from autotest.client.shared import error from autotest.client.virt import kvm_monitor def run_qmp_basic(test, params, env): """ QMP Specification test-suite: this checks if the *basic* protocol conforms to its specification, which is file QMP/qmp-spec.txt in QEMU's source tree. IMPORTANT NOTES: o Most tests depend heavily on QMP's error information (eg. classes), this might have bad implications as the error interface is going to change in QMP o Command testing is *not* covered in this suite. Each command has its own specification and should be tested separately o We use the same terminology as used by the QMP specification, specially with regard to JSON types (eg. a Python dict is called a json-object) o This is divided in sub test-suites, please check the bottom of this file to check the order in which they are run TODO: o Finding which test failed is not as easy as it should be o Are all those check_*() functions really needed? Wouldn't a specialized class (eg. a Response class) do better? """ def fail_no_key(qmp_dict, key): if not isinstance(qmp_dict, dict): raise error.TestFail("qmp_dict is not a dict (it's '%s')" % type(qmp_dict)) if not key in qmp_dict: raise error.TestFail("'%s' key doesn't exist in dict ('%s')" % (key, str(qmp_dict))) def check_dict_key(qmp_dict, key, keytype): """ Performs the following checks on a QMP dict key: 1. qmp_dict is a dict 2. key exists in qmp_dict 3. key is of type keytype If any of these checks fails, error.TestFail is raised. """ fail_no_key(qmp_dict, key) if not isinstance(qmp_dict[key], keytype): raise error.TestFail("'%s' key is not of type '%s', it's '%s'" % (key, keytype, type(qmp_dict[key]))) def check_key_is_dict(qmp_dict, key): check_dict_key(qmp_dict, key, dict) def check_key_is_list(qmp_dict, key): check_dict_key(qmp_dict, key, list) def check_key_is_str(qmp_dict, key): check_dict_key(qmp_dict, key, unicode) def check_str_key(qmp_dict, keyname, value=None): check_dict_key(qmp_dict, keyname, unicode) if value and value != qmp_dict[keyname]: raise error.TestFail("'%s' key value '%s' should be '%s'" % (keyname, str(qmp_dict[keyname]), str(value))) def check_key_is_int(qmp_dict, key): fail_no_key(qmp_dict, key) try: int(qmp_dict[key]) except Exception: raise error.TestFail("'%s' key is not of type int, it's '%s'" % (key, type(qmp_dict[key]))) def check_bool_key(qmp_dict, keyname, value=None): check_dict_key(qmp_dict, keyname, bool) if value and value != qmp_dict[keyname]: raise error.TestFail("'%s' key value '%s' should be '%s'" % (keyname, str(qmp_dict[keyname]), str(value))) def check_success_resp(resp, empty=False): """ Check QMP OK response. @param resp: QMP response @param empty: if True, response should not contain data to return """ check_key_is_dict(resp, "return") if empty and len(resp["return"]) > 0: raise error.TestFail("success response is not empty ('%s')" % str(resp)) def check_error_resp(resp, classname=None, datadict=None): """ Check QMP error response. @param resp: QMP response @param classname: Expected error class name @param datadict: Expected error data dictionary """ check_key_is_dict(resp, "error") check_key_is_str(resp["error"], "class") if classname and resp["error"]["class"] != classname: raise error.TestFail("got error class '%s' expected '%s'" % (resp["error"]["class"], classname)) check_key_is_dict(resp["error"], "data") if datadict and resp["error"]["data"] != datadict: raise error.TestFail("got data dict '%s' expected '%s'" % (resp["error"]["data"], datadict)) def test_version(version): """ Check the QMP greeting message version key which, according to QMP's documentation, should be: { "qemu": { "major": json-int, "minor": json-int, "micro": json-int } "package": json-string } """ check_key_is_dict(version, "qemu") for key in [ "major", "minor", "micro" ]: check_key_is_int(version["qemu"], key) check_key_is_str(version, "package") def test_greeting(greeting): check_key_is_dict(greeting, "QMP") check_key_is_dict(greeting["QMP"], "version") check_key_is_list(greeting["QMP"], "capabilities") def greeting_suite(monitor): """ Check the greeting message format, as described in the QMP specfication section '2.2 Server Greeting'. { "QMP": { "version": json-object, "capabilities": json-array } } """ greeting = monitor.get_greeting() test_greeting(greeting) test_version(greeting["QMP"]["version"]) def json_parsing_errors_suite(monitor): """ Check that QMP's parser is able to recover from parsing errors, please check the JSON spec for more info on the JSON syntax (RFC 4627). """ # We're quite simple right now and the focus is on parsing errors that # have already biten us in the past. # # TODO: The following test-cases are missing: # # - JSON numbers, strings and arrays # - More invalid characters or malformed structures # - Valid, but not obvious syntax, like zillion of spaces or # strings with unicode chars (different suite maybe?) bad_json = [] # A JSON value MUST be an object, array, number, string, true, false, # or null # # NOTE: QMP seems to ignore a number of chars, like: | and ? bad_json.append(":") bad_json.append(",") # Malformed json-objects # # NOTE: sending only "}" seems to break QMP # NOTE: Duplicate keys are accepted (should it?) bad_json.append("{ \"execute\" }") bad_json.append("{ \"execute\": \"query-version\", }") bad_json.append("{ 1: \"query-version\" }") bad_json.append("{ true: \"query-version\" }") bad_json.append("{ []: \"query-version\" }") bad_json.append("{ {}: \"query-version\" }") for cmd in bad_json: resp = monitor.cmd_raw(cmd) check_error_resp(resp, "JSONParsing") def test_id_key(monitor): """ Check that QMP's "id" key is correctly handled. """ # The "id" key must be echoed back in error responses id_key = "kvm-autotest" resp = monitor.cmd_qmp("eject", { "foobar": True }, id=id_key) check_error_resp(resp) check_str_key(resp, "id", id_key) # The "id" key must be echoed back in success responses resp = monitor.cmd_qmp("query-status", id=id_key) check_success_resp(resp) check_str_key(resp, "id", id_key) # The "id" key can be any json-object for id_key in [ True, 1234, "string again!", [1, [], {}, True, "foo"], { "key": {} } ]: resp = monitor.cmd_qmp("query-status", id=id_key) check_success_resp(resp) if resp["id"] != id_key: raise error.TestFail("expected id '%s' but got '%s'" % (str(id_key), str(resp["id"]))) def test_invalid_arg_key(monitor): """ Currently, the only supported keys in the input object are: "execute", "arguments" and "id". Although expansion is supported, invalid key names must be detected. """ resp = monitor.cmd_obj({ "execute": "eject", "foobar": True }) check_error_resp(resp, "QMPExtraInputObjectMember", { "member": "foobar" }) def test_bad_arguments_key_type(monitor): """ The "arguments" key must be an json-object. We use the eject command to perform the tests, but that's a random choice, any command that accepts arguments will do, as the command doesn't get called. """ for item in [ True, [], 1, "foo" ]: resp = monitor.cmd_obj({ "execute": "eject", "arguments": item }) check_error_resp(resp, "QMPBadInputObjectMember", { "member": "arguments", "expected": "object" }) def test_bad_execute_key_type(monitor): """ The "execute" key must be a json-string. """ for item in [ False, 1, {}, [] ]: resp = monitor.cmd_obj({ "execute": item }) check_error_resp(resp, "QMPBadInputObjectMember", { "member": "execute", "expected": "string" }) def test_no_execute_key(monitor): """ The "execute" key must exist, we also test for some stupid parsing errors. """ for cmd in [ {}, { "execut": "qmp_capabilities" }, { "executee": "qmp_capabilities" }, { "foo": "bar" }]: resp = monitor.cmd_obj(cmd) check_error_resp(resp) # XXX: check class and data dict? def test_bad_input_obj_type(monitor): """ The input object must be... an json-object. """ for cmd in [ "foo", [], True, 1 ]: resp = monitor.cmd_obj(cmd) check_error_resp(resp, "QMPBadInputObject", { "expected":"object" }) def test_good_input_obj(monitor): """ Basic success tests for issuing QMP commands. """ # NOTE: We don't use the cmd_qmp() method here because the command # object is in a 'random' order resp = monitor.cmd_obj({ "execute": "query-version" }) check_success_resp(resp) resp = monitor.cmd_obj({ "arguments": {}, "execute": "query-version" }) check_success_resp(resp) idd = "1234foo" resp = monitor.cmd_obj({ "id": idd, "execute": "query-version", "arguments": {} }) check_success_resp(resp) check_str_key(resp, "id", idd) # TODO: would be good to test simple argument usage, but we don't have # a read-only command that accepts arguments. def input_object_suite(monitor): """ Check the input object format, as described in the QMP specfication section '2.3 Issuing Commands'. { "execute": json-string, "arguments": json-object, "id": json-value } """ test_good_input_obj(monitor) test_bad_input_obj_type(monitor) test_no_execute_key(monitor) test_bad_execute_key_type(monitor) test_bad_arguments_key_type(monitor) test_id_key(monitor) test_invalid_arg_key(monitor) def argument_checker_suite(monitor): """ Check that QMP's argument checker is detecting all possible errors. We use a number of different commands to perform the checks, but the command used doesn't matter much as QMP performs argument checking _before_ calling the command. """ # stop doesn't take arguments resp = monitor.cmd_qmp("stop", { "foo": 1 }) check_error_resp(resp, "InvalidParameter", { "name": "foo" }) # required argument omitted resp = monitor.cmd_qmp("screendump") check_error_resp(resp, "MissingParameter", { "name": "filename" }) # 'bar' is not a valid argument resp = monitor.cmd_qmp("screendump", { "filename": "outfile", "bar": "bar" }) check_error_resp(resp, "InvalidParameter", { "name": "bar"}) # test optional argument: 'force' is omitted, but it's optional, so # the handler has to be called. Test this happens by checking an # error that is generated by the handler itself. resp = monitor.cmd_qmp("eject", { "device": "foobar" }) check_error_resp(resp, "DeviceNotFound") # filename argument must be a json-string for arg in [ {}, [], 1, True ]: resp = monitor.cmd_qmp("screendump", { "filename": arg }) check_error_resp(resp, "InvalidParameterType", { "name": "filename", "expected": "string" }) # force argument must be a json-bool for arg in [ {}, [], 1, "foo" ]: resp = monitor.cmd_qmp("eject", { "force": arg, "device": "foo" }) check_error_resp(resp, "InvalidParameterType", { "name": "force", "expected": "bool" }) # val argument must be a json-int for arg in [ {}, [], True, "foo" ]: resp = monitor.cmd_qmp("memsave", { "val": arg, "filename": "foo", "size": 10 }) check_error_resp(resp, "InvalidParameterType", { "name": "val", "expected": "int" }) # value argument must be a json-number for arg in [ {}, [], True, "foo" ]: resp = monitor.cmd_qmp("migrate_set_speed", { "value": arg }) check_error_resp(resp, "InvalidParameterType", { "name": "value", "expected": "number" }) # qdev-type commands have their own argument checker, all QMP does # is to skip its checking and pass arguments through. Check this # works by providing invalid options to device_add and expecting # an error message from qdev resp = monitor.cmd_qmp("device_add", { "driver": "e1000", "foo": "bar" }) check_error_resp(resp, "PropertyNotFound", {"device": "e1000", "property": "foo"}) def unknown_commands_suite(monitor): """ Check that QMP handles unknown commands correctly. """ # We also call a HMP-only command, to be sure it will fail as expected for cmd in [ "bar", "query-", "query-foo", "q", "help" ]: resp = monitor.cmd_qmp(cmd) check_error_resp(resp, "CommandNotFound", { "name": cmd }) vm = env.get_vm(params["main_vm"]) vm.verify_alive() # Look for the first qmp monitor available, otherwise, fail the test qmp_monitor = None for m in vm.monitors: if isinstance(m, kvm_monitor.QMPMonitor): qmp_monitor = m if qmp_monitor is None: raise error.TestError('Could not find a QMP monitor, aborting test') # Run all suites greeting_suite(qmp_monitor) input_object_suite(qmp_monitor) argument_checker_suite(qmp_monitor) unknown_commands_suite(qmp_monitor) json_parsing_errors_suite(qmp_monitor) # check if QMP is still alive if not qmp_monitor.is_responsive(): raise error.TestFail('QMP monitor is not responsive after testing')