未验证 提交 51543a34 编写于 作者: O openharmony_ci 提交者: Gitee

!23674 翻译完成 22940+23370+22251+21736:文档描述优化

Merge pull request !23674 from ester.zhou/TR-22940
...@@ -178,9 +178,11 @@ In the preceding example, the **Index** page contains two custom components. One ...@@ -178,9 +178,11 @@ In the preceding example, the **Index** page contains two custom components. One
- When **push to next page** is clicked, the **router.pushUrl** API is called to jump to the next page. As a result, the **Index** page is hidden, and the **Index onPageHide** callback is invoked. As the called API is **router.pushUrl**, which results in the Index page being hidden, but not destroyed, only the **onPageHide** callback is invoked. After a new page is displayed, the process of initializing the lifecycle of the new page is executed. - When **push to next page** is clicked, the **router.pushUrl** API is called to jump to the next page. As a result, the **Index** page is hidden, and the **Index onPageHide** callback is invoked. As the called API is **router.pushUrl**, which results in the Index page being hidden, but not destroyed, only the **onPageHide** callback is invoked. After a new page is displayed, the process of initializing the lifecycle of the new page is executed.
- If **router.replaceUrl** is called, the **Index** page is destroyed. In this case, the execution of lifecycle callbacks changes to: Index onPageHide -> MyComponent aboutToDisappear -> Child aboutToDisappear. As aforementioned, a component is destroyed by directly removing it from the component tree. Therefore, **aboutToDisappear** of the parent component is called first, followed by **aboutToDisAppear** of the child component, and then the process of initializing the lifecycle of the new page is executed. - If **router.replaceUrl** is called, the **Index** page is destroyed. In this case, the execution of lifecycle callbacks changes to: Index onPageHide -> MyComponent aboutToDisappear -> Child aboutToDisappear. As aforementioned, a component is destroyed by directly removing it from the component tree. Therefore, **aboutToDisappear** of the parent component is called first, followed by **aboutToDisappear** of the child component, and then the process of initializing the lifecycle of the new page is executed.
- When the Back button is clicked, the **Index onBackPress** callback is invoked. When the application is minimized or switched to the background, the **Index onPageHide** callback is invoked. The application is not destroyed in these two states. Therefore, the **aboutToDisappear** callback of the component is not executed. When the application returns to the foreground, the **Index onPageShow** callback is invoked. - When the Back button is clicked, the **Index onBackPress** callback is invoked, and the current **Index** page is destroyed.
- When the application is minimized or switched to the background, the **Index onPageHide** callback is invoked. As the current **Index** page is not destroyed, **aboutToDisappear** of the component is not executed. When the application returns to the foreground, the **Index onPageShow** callback is invoked.
- When the application exits, the following callbacks are executed in order: Index onPageHide -> MyComponent aboutToDisappear -> Child aboutToDisappear. - When the application exits, the following callbacks are executed in order: Index onPageHide -> MyComponent aboutToDisappear -> Child aboutToDisappear.
...@@ -35,15 +35,15 @@ In addition to the [universal attributes](ts-universal-attributes-size.md) and [ ...@@ -35,15 +35,15 @@ In addition to the [universal attributes](ts-universal-attributes-size.md) and [
| maxLines | number | Maximum number of lines in the text.<br>Default value: **Infinity**<br>**NOTE**<br/>By default, text is automatically folded. If this attribute is specified, the text will not exceed the specified number of lines. If there is extra text, you can use **textOverflow** to specify how it is displayed.<br>Since API version 9, this API is supported in ArkTS widgets.| | maxLines | number | Maximum number of lines in the text.<br>Default value: **Infinity**<br>**NOTE**<br/>By default, text is automatically folded. If this attribute is specified, the text will not exceed the specified number of lines. If there is extra text, you can use **textOverflow** to specify how it is displayed.<br>Since API version 9, this API is supported in ArkTS widgets.|
| lineHeight | string \| number \| [Resource](ts-types.md#resource) | Text line height. If the value is less than or equal to **0**, the line height is not limited and the font size is adaptive. If the value of the number type, the unit fp is used.<br>Since API version 9, this API is supported in ArkTS widgets.| | lineHeight | string \| number \| [Resource](ts-types.md#resource) | Text line height. If the value is less than or equal to **0**, the line height is not limited and the font size is adaptive. If the value of the number type, the unit fp is used.<br>Since API version 9, this API is supported in ArkTS widgets.|
| decoration | {<br>type: [TextDecorationType](ts-appendix-enums.md#textdecorationtype),<br>color?: [ResourceColor](ts-types.md#resourcecolor)<br>} | Style and color of the text decorative line.<br>Default value: {<br>type: TextDecorationType.None,<br>color: Color.Black<br>} <br>Since API version 9, this API is supported in ArkTS widgets.| | decoration | {<br>type: [TextDecorationType](ts-appendix-enums.md#textdecorationtype),<br>color?: [ResourceColor](ts-types.md#resourcecolor)<br>} | Style and color of the text decorative line.<br>Default value: {<br>type: TextDecorationType.None,<br>color: Color.Black<br>} <br>Since API version 9, this API is supported in ArkTS widgets.|
| baselineOffset | number \| string | Baseline offset of the text. The default value is **0**.<br>Since API version 9, this API is supported in ArkTS widgets.<br>**NOTE**<br/>If this attribute is set to a percentage, the default value is used. | | baselineOffset | number \| string | Baseline offset of the text. The default value is **0**.<br>Since API version 9, this API is supported in ArkTS widgets.<br>**NOTE**<br/>If this attribute is set to a percentage, the default value is used.|
| letterSpacing | number \| string | Letter spacing.<br>Since API version 9, this API is supported in ArkTS widgets.<br>**NOTE**<br/>If this attribute is set to a percentage, the default value is used.<br> If this attribute is set to a negative value, the letters will overlap each other.| | letterSpacing | number \| string | Letter spacing.<br>Since API version 9, this API is supported in ArkTS widgets.<br>**NOTE**<br/>If this attribute is set to a percentage, the default value is used.<br> If this attribute is set to a negative value, the letters will overlap each other.|
| minFontSize | number \| string \| [Resource](ts-types.md#resource) | Minimum font size.<br>For the setting to take effect, this attribute must be used together with **maxFontSize**, **maxLines**, or layout constraint settings.<br>Since API version 9, this API is supported in ArkTS widgets. | | minFontSize | number \| string \| [Resource](ts-types.md#resource) | Minimum font size.<br>For the setting to take effect, this attribute must be used together with **maxFontSize**, **maxLines**, or layout constraint settings.<br>Since API version 9, this API is supported in ArkTS widgets. |
| maxFontSize | number \| string \| [Resource](ts-types.md#resource) | Maximum font size.<br>For the setting to take effect, this attribute must be used together with **minFontSize**, **maxLines**, or layout constraint settings.<br>Since API version 9, this API is supported in ArkTS widgets. | | maxFontSize | number \| string \| [Resource](ts-types.md#resource) | Maximum font size.<br>For the setting to take effect, this attribute must be used together with **minFontSize**, **maxLines**, or layout constraint settings.<br>Since API version 9, this API is supported in ArkTS widgets. |
| textCase | [TextCase](ts-appendix-enums.md#textcase) | Text case.<br>Default value: **TextCase.Normal**<br>Since API version 9, this API is supported in ArkTS widgets.| | textCase | [TextCase](ts-appendix-enums.md#textcase) | Text case.<br>Default value: **TextCase.Normal**<br>Since API version 9, this API is supported in ArkTS widgets.|
| copyOption<sup>9+</sup> | [CopyOptions](ts-appendix-enums.md#copyoptions9) | Whether copy and paste is allowed.<br>Default value: **CopyOptions.None**<br>This API is supported in ArkTS widgets.<br>**NOTE**<br/>When this attribute is set to **CopyOptions.InApp** or **CopyOptions.LocalDevice**, a long press on the text will display a context menu that offers the copy and select-all options. | | copyOption<sup>9+</sup> | [CopyOptions](ts-appendix-enums.md#copyoptions9) | Whether copy and paste is allowed.<br>Default value: **CopyOptions.None**<br>This API is supported in ArkTS widgets.<br>**NOTE**<br/>When this attribute is set to **CopyOptions.InApp** or **CopyOptions.LocalDevice**, a long press on the text will display a context menu that offers the copy and select-all options.|
| draggable | boolean | Drag effect of the selected text.<br>This attribute cannot be used with the [onDragStart](ts-universal-events-drag-drop.md) event.<br>It must be used together with **copyOption**. When it is set to **true** and **copyOptions** is set to **CopyOptions.InApp** or **CopyOptions.LocalDevice**, the selected text can be dragged and copied to the text box.<br>Default value: **false**<br>**NOTE**<br/>This API is supported since API version 9. | | draggable | boolean | Drag effect of the selected text.<br>This attribute cannot be used with the [onDragStart](ts-universal-events-drag-drop.md) event.<br>It must be used together with **copyOption**. When it is set to **true** and **copyOptions** is set to **CopyOptions.InApp** or **CopyOptions.LocalDevice**, the selected text can be dragged and copied to the text box.<br>Default value: **false**<br>**NOTE**<br/>This API is supported since API version 9.|
| textShadow<sup>10+</sup> | [ShadowOptions](ts-universal-attributes-image-effect.md#shadowoptions) | Text shadow.| | textShadow<sup>10+</sup> | [ShadowOptions](ts-universal-attributes-image-effect.md#shadowoptions) | Text shadow.|
| heightAdaptivePolicy<sup>10+</sup> | [TextHeightAdaptivePolicy](ts-appendix-enums.md#textheightadaptivepolicy10) | How the adaptive height is determined for the text.<br>Default value: **TextHeightAdaptivePolicy.MAX_LINES_FIRST**<br>**NOTE**<br/>When this attribute is set to **TextHeightAdaptivePolicy.MAX_LINES_FIRST**, the **maxLines** attribute takes precedence for adjusting the text height. If the **maxLines** setting results in a layout beyond the layout constraints, the text will shrink to a font size between `minFontSize` and `maxFontSize` to allow for more content to be shown.<br>When this attribute is set to **TextHeightAdaptivePolicy.MIN_FONT_SIZE_FIRST**, the **minFontSize** attribute takes precedence for adjusting the text height. If the text can fit in one line with the **minFontSize** setting, the text will enlarge to the largest possible font size between **minFontSize** and **maxFontSize**.<br>When this attribute is set to **TextHeightAdaptivePolicy.LAYOUT_CONSTRAINT_FIRST**, the layout constraints take precedence for adjusting the text height. If the resultant layout is beyond the layout constraints, the text will shrink to a font size between **minFontSize** and **maxFontSize** to respect the layout constraints. If the layout still exceeds the layout constraints after the font size is reduced to **minFontSize**, the lines that exceed the layout constraints are deleted. | | heightAdaptivePolicy<sup>10+</sup> | [TextHeightAdaptivePolicy](ts-appendix-enums.md#textheightadaptivepolicy10) | How the adaptive height is determined for the text.<br>Default value: **TextHeightAdaptivePolicy.MAX_LINES_FIRST**<br>**NOTE**<br/>When this attribute is set to **TextHeightAdaptivePolicy.MAX_LINES_FIRST**, the **maxLines** attribute takes precedence for adjusting the text height. If the **maxLines** setting results in a layout beyond the layout constraints, the text will shrink to a font size between `minFontSize` and `maxFontSize` to allow for more content to be shown.<br>When this attribute is set to **TextHeightAdaptivePolicy.MIN_FONT_SIZE_FIRST**, the **minFontSize** attribute takes precedence for adjusting the text height. If the text can fit in one line with the **minFontSize** setting, the text will enlarge to the largest possible font size between **minFontSize** and **maxFontSize**.<br>When this attribute is set to **TextHeightAdaptivePolicy.LAYOUT_CONSTRAINT_FIRST**, the layout constraints take precedence for adjusting the text height. If the resultant layout is beyond the layout constraints, the text will shrink to a font size between **minFontSize** and **maxFontSize** to respect the layout constraints. If the layout still exceeds the layout constraints after the font size is reduced to **minFontSize**, the lines that exceed the layout constraints are deleted.|
| textIndent<sup>10+</sup> | number \| string | Indentation of the first line.<br>Default value: **0**| | textIndent<sup>10+</sup> | number \| string | Indentation of the first line.<br>Default value: **0**|
| font<sup>10+</sup> | [Font](ts-types.md#font) | Text style, covering the font size, font width, Font family, and font style.| | font<sup>10+</sup> | [Font](ts-types.md#font) | Text style, covering the font size, font width, Font family, and font style.|
...@@ -61,7 +61,7 @@ The [universal events](ts-universal-events-click.md) are supported. ...@@ -61,7 +61,7 @@ The [universal events](ts-universal-events-click.md) are supported.
## Example ## Example
### Example 1 ### Example 1
Examples of using **textAlign**, **textOverflow**, **maxLines**, and **lineHeight**
```ts ```ts
// xxx.ets // xxx.ets
@Entry @Entry
...@@ -144,7 +144,7 @@ struct TextExample1 { ...@@ -144,7 +144,7 @@ struct TextExample1 {
![textExp1](figures/textExp1.png) ![textExp1](figures/textExp1.png)
### Example 2 ### Example 2
Example of using **decoration**, **baselineOffset**, **letterSpacing**, and **textCase**:
```ts ```ts
@Entry @Entry
@Component @Component
...@@ -262,6 +262,7 @@ struct TextExample { ...@@ -262,6 +262,7 @@ struct TextExample {
build() { build() {
Column({ space: 8 }) { Column({ space: 8 }) {
Text('textShadow').fontSize(9).fontColor(0xCCCCCC).margin(15).width('90%') Text('textShadow').fontSize(9).fontColor(0xCCCCCC).margin(15).width('90%')
// Set the text shadow.
Text('textShadow') Text('textShadow')
.width('80%') .width('80%')
.height(55) .height(55)
...@@ -271,6 +272,7 @@ struct TextExample { ...@@ -271,6 +272,7 @@ struct TextExample {
.textShadow({ radius: 10, color: Color.Black, offsetX: 0, offsetY: 0 }) .textShadow({ radius: 10, color: Color.Black, offsetX: 0, offsetY: 0 })
.borderWidth(1) .borderWidth(1)
Divider() Divider()
// Set how the adaptive height is determined for the text.
Text('heightAdaptivePolicy').fontSize(9).fontColor(0xCCCCCC).margin(15).width('90%') Text('heightAdaptivePolicy').fontSize(9).fontColor(0xCCCCCC).margin(15).width('90%')
Text('This is the text with the height adaptive policy set') Text('This is the text with the height adaptive policy set')
.width('80%') .width('80%')
...@@ -301,6 +303,7 @@ struct TextExample { ...@@ -301,6 +303,7 @@ struct TextExample {
.heightAdaptivePolicy(TextHeightAdaptivePolicy.LAYOUT_CONSTRAINT_FIRST) .heightAdaptivePolicy(TextHeightAdaptivePolicy.LAYOUT_CONSTRAINT_FIRST)
Divider() Divider()
Text('marquee').fontSize(9).fontColor(0xCCCCCC).margin(15).width('90%') Text('marquee').fontSize(9).fontColor(0xCCCCCC).margin(15).width('90%')
// Set the text to continuously scroll when text overflow occurs.
Text('This is the text with the text overflow set marquee') Text('This is the text with the text overflow set marquee')
.width(300) .width(300)
.borderWidth(1) .borderWidth(1)
...@@ -32,7 +32,7 @@ SideBarContainer( type?: SideBarContainerType ) ...@@ -32,7 +32,7 @@ SideBarContainer( type?: SideBarContainerType )
| Name| Description| | Name| Description|
| -------- | -------- | | -------- | -------- |
| Embed | The sidebar is embedded in the component and displayed side by side with the content area.| | Embed | The sidebar is embedded in the component and displayed side by side with the content area. This value takes effect when the screen size is greater than 600 vp. When the screen size is smaller than 600 vp, the sidebar is hidden by default. The user can bring out the sidebar in Overlay mode by clicking the control button.|
| Overlay | The sidebar is displayed overlaid on the content area.| | Overlay | The sidebar is displayed overlaid on the content area.|
| AUTO | The sidebar is displayed in Embed mode when the component size is greater than or equal to the sum of **minSideBarWidth** and **minContentWidth**<br>and in Overlay mode otherwise.<br>If **minSideBarWidth** or **minContentWidth** is not set, the default value will be used for calculation. If the calculation result is less than 600 vp, 600 vp will be used as the breakpoint value for mode switching.| | AUTO | The sidebar is displayed in Embed mode when the component size is greater than or equal to the sum of **minSideBarWidth** and **minContentWidth**<br>and in Overlay mode otherwise.<br>If **minSideBarWidth** or **minContentWidth** is not set, the default value will be used for calculation. If the calculation result is less than 600 vp, 600 vp will be used as the breakpoint value for mode switching.|
...@@ -51,7 +51,7 @@ In addition to the [universal attributes](ts-universal-attributes-size.md), the ...@@ -51,7 +51,7 @@ In addition to the [universal attributes](ts-universal-attributes-size.md), the
| autoHide<sup>9+</sup> | boolean | Whether to automatically hide the sidebar when it is dragged to be smaller than the minimum width.<br>Default value: **true**<br>**NOTE**<br>The value is subject to the **minSideBarWidth** attribute method. If it is not set in **minSideBarWidth**, the default value is used.<br>Whether the sidebar should be hidden is determined when it is being dragged. When its width is less than the minimum width, the damping effect is required to trigger hiding (a distance out of range).| | autoHide<sup>9+</sup> | boolean | Whether to automatically hide the sidebar when it is dragged to be smaller than the minimum width.<br>Default value: **true**<br>**NOTE**<br>The value is subject to the **minSideBarWidth** attribute method. If it is not set in **minSideBarWidth**, the default value is used.<br>Whether the sidebar should be hidden is determined when it is being dragged. When its width is less than the minimum width, the damping effect is required to trigger hiding (a distance out of range).|
| sideBarPosition<sup>9+</sup> | [SideBarPosition](#sidebarposition9) | Position of the sidebar.<br>Default value: **SideBarPosition.Start**| | sideBarPosition<sup>9+</sup> | [SideBarPosition](#sidebarposition9) | Position of the sidebar.<br>Default value: **SideBarPosition.Start**|
| divider<sup>10+</sup> | [DividerStyle](#dividerstyle10) \| null | Divider style.<br>- **DividerStyle** (default): The divider is displayed.<br>- **null**: The divider is not displayed.| | divider<sup>10+</sup> | [DividerStyle](#dividerstyle10) \| null | Divider style.<br>- **DividerStyle** (default): The divider is displayed.<br>- **null**: The divider is not displayed.|
| minContentWidth<sup>10+</sup> | [Dimension](ts-types.md#dimension10) | Minimum width of the content area of the sidebar container.<br>Default value: **360vp**<br>Unit: vp<br>**NOTE**<br>If this attribute is set to a value less than 0, the default value is used. If this attribute is not set, the value **0vp** is used.<br>In Embed mode, when the component size is increased, only the content area is enlarged; when the component size is decreased, the content area is shrunk until its width reaches the value defined by **minContentWidth**, and then the sidebar is shrunk until its width reaches the value defined by **minSideBarWidth**; if the component size is further decreased, while respecting the minimum width of the sidebar, the content area is further shrunk, with the content clipped, until it is 0 vp large.<br>**minContentWidth**, whether it is specified or kept at the default value, takes precedence over **minSideBarWidth** and **sideBarWidth** of the sidebar. | | minContentWidth<sup>10+</sup> | [Dimension](ts-types.md#dimension10) | Minimum width of the content area of the sidebar container.<br>Default value: **360vp**<br>Unit: vp<br>**NOTE**<br>If this attribute is set to a value less than 0, the default value is used. If this attribute is not set, the value **0vp** is used.<br>In Embed mode, when the component size is increased, only the content area is enlarged; when the component size is decreased, the content area is shrunk until its width reaches the value defined by **minContentWidth**; if the component size is further decreased, while respecting the **minContentWidth** settings, the sidebar is shrunk until its width reaches the value defined by **minSideBarWidth**; if the component size is further decreased, then:<br>- If **autoHide** is set to **false**, while respecting the **minSideBarWidth** and **minContentWidth** settings, the content area has its content clipped.<br>- If **autoHide** is set to **true**, the sidebar is hidden first, and then the content area is shrunk. After its width reaches the value defined by **minContentWidth**, the content area has its content clipped.<br>**minContentWidth**, whether it is specified or kept at the default value, takes precedence over **minSideBarWidth** and **sideBarWidth** of the sidebar.|
## ButtonStyle ## ButtonStyle
...@@ -143,6 +143,7 @@ struct SideBarContainerExample { ...@@ -143,6 +143,7 @@ struct SideBarContainerExample {
.sideBarWidth(150) .sideBarWidth(150)
.minSideBarWidth(50) .minSideBarWidth(50)
.maxSideBarWidth(300) .maxSideBarWidth(300)
.onChange((value: boolean) => { .onChange((value: boolean) => {
console.info('status:' + value) console.info('status:' + value)
}) })
...@@ -51,8 +51,10 @@ ...@@ -51,8 +51,10 @@
- [Navigation Transition](arkts-navigation-transition.md) - [Navigation Transition](arkts-navigation-transition.md)
- [Modal Transition](arkts-modal-transition.md) - [Modal Transition](arkts-modal-transition.md)
- [Shared Element Transition](arkts-shared-element-transition.md) - [Shared Element Transition](arkts-shared-element-transition.md)
- [Page Transition Animation (Not Recommended)](arkts-page-transition-animation.md)
- [Component Animation](arkts-component-animation.md) - [Component Animation](arkts-component-animation.md)
- Animation Curve - Animation Curve
- [Animation Curve Overview](arkts-curve-overview.md)
- [Traditional Curve](arkts-traditional-curve.md) - [Traditional Curve](arkts-traditional-curve.md)
- [Spring Curve](arkts-spring-curve.md) - [Spring Curve](arkts-spring-curve.md)
- [Animation Smoothing](arkts-animation-smoothing.md) - [Animation Smoothing](arkts-animation-smoothing.md)
...@@ -4,7 +4,7 @@ ...@@ -4,7 +4,7 @@
Navigation transition is a transition animation that runs during the navigation from one view to another. The animation settings of the navigation transition are pre-defined and cannot be modified. Navigation transition is a transition animation that runs during the navigation from one view to another. The animation settings of the navigation transition are pre-defined and cannot be modified.
To implement the navigation transition, you are advised to use the [\<Navigation>](../reference/arkui-ts/ts-basic-components-navigation.md) component, complete with the [\<NavRouter>](../reference/arkui-ts/ts-basic-components-navrouter.md) and [\<NavDestination>](../reference/arkui-ts/ts-basic-components-navdestination.md) components. To implement the navigation transition, you are advised to use the [\<Navigation>](arkts-navigation-navigation.md) component, complete with the [\<NavRouter>](../reference/arkui-ts/ts-basic-components-navrouter.md) and [\<NavDestination>](../reference/arkui-ts/ts-basic-components-navdestination.md) components.
Below is the complete sample code and effect. Below is the complete sample code and effect.
...@@ -12,13 +12,81 @@ Below is the complete sample code and effect. ...@@ -12,13 +12,81 @@ Below is the complete sample code and effect.
```ts ```ts
export struct MyFirstIndex {
@Consume('pathInfos') pathInfos: NavPathStack
name: string = ''
@State value: string = ''
build() {
NavDestination() {
Column() {
Text ('Navigate to target page' + this.value + ' by clicking the NavRouter area')
.textShadow({ radius: 2, offsetX: 4, offsetY: 4, color: 0x909399 })
.padding({ left: 30, right: 30 })
Button ('Back to Previous Page')
.onClick(() => {
.size({ width: '100%', height: '100%' })
}.title(this.name + ' Level-2 Page')
export struct MySecondIndex {
@Consume('pathInfos') pathInfos: NavPathStack;
name: String = '';
@State value: String = ''
build() {
NavDestination() {
Column() {
Text('Navigate to target page' + this.value +'by updating the NavPathStack object')
.textShadow({ radius: 2, offsetX: 4, offsetY: 4, color: 0x909399 })
.padding({ left: 30, right: 30 })
Button ('Back to Previous Page')
.onClick(() => {
.size({ width: '100%', height: '100%' })
}.title(this.name + 'Level-2 Page')
@Entry @Entry
@Component @Component
struct NavigationDemo { struct NavigationDemo {
private listArray: Array<number> = [0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9]; @Provide('pathInfos') pathInfos: NavPathStack = new NavPathStack()
private listArray: Array<Number> = [0, 1, 2]
// Set the title bar menu, if a title bar is involved. @Builder NavPathStack() {
@Builder NavigationMenus() {
Column() { Column() {
Text('menu') Text('menu')
.fontColor('#182431') .fontColor('#182431')
...@@ -30,40 +98,51 @@ struct NavigationDemo { ...@@ -30,40 +98,51 @@ struct NavigationDemo {
.alignItems(HorizontalAlign.Start) .alignItems(HorizontalAlign.Start)
} }
// Builder function set by the navDestination attribute method of Navigation. When the navigation stack changes, the builder function is triggered to create a new page.
@Builder myRouter(name: string, param: string) {
if(name =='Method 1 for Accessing'){
MyFirstIndex({ name: name, value: param })
if(name =='Method 2 for Accessing'){
MySecondIndex({ name: name, value: param })
build() { build() {
Stack() {
Column() { Column() {
// Define the <Navigation> component, setting the display mode and title. Navigation(this.pathInfos) {
Navigation() { TextInput({ placeholder: 'Search...' })
// An <Input> component is defined here.
TextInput({ placeholder: 'search...' })
.width('90%') .width('90%')
.height(40) .height(40)
.margin({ bottom: 10 }) .margin({ bottom: 10 })
// Define the level-1 navigation view through <List>. // Define the level-1 navigation view through <List>.
List({ space: 12, initialIndex: 0 }) { List({ space: 12, initialIndex: 0 }) {
ForEach(this.listArray, (item) => { ForEach(this.listArray, (item) => {
ListItem() { ListItem() {
// Define the navigation transition through <NavRouter> and define the navigation destination through <NavDestination>. Parameters are transferred between views through state variables or regular variables between components. // Define the target page through NavDestination. Parameters are passed between pages and components through state variables or regular variables.
// <NavRouter> must contain two child components. The first child component is the level-1 navigation view, and the second child component must be <NavDestination>, which specifies the navigation destination. // After NavRouter is clicked, the name and param parameters are passed to the builder function (myRouter) set by the navDestination method of Navigation.
NavRouter() { NavRouter({name:'Method 1 for Accessing', param:'' + item }){
// First component: Level-1 navigation view.
Row() { Row() {
Row() Row() {
Text('' + item)
.width(40) .width(40)
.height(40) .height(40)
.backgroundColor('#a8a8a8') .backgroundColor('#a8a8a8')
.margin({ right: 12 }) .margin({ right: 12 })
.borderRadius(20) .borderRadius(20)
Column() { Column() {
Text('Level-1 item') Text('Level-1 item')
.fontSize(16) .fontSize(16)
.lineHeight(21) .lineHeight(21)
.fontWeight(FontWeight.Medium) .fontWeight(FontWeight.Medium)
Text('Click to go to subitems') Text('Click to go to subpage' + item)
.fontSize(13) .fontSize(13)
.lineHeight(21) .lineHeight(21)
.fontColor('#a8a8a8') .fontColor('#a8a8a8')
...@@ -88,23 +167,7 @@ struct NavigationDemo { ...@@ -88,23 +167,7 @@ struct NavigationDemo {
.alignItems(VerticalAlign.Center) .alignItems(VerticalAlign.Center)
.padding({ left: 16, top: 12, bottom: 12 }) .padding({ left: 16, top: 12, bottom: 12 })
.height(80) .height(80)
// Second component: navigation destination
NavDestination() {
// Content of the destination view, which is generally a custom component.
Column() {
Text("Destination"+ item +" content ")
.title('Destination page') // Title of the level-2 page.
} }
} }
.width('100%') .width('100%')
...@@ -114,18 +177,24 @@ struct NavigationDemo { ...@@ -114,18 +177,24 @@ struct NavigationDemo {
.edgeEffect(EdgeEffect.Spring) .edgeEffect(EdgeEffect.Spring)
.sticky(StickyStyle.Header) .sticky(StickyStyle.Header)
.chainAnimation(false) .chainAnimation(false)
.width('100%') .width('100%')
Button ('Next Page')
.onClick(() => {
// Trigger navigation update by operating the bound NavPathStack object, and trigger the navDestination attribute method to build a new page based on pathInfos.
this.pathInfos.pushPathByName ('Method 2 for Accessing', 4)
} }
.width('100%') .width('100%')
.mode(NavigationMode.Auto) // Set the display mode of the navigation bar to Auto. .mode(NavigationMode.Auto)
.title('Navigation transition') // Set the title text. .title('Navigation transition') // Set the title text.
.titleMode(NavigationTitleMode.Full) // Set the display mode of the page title bar.
.menus(this.NavigationMenus) // Set the title bar menu.
} }
.size({ width: '100%', height: '100%' })
} }
} }
``` ```
# Page Transition Animation (Not Recommended) # Page Transition Animation (Not Recommended)
To achieve a better transition effect, you are advised to use the [\<Navigation>](arkts-navigation-navigation.md) component and [modal transition](arkts-modal-transition.md). To achieve a better transition effect, you are advised to use the [\<Navigation>](arkts-navigation-transition.md) component and [modal transition](arkts-modal-transition.md).
During page redirection, one page disappears and the other page appears. You can customize the [page transition effects](../reference/arkui-ts/ts-page-transition-animation.md) for these pages through the **pageTransition** API. Specifically, **PageTransitionEnter** defines the page entrance animation, while **PageTransitionExit** defines the page exit animation. During page redirection, one page disappears and the other page appears. You can customize the [page transition effects](../reference/arkui-ts/ts-page-transition-animation.md) for these pages through the **pageTransition** API. Specifically, **PageTransitionEnter** defines the page entrance animation, while **PageTransitionExit** defines the page exit animation.
...@@ -67,10 +67,10 @@ Assume that the page stack is in the multi-instance mode, that is, duplicate pag ...@@ -67,10 +67,10 @@ Assume that the page stack is in the multi-instance mode, that is, duplicate pag
| Route Operation | Page A Transition Effect | Page B Transition Effect | | Route Operation | Page A Transition Effect | Page B Transition Effect |
| ---------------------------- | ---------------------------------- | ---------------------------------- | | ---------------------------- | ---------------------------------- | ---------------------------------- |
| **router.pushUrl** – redirection from page A to new page B.| The page exits. The animation defined by **PageTransitionExit** is applied. In the example, the page slides out from the left of the screen. | The page enters. The animation defined by **PageTransitionEnter** is applied. In the example, the page slides in from the right of the screen.| | **router.pushUrl** – redirection from page A to new page B| The page exits. The animation defined by **PageTransitionExit** is applied. In the example, the page slides out from the left of the screen. | The page enters. The animation defined by **PageTransitionEnter** is applied. In the example, the page slides in from the right of the screen.|
| **router.back** – redirection from page B back to page A. | The page enters. The animation defined by **PageTransitionEnter** is applied. In the example, the page slides in from the left of the screen.| The page exits. The animation defined by **PageTransitionExit** is applied. In the example, the page slides out from the right of the screen. | | **router.back** – redirection from page B back to page A | The page enters. The animation defined by **PageTransitionEnter** is applied. In the example, the page slides in from the left of the screen.| The page exits. The animation defined by **PageTransitionExit** is applied. In the example, the page slides out from the right of the screen. |
| **router.pushUrl** – redirection from page B to new page A.| The page enters. The animation defined by **PageTransitionEnter** is applied. In the example, the page slides in from the left of the screen.| The page exits. The animation defined by **PageTransitionExit** is applied. In the example, the page slides out from the right of the screen. | | **router.pushUrl** – redirection from page B to new page A| The page enters. The animation defined by **PageTransitionEnter** is applied. In the example, the page slides in from the left of the screen.| The page exits. The animation defined by **PageTransitionExit** is applied. In the example, the page slides out from the right of the screen. |
| **router.back** – redirection from page A back to page B. | The page exits. The animation defined by **PageTransitionExit** is applied. In the example, the page slides out from the left of the screen. | The page enters. The animation defined by **PageTransitionEnter** is applied. In the example, the page slides in from the right of the screen.| | **router.back** – redirection from page A back to page B | The page exits. The animation defined by **PageTransitionExit** is applied. In the example, the page slides out from the left of the screen. | The page enters. The animation defined by **PageTransitionEnter** is applied. In the example, the page slides in from the right of the screen.|
If you want the page accessed by **router.pushUrl** to always slide in from the right and the page exited by **router.back** to always slide out from the right, the third and fourth cases in the preceding table do not meet the requirements. In this case, you need to define four page transition effects. If you want the page accessed by **router.pushUrl** to always slide in from the right and the page exited by **router.back** to always slide out from the right, the third and fourth cases in the preceding table do not meet the requirements. In this case, you need to define four page transition effects.
...@@ -125,10 +125,10 @@ The preceding code defines page transition effects for all possibles scenarios. ...@@ -125,10 +125,10 @@ The preceding code defines page transition effects for all possibles scenarios.
| Route Operation | Page A Transition Effect | Page B Transition Effect | | Route Operation | Page A Transition Effect | Page B Transition Effect |
| ---------------------------- | ---------------------------------------- | ---------------------------------------- | | ---------------------------- | ---------------------------------------- | ---------------------------------------- |
| **router.pushUrl** – redirection from page A to new page B| The page exits. The transition style of **PageTransitionExit** whose **type** is **RouteType.Push** takes effect. The page slides out from the left of the screen.| The page enters. The transition style of **PageTransitionEnter** whose **type** is **RouteType.Push** takes effect. The page slides in from the right of the screen.| | **router.pushUrl** – redirection from page A to new page B.| The page exits. The transition style of **PageTransitionExit** whose **type** is **RouteType.Push** takes effect. The page slides out from the left of the screen.| The page enters. The transition style of **PageTransitionEnter** whose **type** is **RouteType.Push** takes effect. The page slides in from the right of the screen.|
| **router.back** – redirection from page B back to page A | The page enters. The transition style of **PageTransitionEnter** whose **type** is **RouteType.Pop** takes effect. The page slides in from the left of the screen.| The page exits. The transition style of **PageTransitionExit** whose **type** is **RouteType.Pop** takes effect. The page slides out from the right of the screen.| | **router.back** – redirection from page B back to page A. | The page enters. The transition style of **PageTransitionEnter** whose **type** is **RouteType.Pop** takes effect. The page slides in from the left of the screen.| The page exits. The transition style of **PageTransitionExit** whose **type** is **RouteType.Pop** takes effect. The page slides out from the right of the screen.|
| **router.pushUrl** – redirection from page B to new page A| The page enters. The transition style of **PageTransitionEnter** whose **type** is **RouteType.Push** takes effect. The page slides in from the right of the screen.| The page exits. The transition style of **PageTransitionExit** whose **type** is **RouteType.Push** takes effect. The page slides out from the left of the screen.| | **router.pushUrl** – redirection from page B to new page A.| The page enters. The transition style of **PageTransitionEnter** whose **type** is **RouteType.Push** takes effect. The page slides in from the right of the screen.| The page exits. The transition style of **PageTransitionExit** whose **type** is **RouteType.Push** takes effect. The page slides out from the left of the screen.|
| **router.back** – redirection from page A back to page B | The page exits. The transition style of **PageTransitionExit** whose **type** is **RouteType.Pop** takes effect. The page slides out from the right of the screen.| The page enters. The transition style of **PageTransitionEnter** whose **type** is **RouteType.Pop** takes effect. The page slides in from the left of the screen.| | **router.back** – redirection from page A back to page B. | The page exits. The transition style of **PageTransitionExit** whose **type** is **RouteType.Pop** takes effect. The page slides out from the right of the screen.| The page enters. The transition style of **PageTransitionEnter** whose **type** is **RouteType.Pop** takes effect. The page slides in from the left of the screen.|
>**NOTE** >**NOTE**
# Transition Animation Overview # Transition Animation Overview
Compared with [attribute animations](arkts-attribute-animation-overview.md), which work for components that are always present, transition animations are applied to animate the appearing or disappearing components. With transition animations, you are freed from the burdensome tasks of disappearing component management, which are unavoidable if you used attribute animations instead: deleting the component in the callback invoked when the animation is complete; checking the component status in the callback, in case that the component that has been deleted appears again before the animation ends. Compared with [property animations](arkts-attribute-animation-overview.md), which work for components that are always present, transition animations are applied to animate the appearing or disappearing components. With transition animations, you are freed from the burdensome tasks of disappearing component management, which are unavoidable if you use property animations instead. With property animations, in addition to deleting the component in the animation completion callback, you would also need to add logic to check the component status in the callback, in case that the component that has been deleted appears again before the animation ends.
Transition animations are classified into basic transition animations and advanced template-based transition animations. They come in any of the following types: Transition animations are classified into basic transition animations and advanced, template-based transition animations. They come in any of the following types:
- [Enter/Exit transition](arkts-enter-exit-transition.md): used on appearing and disappearing components. It is a basic type of transition. - [Enter/Exit transition](arkts-enter-exit-transition.md): used on appearing and disappearing components. It is a basic type of transition.
...@@ -14,3 +14,6 @@ Transition animations are classified into basic transition animations and advanc ...@@ -14,3 +14,6 @@ Transition animations are classified into basic transition animations and advanc
- [Modal transition](arkts-modal-transition.md): achieved by a modal – a view that appears on top of the current view while the current view remains. The dialog box is a typical type of modal. - [Modal transition](arkts-modal-transition.md): achieved by a modal – a view that appears on top of the current view while the current view remains. The dialog box is a typical type of modal.
- [Shared element transition](arkts-shared-element-transition.md): achieved by animating the size and position between styles of the same or similar elements during page switching. - [Shared element transition](arkts-shared-element-transition.md): achieved by animating the size and position between styles of the same or similar elements during page switching.
- [Page transition animation (not recommended)](arkts-page-transition-animation.md): achieved by customizing the page transition effects through the **pageTransition** API. To achieve a better transition effect, you are advised to use the [\<Navigation>](arkts-navigation-transition.md) component and [modal transition](arkts-modal-transition.md).
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