# sig_qa English | [简体中文](./sig_qa_cn.md) Note: The content of this SIG follows the convention described in OpenHarmony's PMC Management Charter [README](../../zh/pmc.md). ## SIG group work objectives and scope ### work goals Support the trustworthiness of OpenHarmony community development through related process governance. ### work scope Organize the stipulation of community development processes and the review on approving community incubation projects. Review the operation of each sig in community development and operations, identify problems, and drive relevant teams to make improvements. ## SIG Members ### Leader - [@xhuazi](https://gitee.com/xhuazi) ### Committers列表 - [@xhuazi](https://gitee.com/xhuazi) - [@jony_code](https://gitee.com/jony_code) - [@kevenNO1](https://gitee.com/kevenNO1) - [@xzmu](https://gitee.com/xzmu) - [@minglonghuang](https://gitee.com/minglonghuang) - [@vanessaguo](https://gitee.com/vanessaguo) - [@heartoflight](https://gitee.com/heartoflight) - [@guoguoliu](https://gitee.com/guoguoliu) - [@rtos_yuan](https://gitee.com/rtos_yuan) ### Meetings - Meeting time:BiWeek Wednesday at 14:30:16:00 - Meeting application: [OpenHarmony sig_QA Meeting Proposal](https://shimo.im/sheets/6QqqWJX99xrWWqJg/MODOC) - Meeting link: Welink - Meeting notification: [Subscribe to](https://lists.openatom.io/postorius/lists/dev.openharmony.io) mailing list dev@openharmony.io for the meeting link ### Contact (optional) - Mailing list:dev@openharmony.io - Wechat group:NA