# sig_Graphics English | [简体中文](./sig_graphics_cn.md) Note: The content of this SIG follows the convention described in OpenHarmony's PMC Management Charter [README](../../zh/pmc.md). ## SIG group work objectives and scope ### work goals Manage OpenHarmony Graphics ### work scope OpenHarmony Graphics and windowmanager related design and review. ## SIG Members ### Leader - @abbuu(https://gitee.com/abbuu) - @yifan-cui(https://gitee.com/yifan-cui) ### Committers - @lijj01(https://gitee.com/lijj01) - @bj1010(https://gitee.com/bj1010) - @mk_gc(https://gitee.com/mk_gc) - @xuyuqiong(https://gitee.com/xuyuqiong) - @liuchao92(https://gitee.com/liuchao92) - @xxfeng-hw(https://gitee.com/xxfeng-hw) - @@stonesxd(https://gitee.com/stonesxd) ### Meetings - Meeting time:Every two weeks' Friday 17:00-18:00 - Meeting application: [OpenHarmony sig_Graphics Meeting Proposal](https://shimo.im/sheets/m4kMLLgagotBK9qD/MODOC) - Meeting link: [tencent meeting] Reference the notification mail from graphics_dev@openharmony.io - Meeting notification: [Subscribe to](https://lists.openatom.io/postorius/lists/graphics_dev@openharmony.io) mailing list graphics_dev@openharmony.io for the meeting link ### Contact (optional) - liyu37@huawei.com - cuikun1@huawei.com - Mailing list:dev@openharmony.io - Wechat group:SIG-Graphics