import logging from autotest.client.shared import error from qemu.tests import qemu_disk_img class CommitTest(qemu_disk_img.QemuImgTest): def __init__(self, test, params, env): self.tag = params.get("image_commit", "image1") t_params = params.object_params(self.tag) super(CommitTest, self).__init__(test, t_params, env, self.tag) @error.context_aware def commit(self, t_params={}): """ commit snapshot to backing file; """ error.context("commit snapshot to backingfile", params = self.params.object_params(self.tag) params.update(t_params) cache_mode = params.get("cache_mode") return super(CommitTest, self).commit(params, cache_mode) def run(test, params, env): """ 'qemu-img' commit functions test: :param test: Qemu test object :param params: Dictionary with the test parameters :param env: Dictionary with test environment. """ base_image = params.get("images", "image1").split()[0] params.update( {"image_name_%s" % base_image: params["image_name"], "image_format_%s" % base_image: params["image_format"]}) t_file = params["guest_file_name"] commit_test = CommitTest(test, params, env) n_params = commit_test.create_snapshot() commit_test.start_vm(n_params) # save file md5sum before commit md5 = commit_test.save_file(t_file) if not md5: raise error.TestError("Fail to save tmp file") commit_test.destroy_vm() commit_test.commit() commit_test.start_vm(params) # check md5sum after commit ret = commit_test.check_file(t_file, md5) if not ret: raise error.TestError("image content changed after commit") commit_test.clean()