**.read**, **.prog**, **.erase**, and **.sync** correspond to the read, write, erase, and synchronization APIs at the bottom layer of the hardware platform, respectively.
**.read**, **.prog**, **.erase**, and **.sync** correspond to the underlying read, write, erase, and synchronization APIs of the hardware platform, respectively.
**read\_size** indicates the number of bytes read each time. You can set it to a value greater than the physical read unit to improve performance. This value determines the size of the read cache. However, if the value is too large, more memory is consumed.
**prog\_size** indicates the number of bytes written each time. You can set it to a value greater than the physical write unit to improve performance. This value determines the size of the write cache and must be an integral multiple of **read\_size**. However, if the value is too large, more memory is consumed.
**block\_size**: indicates the number of bytes in each erase block. The value can be greater than that of the physical erase unit. However, a smaller value is recommended because each file occupies at least one block. The value must be an integral multiple of **prog\_size**.
**block\_size** indicates the number of bytes in each erase block. The value can be greater than that of the physical erase unit. However, a smaller value is recommended because each file occupies at least one block. The value must be an integral multiple of**prog\_size**.
**block\_count** indicates the number of blocks that can be erased, which depends on the capacity of the block device and the size of the block to be erased \(**block\_size**\).