未验证 提交 40c8f755 编写于 作者: O openharmony_ci 提交者: Gitee

!22877 新增包管理同步接口文档

Merge pull request !22877 from junyi233/master
......@@ -1590,6 +1590,52 @@ try {
### bundleManager.getBundleNameByUidSync<sup>10+</sup>
getBundleNameByUidSync(uid: number): string;
**系统接口:** 此接口为系统接口。
**需要权限:** ohos.permission.GET_BUNDLE_INFO_PRIVILEGED or ohos.permission.GET_BUNDLE_INFO
**系统能力:** SystemCapability.BundleManager.BundleFramework.Core
| 参数名 | 类型 | 必填 | 说明 |
| ---- | ------ | ---- | ------------------ |
| uid | number | 是 | 表示应用程序的UID。 |
| 类型 | 说明 |
| ---------------- | --------------------------- |
| string | 返回获取到的bundleName。 |
| 错误码ID | 错误信息 |
| -------- | ---------------------|
| 17700021 | The uid is not found. |
import bundleManager from '@ohos.bundle.bundleManager';
import hilog from '@ohos.hilog';
let uid = 20010005;
try {
let data = bundleManager.getBundleNameByUidSync(uid);
hilog.info(0x0000, 'testTag', 'getBundleNameByUidSync successfully. Data: %{public}s', JSON.stringify(data));
} catch (err) {
hilog.error(0x0000, 'testTag', 'getBundleNameByUidSync failed. Cause: %{public}s', err.message);
### bundleManager.getBundleArchiveInfo
getBundleArchiveInfo(hapFilePath: string, bundleFlags: [number](#bundleflag), callback: AsyncCallback\<[BundleInfo](js-apis-bundleManager-bundleInfo.md)>): void;
......@@ -1691,6 +1737,55 @@ try {
### bundleManager.getBundleArchiveInfoSync<sup>10+</sup>
getBundleArchiveInfoSync(hapFilePath: string, bundleFlags: number): BundleInfo;
**系统接口:** 此接口为系统接口。
**需要权限:** ohos.permission.GET_BUNDLE_INFO_PRIVILEGED
**系统能力:** SystemCapability.BundleManager.BundleFramework.Core
| 参数名 | 类型 | 必填 | 说明 |
| ----------- | ------ | ---- | ------------------------------------------------------------ |
| hapFilePath | string | 是 | 表示存储HAP的路径,路径应该是当前应用程序数据目录的相对路径。 |
| bundleFlags | [number](#bundleflag) | 是 | 表示用于指定要返回的BundleInfo对象中包含的信息的标志。 |
| 类型 | 说明 |
| ----------------------------------------------------------- | --------------------------- |
| [BundleInfo](js-apis-bundleManager-bundleInfo.md) | 返回BundleInfo对象。 |
| 错误码ID | 错误信息 |
| -------- | -------------------------- |
| 17700022 | The hapFilePath is invalid. |
import bundleManager from '@ohos.bundle.bundleManager';
import hilog from '@ohos.hilog';
let hapFilePath = "/data/xxx/test.hap";
let bundleFlags = bundleManager.BundleFlag.GET_BUNDLE_INFO_DEFAULT;
try {
let data = bundleManager.getBundleArchiveInfoSync(hapFilePath, bundleFlags)
hilog.info(0x0000, 'testTag', 'getBundleArchiveInfoSync successfully. Data: %{public}s', JSON.stringify(data));
} catch (err) {
hilog.error(0x0000, 'testTag', 'getBundleArchiveInfoSync failed. Cause: %{public}s', err.message);
### bundleManager.cleanBundleCacheFiles
cleanBundleCacheFiles(bundleName: string, callback: AsyncCallback\<void>): void;
......@@ -2780,6 +2875,70 @@ try {
### bundleManager.getProfileByAbilitySync<sup>10+</sup>
getProfileByAbilitySync(moduleName: string, abilityName: string, metadataName?: string): Array\<string\>;
**系统能力:** SystemCapability.BundleManager.BundleFramework.Core
| 参数名 | 类型 | 必填 | 说明 |
| ------------ | ------ | ---- | -------------------------- |
| moduleName | string | 是 | 表示应用程序的moduleName。 |
| abilityName | string | 是 | 表示应用程序的abilityName。 |
| metadataName | string | 否 | 表示应用程序的metadataName,默认值为空。 |
| 类型 | 说明 |
| ----------------------- | ------------------------------- |
| Array\<string> | 数组对象,返回Array\<string>。 |
| 错误码ID | 错误信息 |
| -------- | ------------------------------------------------------------ |
| 17700002 | The specified moduleName is not existed. |
| 17700003 | The specified abilityName is not existed. |
| 17700024 | Failed to get the profile because there is no profile in the HAP. |
| 17700026 | The specified bundle is disabled. |
| 17700029 | The specified ability is disabled. |
import bundleManager from '@ohos.bundle.bundleManager';
import hilog from '@ohos.hilog';
let moduleName = 'entry';
let abilityName = 'EntryAbility';
try {
let data = bundleManager.getProfileByAbilitySync(moduleName, abilityName);
hilog.info(0x0000, 'testTag', 'getProfileByAbilitySync successfully. Data: %{public}s', JSON.stringify(data));
} catch (err) {
hilog.error(0x0000, 'testTag', 'getProfileByAbilitySync failed. Cause: %{public}s', err.message);
import bundleManager from '@ohos.bundle.bundleManager';
import hilog from '@ohos.hilog';
let moduleName: string = 'entry';
let abilityName: string = 'EntryAbility';
let metadataName: string = 'com.example.myapplication.metadata';
try {
let data = bundleManager.getProfileByAbilitySync(moduleName, abilityName, metadataName);
hilog.info(0x0000, 'testTag', 'getProfileByAbilitySync successfully. Data: %{public}s', JSON.stringify(data));
} catch (err) {
hilog.error(0x0000, 'testTag', 'getProfileByAbilitySync failed. Cause: %{public}s', err.message);
### bundleManager.getProfileByExtensionAbility
getProfileByExtensionAbility(moduleName: string, extensionAbilityName: string, metadataName: string, callback: AsyncCallback\<Array\<string\>\>): void;
......@@ -2893,6 +3052,63 @@ try {
### bundleManager.getProfileByExtensionAbilitySync<sup>10+</sup>
getProfileByExtensionAbilitySync(moduleName: string, extensionAbilityName: string, metadataName?: string): Array\<string\>;
**系统能力:** SystemCapability.BundleManager.BundleFramework.Core
| 参数名 | 类型 | 必填 | 说明 |
| -------------------- | ------ | ---- | ---------------------------------- |
| moduleName | string | 是 | 表示应用程序的moduleName。 |
| extensionAbilityName | string | 是 | 表示应用程序的extensionAbilityName。 |
| metadataName | string | 否 | 表示应用程序的metadataName,默认值为空。 |
| 类型 | 说明 |
| ----------------------- | ----------------------------------- |
| Array\<string> | 返回Array\<string>对象。 |
| 错误码ID | 错误信息 |
| -------- | ------------------------------------------------------------ |
| 17700002 | The specified moduleName is not existed. |
| 17700003 | The specified extensionAbilityName not existed. |
| 17700024 | Failed to get the profile because there is no profile in the HAP. |
| 17700026 | The specified bundle is disabled. |
import bundleManager from '@ohos.bundle.bundleManager';
import hilog from '@ohos.hilog';
let moduleName = 'entry';
let extensionAbilityName = 'com.example.myapplication.extension';
let metadataName = 'com.example.myapplication.metadata';
try {
let data = bundleManager.getProfileByExtensionAbilitySync(moduleName, extensionAbilityName);
hilog.info(0x0000, 'testTag', 'getProfileByExtensionAbilitySync successfully. Data: %{public}s', JSON.stringify(data));
} catch (err) {
hilog.error(0x0000, 'testTag', 'getProfileByExtensionAbilitySync failed. Cause: %{public}s', err.message);
try {
let data = bundleManager.getProfileByExtensionAbilitySync(moduleName, extensionAbilityName, metadataName);
hilog.info(0x0000, 'testTag', 'getProfileByExtensionAbilitySync successfully. Data: %{public}s', JSON.stringify(data));
} catch (err) {
hilog.error(0x0000, 'testTag', 'getProfileByExtensionAbilitySync failed. Cause: %{public}s', err.message);
### bundleManager.getPermissionDef
getPermissionDef(permissionName: string, callback: AsyncCallback\<[PermissionDef](js-apis-bundleManager-permissionDef.md)>): void;
......@@ -3744,6 +3960,64 @@ try {
### bundleManager.getAppProvisionInfoSync<sup>10+</sup>
getAppProvisionInfoSync(bundleName: string, userId?: number): AppProvisionInfo;
**系统接口:** 此接口为系统接口
**需要权限:** ohos.permission.GET_BUNDLE_INFO_PRIVILEGED
**系统能力:** SystemCapability.BundleManager.BundleFramework.Core
| 参数名 | 类型 | 必填 | 说明 |
| -------- | ------------------------------------------------------------ | ---- | ------------------------------------------------------------ |
| bundleName | string | 是 | 指定的bundleName。 |
| userId | number | 否 | 表示用户ID,默认值:调用方所在用户,取值范围:大于等于0,可以通过接口[getOsAccountLocalId](js-apis-osAccount.md#getosaccountlocalid9)获取当前设备上的用户ID。 |
| 类型 | 说明 |
| ------------------------------------------------------------ | ----------------------------------- |
| [AppProvisionInfo](js-apis-bundleManager-AppProvisionInfo.md) | AppProvisionInfo对象,返回应用的provision配置文件信息。 |
| 错误码ID | 错误信息 |
| -------- | -------------------------------------- |
| 17700001 | The specified bundleName is not found. |
| 17700004 | The specified user ID is not found. |
import bundleManager from '@ohos.bundle.bundleManager';
import hilog from '@ohos.hilog';
let bundleName = "com.ohos.myapplication";
let userId = 100;
try {
let data = bundleManager.getAppProvisionInfoSync(bundleName);
hilog.info(0x0000, 'testTag', 'getAppProvisionInfoSync successfully. Data: %{public}s', JSON.stringify(data));
} catch (err) {
hilog.error(0x0000, 'testTag', 'getAppProvisionInfoSync failed. Cause: %{public}s', err.message);
try {
let data = bundleManager.getAppProvisionInfoSync(bundleName, userId);
hilog.info(0x0000, 'testTag', 'getAppProvisionInfoSync successfully. Data: %{public}s', JSON.stringify(data));
} catch (err) {
hilog.error(0x0000, 'testTag', 'getAppProvisionInfoSync failed. Cause: %{public}s', err.message);
### bundleManager.getSpecifiedDistributionType<sup>10+</sup>
getSpecifiedDistributionType(bundleName: string): string;
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