes | - | Content of the dialog box. |
| autoCancel | boolean | No | true | Whether to close the dialog box when the overlay is clicked. |
| confirm | {<br/>value: string \|[Resource](../../ui/ts-types.md#resource),<br>fontColor?: Color\|number \|string \|[Resource](../../ui/ts-types.md#resource),<br/>backgroundColor?:Color \|number\|string\|[Resource](../../ui/ts-types.md#resource),<br>action: () => void<br/>} <br/> | | | Text content, text color, background color, and click callback of the confirm button. |
| confirm | {<br/>value: string \|[Resource](../../ui/ts-types.md#resource-type),<br>fontColor?: Color\| number \| string \|[Resource](../../ui/ts-types.md),<br/>backgroundColor?:Color \| number \| string \|[Resource](../../ui/ts-types.md),<br>action: () => void<br/>} <br/> | No | - | Text content, text color, background color, and click callback of the confirm button. |
| cancel | () => void | No | - | Callback invoked when the dialog box is closed after the overlay is clicked. |
| alignment | DialogAlignment | No | DialogAlignment.Default | Alignment mode of the dialog box in the vertical direction. |
| offset | {<br/>dx: Length \|[Resource](../../ui/ts-types.md#resource),<br/>dy: Length \|[Resource](../../ui/ts-types.md#resource)<br/>} | | | Offset of the dialog box relative to the alignment position. |
| alignment | [DialogAlignment](ts-methods-custom-dialog-box.md) | No | DialogAlignment.Default | Alignment mode of the dialog box in the vertical direction. |
| offset | {<br/>dx: Length \|[Resource](../../ui/ts-types.md#resource-type),<br/>dy: Length \|[Resource](../../ui/ts-types.md)<br/>} | No | - | Offset of the dialog box relative to the alignment position. |
| gridCount | number | No | - | Number of grid columns occupied by the width of the dialog box. |
- paramObject2 parameters
| Name | Type | Mandatory | Default Value | Description |
| Name | Type | Mandatory | Default Value | Description |
| title | string \|[Resource](../../ui/ts-types.md#resource) | No | - | Title of a dialog box. |
| message | string \|[Resource](../../ui/ts-types.md#resource) | Yes | - | Content of the dialog box. |
| title | string \|[Resource](../../ui/ts-types.md#resource-type) | No | - | Title of a dialog box. |
| message | string \|[Resource](../../ui/ts-types.md#resource-type) | Yes | - | Content of the dialog box. |
| autoCancel | boolean | No | true | Whether to close the dialog box when the overlay is clicked. |
| primaryButton | {<br/>value: string \|[Resource](../../ui/ts-types.md#resource),<br>fontColor?: Color\|number \|string \|[Resource](../../ui/ts-types.md#resource),<br/>backgroundColor?:Color \|number\|string\|[Resource](../../ui/ts-types.md#resource),<br>action: () => void<br/>} <br/> | | | Text content, text color, background color, and click callback of the primary button. |
| secondaryButton | {<br/>value: string \|[Resource](../../ui/ts-types.md#resource),<br>fontColor?: Color\|number \|string \|[Resource](../../ui/ts-types.md#resource),<br/>backgroundColor?:Color \|number\|string\|[Resource](../../ui/ts-types.md#resource),<br>action: () => void<br/>} <br/> | | | Text content, text color, background color, and click callback of the secondary button. |
| primaryButton | {<br/>value: string \|[Resource](../../ui/ts-types.md#resource-type),<br>fontColor?: Color \| number \| string \|[Resource](../../ui/ts-types.md),<br/>backgroundColor?:Color \| number\| string\|[Resource](../../ui/ts-types.md),<br>action: () => void<br/>} <br/> | No | - | Text content, text color, background color, and click callback of the primary button. |
| secondaryButton | {<br/>value: string \|[Resource](../../ui/ts-types.md#resource-type),<br>fontColor?: Color \| number \| string \|[Resource](../../ui/ts-types.md),<br/>backgroundColor?:Color \| number\| string\|[Resource](../../ui/ts-types.md),<br>action: () => void<br/>} <br/> | No | - | Text content, text color, background color, and click callback of the secondary button. |
| cancel | () => void | No | - | Callback invoked when the dialog box is closed after the overlay is clicked. |
| alignment | DialogAlignment | No | DialogAlignment.Default | Alignment mode of the dialog box in the vertical direction. |
| offset | {<br/>dx: Length \|[Resource](../../ui/ts-types.md#resource),<br/>dy: Length \|[Resource](../../ui/ts-types.md#resource)<br/>} | | | Offset of the dialog box relative to the alignment position. |
| alignment | [DialogAlignment](ts-methods-custom-dialog-box.md) | No | DialogAlignment.Default | Alignment mode of the dialog box in the vertical direction. |
| offset | {<br/>dx: Length \|[Resource](../../ui/ts-types.md#resource-type),<br/>dy: Length \|[Resource](../../ui/ts-types.md#resource-type)<br/>} | No | - | Offset of the dialog box relative to the alignment position. |
| gridCount | number | No | - | Number of grid columns occupied by the width of the dialog box. |
A touch event is triggered when a finger is pressed, slides, or is lifted from a component.
> **NOTE**
@@ -13,49 +14,51 @@ None
## Events
| Name | Bubbling Supported | Description |
| -------- | -------- | -------- |
| onTouch(callback: (event?: TouchEvent) => void) | Yes | Invoked when a touch action is triggered. For details about **event**, see [TouchEvent](#touchevent). |
| onTouch(callback: (event?: TouchEvent) => void) | Yes | Invoked when a touch action is triggered. For details about **event**, see [TouchEvent](#touchevent).|
## TouchEvent
- Attributes
| Name | Type | Description |
| -------- | -------- | -------- |
| type | TouchType | Type of a touch event. |
| touches | Array<[TouchObject](#touchobject)> | All finger information. |
| changedTouches | Array<[TouchObject](#touchobject)> | Finger information changed. |
| timestamp | number | Timestamp of the event. |
| target<sup>8+</sup> | [EventTarget](ts-universal-events-click.md#eventtarget8) | Target of the event. |