import logging import os import re import aexpect from avocado.utils import process from virttest import utils_test def run(test, params, env): """ Test multicast function of nic (rtl8139/e1000/virtio) 1) Create a VM. 2) Join guest into multicast groups. 3) Ping multicast addresses on host. 4) Flood ping test with different size of packets. 5) Final ping test and check if lose packet. :param test: QEMU test object. :param params: Dictionary with the test parameters. :param env: Dictionary with test environment. """ vm = env.get_vm(params["main_vm"]) vm.verify_alive() session = vm.wait_for_login(timeout=int(params.get("login_timeout", 360))) def run_guest(cmd): try: session.cmd(cmd) except aexpect.ShellError, e: logging.warn(e) def run_host_guest(cmd): run_guest(cmd) process.system(cmd, ignore_status=True, shell=True) # flush the firewall rules cmd_flush = "iptables -F" cmd_selinux = ("if [ -e /selinux/enforce ]; then setenforce 0; " "else echo 'no /selinux/enforce file present'; fi") run_host_guest(cmd_flush) run_host_guest(cmd_selinux) # make sure guest replies to broadcasts cmd_broadcast = "echo 0 > /proc/sys/net/ipv4/icmp_echo_ignore_broadcasts" cmd_broadcast_2 = "echo 0 > /proc/sys/net/ipv4/icmp_echo_ignore_all" run_guest(cmd_broadcast) run_guest(cmd_broadcast_2) # base multicast address mcast = params.get("mcast", "") # count of multicast addresses, less than 20 mgroup_count = int(params.get("mgroup_count", 5)) flood_minutes = float(params.get("flood_minutes", 10)) ifname = vm.get_ifname() prefix = re.findall(r"\d+.\d+.\d+", mcast)[0] suffix = int(re.findall(r"\d+", mcast)[-1]) # copy python script to guest for joining guest to multicast groups mcast_path = os.path.join(test.virtdir, "scripts/") vm.copy_files_to(mcast_path, "/tmp") output = session.cmd_output("python /tmp/ %d %s %d" % (mgroup_count, prefix, suffix)) # if success to join multicast, the process will be paused, and return PID. try: pid = re.findall(r"join_mcast_pid:(\d+)", output)[0] except IndexError:"Can't join multicast groups,output:%s" % output) try: for i in range(mgroup_count): new_suffix = suffix + i mcast = "%s.%d" % (prefix, new_suffix)"Initial ping test, mcast: %s", mcast) s, o =, 10, interface=ifname, timeout=20) if s != 0:" Ping return non-zero value %s" % o)"Flood ping test, mcast: %s", mcast), None, interface=ifname, flood=True, output_func=None, timeout=flood_minutes * 60)"Final ping test, mcast: %s", mcast) s, o =, 10, interface=ifname, timeout=20) if s != 0:"Ping failed, status: %s, output: %s" % (s, o)) finally: logging.debug(session.cmd_output("ipmaddr show")) session.cmd_output("kill -s SIGCONT %s" % pid) session.close()