import re import logging import random from avocado.utils import process from virttest import error_context from virttest import qemu_monitor from virttest import storage from virttest import utils_misc from virttest import env_process from virttest import data_dir from virttest import qemu_qtree @error_context.context_aware def run(test, params, env): """ Check physical resources assigned to KVM virtual machines: 1) Log into the guest 2) Verify whether cpu counts ,memory size, nics' model, count and drives' format & count, drive_serial, UUID reported by the guest OS matches what has been assigned to the VM (qemu command line) 3) Verify all MAC addresses for guest NICs :param test: QEMU test object. :param params: Dictionary with the test parameters. :param env: Dictionary with test environment. """ # Define a function for checking number of hard drivers & NICs def check_num(devices, info_cmd, check_str): f_fail = [] expected_num = params.objects(devices).__len__() o = "" try: o = vm.monitor.human_monitor_cmd("info %s " % info_cmd) except qemu_monitor.MonitorError as e: fail_log = str(e) + "\n" fail_log += "info/query monitor command failed (%s)" % info_cmd f_fail.append(fail_log) logging.error(fail_log) actual_num = o.count(check_str) if expected_num != actual_num: fail_log = "%s number mismatch:\n" % str(devices) fail_log += " Assigned to VM: %d\n" % expected_num fail_log += " Reported by OS: %d" % actual_num f_fail.append(fail_log) logging.error(fail_log) return f_fail # Define a function for checking hard drives & NICs' model def chk_fmt_model(device, fmt_model, info_cmd, regexp): f_fail = [] devices = params.objects(device) for chk_device in devices: expected = params.object_params(chk_device).get(fmt_model) if not expected: expected = "rtl8139" o = "" try: o = vm.monitor.human_monitor_cmd("info %s" % info_cmd) except qemu_monitor.MonitorError as e: fail_log = str(e) + "\n" fail_log += "info/query monitor command failed (%s)" % info_cmd f_fail.append(fail_log) logging.error(fail_log) device_found = re.findall(regexp, o) logging.debug("Found devices: %s", device_found) found = False for fm in device_found: if expected in fm: found = True if not found: fail_log = "%s model mismatch:\n" % str(device) fail_log += " Assigned to VM: %s\n" % expected fail_log += " Reported by OS: %s" % device_found f_fail.append(fail_log) logging.error(fail_log) return f_fail # Define a function to verify UUID & Serial number def verify_device(expect, name, verify_cmd): f_fail = [] if verify_cmd: actual = session.cmd_output(verify_cmd) if not re.findall(expect, actual, re.I): fail_log = "%s mismatch:\n" % name fail_log += " Assigned to VM: %s\n" % expect.upper() fail_log += " Reported by OS: %s" % actual f_fail.append(fail_log) logging.error(fail_log) return f_fail def get_cpu_number(chk_type, chk_timeout): """ Get cpu sockets/cores/threads number. :param chk_type: Should be one of 'sockets', 'cores', 'threads'. :param chk_timeout: timeout of running chk_cmd. :return: Actual number of guest cpu number. """ chk_str = params["mem_chk_re_str"] chk_cmd = params.get("cpu_%s_chk_cmd" % chk_type) if chk_cmd is None: fail_log = "Unknown cpu number checking type: '%s'" % chk_type logging.error(fail_log) return -1 s, output = session.cmd_status_output(chk_cmd, timeout=chk_timeout) num = re.findall(chk_str, output) if s != 0 or not num: fail_log = "Failed to get guest %s number, " % chk_type fail_log += "guest output: '%s'" % output logging.error(fail_log) return -2"CPU %s number: %d", chk_type.capitalize(), int(num[-1])) return int(num[-1]) def check_cpu_number(chk_type, actual_n, expected_n): """ Checking cpu sockets/cores/threads number. :param chk_type: Should be one of 'sockets', 'cores', 'threads'. :param actual_n: Actual number of guest cpu number. :param expected_n: Expected number of guest cpu number. :return: a list that contains fail report. """ f_fail = [] if actual_n == -1: fail_log = "Unknown cpu number checking type: '%s'" % chk_type logging.error(fail_log) f_fail.append(fail_log) return f_fail if actual_n == -2: fail_log = "Failed to get guest %s number." % chk_type logging.error(fail_log) f_fail.append(fail_log) return f_fail"CPU %s number check", chk_type.capitalize()) if actual_n != expected_n: fail_log = "%s output mismatch:\n" % chk_type.capitalize() fail_log += " Assigned to VM: '%s'\n" % expected_n fail_log += " Reported by OS: '%s'" % actual_n f_fail.append(fail_log) logging.error(fail_log) return f_fail logging.debug("%s check pass. Expected: '%s', Actual: '%s'", chk_type.capitalize(), expected_n, actual_n) return f_fail def verify_machine_type(): f_fail = [] cmd = params.get("check_machine_type_cmd") fail_log = "" if cmd is None: return f_fail status, actual_mtype = session.cmd_status_output(cmd) if status != 0: test.error("Failed to get machine type from vm") machine_type_cmd = "%s -M ?" % utils_misc.get_qemu_binary(params) machine_types = process.system_output(machine_type_cmd, ignore_status=True) machine_types = machine_types.split(':')[-1] machine_type_map = {} for machine_type in machine_types.splitlines(): if not machine_type: continue type_pair = re.findall(r"([\w\.-]+)\s+([^(]+).*", machine_type) if len(type_pair) == 1 and len(type_pair[0]) == 2: machine_type_map[type_pair[0][0]] = type_pair[0][1] else: logging.warn("Unexpect output from qemu-kvm -M " "?: '%s'" % machine_type) try: expect_mtype = machine_type_map[params['machine_type']].strip() except KeyError: logging.warn("Can not find machine type '%s' from qemu-kvm -M ?" " output. Skip this test." % params['machine_type']) return f_fail if expect_mtype not in actual_mtype: fail_log += " Assigned to VM: '%s' \n" % expect_mtype fail_log += " Reported by OS: '%s'" % actual_mtype f_fail.append(fail_log) logging.error(fail_log) else:"MachineType check pass. Expected: %s, Actual: %s" % (expect_mtype, actual_mtype)) return f_fail if params.get("catch_serial_cmd") is not None: length = int(params.get("length", "20")) id_leng = random.randint(0, length) drive_serial = "" convert_str = "!\"#$%&\'()*+./:;<=>?@[\\]^`{|}~" drive_serial = utils_misc.generate_random_string(id_leng, ignore_str=",", convert_str=convert_str) params["drive_serial"] = drive_serial params["start_vm"] = "yes" vm = params["main_vm"] vm_params = params.object_params(vm) env_process.preprocess_vm(test, vm_params, env, vm) vm = env.get_vm(vm) else: vm = env.get_vm(params["main_vm"]) vm.verify_alive() timeout = int(params.get("login_timeout", 360)) chk_timeout = int(params.get("chk_timeout", 240)) error_context.context("Login to the guest", session = vm.wait_for_login(timeout=timeout) qtree = qemu_qtree.QtreeContainer() try: qtree.parse_info_qtree('qtree')) except AttributeError: # monitor doesn't support info qtree qtree = None"Starting physical resources check test")"Values assigned to VM are the values we expect " "to see reported by the Operating System") # Define a failure counter, as we want to check all physical # resources to know which checks passed and which ones failed n_fail = [] # We will check HDs with the image name image_name = storage.get_image_filename(params, data_dir.get_data_dir()) # Check cpu count error_context.context("CPU count check", actual_cpu_nr = vm.get_cpu_count() cpu_cores_num = get_cpu_number("cores", chk_timeout) cpu_lp_num = get_cpu_number("logical_processors", chk_timeout) cpu_threads_num = get_cpu_number("threads", chk_timeout) cpu_sockets_num = get_cpu_number("sockets", chk_timeout) if ((params.get("os_type") == 'windows') and cpu_cores_num > 0 and cpu_lp_num > 0 and cpu_sockets_num > 0): actual_cpu_nr = cpu_lp_num * cpu_sockets_num cpu_threads_num = cpu_lp_num / cpu_cores_num if vm.cpuinfo.smp != actual_cpu_nr: fail_log = "CPU count mismatch:\n" fail_log += " Assigned to VM: %s \n" % vm.cpuinfo.smp fail_log += " Reported by OS: %s" % actual_cpu_nr n_fail.append(fail_log) logging.error(fail_log) n_fail.extend(check_cpu_number("cores", cpu_cores_num, vm.cpuinfo.cores)) n_fail.extend(check_cpu_number("threads", cpu_threads_num, vm.cpuinfo.threads)) n_fail.extend(check_cpu_number("sockets", cpu_sockets_num, vm.cpuinfo.sockets)) # Check the cpu vendor_id expected_vendor_id = params.get("cpu_model_vendor") cpu_vendor_id_chk_cmd = params.get("cpu_vendor_id_chk_cmd") if expected_vendor_id and cpu_vendor_id_chk_cmd: output = session.cmd_output(cpu_vendor_id_chk_cmd) if expected_vendor_id not in output: fail_log = "CPU vendor id check failed.\n" fail_log += " Assigned to VM: '%s'\n" % expected_vendor_id fail_log += " Reported by OS: '%s'" % output n_fail.append(fail_log) logging.error(fail_log) # Check memory size error_context.context("Memory size check", expected_mem = int(params["mem"]) actual_mem = vm.get_memory_size() if actual_mem != expected_mem: fail_log = "Memory size mismatch:\n" fail_log += " Assigned to VM: %s\n" % expected_mem fail_log += " Reported by OS: %s\n" % actual_mem n_fail.append(fail_log) logging.error(fail_log) error_context.context("Hard drive count check", f_fail = check_num("images", "block", image_name) n_fail.extend(f_fail) error_context.context("NIC count check", f_fail = check_num("nics", "network", "model=") n_fail.extend(f_fail) error_context.context("NICs model check", f_fail = chk_fmt_model("nics", "nic_model", "network", "model=(.*),") n_fail.extend(f_fail) if qtree is not None: error_context.context("Images params check", logging.debug("Found devices: %s", params.objects('images')) qdisks = qemu_qtree.QtreeDisksContainer(qtree.get_nodes()) disk_errors = sum(qdisks.parse_info_block( vm.monitor.info_block())) disk_errors += qdisks.generate_params() disk_errors += qdisks.check_disk_params(params) if disk_errors: disk_errors = ("Images check failed with %s errors, " "check the log for details" % disk_errors) logging.error(disk_errors) n_fail.append("\n".join(qdisks.errors)) else:"Images check param skipped (qemu monitor doesn't " "support 'info qtree')") error_context.context("Network card MAC check", o = "" try: o = vm.monitor.human_monitor_cmd("info network") except qemu_monitor.MonitorError as e: fail_log = str(e) + "\n" fail_log += "info/query monitor command failed (network)" n_fail.append(fail_log) logging.error(fail_log) found_mac_addresses = re.findall(r"macaddr=(\S+)", o) logging.debug("Found MAC adresses: %s", found_mac_addresses) num_nics = len(params.objects("nics")) for nic_index in range(num_nics): mac = vm.get_mac_address(nic_index) if mac.lower() not in found_mac_addresses: fail_log = "MAC address mismatch:\n" fail_log += " Assigned to VM (not found): %s" % mac n_fail.append(fail_log) logging.error(fail_log) error_context.context("UUID check", if vm.get_uuid(): f_fail = verify_device(vm.get_uuid(), "UUID", params.get("catch_uuid_cmd")) n_fail.extend(f_fail) error_context.context("Hard Disk serial number check", catch_serial_cmd = params.get("catch_serial_cmd") f_fail = verify_device(params.get("drive_serial"), "Serial", catch_serial_cmd) n_fail.extend(f_fail) # only check if the MS Windows VirtIO driver is digital signed. chk_cmd = params.get("vio_driver_chk_cmd") if chk_cmd: error_context.context("Virtio Driver Check", chk_output = session.cmd_output(chk_cmd, timeout=chk_timeout) if "FALSE" in chk_output: fail_log = "VirtIO driver is not digitally signed!" fail_log += " VirtIO driver check output: '%s'" % chk_output n_fail.append(fail_log) logging.error(fail_log) error_context.context("Machine Type Check", f_fail = verify_machine_type() n_fail.extend(f_fail) if n_fail: session.close()"Physical resources check test " "reported %s failures:\n%s" % (len(n_fail), "\n".join(n_fail))) session.close()