# sig_XXX English | [简体中文](./sig_template_cn.md) Note: The content of this SIG follows the convention described in OpenHarmony's PMC Management Charter [README](../../zh/pmc.md). ## SIG group work objectives and scope ### work goals ### work scope ## SIG Members ### Leader - @gitee account(https://gitee.com/xxx) ### Committers - @gitee account(https://gitee.com/xxx) ### Meetings - Meeting time:xxx - Meeting application: Refer to the method of [PMC meeting](https://gitee.com/dongjinguang/community/blob/master/zh/pmc.md#pmc%E4%BC%9A%E8%AE%AE%E9%93%BE%E6%8E%A5) to provide sharing document weblink, convenient for sig_related people to apply for the topic. - Meeting link: Welink Meeting or Others - Meeting notification: [Subscribe to] (https://lists.openatom.io/postorius/lists/dev.openharmony.io) mailing list dev@openharmony.io for the meeting link - Meeting-Minutes: [Archive link address](https://gitee.com/openharmony-sig/sig-content) ### Contact (optional) - Mailing list:dev@openharmony.io - Wechat group:xxx