diff --git a/en/application-dev/reference/apis/js-apis-fileio.md b/en/application-dev/reference/apis/js-apis-fileio.md
index 82e2502f69e2bcba41e1db4bc2fc32ba748a062c..181a68d508ac6a52903f2fa33c13bc24a94cee88 100644
--- a/en/application-dev/reference/apis/js-apis-fileio.md
+++ b/en/application-dev/reference/apis/js-apis-fileio.md
@@ -3,9 +3,9 @@
 The **fileio** module provides APIs for file storage and management, including basic file management, directory management, file information statistics, and stream read and write.
 > **NOTE**
-> The initial APIs of this module are supported since API version 6. Newly added APIs will be marked with a superscript to indicate their earliest API version.
-> The APIs provided by this module are deprecated since API version 9. You are advised to use [@ohos.file.fs](./js-apis-file-fs.md).
+> - The initial APIs of this module are supported since API version 6. Newly added APIs will be marked with a superscript to indicate their earliest API version.
+> - The APIs provided by this module are deprecated since API version 9. You are advised to use [@ohos.file.fs](./js-apis-file-fs.md).
 ## Modules to Import
@@ -62,9 +62,9 @@ Obtains file information. This API uses a promise to return the result.
 **Return value**
-  | Type                          | Description        |
-  | ---------------------------- | ---------- |
-  | Promise<[Stat](#stat)> | Promise used to return the file information obtained.|
+| Type                          | Description        |
+| ---------------------------- | ---------- |
+| Promise<[Stat](#stat)> | Promise used to return the file information obtained.|
@@ -119,9 +119,9 @@ Synchronously obtains file information.
 **Return value**
-  | Type           | Description        |
-  | ------------- | ---------- |
-  | [Stat](#stat) | File information obtained.|
+| Type           | Description        |
+| ------------- | ---------- |
+| [Stat](#stat) | File information obtained.|
@@ -147,9 +147,9 @@ Opens a file directory. This API uses a promise to return the result.
 **Return value**
-  | Type                        | Description      |
-  | -------------------------- | -------- |
-  | Promise<[Dir](#dir)> | Promise used to return the **Dir** object.|
+| Type                        | Description      |
+| -------------------------- | -------- |
+| Promise<[Dir](#dir)> | Promise used to return the **Dir** object.|
@@ -205,9 +205,9 @@ Synchronously opens a directory.
 **Return value**
-  | Type         | Description      |
-  | ----------- | -------- |
-  | [Dir](#dir) | A **Dir** instance corresponding to the directory.|
+| Type         | Description      |
+| ----------- | -------- |
+| [Dir](#dir) | A **Dir** instance corresponding to the directory.|
@@ -235,9 +235,9 @@ Checks whether the current process can access a file. This API uses a promise to
 **Return value**
-  | Type                 | Description                          |
-  | ------------------- | ---------------------------- |
-  | Promise<void> | Promise that returns no value.|
+| Type                 | Description                          |
+| ------------------- | ---------------------------- |
+| Promise<void> | Promise that returns no value.|
@@ -314,15 +314,15 @@ Closes a file. This API uses a promise to return the result.
-  | Name | Type    | Mandatory  | Description          |
-  | ---- | ------ | ---- | ------------ |
-  | fd   | number | Yes   | File descriptor of the file to close.|
+| Name | Type    | Mandatory  | Description          |
+| ---- | ------ | ---- | ------------ |
+| fd   | number | Yes   | File descriptor of the file to close.|
 **Return value**
-  | Type                 | Description                          |
-  | ------------------- | ---------------------------- |
-  | Promise<void> | Promise that returns no value.|
+| Type                 | Description                          |
+| ------------------- | ---------------------------- |
+| Promise<void> | Promise that returns no value.|
@@ -347,10 +347,10 @@ Closes a file. This API uses an asynchronous callback to return the result.
-  | Name     | Type                       | Mandatory  | Description          |
-  | -------- | ------------------------- | ---- | ------------ |
-  | fd       | number                    | Yes   | File descriptor of the file to close.|
-  | callback | AsyncCallback<void> | Yes   | Callback invoked when the file is closed asynchronously.|
+| Name     | Type                       | Mandatory  | Description          |
+| -------- | ------------------------- | ---- | ------------ |
+| fd       | number                    | Yes   | File descriptor of the file to close.|
+| callback | AsyncCallback<void> | Yes   | Callback invoked when the file is closed asynchronously.|
@@ -373,9 +373,9 @@ Synchronously closes a file.
-  | Name | Type    | Mandatory  | Description          |
-  | ---- | ------ | ---- | ------------ |
-  | fd   | number | Yes   | File descriptor of the file to close.|
+| Name | Type    | Mandatory  | Description          |
+| ---- | ------ | ---- | ------------ |
+| fd   | number | Yes   | File descriptor of the file to close.|
@@ -396,17 +396,17 @@ Copies a file. This API uses a promise to return the result.
-  | Name | Type                        | Mandatory  | Description                                      |
-  | ---- | -------------------------- | ---- | ---------------------------------------- |
-  | src  | string\|number | Yes   | Path or file descriptor of the file to copy.                     |
-  | dest | string\|number | Yes   | Path or file descriptor of the new file.                         |
-  | mode | number                     | No   | Option for overwriting the file of the same name in the destination path. The default value is **0**, which is the only value supported.<br>**0**: Completely overwrite the file with the same name and truncate the part that is not overwritten.|
+| Name | Type                        | Mandatory  | Description                                      |
+| ---- | -------------------------- | ---- | ---------------------------------------- |
+| src  | string\|number | Yes   | Path or file descriptor of the file to copy.                     |
+| dest | string\|number | Yes   | Path or file descriptor of the new file.                         |
+| mode | number                     | No   | Option for overwriting the file of the same name in the destination path. The default value is **0**, which is the only value supported.<br>**0**: Completely overwrite the file with the same name and truncate the part that is not overwritten.|
 **Return value**
-  | Type                 | Description                          |
-  | ------------------- | ---------------------------- |
-  | Promise&lt;void&gt; | Promise that returns no value.|
+| Type                 | Description                          |
+| ------------------- | ---------------------------- |
+| Promise&lt;void&gt; | Promise that returns no value.|
@@ -431,12 +431,12 @@ Copies a file. This API uses an asynchronous callback to return the result.
-  | Name     | Type                        | Mandatory  | Description                                      |
-  | -------- | -------------------------- | ---- | ---------------------------------------- |
-  | src      | string\|number | Yes   | Path or file descriptor of the file to copy.                     |
-  | dest     | string\|number | Yes   | Path or file descriptor of the new file.                         |
-  | mode     | number                     | No   | Option for overwriting the file of the same name in the destination path. The default value is **0**, which is the only value supported.<br>**0**: Completely overwrite the file with the same name and truncate the part that is not overwritten.|
-  | callback | AsyncCallback&lt;void&gt;  | Yes   | Callback invoked when the file is copied asynchronously.                            |
+| Name     | Type                        | Mandatory  | Description                                      |
+| -------- | -------------------------- | ---- | ---------------------------------------- |
+| src      | string\|number | Yes   | Path or file descriptor of the file to copy.                     |
+| dest     | string\|number | Yes   | Path or file descriptor of the new file.                         |
+| mode     | number                     | No   | Option for overwriting the file of the same name in the destination path. The default value is **0**, which is the only value supported.<br>**0**: Completely overwrite the file with the same name and truncate the part that is not overwritten.|
+| callback | AsyncCallback&lt;void&gt;  | Yes   | Callback invoked when the file is copied asynchronously.                            |
@@ -459,11 +459,11 @@ Synchronously copies a file.
-  | Name | Type                        | Mandatory  | Description                                      |
-  | ---- | -------------------------- | ---- | ---------------------------------------- |
-  | src  | string\|number | Yes   | Path or file descriptor of the file to copy.                     |
-  | dest | string\|number | Yes   | Path or file descriptor of the new file.                         |
-  | mode | number                     | No   | Option for overwriting the file of the same name in the destination path. The default value is **0**, which is the only value supported.<br>**0**: Completely overwrite the file with the same name and truncate the part that is not overwritten.|
+| Name | Type                        | Mandatory  | Description                                      |
+| ---- | -------------------------- | ---- | ---------------------------------------- |
+| src  | string\|number | Yes   | Path or file descriptor of the file to copy.                     |
+| dest | string\|number | Yes   | Path or file descriptor of the new file.                         |
+| mode | number                     | No   | Option for overwriting the file of the same name in the destination path. The default value is **0**, which is the only value supported.<br>**0**: Completely overwrite the file with the same name and truncate the part that is not overwritten.|
@@ -491,9 +491,9 @@ Creates a directory. This API uses a promise to return the result.
 **Return value**
-  | Type                 | Description                          |
-  | ------------------- | ---------------------------- |
-  | Promise&lt;void&gt; | Promise that returns no value.|
+| Type                 | Description                          |
+| ------------------- | ---------------------------- |
+| Promise&lt;void&gt; | Promise that returns no value.|
@@ -574,9 +574,9 @@ Opens a file. This API uses a promise to return the result.
 **Return value**
-  | Type                   | Description         |
-  | --------------------- | ----------- |
-  | Promise&lt;number&gt; | Promise used to return the file descriptor of the file opened.|
+| Type                   | Description         |
+| --------------------- | ----------- |
+| Promise&lt;number&gt; | Promise used to return the file descriptor of the file opened.|
@@ -635,9 +635,9 @@ Synchronously opens a file.
 **Return value**
-  | Type    | Description         |
-  | ------ | ----------- |
-  | number | File descriptor of the file opened.|
+| Type    | Description         |
+| ------ | ----------- |
+| number | File descriptor of the file opened.|
@@ -674,9 +674,9 @@ Reads data from a file. This API uses a promise to return the result.
 **Return value**
-  | Type                                | Description    |
-  | ---------------------------------- | ------ |
-  | Promise&lt;[ReadOut](#readout)&gt; | Promise used to return the data read.|
+| Type                                | Description    |
+| ---------------------------------- | ------ |
+| Promise&lt;[ReadOut](#readout)&gt; | Promise used to return the data read.|
@@ -703,12 +703,12 @@ Reads data from a file. This API uses an asynchronous callback to return the res
-  | Name     | Type                                      | Mandatory  | Description                                      |
-  | -------- | ---------------------------------------- | ---- | ---------------------------------------- |
-  | fd       | number                                   | Yes   | File descriptor of the file to read.                            |
-  | buffer   | ArrayBuffer                              | Yes   | Buffer used to store the file data read.                       |
-  | options  | Object                                   | No   | The options are as follows:<br>-&nbsp;**offset** (number): position to store the data read in the buffer in reference to the start address of the buffer. The default value is **0**.<br>-&nbsp;**length** (number): length of the data to read. The default value is the buffer length minus the offset.<br>-&nbsp;**position** (number): position of the data to read in the file. By default, data is read from the current position.<br>Constraints: offset + length <= Buffer size |
-  | callback | AsyncCallback&lt;[ReadOut](#readout)&gt; | Yes   | Callback invoked when the data is read asynchronously.                            |
+| Name     | Type                                      | Mandatory  | Description                                      |
+| -------- | ---------------------------------------- | ---- | ---------------------------------------- |
+| fd       | number                                   | Yes   | File descriptor of the file to read.                            |
+| buffer   | ArrayBuffer                              | Yes   | Buffer used to store the file data read.                       |
+| options  | Object                                   | No   | The options are as follows:<br>-&nbsp;**offset** (number): position to store the data read in the buffer in reference to the start address of the buffer. The default value is **0**.<br>-&nbsp;**length** (number): length of the data to read. The default value is the buffer length minus the offset.<br>-&nbsp;**position** (number): position of the data to read in the file. By default, data is read from the current position.<br>Constraints: offset + length <= Buffer size |
+| callback | AsyncCallback&lt;[ReadOut](#readout)&gt; | Yes   | Callback invoked when the data is read asynchronously.                            |
@@ -735,17 +735,17 @@ Synchronously reads data from a file.
-  | Name    | Type         | Mandatory  | Description                                      |
-  | ------- | ----------- | ---- | ---------------------------------------- |
-  | fd      | number      | Yes   | File descriptor of the file to read.                            |
-  | buffer  | ArrayBuffer | Yes   | Buffer used to store the file data read.                       |
-  | options | Object      | No   | The options are as follows:<br>-&nbsp;**offset** (number): position to store the data read in the buffer in reference to the start address of the buffer. The default value is **0**.<br>-&nbsp;**length** (number): length of the data to read. The default value is the buffer length minus the offset.<br>-&nbsp;**position** (number): position of the data to read in the file. By default, data is read from the current position.<br>Constraints: offset + length <= Buffer size |
+| Name    | Type         | Mandatory  | Description                                      |
+| ------- | ----------- | ---- | ---------------------------------------- |
+| fd      | number      | Yes   | File descriptor of the file to read.                            |
+| buffer  | ArrayBuffer | Yes   | Buffer used to store the file data read.                       |
+| options | Object      | No   | The options are as follows:<br>-&nbsp;**offset** (number): position to store the data read in the buffer in reference to the start address of the buffer. The default value is **0**.<br>-&nbsp;**length** (number): length of the data to read. The default value is the buffer length minus the offset.<br>-&nbsp;**position** (number): position of the data to read in the file. By default, data is read from the current position.<br>Constraints: offset + length <= Buffer size |
 **Return value**
-  | Type    | Description      |
-  | ------ | -------- |
-  | number | Length of the data read.|
+| Type    | Description      |
+| ------ | -------- |
+| number | Length of the data read.|
@@ -773,9 +773,9 @@ Deletes a directory. This API uses a promise to return the result.
 **Return value**
-  | Type                 | Description                          |
-  | ------------------- | ---------------------------- |
-  | Promise&lt;void&gt; | Promise that returns no value.|
+| Type                 | Description                          |
+| ------------------- | ---------------------------- |
+| Promise&lt;void&gt; | Promise that returns no value.|
@@ -853,9 +853,9 @@ Deletes a file. This API uses a promise to return the result.
 **Return value**
-  | Type                 | Description                          |
-  | ------------------- | ---------------------------- |
-  | Promise&lt;void&gt; | Promise that returns no value.|
+| Type                 | Description                          |
+| ------------------- | ---------------------------- |
+| Promise&lt;void&gt; | Promise that returns no value.|
@@ -926,17 +926,17 @@ Writes data into a file. This API uses a promise to return the result.
-  | Name    | Type                             | Mandatory  | Description                                      |
-  | ------- | ------------------------------- | ---- | ---------------------------------------- |
-  | fd      | number                          | Yes   | File descriptor of the file to write.                            |
-  | buffer  | ArrayBuffer\|string | Yes   | Data to write. It can be a string or data from a buffer.                    |
-  | options | Object                          | No   | The options are as follows:<br>-&nbsp;**offset** (number): position of the data to write in reference to the start address of the data. The default value is **0**.<br>-&nbsp;**length** (number): length of the data to write. The default value is the buffer length minus the offset.<br>-&nbsp;**position** (number): start position to write the data in the file. By default, data is written from the current position.<br>-&nbsp;**encoding** (string): format of the string to be encoded. The default value is **utf-8**, which is the only value supported.<br>Constraints: offset + length <= Buffer size|
+| Name    | Type                             | Mandatory  | Description                                      |
+| ------- | ------------------------------- | ---- | ---------------------------------------- |
+| fd      | number                          | Yes   | File descriptor of the file to write.                            |
+| buffer  | ArrayBuffer\|string | Yes   | Data to write. It can be a string or data from a buffer.                    |
+| options | Object                          | No   | The options are as follows:<br>-&nbsp;**offset** (number): position of the data to write in reference to the start address of the data. The default value is **0**.<br>-&nbsp;**length** (number): length of the data to write. The default value is the buffer length minus the offset.<br>-&nbsp;**position** (number): start position to write the data in the file. By default, data is written from the current position.<br>-&nbsp;**encoding** (string): format of the string to be encoded. The default value is **utf-8**, which is the only value supported.<br>Constraints: offset + length <= Buffer size|
 **Return value**
-  | Type                   | Description      |
-  | --------------------- | -------- |
-  | Promise&lt;number&gt; | Promise used to return the length of the data written.|
+| Type                   | Description      |
+| --------------------- | -------- |
+| Promise&lt;number&gt; | Promise used to return the length of the data written.|
@@ -961,12 +961,12 @@ Writes data into a file. This API uses an asynchronous callback to return the re
-  | Name     | Type                             | Mandatory  | Description                                      |
-  | -------- | ------------------------------- | ---- | ---------------------------------------- |
-  | fd       | number                          | Yes   | File descriptor of the file to write.                            |
-  | buffer   | ArrayBuffer\|string | Yes   | Data to write. It can be a string or data from a buffer.                    |
-  | options  | Object                          | No   | The options are as follows:<br>-&nbsp;**offset** (number): position of the data to write in reference to the start address of the data. The default value is **0**.<br>-&nbsp;**length** (number): length of the data to write. The default value is the buffer length minus the offset.<br>-&nbsp;**position** (number): start position to write the data in the file. By default, data is written from the current position.<br>-&nbsp;**encoding** (string): format of the string to be encoded. The default value is **utf-8**, which is the only value supported.<br>Constraints: offset + length <= Buffer size|
-  | callback | AsyncCallback&lt;number&gt;     | Yes   | Callback invoked when the data is written asynchronously.                      |
+| Name     | Type                             | Mandatory  | Description                                      |
+| -------- | ------------------------------- | ---- | ---------------------------------------- |
+| fd       | number                          | Yes   | File descriptor of the file to write.                            |
+| buffer   | ArrayBuffer\|string | Yes   | Data to write. It can be a string or data from a buffer.                    |
+| options  | Object                          | No   | The options are as follows:<br>-&nbsp;**offset** (number): position of the data to write in reference to the start address of the data. The default value is **0**.<br>-&nbsp;**length** (number): length of the data to write. The default value is the buffer length minus the offset.<br>-&nbsp;**position** (number): start position to write the data in the file. By default, data is written from the current position.<br>-&nbsp;**encoding** (string): format of the string to be encoded. The default value is **utf-8**, which is the only value supported.<br>Constraints: offset + length <= Buffer size|
+| callback | AsyncCallback&lt;number&gt;     | Yes   | Callback invoked when the data is written asynchronously.                      |
@@ -991,17 +991,17 @@ Synchronously writes data into a file.
-  | Name    | Type                             | Mandatory  | Description                                      |
-  | ------- | ------------------------------- | ---- | ---------------------------------------- |
-  | fd      | number                          | Yes   | File descriptor of the file to write.                            |
-  | buffer  | ArrayBuffer\|string | Yes   | Data to write. It can be a string or data from a buffer.                    |
-  | options | Object                          | No   | The options are as follows:<br>-&nbsp;**offset** (number): position of the data to write in reference to the start address of the data. The default value is **0**.<br>-&nbsp;**length** (number): length of the data to write. The default value is the buffer length minus the offset.<br>-&nbsp;**position** (number): start position to write the data in the file. By default, data is written from the current position.<br>-&nbsp;**encoding** (string): format of the string to be encoded. The default value is **utf-8**, which is the only value supported.<br>Constraints: offset + length <= Buffer size|
+| Name    | Type                             | Mandatory  | Description                                      |
+| ------- | ------------------------------- | ---- | ---------------------------------------- |
+| fd      | number                          | Yes   | File descriptor of the file to write.                            |
+| buffer  | ArrayBuffer\|string | Yes   | Data to write. It can be a string or data from a buffer.                    |
+| options | Object                          | No   | The options are as follows:<br>-&nbsp;**offset** (number): position of the data to write in reference to the start address of the data. The default value is **0**.<br>-&nbsp;**length** (number): length of the data to write. The default value is the buffer length minus the offset.<br>-&nbsp;**position** (number): start position to write the data in the file. By default, data is written from the current position.<br>-&nbsp;**encoding** (string): format of the string to be encoded. The default value is **utf-8**, which is the only value supported.<br>Constraints: offset + length <= Buffer size|
 **Return value**
-  | Type    | Description      |
-  | ------ | -------- |
-  | number | Length of the data written in the file.|
+| Type    | Description      |
+| ------ | -------- |
+| number | Length of the data written in the file.|
@@ -1029,9 +1029,9 @@ Calculates the hash value of a file. This API uses a promise to return the resul
 **Return value**
-  | Type                   | Description                        |
-  | --------------------- | -------------------------- |
-  | Promise&lt;string&gt; | Promise used to return the hash value obtained. The hash value is a hexadecimal string consisting of digits and uppercase letters.|
+| Type                   | Description                        |
+| --------------------- | -------------------------- |
+| Promise&lt;string&gt; | Promise used to return the hash value obtained. The hash value is a hexadecimal string consisting of digits and uppercase letters.|
@@ -1090,9 +1090,9 @@ Changes file permissions. This API uses a promise to return the result.
 **Return value**
-  | Type                 | Description                          |
-  | ------------------- | ---------------------------- |
-  | Promise&lt;void&gt; | Promise that returns no value.|
+| Type                 | Description                          |
+| ------------------- | ---------------------------- |
+| Promise&lt;void&gt; | Promise that returns no value.|
@@ -1165,15 +1165,15 @@ Obtains file information based on the file descriptor. This API uses a promise t
-  | Name | Type    | Mandatory  | Description          |
-  | ---- | ------ | ---- | ------------ |
-  | fd   | number | Yes   | Descriptor of the target file.|
+| Name | Type    | Mandatory  | Description          |
+| ---- | ------ | ---- | ------------ |
+| fd   | number | Yes   | Descriptor of the target file.|
 **Return value**
-  | Type                          | Description        |
-  | ---------------------------- | ---------- |
-  | Promise&lt;[Stat](#stat)&gt; | Promise used to return the file information.|
+| Type                          | Description        |
+| ---------------------------- | ---------- |
+| Promise&lt;[Stat](#stat)&gt; | Promise used to return the file information.|
@@ -1198,10 +1198,10 @@ Obtains file information based on the file descriptor. This API uses an asynchro
-  | Name     | Type                                | Mandatory  | Description              |
-  | -------- | ---------------------------------- | ---- | ---------------- |
-  | fd       | number                             | Yes   | File descriptor of the target file.    |
-  | callback | AsyncCallback&lt;[Stat](#stat)&gt; | Yes   | Callback invoked to return the file information obtained.|
+| Name     | Type                                | Mandatory  | Description              |
+| -------- | ---------------------------------- | ---- | ---------------- |
+| fd       | number                             | Yes   | File descriptor of the target file.    |
+| callback | AsyncCallback&lt;[Stat](#stat)&gt; | Yes   | Callback invoked to return the file information obtained.|
@@ -1224,15 +1224,15 @@ Synchronously obtains file information based on the file descriptor.
-  | Name | Type    | Mandatory  | Description          |
-  | ---- | ------ | ---- | ------------ |
-  | fd   | number | Yes   | File descriptor of the target file.|
+| Name | Type    | Mandatory  | Description          |
+| ---- | ------ | ---- | ------------ |
+| fd   | number | Yes   | File descriptor of the target file.|
 **Return value**
-  | Type           | Description        |
-  | ------------- | ---------- |
-  | [Stat](#stat) | File information obtained.|
+| Type           | Description        |
+| ------------- | ---------- |
+| [Stat](#stat) | File information obtained.|
@@ -1253,16 +1253,16 @@ Truncates a file based on the file descriptor. This API uses a promise to return
-  | Name | Type    | Mandatory  | Description              |
-  | ---- | ------ | ---- | ---------------- |
-  | fd   | number | Yes   | File descriptor of the file to truncate.    |
-  | len  | number | No   | File length, in bytes, after truncation.|
+| Name | Type    | Mandatory  | Description              |
+| ---- | ------ | ---- | ---------------- |
+| fd   | number | Yes   | File descriptor of the file to truncate.    |
+| len  | number | No   | File length, in bytes, after truncation.|
 **Return value**
-  | Type                 | Description                          |
-  | ------------------- | ---------------------------- |
-  | Promise&lt;void&gt; | Promise that returns no value.|
+| Type                 | Description                          |
+| ------------------- | ---------------------------- |
+| Promise&lt;void&gt; | Promise that returns no value.|
@@ -1287,11 +1287,11 @@ Truncates a file based on the file descriptor. This API uses an asynchronous cal
-  | Name     | Type                       | Mandatory  | Description              |
-  | -------- | ------------------------- | ---- | ---------------- |
-  | fd       | number                    | Yes   | File descriptor of the file to truncate.    |
-  | len      | number                    | No   | File length, in bytes, after truncation.|
-  | callback | AsyncCallback&lt;void&gt; | Yes   | Callback that returns no value. |
+| Name     | Type                       | Mandatory  | Description              |
+| -------- | ------------------------- | ---- | ---------------- |
+| fd       | number                    | Yes   | File descriptor of the file to truncate.    |
+| len      | number                    | No   | File length, in bytes, after truncation.|
+| callback | AsyncCallback&lt;void&gt; | Yes   | Callback that returns no value. |
@@ -1315,10 +1315,10 @@ Synchronously truncates a file based on the file descriptor.
-  | Name | Type    | Mandatory  | Description              |
-  | ---- | ------ | ---- | ---------------- |
-  | fd   | number | Yes   | File descriptor of the file to truncate.    |
-  | len  | number | No   | File length, in bytes, after truncation.|
+| Name | Type    | Mandatory  | Description              |
+| ---- | ------ | ---- | ---------------- |
+| fd   | number | Yes   | File descriptor of the file to truncate.    |
+| len  | number | No   | File length, in bytes, after truncation.|
@@ -1347,9 +1347,9 @@ Truncates a file based on the file path. This API uses a promise to return the r
 **Return value**
-  | Type                 | Description                          |
-  | ------------------- | ---------------------------- |
-  | Promise&lt;void&gt; | Promise that returns no value.|
+| Type                 | Description                          |
+| ------------------- | ---------------------------- |
+| Promise&lt;void&gt; | Promise that returns no value.|
@@ -1432,9 +1432,9 @@ Reads the text content of a file. This API uses a promise to return the result.
 **Return value**
-  | Type                   | Description        |
-  | --------------------- | ---------- |
-  | Promise&lt;string&gt; | Promise used to return the content read.|
+| Type                   | Description        |
+| --------------------- | ---------- |
+| Promise&lt;string&gt; | Promise used to return the content read.|
@@ -1491,9 +1491,9 @@ Synchronously reads the text of a file.
 **Return value**
-  | Type  | Description                |
-  | ------ | -------------------- |
-  | string | Promise used to return the content of the file read.|
+| Type  | Description                |
+| ------ | -------------------- |
+| string | Promise used to return the content of the file read.|
@@ -1519,9 +1519,9 @@ Obtains link information. This API uses a promise to return the result.
 **Return value**
-  | Type                          | Description        |
-  | ---------------------------- | ---------- |
-  | Promise&lt;[Stat](#stat)&gt; | Promise used to return the link information obtained. For details, see [Stat](#stat).|
+| Type                          | Description        |
+| ---------------------------- | ---------- |
+| Promise&lt;[Stat](#stat)&gt; | Promise used to return the link information obtained. For details, see [Stat](#stat).|
@@ -1576,9 +1576,9 @@ Synchronously obtains the link information.
 **Return value**
-  | Type           | Description        |
-  | ------------- | ---------- |
-  | [Stat](#stat) | Link information obtained.|
+| Type           | Description        |
+| ------------- | ---------- |
+| [Stat](#stat) | Link information obtained.|
@@ -1605,9 +1605,9 @@ Renames a file. This API uses a promise to return the result.
 **Return value**
-  | Type                 | Description                          |
-  | ------------------- | ---------------------------- |
-  | Promise&lt;void&gt; | Promise that returns no value.|
+| Type                 | Description                          |
+| ------------------- | ---------------------------- |
+| Promise&lt;void&gt; | Promise that returns no value.|
@@ -1682,15 +1682,15 @@ Flushes data of a file to disk. This API uses a promise to return the result.
-  | Name | Type    | Mandatory  | Description          |
-  | ---- | ------ | ---- | ------------ |
-  | fd   | number | Yes   | File descriptor of the file to flush.|
+| Name | Type    | Mandatory  | Description          |
+| ---- | ------ | ---- | ------------ |
+| fd   | number | Yes   | File descriptor of the file to flush.|
 **Return value**
-  | Type                 | Description                          |
-  | ------------------- | ---------------------------- |
-  | Promise&lt;void&gt; | Promise that returns no value.|
+| Type                 | Description                          |
+| ------------------- | ---------------------------- |
+| Promise&lt;void&gt; | Promise that returns no value.|
@@ -1715,10 +1715,10 @@ Flushes data of a file to disk. This API uses an asynchronous callback to return
-  | Name     | Type                       | Mandatory  | Description             |
-  | -------- | ------------------------- | ---- | --------------- |
-  | fd       | number                    | Yes   | File descriptor of the file to flush.   |
-  | Callback | AsyncCallback&lt;void&gt; | Yes   | Callback invoked when the file is synchronized in asynchronous mode.|
+| Name     | Type                       | Mandatory  | Description             |
+| -------- | ------------------------- | ---- | --------------- |
+| fd       | number                    | Yes   | File descriptor of the file to flush.   |
+| Callback | AsyncCallback&lt;void&gt; | Yes   | Callback invoked when the file is synchronized in asynchronous mode.|
@@ -1741,9 +1741,9 @@ Flushes data of a file to disk in synchronous mode.
-  | Name | Type    | Mandatory  | Description          |
-  | ---- | ------ | ---- | ------------ |
-  | fd   | number | Yes   | File descriptor of the file to flush.|
+| Name | Type    | Mandatory  | Description          |
+| ---- | ------ | ---- | ------------ |
+| fd   | number | Yes   | File descriptor of the file to flush.|
@@ -1764,15 +1764,15 @@ Flushes data of a file to disk. This API uses a promise to return the result. **
-  | Name | Type    | Mandatory  | Description          |
-  | ---- | ------ | ---- | ------------ |
-  | fd   | number | Yes   | File descriptor of the file to flush.|
+| Name | Type    | Mandatory  | Description          |
+| ---- | ------ | ---- | ------------ |
+| fd   | number | Yes   | File descriptor of the file to flush.|
 **Return value**
-  | Type                 | Description                          |
-  | ------------------- | ---------------------------- |
-  | Promise&lt;void&gt; | Promise that returns no value.|
+| Type                 | Description                          |
+| ------------------- | ---------------------------- |
+| Promise&lt;void&gt; | Promise that returns no value.|
@@ -1797,10 +1797,10 @@ Flushes data of a file to disk. This API uses an asynchronous callback to return
-  | Name     | Type                             | Mandatory  | Description               |
-  | -------- | ------------------------------- | ---- | ----------------- |
-  | fd       | number                          | Yes   | File descriptor of the file to synchronize.     |
-  | callback | AsyncCallback&lt;void&gt; | Yes   | Callback invoked when the file data is synchronized in asynchronous mode.|
+| Name     | Type                             | Mandatory  | Description               |
+| -------- | ------------------------------- | ---- | ----------------- |
+| fd       | number                          | Yes   | File descriptor of the file to synchronize.     |
+| callback | AsyncCallback&lt;void&gt; | Yes   | Callback invoked when the file data is synchronized in asynchronous mode.|
@@ -1823,9 +1823,9 @@ Synchronizes data in a file in synchronous mode.
-  | Name | Type    | Mandatory  | Description          |
-  | ---- | ------ | ---- | ------------ |
-  | fd   | number | Yes   | File descriptor of the file to flush.|
+| Name | Type    | Mandatory  | Description          |
+| ---- | ------ | ---- | ------------ |
+| fd   | number | Yes   | File descriptor of the file to flush.|
@@ -1853,9 +1853,9 @@ Creates a symbolic link based on the file path. This API uses a promise to retur
 **Return value**
-  | Type                 | Description                          |
-  | ------------------- | ---------------------------- |
-  | Promise&lt;void&gt; | Promise that returns no value.|
+| Type                 | Description                          |
+| ------------------- | ---------------------------- |
+| Promise&lt;void&gt; | Promise that returns no value.|
@@ -1939,9 +1939,9 @@ Changes the file owner based on the file path. This API uses a promise to return
 **Return value**
-  | Type                 | Description                          |
-  | ------------------- | ---------------------------- |
-  | Promise&lt;void&gt; | Promise that returns no value.|
+| Type                 | Description                          |
+| ------------------- | ---------------------------- |
+| Promise&lt;void&gt; | Promise that returns no value.|
@@ -2019,15 +2019,15 @@ Creates a temporary directory. This API uses a promise to return the result.
-  | Name   | Type    | Mandatory  | Description                         |
-  | ------ | ------ | ---- | --------------------------- |
-  | prefix | string | Yes   | A randomly generated string used to replace "XXXXXX" in a directory.|
+| Name   | Type    | Mandatory  | Description                         |
+| ------ | ------ | ---- | --------------------------- |
+| prefix | string | Yes   | A randomly generated string used to replace "XXXXXX" in a directory.|
 **Return value**
-  | Type                  | Description        |
-  | --------------------- | ---------- |
-  | Promise&lt;string&gt; | Promise used to return the unique directory generated.|
+| Type                  | Description        |
+| --------------------- | ---------- |
+| Promise&lt;string&gt; | Promise used to return the unique directory generated.|
@@ -2050,10 +2050,10 @@ Creates a temporary directory. This API uses an asynchronous callback to return
-  | Name     | Type                         | Mandatory  | Description                         |
-  | -------- | --------------------------- | ---- | --------------------------- |
-  | prefix   | string                      | Yes   | A randomly generated string used to replace "XXXXXX" in a directory.|
-  | callback | AsyncCallback&lt;string&gt; | Yes   | Callback invoked when a temporary directory is created asynchronously.             |
+| Name     | Type                         | Mandatory  | Description                         |
+| -------- | --------------------------- | ---- | --------------------------- |
+| prefix   | string                      | Yes   | A randomly generated string used to replace "XXXXXX" in a directory.|
+| callback | AsyncCallback&lt;string&gt; | Yes   | Callback invoked when a temporary directory is created asynchronously.             |
@@ -2074,15 +2074,15 @@ Synchronously creates a temporary directory.
-  | Name   | Type    | Mandatory  | Description                         |
-  | ------ | ------ | ---- | --------------------------- |
-  | prefix | string | Yes   | A randomly generated string used to replace "XXXXXX" in a directory.|
+| Name   | Type    | Mandatory  | Description                         |
+| ------ | ------ | ---- | --------------------------- |
+| prefix | string | Yes   | A randomly generated string used to replace "XXXXXX" in a directory.|
 **Return value**
-  | Type   | Description        |
-  | ------ | ---------- |
-  | string | Unique path generated.|
+| Type   | Description        |
+| ------ | ---------- |
+| string | Unique path generated.|
@@ -2101,16 +2101,16 @@ Changes file permissions based on the file descriptor. This API uses a promise t
-  | Name | Type    | Mandatory  | Description                                      |
-  | ---- | ------ | ---- | ---------------------------------------- |
-  | fd   | number | Yes   | File descriptor of the target file.                            |
-  | mode | number | Yes   | Permissions on the file. You can specify multiple permissions, separated using a bitwise OR operator (&#124;).<br>-&nbsp;**0o700**: The owner has the read, write, and execute permissions.<br>- &nbsp;**0o400**: The owner has the read permission.<br>-&nbsp;**0o200**: The owner has the write permission.<br>-&nbsp;**0o100**: The owner has the execute permission.<br>-&nbsp;**0o070**: The user group has the read, write, and execute permissions.<br>-&nbsp;**0o040**: The user group has the read permission.<br>-&nbsp;**0o020**: The user group has the write permission.<br>-&nbsp;**0o010**: The user group has the execute permission.<br>-&nbsp;**0o007**: Other users have the read, write, and execute permissions.<br>-&nbsp;**0o004**: Other users have the read permission.<br>-&nbsp;**0o002**: Other users have the write permission.<br>-&nbsp;**0o001**: Other users have the execute permission.|
+| Name | Type    | Mandatory  | Description                                      |
+| ---- | ------ | ---- | ---------------------------------------- |
+| fd   | number | Yes   | File descriptor of the target file.                            |
+| mode | number | Yes   | Permissions on the file. You can specify multiple permissions, separated using a bitwise OR operator (&#124;).<br>-&nbsp;**0o700**: The owner has the read, write, and execute permissions.<br>- &nbsp;**0o400**: The owner has the read permission.<br>-&nbsp;**0o200**: The owner has the write permission.<br>-&nbsp;**0o100**: The owner has the execute permission.<br>-&nbsp;**0o070**: The user group has the read, write, and execute permissions.<br>-&nbsp;**0o040**: The user group has the read permission.<br>-&nbsp;**0o020**: The user group has the write permission.<br>-&nbsp;**0o010**: The user group has the execute permission.<br>-&nbsp;**0o007**: Other users have the read, write, and execute permissions.<br>-&nbsp;**0o004**: Other users have the read permission.<br>-&nbsp;**0o002**: Other users have the write permission.<br>-&nbsp;**0o001**: Other users have the execute permission.|
 **Return value**
-  | Type                | Description                          |
-  | ------------------- | ---------------------------- |
-  | Promise&lt;void&gt; | Promise that returns no value.|
+| Type                | Description                          |
+| ------------------- | ---------------------------- |
+| Promise&lt;void&gt; | Promise that returns no value.|
@@ -2136,11 +2136,11 @@ Changes file permissions based on the file descriptor. This API uses an asynchro
-  | Name     | Type                             | Mandatory  | Description                                      |
-  | -------- | ------------------------------- | ---- | ---------------------------------------- |
-  | fd       | number                          | Yes   | File descriptor of the target file.                            |
-  | mode     | number                          | Yes   | Permissions on the file. You can specify multiple permissions, separated using a bitwise OR operator (&#124;).<br>-&nbsp;**0o700**: The owner has the read, write, and execute permissions.<br>- &nbsp;**0o400**: The owner has the read permission.<br>-&nbsp;**0o200**: The owner has the write permission.<br>-&nbsp;**0o100**: The owner has the execute permission.<br>-&nbsp;**0o070**: The user group has the read, write, and execute permissions.<br>-&nbsp;**0o040**: The user group has the read permission.<br>-&nbsp;**0o020**: The user group has the write permission.<br>-&nbsp;**0o010**: The user group has the execute permission.<br>-&nbsp;**0o007**: Other users have the read, write, and execute permissions.<br>-&nbsp;**0o004**: Other users have the read permission.<br>-&nbsp;**0o002**: Other users have the write permission.<br>-&nbsp;**0o001**: Other users have the execute permission.|
-  | callback | AsyncCallback&lt;void&gt; | Yes   | Callback invoked when the file permissions are changed asynchronously.                          |
+| Name     | Type                             | Mandatory  | Description                                      |
+| -------- | ------------------------------- | ---- | ---------------------------------------- |
+| fd       | number                          | Yes   | File descriptor of the target file.                            |
+| mode     | number                          | Yes   | Permissions on the file. You can specify multiple permissions, separated using a bitwise OR operator (&#124;).<br>-&nbsp;**0o700**: The owner has the read, write, and execute permissions.<br>- &nbsp;**0o400**: The owner has the read permission.<br>-&nbsp;**0o200**: The owner has the write permission.<br>-&nbsp;**0o100**: The owner has the execute permission.<br>-&nbsp;**0o070**: The user group has the read, write, and execute permissions.<br>-&nbsp;**0o040**: The user group has the read permission.<br>-&nbsp;**0o020**: The user group has the write permission.<br>-&nbsp;**0o010**: The user group has the execute permission.<br>-&nbsp;**0o007**: Other users have the read, write, and execute permissions.<br>-&nbsp;**0o004**: Other users have the read permission.<br>-&nbsp;**0o002**: Other users have the write permission.<br>-&nbsp;**0o001**: Other users have the execute permission.|
+| callback | AsyncCallback&lt;void&gt; | Yes   | Callback invoked when the file permissions are changed asynchronously.                          |
@@ -2164,10 +2164,10 @@ Synchronously changes the file permissions based on the file descriptor.
-  | Name | Type    | Mandatory  | Description                                      |
-  | ---- | ------ | ---- | ---------------------------------------- |
-  | fd   | number | Yes   | File descriptor of the target file.                            |
-  | mode | number | Yes   | Permissions on the file. You can specify multiple permissions, separated using a bitwise OR operator (&#124;).<br>-&nbsp;**0o700**: The owner has the read, write, and execute permissions.<br>- &nbsp;**0o400**: The owner has the read permission.<br>-&nbsp;**0o200**: The owner has the write permission.<br>-&nbsp;**0o100**: The owner has the execute permission.<br>-&nbsp;**0o070**: The user group has the read, write, and execute permissions.<br>-&nbsp;**0o040**: The user group has the read permission.<br>-&nbsp;**0o020**: The user group has the write permission.<br>-&nbsp;**0o010**: The user group has the execute permission.<br>-&nbsp;**0o007**: Other users have the read, write, and execute permissions.<br>-&nbsp;**0o004**: Other users have the read permission.<br>-&nbsp;**0o002**: Other users have the write permission.<br>-&nbsp;**0o001**: Other users have the execute permission.|
+| Name | Type    | Mandatory  | Description                                      |
+| ---- | ------ | ---- | ---------------------------------------- |
+| fd   | number | Yes   | File descriptor of the target file.                            |
+| mode | number | Yes   | Permissions on the file. You can specify multiple permissions, separated using a bitwise OR operator (&#124;).<br>-&nbsp;**0o700**: The owner has the read, write, and execute permissions.<br>- &nbsp;**0o400**: The owner has the read permission.<br>-&nbsp;**0o200**: The owner has the write permission.<br>-&nbsp;**0o100**: The owner has the execute permission.<br>-&nbsp;**0o070**: The user group has the read, write, and execute permissions.<br>-&nbsp;**0o040**: The user group has the read permission.<br>-&nbsp;**0o020**: The user group has the write permission.<br>-&nbsp;**0o010**: The user group has the execute permission.<br>-&nbsp;**0o007**: Other users have the read, write, and execute permissions.<br>-&nbsp;**0o004**: Other users have the read permission.<br>-&nbsp;**0o002**: Other users have the write permission.<br>-&nbsp;**0o001**: Other users have the execute permission.|
@@ -2196,9 +2196,9 @@ Opens a file stream based on the file path. This API uses a promise to return th
 **Return value**
-  | Type                               | Description       |
-  | --------------------------------- | --------- |
-  | Promise&lt;[Stream](#stream)&gt; | Promise used to return the result.|
+| Type                               | Description       |
+| --------------------------------- | --------- |
+| Promise&lt;[Stream](#stream)&gt; | Promise used to return the result.|
@@ -2255,9 +2255,9 @@ Synchronously opens a stream based on the file path.
 **Return value**
-  | Type               | Description       |
-  | ------------------ | --------- |
-  | [Stream](#stream) | Stream opened.|
+| Type               | Description       |
+| ------------------ | --------- |
+| [Stream](#stream) | Stream opened.|
@@ -2277,16 +2277,16 @@ Opens a file stream based on the file descriptor. This API uses a promise to ret
-  | Name | Type    | Mandatory  | Description                                      |
-  | ---- | ------ | ---- | ---------------------------------------- |
-  | fd   | number | Yes   | File descriptor of the target file.                            |
-  | mode | string | Yes   | -&nbsp;**r**: Open a file for reading. The file must exist.<br>-&nbsp;**r+**: Open a file for both reading and writing. The file must exist.<br>-&nbsp;**w**: Open a file for writing. If the file exists, clear its content. If the file does not exist, create a file.<br>-&nbsp;**w+**: Open a file for both reading and writing. If the file exists, clear its content. If the file does not exist, create a file.<br>-&nbsp;**a**: Open a file in append mode for writing at the end of the file. If the file does not exist, create a file. If the file exists, write data to the end of the file (the original content of the file is reserved).<br>-&nbsp;**a+**: Open a file in append mode for reading or updating at the end of the file. If the file does not exist, create a file. If the file exists, write data to the end of the file (the original content of the file is reserved).|
+| Name | Type    | Mandatory  | Description                                      |
+| ---- | ------ | ---- | ---------------------------------------- |
+| fd   | number | Yes   | File descriptor of the target file.                            |
+| mode | string | Yes   | -&nbsp;**r**: Open a file for reading. The file must exist.<br>-&nbsp;**r+**: Open a file for both reading and writing. The file must exist.<br>-&nbsp;**w**: Open a file for writing. If the file exists, clear its content. If the file does not exist, create a file.<br>-&nbsp;**w+**: Open a file for both reading and writing. If the file exists, clear its content. If the file does not exist, create a file.<br>-&nbsp;**a**: Open a file in append mode for writing at the end of the file. If the file does not exist, create a file. If the file exists, write data to the end of the file (the original content of the file is reserved).<br>-&nbsp;**a+**: Open a file in append mode for reading or updating at the end of the file. If the file does not exist, create a file. If the file exists, write data to the end of the file (the original content of the file is reserved).|
 **Return value**
-  | Type                              | Description       |
-  | --------------------------------- | --------- |
-  | Promise&lt;[Stream](#stream)&gt; | Promise used to return the result.|
+| Type                              | Description       |
+| --------------------------------- | --------- |
+| Promise&lt;[Stream](#stream)&gt; | Promise used to return the result.|
@@ -2311,11 +2311,11 @@ Opens a file stream based on the file descriptor. This API uses an asynchronous
-  | Name     | Type                                      | Mandatory  | Description                                      |
-  | -------- | ---------------------------------------- | ---- | ---------------------------------------- |
-  | fd       | number                                   | Yes   | File descriptor of the target file.                            |
-  | mode     | string                                   | Yes   | -&nbsp;**r**: Open a file for reading. The file must exist.<br>-&nbsp;**r+**: Open a file for both reading and writing. The file must exist.<br>-&nbsp;**w**: Open a file for writing. If the file exists, clear its content. If the file does not exist, create a file.<br>-&nbsp;**w+**: Open a file for both reading and writing. If the file exists, clear its content. If the file does not exist, create a file.<br>-&nbsp;**a**: Open a file in append mode for writing at the end of the file. If the file does not exist, create a file. If the file exists, write data to the end of the file (the original content of the file is reserved).<br>-&nbsp;**a+**: Open a file in append mode for reading or updating at the end of the file. If the file does not exist, create a file. If the file exists, write data to the end of the file (the original content of the file is reserved).|
-  | callback | AsyncCallback&lt;[Stream](#stream)&gt; | Yes   | Callback invoked when the stream is open asynchronously.                           |
+| Name     | Type                                      | Mandatory  | Description                                      |
+| -------- | ---------------------------------------- | ---- | ---------------------------------------- |
+| fd       | number                                   | Yes   | File descriptor of the target file.                            |
+| mode     | string                                   | Yes   | -&nbsp;**r**: Open a file for reading. The file must exist.<br>-&nbsp;**r+**: Open a file for both reading and writing. The file must exist.<br>-&nbsp;**w**: Open a file for writing. If the file exists, clear its content. If the file does not exist, create a file.<br>-&nbsp;**w+**: Open a file for both reading and writing. If the file exists, clear its content. If the file does not exist, create a file.<br>-&nbsp;**a**: Open a file in append mode for writing at the end of the file. If the file does not exist, create a file. If the file exists, write data to the end of the file (the original content of the file is reserved).<br>-&nbsp;**a+**: Open a file in append mode for reading or updating at the end of the file. If the file does not exist, create a file. If the file exists, write data to the end of the file (the original content of the file is reserved).|
+| callback | AsyncCallback&lt;[Stream](#stream)&gt; | Yes   | Callback invoked when the stream is open asynchronously.                           |
@@ -2338,16 +2338,16 @@ Synchronously opens a stream based on the file descriptor.
-  | Name | Type    | Mandatory  | Description                                      |
-  | ---- | ------ | ---- | ---------------------------------------- |
-  | fd   | number | Yes   | File descriptor of the target file.                            |
-  | mode | string | Yes   | -&nbsp;**r**: Open a file for reading. The file must exist.<br>-&nbsp;**r+**: Open a file for both reading and writing. The file must exist.<br>-&nbsp;**w**: Open a file for writing. If the file exists, clear its content. If the file does not exist, create a file.<br>-&nbsp;**w+**: Open a file for both reading and writing. If the file exists, clear its content. If the file does not exist, create a file.<br>-&nbsp;**a**: Open a file in append mode for writing at the end of the file. If the file does not exist, create a file. If the file exists, write data to the end of the file (the original content of the file is reserved).<br>-&nbsp;**a+**: Open a file in append mode for reading or updating at the end of the file. If the file does not exist, create a file. If the file exists, write data to the end of the file (the original content of the file is reserved).|
+| Name | Type    | Mandatory  | Description                                      |
+| ---- | ------ | ---- | ---------------------------------------- |
+| fd   | number | Yes   | File descriptor of the target file.                            |
+| mode | string | Yes   | -&nbsp;**r**: Open a file for reading. The file must exist.<br>-&nbsp;**r+**: Open a file for both reading and writing. The file must exist.<br>-&nbsp;**w**: Open a file for writing. If the file exists, clear its content. If the file does not exist, create a file.<br>-&nbsp;**w+**: Open a file for both reading and writing. If the file exists, clear its content. If the file does not exist, create a file.<br>-&nbsp;**a**: Open a file in append mode for writing at the end of the file. If the file does not exist, create a file. If the file exists, write data to the end of the file (the original content of the file is reserved).<br>-&nbsp;**a+**: Open a file in append mode for reading or updating at the end of the file. If the file does not exist, create a file. If the file exists, write data to the end of the file (the original content of the file is reserved).|
 **Return value**
-  | Type               | Description       |
-  | ------------------ | --------- |
-  | [Stream](#stream) | Stream opened.|
+| Type               | Description       |
+| ------------------ | --------- |
+| [Stream](#stream) | Stream opened.|
@@ -2368,17 +2368,17 @@ Changes the file owner based on the file descriptor. This API uses a promise to
-  | Name | Type    | Mandatory  | Description          |
-  | ---- | ------ | ---- | ------------ |
-  | fd   | number | Yes   | File descriptor of the target file.|
-  | uid  | number | Yes   | New UID.  |
-  | gid  | number | Yes   | New GID.  |
+| Name | Type    | Mandatory  | Description          |
+| ---- | ------ | ---- | ------------ |
+| fd   | number | Yes   | File descriptor of the target file.|
+| uid  | number | Yes   | New UID.  |
+| gid  | number | Yes   | New GID.  |
 **Return value**
-  | Type                 | Description                          |
-  | ------------------- | ---------------------------- |
-  | Promise&lt;void&gt; | Promise that returns no value.|
+| Type                 | Description                          |
+| ------------------- | ---------------------------- |
+| Promise&lt;void&gt; | Promise that returns no value.|
@@ -2404,12 +2404,12 @@ Changes the file owner based on the file descriptor. This API uses an asynchrono
-  | Name     | Type                       | Mandatory  | Description             |
-  | -------- | ------------------------- | ---- | --------------- |
-  | fd       | number                    | Yes   | File descriptor of the target file.   |
-  | uid      | number                    | Yes   | New UID.     |
-  | gid      | number                    | Yes   | New GID.     |
-  | callback | AsyncCallback&lt;void&gt; | Yes   | Callback invoked when the file owner is changed asynchronously.|
+| Name     | Type                       | Mandatory  | Description             |
+| -------- | ------------------------- | ---- | --------------- |
+| fd       | number                    | Yes   | File descriptor of the target file.   |
+| uid      | number                    | Yes   | New UID.     |
+| gid      | number                    | Yes   | New GID.     |
+| callback | AsyncCallback&lt;void&gt; | Yes   | Callback invoked when the file owner is changed asynchronously.|
@@ -2433,11 +2433,11 @@ Synchronously changes the file owner based on the file descriptor.
-  | Name | Type    | Mandatory  | Description          |
-  | ---- | ------ | ---- | ------------ |
-  | fd   | number | Yes   | File descriptor of the target file.|
-  | uid  | number | Yes   | New UID.  |
-  | gid  | number | Yes   | New GID.  |
+| Name | Type    | Mandatory  | Description          |
+| ---- | ------ | ---- | ------------ |
+| fd   | number | Yes   | File descriptor of the target file.|
+| uid  | number | Yes   | New UID.  |
+| gid  | number | Yes   | New GID.  |
@@ -2467,9 +2467,9 @@ Changes the file owner (owner of the symbolic link, not the file referred to by
 **Return value**
-  | Type                 | Description                          |
-  | ------------------- | ---------------------------- |
-  | Promise&lt;void&gt; | Promise that returns no value.|
+| Type                 | Description                          |
+| ------------------- | ---------------------------- |
+| Promise&lt;void&gt; | Promise that returns no value.|
@@ -2555,9 +2555,9 @@ Listens for file or directory changes. This API uses an asynchronous callback to
 **Return value**
-  | Type                 | Description        |
-  | -------------------- | ---------- |
-  | [Watcher](#watcher7) | Promise used to return the **Watcher** instance.|
+| Type                 | Description        |
+| -------------------- | ---------- |
+| [Watcher](#watcher7) | Promise used to return the **Watcher** instance.|
@@ -2617,9 +2617,9 @@ Checks whether this file is a block special file. A block special file supports
 **Return value**
-  | Type     | Description              |
-  | ------- | ---------------- |
-  | boolean | Whether the file is a block special file.|
+| Type     | Description              |
+| ------- | ---------------- |
+| boolean | Whether the file is a block special file.|
@@ -2639,9 +2639,9 @@ Checks whether this file is a character special file. A character special file s
 **Return value**
-  | Type     | Description               |
-  | ------- | ----------------- |
-  | boolean | Whether the file is a character special file.|
+| Type     | Description               |
+| ------- | ----------------- |
+| boolean | Whether the file is a character special file.|
@@ -2661,9 +2661,9 @@ Checks whether this file is a directory.
 **Return value**
-  | Type     | Description           |
-  | ------- | ------------- |
-  | boolean | Whether the file is a directory.|
+| Type     | Description           |
+| ------- | ------------- |
+| boolean | Whether the file is a directory.|
@@ -2683,9 +2683,9 @@ Checks whether this file is a named pipe (or FIFO). Named pipes are used for int
 **Return value**
-  | Type     | Description                   |
-  | ------- | --------------------- |
-  | boolean | Whether the file is an FIFO.|
+| Type     | Description                   |
+| ------- | --------------------- |
+| boolean | Whether the file is an FIFO.|
@@ -2705,9 +2705,9 @@ Checks whether this file is a regular file.
 **Return value**
-  | Type     | Description             |
-  | ------- | --------------- |
-  | boolean | Whether the file is a regular file.|
+| Type     | Description             |
+| ------- | --------------- |
+| boolean | Whether the file is a regular file.|
@@ -2727,9 +2727,9 @@ Checks whether this file is a socket.
 **Return value**
-  | Type     | Description            |
-  | ------- | -------------- |
-  | boolean | Whether the file is a socket.|
+| Type     | Description            |
+| ------- | -------------- |
+| boolean | Whether the file is a socket.|
@@ -2749,9 +2749,9 @@ Checks whether this file is a symbolic link.
 **Return value**
-  | Type     | Description             |
-  | ------- | --------------- |
-  | boolean | Whether the file is a symbolic link.|
+| Type     | Description             |
+| ------- | --------------- |
+| boolean | Whether the file is a symbolic link.|
@@ -2797,9 +2797,9 @@ Stops the **watcher** instance. This API uses an asynchronous callback to return
-  | Name     | Type                       | Mandatory  | Description                    |
-  | -------- | ------------------------- | ---- | ---------------------- |
-  | callback | AsyncCallback&lt;void&gt; | Yes   | Callback invoked when **watcher** is stopped asynchronously.|
+| Name     | Type                       | Mandatory  | Description                    |
+| -------- | ------------------------- | ---- | ---------------------- |
+| callback | AsyncCallback&lt;void&gt; | Yes   | Callback invoked when **watcher** is stopped asynchronously.|
@@ -2829,9 +2829,9 @@ Closes the stream. This API uses a promise to return the result.
 **Return value**
-  | Type                 | Description           |
-  | ------------------- | ------------- |
-  | Promise&lt;void&gt; | Promise used to return the stream close result.|
+| Type                 | Description           |
+| ------------------- | ------------- |
+| Promise&lt;void&gt; | Promise used to return the stream close result.|
@@ -2856,9 +2856,9 @@ Closes the stream. This API uses an asynchronous callback to return the result.
-  | Name     | Type                       | Mandatory  | Description           |
-  | -------- | ------------------------- | ---- | ------------- |
-  | callback | AsyncCallback&lt;void&gt; | Yes   | Callback invoked when the stream is closed asynchronously.|
+| Name     | Type                       | Mandatory  | Description           |
+| -------- | ------------------------- | ---- | ------------- |
+| callback | AsyncCallback&lt;void&gt; | Yes   | Callback invoked when the stream is closed asynchronously.|
@@ -2898,9 +2898,9 @@ Flushes the stream. This API uses a promise to return the result.
 **Return value**
-  | Type                 | Description           |
-  | ------------------- | ------------- |
-  | Promise&lt;void&gt; | Promise used to return the stream flushing result.|
+| Type                 | Description           |
+| ------------------- | ------------- |
+| Promise&lt;void&gt; | Promise used to return the stream flushing result.|
@@ -2925,9 +2925,9 @@ Flushes the stream. This API uses an asynchronous callback to return the result.
-  | Name     | Type                       | Mandatory  | Description            |
-  | -------- | ------------------------- | ---- | -------------- |
-  | callback | AsyncCallback&lt;void&gt; | Yes   | Callback invoked when the stream is asynchronously flushed.|
+| Name     | Type                       | Mandatory  | Description            |
+| -------- | ------------------------- | ---- | -------------- |
+| callback | AsyncCallback&lt;void&gt; | Yes   | Callback invoked when the stream is asynchronously flushed.|
@@ -2967,16 +2967,16 @@ Writes data into the stream. This API uses a promise to return the result.
-  | Name    | Type                             | Mandatory  | Description                                      |
-  | ------- | ------------------------------- | ---- | ---------------------------------------- |
-  | buffer  | ArrayBuffer\|string | Yes   | Data to write. It can be a string or data from a buffer.                    |
-  | options | Object                          | No   | The options are as follows:<br>-&nbsp;**offset** (number): position of the data to write in reference to the start address of the data. The default value is **0**.<br>-&nbsp;**length** (number): length of the data to write. The default value is the buffer length minus the offset.<br>-&nbsp;**position** (number): start position to write the data in the file. By default, data is written from the current position.<br>-&nbsp;**encoding** (string): format of the string to be encoded. The default value is **utf-8**, which is the only value supported.<br>Constraints: offset + length <= Buffer size |
+| Name    | Type                             | Mandatory  | Description                                      |
+| ------- | ------------------------------- | ---- | ---------------------------------------- |
+| buffer  | ArrayBuffer\|string | Yes   | Data to write. It can be a string or data from a buffer.                    |
+| options | Object                          | No   | The options are as follows:<br>-&nbsp;**offset** (number): position of the data to write in reference to the start address of the data. The default value is **0**.<br>-&nbsp;**length** (number): length of the data to write. The default value is the buffer length minus the offset.<br>-&nbsp;**position** (number): start position to write the data in the file. By default, data is written from the current position.<br>-&nbsp;**encoding** (string): format of the string to be encoded. The default value is **utf-8**, which is the only value supported.<br>Constraints: offset + length <= Buffer size |
 **Return value**
-  | Type                   | Description      |
-  | --------------------- | -------- |
-  | Promise&lt;number&gt; | Promise used to return the length of the data written.|
+| Type                   | Description      |
+| --------------------- | -------- |
+| Promise&lt;number&gt; | Promise used to return the length of the data written.|
@@ -3001,11 +3001,11 @@ Writes data into the stream. This API uses an asynchronous callback to return th
-  | Name  | Type                           | Mandatory| Description                                                        |
-  | -------- | ------------------------------- | ---- | ------------------------------------------------------------ |
-  | buffer   | ArrayBuffer\|string | Yes  | Data to write. It can be a string or data from a buffer.                    |
-  | options  | Object                          | No  | The options are as follows:<br>-&nbsp;**offset** (number): position of the data to write in reference to the start address of the data. The default value is **0**.<br>-&nbsp;**length** (number): length of the data to write. The default value is the buffer length minus the offset.<br>-&nbsp;**position** (number): start position to write the data in the file. By default, data is written from the current position.<br>-&nbsp;**encoding** (string): format of the string to be encoded. The default value is **utf-8**, which is the only value supported.<br>Constraints: offset + length <= Buffer size|
-  | callback | AsyncCallback&lt;number&gt;     | Yes  | Callback invoked when the data is written asynchronously.                              |
+| Name  | Type                           | Mandatory| Description                                                        |
+| -------- | ------------------------------- | ---- | ------------------------------------------------------------ |
+| buffer   | ArrayBuffer\|string | Yes  | Data to write. It can be a string or data from a buffer.                    |
+| options  | Object                          | No  | The options are as follows:<br>-&nbsp;**offset** (number): position of the data to write in reference to the start address of the data. The default value is **0**.<br>-&nbsp;**length** (number): length of the data to write. The default value is the buffer length minus the offset.<br>-&nbsp;**position** (number): start position to write the data in the file. By default, data is written from the current position.<br>-&nbsp;**encoding** (string): format of the string to be encoded. The default value is **utf-8**, which is the only value supported.<br>Constraints: offset + length <= Buffer size|
+| callback | AsyncCallback&lt;number&gt;     | Yes  | Callback invoked when the data is written asynchronously.                              |
@@ -3031,16 +3031,16 @@ Synchronously writes data into the stream.
-  | Name    | Type                             | Mandatory  | Description                                      |
-  | ------- | ------------------------------- | ---- | ---------------------------------------- |
-  | buffer  | ArrayBuffer\|string | Yes   | Data to write. It can be a string or data from a buffer.                    |
-  | options | Object                          | No   | The options are as follows:<br>-&nbsp;**offset** (number): position of the data to write in reference to the start address of the data. The default value is **0**.<br>-&nbsp;**length** (number): length of the data to write. The default value is the buffer length minus the offset.<br>-&nbsp;**position** (number): start position to write the data in the file. By default, data is written from the current position.<br>-&nbsp;**encoding** (string): format of the string to be encoded. The default value is **utf-8**, which is the only value supported.<br>Constraints: offset + length <= Buffer size |
+| Name    | Type                             | Mandatory  | Description                                      |
+| ------- | ------------------------------- | ---- | ---------------------------------------- |
+| buffer  | ArrayBuffer\|string | Yes   | Data to write. It can be a string or data from a buffer.                    |
+| options | Object                          | No   | The options are as follows:<br>-&nbsp;**offset** (number): position of the data to write in reference to the start address of the data. The default value is **0**.<br>-&nbsp;**length** (number): length of the data to write. The default value is the buffer length minus the offset.<br>-&nbsp;**position** (number): start position to write the data in the file. By default, data is written from the current position.<br>-&nbsp;**encoding** (string): format of the string to be encoded. The default value is **utf-8**, which is the only value supported.<br>Constraints: offset + length <= Buffer size |
 **Return value**
-  | Type    | Description      |
-  | ------ | -------- |
-  | number | Length of the data written in the file.|
+| Type    | Description      |
+| ------ | -------- |
+| number | Length of the data written in the file.|
@@ -3061,16 +3061,16 @@ Reads data from the stream. This API uses a promise to return the result.
-  | Name    | Type         | Mandatory  | Description                                      |
-  | ------- | ----------- | ---- | ---------------------------------------- |
-  | buffer  | ArrayBuffer | Yes   | Buffer used to store the file read.                             |
-  | options | Object      | No   | The options are as follows:<br>-&nbsp;**offset** (number): position to store the data read in the buffer in reference to the start address of the buffer. The default value is **0**.<br>-&nbsp;**length** (number): length of the data to read. The default value is the buffer length minus the offset.<br>-&nbsp;**position** (number): position of the data to read in the file. By default, data is read from the current position.<br>Constraints: offset + length <= Buffer size |
+| Name    | Type         | Mandatory  | Description                                      |
+| ------- | ----------- | ---- | ---------------------------------------- |
+| buffer  | ArrayBuffer | Yes   | Buffer used to store the file read.                             |
+| options | Object      | No   | The options are as follows:<br>-&nbsp;**offset** (number): position to store the data read in the buffer in reference to the start address of the buffer. The default value is **0**.<br>-&nbsp;**length** (number): length of the data to read. The default value is the buffer length minus the offset.<br>-&nbsp;**position** (number): position of the data to read in the file. By default, data is read from the current position.<br>Constraints: offset + length <= Buffer size |
 **Return value**
-  | Type                                | Description    |
-  | ---------------------------------- | ------ |
-  | Promise&lt;[ReadOut](#readout)&gt; | Promise used to return the data read.|
+| Type                                | Description    |
+| ---------------------------------- | ------ |
+| Promise&lt;[ReadOut](#readout)&gt; | Promise used to return the data read.|
@@ -3096,11 +3096,11 @@ Reads data from the stream. This API uses an asynchronous callback to return the
-  | Name     | Type                                      | Mandatory  | Description                                      |
-  | -------- | ---------------------------------------- | ---- | ---------------------------------------- |
-  | buffer   | ArrayBuffer                              | Yes   | Buffer used to store the file read.                             |
-  | options  | Object                                   | No   | The options are as follows:<br>-&nbsp;**offset** (number): position to store the data read in the buffer in reference to the start address of the buffer. The default value is **0**.<br>-&nbsp;**length** (number): length of the data to read. The default value is the buffer length minus the offset.<br>-&nbsp;**position** (number): position of the data to read in the file. By default, data is read from the current position.<br>Constraints: offset + length <= Buffer size |
-  | callback | AsyncCallback&lt;[ReadOut](#readout)&gt; | Yes   | Callback invoked when data is read asynchronously from the stream.                        |
+| Name     | Type                                      | Mandatory  | Description                                      |
+| -------- | ---------------------------------------- | ---- | ---------------------------------------- |
+| buffer   | ArrayBuffer                              | Yes   | Buffer used to store the file read.                             |
+| options  | Object                                   | No   | The options are as follows:<br>-&nbsp;**offset** (number): position to store the data read in the buffer in reference to the start address of the buffer. The default value is **0**.<br>-&nbsp;**length** (number): length of the data to read. The default value is the buffer length minus the offset.<br>-&nbsp;**position** (number): position of the data to read in the file. By default, data is read from the current position.<br>Constraints: offset + length <= Buffer size |
+| callback | AsyncCallback&lt;[ReadOut](#readout)&gt; | Yes   | Callback invoked when data is read asynchronously from the stream.                        |
@@ -3126,16 +3126,16 @@ Synchronously reads data from the stream.
-  | Name    | Type         | Mandatory  | Description                                      |
-  | ------- | ----------- | ---- | ---------------------------------------- |
-  | buffer  | ArrayBuffer | Yes   | Buffer used to store the file read.                             |
-  | options | Object      | No   | The options are as follows:<br>-&nbsp;**offset** (number): position to store the data read in the buffer in reference to the start address of the buffer. The default value is **0**.<br>-&nbsp;**length** (number): length of the data to read. The default value is the buffer length minus the offset.<br>-&nbsp;**position** (number): position of the data to read in the file. By default, data is read from the current position.<br>Constraints: offset + length <= Buffer size |
+| Name    | Type         | Mandatory  | Description                                      |
+| ------- | ----------- | ---- | ---------------------------------------- |
+| buffer  | ArrayBuffer | Yes   | Buffer used to store the file read.                             |
+| options | Object      | No   | The options are as follows:<br>-&nbsp;**offset** (number): position to store the data read in the buffer in reference to the start address of the buffer. The default value is **0**.<br>-&nbsp;**length** (number): length of the data to read. The default value is the buffer length minus the offset.<br>-&nbsp;**position** (number): position of the data to read in the file. By default, data is read from the current position.<br>Constraints: offset + length <= Buffer size |
 **Return value**
-  | Type    | Description      |
-  | ------ | -------- |
-  | number | Length of the data read.|
+| Type    | Description      |
+| ------ | -------- |
+| number | Length of the data read.|
@@ -3161,9 +3161,9 @@ Reads the next directory entry. This API uses a promise to return the result.
 **Return value**
-  | Type                              | Description           |
-  | -------------------------------- | ------------- |
-  | Promise&lt;[Dirent](#dirent)&gt; | Promise used to return the directory entry read.|
+| Type                              | Description           |
+| -------------------------------- | ------------- |
+| Promise&lt;[Dirent](#dirent)&gt; | Promise used to return the directory entry read.|
@@ -3186,9 +3186,9 @@ Reads the next directory entry. This API uses an asynchronous callback to return
-  | Name     | Type                                    | Mandatory  | Description              |
-  | -------- | -------------------------------------- | ---- | ---------------- |
-  | callback | AsyncCallback&lt;[Dirent](#dirent)&gt; | Yes   | Callback invoked when the next directory entry is asynchronously read.|
+| Name     | Type                                    | Mandatory  | Description              |
+| -------- | -------------------------------------- | ---- | ---------------- |
+| callback | AsyncCallback&lt;[Dirent](#dirent)&gt; | Yes   | Callback invoked when the next directory entry is asynchronously read.|
@@ -3212,9 +3212,9 @@ Synchronously reads the next directory entry.
 **Return value**
-  | Type               | Description      |
-  | ----------------- | -------- |
-  | [Dirent](#dirent) | Directory entry read.|
+| Type               | Description      |
+| ----------------- | -------- |
+| [Dirent](#dirent) | Directory entry read.|
@@ -3295,9 +3295,9 @@ Checks whether this directory entry is a block special file. A block special fil
 **Return value**
-  | Type     | Description              |
-  | ------- | ---------------- |
-  | boolean | Whether the directory entry is a block special file.|
+| Type     | Description              |
+| ------- | ---------------- |
+| boolean | Whether the directory entry is a block special file.|
@@ -3317,9 +3317,9 @@ Checks whether a directory entry is a character special file. A character specia
 **Return value**
-  | Type     | Description               |
-  | ------- | ----------------- |
-  | boolean | Whether the directory entry is a character special file.|
+| Type     | Description               |
+| ------- | ----------------- |
+| boolean | Whether the directory entry is a character special file.|
@@ -3339,9 +3339,9 @@ Checks whether a directory entry is a directory.
 **Return value**
-  | Type     | Description           |
-  | ------- | ------------- |
-  | boolean | Whether the directory entry is a directory.|
+| Type     | Description           |
+| ------- | ------------- |
+| boolean | Whether the directory entry is a directory.|
@@ -3361,9 +3361,9 @@ Checks whether this directory entry is a named pipe (or FIFO). Named pipes are u
 **Return value**
-  | Type     | Description             |
-  | ------- | --------------- |
-  | boolean | Whether the directory entry is a FIFO.|
+| Type     | Description             |
+| ------- | --------------- |
+| boolean | Whether the directory entry is a FIFO.|
@@ -3383,9 +3383,9 @@ Checks whether a directory entry is a regular file.
 **Return value**
-  | Type     | Description             |
-  | ------- | --------------- |
-  | boolean | Whether the directory entry is a regular file.|
+| Type     | Description             |
+| ------- | --------------- |
+| boolean | Whether the directory entry is a regular file.|
@@ -3405,9 +3405,9 @@ Checks whether a directory entry is a socket.
 **Return value**
-  | Type     | Description            |
-  | ------- | -------------- |
-  | boolean | Whether the directory entry is a socket.|
+| Type     | Description            |
+| ------- | -------------- |
+| boolean | Whether the directory entry is a socket.|
@@ -3427,9 +3427,9 @@ Checks whether a directory entry is a symbolic link.
 **Return value**
-  | Type     | Description             |
-  | ------- | --------------- |
-  | boolean | Whether the directory entry is a symbolic link.|
+| Type     | Description             |
+| ------- | --------------- |
+| boolean | Whether the directory entry is a symbolic link.|
@@ -3437,22 +3437,3 @@ Checks whether a directory entry is a symbolic link.
   let dir = fileio.opendirSync(pathDir);
   let isSymbolicLink = dir.readSync().isSymbolicLink();
-## Filter<sup>9+</sup>
-**System API**: This is a system API.
-**System capability**: SystemCapability.FileManagement.File.FileIO
-Defines the file filter configuration.
-| Name       | Type      | Description               |
-| ----------- | --------------- | ------------------ |
-| suffix | Array&lt;string&gt;     | File name extensions. The keywords in the array are of the OR relationship.          |
-| displayName    | Array&lt;string&gt;     | File names for fuzzy match. The keywords in the array are of the OR relationship.|
-| mimeType    | Array&lt;string&gt; | MIME types to match. The keywords in the array are of the OR relationship.      |
-| fileSizeOver    | number | File size to match. The files which are of the same or a lager size are matched.      |
-| lastModifiedAfter    | Date | File modification time to match. The files modified after the specified time are matched.      |
-| excludeMedia    | Boolean | Whether to exclude the files already in Media.      |
\ No newline at end of file