diff --git a/en/application-dev/reference/apis/js-apis-application-Want.md b/en/application-dev/reference/apis/js-apis-application-Want.md
index f51fee8402c98f9c36e81f355df105a3154e0105..43786f3925b5277d3b806cf638ab7238fe40fd6b 100644
--- a/en/application-dev/reference/apis/js-apis-application-Want.md
+++ b/en/application-dev/reference/apis/js-apis-application-Want.md
@@ -23,23 +23,94 @@ import Want from '@ohos.application.Want';
| abilityName | Read only | string | No | Name of the ability. If both **package** and **abilityName** are specified in a **Want** object, the **Want** object can match a specific ability. The value of **abilityName** must be unique in an application.|
| uri | Read only | string | No | URI information to match. If **uri** is specified in a **Want** object, the **Want** object will match the specified URI information, including **scheme**, **schemeSpecificPart**, **authority**, and **path**.|
| type | Read only | string | No | MIME type, for example, **text/plain** or **image/***. |
-| flags | Read only | number | No | How the **Want** object will be handled. By default, numbers are passed in. For details, see [flags](js-apis-featureAbility.md#flags).|
+| flags | Read only | number | No | How the **Want** object will be handled. For details, see [flags](js-apis-featureAbility.md#flags).|
| action | Read only | string | No | Action option. |
-| parameters | Read only | {[key: string]: any} | No | Want parameters in the form of custom key-value (KV) pairs. By default, the following keys are carried:
**ohos.aafwk.callerPid**: PID of the caller.
**ohos.aafwk.param.callerToken**: token of the caller.
**ohos.aafwk.param.callerUid**: UID of the caller. The **userId** parameter in the [Bundle](js-apis-Bundle.js) module can be used to obtain application and bundle information. |
+| parameters | Read only | {[key: string]: any} | No | Want parameters in the form of custom key-value (KV) pairs. By default, the following keys are carried:
**ohos.aafwk.callerPid**: PID of the caller.
**ohos.aafwk.param.callerToken**: token of the caller.
**ohos.aafwk.param.callerUid**: UID of the caller. The **userId** parameter in the [Bundle](js-apis-Bundle.md) module can be used to obtain application and bundle information. |
| entities | Read only | Array\ | No | List of entities. |
| moduleName9+ | Read only | string | No | Module to which the ability belongs.|
-``` js
- var want = {
- "deviceId": "", // An empty deviceId indicates the local device.
- "bundleName": "com.extreme.test",
- "abilityName": "MainAbility",
- "moduleName": "entry" // moduleName is optional.
- };
- this.context.startAbility(want, (error) => {
- // Start an ability explicitly. The bundleName, abilityName, and moduleName parameters uniquely identify an ability.
- console.log("error.code = " + error.code)
- })
+- Basic usage
+ ``` js
+ var want = {
+ "deviceId": "", // An empty deviceId indicates the local device.
+ "bundleName": "com.extreme.test",
+ "abilityName": "MainAbility",
+ "moduleName": "entry" // moduleName is optional.
+ };
+ this.context.startAbility(want, (error) => {
+ // Start an ability explicitly. The bundleName, abilityName, and moduleName parameters work together to uniquely identify an ability.
+ console.log("error.code = " + error.code)
+ })
+ ```
+- Passing a file descriptor (FD)
+ ``` js
+ var fd;
+ try {
+ fd = fileio.openSync("/data/storage/el2/base/haps/pic.png");
+ } catch(e) {
+ console.log("openSync fail:" + JSON.stringify(e));
+ }
+ var want = {
+ "deviceId": "", // An empty deviceId indicates the local device.
+ "bundleName": "com.extreme.test",
+ "abilityName": "MainAbility",
+ "moduleName": "entry" // moduleName is optional.
+ "parameters": {
+ "keyFd":{"type":"FD", "value":fd}
+ }
+ };
+ this.context.startAbility(want, (error) => {
+ // Start an ability explicitly. The bundleName, abilityName, and moduleName parameters work together to uniquely identify an ability.
+ console.log("error.code = " + error.code)
+ })
+ ```
+- Passing **RemoteObject** data
+ ``` js
+ class Stub extends rpc.RemoteObject {
+ constructor(des) {
+ if (typeof des == 'string') {
+ super(des);
+ } else {
+ return null;
+ }
+ }
+ onRemoteRequest(code, data, reply, option) {
+ if (code === 1) {
+ console.log('onRemoteRequest called')
+ let token = data.readInterfaceToken();
+ let num = data.readInt();
+ this.method();
+ return true;
+ }
+ return false;
+ }
+ method() {
+ console.log('method called');
+ }
+ }
+ var remoteObject = new Stub('want-test');
+ var want = {
+ "deviceId": "", // An empty deviceId indicates the local device.
+ "bundleName": "com.extreme.test",
+ "abilityName": "MainAbility",
+ "moduleName": "entry" // moduleName is optional.
+ "parameters": {
+ "keyRemoteObject":{"type":"RemoteObject", "value":remoteObject}
+ }
+ };
+ this.context.startAbility(want, (error) => {
+ // Start an ability explicitly. The bundleName, abilityName, and moduleName parameters work together to uniquely identify an ability.
+ console.log("error.code = " + error.code)
+ })
+ ```
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