未验证 提交 4f16ba75 编写于 作者: O openharmony_ci 提交者: Gitee

!3617 修复链接【不需要翻译】

Merge pull request !3617 from duangavin123/OpenHarmony-3.1-Release
# Use Case<a name="EN-US_TOPIC_0000001055686082"></a>
- For details about the development board, compilation, burning, and image running, see [Hi3518 Development Board](../quick-start/quickstart-lite-introduction-hi3518.md#section14815247616). A compilation result file of sample code is stored in **out/ipcamera\_hi3518ev300/dev\_tools/bin/camera\_sample**. You can copy the file to a TF card, or modify the compilation script of **camera\_sample** to copy the result to **rootfs.img**.
- A Hi318 compilation result file of sample code is stored in **out/ipcamera\_hi3518ev300/dev\_tools/bin/camera\_sample**. You can copy the file to a TF card, or modify the compilation script of **camera\_sample** to copy the result to **rootfs.img**.
Modify **output\_dir** in **applications/sample/camera/media/BUILD.gn**.
......@@ -97,7 +97,7 @@ Based on the Hi3861 platform, the OpenHarmony WLAN module provides abundant peri
## Verification<a name="section1949121910344"></a>
For details about the compilation and burning processes, see [Building Source Code](../quick-start/quickstart-lite-steps-hi3861-connection.md#section191121332125319) and [Burning Images](../quick-start/quickstart-lite-steps-hi3861-connection.md#section3288165814218) in the _Getting Started with Hi3861_.
For details about the compilation and burning processes, see [Building Source Code](../quick-start/quickstart-ide-lite-steps-hi3861-building.md) and [Burning Images](../quick-start/quickstart-ide-lite-steps-hi3861-burn.md) in the _Getting Started with Hi3861_.
After the preceding two steps are complete, press the **RST** button to reset the module. If the LED blinks periodically as expected, the verification is passed.
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