| offset | number | Yes | 0 | Proportion of the distance between the color stop and the start point to the total length. The value ranges from 0 to 1. |
| color | string | Yes | '#ffffff'| Gradient color to set. |
- Example
| Name | Type | Mandatory | Default Value | Description |
| displayMode | SwiperDisplayMode | Mode in which elements are displayed along the main axis. This attribute takes effect only when **displayCount** is not set.<br>Default value: **SwiperDisplayMode.Stretch**|
| cachedCount<sup>8+</sup> | number | Number of child components to be cached.<br>Default value: **1** |
| disableSwipe<sup>8+</sup> | boolean | Whether to disable the swipe feature.<br>Default value: **false** |
| curve<sup>8+</sup> | [Curve](ts-animatorproperty.md#Curve)\| string | Animation curve. The ease-in/ease-out curve is used by default. For details about common curves, see [Curve enums](ts-animatorproperty.md#curve-enums). You can also create custom curves ([interpolation curve objects](ts-interpolation-calculation.md)) by using the API provided by the interpolation calculation module.<br>Default value: **Curve.Ease**|
| indicatorStyle<sup>8+</sup> | {<br>left?: Length,<br>top?: Length,<br>right?: Length,<br>bottom?: Length,<br>size?: Length,<br>color?: Color,<br>selectedColor?: Color<br>} | Style of the navigation dots indicator.<br>- **left**: distance between the navigation dots indicator and the left edge of the **\<Swiper>** component.<br>- **top**: distance between the navigation dots indicator and the top edge of the **\<Swiper>** component.<br>- **right**: distance between the navigation dots indicator and the right edge of the **\<Swiper>** component.<br>- **bottom**: distance between the navigation dots indicator and the bottom edge of the **\<Swiper>** component.<br>- **size**: diameter of the navigation dots indicator.<br>- **color**: color of the navigation dots indicator.<br>- **selectedColor**: color of the selected navigation dot.|
| curve<sup>8+</sup> | [Curve](ts-appendix-enums.md#curve)\| string | Animation curve. The ease-in/ease-out curve is used by default. For details about common curves, see [Curve](ts-appendix-enums.md#curve). You can also create custom curves ([interpolation curve objects](ts-interpolation-calculation.md)) by using the API provided by the interpolation calculation module.<br>Default value: **Curve.Ease**|
| indicatorStyle<sup>8+</sup> | {<br/>left?: Length,<br/>top?: Length,<br/>right?: Length,<br/>bottom?: Length,<br/>size?: Length,<br/>mask?: boolean,<br/>color?: [ResourceColor](../../ui/ts-types.md),<br/>selectedColor?: [ResourceColor](../../ui/ts-types.md)<br/>} | Style of the navigation dots indicator.<br>- **left**: distance between the navigation dots indicator and the left edge of the **\<Swiper>** component.<br>- **top**: distance between the navigation dots indicator and the top edge of the **\<Swiper>** component.<br>- **right**: distance between the navigation dots indicator and the right edge of the **\<Swiper>** component.<br>- **bottom**: distance between the navigation dots indicator and the bottom edge of the **\<Swiper>** component.<br>- **size**: diameter of the navigation dots indicator.<br>- **color**: color of the navigation dots indicator.<br>- **selectedColor**: color of the selected navigation dot.|
| displayCount<sup>8+</sup> | number\|string | Number of elements to display.<br>Default value: **1** |
| effectMode<sup>8+</sup> | EdgeEffect | Swipe effect. For details, see **EdgeEffect**.<br>Default value: **EdgeEffect.Spring**|
| effectMode<sup>8+</sup> | [EdgeEffect](ts-appendix-enums.md#edgeeffect) | Swipe effect. For details, see **EdgeEffect**.<br>Default value: **EdgeEffect.Spring**|
| saturate | number | 1.0 | Adds the saturation effect to the current component. The saturation is the ratio of the chromatic component to the achromatic component (gray) in a color. When the input value is **1**, the source image is displayed. When the input value is greater than **1**, a higher percentage of the chromatic component indicates a higher saturation. When the input value is less than **1**, a higher percentage of the achromatic component indicates a lower saturation. The unit is percentage. |
| contrast | number | 1.0 | Adds the contrast effect to the current component. The input parameter is a contrast value. If the value is **1**, the source image is displayed. If the value is greater than **1**, a larger value indicates a higher contrast and a clearer image. If the value is less than **1**, a smaller value indicates a lower contrast is. If the value is **0**, the image becomes all gray. The unit is percentage. |
| invert | number | 0 | Inverts the input image. The input parameter is an image inversion ratio. The value **1** indicates complete inversion. The value **0** indicates that the image does not change. The unit is percentage. |
| colorBlend<sup>8+</sup> | Color \| string \|[Resource](../../ui/ts-types.md) | - | Adds the color blend effect to the current component. The input parameter is the blended color. |
| colorBlend<sup>8+</sup> | Color \| string \|[Resource](../../ui/ts-types.md#resource-type) | - | Adds the color blend effect to the current component. The input parameter is the blended color. |
| sepia | number | 0 | Converts the image color to sepia. The input parameter is an image inversion ratio. The value **1** indicates the image is completely sepia. The value **0** indicates that the image does not change. The unit is percentage. |
| hueRotate | number \| string | '0deg' | Adds the hue rotation effect to the current component. The input parameter is a rotation angle. If the input value is **0deg**, the image does not change (because the default rotation angle is **0deg**). The input parameter does not have the maximum value. If the value exceeds **360deg**, the image is rotated for one more circle. In other words, the value **370deg** has the same effect as **10deg**.|
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