import re, os, logging, commands from autotest.client.shared import utils, error from virttest import utils_misc, env_process, storage, data_dir def run_qemu_img(test, params, env): """ 'qemu-img' functions test: 1) Judge what subcommand is going to be tested 2) Run subcommand test @param test: kvm test object @param params: Dictionary with the test parameters @param env: Dictionary with test environment. """ cmd = utils_misc.get_path(test.bindir, params.get("qemu_img_binary")) if not os.path.exists(cmd): raise error.TestError("Binary of 'qemu-img' not found") image_format = params["image_format"] image_size = params.get("image_size", "10G") image_name = storage.get_image_filename(params, data_dir.get_data_dir()) def _check(cmd, img): """ Simple 'qemu-img check' function implementation. @param cmd: qemu-img base command. @param img: image to be checked """ cmd += " check %s" % img"Checking image '%s'...", img) try: output = utils.system_output(cmd) except error.CmdError, e: if "does not support checks" in str(e): return (True, "") else: return (False, str(e)) return (True, output) def check_test(cmd): """ Subcommand 'qemu-img check' test. This tests will 'dd' to create a specified size file, and check it. Then convert it to supported image_format in each loop and check again. @param cmd: qemu-img base command. """ test_image = utils_misc.get_path(data_dir.get_data_dir(), params["image_name_dd"]) print "test_image = %s" % test_image create_image_cmd = params["create_image_cmd"] create_image_cmd = create_image_cmd % test_image print "create_image_cmd = %s" % create_image_cmd utils.system(create_image_cmd) s, o = _check(cmd, test_image) if not s: raise error.TestFail("Check image '%s' failed with error: %s" % (test_image, o)) for fmt in params["supported_image_formats"].split(): output_image = test_image + ".%s" % fmt _convert(cmd, fmt, test_image, output_image) s, o = _check(cmd, output_image) if not s: raise error.TestFail("Check image '%s' got error: %s" % (output_image, o)) os.remove(output_image) os.remove(test_image) def _create(cmd, img_name, fmt, img_size=None, base_img=None, base_img_fmt=None, encrypted="no"): """ Simple wrapper of 'qemu-img create' @param cmd: qemu-img base command. @param img_name: name of the image file @param fmt: image format @param img_size: image size @param base_img: base image if create a snapshot image @param base_img_fmt: base image format if create a snapshot image @param encrypted: indicates whether the created image is encrypted """ cmd += " create" if encrypted == "yes": cmd += " -e" if base_img: cmd += " -b %s" % base_img if base_img_fmt: cmd += " -F %s" % base_img_fmt cmd += " -f %s" % fmt cmd += " %s" % img_name if img_size: cmd += " %s" % img_size utils.system(cmd) def create_test(cmd): """ Subcommand 'qemu-img create' test. @param cmd: qemu-img base command. """ image_large = params["image_name_large"] img = utils_misc.get_path(data_dir.get_data_dir(), image_large) img += '.' + image_format _create(cmd, img_name=img, fmt=image_format, img_size=params["image_size_large"]) os.remove(img) def _convert(cmd, output_fmt, img_name, output_filename, fmt=None, compressed="no", encrypted="no"): """ Simple wrapper of 'qemu-img convert' function. @param cmd: qemu-img base command. @param output_fmt: the output format of converted image @param img_name: image name that to be converted @param output_filename: output image name that converted @param fmt: output image format @param compressed: whether output image is compressed @param encrypted: whether output image is encrypted """ cmd += " convert" if compressed == "yes": cmd += " -c" if encrypted == "yes": cmd += " -e" if fmt: cmd += " -f %s" % fmt cmd += " -O %s" % output_fmt cmd += " %s %s" % (img_name, output_filename)"Converting '%s' from format '%s' to '%s'", img_name, fmt, output_fmt) utils.system(cmd) def convert_test(cmd): """ Subcommand 'qemu-img convert' test. @param cmd: qemu-img base command. """ dest_img_fmt = params["dest_image_format"] output_filename = "%s.converted_%s" % (image_name, dest_img_fmt) _convert(cmd, dest_img_fmt, image_name, output_filename, image_format, params["compressed"], params["encrypted"]) if dest_img_fmt == "qcow2": s, o = _check(cmd, output_filename) if s: os.remove(output_filename) else: raise error.TestFail("Check image '%s' failed with error: %s" % (output_filename, o)) else: os.remove(output_filename) def _info(cmd, img, sub_info=None, fmt=None): """ Simple wrapper of 'qemu-img info'. @param cmd: qemu-img base command. @param img: image file @param sub_info: sub info, say 'backing file' @param fmt: image format """ cmd += " info" if fmt: cmd += " -f %s" % fmt cmd += " %s" % img try: output = utils.system_output(cmd) except error.CmdError, e: logging.error("Get info of image '%s' failed: %s", img, str(e)) return None if not sub_info: return output sub_info += ": (.*)" matches = re.findall(sub_info, output) if matches: return matches[0] return None def info_test(cmd): """ Subcommand 'qemu-img info' test. @param cmd: qemu-img base command. """ img_info = _info(cmd, image_name)"Info of image '%s':\n%s", image_name, img_info) if not image_format in img_info: raise error.TestFail("Got unexpected format of image '%s'" " in info test" % image_name) if not image_size in img_info: raise error.TestFail("Got unexpected size of image '%s'" " in info test" % image_name) def snapshot_test(cmd): """ Subcommand 'qemu-img snapshot' test. @param cmd: qemu-img base command. """ cmd += " snapshot" for i in range(2): crtcmd = cmd sn_name = "snapshot%d" % i crtcmd += " -c %s %s" % (sn_name, image_name) s, o = commands.getstatusoutput(crtcmd) if s != 0: raise error.TestFail("Create snapshot failed via command: %s;" "Output is: %s" % (crtcmd, o))"Created snapshot '%s' in '%s'", sn_name, image_name) listcmd = cmd listcmd += " -l %s" % image_name s, o = commands.getstatusoutput(listcmd) if not ("snapshot0" in o and "snapshot1" in o and s == 0): raise error.TestFail("Snapshot created failed or missed;" "snapshot list is: \n%s" % o) for i in range(2): sn_name = "snapshot%d" % i delcmd = cmd delcmd += " -d %s %s" % (sn_name, image_name) s, o = commands.getstatusoutput(delcmd) if s != 0: raise error.TestFail("Delete snapshot '%s' failed: %s" % (sn_name, o)) def commit_test(cmd): """ Subcommand 'qemu-img commit' test. 1) Create a backing file of the qemu harddisk specified by image_name. 2) Start a VM using the backing file as its harddisk. 3) Touch a file "commit_testfile" in the backing_file, and shutdown the VM. 4) Make sure touching the file does not affect the original harddisk. 5) Commit the change to the original harddisk by executing "qemu-img commit" command. 6) Start the VM using the original harddisk. 7) Check if the file "commit_testfile" exists. @param cmd: qemu-img base command. """"Commit testing started!") image_name = params.get("image_name", "image") image_name = os.path.join(data_dir.get_data_dir(), image_name) image_format = params.get("image_format", "qcow2") backing_file_name = "%s_bak" % (image_name) try: # Remove the existing backing file backing_file = "%s.%s" % (backing_file_name, image_format) if os.path.isfile(backing_file): os.remove(backing_file) # Create the new backing file create_cmd = "%s create -b %s.%s -f %s %s.%s" % (cmd, image_name, image_format, image_format, backing_file_name, image_format) try: utils.system(create_cmd) except error.CmdError, e: raise error.TestFail("Could not create a backing file!")"backing_file created!") # Set the qemu harddisk to the backing file"Original image_name is: %s", params.get('image_name')) params['image_name'] = backing_file_name"Param image_name changed to: %s", params.get('image_name')) # Start a new VM, using backing file as its harddisk vm_name = params['main_vm'] env_process.preprocess_vm(test, params, env, vm_name) vm = env.get_vm(vm_name) vm.create() timeout = int(params.get("login_timeout", 360)) session = vm.wait_for_login(timeout=timeout) # Do some changes to the backing_file harddisk try: output = session.cmd("touch /commit_testfile")"Output of touch /commit_testfile: %s", output) output = session.cmd("ls / | grep commit_testfile")"Output of ls / | grep commit_testfile: %s", output) except Exception, e: raise error.TestFail("Could not create commit_testfile in the " "backing file %s" % e) vm.destroy() # Make sure there is no effect on the original harddisk # First, set the harddisk back to the original one"Current image_name is: %s", params.get('image_name')) params['image_name'] = image_name"Param image_name reverted to: %s", params.get('image_name')) # Second, Start a new VM, using image_name as its harddisk # Here, the commit_testfile should not exist vm_name = params['main_vm'] env_process.preprocess_vm(test, params, env, vm_name) vm = env.get_vm(vm_name) vm.create() timeout = int(params.get("login_timeout", 360)) session = vm.wait_for_login(timeout=timeout) try: output = session.cmd("[ ! -e /commit_testfile ] && echo $?")"Output of [ ! -e /commit_testfile ] && echo $?: " "%s", output) except Exception: output = session.cmd("rm -f /commit_testfile") raise error.TestFail("The commit_testfile exists on the " "original file") vm.destroy() # Excecute the commit command"Commiting image") cmitcmd = "%s commit -f %s %s.%s" % (cmd, image_format, backing_file_name, image_format) try: utils.system(cmitcmd) except error.CmdError, e: raise error.TestFail("Could not commit the backing file") # Start a new VM, using image_name as its harddisk vm_name = params['main_vm'] env_process.preprocess_vm(test, params, env, vm_name) vm = env.get_vm(vm_name) vm.create() timeout = int(params.get("login_timeout", 360)) session = vm.wait_for_login(timeout=timeout) try: output = session.cmd("[ -e /commit_testfile ] && echo $?")"Output of [ -e /commit_testfile ] && echo $?: %s", output) session.cmd("rm -f /commit_testfile") except Exception: raise error.TestFail("Could not find commit_testfile after a " "commit") vm.destroy() finally: # Remove the backing file if os.path.isfile(backing_file): os.remove(backing_file) def _rebase(cmd, img_name, base_img, backing_fmt, mode="unsafe"): """ Simple wrapper of 'qemu-img rebase'. @param cmd: qemu-img base command. @param img_name: image name to be rebased @param base_img: indicates the base image @param backing_fmt: the format of base image @param mode: rebase mode: safe mode, unsafe mode """ cmd += " rebase" if mode == "unsafe": cmd += " -u" cmd += " -b %s -F %s %s" % (base_img, backing_fmt, img_name)"Trying to rebase '%s' to '%s'...", img_name, base_img) s, o = commands.getstatusoutput(cmd) if s != 0: raise error.TestError("Failed to rebase '%s' to '%s': %s" % (img_name, base_img, o)) def rebase_test(cmd): """ Subcommand 'qemu-img rebase' test Change the backing file of a snapshot image in "unsafe mode": Assume the previous backing file had missed and we just have to change reference of snapshot to new one. After change the backing file of a snapshot image in unsafe mode, the snapshot should work still. @param cmd: qemu-img base command. """ if not 'rebase' in utils.system_output(cmd + ' --help', ignore_status=True): raise error.TestNAError("Current kvm user space version does not" " support 'rebase' subcommand") sn_fmt = params.get("snapshot_format", "qcow2") sn1 = params["image_name_snapshot1"] sn1 = utils_misc.get_path(data_dir.get_data_dir(), sn1) + ".%s" % sn_fmt base_img = storage.get_image_filename(params, data_dir.get_data_dir()) _create(cmd, sn1, sn_fmt, base_img=base_img, base_img_fmt=image_format) # Create snapshot2 based on snapshot1 sn2 = params["image_name_snapshot2"] sn2 = utils_misc.get_path(data_dir.get_data_dir(), sn2) + ".%s" % sn_fmt _create(cmd, sn2, sn_fmt, base_img=sn1, base_img_fmt=sn_fmt) rebase_mode = params.get("rebase_mode") if rebase_mode == "unsafe": os.remove(sn1) _rebase(cmd, sn2, base_img, image_format, mode=rebase_mode) # Check sn2's format and backing_file actual_base_img = _info(cmd, sn2, "backing file") base_img_name = os.path.basename(params.get("image_name")) if not base_img_name in actual_base_img: raise error.TestFail("After rebase the backing_file of 'sn2' is " "'%s' which is not expected as '%s'" % (actual_base_img, base_img_name)) s, o = _check(cmd, sn2) if not s: raise error.TestFail("Check image '%s' failed after rebase;" "got error: %s" % (sn2, o)) try: os.remove(sn2) os.remove(sn1) except Exception: pass # Here starts test subcommand = params["subcommand"] eval("%s_test(cmd)" % subcommand)