import logging import re import random import os import time import pickle import sys import traceback from xml.parsers import expat import aexpect from autotest.client.shared import error, utils from autotest.client.shared.syncdata import SyncData from virttest import qemu_vm from virttest import virt_vm from virttest import data_dir from virttest import utils_misc from virttest.utils_test.qemu import migration def run(test, params, env): """ Boot guest with different cpu flags and check if guest works correctly. :param test: kvm test object. :param params: Dictionary with the test parameters. :param env: Dictionary with test environment. """ utils_misc.Flag.aliases = utils_misc.kvm_map_flags_aliases qemu_binary = utils_misc.get_qemu_binary(params) cpuflags_src = os.path.join(data_dir.get_deps_dir("cpu_flags"), "src") cpuflags_def = os.path.join(data_dir.get_deps_dir("cpu_flags"), "cpu_map.xml") smp = int(params.get("smp", 1)) all_host_supported_flags = params.get("all_host_supported_flags", "no") mig_timeout = float(params.get("mig_timeout", "3600")) mig_protocol = params.get("migration_protocol", "tcp") mig_speed = params.get("mig_speed", "1G") cpu_model_black_list = params.get("cpu_model_blacklist", "").split(" ") multi_host_migration = params.get("multi_host_migration", "no") class HgFlags(object): def __init__(self, cpu_model, extra_flags=set([])): virtual_flags = set(map(utils_misc.Flag, params.get("guest_spec_flags", "").split())) self.hw_flags = set(map(utils_misc.Flag, params.get("host_spec_flags", "").split())) self.qemu_support_flags = get_all_qemu_flags() self.host_support_flags = set(map(utils_misc.Flag, utils_misc.get_cpu_flags())) self.quest_cpu_model_flags = (get_guest_host_cpuflags(cpu_model) - virtual_flags) self.supported_flags = (self.qemu_support_flags & self.host_support_flags) self.cpumodel_unsupport_flags = (self.supported_flags - self.quest_cpu_model_flags) self.host_unsupported_flags = (self.quest_cpu_model_flags - self.host_support_flags) self.all_possible_guest_flags = (self.quest_cpu_model_flags - self.host_unsupported_flags) self.all_possible_guest_flags |= self.cpumodel_unsupport_flags self.guest_flags = (self.quest_cpu_model_flags - self.host_unsupported_flags) self.guest_flags |= extra_flags self.host_all_unsupported_flags = set([]) self.host_all_unsupported_flags |= self.qemu_support_flags self.host_all_unsupported_flags -= (self.host_support_flags | virtual_flags) def start_guest_with_cpuflags(cpuflags, smp=None, migration=False, wait=True): """ Try to boot guest with special cpu flags and try login in to them. """ params_b = params.copy() params_b["cpu_model"] = cpuflags if smp is not None: params_b["smp"] = smp vm_name = "vm1-cpuflags" vm = qemu_vm.VM(vm_name, params_b, test.bindir, env['address_cache']) env.register_vm(vm_name, vm) if (migration is True): vm.create(migration_mode=mig_protocol) else: vm.create() session = None try: vm.verify_alive() if wait: session = vm.wait_for_login() except qemu_vm.ImageUnbootableError: vm.destroy(gracefully=False) raise return (vm, session) def get_guest_system_cpuflags(vm_session): """ Get guest system cpuflags. :param vm_session: session to checked vm. :return: [corespond flags] """ flags_re = re.compile(r'^flags\s*:(.*)$', re.MULTILINE) out = vm_session.cmd_output("cat /proc/cpuinfo") flags =[0].split() return set(map(utils_misc.Flag, flags)) def get_guest_host_cpuflags_legacy(cpumodel): """ Get cpu flags correspond with cpumodel parameters. :param cpumodel: Cpumodel parameter sended to . :return: [corespond flags] """ cmd = qemu_binary + " -cpu ?dump" output = re.escape(cpumodel) pattern = (r".+%s.*\n.*\n +feature_edx .+ \((.*)\)\n +feature_" "ecx .+ \((.*)\)\n +extfeature_edx .+ \((.*)\)\n +" "extfeature_ecx .+ \((.*)\)\n" % (cpumodel)) flags = [] model =, output) if model is None: raise error.TestFail("Cannot find %s cpu model." % (cpumodel)) for flag_group in model.groups(): flags += flag_group.split() return set(map(utils_misc.Flag, flags)) class ParseCpuFlags(object): def __init__(self, encoding=None): self.cpus = {} self.parser = expat.ParserCreate(encoding) self.parser.StartElementHandler = self.start_element self.parser.EndElementHandler = self.end_element self.last_arch = None self.last_model = None self.sub_model = False self.all_flags = [] def start_element(self, name, attrs): if name == "cpus": self.cpus = {} elif name == "arch": self.last_arch = self.cpus[attrs['name']] = {} elif name == "model": if self.last_model is None: self.last_model = self.last_arch[attrs['name']] = [] else: self.last_model += self.last_arch[attrs['name']] self.sub_model = True elif name == "feature": if self.last_model is not None: self.last_model.append(attrs['name']) else: self.all_flags.append(attrs['name']) def end_element(self, name): if name == "arch": self.last_arch = None elif name == "model": if self.sub_model is False: self.last_model = None else: self.sub_model = False def parse_file(self, file_path): self.parser.ParseFile(open(file_path, 'r')) return self.cpus def get_guest_host_cpuflags_1350(cpumodel): """ Get cpu flags correspond with cpumodel parameters. :param cpumodel: Cpumodel parameter sended to . :return: [corespond flags] """ p = ParseCpuFlags() cpus = p.parse_file(cpuflags_def) flags = [] for arch in cpus.values(): if cpumodel in arch.keys(): flags = arch[cpumodel] return set(map(utils_misc.Flag, flags)) get_guest_host_cpuflags_BAD = get_guest_host_cpuflags_1350 def get_all_qemu_flags_legacy(): cmd = qemu_binary + " -cpu ?cpuid" output = flags_re = re.compile(r".*\n.*f_edx:(.*)\n.*f_ecx:(.*)\n" ".*extf_edx:(.*)\n.*extf_ecx:(.*)") m = flags = [] for a in m.groups(): flags += a.split() return set(map(utils_misc.Flag, flags)) def get_all_qemu_flags_1350(): cmd = qemu_binary + " -cpu ?" output = flags_re = re.compile(r".*Recognized CPUID flags:\n(.*)", re.DOTALL) m = flags = [] for a in m.groups(): flags += a.split() return set(map(utils_misc.Flag, flags)) def get_all_qemu_flags_BAD(): """ Get cpu flags correspond with cpumodel parameters. :param cpumodel: Cpumodel parameter sended to . :return: [corespond flags] """ p = ParseCpuFlags() p.parse_file(cpuflags_def) return set(map(utils_misc.Flag, p.all_flags)) def get_cpu_models_legacy(): """ Get all cpu models from qemu. :return: cpu models. """ cmd = qemu_binary + " -cpu ?" output = cpu_re = re.compile(r"\w+\s+\[?(\w+)\]?") return cpu_re.findall(output) def get_cpu_models_1350(): """ Get all cpu models from qemu. :return: cpu models. """ cmd = qemu_binary + " -cpu ?" output = cpu_re = re.compile(r"x86\s+\[?(\w+)\]?") return cpu_re.findall(output) get_cpu_models_BAD = get_cpu_models_1350 def get_qemu_cpu_cmd_version(): cmd = qemu_binary + " -cpu ?cpuid" try: return "legacy" except: cmd = qemu_binary + " -cpu ?" output = if "CPUID" in output: return "1350" else: return "BAD" qcver = get_qemu_cpu_cmd_version() get_guest_host_cpuflags = locals()["get_guest_host_cpuflags_%s" % qcver] get_all_qemu_flags = locals()["get_all_qemu_flags_%s" % qcver] get_cpu_models = locals()["get_cpu_models_%s" % qcver] def get_flags_full_name(cpu_flag): """ Get all name of Flag. :param cpu_flag: Flag :return: all name of Flag. """ cpu_flag = utils_misc.Flag(cpu_flag) for f in get_all_qemu_flags(): if f == cpu_flag: return utils_misc.Flag(f) return [] def parse_qemu_cpucommand(cpumodel): """ Parse qemu cpu params. :param cpumodel: Cpu model command. :return: All flags which guest must have. """ flags = cpumodel.split(",") cpumodel = flags[0] qemu_model_flag = get_guest_host_cpuflags(cpumodel) host_support_flag = set(map(utils_misc.Flag, utils_misc.get_cpu_flags())) real_flags = qemu_model_flag & host_support_flag for f in flags[1:]: if f[0].startswith("+"): real_flags |= set([get_flags_full_name(f[1:])]) if f[0].startswith("-"): real_flags -= set([get_flags_full_name(f[1:])]) return real_flags def check_cpuflags(cpumodel, vm_session): """ Check if vm flags are same like flags select by cpumodel. :param cpumodel: params for -cpu param in qemu-kvm :param vm_session: session to vm to check flags. :return: ([excess], [missing]) flags """ gf = get_guest_system_cpuflags(vm_session) rf = parse_qemu_cpucommand(cpumodel) logging.debug("Guest flags: %s", gf) logging.debug("Host flags: %s", rf) logging.debug("Flags on guest not defined by host: %s", (gf - rf)) return rf - gf def get_cpu_models_supported_by_host(): """ Get all cpumodels which set of flags is subset of hosts flags. :return: [cpumodels] """ cpumodels = [] for cpumodel in get_cpu_models(): flags = HgFlags(cpumodel) if flags.host_unsupported_flags == set([]): cpumodels.append(cpumodel) return cpumodels def disable_cpu(vm_session, cpu, disable=True): """ Disable cpu in guest system. :param cpu: CPU id to disable. :param disable: if True disable cpu else enable cpu. """ system_cpu_dir = "/sys/devices/system/cpu/" cpu_online = system_cpu_dir + "cpu%d/online" % (cpu) cpu_state = vm_session.cmd_output("cat %s" % cpu_online).strip() if disable and cpu_state == "1": vm_session.cmd("echo 0 > %s" % cpu_online) logging.debug("Guest cpu %d is disabled.", cpu) elif cpu_state == "0": vm_session.cmd("echo 1 > %s" % cpu_online) logging.debug("Guest cpu %d is enabled.", cpu) def check_online_cpus(vm_session, smp, disabled_cpu): """ Disable cpu in guest system. :param smp: Count of cpu core in system. :param disable_cpu: List of disabled cpu. :return: List of CPUs that are still enabled after disable procedure. """ online = [0] for cpu in range(1, smp): system_cpu_dir = "/sys/devices/system/cpu/" cpu_online = system_cpu_dir + "cpu%d/online" % (cpu) cpu_state = vm_session.cmd_output("cat %s" % cpu_online).strip() if cpu_state == "1": online.append(cpu) cpu_proc = vm_session.cmd_output("cat /proc/cpuinfo") cpu_state_proc = map(lambda x: int(x), re.findall(r"processor\s+:\s*(\d+)\n", cpu_proc)) if set(online) != set(cpu_state_proc): raise error.TestError("Some cpus are disabled but %s are still " "visible like online in /proc/cpuinfo." % (set(cpu_state_proc) - set(online))) return set(online) - set(disabled_cpu) def install_cpuflags_test_on_vm(vm, dst_dir): """ Install stress to vm. :param vm: virtual machine. :param dst_dir: Installation path. """ session = vm.wait_for_login() vm.copy_files_to(cpuflags_src, dst_dir) session.cmd("sync") session.cmd("cd %s; make EXTRA_FLAGS='';" % os.path.join(dst_dir, "cpu_flags")) session.cmd("sync") session.close() def check_cpuflags_work(vm, path, flags): """ Check which flags work. :param vm: Virtual machine. :param path: Path of cpuflags_test :param flags: Flags to test. :return: Tuple (Working, not working, not tested) flags. """ pass_Flags = [] not_tested = [] not_working = [] session = vm.wait_for_login() for f in flags: try: for tc in utils_misc.kvm_map_flags_to_test[f]: session.cmd("%s/cpuflags-test --%s" % (os.path.join(path, "cpu_flags"), tc)) pass_Flags.append(f) except aexpect.ShellCmdError: not_working.append(f) except KeyError: not_tested.append(f) return (set(map(utils_misc.Flag, pass_Flags)), set(map(utils_misc.Flag, not_working)), set(map(utils_misc.Flag, not_tested))) def run_stress(vm, timeout, guest_flags): """ Run stress on vm for timeout time. """ ret = False install_path = "/tmp" install_cpuflags_test_on_vm(vm, install_path) flags = check_cpuflags_work(vm, install_path, guest_flags) dd_session = vm.wait_for_login() stress_session = vm.wait_for_login() dd_session.sendline("dd if=/dev/[svh]da of=/tmp/stressblock" " bs=10MB count=100 &") try: stress_session.cmd("%s/cpuflags-test --stress %s%s" % (os.path.join(install_path, "cpu_flags"), smp, utils_misc.kvm_flags_to_stresstests(flags[0])), timeout=timeout) except aexpect.ShellTimeoutError: ret = True stress_session.close() dd_session.close() return ret def separe_cpu_model(cpu_model): try: (cpu_model, _) = cpu_model.split(":") except ValueError: cpu_model = cpu_model return cpu_model def parse_cpu_model(): """ Parse cpu_models from config file. :return: [(cpumodel, extra_flags)] """ cpu_model = params.get("cpu_model", "") logging.debug("CPU model found: %s", str(cpu_model)) try: (cpu_model, extra_flags) = cpu_model.split(":") extra_flags = set(map(utils_misc.Flag, extra_flags.split(","))) except ValueError: cpu_model = cpu_model extra_flags = set([]) return (cpu_model, extra_flags) class MiniSubtest(object): def __new__(cls, *args, **kargs): self = super(MiniSubtest, cls).__new__(cls) ret = None if args is None: args = [] try: ret = self.test(*args, **kargs) finally: if hasattr(self, "clean"): self.clean() return ret def print_exception(called_object): exc_type, exc_value, exc_traceback = sys.exc_info() logging.error("In function (" + called_object.__name__ + "):") logging.error("Call from:\n" + traceback.format_stack()[-2][:-1]) logging.error("Exception from:\n" + "".join(traceback.format_exception( exc_type, exc_value, exc_traceback.tb_next))) class Test_temp(MiniSubtest): def clean(self):"cleanup") if (hasattr(self, "vm")): vm = getattr(self, "vm") vm.destroy(gracefully=False) # 1) -cpu ?model class test_qemu_cpu_model(MiniSubtest): def test(self): if qcver == "legacy": cpu_models = params.get("cpu_models", "core2duo").split() cmd = qemu_binary + " -cpu ?model" result = missing = [] cpu_models = map(separe_cpu_model, cpu_models) for cpu_model in cpu_models: if cpu_model not in result.stdout: missing.append(cpu_model) if missing: raise error.TestFail("CPU models %s are not in output " "'%s' of command \n%s" % (missing, cmd, result.stdout)) else: raise error.TestNAError("New qemu does not support -cpu " "?model. (%s)" % qcver) # 2) -cpu ?dump class test_qemu_dump(MiniSubtest): def test(self): if qcver == "legacy": cpu_models = params.get("cpu_models", "core2duo").split() cmd = qemu_binary + " -cpu ?dump" result = cpu_models = map(separe_cpu_model, cpu_models) missing = [] for cpu_model in cpu_models: if cpu_model not in result.stdout: missing.append(cpu_model) if missing: raise error.TestFail("CPU models %s are not in output " "'%s' of command \n%s" % (missing, cmd, result.stdout)) else: raise error.TestNAError("New qemu does not support -cpu " "?dump. (%s)" % qcver) # 3) -cpu ?cpuid class test_qemu_cpuid(MiniSubtest): def test(self): if qcver == "legacy": cmd = qemu_binary + " -cpu ?cpuid" result = if result.stdout is "": raise error.TestFail("There aren't any cpu Flag in output" " '%s' of command \n%s" % (cmd, result.stdout)) else: raise error.TestNAError("New qemu does not support -cpu " "?cpuid. (%s)" % qcver) # 1) boot with cpu_model class test_boot_cpu_model(Test_temp): def test(self): cpu_model, _ = parse_cpu_model() logging.debug("Run tests with cpu model %s", cpu_model) flags = HgFlags(cpu_model) (self.vm, session) = start_guest_with_cpuflags(cpu_model) not_enable_flags = (check_cpuflags(cpu_model, session) - flags.hw_flags) if not_enable_flags != set([]): raise error.TestFail("Flags defined on host but not found " "on guest: %s" % (not_enable_flags)) # 2) success boot with supported flags class test_boot_cpu_model_and_additional_flags(Test_temp): def test(self): cpu_model, extra_flags = parse_cpu_model() flags = HgFlags(cpu_model, extra_flags) logging.debug("Cpu mode flags %s.", str(flags.quest_cpu_model_flags)) cpuf_model = cpu_model if all_host_supported_flags == "yes": for fadd in flags.cpumodel_unsupport_flags: cpuf_model += ",+" + str(fadd) else: for fadd in extra_flags: cpuf_model += ",+" + str(fadd) for fdel in flags.host_unsupported_flags: cpuf_model += ",-" + str(fdel) if all_host_supported_flags == "yes": guest_flags = flags.all_possible_guest_flags else: guest_flags = flags.guest_flags (self.vm, session) = start_guest_with_cpuflags(cpuf_model) not_enable_flags = (check_cpuflags(cpuf_model, session) - flags.hw_flags) if not_enable_flags != set([]):"Model unsupported flags: %s", str(flags.cpumodel_unsupport_flags)) logging.error("Flags defined on host but not on found " "on guest: %s", str(not_enable_flags))"Check main instruction sets.") install_path = "/tmp" install_cpuflags_test_on_vm(self.vm, install_path) Flags = check_cpuflags_work(self.vm, install_path, flags.all_possible_guest_flags)"Woking CPU flags: %s", str(Flags[0]))"Not working CPU flags: %s", str(Flags[1])) logging.warning("Flags works even if not defined on guest cpu " "flags: %s", str(Flags[0] - guest_flags)) logging.warning("Not tested CPU flags: %s", str(Flags[2])) if Flags[1] & guest_flags: raise error.TestFail("Some flags do not work: %s" % (str(Flags[1]))) # 3) fail boot unsupported flags class test_boot_warn_with_host_unsupported_flags(MiniSubtest): def test(self): # This is virtual cpu flags which are supported by # qemu but no with host cpu. cpu_model, extra_flags = parse_cpu_model() flags = HgFlags(cpu_model, extra_flags) logging.debug("Unsupported flags %s.", str(flags.host_all_unsupported_flags)) cpuf_model = cpu_model + ",check" # Add unsupported flags. for fadd in flags.host_all_unsupported_flags: cpuf_model += ",+" + str(fadd) vnc_port = utils_misc.find_free_port(5900, 6100) - 5900 cmd = "%s -cpu %s -vnc :%d -enable-kvm" % (qemu_binary, cpuf_model, vnc_port) out = None try: try: out =, timeout=5, ignore_status=True).stderr raise error.TestFail("Guest not boot with unsupported " "flags.") except error.CmdError, e: out = e.result_obj.stderr finally: uns_re = re.compile(r"^warning:.*flag '(.+)'", re.MULTILINE) nf_re = re.compile( r"^CPU feature (.+) not found", re.MULTILINE) warn_flags = set([utils_misc.Flag(x) for x in uns_re.findall(out)]) not_found = set([utils_misc.Flag(x) for x in nf_re.findall(out)]) fwarn_flags = flags.host_all_unsupported_flags - warn_flags fwarn_flags -= not_found if fwarn_flags: raise error.TestFail("Qemu did not warn the use of " "flags %s" % str(fwarn_flags)) # 3) fail boot unsupported flags class test_fail_boot_with_host_unsupported_flags(MiniSubtest): def test(self): # This is virtual cpu flags which are supported by # qemu but no with host cpu. cpu_model, extra_flags = parse_cpu_model() flags = HgFlags(cpu_model, extra_flags) cpuf_model = cpu_model + ",enforce" logging.debug("Unsupported flags %s.", str(flags.host_all_unsupported_flags)) # Add unsupported flags. for fadd in flags.host_all_unsupported_flags: cpuf_model += ",+" + str(fadd) vnc_port = utils_misc.find_free_port(5900, 6100) - 5900 cmd = "%s -cpu %s -vnc :%d -enable-kvm" % (qemu_binary, cpuf_model, vnc_port) out = None try: try: out =, timeout=5, ignore_status=True).stderr except error.CmdError: logging.error("Host boot with unsupported flag") finally: uns_re = re.compile(r"^warning:.*flag '(.+)'", re.MULTILINE) nf_re = re.compile( r"^CPU feature (.+) not found", re.MULTILINE) warn_flags = set([utils_misc.Flag(x) for x in uns_re.findall(out)]) not_found = set([utils_misc.Flag(x) for x in nf_re.findall(out)]) fwarn_flags = flags.host_all_unsupported_flags - warn_flags fwarn_flags -= not_found if fwarn_flags: raise error.TestFail("Qemu did not warn the use of " "flags %s" % str(fwarn_flags)) # 4) check guest flags under load cpu, stress and system (dd) class test_boot_guest_and_try_flags_under_load(Test_temp): def test(self):"Check guest working cpuflags under load " "cpu and stress and system (dd)") cpu_model, extra_flags = parse_cpu_model() flags = HgFlags(cpu_model, extra_flags) cpuf_model = cpu_model logging.debug("Cpu mode flags %s.", str(flags.quest_cpu_model_flags)) if all_host_supported_flags == "yes": logging.debug("Added flags %s.", str(flags.cpumodel_unsupport_flags)) # Add unsupported flags. for fadd in flags.cpumodel_unsupport_flags: cpuf_model += ",+" + str(fadd) for fdel in flags.host_unsupported_flags: cpuf_model += ",-" + str(fdel) (self.vm, _) = start_guest_with_cpuflags(cpuf_model, smp) if (not run_stress(self.vm, 60, flags.guest_flags)): raise error.TestFail("Stress test ended before" " end of test.") def clean(self):"cleanup") self.vm.destroy(gracefully=False) # 5) Online/offline CPU class test_online_offline_guest_CPUs(Test_temp): def test(self): cpu_model, extra_flags = parse_cpu_model() logging.debug("Run tests with cpu model %s.", (cpu_model)) flags = HgFlags(cpu_model, extra_flags) (self.vm, session) = start_guest_with_cpuflags(cpu_model, smp) def encap(timeout): random.seed() begin = time.time() end = begin if smp > 1: while end - begin < 60: cpu = random.randint(1, smp - 1) if random.randint(0, 1): disable_cpu(session, cpu, True) else: disable_cpu(session, cpu, False) end = time.time() return True else: logging.warning("For this test is necessary smp > 1.") return False timeout = 60 test_flags = flags.guest_flags if all_host_supported_flags == "yes": test_flags = flags.all_possible_guest_flags result = utils_misc.parallel([(encap, [timeout]), (run_stress, [self.vm, timeout, test_flags])]) if not (result[0] and result[1]): raise error.TestFail("Stress tests failed before" " end of testing.") # 6) migration test class test_migration_with_additional_flags(Test_temp): def test(self): cpu_model, extra_flags = parse_cpu_model() flags = HgFlags(cpu_model, extra_flags) logging.debug("Cpu mode flags %s.", str(flags.quest_cpu_model_flags)) logging.debug("Added flags %s.", str(flags.cpumodel_unsupport_flags)) cpuf_model = cpu_model # Add unsupported flags. for fadd in flags.cpumodel_unsupport_flags: cpuf_model += ",+" + str(fadd) for fdel in flags.host_unsupported_flags: cpuf_model += ",-" + str(fdel) (self.vm, _) = start_guest_with_cpuflags(cpuf_model, smp) install_path = "/tmp" install_cpuflags_test_on_vm(self.vm, install_path) flags = check_cpuflags_work(self.vm, install_path, flags.guest_flags) dd_session = self.vm.wait_for_login() stress_session = self.vm.wait_for_login() dd_session.sendline("nohup dd if=/dev/[svh]da of=/tmp/" "stressblock bs=10MB count=100 &") cmd = ("nohup %s/cpuflags-test --stress %s%s &" % (os.path.join(install_path, "cpu_flags"), smp, utils_misc.kvm_flags_to_stresstests(flags[0]))) stress_session.sendline(cmd) time.sleep(5) self.vm.monitor.migrate_set_speed(mig_speed) self.clone = self.vm.migrate( mig_timeout, mig_protocol, offline=False, not_wait_for_migration=True) time.sleep(5) try: self.vm.wait_for_migration(10) except virt_vm.VMMigrateTimeoutError: self.vm.monitor.migrate_set_downtime(1) self.vm.wait_for_migration(mig_timeout) # Swap due to test cleaning. temp = self.vm.clone(copy_state=True) self.vm.__dict__ = self.clone.__dict__ self.clone = temp self.vm.resume() self.clone.destroy(gracefully=False) stress_session = self.vm.wait_for_login() # If cpuflags-test hang up during migration test raise exception try: stress_session.cmd('killall cpuflags-test') except aexpect.ShellCmdError: raise error.TestFail("Cpuflags-test should work after" " migration.") def net_send_object(socket, obj): """ Send python object over network. :param ip_addr: ipaddres of waiter for data. :param obj: object to send """ data = pickle.dumps(obj, pickle.HIGHEST_PROTOCOL) socket.sendall("%6d" % len(data)) socket.sendall(data) def net_recv_object(socket, timeout=60): """ Receive python object over network. :param ip_addr: ipaddres of waiter for data. :param obj: object to send :return: object from network """ try: time_start = time.time() data = "" d_len = int(socket.recv(6)) while (len(data) < d_len and (time.time() - time_start) < timeout): data += socket.recv(d_len - len(data)) data = pickle.loads(data) return data except: error.TestFail("Failed to receive python object over the network") raise class test_multi_host_migration(Test_temp): def test(self): """ Test migration between multiple hosts. """ cpu_model, extra_flags = parse_cpu_model() flags = HgFlags(cpu_model, extra_flags) logging.debug("Cpu mode flags %s.", str(flags.quest_cpu_model_flags)) logging.debug("Added flags %s.", str(flags.cpumodel_unsupport_flags)) cpuf_model = cpu_model for fadd in extra_flags: cpuf_model += ",+" + str(fadd) for fdel in flags.host_unsupported_flags: cpuf_model += ",-" + str(fdel) install_path = "/tmp" class testMultihostMigration(migration.MultihostMigration): def __init__(self, test, params, env): migration.MultihostMigration.__init__(self, test, params, env) def migration_scenario(self): srchost = self.params.get("hosts")[0] dsthost = self.params.get("hosts")[1] def worker(mig_data): vm = env.get_vm("vm1") session = vm.wait_for_login(timeout=self.login_timeout) install_cpuflags_test_on_vm(vm, install_path) Flags = check_cpuflags_work(vm, install_path, flags.all_possible_guest_flags)"Woking CPU flags: %s", str(Flags[0]))"Not working CPU flags: %s", str(Flags[1])) logging.warning("Flags works even if not defined on" " guest cpu flags: %s", str(Flags[0] - flags.guest_flags)) logging.warning("Not tested CPU flags: %s", str(Flags[2])) session.sendline("nohup dd if=/dev/[svh]da of=/tmp/" "stressblock bs=10MB count=100 &") cmd = ("nohup %s/cpuflags-test --stress %s%s &" % (os.path.join(install_path, "cpu_flags"), smp, utils_misc.kvm_flags_to_stresstests(Flags[0] & flags.guest_flags))) logging.debug("Guest_flags: %s", str(flags.guest_flags)) logging.debug("Working_flags: %s", str(Flags[0])) logging.debug("Start stress on guest: %s", cmd) session.sendline(cmd) def check_worker(mig_data): vm = env.get_vm("vm1") vm.verify_illegal_instruction() session = vm.wait_for_login(timeout=self.login_timeout) try: session.cmd('killall cpuflags-test') except aexpect.ShellCmdError: raise error.TestFail("The cpuflags-test program" " should be active after" " migration and it's not.") Flags = check_cpuflags_work(vm, install_path, flags.all_possible_guest_flags)"Woking CPU flags: %s", str(Flags[0]))"Not working CPU flags: %s", str(Flags[1])) logging.warning("Flags works even if not defined on" " guest cpu flags: %s", str(Flags[0] - flags.guest_flags)) logging.warning("Not tested CPU flags: %s", str(Flags[2])) self.migrate_wait(["vm1"], srchost, dsthost, worker, check_worker) params_b = params.copy() params_b["cpu_model"] = cpu_model mig = testMultihostMigration(test, params_b, env) class test_multi_host_migration_onoff_cpu(Test_temp): def test(self): """ Test migration between multiple hosts. """ cpu_model, extra_flags = parse_cpu_model() flags = HgFlags(cpu_model, extra_flags) logging.debug("Cpu mode flags %s.", str(flags.quest_cpu_model_flags)) logging.debug("Added flags %s.", str(flags.cpumodel_unsupport_flags)) cpuf_model = cpu_model for fadd in extra_flags: cpuf_model += ",+" + str(fadd) for fdel in flags.host_unsupported_flags: cpuf_model += ",-" + str(fdel) smp = int(params["smp"]) disable_cpus = map(lambda cpu: int(cpu), params.get("disable_cpus", "").split()) install_path = "/tmp" class testMultihostMigration(migration.MultihostMigration): def __init__(self, test, params, env): migration.MultihostMigration.__init__(self, test, params, env) self.srchost = self.params.get("hosts")[0] self.dsthost = self.params.get("hosts")[1] = {'src': self.srchost, 'dst': self.dsthost, "type": "disable_cpu"} self.migrate_count = int(self.params.get('migrate_count', '2')) def ping_pong_migrate(self, sync, worker, check_worker): for _ in range(self.migrate_count):"File transfer not ended, starting" " a round of migration...") sync.sync(True, timeout=mig_timeout) if self.hostid == self.srchost: self.migrate_wait(["vm1"], self.srchost, self.dsthost, start_work=worker) elif self.hostid == self.dsthost: self.migrate_wait(["vm1"], self.srchost, self.dsthost, check_work=check_worker) tmp = self.dsthost self.dsthost = self.srchost self.srchost = tmp def migration_scenario(self): sync = SyncData(self.master_id(), self.hostid, self.hosts,, self.sync_server) def worker(mig_data): vm = env.get_vm("vm1") session = vm.wait_for_login(timeout=self.login_timeout) install_cpuflags_test_on_vm(vm, install_path) Flags = check_cpuflags_work(vm, install_path, flags.all_possible_guest_flags)"Woking CPU flags: %s", str(Flags[0]))"Not working CPU flags: %s", str(Flags[1])) logging.warning("Flags works even if not defined on" " guest cpu flags: %s", str(Flags[0] - flags.guest_flags)) logging.warning("Not tested CPU flags: %s", str(Flags[2])) for cpu in disable_cpus: if cpu < smp: disable_cpu(session, cpu, True) else: logging.warning("There is no enouth cpu" " in Guest. It is trying to" "remove cpu:%s from guest with" " smp:%s." % (cpu, smp)) logging.debug("Guest_flags: %s", str(flags.guest_flags)) logging.debug("Working_flags: %s", str(Flags[0])) def check_worker(mig_data): vm = env.get_vm("vm1") vm.verify_illegal_instruction() session = vm.wait_for_login(timeout=self.login_timeout) really_disabled = check_online_cpus(session, smp, disable_cpus) not_disabled = set(really_disabled) & set(disable_cpus) if not_disabled: raise error.TestFail("Some of disabled cpus are " "online. This shouldn't " "happen. Cpus disabled on " "srchost:%s, Cpus not " "disabled on dsthost:%s" % (disable_cpus, not_disabled)) Flags = check_cpuflags_work(vm, install_path, flags.all_possible_guest_flags)"Woking CPU flags: %s", str(Flags[0]))"Not working CPU flags: %s", str(Flags[1])) logging.warning("Flags works even if not defined on" " guest cpu flags: %s", str(Flags[0] - flags.guest_flags)) logging.warning("Not tested CPU flags: %s", str(Flags[2])) self.ping_pong_migrate(sync, worker, check_worker) params_b = params.copy() params_b["cpu_model"] = cpu_model mig = testMultihostMigration(test, params_b, env) test_type = params.get("test_type") if (test_type in locals()): tests_group = locals()[test_type] if params.get("cpu_model"): tests_group() else: cpu_models = (set(get_cpu_models_supported_by_host()) - set(cpu_model_black_list)) if not cpu_models: test.cancel("No cpu_models detected, nothing to test.")"Start test with cpu models %s" % (str(cpu_models))) failed = [] for cpumodel in cpu_models: params["cpu_model"] = cpumodel try: tests_group() except: print_exception(tests_group) failed.append(cpumodel) if failed != []: raise error.TestFail("Test of cpu models %s failed." % (str(failed))) else: raise error.TestFail("Test group '%s' is not defined in" " cpuflags test" % test_type)