- |
-virtual void CheckBlock()
- |
-Provides the callback of the suspension detection result.
-Input arguments: none
-Output arguments: none
-Return value: none
- |
- |
-virtual void CheckThreadBlock()
- |
-Provides the callback of the thread suspension detection result.
-Input arguments: none
-Output arguments: none
-Return value: none
- |
- |
-void RegisterXCollieChecker(const sptr<XCollieChecker> &checker, unsigned int type)
- |
-Registers the callback of the thread suspension detection result.
-Input arguments:
-- checker: Indicates the pointer to the XCollieChecker instance.
- type: Indicates the suspension detection type. Set it to XCOLLIE_THREAD.
-Output arguments: none
-Return value: none
- |
- |
-int SetTimer(const std::string &name, unsigned int timeout, std::function<void (void *)> func, void *arg, unsigned int flag)
- |
-Adds timers.
-Input arguments:
-- name: Indicates the timer name.
- timeout: Indicates the timeout duration, in seconds.
- func: Indicates the timeout callback.
- arg: Indicates the pointer to the timeout callback.
- flag: Indicates the timer operation type.
XCOLLIE_FLAG_DEFAULT // Indicates the default flag, which is the combination of the other three options.
-XCOLLIE_FLAG_NOOP // Calls only the timeout callback.
-XCOLLIE_FLAG_LOG // Generates a timeout fault log.
-XCOLLIE_FLAG_RECOVERY // Exits the process.
-Output arguments: none
-Return value: Returns the timer ID if the operation is successful; returns -1 otherwise.
- |
- |
-bool UpdateTimer(int id, unsigned int timeout)
- |
-Updates timers.
-Input arguments:
-- id: Indicates the timer ID.
- timeout: Indicates the timeout duration, in seconds.
-Output arguments: none
-Return value: Returns true if the operation is successful; returns false otherwise.
- |
- |
-void CancelTimer(int id)
- |
-Cancels timers.
-Input arguments:
-id: Indicates the timer ID.
-Output arguments: none
-Return value: none
- |