sig_list.toml 14.6 KB
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# This file is used to manage the OpenHarmony project sig_group information
name = "sig-ai-framework"
description = "负责AI框架相关模块的架构设计、评审、决策以及开发"
leader = { gitee_id = "", email = "" }
sub_system = ["L1S_AI"]

name = "sig-ai_framework_integration"
description = "负责在OpenHarmony平台上提供三方AI推理框架的集成和维护"
leader = { gitee_id = "", email = "" }
sub_system = ["NONE"]

name = "sig-api"
description = "负责制定OpenHarmony平台的API设计规范和API社区治理,对API变更进行设计与评审"
leader = { gitee_id = "", email = "" }
sub_system = ["NONE"]

name = "sig-appframework"
description = "负责应用程序框架(元能力、ArkUI、事件通知等)相关模块的架构设计、评审、决策及开发"
leader = { gitee_id = "", email = "" }
sub_system = [

name = "sig-architecture"
description = "负责OpenHarmony架构(包括子系统/部件/代码仓的增加,合并,拆分和删除)相关的设计评审,《架构设计原则》和《OpenHarmony 系统架构》修订"
leader = { gitee_id = "", email = "" }
sub_system = ["NONE"]

name = "sig-basicsoftwareservice"
description = "负责OpenHarmony基础软件服务相关模块的架构设计、评审、决策及开发"
leader = { gitee_id = "", email = "" }
sub_system = [

name = "sig-blockchain"
description = "提供OpenHarmony数据上链功能,深度定制可适配OpenHarmony的数据上链组件"
leader = { gitee_id = "", email = "" }
sub_system = ["NONE"]

name = "sig-bluetooth"
description = "提供OpenHarmony蓝牙服务以及蓝牙协议栈,提升蓝牙兼容性"
leader = { gitee_id = "", email = "" }
sub_system = ["NONE"]

name = "sig-buildsystem"
description = "负责编译构建模块架构设计、评审、决策及开发"
leader = { gitee_id = "", email = "" }
sub_system = ["L1S_BuildSystem"]

name = "sig-cellular_device_mgr"
description = "负责基于OpenHarmony平台,进行入云组件、端管云组件、终端安全等基础能力组件和行业应用组件的架构设计、评审、决策及开发"
leader = { gitee_id = "", email = "" }
sub_system = ["NONE"]

name = "sig-compileruntime"
description = "负责语言编译和运行时相关软件模块架构设计、评审、决策及开发"
leader = { gitee_id = "", email = "" }
sub_system = ["L1S_CCRuntime", "L1S_Utils"]

name = "sig-compliance"
description = "制定OpenHarmony的开源合规治理的规则、规范、流程,负责开发合规工具,并提供合规服务能力"
leader = { gitee_id = "", email = "" }
sub_system = ["NONE"]

name = "sig-crossplatformui"
description = "开发和维护跨平台适配核心,包括为 OpenHarmony 拓展UI范式,让Web应用和各类小程序应用适配OpenHarmony的能力"
leader = { gitee_id = "", email = "" }
sub_system = ["NONE"]

name = "sig-dengluyi"
description = "为OpenHarmony 环境嵌入一个通用标准的多账号管理模块,与手机登录易App通信互操作,实现新用户的自动注册,老用户的自动登录,自动修改密码等功能"
leader = { gitee_id = "", email = "" }
sub_system = ["NONE"]

name = "sig-devboard"
description = "提供OpenHarmony芯片&开发板移植规划和规范,负责芯片&开发板移植的架构设计、预审及开发工作"
leader = { gitee_id = "", email = "" }
sub_system = ["L1S_DevBoard"]

name = "sig-distributeddatamgr"
description = "负责OpenHarmony数据管理服务相关模块的架构设计、评审、决策及开发"
leader = { gitee_id = "", email = "" }
sub_system = ["L1S_DistributedDataMgr_DFS"]

name = "sig-distributedhardwaremgr"
description = "负责OpenHarmony MSDP、电源管理、传感器服务、分布式硬件、USB相关模块的架构设计、评审、决策及开发"
leader = { gitee_id = "", email = "" }
sub_system = [

name = "sig-docs"
description = "负责OpenHarmony版本配套开发者文档的构建和发布的评审及开发"
leader = { gitee_id = "", email = "" }
sub_system = ["L1S_Docs"]

name = "sig-driver"
description = "负责构建OpenHarmony的统一硬件驱动平台HDF的架构设计、评审、决策及开发"
leader = { gitee_id = "", email = "" }
sub_system = ["L1S_Drivers"]

name = "sig-edu_data_specification"
description = "建设基于OpenHarmony的教育专属操作系统,积极与教育南北生态合作伙伴、教育管理单位、高校、科研单位,完善OpenHarmony上的教育生态建设"
leader = { gitee_id = "", email = "" }
sub_system = ["NONE"]

name = "sig-graphics"
description = "负责构建OpenHarmony的图形和窗口相关的架构设计、评审、决策及开发"
leader = { gitee_id = "", email = "" }
sub_system = [

name = "sig-hilog"
description = "负责日志系统HiLog架构设计、评审、决策及开发"
leader = { gitee_id = "", email = "" }
sub_system = ["NONE"]

name = "sig-ide"
description = "负责构建OpenHarmony IDE功能模块和插件相关的架构设计、评审、决策及开发"
leader = { gitee_id = "", email = "" }
sub_system = ["NONE"]

name = "sig-industrial_internet"
description = "负责构建围绕OpenHarmony构建工业专属操作系统和软硬件生态相关的架构设计、评审、决策及开发"
leader = { gitee_id = "", email = "" }
sub_system = ["NONE"]

name = "sig-infrastructure"
description = "负责构建围绕OpenHarmony构建工业专属操作系统和软硬件生态相关的架构设计、评审、决策及开发"
leader = { gitee_id = "", email = "" }
sub_system = ["NONE"]

name = "sig-iot-sensing-network"
description = "负责构建围绕OpenHarmony构建在2B行业物联感知场景所必须的网络协议能力增强"
leader = { gitee_id = "", email = "" }
sub_system = ["NONE"]

name = "sig-kernel"
description = "负责构建OpenHarmony的内核存储、内存、调度、安全等能力增强,多内核兼容架构设计、评审、决策及开发"
leader = { gitee_id = "", email = "" }
sub_system = ["L1S_Kernel"]

name = "sig-knowlege"
description = "负责构建OpenHarmony场景化Demo,撰写详细的开发指导书和课程"
leader = { gitee_id = "", email = "" }
sub_system = ["NONE"]

name = "sig-linkboy"
description = "负责围绕OpenHarmony系统的适配和移植linkboy图形化编程软件,推广OpenHarmony系统生态"
leader = { gitee_id = "", email = "" }
sub_system = ["NONE"]

name = "sig-media"
description = "负责构建OpenHarmony的媒体框架&服务相关的架构设计、评审、决策及开发"
leader = { gitee_id = "", email = "" }
sub_system = ["L1S_MultiMedia"]

name = "sig-miniblink"
description = "负责构建基于OpenHarmony轻量化web引擎"
leader = { gitee_id = "", email = "" }
sub_system = ["NONE"]

name = "sig-mips"
description = "使能OpenHarmony支撑MIPS架构与MIPS设备,提供MIPS的软件包和系统构建等指导,并维护对MIPS架构的支持"
leader = { gitee_id = "", email = "" }
sub_system = ["NONE"]

name = "sig-napi_generator"
description = "基于OpenHarmony标准系统,推出一些提升开发效率的NAPI框架代码生成工具"
leader = { gitee_id = "", email = "" }
sub_system = ["NONE"]

name = "sig-openblock"
description = "负责围绕OpenHarmony系统的适配和移植Blockly图形化编程软件,推广OpenHarmony系统生态"
leader = { gitee_id = "", email = "" }
sub_system = ["NONE"]

name = "sig-opengfxdriver"
description = "基于Mesa 3D以及DRM驱动,使能其在OpenHarmony平台运行开源的图形渲染"
leader = { gitee_id = "", email = "" }
sub_system = ["NONE"]

name = "sig-print"
description = "使能OpenHarmony开发打印服务功能,拓展及完善OpenHarmony在行业智能终端及其他打印设备的基本能力"
leader = { gitee_id = "", email = "" }
sub_system = ["NONE"]

name = "sig-python"
description = "使能Python在OpenHarmony上的应用开发"
leader = { gitee_id = "", email = "" }
sub_system = ["NONE"]

name = "sig-qa"
description = "制定社区开发相关流程,组织sig组转正评审, 运营和审视社区开发、sig组运作,发现问题并推动相关团队优化改进"
leader = { gitee_id = "", email = "" }
sub_system = ["NONE"]

name = "sig-qt"
description = "负责完成基于OpenHarmony的QT软件开发框架的移植及适配,将适配OpenHarmony平台的代码,回馈至QT上游社区"
leader = { gitee_id = "", email = "" }
sub_system = ["NONE"]

name = "sig-release"
description = "负责制定OpenHarmony的发布计划和协调各SIG团队完成OpenHarmony社区版本的发布工作"
leader = { gitee_id = "", email = "" }
sub_system = ["NONE"]

name = "sig-riscv"
description = "负责移植和维护RISC-V设备和RISC-V TEE在OpenHarmony上能运行"
leader = { gitee_id = "", email = "" }
sub_system = ["NONE"]

name = "sig-robotics"
description = "基于OpenHarmony设计可支持AGV、AMR、RGV等移动机器人的技术架构、应用层接口标准、通讯协议"
leader = { gitee_id = "", email = "" }
sub_system = ["NONE"]

name = "sig-secure_element"
description = "基于OpenHarmony提供统一的安全芯片管理框架,提供安全芯片相关规范,支持标准化的高安系统安全业务部署安全芯片"
leader = { gitee_id = "", email = "" }
sub_system = ["NONE"]

name = "sig-security"
description = "负责构建OpenHarmony的应用权限、应用签名、设备认证和密钥管理等的架构设计、评审、决策及开发"
leader = { gitee_id = "", email = "" }
sub_system = ["L1S_Security", "L1S_BIOMETRICS"]

name = "sig-softbus"
description = "负责构建OpenHarmony的应用权限、应用签名、设备认证和密钥管理等的架构设计、评审、决策及开发"
leader = { gitee_id = "", email = "" }
sub_system = [

name = "sig-systemapplications"
description = "定义并构建OpenHarmony的系统应用,负责申请、实施孵化项目,广泛收集社区开发者需求,以持续完善系统应用的特性"
leader = { gitee_id = "", email = "" }
sub_system = ["L1S_Applications"]

name = "sig-tee"
description = "负责构建OpenHarmony的TEE的架构设计、评审、决策及开发,制定TEE相关标准,建立统一的TEE生态"
leader = { gitee_id = "", email = "" }
sub_system = ["L1S_TEE"]

name = "sig-telephony"
description = "负责构建OpenHarmony的SIM卡、搜网、蜂窝数据、蜂窝通话、短彩信等蜂窝移动网络基础通信的架构设计、评审、决策及开发"
leader = { gitee_id = "", email = "" }
sub_system = ["L1S_telepony"]

name = "sig-test"
description = "负责构建OpenHarmony的测试系统、兼容测试框架的架构设计、评审、决策及开发"
leader = { gitee_id = "", email = "" }
sub_system = ["L1S_Test"]

name = "sig-toolchains"
description = "为OpenHarmony开发和提供最新的社区开源工具,提升开发者开发效率"
leader = { gitee_id = "", email = "" }
sub_system = ["NONE"]
334 335 336 337 338 339

name = "sig-temp"
description = "为OpenHarmony CI平台临时验证在IT平台创建SIG&代码仓库"
leader = { gitee_id = "", email = "" }
sub_system = ["NONE"]