""" rv_connect.py - connect with remote-viewer to remote target Requires: binaries remote-viewer, Xorg, netstat Use example kickstart RHEL-6-spice.ks """ import logging import socket from virttest.aexpect import ShellStatusError from virttest.aexpect import ShellProcessTerminatedError from virttest import utils_net, utils_spice, remote, utils_misc from autotest.client.shared import error def str_input(client_vm, ticket): """ sends spice_password trough vm.send_key() :param client_session - vm() object :param ticket - use params.get("spice_password") """ logging.info("Passing ticket '%s' to the remote-viewer.", ticket) char_mapping = {":": "shift-semicolon", ",": "comma", ".": "dot", "/": "slash", "?": "shift-slash", "=": "equal"} for character in ticket: if character in char_mapping: character = char_mapping[character] client_vm.send_key(character) client_vm.send_key("kp_enter") # send enter def print_rv_version(client_session, rv_binary): """ prints remote-viewer and spice-gtk version available inside client_session :param client_session - vm.wait_for_login() :param rv_binary - remote-viewer binary """ logging.info("remote-viewer version: %s", client_session.cmd(rv_binary + " -V")) logging.info("spice-gtk version: %s", client_session.cmd(rv_binary + " --spice-gtk-version")) def launch_rv(client_vm, guest_vm, params): """ Launches rv_binary with args based on spice configuration inside client_session on background. remote-viewer will try to connect from vm1 from vm2 :param client_vm - vm object :param guest_vm - vm object :param params """ rv_binary = params.get("rv_binary", "remote-viewer") rv_ld_library_path = params.get("rv_ld_library_path") display = params.get("display") proxy = params.get("spice_proxy", None) if proxy: try: socket.inet_aton(params.get("proxy_ip", None)) except socket.error: raise error.TestNAError('Parameter proxy_ip not changed from default values') host_ip = utils_net.get_host_ip_address(params) host_port = None if guest_vm.get_spice_var("listening_addr") == "ipv6": host_ip = ("[" + utils_misc.convert_ipv4_to_ipv6(host_ip) + "]") host_tls_port = None disable_audio = params.get("disable_audio", "no") full_screen = params.get("full_screen") check_spice_info = params.get("spice_info") ssltype = params.get("ssltype") test_type = params.get("test_type") # cmd var keeps final remote-viewer command line # to be executed on client cmd = rv_binary if client_vm.params.get("os_type") != "windows": cmd = cmd + " --display=:0.0" # If qemu_ticket is set, set the password # of the VM using the qemu-monitor ticket = None ticket_send = params.get("spice_password_send") qemu_ticket = params.get("qemu_password") if qemu_ticket: guest_vm.monitor.cmd("set_password spice %s" % qemu_ticket) logging.info("Sending to qemu monitor: set_password spice %s" % qemu_ticket) gencerts = params.get("gencerts") certdb = params.get("certdb") smartcard = params.get("smartcard") host_subj = None cacert = None rv_parameters_from = params.get("rv_parameters_from", "cmd") if rv_parameters_from == 'file': cmd += " ~/rv_file.vv" client_session = client_vm.wait_for_login( timeout=int(params.get("login_timeout", 360))) if display == "spice": ticket = guest_vm.get_spice_var("spice_password") if guest_vm.get_spice_var("spice_ssl") == "yes": # client needs cacert file cacert = "%s/%s" % (guest_vm.get_spice_var("spice_x509_prefix"), guest_vm.get_spice_var("spice_x509_cacert_file")) client_session.cmd("rm -rf %s && mkdir -p %s" % ( guest_vm.get_spice_var("spice_x509_prefix"), guest_vm.get_spice_var("spice_x509_prefix"))) remote.copy_files_to(client_vm.get_address(), 'scp', params.get("username"), params.get("password"), params.get("shell_port"), cacert, cacert) host_tls_port = guest_vm.get_spice_var("spice_tls_port") host_port = guest_vm.get_spice_var("spice_port") # cacert subj is in format for create certificate(with '/' delimiter) # remote-viewer needs ',' delimiter. And also is needed to remove # first character (it's '/') host_subj = guest_vm.get_spice_var("spice_x509_server_subj") host_subj = host_subj.replace('/', ',')[1:] if ssltype == "invalid_explicit_hs": host_subj = "Invalid Explicit HS" else: host_subj += host_ip # If it's invalid implicit, a remote-viewer connection # will be attempted with the hostname, since ssl certs were # generated with the ip address hostname = socket.gethostname() if ssltype == "invalid_implicit_hs": spice_url = " spice://%s?tls-port=%s\&port=%s" % (hostname, host_tls_port, host_port) else: spice_url = " spice://%s?tls-port=%s\&port=%s" % (host_ip, host_tls_port, host_port) if rv_parameters_from == "menu": line = spice_url elif rv_parameters_from == "file": pass else: cmd += spice_url if not rv_parameters_from == "file": cmd += " --spice-ca-file=%s" % cacert if (params.get("spice_client_host_subject") == "yes" and not rv_parameters_from == "file"): cmd += " --spice-host-subject=\"%s\"" % host_subj else: host_port = guest_vm.get_spice_var("spice_port") if rv_parameters_from == "menu": # line to be sent through monitor once r-v is started # without spice url line = "spice://%s?port=%s" % (host_ip, host_port) elif rv_parameters_from == "file": pass else: cmd += " spice://%s?port=%s" % (host_ip, host_port) elif display == "vnc": raise NotImplementedError("remote-viewer vnc") else: raise Exception("Unsupported display value") # Check to see if the test is using the full screen option. if full_screen == "yes" and not rv_parameters_from == "file": logging.info("Remote Viewer Set to use Full Screen") cmd += " --full-screen" if disable_audio == "yes": logging.info("Remote Viewer Set to disable audio") cmd += " --spice-disable-audio" # Check to see if the test is using a smartcard. if smartcard == "yes": logging.info("remote viewer Set to use a smartcard") if not rv_parameters_from == file: cmd += " --spice-smartcard" if certdb is not None: logging.debug("Remote Viewer set to use the following certificate" " database: " + certdb) cmd += " --spice-smartcard-db " + certdb if gencerts is not None: logging.debug("Remote Viewer set to use the following certs: " + gencerts) cmd += " --spice-smartcard-certificates " + gencerts if client_vm.params.get("os_type") == "linux": cmd = "nohup " + cmd + " &> /dev/null &" # Launch it on background if rv_ld_library_path: cmd = "export LD_LIBRARY_PATH=" + rv_ld_library_path + ";" + cmd if rv_parameters_from == "file": print "Generating file" utils_spice.gen_rv_file(params, guest_vm, host_subj, cacert) print "Uploading file to client" client_vm.copy_files_to("rv_file.vv", "~/rv_file.vv") # Launching the actual set of commands try: if rv_ld_library_path: print_rv_version(client_session, "LD_LIBRARY_PATH=/usr/local/lib " + rv_binary) else: print_rv_version(client_session, rv_binary) except ShellStatusError, ShellProcessTerminatedError: # Sometimes It fails with Status error, ingore it and continue. # It's not that important to have printed versions in the log. logging.debug("Ignoring a Status Exception that occurs from calling " "print versions of remote-viewer or spice-gtk") logging.info("Launching %s on the client (virtual)", cmd) if proxy: if "http" in proxy: split = proxy.split('//')[1].split(':') else: split = proxy.split(':') host_ip = split[0] if len(split) > 1: host_port = split[1] else: host_port = "3128" if rv_parameters_from != "file": client_session.cmd("export SPICE_PROXY=%s" % proxy) if not params.get("rv_verify") == "only": try: client_session.cmd(cmd) except ShellStatusError: logging.debug("Ignoring a status exception, will check connection" "of remote-viewer later") # Send command line through monitor since url was not provided if rv_parameters_from == "menu": utils_spice.wait_timeout(1) str_input(client_vm, line) # client waits for user entry (authentication) if spice_password is set # use qemu monitor password if set, else, if set, try normal password. if qemu_ticket: # Wait for remote-viewer to launch utils_spice.wait_timeout(5) str_input(client_vm, qemu_ticket) elif ticket: if ticket_send: ticket = ticket_send utils_spice.wait_timeout(5) # Wait for remote-viewer to launch str_input(client_vm, ticket) utils_spice.wait_timeout(5) # Wait for conncetion to establish is_rv_connected = True try: utils_spice.verify_established(client_vm, host_ip, host_port, rv_binary, host_tls_port, params.get("spice_secure_channels", None)) except utils_spice.RVConnectError: if test_type == "negative": logging.info("remote-viewer connection failed as expected") if ssltype in ("invalid_implicit_hs", "invalid_explicit_hs"): # Check the qemu process output to verify what is expected qemulog = guest_vm.process.get_output() if "SSL_accept failed" in qemulog: return else: raise error.TestFail("SSL_accept failed not shown in qemu" + "process as expected.") is_rv_connected = False else: raise error.TestFail("remote-viewer connection failed") if test_type == "negative" and is_rv_connected: raise error.TestFail("remote-viewer connection was established when" + " it was supposed to be unsuccessful") # Get spice info output = guest_vm.monitor.cmd("info spice") logging.debug("INFO SPICE") logging.debug(output) # Check to see if ipv6 address is reported back from qemu monitor if (check_spice_info == "ipv6"): logging.info("Test to check if ipv6 address is reported" " back from the qemu monitor") # Remove brackets from ipv6 host ip if (host_ip[1:len(host_ip) - 1] in output): logging.info("Reported ipv6 address found in output from" " 'info spice'") else: raise error.TestFail("ipv6 address not found from qemu monitor" " command: 'info spice'") else: logging.info("Not checking the value of 'info spice'" " from the qemu monitor") # prevent from kill remote-viewer after test finish if client_vm.params.get("os_type") == "linux": cmd = "disown -ar" client_session.cmd_output(cmd) def run(test, params, env): """ Simple test for Remote Desktop connection Tests expectes that Remote Desktop client (spice/vnc) will be executed from within a second guest so we won't be limited to Linux only clients The plan is to support remote-viewer at first place :param test: QEMU test object. :param params: Dictionary with the test parameters. :param env: Dictionary with test environment. """ guest_vm = env.get_vm(params["guest_vm"]) guest_vm.verify_alive() guest_session = guest_vm.wait_for_login( timeout=int(params.get("login_timeout", 360))) client_vm = env.get_vm(params["client_vm"]) client_vm.verify_alive() client_session = client_vm.wait_for_login( timeout=int(params.get("login_timeout", 360))) if (client_vm.params.get("os_type") == "windows" and client_vm.params.get("rv_installer", None)): utils_spice.install_rv_win(client_vm, params.get("rv_installer")) return if params.get("clear_interface", "yes") == "yes": for vm in params.get("vms").split(): utils_spice.clear_interface(env.get_vm(vm), int(params.get("login_timeout", "360"))) utils_spice.wait_timeout(15) launch_rv(client_vm, guest_vm, params) client_session.close() guest_session.close()