# SIG_TPC English | [简体中文](./sig_tpc_cn.md) Note: The content of this SIG follows the convention described in OpenHarmony's PMC Management Charter [README](../../zh/pmc.md). ## SIG group work objectives and scope ### work goals The third-party library SIG enables rapid expansion of software on the OpenHarmony system, helping developers quickly develop OpenHarmony applications and improving development efficiency. ### work scope - Cooperate with various vendors and developers to complete the co-construction, gathering and sharing of tripartite libraries. - Expand the number of JS/eTs tripartite libraries - Expand the number of C/C++ tripartite libraries ## SIG Members ### Leader - [andyhm10000](https://gitee.com/andyhm10000) ### Committers - [MaDiXin](https://gitee.com/MaDiXin) ### Meetings - Meeting time:Every Tuesday at 15:00 o'clock - Meeting application:[Declaration address](https://docs.qq.com/sheet/DT2pwU25CTUVZclZv) - Meeting link:Welink or other meeting - Meeting Summary: To view the minutes of past meetings, please click this [link](https://gitee.com/openharmony-sig/sig-content/tree/master/sig_tpc) ### Contact (optional) - Mailing list: NA - Wechat group:NA