import logging import os import time import random from avocado.utils import crypto, process from virttest import utils_misc from virttest import utils_net from virttest import data_dir from virttest import error_context @error_context.context_aware def run(test, params, env): """ Test nic driver load/unload. 1) Boot a VM. 2) Get the NIC driver name. 3) Multi-session TCP transfer on test interface. 4) Repeatedly unload/load NIC driver during file transfer. 5) Check whether the test interface should still work. :param test: QEMU test object. :param params: Dictionary with the test parameters. :param env: Dictionary with test environment. """ def reset_guest_udevrules(session, rules_file, rules_content): """ Write guest udev rules, then reboot the guest and return the new session """ set_cmd = "echo '%s' > %s" % (rules_content, rules_file) session.cmd_output_safe(set_cmd) return vm.reboot() def all_threads_done(threads): """ Check whether all threads have finished """ for thread in threads: if thread.isAlive(): return False else: continue return True def all_threads_alive(threads): """ Check whether all threads is alive """ for thread in threads: if not thread.isAlive(): return False else: continue return True timeout = int(params.get("login_timeout", 360)) transfer_timeout = int(params.get("transfer_timeout", 1000)) filesize = int(params.get("filesize", 512)) vm = env.get_vm(params["main_vm"]) vm.verify_alive() session = vm.wait_for_login(timeout=timeout) vm_mac_address = vm.get_mac_address() udev_rules_file = "/etc/udev/rules.d/70-persistent-net.rules" rules = params.get("rules") if not session.cmd_status("[ -e %s ]" % udev_rules_file): if not rules: test.cancel("You must set udev rules before test") rules = rules % vm_mac_address session = reset_guest_udevrules(session, udev_rules_file, rules) error_context.base_context("Test env prepare") error_context.context("Get NIC interface name in guest.", ethname = utils_net.get_linux_ifname(session, vm.get_mac_address(0)) # get ethernet driver from '/sys' directory. # ethtool can do the same thing and doesn't care about os type. # if we make sure all guests have ethtool, we can make a change here. sys_path = params.get("sys_path") % (ethname) # readlink in RHEL4.8 doesn't have '-e' param, should use '-f' in RHEL4.8. readlink_cmd = params.get("readlink_command", "readlink -e") driver = os.path.basename(session.cmd("%s %s" % (readlink_cmd, sys_path)).strip())"The guest interface %s using driver %s" % (ethname, driver)) error_context.context("Host test file prepare, create %dMB file on host" % filesize, tmp_dir = data_dir.get_tmp_dir() host_path = os.path.join(tmp_dir, "host_file_%s" % utils_misc.generate_random_string(8)) guest_path = os.path.join("/home", "guest_file_%s" % utils_misc.generate_random_string(8)) cmd = "dd if=/dev/zero of=%s bs=1M count=%d" % (host_path, filesize) file_checksum = crypto.hash_file(host_path, algorithm="md5") error_context.context("Guest test file prepare, Copy file %s from host to " "guest" % host_path, vm.copy_files_to(host_path, guest_path, timeout=transfer_timeout) if session.cmd_status("md5sum %s | grep %s" % (guest_path, file_checksum)): test.cancel("File MD5SUMs changed after copy to guest")"Test env prepare successfully") error_context.base_context("Nic driver load/unload testing", session_serial = vm.wait_for_serial_login(timeout=timeout) try: error_context.context("Transfer file between host and guest", threads = [] file_paths = [] host_file_paths = [] for sess_index in range(int(params.get("sessions_num", "10"))): sess_path = os.path.join("/home", "dst-%s" % sess_index) host_sess_path = os.path.join(tmp_dir, "dst-%s" % sess_index) thread1 = utils_misc.InterruptedThread( vm.copy_files_to, (host_path, sess_path), {"timeout": transfer_timeout}) thread2 = utils_misc.InterruptedThread( vm.copy_files_from, (guest_path, host_sess_path), {"timeout": transfer_timeout}) thread1.start() threads.append(thread1) thread2.start() threads.append(thread2) file_paths.append(sess_path) host_file_paths.append(host_sess_path) utils_misc.wait_for(lambda: all_threads_alive(threads), 60, 10, 1) time.sleep(5) error_context.context("Repeatedly unload/load NIC driver during file " "transfer", while not all_threads_done(threads): error_context.context("Shutdown the driver for NIC interface.", session_serial.cmd_output_safe("ifconfig %s down" % ethname) error_context.context("Unload NIC driver.", session_serial.cmd_output_safe("modprobe -r %s" % driver) error_context.context("Load NIC driver.", session_serial.cmd_output_safe("modprobe %s" % driver) error_context.context("Activate NIC driver.", session_serial.cmd_output_safe("ifconfig %s up" % ethname) session_serial.cmd_output_safe("sleep %s" % random.randint(10, 60)) # files md5sums check error_context.context("File transfer finished, checking files md5sums", err_info = [] for copied_file in file_paths: if session_serial.cmd_status("md5sum %s | grep %s" % (copied_file, file_checksum)): err_msg = "Guest file %s md5sum changed" err_info.append(err_msg % copied_file) for copied_file in host_file_paths: if process.system("md5sum %s | grep %s" % (copied_file, file_checksum), shell=True): err_msg = "Host file %s md5sum changed" err_info.append(err_msg % copied_file) if err_info: test.error("files MD5SUMs changed after copying %s" % err_info) except Exception: for thread in threads: thread.join(suppress_exception=True) raise else: for thread in threads: thread.join() for copied_file in file_paths: session_serial.cmd("rm -rf %s" % copied_file) for copied_file in host_file_paths: process.system("rm -rf %s" % copied_file) session_serial.cmd("%s %s" % ("rm -rf", guest_path)) os.remove(host_path) session.close() session_serial.close()