import logging import time import types import re import aexpect from virttest import utils_misc from virttest import utils_test from virttest import utils_package from virttest import error_context @error_context.context_aware def run(test, params, env): """ KVM migration test: 1) Get a live VM and clone it. 2) Verify that the source VM supports migration. If it does, proceed with the test. 3) Send a migration command to the source VM and wait until it's finished. 4) Kill off the source VM. 3) Log into the destination VM after the migration is finished. 4) Compare the output of a reference command executed on the source with the output of the same command on the destination machine. :param test: QEMU test object. :param params: Dictionary with test parameters. :param env: Dictionary with the test environment. """ def guest_stress_start(guest_stress_test): """ Start a stress test in guest, Could be 'iozone', 'dd', 'stress' :param type: type of stress test. """ from generic.tests import autotest_control timeout = 0 if guest_stress_test == "autotest": test_type = params.get("test_type") func = new_params = params.copy() new_params["test_control_file"] = "%s.control" % test_type args = (test, new_params, env) timeout = 60 elif guest_stress_test == "dd": vm = env.get_vm(env, params.get("main_vm")) vm.verify_alive() session = vm.wait_for_login(timeout=login_timeout) func = session.cmd_output args = ("for((;;)) do dd if=/dev/zero of=/tmp/test bs=5M " "count=100; rm -f /tmp/test; done", login_timeout,"Start %s test in guest", guest_stress_test) bg = utils_test.BackgroundTest(func, args) params["guest_stress_test_pid"] = bg bg.start() if timeout:"sleep %ds waiting guest test start.", timeout) time.sleep(timeout) if not bg.is_alive():"Failed to start guest test!") def guest_stress_deamon(): """ This deamon will keep watch the status of stress in guest. If the stress program is finished before migration this will restart it. """ while True: bg = params.get("guest_stress_test_pid") action = params.get("action") if action == "run": logging.debug("Check if guest stress is still running") guest_stress_test = params.get("guest_stress_test") if bg and not bg.is_alive(): logging.debug("Stress process finished, restart it") guest_stress_start(guest_stress_test) time.sleep(30) else: logging.debug("Stress still on") else: if bg and bg.is_alive(): try: stress_stop_cmd = params.get("stress_stop_cmd") vm = env.get_vm(env, params.get("main_vm")) vm.verify_alive() session = vm.wait_for_login() if stress_stop_cmd: logging.warn("Killing background stress process " "with cmd '%s', you would see some " "error message in client test result," "it's harmless.", stress_stop_cmd) session.cmd(stress_stop_cmd) bg.join(10) except Exception: pass break time.sleep(10) def get_functions(func_names, locals_dict): """ Find sub function(s) in this function with the given name(s). """ if not func_names: return [] funcs = [] for f in func_names.split(): f = locals_dict.get(f) if isinstance(f, types.FunctionType): funcs.append(f) return funcs def mig_set_speed(): mig_speed = params.get("mig_speed", "1G") return vm.monitor.migrate_set_speed(mig_speed) def check_dma(): dmesg_pattern = params.get("dmesg_pattern", "ata.*?configured for PIO") dma_pattern = params.get("dma_pattern", "DMA.*?\(\?\)$") pio_pattern = params.get("pio_pattern", "PIO.*?pio\d+\s+$") hdparm_cmd = params.get("hdparm_cmd", "i=`ls /dev/[shv]da` ; hdparm -I $i") session_dma = vm.wait_for_login() hdparm_output = session_dma.cmd_output(hdparm_cmd) failed_msg = "" if not, hdparm_output, re.M): failed_msg += "Failed in DMA check from hdparm output.\n" if not, hdparm_output, re.M): failed_msg += "Failed in PIO check from hdparm output.\n" if failed_msg: failed_msg += "hdparm output is: %s\n" % hdparm_output dmesg = session_dma.cmd_output("dmesg") if not, dmesg): failed_msg += "Failed in dmesg check.\n" failed_msg += " dmesg from guest is: %s\n" % dmesg if failed_msg: login_timeout = int(params.get("login_timeout", 360)) mig_timeout = float(params.get("mig_timeout", "3600")) mig_protocol = params.get("migration_protocol", "tcp") mig_cancel_delay = int(params.get("mig_cancel") == "yes") * 2 mig_exec_cmd_src = params.get("migration_exec_cmd_src") mig_exec_cmd_dst = params.get("migration_exec_cmd_dst") if mig_exec_cmd_src and "gzip" in mig_exec_cmd_src: mig_exec_file = params.get("migration_exec_file", "/var/tmp/exec") mig_exec_file += "-%s" % utils_misc.generate_random_string(8) mig_exec_cmd_src = mig_exec_cmd_src % mig_exec_file mig_exec_cmd_dst = mig_exec_cmd_dst % mig_exec_file offline = params.get("offline", "no") == "yes" check = params.get("vmstate_check", "no") == "yes" living_guest_os = params.get("migration_living_guest", "yes") == "yes" deamon_thread = None vm = env.get_vm(params["main_vm"]) vm.verify_alive() if living_guest_os: session = vm.wait_for_login(timeout=login_timeout) # Get the output of migration_test_command test_command = params.get("migration_test_command") reference_output = session.cmd_output(test_command) # Start some process in the background (and leave the session open) background_command = params.get("migration_bg_command", "") # check whether tcpdump is installed if "tcpdump" in background_command: if not utils_package.package_install("tcpdump", session): test.cancel("Please install tcpdump to proceed") session.sendline(background_command) time.sleep(5) # Start another session with the guest and make sure the background # process is running session2 = vm.wait_for_login(timeout=login_timeout) try: check_command = params.get("migration_bg_check_command", "") error_context.context("Checking the background command in the " "guest pre migration", session2.cmd(check_command, timeout=30) session2.close() # run some functions before migrate start. pre_migrate = get_functions(params.get("pre_migrate"), locals()) for func in pre_migrate: func() # Start stress test in guest. guest_stress_test = params.get("guest_stress_test") if guest_stress_test: guest_stress_start(guest_stress_test) params["action"] = "run" deamon_thread = utils_test.BackgroundTest( guest_stress_deamon, ()) deamon_thread.start() # Migrate the VM ping_pong = params.get("ping_pong", 1) for i in xrange(int(ping_pong)): if i % 2 == 0:"Round %s ping..." % str(i / 2)) else:"Round %s pong..." % str(i / 2)) vm.migrate(mig_timeout, mig_protocol, mig_cancel_delay, offline, check, migration_exec_cmd_src=mig_exec_cmd_src, migration_exec_cmd_dst=mig_exec_cmd_dst, env=env) # Set deamon thread action to stop after migrate params["action"] = "stop" # run some functions after migrate finish. post_migrate = get_functions(params.get("post_migrate"), locals()) for func in post_migrate: func() # Log into the guest again"Logging into guest after migration...") session2 = vm.wait_for_login(timeout=30)"Logged in after migration") # Make sure the background process is still running error_context.context("Checking the background command in the " "guest post migration", session2.cmd(check_command, timeout=30) # Get the output of migration_test_command output = session2.cmd_output(test_command) # Compare output to reference output if output != reference_output:"Command output before migration differs from " "command output after migration")"Command: %s", test_command)"Output before:" + utils_misc.format_str_for_message(reference_output))"Output after:" + utils_misc.format_str_for_message(output))"Command '%s' produced different output " "before and after migration" % test_command) finally: # Kill the background process if session2 and session2.is_alive(): bg_kill_cmd = params.get("migration_bg_kill_command", None) ignore_status = params.get("migration_bg_kill_ignore_status", 1) if bg_kill_cmd is not None: try: session2.cmd(bg_kill_cmd) except aexpect.ShellCmdError, details: # If the migration_bg_kill_command rc differs from # ignore_status, it means the migration_bg_command is # no longer alive. Let's ignore the failure here if # that is the case. if not int(details.status) == int(ignore_status): raise except aexpect.ShellTimeoutError: logging.debug("Remote session not responsive, " "shutting down VM %s", vm.destroy(gracefully=True) if deamon_thread is not None: # Set deamon thread action to stop after migrate params["action"] = "stop" deamon_thread.join() else: # Just migrate without depending on a living guest OS vm.migrate(mig_timeout, mig_protocol, mig_cancel_delay, offline, check, migration_exec_cmd_src=mig_exec_cmd_src, migration_exec_cmd_dst=mig_exec_cmd_dst)