- drive_mirror: no Host_RHEL.m5 no Host_RHEL.m6.u1 no Host_RHEL.m6.u2 no raw qed vmdk type = drive_mirror monitor_type = qmp monitors = qmp1 main_monitor = qmp1 backup_image_before_testing = yes restore_image_after_testing = yes # Recent QEMU upstream (and the variants shipped by recent distros) use # drive-mirror and block-job-complete block_mirror_cmd = drive-mirror block_reopen_cmd = block-job-complete # RHEL6 does use some different, internal commands, need to adjust on your # config file if that is going to be tested #block_mirror_cmd = "__com.redhat_drive-mirror" #block_reopen_cmd = "__com.redhat_drive-reopen" wait_timeout = 3600 # wait_timeout: wait xx seconds for block mirror job go into steady status, aka offset equal image length source_images = "image1" target_image_image1 = "target" # source_images: set which image will be mirroring to target, now only a image at one time; full_copy_image1 = "full" #for full image or top most default_speed_image1 = 0 # default speed unit is B/s, for 10MB/s please set speed to '10M' image_format_target = "qcow2" create_mode_target = "absolute-paths" image_name_target = "images/target1" check_event = no tmp_dir = "/tmp" variants: - simple_test: type = drive_mirror_simple repeat_times = 3 cancel_timeout = 5 variants: - cancel: before_steady = "cancel" cancel_timeout_image1 = 3 - set_speed: max_speed_image1 = 10M before_steady = "set_speed" - reset_speed: default_speed_image1 = 10M max_speed_image1 = 1M before_steady = "set_speed" - query: before_steady = "query_status" default_speed_image1 = 3M max_speed_image1 = 10M - mirroring: variants: - block_job_complete: type = drive_mirror_complete variants: - target_in_localfs: open_target_image = yes boot_target_image = no - target_in_nfs: image_type_target = nfs nfs_mount_dir = "/mnt/nfs" image_name_target = "${nfs_mount_dir}/target1" nfs_mount_options = "rw" export_dir = "/home/nfs" export_options = "rw,no_root_squash,async" setup_local_nfs = yes boot_target_image = yes open_target_image = no - target_to_iscsi: image_format_target = raw # target_image will ingore, target_image will generate automatically image_type_target = iscsi force_cleanup_target = yes host_setup_flag_target = 2 open_target_image = no boot_target_image = yes # Please replace below iscsi connection params before start your testing portal_ip_target = "" initiator_target = "iqn.2010-07.test.org:kvmautotest" target_target = "iqn.2001-05.com.equallogic:0-8a0906-db31f7d03-470263b05654c204-kvm-test" # End - continuous_backup: type = drive_mirror_continuous_backup clean_cmd = "rm -f tmp*.file" dd_cmd = "dd if=/dev/zero bs=1024 count=1024 of=tmp%s.file" Windows: clean_cmd = "del /F tmp*.file" - negative_test: negative_test = yes variants: - readonly_target: create_mode_target = existing before_start = readonly_target before_cleanup = clear_readonly_bit - with_stress: type = drive_mirror_stress reopen_timeout = 600 variants: - heavyload: download_link = http://weather.ou.edu/~apw/projects/stress/stress-1.0.4.tar.gz pkg_md5sum = a607afa695a511765b40993a64c6e2f4 install_cmd = "tar -xzvf ${tmp_dir}/stress-1.0.4.tar.gz -C ./ && cd stress-1.0.4 && ./configure --prefix=/usr && make && make install " config_cmd = "" app_check_cmd = "stress --help" start_cmd = "stress --cpu 4 --io 4 --vm 2 --vm-bytes 256M --quiet &" check_cmd = 'pidof -s stress' stop_cmd = "killall -g stress" variants: - stress: before_start = "load_stress" when_steady = "reopen" after_reopen = "reboot verify_alive" - stop: before_start = "load_stress" before_steady = "stop" when_steady = "reopen resume" after_reopen = "reboot verify_alive" - check_steady: before_start = "load_stress" when_steady = "verify_steady" #seconds to verify offset not decrease when guest in steady status hold_on_timeout = 300 after_reopen = "reboot verify_alive" - dd: app_check_cmd = "dd --help" start_cmd = "dd if=/dev/urandom of=/tmp/dd.img bs=4k count=500000" check_cmd = "pidof dd" stop_cmd = "pkill -g dd && rm -rf /tmp/dd*" before_start = "load_stress" when_steady = "reopen" after_reopen = "reboot verify_alive" - with_reboot: type = drive_mirror_reboot when_steady = "reopen" after_reopen = "reboot verify_alive" - with_powerdown: type = drive_mirror_powerdown app_check_cmd = "test -d ${tmp_dir}/linux-" download_link = "https://www.kernel.org/pub/linux/kernel/v2.6/longterm/v2.6.35/linux-" pkg_md5sum = "15e4021ffcb47b93c218083e1f2734a7" install_cmd = "tar xzvf ${tmp_dir}/linux- -C ${tmp_dir}/" config_cmd = "cd ${tmp_dir}/linux- && make defconfig" start_cmd = "cd ${tmp_dir}/linux- && make clean && make -j `grep processor /proc/cpuinfo|wc -l` && make modules" check_cmd = "pidof make" stop_cmd = "pkill -g make && rm -rf ${tmp_dir}/linux*" before_start = "load_stress" when_steady = "powerdown" after_reopen ="verify_alive" - cancel_blocked_jobs: type = drive_mirror_cancel cancel_timeout = 10 pre_command = "service iptables restart || systemctl restart iptables.service" stop_firewall_cmd = "iptables -F" post_command = "iptables -F" variants: - target_in_nfs: image_type_target = nfs nfs_mount_dir = "/mnt/nfs" image_name_target = "${nfs_mount_dir}/target1" nfs_mount_options = "rw" export_dir = "/home/nfs" export_options = "rw,no_root_squash,async" setup_local_nfs = yes start_firewall_cmd = "iptables -A INPUT -p tcp -d --dport 2049 -j DROP" - target_to_iscsi: # target_image will ingore, target_image will generate automatically image_type_target = iscsi force_cleanup_target = yes host_setup_flag_target = 2 # Please replace below iscsi connection params before start your testing portal_ip_target = "" initiator_target = "iqn.2010-07.test.org:kvmautotest" target_target = "iqn.2001-05.com.equallogic:0-8a0906-db31f7d03-470263b05654c204-kvm-test" start_firewall_cmd = "iptables -A INPUT -p tcp -d ${portal_ip_target} --dport 3260 -j DROP"