import logging import os import commands import threading import re import time from autotest.client import utils from autotest.client.shared import error from virttest import utils_test, utils_misc, remote, data_dir def format_result(result, base="12", fbase="2"): """ Format the result to a fixed length string. :param result: result need to convert :param base: the length of converted string :param fbase: the decimal digit for float """ if isinstance(result, str): value = "%" + base + "s" elif isinstance(result, int): value = "%" + base + "d" elif isinstance(result, float): value = "%" + base + "." + fbase + "f" return value % result def netperf_record(results, filter_list, header=False, base="12", fbase="2"): """ Record the results in a certain format. :param results: a dict include the results for the variables :param filter_list: variable list which is wanted to be shown in the record file, also fix the order of variables :param header: if record the variables as a column name before the results :param base: the length of a variable :param fbase: the decimal digit for float """ key_list = [] for key in filter_list: if results.has_key(key): key_list.append(key) record = "" if header: for key in key_list: record += "%s|" % format_result(key, base=base, fbase=fbase) record = record.rstrip("|") record += "\n" for key in key_list: record += "%s|" % format_result(results[key], base=base, fbase=fbase) record = record.rstrip("|") return record, key_list def start_netserver_win(session, start_cmd): check_reg = re.compile(r"NETSERVER.*EXE", re.I) if not check_reg.findall(session.cmd_output("tasklist")): session.sendline(start_cmd) if not utils_misc.wait_for(lambda: check_reg.findall( session.cmd_output("tasklist")), 30, 5, 1, "Wait netserver start"): msg = "Can not start netserver with command %s" % start_cmd raise error.TestError(msg) @error.context_aware def run(test, params, env): """ Network stress test with netperf. 1) Boot up VM(s), setup SSH authorization between host and guest(s)/external host 2) Prepare the test environment in server/client/host 3) Execute netperf tests, collect and analyze the results :param test: QEMU test object. :param params: Dictionary with the test parameters. :param env: Dictionary with test environment. """ def env_setup(session, ip, user, port, password): error.context("Setup env for %s" % ip) ssh_cmd(session, "iptables -F; true") ssh_cmd(session, "service iptables stop; true") ssh_cmd(session, "echo 1 > /proc/sys/net/ipv4/conf/all/arp_ignore") download_link = params.get("netperf_download_link") download_dir = data_dir.get_download_dir() md5sum = params.get("pkg_md5sum") pkg = utils.unmap_url_cache(download_dir, download_link, md5sum) remote.scp_to_remote(ip, shell_port, username, password, pkg, "/tmp") ssh_cmd(session, params.get("setup_cmd")) agent_path = os.path.join(test.virtdir, "scripts/") remote.scp_to_remote(ip, shell_port, username, password, agent_path, "/tmp") def _pin_vm_threads(vm, node): if node: if not isinstance(node, utils_misc.NumaNode): node = utils_misc.NumaNode(int(node)) utils_test.qemu.pin_vm_threads(vm, node) return node vm = env.get_vm(params["main_vm"]) vm.verify_alive() login_timeout = int(params.get("login_timeout", 360)) session = vm.wait_for_login(timeout=login_timeout) config_cmds = params.get("config_cmds") if config_cmds: for config_cmd in config_cmds.split(","): cmd = params.get(config_cmd.strip()) if cmd: s, o = session.cmd_status_output(cmd) if s: msg = "Config command %s failed. Output: %s" % (cmd, o) raise error.TestError(msg) if params.get("reboot_after_config", "yes") == "yes": session = vm.reboot(session=session, timeout=login_timeout) if params.get("rh_perf_envsetup_script"): utils_test.service_setup(vm, session, test.virtdir) session.close() server_ip = vm.wait_for_get_address(0, timeout=5) server_ctl = vm.wait_for_login(timeout=login_timeout) server_ctl_ip = server_ip if (params.get("os_type") == "windows" and params.get("use_cygwin") == "yes"): cygwin_prompt = params.get("cygwin_prompt", r"\$\s+$") cygwin_start = params.get("cygwin_start") server_cyg = vm.wait_for_login(timeout=login_timeout) server_cyg.set_prompt(cygwin_prompt) server_cyg.cmd_output(cygwin_start) else: server_cyg = None if len(params.get("nics", "").split()) > 1: vm.wait_for_login(nic_index=1, timeout=login_timeout) server_ctl_ip = vm.wait_for_get_address(1, timeout=5) logging.debug(commands.getoutput("numactl --hardware")) logging.debug(commands.getoutput("numactl --show")) # pin guest vcpus/memory/vhost threads to last numa node of host by default numa_node = _pin_vm_threads(vm, params.get("numa_node")) host = params.get("host", "localhost") host_ip = host if host != "localhost": params_host = params.object_params("host") host = remote.wait_for_login(params_host.get("shell_client"), host_ip, params_host.get("shell_port"), params_host.get("username"), params_host.get("password"), params_host.get("shell_prompt")) client = params.get("client", "localhost") client_ip = client clients = [] # client session 1 for control, session 2 for data communication for i in range(2): if client in params.get("vms"): vm_client = env.get_vm(client) tmp = vm_client.wait_for_login(timeout=login_timeout) client_ip = vm_client.wait_for_get_address(0, timeout=5) elif client != "localhost": tmp = remote.wait_for_login(params.get("shell_client_client"), client_ip, params.get("shell_port_client"), params.get("username_client"), params.get("password_client"), params.get("shell_prompt_client")) else: tmp = "localhost" clients.append(tmp) client = clients[0] vms_list = params["vms"].split() if len(vms_list) > 1: vm2 = env.get_vm(vms_list[-1]) vm2.verify_alive() session2 = vm2.wait_for_login(timeout=login_timeout) if params.get("rh_perf_envsetup_script"): utils_test.service_setup(vm2, session2, test.virtdir) client = vm2.wait_for_login(timeout=login_timeout) client_ip = vm2.get_address() session2.close() _pin_vm_threads(vm2, numa_node) error.context("Prepare env of server/client/host", prepare_list = set([server_ctl, client, host]) tag_dict = {server_ctl: "server", client: "client", host: "host"} ip_dict = {server_ctl: server_ctl_ip, client: client_ip, host: host_ip} for i in prepare_list: params_tmp = params.object_params(tag_dict[i]) if params_tmp.get("os_type") == "linux": shell_port = int(params_tmp["shell_port"]) password = params_tmp["password"] username = params_tmp["username"] env_setup(i, ip_dict[i], username, shell_port, password) env.stop_tcpdump() error.context("Start netperf testing", start_test(server_ip, server_ctl, host, clients, test.resultsdir, l=int(params.get('l')), sessions_rr=params.get('sessions_rr'), sessions=params.get('sessions'), sizes_rr=params.get('sizes_rr'), sizes=params.get('sizes'), protocols=params.get('protocols'), ver_cmd=params.get('ver_cmd', "rpm -q qemu-kvm"), netserver_port=params.get('netserver_port', "12865"), params=params, server_cyg=server_cyg, test=test) @error.context_aware def start_test(server, server_ctl, host, clients, resultsdir, l=60, sessions_rr="50 100 250 500", sessions="1 2 4", sizes_rr="64 256 512 1024 2048", sizes="64 256 512 1024 2048 4096", protocols="TCP_STREAM TCP_MAERTS TCP_RR TCP_CRR", ver_cmd=None, netserver_port=None, params={}, server_cyg=None, test=None): """ Start to test with different kind of configurations :param server: netperf server ip for data connection :param server_ctl: ip to control netperf server :param host: localhost ip :param clients: netperf clients' ip :param resultsdir: directory to restore the results :param l: test duration :param sessions_rr: sessions number list for RR test :param sessions: sessions number list :param sizes_rr: request/response sizes (TCP_RR, UDP_RR) :param sizes: send size (TCP_STREAM, UDP_STREAM) :param protocols: test type :param ver_cmd: command to check kvm version :param netserver_port: netserver listen port :param params: Dictionary with the test parameters. :param server_cyg: shell session for cygwin in windows guest """ guest_ver_cmd = params.get("guest_ver_cmd", "uname -r") fd = open("%s/netperf-result.%s.RHS" % (resultsdir, time.time()), "w") test.write_test_keyval({'kvm-userspace-ver': commands.getoutput(ver_cmd).strip()}) test.write_test_keyval({'guest-kernel-ver': ssh_cmd(server_ctl, guest_ver_cmd).strip()}) test.write_test_keyval({'session-length': l}) fd.write('### kvm-userspace-ver : %s\n' % commands.getoutput(ver_cmd).strip()) fd.write('### guest-kernel-ver : %s\n' % ssh_cmd(server_ctl, guest_ver_cmd).strip()) fd.write('### kvm_version : %s\n' % os.uname()[2]) fd.write('### session-length : %s\n' % l) record_list = ['size', 'sessions', 'throughput', 'trans.rate', 'CPU', 'thr_per_CPU', 'rx_pkts', 'tx_pkts', 'rx_byts', 'tx_byts', 're_pkts', 'rx_intr', 'tx_intr', 'io_exit', 'irq_inj', 'tpkt_per_exit', 'rpkt_per_irq'] base = params.get("format_base", "12") fbase = params.get("format_fbase", "2") output = ssh_cmd(host, "mpstat 1 1 |grep CPU") mpstat_head = re.findall(r"CPU\s+.*", output)[0].split() mpstat_key = params.get("mpstat_key", "%idle") if mpstat_key in mpstat_head: mpstat_index = mpstat_head.index(mpstat_key) + 1 else: mpstat_index = 0 for protocol in protocols.split(): error.context("Testing %s protocol" % protocol, if protocol in ("TCP_RR", "TCP_CRR"): sessions_test = sessions_rr.split() sizes_test = sizes_rr.split() protocol_log = protocol else: sessions_test = sessions.split() sizes_test = sizes.split() if protocol == "TCP_STREAM": protocol_log = protocol + " (RX)" elif protocol == "TCP_MAERTS": protocol_log = protocol + " (TX)" fd.write("Category:" + protocol_log + "\n") record_header = True for i in sizes_test: for j in sessions_test: if protocol in ("TCP_RR", "TCP_CRR"): nf_args = "-t %s -v 1 -- -r %s,%s" % (protocol, i, i) elif (protocol == "TCP_MAERTS"): nf_args = "-C -c -t %s -- -m ,%s" % (protocol, i) else: nf_args = "-C -c -t %s -- -m %s" % (protocol, i) ret = launch_client(j, server, server_ctl, host, clients, l, nf_args, netserver_port, params, server_cyg) thu = float(ret['thu']) cpu = 100 - float(ret['mpstat'].split()[mpstat_index]) normal = thu / cpu if ret.get('rx_pkts') and ret.get('irq_inj'): ret['rpkt_per_irq'] = float( ret['rx_pkts']) / float(ret['irq_inj']) if ret.get('tx_pkts') and ret.get('io_exit'): ret['tpkt_per_exit'] = float( ret['tx_pkts']) / float(ret['io_exit']) ret['size'] = int(i) ret['sessions'] = int(j) if protocol in ("TCP_RR", "TCP_CRR"): ret['trans.rate'] = thu else: ret['throughput'] = thu ret['CPU'] = cpu ret['thr_per_CPU'] = normal row, key_list = netperf_record(ret, record_list, header=record_header, base=base, fbase=fbase) if record_header: record_header = False category = row.split('\n')[0] test.write_test_keyval({'category': category}) prefix = '%s--%s--%s' % (protocol, i, j) for key in key_list: test.write_perf_keyval( {'%s--%s' % (prefix, key): ret[key]}) fd.write(row + "\n") fd.flush() kill_cmd = "killall netperf" if params.get("os_type") == "windows": kill_cmd = "taskkill /F /IM netperf*" ssh_cmd(clients[-1], kill_cmd, ignore_status=True) logging.debug("Remove temporary files") commands.getoutput("rm -f /tmp/" % ret['pid'])"Netperf thread completed successfully") fd.close() def ssh_cmd(session, cmd, timeout=120, ignore_status=False): """ Execute remote command and return the output :param session: a remote shell session or tag for localhost :param cmd: executed command :param timeout: timeout for the command """ if session == "localhost": o = utils.system_output(cmd, timeout=timeout, ignore_status=ignore_status) else: o = session.cmd(cmd, timeout=timeout, ignore_all_errors=ignore_status) return o @error.context_aware def launch_client(sessions, server, server_ctl, host, clients, l, nf_args, port, params, server_cyg): """ Launch netperf clients """ netperf_version = params.get("netperf_version", "2.6.0") client_path = "/tmp/netperf-%s/src/netperf" % netperf_version server_path = "/tmp/netperf-%s/src/netserver" % netperf_version # Start netserver error.context("Start Netserver on guest", if params.get("os_type") == "windows": timeout = float(params.get("timeout", "240")) cdrom_drv = utils_misc.get_winutils_vol(server_ctl) get_status_flag = False if params.get("use_cygwin") == "yes": netserv_start_cmd = params.get("netserv_start_cmd") netperf_src = params.get("netperf_src") % cdrom_drv cygwin_root = params.get("cygwin_root") netserver_path = params.get("netserver_path") netperf_install_cmd = params.get("netperf_install_cmd") start_session = server_cyg"Start netserver with cygwin, cmd is: %s" % netserv_start_cmd) if "netserver" not in server_ctl.cmd_output("tasklist"): netperf_pack = "netperf-%s" % params.get("netperf_version") s_check_cmd = "dir %s" % netserver_path p_check_cmd = "dir %s" % cygwin_root if not ("netserver.exe" in server_ctl.cmd(s_check_cmd) and netperf_pack in server_ctl.cmd(p_check_cmd)): error.context("Install netserver in Windows guest cygwin", cmd = "xcopy %s %s /S /I /Y" % (netperf_src, cygwin_root) server_ctl.cmd(cmd) server_cyg.cmd_output(netperf_install_cmd, timeout=timeout) if "netserver.exe" not in server_ctl.cmd(s_check_cmd): err_msg = "Install netserver cygwin failed" raise error.TestNAError(err_msg)"Install netserver in cygwin successfully") else: start_session = server_ctl netserv_start_cmd = params.get("netserv_start_cmd") % cdrom_drv"Start netserver without cygwin, cmd is: %s" % netserv_start_cmd) error.context("Start netserver on windows guest", start_netserver_win(start_session, netserv_start_cmd) else:"Netserver start cmd is '%s'" % server_path) ssh_cmd(server_ctl, "pidof netserver || %s" % server_path) get_status_flag = True ncpu = ssh_cmd(server_ctl, "cat /proc/cpuinfo |grep processor |wc -l") ncpu = re.findall(r"\d+", ncpu)[0]"Netserver start successfully") def count_interrupt(name): """ :param name: the name of interrupt, such as "virtio0-input" """ intr = 0 stat = ssh_cmd(server_ctl, "cat /proc/interrupts |grep %s" % name) stat = stat.strip().split("\n")[-1] for cpu in range(int(ncpu)): intr += int(stat.split()[cpu + 1]) return intr def get_state(): for i in ssh_cmd(server_ctl, "ifconfig").split("\n\n"): if server in i: ifname = re.findall(r"(\w+\d+)[:\s]", i)[0] path = "find /sys/devices|grep net/%s/statistics" % ifname cmd = "%s/rx_packets|xargs cat;%s/tx_packets|xargs cat;" \ "%s/rx_bytes|xargs cat;%s/tx_bytes|xargs cat" % (path, path, path, path) output = ssh_cmd(server_ctl, cmd).split()[-4:] nrx = int(output[0]) ntx = int(output[1]) nrxb = int(output[2]) ntxb = int(output[3]) nre = int(ssh_cmd(server_ctl, "grep Tcp /proc/net/snmp|tail -1" ).split()[12]) state_list = ['rx_pkts', nrx, 'tx_pkts', ntx, 'rx_byts', nrxb, 'tx_byts', ntxb, 're_pkts', nre] try: nrx_intr = count_interrupt("virtio.-input") ntx_intr = count_interrupt("virtio.-output") state_list.append('rx_intr') state_list.append(nrx_intr) state_list.append('tx_intr') state_list.append(ntx_intr) except IndexError: ninit = count_interrupt("virtio.") state_list.append('intr') state_list.append(ninit) io_exit = int(ssh_cmd(host, "cat /sys/kernel/debug/kvm/io_exits")) irq_inj = int( ssh_cmd(host, "cat /sys/kernel/debug/kvm/irq_injections")) state_list.append('io_exit') state_list.append(io_exit) state_list.append('irq_inj') state_list.append(irq_inj) return state_list def netperf_thread(i, numa_enable, client_s, timeout): cmd = "" fname = "/tmp/" % pid if numa_enable: output = ssh_cmd(client_s, "numactl --hardware") n = int(re.findall(r"available: (\d+) nodes", output)[0]) - 1 cmd += "numactl --cpunodebind=%s --membind=%s " % (n, n) cmd += "/tmp/ %d %s -D 1 -H %s -l %s %s" % (i, client_path, server, int(l) * 1.5, nf_args) cmd += " >> %s" % fname"Start netperf thread by cmd '%s'" % cmd) ssh_cmd(client_s, cmd) def all_clients_up(): try: content = ssh_cmd(clients[-1], "cat %s" % fname) except: content = "" return False if int(sessions) == len(re.findall("MIGRATE", content)): return True return False def parse_demo_result(fname, sessions): """ Process the demo result, remove the noise from head, and compute the final throughout. :param fname: result file name :param sessions: sessions' number """ fd = open(fname) lines = fd.readlines() fd.close() for i in range(1, len(lines) + 1): if "AF_INET" in lines[-i]: break nresult = i - 1 if nresult < int(sessions): raise error.TestError("We couldn't expect this parallism," "expect %s get %s" % (sessions, nresult)) niteration = nresult / sessions result = 0.0 for this in lines[-sessions * niteration:]: if "Interim" in this: result += float(re.findall(r"Interim result: *(\S+)", this)[0]) result = result / niteration logging.debug("niteration: %s" % niteration) return result error.context("Start netperf client threads", pid = str(os.getpid()) fname = "/tmp/" % pid ssh_cmd(clients[-1], "rm -f %s" % fname) numa_enable = params.get("netperf_with_numa", "yes") == "yes" timeout_netperf_start = int(l) * 0.5 client_thread = threading.Thread(target=netperf_thread, kwargs={"i": int(sessions), "numa_enable": numa_enable, "client_s": clients[0], "timeout": timeout_netperf_start}) client_thread.start() ret = {} ret['pid'] = pid if utils_misc.wait_for(all_clients_up, timeout_netperf_start, 0.0, 0.2, "Wait until all netperf clients start to work"): logging.debug("All netperf clients start to work.") else: raise error.TestNAError("Error, not all netperf clients at work") # real & effective test starts if get_status_flag: start_state = get_state() ret['mpstat'] = ssh_cmd(host, "mpstat 1 %d |tail -n 1" % (l - 1)) finished_result = ssh_cmd(clients[-1], "cat %s" % fname) # real & effective test ends if get_status_flag: end_state = get_state() if len(start_state) != len(end_state): msg = "Initial state not match end state:\n" msg += " start state: %s\n" % start_state msg += " end state: %s\n" % end_state logging.warn(msg) else: for i in range(len(end_state) / 2): ret[end_state[i * 2]] = (end_state[i * 2 + 1] - start_state[i * 2 + 1]) client_thread.join() error.context("Testing Results Treatment and Report", f = open(fname, "w") f.write(finished_result) f.close() ret['thu'] = parse_demo_result(fname, int(sessions)) return ret