未验证 提交 0f568881 编写于 作者: O openharmony_ci 提交者: Gitee

!10945 update camera instruction

Merge pull request !10945 from supeng/master
......@@ -2,7 +2,13 @@
## 场景介绍
- **相机静态能力**:用于描述相机的固有能力的一系列参数,比如朝向、支持的分辨率等信息。
- **物理相机**:物理相机就是独立的实体摄像头设备。物理相机ID是用于标志每个物理摄像头的唯一字串。
- **异步操作**:为保证UI线程不被阻塞,大部分Camera调用都是异步的。对于每个API均提供了callback函数和Promise函数。
## 开发步骤
......@@ -12,53 +18,63 @@
### 全流程场景
#### 权限申请
| 权限名称 | 权限属性值 |
| -------- | ------------------------------ |
| 相机权限 | ohos.permission.CAMERA |
| 录音权限 | ohos.permission.MICROPHONE |
| 存储权限 | ohos.permission.WRITE_MEDIA |
| 读取权限 | ohos.permission.READ_MEDIA |
| 位置权限 | ohos.permission.MEDIA_LOCATION |
const PERMISSIONS: Array<string> = [
function applyPermission() {
console.info('[permission] get permission');
#### 创建实例
在实现一个相机应用之前必须先创建一个独立的相机设备,然后才能继续相机的其他操作。如果此步骤操作失败,相机可能被占用或无法使用。如果被占用,必须等到相机释放后才能重新获取CameraManager对象。通过getSupportedCameras() 方法,获取当前使用的设备支持的相机列表。相机列表中存储了当前设备拥有的所有相机ID,如果列表不为空,则列表中的每个ID都支持独立创建相机对象;否则,说明正在使用的设备无可用的相机,不能继续后续的操作。相机设备具备预览、拍照、录像、Metadata等输出流,需要通过getSupportedOutputCapability()接口获取各个输出流的具体能力,通过该接口,可以获取当前设备支持的所有输出流能力,分别在CameraOutputCapability中的各个profile字段中,相机设备创建的建议步骤如下:
import camera from '@ohos.multimedia.camera'
import image from '@ohos.multimedia.image'
import media from '@ohos.multimedia.media'
import featureAbility from '@ohos.ability.featureAbility'
// 创建CameraManager对象
let cameraManager
await camera.getCameraManager(globalThis.Context, (err, manager) => {
if (err) {
console.error('Failed to get the CameraManager instance ${err.message}');
console.log('Callback returned with the CameraManager instance');
cameraManager = manager
// 注册回调函数监听相机状态变化,获取状态变化的相机信息
cameraManager.on('cameraStatus', (cameraStatusInfo) => {
console.log('camera : ' + cameraStatusInfo.camera.cameraId);
console.log('status: ' + cameraStatusInfo.status);
let cameraManager = await camera.getCameraManager(null)
if (!cameraManager) {
console.error('Failed to get the CameraManager instance');
// 获取相机列表
let cameraArray
await cameraManager.getCameras((err, cameras) => {
if (err) {
console.error('Failed to get the cameras. ${err.message}');
console.log('Callback returned with an array of supported cameras: ' + cameras.length);
cameraArray = cameras
let cameraArray = await cameraManager.getSupportedCameras()
if (!cameraArray) {
console.error('Failed to get the cameras');
for(let cameraIndex = 0; cameraIndex < cameraArray.length; cameraIndex++) {
console.log('cameraId : ' + cameraArray[cameraIndex].cameraId) // 获取相机ID
console.log('cameraPosition : ' + cameraArray[cameraIndex].cameraPosition) // 获取相机位置
console.log('cameraType : ' + cameraArray[cameraIndex].cameraType) // 获取相机类型
console.log('connectionType : ' + cameraArray[cameraIndex].connectionType) // 获取相机连接类型
for (let index = 0; index < cameraArray.length; index++) {
console.log('cameraId : ' + cameraArray[index].cameraId) // 获取相机ID
console.log('cameraPosition : ' + cameraArray[index].cameraPosition) // 获取相机位置
console.log('cameraType : ' + cameraArray[index].cameraType) // 获取相机类型
console.log('connectionType : ' + cameraArray[index].connectionType) // 获取相机连接类型
// 创建相机输入流
......@@ -68,52 +84,73 @@ await cameraManager.createCameraInput(cameraArray[0].cameraId).then((input) => {
cameraInput = input
// 获取相机设备支持的输出流能力
let cameraOutputCap = await camera.getSupportedOutputCapability(cameraInput);
if (!cameraOutputCap) {
console.error("outputCapability outputCapability == null || undefined")
} else {
console.info("outputCapability: " + JSON.stringify(cameraOutputCap));
let previewProfilesArray = cameraOutputCap.previewProfiles;
if (!previewProfilesArray) {
console.error("createOutput previewProfilesArray == null || undefined")
let photoProfilesArray = cameraOutputCap.photoProfiles;
if (!photoProfilesArray) {
console.error("createOutput photoProfilesArray == null || undefined")
let videoProfilesArray = cameraOutputCap.videoProfiles;
if (!videoProfilesArray) {
console.error("createOutput videoProfilesArray == null || undefined")
let metadataObjectTypesArray = cameraOutputCap.supportedMetadataObjectTypes;
if (!metadataObjectTypesArray) {
console.error("createOutput metadataObjectTypesArray == null || undefined")
// 创建预览输出流
let previewOutput
camera.createPreviewOutput((globalThis.surfaceId), (err, output) => {
if (err) {
console.error('Failed to create the PreviewOutput instance. ${err.message}');
console.log('Callback returned with previewOutput instance');
previewOutput = output
let previewOutput = await camera.createPreviewOutput(previewProfilesArray[0], surfaceId)
if (!previewOutput) {
console.error("Failed to create the PreviewOutput instance.")
// 创建ImageReceiver对象,并设置照片参数
let imageReceiver = await image.createImageReceiver(1920, 1080, 4, 8)
// 获取照片显示SurfaceId
let photoSurfaceId = await imageReceiver.getReceivingSurfaceId()
// 创建拍照输出流
let photoOutput
camera.createPhotoOutput((photoSurfaceId), (err, output) => {
if (err) {
console.error('Failed to create the PhotoOutput instance. ${err.message}');
console.log('Callback returned with the PhotoOutput instance.');
photoOutput = output
let photoOutput = await this.camera.createPhotoOutput(photoProfilesArray[0], photoSurfaceId)
if (!photoOutput) {
console.error('Failed to create the PhotoOutput instance.');
// 创建视频录制的参数
let videoProfile = {
audioBitrate : 48000,
audioChannels : 2,
audioCodec : 'audio/mp4a-latm',
audioSampleRate : 48000,
fileFormat : 'mp4',
videoBitrate : 48000,
videoCodec : 'video/mp4v-es',
videoFrameWidth : 640,
videoFrameHeight : 480,
videoFrameRate : 30
let videoConfig = {
audioSourceType : 1,
videoSourceType : 0,
profile : videoProfile,
url : 'file:///data/media/01.mp4',
orientationHint : 0,
location : { latitude : 30, longitude : 130 },
audioSourceType: 1,
videoSourceType: 1,
profile: {
audioBitrate: 48000,
audioChannels: 2,
audioCodec: 'audio/mp4v-es',
audioSampleRate: 48000,
durationTime: 1000,
fileFormat: 'mp4',
videoBitrate: 48000,
videoCodec: 'video/mp4v-es',
videoFrameWidth: 640,
videoFrameHeight: 480,
videoFrameRate: 30
url: 'file:///data/media/01.mp4',
orientationHint: 0,
maxSize: 100,
maxDuration: 500,
rotation: 0
// 创建录像输出流
......@@ -129,159 +166,110 @@ await videoRecorder.getInputSurface().then((id) => {
console.log('getInputSurface called')
videoSurfaceId = id
// 创建VideoOutput对象
let videoOutput
camera.createVideoOutput((surfaceId), (err, output) => {
if (err) {
console.error('Failed to create the VideoOutput instance. ${err.message}');
console.log('Callback returned with the VideoOutput instance');
videoOutput = output
// 创建VideoOutput对象
let videoOutput = camera.createVideoOutput(videoProfilesArray[0], videoSurfaceId)
if (!videoOutput) {
console.error('Failed to create the videoOutput instance.');
#### 参数设置
// 判断设备是否支持闪光灯
let flashStatus
await cameraInput.hasFlash().then((status) => {
console.log('Promise returned with the flash light support status:' + status);
flashStatus = status
if(flashStatus) {
// 判断是否支持自动闪光灯模式
let flashModeStatus
cameraInput.isFlashModeSupported(camera.FlashMode.FLASH_MODE_AUTO, (err, status) => {
if (err) {
console.error('Failed to check whether the flash mode is supported. ${err.message}');
console.log('Callback returned with the flash mode support status: ' + status);
flashModeStatus = status
if(flashModeStatus) {
// 设置自动闪光灯模式
cameraInput.setFlashMode(camera.FlashMode.FLASH_MODE_AUTO, (err) => {
if (err) {
console.error('Failed to set the flash mode ${err.message}');
console.log('Callback returned with the successful execution of setFlashMode.');
mXComponentController: XComponentController = new XComponentController // 创建XComponentController
// 判断是否支持连续自动变焦模式
let focusModeStatus
cameraInput.isFocusModeSupported(camera.FocusMode.FOCUS_MODE_CONTINUOUS_AUTO, (err, status) => {
if (err) {
console.error('Failed to check whether the focus mode is supported. ${err.message}');
build() {
Flex() {
XComponent({ // 创建XComponent
id: '',
type: 'surface',
libraryname: '',
controller: this.mXComponentController
.onload(() => { // 设置onload回调
// 设置Surface宽高(1920*1080)
// 获取Surface ID
globalThis.surfaceId = mXComponentController.getXComponentSurfaceId()
.width('1920px') // 设置XComponent宽度
.height('1080px') // 设置XComponent高度
console.log('Callback returned with the focus mode support status: ' + status);
focusModeStatus = status
if(focusModeStatus) {
// 设置连续自动变焦模式
cameraInput.setFocusMode(camera.FocusMode.FOCUS_MODE_CONTINUOUS_AUTO, (err) => {
if (err) {
console.error('Failed to set the focus mode ${err.message}');
console.log('Callback returned with the successful execution of setFocusMode.');
// 获取相机支持的可变焦距比范围
let zoomRatioRange
cameraInput.getZoomRatioRange((err, range) => {
if (err) {
console.error('Failed to get the zoom ratio range. ${err.message}');
function getImageReceiverSurfaceId() {
var receiver = image.createImageReceiver(640, 480, 4, 8)
console.log(TAG + 'before ImageReceiver check')
if (receiver !== undefined) {
console.log('ImageReceiver is ok')
surfaceId1 = await receiver.getReceivingSurfaceId()
console.log('ImageReceived id: ' + JSON.stringify(surfaceId1))
} else {
console.log('ImageReceiver is not ok')
console.log('Callback returned with zoom ratio range: ' + range.length);
zoomRatioRange = range
// 设置可变焦距比
cameraInput.setZoomRatio(zoomRatioRange[0], (err) => {
if (err) {
console.error('Failed to set the zoom ratio value ${err.message}');
function getVideoRecorderSurface() {
await getFd('CameraManager.mp4');
mVideoConfig.url = mFdPath;
media.createVideoRecorder((err, recorder) => {
console.info('Entering create video receiver')
mVideoRecorder = recorder
console.info('videoRecorder is :' + JSON.stringify(mVideoRecorder))
console.info('videoRecorder.prepare called.')
mVideoRecorder.prepare(mVideoConfig, (err) => {
console.info('videoRecorder.prepare success.')
mVideoRecorder.getInputSurface((err, id) => {
console.info('getInputSurface called')
mVideoSurface = id
console.info('getInputSurface surfaceId: ' + JSON.stringify(mVideoSurface))
console.log('Callback returned with the successful execution of setZoomRatio.');
#### 会话管理
##### 创建会话
// 创建Context对象
let context = featureAbility.getContext()
let captureSession
await camera.createCaptureSession((context), (err, session) => {
if (err) {
console.error('Failed to create the CaptureSession instance. ${err.message}');
console.log('Callback returned with the CaptureSession instance.' + session);
captureSession = session
let captureSession = await camera.createCaptureSession()
if (!captureSession) {
console.error('Failed to create the CaptureSession instance.');
console.log('Callback returned with the CaptureSession instance.' + session);
// 开始配置会话
await captureSession.beginConfig((err) => {
if (err) {
console.error('Failed to start the configuration. ${err.message}');
console.log('Callback invoked to indicate the begin config success.');
await captureSession.beginConfig()
// 向会话中添加相机输入流
await captureSession.addInput(cameraInput, (err) => {
if (err) {
console.error('Failed to add the CameraInput instance. ${err.message}');
console.log('Callback invoked to indicate that the CameraInput instance is added.');
await captureSession.addInput(cameraInput)
// 向会话中添加预览输入流
await captureSession.addOutput(previewOutput, (err) => {
if (err) {
console.error('Failed to add the PreviewOutput instance ${err.message}');
console.log('Callback invoked to indicate that the PreviewOutput instance is added.');
await captureSession.addOutput(previewOutput)
// 向会话中添加拍照输出流
await captureSession.addOutput(photoOutput, (err) => {
if (err) {
console.error('Failed to add the PhotoOutput instance ${err.message}');
console.log('Callback invoked to indicate that the PhotoOutput instance is added.');
await captureSession.addOutput(photoOutput)
// 提交会话配置
await captureSession.commitConfig((err) => {
if (err) {
console.error('Failed to commit the configuration. ${err.message}');
console.log('Callback invoked to indicate the commit config success.');
await captureSession.commitConfig()
// 启动会话
await captureSession.start().then(() => {
......@@ -291,67 +279,108 @@ await captureSession.start().then(() => {
##### 切换会话
// 停止当前会话
await captureSession.stop((err) => {
if (err) {
console.error('Failed to stop the session ${err.message}');
console.log('Callback invoked to indicate the session stop success.');
await captureSession.stop()
// 开始配置会话
await captureSession.beginConfig((err) => {
if (err) {
console.error('Failed to start the configuration. ${err.message}');
console.log('Callback invoked to indicate the begin config success.');
await captureSession.beginConfig()
// 从会话中移除拍照输出流
await captureSession.removeOutput(photoOutput, (err) => {
if (err) {
console.error('Failed to remove the PhotoOutput instance. ${err.message}');
console.log('Callback invoked to indicate that the PhotoOutput instance is removed.');
await captureSession.removeOutput(photoOutput)
// 向会话中添加录像输出流
await captureSession.addOutput(videoOutput, (err) => {
await captureSession.addOutput(videoOutput)
// 提交会话配置
await captureSession.commitConfig()
// 启动会话
await captureSession.start().then(() => {
console.log('Promise returned to indicate the session start success.');
#### 参数设置
// 判断设备是否支持闪光灯
let flashStatus = await captureSession.hasFlash()
if (!flashStatus) {
console.error('Failed to check whether the device has the flash mode.');
console.log('Promise returned with the flash light support status:' + flashStatus);
if (flashStatus) {
// 判断是否支持自动闪光灯模式
let flashModeStatus
captureSession.isFlashModeSupported(camera.FlashMode.FLASH_MODE_AUTO, async (err, status) => {
if (err) {
console.error('Failed to check whether the flash mode is supported. ${err.message}');
console.log('Callback returned with the flash mode support status: ' + status);
flashModeStatus = status
if(flashModeStatus) {
// 设置自动闪光灯模式
captureSession.setFlashMode(camera.FlashMode.FLASH_MODE_AUTO, async (err) => {
if (err) {
console.error('Failed to set the flash mode ${err.message}');
console.log('Callback returned with the successful execution of setFlashMode.');
// 判断是否支持连续自动变焦模式
let focusModeStatus
captureSession.isFocusModeSupported(camera.FocusMode.FOCUS_MODE_CONTINUOUS_AUTO, async (err, status) => {
if (err) {
console.error('Failed to add the VideoOutput instance ${err.message}');
console.error('Failed to check whether the focus mode is supported. ${err.message}');
console.log('Callback invoked to indicate that the VideoOutput instance is added.');
console.log('Callback returned with the focus mode support status: ' + status);
focusModeStatus = status
if (focusModeStatus) {
// 设置连续自动变焦模式
captureSession.setFocusMode(camera.FocusMode.FOCUS_MODE_CONTINUOUS_AUTO, async (err) => {
if (err) {
console.error('Failed to set the focus mode ${err.message}');
console.log('Callback returned with the successful execution of setFocusMode.');
// 提交会话配置
await captureSession.commitConfig((err) => {
// 获取相机支持的可变焦距比范围
let zoomRatioRange = await captureSession.getZoomRatioRange()
if (!zoomRatioRange) {
console.error('Failed to get the zoom ratio range.');
// 设置可变焦距比
captureSession.setZoomRatio(zoomRatioRange[0], async (err) => {
if (err) {
console.error('Failed to commit the configuration. ${err.message}');
console.error('Failed to set the zoom ratio value ${err.message}');
console.log('Callback invoked to indicate the commit config success.');
// 启动会话
await captureSession.start().then(() => {
console.log('Promise returned to indicate the session start success.');
console.log('Callback returned with the successful execution of setZoomRatio.');
#### 拍照
let settings = {
quality: camera.QualityLevel.QUALITY_LEVEL_HIGH, // 设置图片质量高
rotation: camera.ImageRotation.ROTATION_0 // 设置图片旋转角度0
// 使用当前拍照设置进行拍照
photoOutput.capture(settings, (err) => {
photoOutput.capture(settings, async (err) => {
if (err) {
console.error('Failed to capture the photo ${err.message}');
......@@ -362,9 +391,9 @@ photoOutput.capture(settings, (err) => {
#### 录像
// 启动录像输出流
videoOutput.start((err) => {
videoOutput.start(async (err) => {
if (err) {
console.error('Failed to start the video output ${err.message}');
......@@ -392,81 +421,34 @@ await videoOutput.stop((err) => {
#### 释放资源
// 停止当前会话
await captureSession.stop((err) => {
if (err) {
console.error('Failed to stop the session ${err.message}');
console.log('Callback invoked to indicate the session stop success.');
await captureSession.stop()
// 释放相机输入流
await cameraInput.release((err) => {
if (err) {
console.error('Failed to release the CameraInput instance ${err.message}');
console.log('Callback invoked to indicate that the CameraInput instance is released successfully.');
await cameraInput.release()
// 释放预览输出流
await previewOutput.release((err) => {
if (err) {
console.error('Failed to release the PreviewOutput instance ${err.message}');
console.log('Callback invoked to indicate that the PreviewOutput instance is released successfully.');
await previewOutput.release()
// 释放拍照输出流
await photoOutput.release((err) => {
if (err) {
console.error('Failed to release the PhotoOutput instance ${err.message}');
console.log('Callback invoked to indicate that the PhotoOutput instance is released successfully.');
await photoOutput.release()
// 释放录像输出流
await videoOutput.release((err) => {
if (err) {
console.error('Failed to release the VideoOutput instance ${err.message}');
console.log('Callback invoked to indicate that the VideoOutput instance is released successfully.');
await videoOutput.release()
// 释放会话
await captureSession.release((err) => {
if (err) {
console.error('Failed to release the CaptureSession instance ${err.message}');
console.log('Callback invoked to indicate that the CaptureSession instance is released successfully.');
await captureSession.release()
#### XComponent创建方法
// 会话置空
captureSession = null
mXComponentController: XComponentController = new XComponentController // 创建XComponentController
## 流程图
build() {
Flex() {
XComponent({ // 创建XComponent
id: '',
type: 'surface',
libraryname: '',
controller: this.mXComponentController
.onload(() => { // 设置onload回调
// 设置Surface宽高(1920*1080)
// 获取Surface ID
globalThis.surfaceId = mXComponentController.getXComponentSurfaceId()
.width('1920px') // 设置XComponent宽度
.height('1080px') // 设置XComponent高度
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![camera_framework process](figures/camera_framework_process.jpg)
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