import logging import re from avocado.utils import process from virttest import env_process from virttest import error_context @env_process.context_aware def run(test, params, env): """ Check smbios table : 1) Run the qemu command as nobody 2) check the process is same as the user's :param test: QEMU test object. :param params: Dictionary with the test parameters. :param env: Dictionary with test environment. """ def get_user_ugid(username): """ return user uid and gid as a list """ user_uid = process.system_output("id -u %s" % username).split() user_gid = process.system_output("id -g %s" % username).split() return(user_uid, user_gid) def get_ugid_from_processid(pid): """ return a list[uid,euid,suid,fsuid,gid,egid,sgid,fsgid] of pid """ grep_ugid_cmd = "cat /proc/%s/status | grep -iE '^(U|G)id'" o = process.system_output(grep_ugid_cmd % pid.strip()) ugid = re.findall("(\d+)", o) # real UID, effective UID, saved set UID, and file system UID if ugid: return ugid else: test.error("Could not find the correct UID for process %s" % pid) exec_username = params.get("user_runas", "nobody") env_process.base_context("Run QEMU %s test:" % exec_username) error_context.context("Get the user uid and gid,using 'id -u/g username'") (exec_uid, exec_gid) = get_user_ugid(exec_username) error_context.context("Run the qemu as user '%s'" % exec_username)"The user %s :uid='%s', gid='%s'" % (exec_username, exec_uid, exec_gid)) params["extra_params"] = " -runas %s" % exec_username params["start_vm"] = "yes" env_process.preprocess_vm(test, params, env, params.get("main_vm")) vm = env.get_vm(params["main_vm"]) failures = [] for pid in process.get_children_pids(vm.get_shell_pid()): error_context.context("Get the process '%s' u/gid, using 'cat " "/proc/%s/status'" % (pid, pid), qemu_ugid = get_ugid_from_processid(pid)"Process run as uid=%s,euid=%s,suid=%s,fsuid=%s" % tuple(qemu_ugid[0:4]))"Process run as gid=%s,egid=%s,sgid=%s,fsgid=%s" % tuple(qemu_ugid[4:])) error_context.context("Check if the user %s ugid is equal to the " "process %s" % (exec_username, pid)) # generate user uid, euid, suid, fsuid, gid, egid, sgid, fsgid user_ugid_extend = exec_uid * 4 + exec_gid * 4 if cmp(user_ugid_extend, qemu_ugid) != 0: e_msg = ("Process %s error, expect ugid is %s, real is %s" % (pid, user_ugid_extend, qemu_ugid)) failures.append(e_msg) if failures:"FAIL: Test reported %s failures:\n%s" % (len(failures), "\n".join(failures)))