baseurl = "" title = "Universal" theme = "hugo-universal-theme" themesDir = "../.." languageCode = "en-us" # Site language. Available translations in the theme's `/i18n` directory. defaultContentLanguage = "en" # Enable comments by entering your Disqus shortname disqusShortname = "devcows" # Enable Google Analytics by entering your tracking code googleAnalytics = "" # Define the number of posts per page paginate = 10 [menu] # Main menu [[menu.main]] identifier="home" name = "Home" url = "/" weight = 1 [[menu.main]] identifier="blog" name = "Blog" url = "/blog/" weight = 2 [[menu.main]] identifier = "faq" name = "FAQ" url = "/faq/" weight = 3 [[menu.main]] identifier = "contact" name = "Contact" url = "/contact/" weight = 4 # Top bar social links menu [[menu.topbar]] weight = 1 name = "GitHub" url = "" pre = "" [[menu.topbar]] weight = 2 name = "Facebook" url = "" pre = "" [[menu.topbar]] weight = 3 name = "Twitter" url = "" pre = "" [[menu.topbar]] weight = 4 name = "Email" url = "" pre = "" [params] viewMorePostLink = "/blog/" author = "DevCows" defaultKeywords = ["devows", "hugo", "go"] defaultDescription = "Site template made by devcows using hugo" # Twitter twitter = "GoHugoIO" twitterImage = "img/twitter-default.png" # Google Maps API key (if not set will default to not passing a key.) googleMapsApiKey = "AIzaSyCFhtWLJcE30xOAjcbSFi-0fnoVmQZPb1Y" # Style options: default (light-blue), blue, green, marsala, pink, red, turquoise, violet style = "default" # Since this template is static, the contact form uses as a # proxy. The form makes a POST request to their servers to send the actual # email. Visitors can send up to a 1000 emails each month for free. # # What you need to do for the setup? # # - set your email address under 'email' below # - upload the generated site to your server # - send a dummy email yourself to confirm your account # - click the confirm link in the email from # - you're done. Happy mailing! # # Enable the contact form by entering your email email = "" contact_form_ajax = false about_us = "

Pellentesque habitant morbi tristique senectus et netus et malesuada fames ac turpis egestas.

" copyright = "Copyright (c) 2015 - 2016, YourCompany; all rights reserved." # Format dates with Go's time formatting date_format = "January 2, 2006" logo = "img/logo.png" logo_small = "img/logo-small.png" address = """

Universal Ltd.
13/25 New Avenue
Newtown upon River
45Y 73J
Great Britain

""" latitude = "-12.043333" longitude = "-77.028333" [Permalinks] blog = "/blog/:year/:month/:day/:filename/" # Enable or disable top bar with social icons [params.topbar] enable = true text = """ """ # Enable and disable widgets for the right sidebar [params.widgets] categories = true tags = true search = true [params.carousel] enable = true # All carousel items are defined in their own files. You can find example items # at 'exampleSite/data/carousel'. # For more informtion take a look at the README. [params.features] enable = true # All features are defined in their own files. You can find example items # at 'exampleSite/data/features'. # For more informtion take a look at the README. [params.testimonials] enable = true # All testimonials are defined in their own files. You can find example items # at 'exampleSite/data/testimonials'. # For more informtion take a look at the README. title = "Testimonials" subtitle = "We have worked with many clients and we always like to hear they come out from the cooperation happy and satisfied. Have a look what our clients said about us." [params.see_more] enable = true icon = "fa fa-file-code-o" title = "Do you want to see more?" subtitle = "We have prepared for you more than 40 different HTML pages, including 5 variations of homepage." link_url = "#" link_text = "Check other homepages" [params.clients] enable = true # All clients are defined in their own files. You can find example items # at 'exampleSite/data/clients'. # For more informtion take a look at the README. title = "Our Clients" subtitle = "" [params.recent_posts] enable = true title = "From our blog" subtitle = "Pellentesque habitant morbi tristique senectus et netus et malesuada fames ac turpis egestas. Vestibulum tortor quam, feugiat vitae, ultricies eget, tempor sit amet, ante. Donec eu libero sit amet quam egestas semper. Aenean ultricies mi vitae est. Mauris placerat eleifend leo."