import logging from autotest.client import utils, os_dep from autotest.client.shared import error @error.context_aware def run_tracing_exception_injection(test, params, env): """ Run tracing of exception injection test 1) Boot the main vm, or just verify it if it's already booted. 2) In host run kvm_stat, it should work. 3) In host check host allow tracing of exception injection in KVM. @param test: QEMU test object. @param params: Dictionary with the test parameters. @param env: Dictionary with test environment. """ error.context("Get the main VM", vm = env.get_vm(params["main_vm"]) vm.verify_alive() error.context("Check that kvm_stat works in host", kvm_stat_bin = os_dep.command("kvm_stat") check_cmd = "%s -1 -f exits" % kvm_stat_bin host_cmd_output = utils.system_output(check_cmd) if host_cmd_output: if host_cmd_output.split()[1] == '0': raise error.TestFail("kvm_stat did not provide the expected " "output: %s" % host_cmd_output)"kvm_stat provided the expected output")"Host cmd output '%s'", host_cmd_output) error.context("Check that host allows tracing of exception injection in KVM", exec_cmd = "grep kvm:kvm_inj_exception " exec_cmd += " /sys/kernel/debug/tracing/available_events" inj_check_cmd = params.get("injection_check_cmd", exec_cmd) try: except error.CmdError: err_msg = "kvm:kvm_inj_exception is not an avaliable event in host" raise error.TestFail(err_msg)"Host supports tracing of exception injection in KVM")